The program is a civil patriotic direction of educational work. The program of civil-patriotic education at school. Conditions for the implementation of the program



education of younger students

"We are Russians!"

Primary school teacher,

classroom teacher

MKOU S (K) OSHI No. 7 of the VIII type, Olekminsk.

Ipatieva Tatyana Petrovna



education of schoolchildren “We are Russians!”

Motherland - I don’t know a more wonderful word

In it - our fairy tales were glorious,

Grandfathers distant sad songs,

The ones we still haven't forgotten.

Motherland is the land at the threshold,

Where did you first learn your name.

Motherland is a big road.

The one you walk with others.

Explanatory note

The “Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education...” defines the priority areas of education, among which the most important is the increase in the educational potential of the educational process. The task is to form schoolchildren's civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, spirituality and culture, initiative, independence, tolerance, the ability to successfully socialize in society and actively adapt to the labor market. Thus, the orientation of the school is supposed not only to provide students with a certain amount of knowledge, but also to develop the moral qualities of the individual, including patriotism. The significance of studying the system of civic-patriotic education of students lies in the fact that it is at school that the education of a citizen and patriot of the country is considered as one of the main means of national revival.

Family and school are two public institutions that stand at the origins of our future. Today, when modern families are developing in a qualitatively new and contradictory social situation, many problems arise that painfully affect the unstable psyche of the younger generation.

Questioning, testing of students, analysis of children's stories and drawings showed that some children have distorted ideas about kindness, mercy, justice, citizenship and patriotism.

The work carried out to study the families of students showed that modern families lose the connection between generations, not only distant, but also close relatives communicate little, children cannot name the name, patronymic of great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers, they do not know the traditions and customs of their people well, not all children are interested in his heroic past.

But “... love for one's native land, for one's native culture, one's native speech begins with small things - with love for one's family, for one's home, for one's school. Gradually expanding, this love passes to the native country, to its history, past and present ... ”(D. S. Likhachev).

educational program "We are Russians!" is called upon to systematize and deepen the issues of civic-patriotic education of students, carried out in class and extracurricular work. The name of the program is not accidental, but justified. A sprout is a symbol of development and change, just like a growing child is a patriotic citizen who changes and improves year by year.

Purpose of the program: creating conditions for the formation of the personality of a citizen and patriot of Russia with its inherent values, views, attitudes, motives for activity and behavior.


    to select the most effective methods for the formation of civil-patriotic qualities of a person;

    organize and conduct events aimed at the development of patriotism through practical activities;

    to form legal awareness and educate civic responsibility;

    to educate in children an understanding of the essence of conscious discipline and a culture of behavior, responsibility and diligence, accuracy while observing the rules of conduct at school, at home, in public places;

    assert patriotic values, views and beliefs in the minds and feelings of students, cultivate respect for the cultural and historical past of Russia, for the traditions of the native land;

    to develop the social activity of students, to instill in them a conscious attitude to the national heritage, fidelity to the fighting and labor traditions of the older generation, devotion to the Fatherland, readiness to defend its freedom and independence;

    to demonstrate to children the significance of their activities, recognition and demand by society for the manifestation of their civic and patriotic qualities.

The duration of the implementation (implementation) of the program - 3 years

Program participants - students in grades 4-7.

Event frequency-2 times a month.

The legal basis for the preparation of the program are:

    UN Convention on the Rights of the Child;

    State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010";

    Recommendations “On the organization of educational activities to familiarize with the history and meaning of the official state symbols of the Russian Federation and their popularization” (letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 01.03.2003 No. 30-51-131 / 16);

The program includes the following directions:


Predicted result

Historical and local history

    students' awareness of the traditional culture of their people, the uniqueness of the Fatherland, its fate, inseparability from it,

    the formation of pride and a sense of belonging to the deeds of ancestors and contemporaries, historical responsibility for what is happening in society.

Passion for local history is based on search and research activities.

Excursion and tourist

    education of the need to study the history of the native land, village, region.

Physical culture and health

    education in children of a careful attitude to their own health, the development of moral and volitional qualities, endurance, discipline.


    fostering love for nature, the need to protect it from pollution, as well as the protection and study of the nature of the native land.


    education acts as an integral part of the patriotic and is focused on instilling labor skills, the need to take care of cleanliness, comfort, order at home, at school, and the implementation of labor standards accepted in society.

Literary and musical

    instilling artistic taste, the need to communicate with art, the study of works and creativity of local poets and writers, the formation of an active life position and patriotic consciousness. (Staging of folk holidays, entertaining and educational games).


    affirmation of traditional moral values ​​in the minds of children through the spiritual revival of the family and mastering the experience of previous generations;

    connection of the educational potential of the school family, the study of genealogy, family history;

    active participation of parents in the life of the class, school;

    increasing the degree of satisfaction of parents with the results of the work of the school, the class teacher.

Civil patriotic

    maintaining the traditions of Orthodox culture, developing skills for assessing political events and processes in society and the state, civic position, and constant readiness to serve one's people.

Form of work with children:

    conversations, class hours, extra-curricular activities;

    holding holidays;

    watching videos, using audio recordings and multimedia products;


    children's charity;

    organization of exhibitions of children's creative works;

Forms of work with parents:

    parent meetings;

    questioning and testing of parents;

    holding joint extra-curricular activities (exhibitions, competitions);

    visual aids: information stand for parents, literature;

Plan for the implementation of the program "We are Russians!"

First year


Name of the event

Conduct form


Historical and local history

Teacher, parents, librarian

Excursion and tourist

"This is how our ancestors lived"

Excursion to the school museum


Cl. leader, student


"Family traditions" (traditions of the daily routine, cognitive traditions, health-improving traditions, holiday traditions)

Class hour

Cl. leader, parents, grandparents.


"At the ball near Autumn"

Cl. leader, leader.


"Our story in a family album"

Photo exhibition

Cl. leader, parents.

Literary and musical

"Praise the hands of the mother"

Cl. supervisor.


"Family Dynasties"

Cl. supervisor.


"Big Deeds of Little Hands"


Cl. leader, parents.

Literary and musical

Folklore holiday "Christmas time in the Kuban"

Cl. supervisor.

Physical culture and health improvement

"And we are the defenders of the Fatherland"

sports competition

Cl. leader girls.

Historical and local history

“Countrymen are the heroes of the village of Uspenskaya. Hero of the Soviet Union V. I. Litvinov»

Class hour

Cl. supervisor.

Literary and musical

"Journey to the Land of Politeness and Kindness."

Staged classroom

Cl. supervisor.


"Sweet, gentle and beloved..."

Holiday for mothers, grandmothers

Cl. leader, boys.

Excursion and tourist

"The military and labor exploits of my countrymen"

Excursion to the school museum

History teacher, cl. supervisor.

Physical culture and health improvement

“Dad, mom, I am a sports family”

Sports competitions in nature

Cl. leader, physical education teacher.

Historical and local history

“Our village is proud of them”

Meeting with a veteran of the Great Patriotic War Shuvalov A. A.

Cl. supervisor.

Civil patriotic

"Eternal flame"

Exhibition of creative works of students

Cl. supervisor.


"Plant a Tree"

Ecological action

Cl. supervisor.

Second year


Name of the event

Conduct form


Historical and local history

A lesson in citizenship and patriotism


Cl. manager, parents

Historical and local history

History of my school. (Meeting with a veteran of the Great Patriotic War

Vorsina P.N.)

Search work


Cl. supervisor.


"Grandma next to Grandpa"

Cl. supervisor.

Historical and local history

History of my school. (Meeting with Brovkina L.I.)

Search work

Cl. supervisor.

Excursion and tourist

"The beauty of the native land"

Correspondence excursion

Cl. supervisor.


"Look into your mother's eyes"

Cl. supervisor.

Civil patriotic

"History of the coat of arms and flag of Russia"

Informative conversation

Cl. supervisor.

Civil patriotic

"Sending to an orphanage"

Action for the Day of the Disabled

Cl. supervisor.


"Order of my great-grandfather"

Search work

Cl. supervisor.

Historical and local history

"In the name of a hero"

Class hour,


warriors -


Art. Assumption

Cl. supervisor.

Civil patriotic

"Happy holiday, soldier!"

Congratulations at the home of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War Safonov P. N.

Cl. supervisor.


"Come on, grandmothers!"

Cl. leader, parents.


"We are your children, Earth"

Ecological holiday

Cl. supervisor.


"Birds are our friends"

Eco - quiz

Cl. supervisor.

Physical culture and health

"Our health"

Cl. supervisor.


"Love for all living things begins with love for pets"

Photo exhibition

Cl. leader, students.

Excursion and tourist

"The feat of the people to live for centuries"

Excursion to the memorial

Cl. leader, parents.


"I am the owner of my school"

Campaign for the improvement and landscaping of the school territory

Cl. supervisor.


"My family is my joy"

Competition of creative works

Cl. leader, students.

Third year


Name of the event

Form of behavior


Historical and local history

A lesson in citizenship and patriotism


Cl. leader, parents.


“About relatives and close people with love. . . »

Hour of heartfelt communication


Cl. leader, parents.

Historical and local history

"The history of the school in faces and memories"

Search work

Cl. supervisor.


“Let a particle of our labor be useful to our native village”

Action for the improvement of the park. I. Shcherbakova

Cl. supervisor.


"Love everything that we call Motherland"

Class hour

Cl. supervisor.

Civil patriotic

"State Symbols of Russia"


Cl. supervisor.


"My family in the history of Russia"

Cl. leader, parents.

Excursion and tourist

"Flipping through the last page..."

Excursion to the regional museum

Cl. leader, parents.

Excursion and tourist

"Under the Shade of the Temple"

Excursion to the Holy Dormition Church

Cl. supervisor.

Physical culture and health

"Boys and girls and their parents"

Sports family holiday

Cl. leader, physics teacher

Civil patriotic

"Veteran lives nearby"

Cl. supervisor.

Historical and local history

"History of my school"

creative report

Cl. leader, students.

Information support of the program

1. Literature

1.1. Literature for the teacher

    Bachevsky, V. I. The system of military-patriotic education of minors: Educational and methodological manual for the section "Fundamentals of military service." - M .: LLC "Editorial office of the journal" Military Knowledge ", 2001. - 186 p.

    Bespyatova, N. K. Military-patriotic education of children and adolescents as a means of socialization / N. K. Bespyatova, D. E. Yakovlev. – M.: Iris-press, 2006. – 192 p.

    Butorina, T. S. Raising patriotism by means of education / T. S. Butorina, N. P. Ovchinnikova - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2004. - 224 p.

    Heroic-patriotic education at school: children's associations, museums, clubs, circles, search activities / Ed. T. A. Oreshkina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007. - 122 p.

    State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006 - 2010".

    Derekleeva N.I.. Handbook of the class teacher (grades 1-4) - M .: "VAKO", 2005.

    Kasimova, T. A. Patriotic education of schoolchildren: Methodological guide / T. A. Kasimova, D. E. Yakovlev. – M.: Iris-press, 2005. – 64 p.

    Kulnevich S.V., Lakotsenina T.P. Educational work in modern school: from collectivism to interaction. - Rostov-on-Don: ed. "Teacher", 2006.

    Lebedeva, O. V. Class hours and conversations on education of citizenship: 5-10 grades. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005. - 192 p.

    Patriotic education: work system, planning, lesson notes, lesson development /Author-comp. I. A. Pashkovich. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2006. - 169 p.

    Pedagogy "Eaglet" in terms and concepts: Uch. allowance-dictionary // Comp. Kovaleva A.G. Auth. number Boyko E.I., Kovaleva A.G., Panchenko S.I., Romanets I.V., Kuznetsova A.M. / Nauch. ed. M.A. Maznichenko. - M.: Interlocutor, 2005.)

    Selevko G.K. Educational technologies. - M .: Research Institute School Technologies, 2005.

Thesaurus of the program

Civil education - the formation of citizenship as an integrative quality of a person, allowing a person to feel legally, socially, morally and politically capable.

Patriotic education - the cultivation of higher ideas related to social values, the existence and defense of the Motherland, the result of which is the education of patriotism.

Citizen- a person who lives in the territory of a state, enjoys its protection, has rights and obligations to the state.

Citizenship - an integrative quality of a person that allows a person to feel legally, socially, morally and politically capable; the moral quality of the individual, which determines the conscious and active fulfillment of civic duties and duty to the state, society, people; reasonable use of their civil rights, exact observance and respect for the laws of countries.

Patriotism - love for the Motherland, devotion to the Fatherland, concern for its prosperity; a feeling manifested in love for the land where a person was born and lived for many years and where his parents and ancestors lived, for the surrounding nature, for his people, his language, traditions and culture, in pride for his country and its achievements.

Patriot - a person who subordinates his life to the interests of the Fatherland.

Program name


patriotic education of schoolchildren

"MKOU "Danilskaya OOSh"


for 2015-2018 academic year gg.

Core developer


Responsible for educational work

Shvydenko Taisiya Ivanovna

Purpose of the program

Creation and improvement of the system of patriotic education at school for the formation of a socially active personality of a citizen and patriot, with a sense of national pride, civic dignity, love for the Fatherland, small homeland, and his people.

Program objectives

Education in students of love and respect for their native land, the Fatherland.

Creation of conditions for children's creativity, their civic development and the formation of an active life position.

Introducing students to the study of the heroic history of the Fatherland.

Study and promotion of national traditions, culture of the peoples of Russia, history and customs of the small motherland.

Terms of the program implementation

2015 - 2018

Performers of the main

program activities

Students of grades 1–9, the teaching staff of the school, parents, the public, local governments.

Main activities -


Creation of a normative and content base for patriotic education of students of a general education institution.

Organizational and pedagogical support of the Program.

A system of measures to improve the process of patriotic education of schoolchildren.

Coverage of the experience of patriotic education.

Program execution control

The administration of the educational institution coordinates the activities for the implementation of the Program.

Practical work is carried out by the teaching staff.

Expected results

program implementation

Increasing the level of civic and patriotic consciousness and self-awareness of students.

Raising students' pride in their people, country.

Reducing the level of delinquency of students.

Formation of civil-legal competence of schoolchildren.

The development of students' need to study the history of their region and Fatherland.

Further development of an effective system of patriotic education at school.

Relevance of the program

The program "Education of a citizen of Russia and a patriot of the Motherland" was developed on the basis of the state program of patriotic education of minors, the program of patriotic education of schoolchildren in the Voronezh region and is aimed at the formation and development of a person who has the qualities of a citizen of Russia - a patriot of the Motherland, capable of successfully fulfilling civic duties.

Today, for Russia, there is no more important idea than patriotism. Patriotism is, first of all, a state of mind, soul. Life shows that children grow up, and the time comes when they ask about family honor, about the patriotic deeds of their parents, grandparents, reflecting on the past of their homeland. These are good lessons of courage for the rising generation. Indeed, at present this problem is very relevant.

For many years, since the numerous changes that began in our country and are continuing at the present time, the problem of patriotic education of schoolchildren remains unresolved. Such negative qualities as indifference, selfishness, and aggressiveness have become widespread. The centuries-old traditions of peoples are being forgotten, young people are losing interest in the historical past of Russia and their small Motherland. Of particular concern is the incorrect attitude of adolescents to a healthy lifestyle. Among them, alcoholism is spreading more and more and drug addiction is increasing. Under these conditions, the school remains the main tool that can stop the spread of these "diseases".

Program goal:

  • creation and improvement of the system of patriotic education at school for the formation of a socially active personality of a citizen and patriot, possessing a sense of national pride, civic dignity, love for the Fatherland, one's people.

Program objectives:

  • Education in students of love and respect for the small motherland and Fatherland.
  • The rise of the spiritual and moral culture of the younger generation.
  • Creating conditions for the creativity of students, their civic development and the formation of an active life position based on the observance and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Involvement of students in the study of the heroic history of the Fatherland, local history and search and research activities.
  • Studying and propaganda of national traditions, culture.
  • Improving the quality of patriotic education at school.

This program is intended for students in grades 1-9 and their parents, is comprehensive.

This goal covers the entire pedagogical process, permeates all structures, integrating training sessions and extracurricular life of students, a variety of activities. Based on the tasks, we can single out the need to help ensure that the educational environment is as diverse and varied as possible. The education program "Education of a citizen of Russia and a patriot of the Motherland" should help the child build his life after graduation. The implementation of the program will create conditions for the development of moral values ​​and self-determination of the student.

To do this, it is necessary to create opportunities for immersing the child in each of these areas. This task is solved by various educational areas of the program:

Educational activities;

- educational work;

Extracurricular activities (circles and sections);

- socially significant cases and actions;

Labor KTD and shares;

Interaction with parents.

In the course of work on the proposed program, children master various types of activities: problematic, search and research, communicative, creative.

The program of patriotic education of school students is implemented during the educational process, during extracurricular activities, in the traditions that have developed at the school, in the surrounding society of the school.

The program is based on the principles of consistency, scientific approach, accessibility, tolerance and is designed for three years. The structure and organization of this educational program is built taking into account the different age categories of students, in connection with the specific features and tasks of the spiritual, moral and physical development of students of different school ages, and the degree of preparedness of students for life and work in a team, their ability to make decisions and act independently.

Basic principles:

1. Accessibility.

The principle of accessibility involves correlating the content, nature and volume of educational material with the level of development and readiness of children.

2. Continuity.

At the current stage, education is called upon to form in the younger generation a steady interest in the constant replenishment of their intellectual baggage and the improvement of moral feelings.

3. Scientific.

One of the important principles of the program is its scientific nature. Based on information about the history and culture of the native land.

4. Consistency.

The principle of a systematic approach, which involves an analysis of the interaction of various areas of patriotic education. This principle is realized in the process of interconnected formation of the child's ideas about patriotic feelings in various activities and an effective attitude to the world around.

5. Continuity.

Patriotic education of preschoolers continues in elementary school.

6. Cultural conformity.

This principle builds the content of the program as a consistent assimilation and development of value orientations on this basis.

The main directions of the program implementation:

  • educational activity (through subjects);
  • system of educational activities (class, school-wide, district);
  • socially significant affairs and actions (through school self-government, volunteer movement);
  • extracurricular activities (circles and sections);
  • labor KTD and shares;
  • interaction with parents;
  • cooperation with Danilsky KFOR, Pavlovsky DDT, Pavlovsk Children's and Youth Sports School.

Scheme 1.

The structure of interaction for the implementation of the program

Scheme 2.

Environment for the implementation of the program of patriotic education

Conditions for the implementation of the program

Regulatory conditions :

Educational, educational and methodological work on the organization of civil-patriotic education at school is built in accordance with the requirements of legal documents, among which the following reflect the patriotic educational orientation:

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child;

State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015" by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 5, 2010 No. 795;

The program of patriotic education of schoolchildren in the Voronezh region.

Personnel conditions:


additional education teachers;

deputy director of BP;

school health worker;

inspector of PDN in Pavlovsk.

Logistics conditions:

Learning space

sports space

Work space

computer class

OBZh cabinet

Assembly Hall

Organizational conditions :

Reducing the legal illiteracy of the subjects of the educational process by broadcasting information about the legal system of Russia, about the main branches and norms of law, about the personal rights and freedoms of a citizen;

Prevention of illegal behavior;

Creation of conditions for self-realization of each student;

Actualization of democratic attitudes in the life of the school community;

Development of leadership skills and involvement of members of the school children's organization (DSHO "Nadezhda", a volunteer detachment in solving socially significant problems;

Cooperation with society;

Inclusion of schoolchildren in real socially significant cases.

Methodological support :

Generalization and dissemination of pedagogical experience on this issue;

Raising the level of theoretical (subject) and psychological and pedagogical training

teachers in the field of civic-patriotic education;

Enrichment with new pedagogical technologies, forms and methods of civil-patriotic education;

Work on the study of new regulatory documents, instructive and methodological materials on the civil and patriotic education of children and youth.

Implementation mechanism

Control over the implementation of the Program is carried out by Deputy director for educational work, head of the MO of class teachers.

An important side of the content maturity of the organization of patriotic education in the school is its involvement in its main activities: educational, methodological, educational.




Information and motivational support.

Familiarization of teachers with scientific and methodological information on the problem of patriotic education.



School administration

Creation of a database for this area of ​​activity.



Responsible for VR

Organization of meetings of the Ministry of Defense of class teachers, teachers' council on the problem "Conditions for educating the personality of a Citizen and a Patriot."


Responsible for VR

Methodological support of the program.

Exhibition and review of new literature on this issue.

September–December 2015

Responsible for VR, librarian

Analysis of methodological literature, articles and publications.


Head of MO class teachers


2016 gg.

Responsible for VR, head of the MO class teachers

Making a methodical piggy bank on this topic.

Within the term

Responsible for VR

Working with teaching staff.

Pedagogical Council: (thematic)

"On conceptual approaches to the organization of patriotic education in educational institutions."



Deputy Directors for WRM

Meetings of the ShMO class teachers:

- "Planning work on the problem of civic-patriotic education of schoolchildren."

– The work of children's school associations in the preparation and holding of school competitions for the civic-patriotic education of students.
– Organization of physical culture and health work and sports events at the school during the holidays.
– Cooperation between school and society in the summer


Deputy directors for WRM, responsible for WR, ShMO

physical education teacher,

Responsible for VR

Creation of conditions for pedagogical cooperation of teachers, parents, and the public.

School-wide parent meetings



Classroom teachers

Lectures for parents:
"Spiritual Life in the Family"
"How to organize a child's vacation",
"Rights of the Child"

"Tolerance in civil law education"



Parents Committee responsible for VR

Meeting of the parent committee in this area

IN running time

Parental committee

Control, analysis and regulation of the program.

Attendance at classes in order to monitor the implementation of regulatory sanitary and hygienic requirements for the organization of the educational process.
Monitoring the optimal choice of the content of activities, games, the nature of the activities of students.
Analysis of the results of creative activity.

IN during the whole period

School administration, health worker

Logistical and financial support of the program.

Inventory of the material and technical base of the school: classrooms, assembly hall, sports hall, sports ground, sports equipment, stationery, musical equipment, applied material to ensure the work of circles, classes, classroom hours, lectures, etc.
Involvement of the Governing Council in the issue of finding a source of funding for the program.
Attracting sponsorship.

IN running time

IN running time

Administration, chief offices, caretaker,

School Governing Board.
School administration.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the program implementation

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the Program is carried out on the basis of using a system of objective criteria, represented by moral, spiritual and quantitative parameters. Tools: questionnaire, observation, interview, study of documentation through the HSC and monitoring of the educational system of the school.

Moral and spiritual parameters

1. Formation of civic skills:

Ability to work and act individually and in a team;

Knowledge of their rights and obligations and the ability to use them;

Ability to make and defend own decisions;

Willingness to participate in public affairs;

readiness for education;

2. Formation of a conscious attitude to basic values:

Patriotism and love for the Motherland;

Rights and freedoms of man and citizen;

Symbols of the Russian Federation;

National identity;

Respect for the honor and dignity of other citizens;


Quantitative parameters:

1. The involvement of each student in educational situations;

2. The quality of school relations (the relationship of children to the realities of school life, to school, to the teacher, class, joint activities);

3. Reducing the number of children with deviant behavior;

4. Activities of a children's organization, a volunteer detachment, and other associations;

5. Participation in competitions on civil and patriotic topics;

6. Holding events.

Expected results, their social and educational significance

As a result of the implementation of the Program, it is expected:

1. At school as in the educational system:

Creation of a system of civil-patriotic education;

Enrichment of the content of civil-patriotic education;

Involvement in the system of civil-patriotic education of representatives of all subjects of educational activity.

2. In the image of a graduate:

In the cognitive sphere: development of creative abilities;

In historical and local lore: awareness of responsibility for the fate of the country,

the formation of pride for complicity in the deeds of previous


In the social: the ability to self-realization in the space of the Russian

states, the formation of an active life position; knowledge and

compliance with the rule of law;

In the spiritual and moral sphere: students' awareness of higher

values, ideals, guidelines, the ability to be guided by them in

practical activities.

The program reflects the social order necessary for society and the state to educate a citizen of their homeland, a patriot with an active life position. The end result of the implementation of the program should be an active civic position and patriotic consciousness of students, as the basis of the personality of a future citizen of Russia.

Achieved results of the program:

Development of a school-wide program for patriotic education, as well as programs for civil-patriotic circles for students.

Activities of a civil-patriotic orientation (according to the plan).

Cooperation with regional organizations that carry out civil and patriotic work.

Cooperation with the rural library: studying the history of the native land, the population (a cycle of classes - 2015-2018 academic year).

The work of the volunteer detachment: the actions "Immortal Regiment", "Memory", "St. George's Ribbon", etc.

Participation in club associations and events of the Danilsky KFOR, for the implementation of patriotic education programs.

Resource support of the program

Financing of the program activities is carried out at the expense of budgetary funds, sponsorship.

Program Implementation Stages

"Education of a citizen of Russia and a patriot of the Motherland":

The implementation of the Program is designed for 3 years.

Stage I: design - 2015-2016 academic year.

Target: preparation of conditions for creating a system of patriotic education.


Study the legal framework.

Develop, discuss and approve a program for patriotic education.

Analyze the material, technical, pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the program.

Select diagnostic methods in the main areas of the program.

Stage II: practical - 2016-2017 academic years.

Target: implementation of the program of patriotic education


1. Work out the content of the activity, the most effective forms and methods of educational influence.

2. Enrich the content of patriotic education.

3. Develop student self-government, volunteer movement.

5. To expand and strengthen the ties and relations of the school with institutions of additional education and culture, sports institutions of the district.

6. Involve representatives of all subjects of educational activity in the system of patriotic education.

7. Monitor the implementation of the program.

8. Take part in patriotic education competitions.

Stage III: analytical – 2017-2018 academic year.

Target: analysis of the results of the program implementation.


Summarize the results of the work of the school.

Carry out correction of difficulties in the implementation of the program.

Plan work for the next period.

Program content

"Education of a citizen of Russia and a patriot of the Motherland"

The program includes the following areas:

Connection of generations.

Target: Awareness by students as a moral value of involvement in the fate of the Fatherland, its past, present, future. Education in students of love for their native land as for their small homeland.


1. Raise pride in their homeland, folk heroes.

2. Keep the historical memory of generations in the memory of the younger generation.

3. Study the history of your native land.

4. To educate students in spiritual and moral values.

5. Form environmental behavior.

Forms: thematic class hours, courage lessons, oral journal, subject weeks, talks, competitions, museum visits, holidays dedicated to memorable dates, leaflets, newspapers, gardening, games, marathons, quizzes.

Raising a patriot and citizen of Russia.

Target: the formation of a civil and legal orientation of the individual, an active life position.


1. To educate legal awareness, the ability to realize their rights and the rights of another person.

2. Develop student self-government, volunteer movement.

3. Form a culture of manifestation of citizenship.

4. To form in students a system of knowledge, respect and interest in the state symbols of Russia.

Forms: thematic class hours, collective creative activities, competitions, quizzes on legal topics, Constitution Day, Heroes Day, oral journal, meetings with interesting people, actions, disputes.

Healthy nation.

Target: Education in students of love for sports, the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.


1. Involve students in sports and healthy lifestyles.

2. To instill in students a conscious attitude towards their health and the need for physical development.

3. Form health-saving behavior.

Forms: Spartakiads and competitions, Health Days, publication of leaflets, newspapers, competitions, games, marathons, quizzes, themed class hours, subject weeks, oral magazine.

I and my family.

Target: awareness by students of the family as the most important life value.


1. Foster a culture of family relationships, positive family values.

2. To improve the pedagogical and psychological competence of parents.

3. Create conditions for the participation of parents in the educational process.

Forms: talks, parent meetings, parent lectures, individual counseling, joint events, games, questionnaires, family holidays and communication hours.

Scheme 3.

The program "Education of a citizen of Russia and a patriot of the Motherland"


Action plan for the implementation of the program

“We are raising a citizen of Russia and a patriot of the Motherland”


No. p / p




Labor education

Labor promotions, subbotniks

1st and 4th quarter

Classroom teachers

Cool watch:

  • "World of Professions" (grades 1-4)
  • "Fair of professions"(grade 5-7)
  • "Professional inclinations", testing (grades 8-9)

During a year



Landscaping (landscaping) of classrooms and school grounds

During a year

Classroom teachers

The work of creative workshops (in the preparation of school-wide events)

During a year

Classroom teachers

Making class corners for career guidance


Classroom teachers

General cleaning of classrooms

Once a quarter

Classroom teachers

Spiritual and moral education

Traditional events:

  • Knowledge Day
  • Day of the elderly
  • Teacher's Day
  • Autumn Festival
  • Mothers Day
  • New Year's celebration
  • March 8
  • Family day







Class hours, conversations, trainings on spiritual and moral education

During a year

Classroom teachers

Information and educational work (stands, posters, presentations)

During a year

Subject teachers

Project activity:

  • Creation of recreation areas (primary grades)
  • Room of national life


Deputy for water resources management, class teachers


  • "White flower"
  • “Congratulations to the teacher”, etc.

During a year

Deputy for OIA and subject teachers

Ecological and local history education

Ecological elective courses

1st and 4th quarter

Subject teachers

Environmental promotions:

  • "Clean school yard"
  • "Down with trash!"
  • "Clean coast!"
  • "Clean river!"
  • "School flowerbed"

1st and 4th quarter

Subject teachers

Outreach work (stands, educational presentations, practical work on the territory of the school yard)

During a year

Subject teachers

Summer labor brigade



School events:

  • Ecological drawing and poster competition
  • Earth Day
  • Ecological fairy tale competition (grades 2-5)
  • Competition "The best green corner"

2nd and 4th quarter

Subject teachers

Excursions in nature, observation of seasonal changes in nature

During a year

Subject teachers

Decoration of the room of national life

1 quarter

Deputy for water resources management




Historical dates and events (according to plan)

During a year

Classroom teachers

Traditional events:

  • National Unity Day
  • Heroes of the Fatherland Day
  • Courage Lessons
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • Victory Day
  • Day of Remembrance and Sorrow






School events:

  • Rallies
  • Review of the formation and songs
  • Zarnitsa (winter)
  • Caring for a soldier's grave and memorials



Deputy on UVR, subject teachers, class


The work of the club "Young Patriot"

(according to the club's work plan)

During a year

Club leader

Information and educational work (design of a thematic stand, issue of thematic holiday newspapers)

During a year

Deputy for water resources management


  • "St. George Ribbon"
  • "Immortal Regiment"


Deputy for water resources management

A series of thematic intellectual games “What? Where? When?"

Once a quarter

Deputy for water resources management

Watching documentaries on the study of Russian history

During a year

Subject teachers




Health saving and involvement in sports

The fight against hypodynamia:

Physical education minutes;

Organization of outdoor games

During a year


subject teachers

Carrying out preventive work to eradicate bad habits




Healthy lifestyle promotion: design of newspapers, posters, drawings, watching videos

During a year

Health School:

· health days;

· sports events;

· sports grounds;

· sport games

During a year

Administration, physical education teachers, life safety

Individual work:

· diagnostics;

· corrective work;

· help and advice to students

During a year




Normative instruction of students on labor protection, health and life

During a year

Subject teachers, class teachers, administration

Oral and visual means of information, education and promotion of knowledge on healthy lifestyles (conversations, discussions, etc.)

During a year

Subject teachers, class teachers

Formation of a healthy lifestyle and prevention of asocial phenomena

Conversations with students about a healthy lifestyle

During a year

Classroom teachers, nurse

Carrying out raids in the evening for the purpose of employment of teenagers

on vacation

Precinct, administration, class teachers

Watching videos on the topic followed by a discussion

During a year

Deputy for water resources management

Carrying out preventive medical examinations

September October

Medical Board

Selection of material from periodicals on healthy lifestyles, design of stands

During a year

Subject teachers, class teachers

Drawing up a card file and maintaining personal files of students, consisting of various types of records

Of necessity

Classroom teachers

Organization of extracurricular activities (control over the employment of students)

During September


Individual interviews with registered students.

during the school year

Classroom teachers

Raids in families consisting of various types of registration

During the school year

PDN Commission

Monitoring student attendance

During the school year

Classroom teachers

Organization and conduct of interviews by police officers with students of middle and senior levels of the school

During the school year


Carrying out computer diagnostics to determine the characterological characteristics of students and personal deviations

On request


Monitoring the employment of students during the holidays and summer period

During the holidays





Thematic parent meetings, school-wide parent meetings with thematic lectures

Once a quarter, 2 times a year

Administration, class teachers

Individual interviews with parents of students (any achievements of their child should be reported with the same frequency as failures)

During a year

Classroom teachers

Consultations, testing and questioning of parents

During a year

Classroom teachers

Joint meetings of children and parents, organization of evenings of rest, school and ten-day holidays:

  • Knowledge Day
  • Autumn Festival
  • Mothers Day
  • New Year's celebration
  • March 8
  • Last call

according to plan

Deputy for water resources management, class teachers

Involvement of parents in helping in the improvement and landscaping of the school territory (labor landing)

During the summer

Classroom teachers

Themed class hours:

  • "My family" (grades 1-4)
  • "Family values" (grades 5-7)
  • "Family is the basis of the state" (grades 8-9)

1 time per quarter

Classroom teachers


  1. G.A. Konovalov. Patriotic education of schoolchildren in modern conditions. Novokuznetsk, 2003
  2. L.A. Setrukova, A.A. Vostrikov. Education in high school students orientation to the future of the profession. Novokuznetsk, 1998
  3. Cheremisina V.G. Spiritual and moral education of children of primary school age. Kemerovo, 2010
  4. I. V. Karnaeva. Formation of the teacher's readiness for professional self-determination of adolescents at risk. Kemerovo, 2009
  5. Edited by E.V. Buskina, L.A. Fomina, L. G. Batrakova. Creative educational environment in a modern school: extra-curricular activities and research work of students. Novokuznetsk MAOU DPO "IPK", 2011
  6. T.M. Kumitskaya, O.E. Zhirenko. Master class for the deputy director of the school for educational work. Moscow, 2008

I approve

Head teacher

"___" _________ 2016

Patriotic education program

"Citizen-Patriot of Russia"


Deputy Director for BP

Lonshakova M.S.

    Explanatory note…………………………………………………4

    Program Passport……………………………………………………….6

    Regulatory support of the program ……………………10

    Management and participants of the Program………………………………...10

    Provision of the Program……………………………………………...11

    Terms of the program………………………………………..11

    Goals and objectives of the Program…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

    Basic principles of organization of education……………………..13

    Forms of Program implementation……………………………………....14

    Thematic blocks and main directions of the program………..14

    The main directions of patriotic education……………..15

    Thematic work plan for patriotic education ...... 16

    Expected result…………………………………………...27

    Evaluation of program effectiveness…………………………………..28

    Evaluation of the results of the Program ……………………………………..29

    Program risks……………………………………………………...29




1. Explanatory note

The program of civil and patriotic education "Citizen-Patriot" was developed in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child; the Declaration of the Rights of the Child; the Constitution of the Russian Federation; The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation and local legal acts.

The program defines the content, the main ways of development of civic-patriotic education in the municipal budgetary educational institution MBOU "Krasulinskaya OOSh" and is aimed at fostering patriotism and the formation of citizenship.

The program is a certain system of content, forms, methods and techniques of pedagogical influences.

The program of civic-patriotic education is of great importance for solving a number of educational and social problems.

The relevance of the problem of patriotic education of children and youth is obvious today.

In modern conditions of the political and socio-economic way of life of society, the system of school education is undergoing significant changes: intra-family ties are weakening, the influence of the older generation on children is decreasing, the standard of living of many segments of the population is deteriorating, and there is a reorientation to other than before values. And new ideological attitudes lead to a change in the modern school. These changes require a new approach in the formation of the patriotic and civic consciousness of students. A developing society needs not only modernly educated, moral, enterprising people who can independently make decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences, ways to cooperate, characterized by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, but also passionately loving their Motherland, their native land, people living nearby, capable of defending the Fatherland from encroachments of alien forces on its freedom. Therefore, today the main problem is to create a modern system of civil moral and patriotic education of the younger generation, capable of providing a targeted impact on young citizens for the revival, preservation, formation in new conditions of devotion to a sense of love for the Fatherland, concern for the fate of their country, readiness to fulfill the constitutional duty in the name of the interests of the people, society, state, confidence in the great future of Russia.

Pedagogical values, analysis of materials (regulatory documents, questionnaires of children, teachers, parents, etc.) allow us to determine the image of the student: our graduate is a citizen of Russia, capable of effectively adapting, freely self-determining and self-realization in the cultural and social space on the basis of the established system of value orientations and moral positions based on both national and universal values.

That is why civil-patriotic education in modern conditions is a purposeful, morally conditioned process of preparing the younger generation for functioning and interaction in a democratic society, for initiative work, participation in the management of socially valuable affairs, for the realization of rights and obligations, as well as strengthening responsibility for their political, moral and legal choice, for the maximum development of their abilities in order to achieve success in life. Civil-patriotic education contributes to the formation and development of a person who has the qualities of a citizen and patriot of his country.

2.Passport of the program

Sections of the program passport

1. Program name

The program of patriotic education of the municipal budgetary educational institution of the Krasulinskaya basic comprehensive school

"Citizen Patriot" for 2016-2020

2. Terms of implementation

2016 - 2020 The program is designed for 4 years

Stage I: design.

Purpose: preparation of conditions for the creation of a system of patriotic education.

To study the legal framework, by-laws.

Develop, discuss and approve the Program of Patriotic Education.

Analyze the material, technical, pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the Program.

Select diagnostic methods in the main areas of the Program.

Develop a system for organizing student self-government.

II stage: practical.

Purpose: implementation of the Patriotic Education Program.

Organization of work of circles.

Design of classrooms, school library, school recreations

Training and retraining of teaching staff.

Expansion and strengthening of ties and relations of the school with cultural institutions, social partners.

Monitoring the effectiveness of the Program, informing teachers, students, parents about the progress and results of the Program.

Active participation in municipal, regional, all-Russian competitive events of patriotic themes.

Coverage of the course and results of the Program in the media

III stage: analytical.

Purpose: analysis of the results of the Program implementation.

Generalization of the results of the work of the municipal educational institution.

Carrying out correction of difficulties in the implementation of the Program.

Planning for the next period.

3. Basis for creating the program

    Convention on the Rights of the Child;

    Declaration of the Rights of the Child;

    the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

    Law of the Russian Federation "On Education",

    The concept of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation;

    State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation;

    Charter of MBOU "Krasulinskaya OOSh";

    local legal acts.

5. Customer of the program

  • Parents

6. Funding sources



7. Annotation of the program

The program of patriotic education of the municipal budgetary educational institution Krasulinskaya basic comprehensive school

"Citizen Patriot" compiled taking into account the specific conditions of the school, the characteristics of the student team, the age and individual characteristics of the children. It is designed for children of primary, middle and senior school age.

The program makes it possible to combine various types of children's activities: cognitive, labor, local history, search, environmental activities, aimed at the assimilation of patriotic, civil, moral concepts and norms of behavior by schoolchildren, and the acquisition of skills and abilities.

The program is based on the realization of various children's interests, the creative potential of schoolchildren, the development in each child of the desire to become better, to know more, to overcome oneself when faced with difficulties; for the cooperation of children, peers of different ages and adults in the preparation of socially useful deeds.

The program creates conditions for the development of individual creative abilities and the growth of the child's personality.

8. Estimated result

end result The functioning of the system of patriotic education should be the spiritual and cultural uplift of students, a high civic position, the patriotic consciousness of students themselves as Russians who determine the future of Russia.:

    in the field of knowledge development of intellectual potential, creative forces;

    in historical - local lore - awareness of responsibility for the fate of the country, the formation of pride for involvement in the deeds of previous generations;

    in social - the ability to self-realization in the space of the Russian state, the formation of an active life position; knowledge and observance of the norms of the rule of law;

    in the spiritual and moral sphere - awareness by students of higher values, ideals, guidelines, the ability to be guided by them in practical activities.

3.Regulatory support of the program

The program has been developed in accordance with the following regulatory legal acts:

the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Law of the Russian Federation "On Education";

Law of the Russian Federation "On Military (Memorable) Days of Russia"

Convention on the Rights of the Child;

State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016 - 2020"

Charter of the educational institution MBOU "Krasulinskaya OOSh".

4. Management and participants of the Program

Coordination and approval of the Program - Council of schoolchildren;

Management, development and implementation of the Program - deputy director for educational work, senior counselor, librarian, head of the school museum.

Implementation - subject teachers, class teachers.

Participants - students, teachers, parents, organizations cooperating with the school, residents of the Krasulinsky rural settlement.

5. Provision of the Program

Material and technical base

Gym, sports ground, library, computer science, life safety, literature, thematic stands.

Financing of the Program:

Financing of the Program is carried out at the expense of the school budget, sponsorship.

6. Terms of the program implementation


The program is designed for 4 years

7.Goals and objectives of the Program

Purpose of the Program

- education of a citizen who loves his Motherland, devoted to his Fatherland, a person of high culture and morality.

Main goals:

Education of a free citizen with developed intellectual abilities;

Education of love for school, city, region, Fatherland;

Raising respect for the cultural and historical past of Russia, for the traditions of its people;

Instilling a sense of pride, deep respect and reverence for the symbols of the Russian Federation, the historical shrines of the Fatherland;

Study of the historical past of the native land;

Formation in students of a conscious attitude to a healthy lifestyle;

Formation of a culture of interethnic communication;

Formation of students' knowledge and ideas about the achievements of our country in the field of science, technology and culture;

Formation of traditions in the team;

Creation of conditions for self-determination, self-development and self-realization of children in the process of active creative activity.

Commandments on the basis of which the work on the patriotic education of students is built






8. Basic principles of the organization of education

The principle of openness. Students plan life in the classroom together with the teacher and parents, make adjustments and suggestions. The teacher listens to the opinion of the children.

The principle of the attractiveness of the future business. The teacher should captivate students with the end result of the work being done.

The principle of activity. The teacher offers students a variety of extracurricular activities in which all children can actively participate, look successful in the eyes of the teacher, parents, classmates.

The principle of freedom of participation. When offering students activities, it is necessary to take into account their opinion in choosing a task, taking into account their interests, personal qualities and capabilities.

Feedback principle. Each event should end with a reflection.

The principle of co-creation. Working with children, the teacher gives students the right to choose partners in the work being done. This increases the effectiveness of the work performed by students, stimulates its success.

The principle of success. Both an adult and a child need to be significant and successful. The teacher should see the participation of each student in extracurricular activities and appreciate it.

9. Forms of the Program implementation

thematic conversations, lessons, collective creative activities, subject weeks, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, internationalist soldiers, meetings with interesting people, competitions, visits to museums, holidays dedicated to memorable dates, round tables, reader conferences, organization of exhibitions, promotions, conducting "Lessons of Courage", photo libraries, thematic stands.

10. The program includes the following thematic blocks and directions

"Me, my family and school»

Purpose: education of patriots and citizens of the Fatherland, love for which begins with love for the family, relatives and close people.

“My small Motherland - Krasulino»

Purpose: students' awareness of the value of involvement in the fate of their native farm, its past, present, future.

"My Land».

Purpose: education of national - patriotic values, instilling feelings of respect and love for culture, nature, history, traditions and customs.

"I am a citizen of Russia"

Purpose: the formation of a civil and legal orientation of the individual, an active life position.

"Me, my family and school»

"Me, my family and school»

Goal: education of patriots and citizens of the Fatherland, love for which begins with love for family, relatives and close people

Historical and local history.

A system of activities aimed at understanding the historical and cultural roots, awareness of the uniqueness of the Fatherland, its fate, inseparability from it, the formation of pride in participation in the deeds of ancestors and contemporaries and historical responsibility for what is happening in society, the formation of knowledge about the native village, city, district, region .

Spiritual and moral.

Awareness by students in the process of civil-patriotic education of higher values, ideals and guidelines, socially significant processes and phenomena of real life, the ability to be guided by them as defining principles, positions in practical activities.

civil law. Influences through a system of measures on the formation of a legal culture and law-abidingness, skills for assessing political and legal events and processes in society and the state, citizenship, constant readiness to serve one's people and fulfill one's constitutional duty; fosters respect for state symbols.

Military-patriotic. It is focused on the formation of a high patriotic consciousness among students, the ideas of serving the Fatherland, the ability to defend it armed, the study of Russian military history, military traditions.

Cultural and patriotic. It is aimed at developing the creative abilities of students through introducing them to musical folklore, oral folk art, the world of folk holidays, acquaintance with the customs and traditions of the Russian people.

Sports and patriotic. It is aimed at the development of moral and volitional qualities, the education of endurance, stamina, courage, discipline in the process of doing physical culture and sports, the formation of experience in serving the Fatherland and readiness to defend the Motherland.

social and patriotic. It is aimed at activating the spiritual, moral, cultural and historical continuity of generations, the formation of an active life position, the manifestation of feelings of nobility and compassion, the manifestation of care for the elderly.

11. The main directions of patriotic education

12. Thematic work plan for patriotic education


A week



Events in all areas of patriotic education



“My second home is Krasulinskaya school”

Lesson “Our school bears his name”, “Krasulinskaya school - a school named after I.T. Smetannikov

(about the teaching staff, their concern for children - to help the child realize himself as a STUDENT;

Excursion "Hello, school";

The game "Let's be friends";

Drawing up the "Road to School" scheme (the road from home to school).

Deputy director of BP;

class teachers;


"Past and Present of the Native Land".

Conversation about the past of the native farm;

Production of the stand "My village".

Drawing competition "We draw our village"

Game "Do you know your country?".

Campaign "I will make my village cleaner"

Deputy director of BP;

class leaders,


III week

"My Edge".

"Don land - native land."

Conversation about the native land;

Acquaintance with the symbols of the city of Novokuznetsk and the Kemerovo region (coat of arms, flag).

Production of the album "My native land"

Deputy director of BP;

class leaders,


"I am a citizen of Russia."

"I'm Russian".

Conversation about the state - "Russian Federation";

Examining the map of Russia (what the map can tell about our country).

Hour of poetry "Poems about the Motherland";

Drawing of Russian birch (symbol of the country).

Deputy director of BP;

class teachers;



"My family".

Congratulations to grandparents on the holiday (Day of the elderly).

A conversation about adult family members and their parents - to consolidate ideas about the family, clarify knowledge about older family members (grandparents), what they did, where they lived, cultivate respect for elders

"Love for the motherland begins in the family."

Entertainment "From the grandmother's chest."

Creative stories of children on the theme "My family".

Image of a family tree.

Selection of photos for the album "I'm in the circle of my family."

Making (together with parents) family coats of arms

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,



"My small Motherland - Krasulino".

"Land of Grain Growers".

The teacher's story about rural workers;

Quiz "Bread is the head of everything";

Preparation for the holiday "Day of the agricultural worker";

KTD "A person is glorious by work."

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


III week

"My Edge".

"Cities and districts of the Kemerovo region».

A story about the settlements of the district, region, about the history of the land of Kemerovo.

Viewing presentations "Land of Kuzbass".

Competition of drawings, posters "My land-Kuzbass".

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


"I am a citizen of Russia."

How did Russia emerge.

The symbolism of the country - coat of arms,

flag, anthem

A conversation about the past of Russia, the history of its emergence - to show interest in the past of Russia, to acquaint with the history of its emergence.

"Coat of arms, flag of Russia" information hour;

Thematic class hours “State symbols of Russia; “Customs and traditions of my country”.

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,



"Family and home».

Acquaintance with family traditions and holidays;

Reading sayings and proverbs about the family and home;

Compilation of stories by children “Traditions and favorite activities of my family” (together with parents);

Family project "Family tree";

Collection of material and design of the "Book of Memory" in the classroom;

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


"My small Motherland - Krasulino".

"One destiny with Russia."

The story of the teacher about the history of the founding and development of the village, about the famous fellow villagers, about the construction of the school, the recreation center "Krasulino"

(how it all began and has changed in our time);

Hour of poetry "I love Russia..";

Viewing photo presentations "Krasulino - stop a moment!"

Competition of essays, stories "My village in the future".

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


III week

"My Edge".

Novokuznetsk is the main city of the district».

Conversation "City" (acquaintance with the city of Novokuznetsk - to arouse interest in the city, the desire to learn more about the city, its history, places of interest).

Selection of photographs, postcards, illustrations about the city.

Watching presentations and videos about Novokuznetsk.

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


"I am a citizen of Russia."

"I am a citizen of my country"

Round table on the topic "What does it mean to be a citizen of your country?";

Photo exhibition “We are your children, Russia”

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,



"My Rights and Responsibilities".

Talk about the rights and responsibilities of the child "What do I know about my rights?" – contribute to the formation of the foundations of legal knowledge; explain generally accepted norms and rules of conduct.

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


"My small Motherland - Krasulino".

"Day of liberation from the Nazi invaders"

Meeting with participants of the Great Patriotic War, congratulations to labor veterans, home front workers, veterans of the Great Patriotic War;

Laying flowers, wreaths at memorable memorials;

Concert for the villagers;

Action "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten";

Thematic class hour “These days glory will not cease”

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


III week

"My Edge".


The wealth of our region

Conversation "Heroic days";

Quiz "Heroes of Kuzbass".

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


"I am a citizen of Russia."

"Days of military glory of Russia».

Meetings with veterans.

Book exhibition "These days glory will not cease";

Cool clock "Victory Days of Russia";

Intellectual game "Heroes of Russia";

Watching films "Our Victories".

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,



"What is friendship?"

Conversation about goodwill and tolerance towards each other - to form an understanding of friendship;

Children's toy library

"Hooray, holidays",

"Let's be friends";

Learning proverbs about friendship;

Discussing situations "Meeting with a friend";

Themed class hours

"Who am I? What am I? “I am among people, people are around me.”

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


"My small Motherland - Krasulino".

"I love this land."

A conversation about the flora and fauna of our village - to give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe flora and fauna.

Photo exhibition "Plants and Animals of the Native Land".

Compilation of a photo album “Seasons.

Action "Feed the birds".

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


III week

"My Edge".

“I know the city will be, I know the garden will bloom!”

Drawing competition "Flower my city".

Poster contest "I know the city will be, I know the garden will bloom!"

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


"I am a citizen of Russia."

"Moscow is capital of Russia. Coat of arms of Moscow.

The story of the teacher about the capital, to explain the symbolism of the coat of arms of Moscow;

Examination of paintings with views of Moscow (Kremlin, Red Square).

Listening to songs about Moscow;

Competition-presentation "Heart of Russia".

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,



“Dad, mom, I am a sports family!”

Creative stories of boys about real men;

"Crafts for dads and grandfathers";

Sports relay race "Dad, mom, I am a sports family!".

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


"My small Motherland - Krasulino".

“Afghanistan is the pain of my soul”

A lesson in courage "Afghan ..";

Meeting with internationalist soldiers “Afghanistan is the pain of my soul”;

Songs of Afghanistan.

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


III week

"My Edge".

"Defenders of the Fatherland"

Round table "Army - the time of maturity" (meeting with school graduates who served in the RA).

Lesson of Courage "They fought for the Motherland";

Sports competitions “Forward, boys!”, “Ah, come on, guys!” ;

The action "Veteran lives nearby" (Congratulations to WWII veterans);

Action "Help the Soldiers".

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


"I am a citizen of Russia."

"Strong and mighty heroes of glorious Rus'."

Conversation "Who are the heroes?";

Examination of Vasnetsov's painting "Bogatyrs";

The story of the invited soldier-graduate of the school about the service in the Army.

Sports entertainment "Together with dad."

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,




Conversation about mothers - to cultivate a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards a woman mother, the desire to help her;

Compilation of stories on the topic “Why I love my mother. How do I help her?

Making gifts for mothers, grandmothers;

memorizing songs and poems about mom;

Exhibition of drawings "Portrait of Mom";

Concert for mothers and grandmothers.

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


"My small Motherland - Krasulino".

"There are women in Russian villages"

Meeting with labor veterans.

Mini concerts at home.

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


III week

"My Edge".

"Spring in the native land"

Conversation "Nature next to me";

Excursion "The living world of our region";

Acquaintance with the Red Book "You are part of nature";

Making an album with illustrations and pictures "Plants, animals of the native land";

Action "Feeder";

Spring folk holidays (games).

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


"I am a citizen of Russia."

“The country in which we live. Nature of Russia».

A conversation about the nature of Russia - to give knowledge about the wealth of Russia, to educate the desire to preserve and increase.

Consideration of illustrations depicting the natural wealth of Russia.

Folk holidays.

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,



"Traditional Russian family, its customs and traditions"

Conversation "Russian folk holidays - Shrovetide, Easter, Trinity, Ivan Kupala, etc."

Acquaintance with Russian cuisine and table customs.

Acquaintance with folk games, entertainment, festivities,


Exhibition-fair of family creativity "Strong family - strong Russia".

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


"My small Motherland - Krasulino".

"History of the streets».

Excursion through the streets of the village.

Creative stories of children about the history of their street.

Drawing "My street".

Making a model according to the rules of the road.

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


III week

"My Edge".



A conversation about astronauts - to consolidate children's ideas about space flights, about the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin.

Proverbs and sayings about astronauts.

Reasoning "If you met aliens in space?".

Drawing competition "Space world"

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


"I am a citizen of Russia."

"We have something to be proud of, we have something to keep!"

Round table "We are the heirs of the Great Victory".

Actions "Live to remember!"

Photo exhibition "Veteran".

Competition of essays, poems "I see the WORLD".

Participation in the paramilitary game "Zarnitsa".

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


"War in My Family History"

Drawing "Your feat will live for centuries!".

Competition of stories about grandparents "Heroic youth".

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


"My small Motherland - Krasulino".

"This dayVictory".

Meeting with WWII veterans at the celebration dedicated to Victory Day

Production of the album "Through the Pages of Memory" about veterans of the native land.

Listening to front songs.

Promotion "Bouquet for a Veteran"

Thematic classroom hour “Glory to you, the winner of the soldiers!”, “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland”

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


III week

"My Edge".

"On the Threshold of Adulthood"

Competition of drawings and crafts "My school in the XXI century."

Operation "Native School Yard".

Essay competition "If I were a school principal".

"Last call" .

Photo exhibition "History of my school".

Cool watch "Road in life", "My profession".

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


"I am a citizen of Russia."

"I am a citizen of planet Earth"

Campaign "Take care of nature - our home."

Round table "I am a resident of the planet Earth" .

Competition of posters, drawings on ecology "Our green planet".

"Health Day" in nature.

Deputy Director of VR

class leaders,


13. Estimated result

1. Familiarization of children with the history of their native land, traditions and culture.

2. Education in children of love for their small homeland.

3. Development of a sense of patriotism.

4. The presence of environmental knowledge in children.

5. Unity of the children's team.

6. Development of children's activity, their creative abilities.

14. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Program

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Patriotic Education Program "Citizen-Patriot" is provided by:

Through the public report of the school, "Open Days", conferences, round tables, seminars held by the school administration, education department;

Regular discussion of the implementation progress in methodological associations, at meetings;

Carrying out diagnostic work during the implementation of program activities in the practice of educating the school;

Development of local acts, methodological materials aimed at improving the education system in the educational space of the municipal educational institution Ilyinskaya secondary school;

Training and information support for personnel involved in the implementation of the Program;

Participation and victories in municipal, regional and federal competitions of a patriotic orientation.

15. The evaluation of the results of the Program includes the following indicators:

The breadth of coverage of objects of education;




16. Program risks


Ways to overcome risk

1. Resistance of the teaching staff

Conviction of the need for civil and patriotic education of schoolchildren

2. Obstacles from students and their parents

Implementation of explanatory work, involvement on the principle of voluntariness

3. Student overload

Coordination of work plans for class teachers, drawing up a unified plan for the educational work of the school

4. Insufficiency of financial resources for the implementation of the program

Attracting sponsorship funds


The program reflects the social order necessary for society and the state to educate a citizen of their homeland, a patriot with an active life position. The end result of the implementation of the Program should be an active citizenship and patriotic consciousness of students, as the basis of the personality of a citizen of Russia.


1. Baikova L. A. Education in traditional and humanistic pedagogy//Pedagogy. 1998, No. 8. P. 62

2. Baryshnikov E. N., Petrova T. I. Educational work: New meaning. New target. New content//Modern approaches to the methodology and technology of education. ., 1997. P. 75

3. Vershinin VN The teacher of the changing school//Open school. 2000, no. 1.

4. Gazman O. S. Responsibility of the school for the upbringing of children//Pedagogy. 1997, No. 4. P.52

5. Kapustin N. P. Pedagogical technologies of an adaptive school. M., 1999.

6. Kolesnikova I. A. Education of human qualities//Pedagogy. 1998, No. 8. P.62

7. Brief guide to pedagogical technologies / Edited by N. E. Shchurkova. M., 1997

8. Master class for deputy directors for educational work: Organization and planning of work. Author-compiler T.M. Kumitskaya.- M.: 5 for knowledge, 2006.

9. Smirnova V. A. The program of patriotic education 2006 - 2008.

10. Patriotic education. Normative legal documents. 2nd edition, revised. M.: 2006.

11. Patriotic education. The system of work, planning, lesson notes, lesson development. Author-compiler I.A. Pashkovich. Volgograd: "Teacher", 2006.

12. Shilova M.I. Theory and technology of tracking the results of education of schoolchildren//Class teacher. 2000, No. 6. S. 19 - 43

13. Yakimanskaya I. S. Personality-oriented education in modern school. M. 1996

Key events and traditions on military-patriotic education

    Action "Veteran lives nearby".

    Action "Letter to a Soldier".

    March Parade.

    The game "Zarnitsa".

    Meetings with veterans.

    Unified class hours.

    Sports and competitive program "Ah, come on, guys!"

The content of activities for civil-patriotic education

    The study of the history of Russia, patriotic factions, symbols, heraldry.

    The study of the symbols of the district, city, school.

    Study of traditions, history of Russia

    Organization of meetings with veterans and participants of the war.

    Veterans assistance.

    The study of the foundations of state and law.

    Study of the culture of the peoples of Russia.

    Studying the region and the country, through the organization of trips, excursions

    Organization and holding of charity events: "Veteran lives nearby", "Letter to a soldier".

    Holding events dedicated to memorable and significant dates of Russian, regional and city significance.

    Research activities

    Search activity (expeditions, operations, hikes, excursions, meetings).

    March Parade.

    The game "Zarnitsa".

    Meetings with veterans.

    Meetings with participants of modern warriors.

    Unified class hours.

    Sports and competitive programs.

    Laying flowers at memorial sites.

Traditional months of civil and patriotic education
Target: To instill a sense of love for their native city, to make the children feel that they are full members of society and are responsible for their actions and actions.

    "My city, my home."

    City - .... years.

    We are the owners of the city, the school.

Target: To ensure that students understand and realize that health is the highest life value, which they must and must protect.

    "Earthlings a clean planet."

    "In a healthy body healthy mind".

    The world of my hobbies.

Target: To ensure that the students of our school are law-abiding citizens of our country, to bring to the attention of the students the basic laws of society

    "You and the Law"

    "I am a citizen and patriot of my country."

    My rights and obligations.

Target: To instill in students spiritual, moral qualities that are the foundation of society, human relations; to form the ability to appreciate their national origins.

    spiritual heritage.

    Modern Rus'.

    Traditions and customs of Rus'.

Target: Influence the minds of students, awaken in them patriotic feelings, a sense of duty, honor, courage; educate a worthy generation on their basis.

    "Youth, scorched by the war."

    "Where does the Motherland begin?"

    "Decent Generation"

    Glorious sons of the Fatherland.

    Along the field of Russian Glory.

    We are the defenders of the world.

Target: Development of cognitive interest in the traditions of the family, in its origins; upbringing and respect for the older generation.

    your origins.

    Me and the Universe.

    My home, my family, my friends.

Target: education of respect for the past of our country, love for their homeland; preservation and veneration of the memory of WWII veterans.

    "Victory Day".

    "Veteran lives nearby."

Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 r.p. Priyutovo municipal district

Belebeevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan


for civil and patriotic education

"I am a Man, a Student, a Citizen"

for students in grades 5-8



teacher of history and social studies

Zaripova Liana Fedorovna

R. Priyutovo



Explanatory note ………………………………………………………….. 2

Program Implementation Mechanism…………………………………………………4

Resource provision…………………………………………………………..5

Concept Implementation Program ………………………………………………... 6

Forms and methods of work……………………………………………………………7

The main directions of the program:

“I and I” ……………………………………………………………………………… 8

“Me and my family” ……………………………………………………………………….. 9

“Me and school” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

“Me and the Fatherland”……………………………………………………………………. .13

Projected results ……………………………………………………….19

Literature ……………………………………………………………………… .. 20

Explanatory note

The program for civil and patriotic education "I am a Man, a student, a citizen"determines the main directions of civil and patriotic education of studentsMunicipal Autonomous General Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7R. Priyutovo settlement of the municipal district Belebeevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan for 2014-2017Programhas a school status andfocused on the age groups of students in grades 5-8, a team of teachers and parents of students.When developing the program, the experience of activity and development trends of MAOU secondary school No. 7 were taken into account.

The program is being implemented during 2014-2017.

Basis for program development:

    State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015" dated 05.10.2010

    Constitution of the Russian Federation, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

    Law of the Russian Federation "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child"

    Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"

Currently, events are taking place in Russian society related to changes in all spheres of our life. Economic transformations, the stratification of society, which affected every family, led to a change in attitudes and value orientations of children and adolescents, their alienation from the adult world, a negative attitude to the concepts of human dignity, civic duty, and personal responsibility intensified. The growing lack of humanity, social tension, and the deformation of families have a negative impact on the moral and physical health of the younger generation. A new type of war has appeared - terrorist wars, from which civilians, as a rule, who are not prepared for extreme situations, suffer first of all. Any country needs an effective system of civic-patriotic education. Its content should correspond to the current situation in the country, and its system should be flexible and constantly changing in the light of modern requirements.

Patriotic education - this is a systematic and purposeful activity of state authorities and organizations to form among citizens a high patriotic consciousness, feelings of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional obligations to protect the interests of the Motherland. Patriotic education is aimed at the formation and development of a person with the qualities of a citizen.

Patriotism, citizenship are formed thanks to moral, spiritual education. Today, patriotism is identified with such personal qualities as love for a large and small Motherland, respect for family traditions, readiness to fulfill the constitutional duty to the Motherland. In our opinion, it is precisely these personality traits that are being lost in modern society, and the concept of “patriotism” becomes somehow faceless, far from being understood by today's schoolchildren. Therefore, the main task of the teacher is to make sure that the child does not lose the feeling of disinterested love for his mother, loved ones, love for his home, which has been embedded in his soul since birth. Further, its formation goes through the upbringing of love for the small Motherland. It is necessary to start from the near and concrete, from what surrounds the child, from the place where he was born, grows, where the graves of his ancestors are located. Without a feeling of a small homeland, there is no great patriotism. The next step is Fatherland, country, people.

concept"citizenship" involves the development and implementation by the child of his rights and obligations in relation to himself, his family, team, to his native land, Fatherland. Citizenship includes relationships at the level of "citizen - state" and "person - society". Forming a citizen, we, first of all, must see him as a person. Therefore, from a pedagogical point of view, a citizen is an original individuality, a person who has the unity of spiritual, moral and legal duty.

Article No. 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” defines the requirements for educational activities in state and municipal educational institutions. Among the most important is the task of a patriotic orientation: "Education of citizenship, diligence, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, Motherland, family." “The education of a citizen of the country should be regarded as one of the main means of national revival. A functionally literate citizen is a person who loves the Motherland, who is able to respond to changes in society, to protect his human right.

In this regard, a program has been developed for the education of younger adolescents, the purpose of which is social development, patriotic education, the formation of an active citizenship of adolescents in the process of intellectual, spiritual, moral and physical development, preparing them for the defense of the Fatherland, teaching the ability to behave correctly in extreme situations be able to help yourself and those around you.

In developing this program, we proceeded from the specific capabilities of our school. We analyzed the psychological readiness for this work of teachers and students, material and methodological support.

Program implementation mechanism.

Program implementation activities are coordinated by the Program Implementation Council (hereinafter referred to as the Council)

The Council consists of:

Director of MAOU secondary school No. 7 Ivanova L.V.

Deputy director for educational work Zhdanova N.B.

Deputy directors for educational work Alekseeva T.A., Checheleva M.V.

Head of the school museum Zaripova L.F.

President of the Senior Student Council.

Chairman of the parent committee.

The Council determines the content of specific measures for the implementation of the program, organizes their implementation, discusses proposals aimed at improving the efficiency of work.

Resource support of the program



Logistics and financial support

To implement the Program, the educational institution has

the following technical support: musical equipment and equipment for holding cultural events, tourist and sports equipment, etc.

Financing of the Program is carried out at the expense of extrabudgetary sources (funds of the parents of students, legal entities and individuals, received in the form of gratuitous assistance).

Methodological support


Basic principles of organization of education:

    The principle of integral semantic equality. The teacher and pupil have a common goal, interesting joint activities, the same views on universal values, positions of equality.

    The principle of continuity and consistency educational impact at all levels of continuous education. The relationship between the processes of education and training.

    Conceptual principles of joint education (democratization, humanization, regionalization).

    Taking into account the patterns of psychophysiological development in each age period, providing a personality-oriented approach to the upbringing of children and adolescents.

    Principles of organization and self-organization, (activity of the student, his motivation, willingness to cooperate, ability to be creative and communicative).

Concept Implementation Program

The program is based on the principles of consistency, scientific approach, accessibility, tolerance and is designed for four years.

The main thing in the program is a systematic approach to the formation of the student's civic position, the creation of conditions for his self-knowledge and self-education. At the same time, it is important to make optimal use of the pedagogical potential of the social environment, to help students master the socio-historical experience by entering the social environment, and to develop their own individual experience of life.

The structure and organization of this educational program is built taking into account the age categories of students, in connection with the specific features and tasks of the spiritual, moral and physical development of students of different school ages, and the degree of preparedness of students for life and work in a team, their ability to make decisions and act independently.

The potential for personal development in the second stage school (5-8 cells) is cooperation and the spirit of partnership, the formation of moral principles. In activity, situations of success, freedom and independence are priority, diversity and emotionality are attractive, creating the possibility of self-assertion, communication culture, the formation of self-esteem.Adolescents develop a need to analyze and generalize the facts and phenomena of reality, to develop their own views on the environment, on moral requirements and assessments. The most significant in the formation of value orientations in adolescents is the participation of schoolchildren: in various types of military-patriotic activities, competitions, competitions organized at school.

Target :

Formation in children of middle school age of citizenship, a sense of patriotism,fostering a sense of pride in their people, their history, traditions, cultural achievements.


    Deepening students' knowledge about the historical past of the Motherland, native land, social and cultural achievements of the country.

    Civil educationresponsibility, legal self-awareness, pride in their Fatherland, symbols of the state, feelings of love and affection for the family, home, traditions, customs of their people.

    A more meaningful acquaintance with the history of your family, developmentmoral relationships in the family.

    The development of moral qualities in adolescents,combining private interests with public ones.

Forms and methods of program implementation

    themed class hours, lessons of courage;

    meetings with medical workers, law enforcement officers, interesting people;

    role-playing and educational games;

    participation in civil-patriotic contests,

    quizzes on legal topics;

    presentations and videos;

    conversations, messages, contests, competitions;

    exhibitions of drawings, newspapers, collage;


    social projects

Working methods:

    methods of persuasion: short explanation, story-reflection, dispute;

    motivation methods: passion for a good deed, creative search, passion for the heroic, unusual; encouragement, praise, reward; requirement, reminder;

    teaching methods: creative assignment, game, competitions, traditions, personal example.

Main directions of the program

The program includes 4 blocks - directions, interconnected by the logic of the formation of a Russian citizen: "Me and Me", "Me and Family", "Me and School", "Me and Patronymic".Within a month, classes are held events in each direction and one or two school-wide events parallel to grades 5-8.

"I and I"

Formation of a civil attitude towards oneself.

The content of activities in this direction includes the child's understanding of himself as a particle of the world around him and gaining confidence in his own significance.


    Formation in schoolchildrenobjective self-assessmentlegal awareness and education in them of civic responsibility.

    Raising in children an understanding of the essence of conscious discipline and a culture of behavior, responsibility and diligence, accuracy while observing the rules of behavior at school, at home, in public places.

    Formation in schoolchildren of the need for self-education, education of moral and volitional qualitiestolerant personality.

    Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle.

The expected result of the activity.

Education of the humanity of students: understanding the value of human life, justice, selflessness, respect for human dignity, mercy, the ability to compassion, empathy, patience, goodwill. High level of self-awareness, self-esteem, self-discipline.

"Me and family"

Formation of civic relations with one's family.

Preparation for the implementation of the main social roles: daughter, son, brother, sister.


    Formation in schoolchildren of the concept of the essence of the main social roles in the family, the development of moral relationships.

    Organization of joint leisure of parents and children through joint activities, holidays, trips, excursions, etc.

    Organization and implementation of communication between generations through lessons-meetings, thematic parent meetings, joint events.

    The study of the rights and obligations of the child in the family, family traditions.

Formation of the concept of the essence of social roles among schoolchildren:

A real son protects the peace of his parents, family members, is always ready to help his elders in their housework, does not create conflicts, knows how to keep his word;

A real daughter takes care of her family, the peace of her elders, knows how and loves to work.

"Me and School"

Formation of a civic attitude towards the school.


    to form in children the skills of cultural behavior, relationships at school, to instill in them love and respect for the school, teachers, school traditions

    to bring up a conscious attitude to learning, to develop cognitive activity, to form the readiness of schoolchildren for a conscious choice of profession;

    to cultivate conscious discipline and culture of behavior;

    mastering the ethics of the relationship "student - teacher", "student - student", the implementation of the school work schedule and the duties assigned to the student;

    school improvement work

Expected result of the activity: the student's awareness of the role of knowledge in human life, mastering the ethics of relationships, the ability to use the student's rights and fulfill duties.

"Me and Fatherland"

Formation of civil attitude to the Fatherland.

The content of the activity includes understanding by a teenager himself as a part of his native land, Motherland, its citizen and patriot.


    give students an idea of ​​the motherlandas a place where a person was born and knew the happiness of life, about the meaning of the native language, about patriotism to instill in them a sense of national pride.

    to bring up a conscious attitude of adolescents to work, respect for the monuments of culture and art, national creativity, loyalty to the fighting and labor traditions of the older generation.

    acquaintance with historical and significant dates in the history of the state, fostering a sense of pride in the heroic past of the ancestors.

    To form in students a sense of civic responsibility for their own behavior and the actions of others,to expand knowledge about the rights and obligations of a young citizen of the country.

    Mastering the diversity of cultural values ​​by schoolchildren through visiting cultural centers and museums.

    Acquaintance with the history and prominent people of the region, republic, country

Thus, the civic-patriotic education of schoolchildren in grades 5-8 is supposed to be based on the formation of a civil attitude in children towards themselves, their families, schools, their Fatherland, and their native culture. All this creates conditions for the development of the student's personality.

Predicted results

Subject to the achievement of the main goals and objectives, it is expected to obtain the following results of the work:

8th grade student who:

Familiar with the cultural and historical values ​​of their people;

Knows the history and cultural values ​​of the native land, country;

Has a change in value life orientations in a positive direction;

Respectfully treats the older generation and the Fatherland;

Has tolerance;

Knows his civil rights and obligations.


for the implementation of the program of civil and patriotic education

"I and I"

Class level:

5th grade :

    Humorous quiz "We come from childhood: you and me"

    Hour of communication “Who am I? What am I? I want and I need to."

    Conversations: "Man's concern for his health"

    Bad habits shorten life

    And become the stepmother of the Earth

    Ethics of relations between boys and girls

    Get-togethers on Red Hill

    Space KVN "Through thorns to the stars"

    Conversation "My rights and obligations"

6th grade:

    Debate game "Is the feeling of love modern?"

    Competition "Ladies and gentlemen"

    An hour of communication "The effect of smoking on the body."

    Class hour "Conversation about proper nutrition." "To smoke or not to smoke - that is the question"

    Cl. hour "There is a way out - live without drugs."

    Appearance culture

    Believe in yourself

    Rules for a Happy Man

    Lessons of Mercy and Kindness

7th grade:

    Lessons of Mercy and Kindness

    Adolescent Hygiene Interview with a health worker

    Conversation "Bad habits and how to get rid of them?"

    my hobbies

    Conversation "Man among people"

    Training "Believe in yourself"

    Keep your legacy

    School of the young citizen "Law and teenager"

    Moral relations in society

8th grade:

    Conversation "Addiction - alcoholism"

    Class hour "Do not harm yourself and others."

    Discussions "Drugs, psychotropic substances and the consequences of their use."

    Training "Believe in yourself"

    Collective conversation "Me and we"

    Psychological workshop "Rules of a happy person"

    Festival of professions

    Discussion "Being Human"

    Morality in human life

School level

    Competition of drawings on asphalt "I draw the world", "The world through the eyes of children", "Let there always be peace", "Let's draw a rainbow childhood with chalk"

    Exhibition of crafts "Childhood is me and you"

    Conducting a master class "Origami", "Magic Ribbons", "We braid pigtails"

    5.6 class - sport competition "Strong, dexterous, courageous".

    7.8 class - the sport of the competition "Olympic all-around".

    Grades 7-8 - Tours. "Health Days"

    Grades 5-6 - Competition "The most sporty class"

    Excursions to nature.

    Security Lessons.

(parent meetings):

5th grade - "The impact of sports on the development of the child." Help parents in choosing a particular sport for their child. Useful compatibility of sports and study. Information about the existing sports sections in school and village.How to form the habit of being healthy.

6th grade - "Healthy lifestyle". What should parents do if their child starts smoking? How to prevent a child's first attempts to get acquainted with tobacco. The effect of nicotine on the child's body.« How to raise the need for a healthy lifestyle?”, “Physiological and psychological characteristics of adolescence”

Grade 7 - "The life of a child and his athletic success at school." Acquaintance with the standards, with the problems that arise in physical education classes, with sports achievements at school.

8th grade - "Conversation on a difficult topic." What parents need to do in case of alcohol abuse. Interview with an addict.

II . "Me and family"

Class level:

5th grade

    Festive event "May there always be a mother."

    Children's stories “Journey to the childhood of our grandmothers.

    "Our parents are graduates of our school." The connection of the family with the school, the preservation of family traditions.

    Exhibition "Family Album". Raising love for parents, pride in the family.

    Contest "My dad is a soldier." Education of civic duty.

    "My Pedigree" Knowledge of family history, the connection of generations.

    "We make and craft with the family." Joint creativity of children and parents.

    Meeting interesting people. "Profession of my parents." Develop creativity, interest in various professions.

    Class hour "Health is priceless wealth";

6th grade

    Meeting interesting people. "Profession of my parents."

    Class hour "My family tree". Creating the history of your family from documents, photographs, relics, creating your own family tree.

    father's day

    Children's story "We are responsible for those we have tamed"

    The streets of our village are named after them.

    Competition "What does it mean to be a good son, daughter?"

    Conversation “Caring for parents is a matter of conscience for everyone”

    Joint evenings "children + parents + teacher"

    Mothers Day

7th grade :

    Holiday "History in my house". Search by children, parents, grandparents of family heirlooms - antiques, products, photographs. Stories about interesting events from the life of ancestors that are passed down from generation to generation.

    "Nature in poetry" (poetry competition); “I am an inhabitant of the planet earth” (round table).

    Concert "Look into your mother's eyes"

    Conversation "What does the culture of appearance mean"

    Conversation “Caring for parents is our duty”

    Sports traditions in our family

    Courage Lessons

    Practice "Don't be alone with your troubles"

8th grade :

    Excursion. "My dad (mum) works here." To instill interest in the work of parents.

    Discussion class hour "My responsibilities to the family." The conversation is also about those simple duties in the family that are assigned to each family member, due to the failure of which conflicts arise. Played out everyday situations.

    Feed the birds in winter (feeder workshop, quiz);

    "Man of a free society" (conversation, dispute)

    "My relatives are the defenders of the Motherland"

    Mother's heart...

    Career Guidance Talk The Roads We Take

    Man like a star is born

    Towards my own destiny

School level (school-wide KTD and sports competitions):

Grade 5,6 - Drawing competition "Take care of nature - our home";"Let there always be sunshine" (environmental holiday) Holiday "Golden Autumn"; Exhibition of crafts made from natural material "Yunnat-201 ..."Holiday "Praise the hands of the mother"

5th-6th grade. Holiday "From the bottom of my heart" This holiday is the result of a class hour, and from each class the most interesting, in their opinion, family history is selected.

Grade 7.8 - Day of Birds (quizzes, games, exhibition of posters and drawings);On a carpet of yellow leaves…” Musical and literary evening; Campaign "My school yard is the cleanest"Holiday "Praise the hands of the mother", Earth Day

Decorate a piece of the planet (cleaning up the territory), Flower garden near the school (planting flowers), "The world around us" (flowers in legends and legends) KTD with quiz elements, Days of environmental safety (promotions).

7-8th grade. KTD "Family customs". Game examples of such family customs as: christening, name day, matchmaking, wedding, housewarming, etc. are played out.

Parent team level (parent meetings):

5th grade. "Family Pedigree". The meeting is held in the form of a preparatory stage for the classroom hour. A conversation about the need to raise children who remember and know their genealogy, their roots, their ancestors. Parents are told about the need to assist the child in searching for the family archive, in compiling a genealogical tree, and in maintaining family documentation.

6th grade. "History, a relic in my house." Preparatory work for class. To help the child make up an interesting story related to some thing in the house that is passed down from generation to generation, or history. Talk about the need to give children memorable gifts that would be passed on to the next generations.

7th grade. Traditions of my house. Talk about the traditions that exist in the house and which are then inherited by children. How to avoid a negative example. What traditions developed in the Russian family, about the role of father and mother in shaping the way of life of the family.

8th grade. "An invitation to talk." The problems that arise in the relationship between parents and children are revealed. A conversation about how to avoid conflict situations, how to learn to see and respect a child's personality.

III . "Me and School"

Class level:

Grade 5

    "I + YOU = WE" The distribution of assignments, taking into account the nature and inclinations of students.

    "My friends". Relationships between classmates.

    A game. Class Laws. Determination of the value system of adolescents and the correspondence of their ideas to moral standards.

    Class hour "My rights and obligations" (talk about the school Charter).

    School in the life of my parents

    Let's get to know each other, let's be friends! (birthday of the class team)

    School years are wonderful

    The role of discipline in the lesson

6th grade

    "School Day - Together" (School Day)

    School is our home

    Tolerant personality - what is it?

    What impressions about the school will I leave for myself?

    Our Class Duties

    Work in the class "Our cozy class"

    Release of the school newspaper

    Decorate the school grounds

7th grade.

    "The boy was friends with the girl." Formation of ethical and moral ideas about the relationship between boys and girls.

    Class hour "The house in which we live."

    Teaching is the most important profession in the world.

    Journey to the land of knowledge "How rich am I?"

    Native school in faces. Collection of material

    Release of posters "Congratulate the teacher"

    My rights and obligations

    School is our home

    tolerant personality. What is she?

8th grade.

    Class hour "My classmate" (an hour of frank conversation).

    "School Day - Together" (School Day)

    School years are wonderful

    Towards my own destiny

    Exhibition "Relics of my school life"

    Debate "Teach to live or live to learn?"

    My rights and obligations

    Last call holiday

    Memorable dates in Russia (September - October)

School level (school-wide KTD and sports competitions):

    Action "Help to native school", "Mercy".

    Dedication to fifth graders

    Grade 5 - First Bell Holiday;

    "My school", "My first teacher" (competition of essays and drawings);

    "Library - our help" (action);

    View cool corners;

    "Decorate the territory of the school" (labor landing);

    Making annals of the class and school.

    Grade 6 - school competition "leader's speech" -"The introduction of school uniforms at school" (speech "FOR" and speech "AGAINST");

    Grade 7 - School competition "leader's speech" - "If I were the president of the school" (in the genre of political satire);

    Grade 8 - school competition "Leader's Speech" - "School is a place of friendship and joy";

Parent team level (parent meetings)

5th grade, "How to develop a child's abilities." Why is it necessary to develop mental abilities. What are abilities, how can abilities be developed.

6th grade. "What is the mind and how to develop it." Thinking and mind. Activity is the main condition for the development of the mind. Mind qualities. Self-education of the mind.

7th grade. "The Discipline of Thinking". The connection between thinking and behavior. Reason is the regulator of desires.

8th grade. "Teaching load in high school". Load increase. Help parents in preparing homework, monitoring educational activities in high school.

IV . "Me and Fatherland"

Class level:

5th grade


    Thematic class hours "My Republic",

    Conducting class hours on the topics: "Heroes of the Fatherland"

    Courage Lessons "Heroes are not born - heroes are made"

    Game-competition "Our heroic strength"

    Cool hours on the knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus "Our Motherland - Russia", "Coat of arms, flag, anthem of Russia,"

    "The Constitution of Russia - the Basic Law of the State", "Your rights and obligations

    A single class hour dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day: “You and I are destined to serve Russia”

    Discussion "0 from irresponsibility to crime one step"

    Lessons of Courage: “Guys your peers went into battle”

    1) Conversation - the story "What do you know about the history of the Russian land?".

6th grade

    Thematic class hours "Bashkortostan - native land!",

    Cognitive game program "My home is Russia!"

    "Everyone is equal in this world" - a lesson in tolerance

    Holding a patriotic hour "Courage, Valor, Glory"

    Conducting class hours on the topics: "The memory of the heroes will not go into oblivion", "Bread of War"

    Class hours on knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus "The Constitution of Russia is the Basic Law of the State", the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, "Your rights and obligations

    Defender of the Fatherland Day: "Their names are forever in our memory"

    Lessons of Courage “Defenders of the Fatherland. Who are they?"

    Conversation-acquaintance with the Internet site "President of Russia - citizens of school age"

    Oral journal "Do's and Don'ts"

    Lessons in Courage: "Partisan Lisa Chaikina"

7th grade

    Action "Addresses of care" - identifying people in need of help

    Thematic class hours and radio lines "Reserved land of Bashkortostan".

    Cognitive game program "My home is Russia!"

    "Everyone is equal in this world" - a lesson in tolerance

    Holding a patriotic hour "Courage, Valor, Glory"

    Conducting class hours on the topics: "115th anniversary of the birth of G.K. Zhukov", "Heroes of War", "Day of Military Glory of Russia", "PS Nakhimov", "Battle of Moscow".

    Lessons of Courage “Heroes are not born - heroes become”, “We are proud of the glory of heroes” ....

    Class hours on knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus "The Constitution of Russia is the Basic Law of the State", the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, "Your rights and obligations", the basics of Labor legislation

    A single classroom dedicated to

    Lessons of Courage “Defenders of the Fatherland. Who are they?"

    Legal game "From birth to adulthood", "Quiet, there is a court session"

    Lessons in Courage: "Everyone Has Their Own War Story"

8th grade

    Thematic class hours and radio lines "They glorified Bashkortostan."

    Cognitive game program "My home is Russia!"

    "Everyone is equal in this world" - a lesson in tolerance

    Holding a patriotic hour "Courage, Valor, Glory"

    Conducting class hours on the topics: "Heroes of War", "Day of Military Glory of Russia", "PS Nakhimov", "Battle of Moscow".

    Lessons of Courage “We are proud of the glory of heroes”….

    "Intellectual game" History of the Fatherland: events, people "

    Class hours on the knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus "Symbol Structures", "Constitution on the Rights of the Child", thematic class hours.

    “The Constitution is the law, we all live by it!” - conversation

    A single classroom dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day: "Learn from the heroes to protect the Fatherland!"

    Lessons of Courage “Defenders of the Fatherland. Who are they?"

    Questionnaire "How do you feel about serving in the Army?"

    Discussion "Action creates destiny"

    Lawyer's conversation "Teenager and Law Enforcement: Conflicts and Interaction"

    Lessons in Courage: "Requiem"

School level (school-wide KTD and sports competitions):

    7.8 cells -Promotion"Addresses of care" - identifying people in need of help

    5,6,7,8cl -Action "Autumn week of kindness" (assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor veterans)

    Photo exhibition"My land is Bashkortostan","The nature of native Bashkiria"

    Exhibition of drawings "My Motherland", "Native land".

    Competition for young readers based on the works of writers and poets of the Republic of Bashkortostan (5th - 6th grade);

    Thematic book exhibitions in libraries “I am proud of you! I love you and praise you!”, “My Bashkiria, my earthly paradise!”.

    Video Contest “Youth Bashkortostan for a healthy lifestyle.

    Sports and entertainment program for the Day of National Unity "If your land is dear to you"

    Exhibition of folk art products "Heritage - to keep!"

    Meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War and local wars.

    Competition of drawings and posters "I draw my rights" "State symbols", "The country in which I live","Constitution: history and modernity".

    Campaign “I am a citizen! And you?” - an entertainment program and assistance to children with disabilities, orphans and needy children.

    Sport competitions:

- "One in the field is not a warrior"

- "Tournament of heroes"

    Ski trip "To you, soldier, I dedicate ..."

    Military sports game "Come on, boys"

    Competition of drawings and posters on the theme "We are the future defenders of the Fatherland", "Our Army is dear"

    Greeting Card Contest

    Competition of projects "Your version of the Declaration of Human Rights"

    Drawing Competition The Convention on the Rights of the Child in Pictures

    St. George Ribbon campaign, Week of Kindness (house cleaning, landscaping near the place of residence of veterans of the Great Patriotic War), Phyto-bar for veterans, Postcard from a good heart

    Grade 5 - Exhibition "Museum of Bad Habits". Exhibits of children's pranks are exhibited in the hall with a full commentary of guides about the exhibits. It can be a hall of wax figures, performing arts, an art gallery "children's injuries", an exhibition of life-threatening objects, etc.

    Grade 6 - KTD "Mirror". Reflect in each class speech the negative that happens within the class, and how to get rid of everything bad that arises in relationships that lead to conflicts: insults, nicknames, damage to a classmate's property, fights, etc.

    Competition of creative works "Human rights - through the eyes of a child".

    Grade 7 - The game "Connoisseurs are investigating." A crime is invented that can be committed in our school. Participants unravel this crime.

    Grade 8 - The game "Understand me." Game on knowledge of legal terminology.

    Tournament of experts in law "We are for a decent life"

Parent team level (parent meetings):

School-wide parent meetings: "The right to education", Responsibility of parents for the fate of children"

5th grade, "Children's pranks and the law." What problems arise in the family when a child violates the law. How should parents act in such cases, and what assistance should be provided to their own child.

6th grade. "A child learns what he sees in his home." Talk about physical violence against a person, that often the family and internal relationships in it become the impetus for the child's rude behavior.

7th grade. "Everything starts simple." Educate parents about the consequences that a family may face if a child steals. How you need to build your relationship with the child, and what rules should exist in the family so that the child cannot take someone else's.

8th grade. "I am an eyewitness." Talk about honesty and openness of a person. About how he should act when a crime is committed before his eyes, and what he should teach his child.


    Bykov A. Organizational and pedagogical issues of patriotic education // Education of schoolchildren. 2006, No. 5. pp. 4-7.

    Zhiryakova A.A. Recommendations for class teacher planning // Class teacher. 2000, No. 5. pp. 24-26.

    Zhiryakova A.A. "Sons of the Fatherland" - a school targeted comprehensive educational program // Classroom teacher. 2000, No. 7. pp. 11-19.

    Kuznetsova L., Prokhorova O. Civil formation of the younger generationXXIcentury // Education of schoolchildren. 2006, No. 5. pp. 7-10.

    Larchenkova Z.A. Target educational programs // Class teacher. 2003, No. 5. pp. 33-43.

    Likhachev D.S. Native land. - M., 1983.

    Methodological recommendations on improving the functions of the class teacher by pedagogical workers of state educational institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal educational institutions // Education of schoolchildren. 2006, No. 6. pp. 2-5.

    Mikryukov V. Patriotism: to the definition of the concept // Education of schoolchildren. 2007, No. 5. pp. 2-8.

    Moiseenko I.V. Planning the work of the class teacher on moral education in grades 5-9. //Classroom teacher. 2004, No. 7. pp. 38-43.

    On the state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010" // Education of schoolchildren. 2006, "6. pp. 2-7.

    Tabakova T.G., Kovaleva V.A., Bezzubtseva L.V. Planning work on civil self-determination of the younger generation // Class teacher. 2003, No. 5. S. 64.

    Filonov G. Citizenship in the self-consciousness of the individual // Education of schoolchildren. 2004, No. 6, S. 2-5.

    Yastrebova A.P. The program of educational activities of the class teacher // Class teacher. 2001, No. 6 S. 19-29.

"I approve"

Director of MAOU Vidnovskaya secondary school No. 9

________________________ G.Kh. Konstantinov

"____13___" _____ January _____ 2014


civic-patriotic education

for 2014 - 2018

The program was developed by:

Konstantinova G.Kh., Director

Morozova S.N., Deputy director of BP

1. Program passport

Sections of the program passport

1. Program name

The program of patriotic education of the Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution of the Vidnovskaya Secondary School No. 9 of the Leninsky District of the Moscow Region

"Education of a Patriot of the Fatherland"

for 2014 - 2018

2. Terms of implementation

Stage I: design

Target: preparation of conditions for the creation of a system of civil-patriotic education.


    study the regulatory framework, by-laws.

    develop, discuss and approve a program for civic-patriotic education.

    analyze the material and technical, pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the program.

    select diagnostic methods in the main areas of the program.

Stage II: practical

Target: implementation of the program for civil and patriotic education "Heirs of the Victory"


    work out the content of the activity, the most effective forms and methods of educational influence;

    expand and strengthen ties and relations of institutions of additional education for children and culture, sports schools of the district;

    involve representatives of all subjects of educational activity in the system of civil-patriotic education;

    monitor the implementation of the program;

    take part in competitions on civil and patriotic education.

III stage: analytical

Target: analysis of the results of the program implementation;


    summarize the results of the work of the institution;

    to correct the difficulties in the implementation of the program;

  • plan for the next period.

3. Basis for creating the program

  • Convention on the Rights of the Child;
  • Declaration of the Rights of the Child;
  • the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Law of the Russian Federation "On Education";
  • The concept of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011 - 2015";
  • Development program of MAOU secondary school No. 9;
  • Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2005 No. 03-1230 “On the organization of work in educational institutions for the study and use of state symbols of Russia”;

    Program Passport

    Explanatory note

    target block

    Program Implementation Mechanism

    Diagnostics of the effectiveness of the content of activities

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of the program implementation. predictive result


5. Customer of the program

    Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution Vidnovskaya Secondary School No. 9

    Parents of students of MAOU secondary school No. 9

6. Annotation of the program

Program of civil - patriotic education "Education of a Patriot of the Fatherland" for 2014 - 2018 is compiled taking into account the specific conditions of the school, the characteristics of the student team, the age and individual characteristics of the children. The program is designed for elementary, middle and high school students.

The program makes it possible to combine various types of children's activities: cognitive, labor, local history, search, aimed at the assimilation by schoolchildren of patriotic, civil, moral concepts and norms of behavior, at acquiring skills and abilities.

The program is based on the realization of various children's interests, the creative potential of schoolchildren, the development in each child of the desire to become better, to know more, to overcome oneself when faced with difficulties; for the cooperation of children, peers of different ages and adults in the preparation of socially useful deeds.

The program creates conditions for the development of creative, individual abilities and the growth of the child's personality.

7. Estimated result

end result The functioning of the system of patriotic education should be the spiritual and cultural uplift of students, a high civic position, the patriotic consciousness of students themselves as Russians who determine the future of Russia:

    in the field of knowledge development of intellectual potential, creative forces;

    in historical - local lore - awareness of responsibility for the fate of one's region, country, the formation of pride for involvement in the deeds of previous generations;

    in social - the ability to self-realization in the space of the Russian state, the formation of an active life position; knowledge and observance of the norms of the rule of law;

    in the spiritual and moral sphere - awareness by students of higher values, ideals, guidelines, the ability to be guided by them in practical activities.

2. Explanatory note

The program of civil and patriotic education "Education of a Patriot of the Fatherland" was developed in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation and the state program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011 - 2015", district target program.

The program determines the content, the main ways of development of civil and patriotic education in the municipal autonomous educational institution secondary school No. 9 and is aimed at fostering patriotism and the formation of citizenship.

The program is a certain system of content, forms, methods and techniques of pedagogical influences.

The program of civic-patriotic education is of great importance for solving a number of educational and social problems.

The relevance of the problem of patriotic education of children and youth is obvious today.

New ideological attitudes lead to a change in the modern school. These changes require a new approach in the formation of the patriotic and civic consciousness of students. A developing society needs not only modernly educated, moral, entrepreneurial people who can independently make decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences, ways of cooperation that are distinguished by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, but also passionately loving their Motherland, their native land, capable of defend the Motherland. Pedagogical values, analysis of materials (regulatory documents, questionnaires of children, teachers, parents) allow us to determine the image of the student: our graduate is a citizen of Russia, capable of effectively adapting, freely self-determine and self-realize in the cultural and social space based on the existing system of value orientations and moral positions based on both national and universal values.

Therefore, civil-patriotic education contributes to the formation and development of a person who has the qualities of a citizen and patriot of his country.

3. Target block

Program goal:

creation of conditions for the development of high social activity, civic responsibility, spirituality, the formation of real citizens of Russia, possessing positive values ​​and qualities, capable of manifesting them in the creative process in the interests of the Fatherland, ensuring its vital interests and sustainable development.

Program objectives:

    to form a conscious attitude to the Fatherland, its past, present and future on the basis of historical values ​​and the role of Russia in the destinies of the world;

    develop citizenship and national self-awareness of students;

    create conditions for each student to realize their own civic position through the activities of student self-government bodies;

    to develop and deepen knowledge about the history and culture of the native land.

    to form in students a sense of pride in the heroic past of their homeland;

    physical development of students, to form their needs for a healthy lifestyle

    methodological support for the functioning of the system of civil and patriotic education

    to intensify the work of the teaching staff on civic and patriotic education

    to educate students in readiness to defend the Fatherland, actions in extreme situations.

In primary general education The teaching staff of the elementary school is called upon to:

    lay down basic moral values, norms of behavior;

    to cultivate a sense of loyalty to one's Fatherland through love for one's family and one's own home;

    help students gain experience in communication and cooperation;

    to form the first creative skills based on positive motivation for learning;

In basic general education, representing the continuation of the formation of the cognitive interests of students and their self-educational skills, the teaching staff of the basic school strives to:

    continue to form a system of values ​​and attitudes of behavior of a teenager;

    to cultivate a sense of loyalty to one's Fatherland through love for one's native city, the people living in it;

    lay the foundation for the general educational preparation of schoolchildren, necessary for continuing education and choosing their own direction of professional training, taking into account their own abilities and capabilities;

    create conditions for self-expression of students in various types of cognitive and creative activities.

Upbringing on secondary general education education, focused on the continuation of the development of self-educational skills and especially the skills of self-organization and self-education, predetermined the need for the teaching staff of the complete secondary school to solve the following tasks:

    to cultivate a sense of loyalty to one's Fatherland through a civic position, socio-political orientation;

    to continue the previously begun moral, spiritual, physical development of graduates, the full disclosure and development of their abilities;

    to form their psychological and intellectual readiness for professional and personal self-determination;

    ensure the development of theoretical thinking, a high level of general cultural development.


    systematic - organized approach; involves the coordinated, purposeful work of all public structures for the patriotic education of schoolchildren;

    targeted approach; involves the use of special forms and methods of patriotic work, taking into account the age, social, cultural and other characteristics of students;

    approach of "activity and offensiveness"; provides for perseverance and reasonable initiative in transforming the worldview of schoolchildren and their value orientations, oriented towards the national interests of Russia;

    universality the main directions of patriotic education, involving a holistic and integrated approach using the experience of past generations, national traditions in everyday life and family relations, study and approaches to work, creative methods

    taking into account regional conditions in the promotion of patriotic ideas and values, which means the promotion of the ideas and values ​​of local patriotism, characterized by affection, love for the native land, village, street, school.

4. Program implementation mechanism

4. 1. System of program activities

Improving the regulatory legal framework:

    development and implementation of an action plan for the program "Education of a Patriot of the Fatherland";

    the creation of a school patriotic detachment "Thunder";

    development of regulations on reviews and competitions.

Development of scientific, theoretical and methodological foundations of patriotic education:

study and generalization of best practices in the field of patriotic education for its implementation in the practice of patriotic work.

Pedagogical technologies:

    Design and research activities

    Collective - creative work

    Activity approach in education

    Cooperation Pedagogy

    Problem learning technology

Forms of interaction between teachers and students within the framework of the program

Improving the process of patriotic education

The system of measures to improve patriotic education provides for:

    continuation and expansion of work on patriotic education at all levels;

    determination of priority areas of work on patriotic education;

    improvement of the content of patriotic education;

    development of forms and methods of patriotic education based on new information technologies;

    strengthening the patriotic orientation in the courses of the humanities;

    fostering pride in the Russian state, native land;

    perpetuating the memory of soldiers who died defending the Fatherland, who fulfilled their international duty in the territories of other countries;

    educating young people to be ready for worthy and selfless service to society and the state, to fulfill their duties to protect the Fatherland;

    ensuring the interaction of local self-government bodies of the district in the work on patriotic education;

    improving the quality of functioning of both individual elements of the system of patriotic education, and the entire system as a whole;

    improvement of the system for managing the process of patriotic education in the region;

Main areas of work

Learning activities

Patriotic education of students is carried out, first of all, in the educational process. The skillful use of general education subjects for the purpose of patriotic education serves as one of the means in comprehending the following concepts: patriotism, Fatherland, Motherland, memory, internationalism, courage, courage, heroism, courage, self-sacrifice, citizenship, the Constitution of the state, etc.

Work on concepts begins in the lower grades, and then continues in the courses of the history of Russia and social science. The study of history makes it possible to educate students on the heroic examples of past generations of Alexander Nevsky, D. Pozharsky, K. Minin, A. Suvorov, M. Kutuzov, G. Zhukov, defenders of the Brest Fortress, Heroes of war and labor, sports, conquerors of virgin lands and builders of BAM and others

Mastering historical knowledge is inextricably linked with the further development and strengthening of patriotic feelings.

At the lessons of literature, the moral ideals of young people are formed on the examples of goodies, works of art, a living connection is established between the distant past and the present, a sense of pride in our Motherland and its people is brought up.

In the process of studying the basics of physics, biology, geography, mathematics, students form a dialectical understanding of the development of nature, students get acquainted with the application of the laws of physics, chemistry, biology in military affairs, the impact of the scientific and technological revolution on the development of military equipment, solve problems, the content of which reflects military theme.

A promising direction in teaching students the basics of military service is the use of personal computers in the educational process. In computer science classes, it is possible to use special training programs that allow students to develop such qualities necessary for a future soldier, such as quick reaction, skills in working with complex military equipment. In addition, in computer science project activities, it is advisable to involve students in the creation of presentations, sites on military-patriotic topics.

At the lessons, students get acquainted with the history of their small Motherland, its traditions and heroic past.

At present, the following topics are being studied in the classes on the section "Fundamentals of Military Service" of the course "Fundamentals of Life Safety" with high school students:

    Civil defense is an integral part of the country's defense capability;

    Armed Forces of Russia;

    Combat traditions of the Armed Forces of the country;

    Symbols of military honor;

    Basics of military service;

    A soldier is a defender of his Fatherland.

In addition, at the end of the school year, it remains expedient to conduct training sessions with students, boys of grade 10, on the basics of military service.

Much attention in military-patriotic education must be given to physical education classes. It is in these classes that the qualities necessary for the future defender of the Motherland are formed: strength, speed, flexibility, dexterity, endurance, coordination and accuracy of movement.

The main result is a patriotic graduate, a reliable future defender of the Motherland.

Extracurricular activities

Of great importance is the correct choice of the most effective forms and methods of patriotic work outside school hours. This choice must be made taking into account the interests of students, the qualifications of leaders, the state of the educational and material base, the availability of organizations and institutions that can provide the necessary assistance.

Forms of extracurricular activities:

    themed class hours;

    meetings with representatives of legal structures, law enforcement agencies;

    visiting military units, museums of military and labor glory;

    meetings with war and labor veterans, Afghan soldiers, participants in the Chechen events, soldiers and conscripts;

    interactive games, debates, discussions on patriotic - legal topics;

    contests, quizzes, conferences on this topic;

    celebration of the Days of military glory;

    Timur's work;

    lessons of courage, military sports game "Zarnitsa";

    rallies, literary and musical performances, concerts

to significant dates;

    participation in the work of the school museum;

    subject weeks;

    a month of military-patriotic education;

    display and discussion of popular science, documentary and feature films on military-historical topics;

    physical culture and health competitions;

    search operations;

    hikes and excursions around the native land.

extracurricular activities

Extra-curricular activities are carried out through interaction with public structures with the inclusion of innovative forms of work: project activities using ICT.

Organization of educational work

Working with parents

Among the many conditions and factors influencing the development and upbringing of students, the family is rightfully the leading one. It lays the foundations of personality. Only a stable, prosperous family, where the continuity of generations is preserved, respect for each other reigns, can bring up a highly moral person, a true patriot of his country. An example of patriotism is the life and deed of fathers and grandfathers, veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Therefore, success in patriotic education depends on the ability of teachers to work with parents. The work of a teacher with parents is impossible without their active involvement in the educational process, in the organization and holding of various events. Diagnosis shows that there are no parents who are indifferent to the fate of their children. Parents want their child to be recognized not only in the family circle, but also in society, and this is impossible without such qualities as responsibility, citizenship, patriotism, love, respect for their Fatherland and its traditions. Productivity, interaction between teachers and parents, to a certain extent, is due to the optimal choice of techniques, methods and forms of work

Forms of work:

    drawing up a pedigree "We write the pedigree of our family";

    sports competitions "Dad, mom, I - a sports family";

    collecting materials, recording the memories of relatives about the Great Patriotic War;

    "Peek into the family album";

    round table meetings “How young we were…”;

    parent meeting “Is it necessary to educate patriotism in a child”;

    conference "Glory to the Defenders of the Fatherland", dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland;

    holding joint games “Come on, guys!”, “Come on, boys!”;

    meeting with parents - the military "There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland."

The program includes the following areas:

Target: awareness by students of the family as the most important life value.


1. To cultivate a culture of family relations, positive family values, a sense of pride and responsibility for one's family;

2. To improve the pedagogical and psychological competence of parents;

3. Create conditions for the participation of parents in the educational process.

Forms: conversations , parent meetings, parent lectures, individual counseling, joint events, games, questionnaires, family holidays, communication hours.

Target: education in students of love for their native city as for their small homeland.


1. Study the history of the native land;

2. To instill in students the position "I am a citizen";

3. Form responsibility for the development and fate of their native land.

Forms: thematic conversations, collective creative affairs, competitions, quizzes on legal topics, holidays for the Days of Military Glory, an oral journal, meetings with interesting people, actions, disputes.

Target: students' awareness of the value of involvement in the fate of the Moscow region, its past, present, future.


1. Raise pride in their homeland, folk heroes;

2. Preserve the historical memory of generations in the memory of the younger generation;

3. To promote the formation of a sense of belonging to the history and responsibility for the future of the country among students.

4. Improving the system of educational work in the classroom.

Forms: thematic talks, subject weeks, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, internationalist soldiers, competitions, visits to museums, holidays dedicated to memorable dates.

Target: the formation of a civil and legal orientation of the individual, an active life position.


1. To educate legal awareness, the ability to realize their rights and the rights of another person;

2. Form a culture of manifestation of citizenship;

3. To form in students a system of knowledge, respect and interest in the state symbols of Russia.

Forms: thematic conversations, collective creative affairs, competitions, quizzes on legal topics, an oral magazine, meetings with interesting people, actions, disputes.

All these areas are interconnected and complement each other. The complex of program activities provides for their implementation through:

    Regional component with consideration of civil subjects.

    The system of thematic conversations, creative meetings and extra-curricular educational activities.

    Participation in thematic competitions, exhibitions.

    Active cooperation with society and public organizations.

Interaction of school public structures

within the program

Interaction with the surrounding society within the framework of the program

Information support in the field of patriotic education:

The system of measures for information support in the field of patriotic education provides for:

    creation of conditions for wider participation of the mass media of student self-government (the school newspaper "Devyatochka") in the promotion of patriotism;

    support and promotion of the expansion of patriotic themes in the media;

    expanding the information space through the school website

Improving the material and technical base of institutions involved in the work of a patriotic orientation:

The system of measures to improve the material and technical base of institutions engaged in patriotic work provides for:

    development of the material and technical base of the school museum;

    updating and replenishment of expositions and exhibits of the school museum.

4. 2. The content of the management of the system of patriotic education

At school:

    analysis, evaluation, forecasting and modeling of the state of the process of patriotic education at school, taking into account the trends of social development;

    definition and setting of current and future tasks of educational activities;

    science-based planning of patriotic education; selection, training of personnel;

    monitoring the state and effectiveness of educational work and systematic informing about the progress in the implementation of the tasks of patriotic education;

    timely adjustment of the system of educational influences;

    scientific organization of work of class teachers and providing them with progressive methods and technologies of educational work.

4. 3. Phased content of the program implementation

Creation activities

patriotic education systems



Stage I (design)

1. Creation and programming of the work of the creative team

administration, teachers, students

2. Discussion and approval of the program at the pedagogical council

administration, teachers

3. The study of scientific and methodological literature

administration, teachers

January - May

4. Definition of conceptual provisions for studying the effectiveness of the educational process


5. Organization of the work of the seminar on the theory and practice of patriotic education


6. Designing a graduate personality model

7. Scientific and practical conference of class teachers "Education of a citizen, patriot: experience and problems"

administration, cl. leaders

8. Personnel support for the implementation of the program for the patriotic education of schoolchildren


Aug. Sept

Stage II (practical)

1. Creation of personal development monitoring

administration, teachers

2. Updating the content of education and methods of educational activities to ensure the development of the student's personality

administration, teachers

3. Annual study of the effectiveness of the program

Deputy Director for BP

4. Holding holidays, seminars, exhibitions, meetings, competitions, festivals on the basis of the school

administration, teachers, students

5. Generalization of pedagogical experience in the patriotic education of schoolchildren

administration, leaders

6. Discussion at teachers' councils of problems related to updating the content of education of students

administration, teachers

2015, 2017

7. Implementation of the program "Education of a Patriot of the Fatherland"

administration, cl. leaders

8. Organization of search work to collect materials about graduates of school No. 9, fighters of "hot spots"

administration, cl. leaders,


9. Formation of the civic-patriotic position of students through the system of traditional cases:

    excursions around the native land and cities of Russia;

    festival of civil-patriotic songs;

    exhibitions of drawings "My land", "Army and military profession through the eyes of children"; "War through the Eyes of Children", etc.

    holidays "Knowledge Day", "Defender of the Fatherland Day", "Salute, Victory", "Last Bell"

    game "Zarnitsa", etc.

administration, cl. leaders

Stage III (analytical)

1. Creation of a bank of innovative technologies for patriotic education and training of schoolchildren.

administration, teachers

2. Generalization of the experience of effective forms of cooperation of all subjects of the educational community in the framework of patriotic education

administration, leaders of the Ministry of Defense, teachers

3. Preparation of diagnostic and analytical materials on the results of the program implementation

administration, teachers

4. Designing promising ways and means of further development of OS


5. Characteristics of the main resources for the implementation of the program


The school teacher is a creative researcher who owns the methods of individual and differentiated learning, solves the problems of developmental learning, and participates in the development of integrated lessons. He is also an educator, as he is able to draw up a program for the spiritual growth of the child, help in the development of the individuality of each, owns a culture of communication and creates humanistic relations with students.
The program coordinator is the deputy director for educational work, supervises the work of the Grom patriotic detachment, Timurov and search work, and the activities of the Devyatochka school publishing house.

Program co-executors:

    teachers-organizers of the school;

    social educator, supervises work on organizing meetings with interesting people;

    teaching staff of the school;

    veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor;



The material and technical base allows creating the conditions necessary for the implementation of this program:

    study rooms,

    computer classes,


    2 sports halls,


    specially equipped and designed OBZh office;

    computer equipment and TCO, multimedia projectors;



Information and analytical:

    organization of exhibitions on the problems of patriotic education in the school library;

    registration of a database of articles of the periodical press on the problems of the program;

    organization of information stands;

    edition of the school newspaper "Nine".

6. Diagnostics of the effectiveness of the content of activities

    availability of a plan of educational work in this area;

    a system for monitoring the results of education (the use of pedagogical diagnostics);

    participation in creative work on the problems of patriotic education;

    objective statistics:

    • participation (results) of school students in school, municipal, regional competitions and projects on civil-patriotic education

7. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the program implementation.

predictive result

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the Program is carried out on the basis of a system of objective criteria that determine the spiritual, moral and quantitative parameters.

Spiritual and moral parameters:

    preservation and development of a sense of pride in their Fatherland and the history of their native land;

    formation of positions of the citizen-patriot of Russia;

    striving for physical perfection and a healthy lifestyle;

    readiness to defend the Fatherland;

    humanistic attitude to the environment.

Quantitative parameters:

    "Timurovtsy" (number, number of children, veterans);

    patriotic detachment "Thunder";

    school museum;

    volunteer movement (number of students);

    historical and patriotic stands and exhibitions;

    speeches and conversations on a patriotic theme;

    participation in events and actions for work with veterans;

    patronage of monuments and burial places of war veterans;

    holding festivals, competitions on patriotic themes;

    organization of military sports games and tourist and local history

    design of school newspapers, patriotic newsletters.

The effectiveness of the implementation of the Program is measured by the desire of schoolchildren to fulfill civic-patriotic duty in all its diversity, their ability and desire to combine public and personal interests, a real contribution to the prosperity of the Fatherland.

8. References

    Karakovsky V.A. Patriotic education at school. M. 2004.

    Educational system of mass school. Problems and searches. Under the editorship of N.L. Selivanova. M. 2005.

    Rukhlenko N.M. Patriotic education of students. G. "The practice of administrative work at school." 2004 #1

    Bogdanova I.A., Davydova M.A. We are patriots! Class hours and extracurricular activities. 1-11 grades. M., "Wako", 2006



MAOU secondary school №9

for the implementation of the program of civil and patriotic education "Education of the Patriot of the Fatherland"

for 2014 - 2018

Name of events



Development of activities aimed at patriotic education at school hours

Conducting lessons in the school library, in the district library, school and district museums


Librarian, history teacher leaders

Conducting integrated lessons of history, life safety, literature and fine arts on patriotic topics


Teachers of history, literature, fine arts

Subject weeks of history, literature, life safety, physical education


Teachers of history, literature, life safety, physical education

Conducting competitions for the best essay, essay, story, poem


History, literature teacher

Extracurricular activities as a condition for the education of patriotism among schoolchildren

Holding mass school events

Events dedicated to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War


Deputy Director for BP

Events dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day


Deputy Director for BP

Events dedicated to warriors - internationalists


A history teacher

Organization of meetings of schoolchildren with former military personnel


Cl. leaders

Creation of exhibition expositions: "They fought for the Motherland", "Nothing is forgotten, no one is forgotten"


Deputy director for VR, history teacher

Conducting song and formation reviews


Physical education teachers

Involving parents in school-wide events


Deputy Director for BP

Carrying out the operation "Care":

    congratulations to war and labor veterans;

    Timur's work.


Deputy Director for BP

Meeting with war veterans and home front heroes


Deputy Director for VR, Council of Veterans

Participation in the district game "Zarnitsa"


Cl. managers, physical education teachers

Shares of memory


Council of High School Students

Class hours, conversations, lectures, matinees, holidays on military-patriotic themes.


Classroom teachers

Physical culture and health-improving and military-sports activities

Participation in the district sports day of pre-conscription youth


Physical education teacher

Celebration of Health Day


Physical education teacher

Competitions in mini-football, volleyball, basketball


Physical education teacher

Championship in athletics


Physical education teacher

Participation in regional competitions


Physical education teacher

local history

Events dedicated to the day of the city, the liberation of the Moscow region


Deputy Director for BP

Conducting thematic class hours "Honorary Citizens of the District"


Classroom teachers

Meeting interesting people


Deputy Director for BP

Conducting competitions of essays, drawings, quizzes on the topics "My family tree", "Native land"


Teachers of Russian language and literature

Organization of trips around the native land


Classroom teachers

Creation of albums about the native land


Classroom teachers

Methodological support

Creation of a video fund, DVD, for class hours


Deputy Director for BP

Creation of CD and audio fund


Computer science teachers

Organization of subscriptions to periodicals



Development of scenarios for traditional school holidays


Deputy Director for BP

Development of provisions for various sports competitions


Deputy Director for BP

Media coverage of the school experience


School newspaper editor

Coverage of the results of events in visual campaigning


Responsible for the event


Deputy Director for BP