Calculate the approximate gestational age. Due Date Calculator

The long-awaited pregnancy has come, and you really want to know when will you see your baby? To calculate the gestational age and the expected day of birth, you only need to know one date: the day of the start of the last menstrual period. It is according to her that the gynecologist will calculate the gestational age, when you come to the clinic to register.

Calculate pregnancy term online

Only a few women can accurately name the date of conception of a child in order to accurately calculate the real term of pregnancy. And even in this case, the birth of a new life may occur on another day, when the future parents do not know about it. At the same time, almost every woman remembers the date of the last menstruation, which is why it is her obstetricians who take it as a starting point. Theoretically, ovulation - the period when the egg is ready for fertilization - occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, there is a difference of approximately two weeks between the actual age of the fetus and the obstetric gestational age (which begins on the first day of the last menstruation).

So, in order to calculate your pregnancy period online, you need to remember when your last period began. Two weeks are added to this day: it is during this period that the egg fully matures - and fertilization can occur. Then you can calculate the estimated date of birth in two ways: first, when forty weeks are added to the date of the first day of the last menstruation. The second - from the day when conception could occur, three months are subtracted and seven days are added to it.

But if you don't like messing around with calculations, an interactive pregnancy calculator will do it for you. Enter your details (the date of the first day of the last menstruation) - and within a second you will receive the result of pregnancy in weeks and days.

Calculate pregnancy by date of conception

This calculator can also be used to calculate the gestational age by the day of conception if you are confident in the accuracy of this date. In this case, you will find out the actual (gestational) gestational age, which will correspond to the age of the fetus. The obstetric period that the doctor will set you on the first day of your last menstrual period will differ from it by about two weeks (that is, it will be more gestational).

Using our calculator to calculate the pregnancy period by week, you can also find out the approximate due date and start preparing for them in advance: find a comfortable maternity hospital and a good doctor, study breathing techniques during childbirth, choose a comfortable posture for childbirth, think about partner childbirth, arrange nursery and stock up on everything you need to care for the newborn.

Pregnancy calendars

Calculate your pregnancy calendar by week. Each week of your pregnancy from 1 to 40 weeks with details.

Indicate the first day of your last period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2018 2019 !}

Pregnancy is an amazing and exciting period in a woman's life. In just 40 weeks, a whole organism is formed from one cell, capable of living in the surrounding conditions. A person never develops at such a fast pace again as in the prenatal period. Every day the appearance of the fetus changes, new organs and new abilities appear. The appearance and well-being of a woman are also rapidly changing - even last month her “interesting position” was not noticed by anyone, and today a nice round tummy has already appeared. During gestation, you need to do a lot - you will have to go through more than one medical examination, pass several tests, revise your menu and sleep patterns, change habits and update your wardrobe. It is better to prepare for all changes in life in advance and especially so that you are aware of all the upcoming surprises, we have prepared a detailed weekly pregnancy calendar.

Where does the confusion come from in two weeks?

Doctors in antenatal clinics traditionally count the gestational age from the first day of the last menstrual period, despite the fact that conception occurs, according to such calculations, only in the third week of pregnancy. Our interactive calendar is built in the same way - this is the so-called obstetric pregnancy calendar. There is another, much less commonly used, method of calculating the timing of pregnancy, when the day of conception is taken as the starting point. The resulting calendar, it would be correct to call the calendar of the development of the fetus. Sometimes this method is displayed in the conclusions of obstetric ultrasound, where it is possible, with an accuracy of one day, to establish the life expectancy of the fetus, especially in the first trimester. Typically, the fetal development calendar is about 2 weeks behind the obstetric pregnancy calendar.

It is most logical to schedule the pregnancy by week - so you will have a better idea of ​​how your baby is growing and what processes pregnancy causes in your own body. By studying the pregnancy calendar by week, you will find timely advice on how to choose clothes for pregnant women, how to avoid toxicosis, how to eat right during pregnancy. Accordingly, the size of the fetus and its new skills are given each week - you will be surprised at how much it already has, when even the tummy is not yet visible to others!

In order to automatically calculate the pregnancy calendar, you can use the calculator on the website. It is enough to indicate the date of the first day of your last period, and you will receive a calendar of your own pregnancy by week. Perhaps this should be interesting for a pregnant woman - every week to learn about how her baby's life is going, but you should not take the given terms literally. Keep in mind that the duration of pregnancy, as well as the rate of development of the fetus, is always individual and may differ slightly from the data provided by the interactive pregnancy calendar. The following pattern is characteristic - the longer the duration of the menstrual cycle, the longer the pregnancy lasts.

Questions to the article

Gram? Weight before pregnancy 80 kg, now 82.700. And seven weeks ago it was ...

They said. And now I wonder))) which one? ...

The estimated date was 7/4/17. But I still haven't given birth and nothing ...

Cough, no fever. I am treated with chamomile, milk and honey, my nose is nothing ...

4 times a day. And at 10 pm I can eat. This is fine? I have 10 ...

Obstetric week, I did it in Moscow, they appointed a divigel and ...

The fetus. This is fine. Sometimes there are imperceptible tremors. I have...

I did 3 tests, all 3 showed a weak second strip, the next ...

Reading 100102 .... this is normal that I am very worried, tell me ...

Date of conception - 03/15/2017 HCG 04/06/2017 - 6145.2 mIU / ml. Moreover, in less than 48 ...

Free, the result of 2.0 ng / ml is pregnancy ??? ...

Which is 6 weeks old, but shows how much more. And the ultrasound showed 4 weeks. Maybe...

1 day delay the day before the start of menstruation watched the test showed ...

Ml. Ultrasound on January 11, 2017 did not show anything. Please tell me this ...

The doctors and the ultrasound scan were fine, but for the last three days I started to get sick ...

Received Belarus. On cancellation, menstruation came in the first cycle (33 days ...

Could it affect the baby? and can my gynecologist prescribe ...

11/30/16 on hCG - the result is 1062.2. What does it mean? ...

Placental abruption 20mm by 4mm. Zistka said nothing, it will grow. And ...

2x five days)? 14 DPP - 1290 Me / L, 19 DPP - 6149 Me / L? The Uzi has just ...

Pain began in the pubic bone area when walking and when ...

The second one is already bright. And in the evening, smearing spotting a little ...

September, in October they are not) What week do I have? How to calculate? ...

A week. Last monthly 12.09.16 ctcl 30 days. The gynecologist says ...

The last menstruation was 04/27/4/05. May 5th was protected sex ...

I read you in the article that it could be a fetus with down syndrome ...

Syphilis recently surrendered by her husband: anti-Treponema pallidum Ig M negative, ...

The condom broke, can there be a chance of pregnancy? ...

Rev. KP.) (Reference values ​​1,1 are positive. What does this mean? ...

Be monthly. Did tests 28, 30 and so on. All negative. By 8 ...

For weeks they found a cat at home and he is constantly at home on the street ...

Sometimes a little 3-4 times a day is it normal pregnancy 16 weeks? ...

Menstruation was noted not expressed pain in the lower abdomen, now ...

My throat ached, followed by a stuffy nose, not big snot, isn't it dangerous ...

1.00-5.00 and immature granulocytes 0.3% reference. interval 0.0-0.2. What is it ...

Vozmojno chto ya beremenna? I esli da, to kakoy srok? Pojalusta otvette esli mojno? ...

Menstruation 07/19/20015. Thank you!...

Placental abruption. If I understand correctly, the embryo receives less ...

The previous children also had a tone and the doctor constantly scares me ...

(there 16 years are missing) PERSONAL PREGNANCY CALENDAR FOR ...

Weeks! A small runny nose, sore throat and weakness! isn't it like this ...

The lower abdomen is like during PMS, there is no bloody discharge, is it dangerous ...

11/28/15 hCG showed 11564, which corresponds to 4 weeks of pregnancy, ...

At 6-7 weeks there was a threat of miscarriage, with a second pregnancy it can ...

Years, the cycle was about 34-35 days, but not exactly. pregnancy on ...

The test showed that she was pregnant. but I don't remember the date of the last ...

Consider that, according to calculations, I should have gained at least 5kg ...

Regular. The delay is now 7 days. Negative tests On the 16th day of the cycle ...

Accounting for pregnancy with a weight of 76.4 kg (period of 5-6 weeks). Then I sharply ...

Menya.vozmojno beremennost v etom mesyace? I chto mojno zdelat zaranee chtob eto ne sluchilos? ...

The onset of menstruation was 09/02/15, in fact, conception occurred from 3 to 5 ...

They arrived with a delay of 2-3 days, the end in my opinion is 7.05 or 8.05. Sexual intercourse at ...

The fact that the gynecologist did not listen to me attentively. The fact is that...

The front wall of the uterus was injected with progesterone and papaverine all ...

Suffice and accept how miri? Date of last months 01.07.12 ....



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For many women, the feeling of an impending or already begun pregnancy occurs before the test shows two stripes - that is, even before the actual delay. Scientists cannot yet provide an explanation for these correct premonitions, but the concept of the Early Pregnancy Factor has already been introduced into the scientific lexicon, which describes the chemical reactions of the mother's body in response to a completed conception after only a few hours. Currently, there are already tests for the detection of the Early Factor hormone in the female body, but due to the significantly expensive cost, these tests are not produced on an industrial scale.

On average, childbirth occurs 10 obstetric months (280 days) after pregnancy, when the baby is ripe for birth. However, it should be noted that 280 days is a conditional number of days of bearing a child. All female organisms are different, and all babies mature differently in their mother's tummy. Someone will need 280 days, while others will be "ready" in 240 days. Only 2% of newborns are born on a precisely calculated day. Most of the kids are two weeks earlier, or a few days later than the appointed time. The duration of pregnancy and childbirth is calculated based on the date of the start of the last menstrual period.

If we take into account all the changes that occur with the baby almost every day during pregnancy, and especially the first trimester, then in general these processes can be compared in importance and complexity, in depth with the birth of a new universe. Every day of a little crumbs inside you is not just a step, it is a huge leap forward, a breakthrough. The birth of a new life, despite the scale of its accomplishments, does not require any external efforts for itself .. everything happens under the cover of secrecy. After all, the woman herself learns that conception has occurred only after some time. Thanks to modern technology, scientists have managed to learn a little about the great mystery of birth - that where EVERYTHING begins. Enter your data and flip through the pages of the calendar of the development of human life throughout pregnancy. Believe me, amazing discoveries await you!


Why should a pregnant woman and a doctor know what stage of pregnancy? Firstly, to determine the due date, secondly, to adequately monitor the development of the baby, correcting possible developmental lag in time, and thirdly, to determine the period of care for maternity leave.
I want to make a reservation right away that they distinguish between obstetric and true terms of pregnancy. Obstetricians begin to count the gestational age from 1 day of the last menstrual period. This is quite justified, because from this moment the egg cell begins to ripen, which will be fertilized by the sperm in the future, formed and implanted in the zygote's uterus, the ovum with the embryo and then the fetus will begin to develop (after 12 weeks of pregnancy). The duration of pregnancy from the first day of the last menstrual period to childbirth is about 10 lunar months or 280 days or 40 weeks. However, each fetus has its own term of intrauterine development - from 37 to 42 weeks. It depends on many factors, but primarily due to genetics. It is necessary to inquire at what stage of pregnancy the patient herself, the father of the child, was born, how long the pregnancy was carried out by the maternal relative.
The true gestational age lags behind the obstetric one by two weeks - it is counted from the day of ovulation and conception. Thus, to determine the obstetric gestational age, two weeks must be added to the true one.

How to find out the duration of pregnancy by ovulation and date of conception

Ovulation is the very period of the menstrual cycle when conception can occur. During ovulation, a mature egg comes out of a woman's ovary into the fallopian tube and "waits" for sperm there. Unprotected intercourse at such a time in a more or less healthy woman and man will most likely lead to pregnancy. By the date of ovulation, the gestational age is determined.
A woman ovulates around the middle of her menstrual cycle (but not every month). If your menstrual cycle is 28 days, then ovulation will occur somewhere on the 14th day, with a 35-day menstrual cycle - on the 17-18th day of the cycle. The exact gestational age should be counted from the day of ovulation.
Ovulation can also be determined at home, using special tests sold in almost any pharmacy, or by regularly measuring basal temperature (temperature in the rectum). Throughout the first half of the cycle, it will stay at approximately the same level - below 37 degrees. The day before ovulation will decrease slightly. And on the day of ovulation and on all subsequent days, you will keep at the level of 37-37.2 degrees. Thus, you can calculate the gestational age () if it began in the menstrual cycle when you determined your ovulation.
There are women who can determine their ovulation without any tests and temperature measurements, just by subjective sensations - pain in the lower abdomen, increased libido, an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge. It is not difficult for such sensitive women to determine the gestational age on their own.
The most accurate way to determine the gestational age by the date of ovulation is an ultrasound scan. This is the only way to accurately see ovulation. Only now it is problematic for a week, or even longer, to go to an ultrasound scan every day. And financially, such "pleasure" will not be available to every woman. Trying to determine ovulation in oneself only so that later it is possible to accurately calculate the gestational age is inappropriate. There are simpler ways to calculate the gestational age already, in fact, after the onset of an interesting situation.

From the first date of the last menstruation, the number of days (weeks) is counted at the time of the examination of the pregnant woman. To determine the day of birth, 280 days (10 lunar months) are added to the first day of the last menstruation or the Negele formula is used: 3 months are taken from the date of the beginning of the last menstruation and 7 days are added. This method cannot be used on women with irregular menstrual periods.

Determination of the gestational age by gynecological examination.

If you come for an examination to a gynecologist in the first weeks of pregnancy (3-4 weeks), then it will not be difficult for the doctor to accurately determine the gestational age. In this case, it is made based on the size of the uterus. For example, at 4 weeks of gestation, the size of the uterus can be compared with a chicken egg, at 8 weeks - with a goose egg. An experienced gynecologist is able to determine the gestational age through a vaginal examination with an accuracy of one day. The gestational age later than 8-12 weeks will be difficult to determine precisely based on the size of the uterus. Since, starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, in women at the same stage of pregnancy, the size of the uterus may differ.

Determination of the duration of pregnancy by ultrasound.

Of course, here, as with the previous method, much depends on the qualifications of the doctor who interprets the results. Ultrasound data obtained before the 12th week of pregnancy are considered the most correct for determining the date of the alleged birth. At this time, the determination of the gestational age is based on the measurement of the ovum, its average inner diameter.
In the second and third trimesters, the gestational age is established on the basis of determining such parameters as the circumference of the fetal head, the average diameter of the chest and abdomen of the fetus, and the circumference of the fetal tummy. The information obtained when measuring the circumference of the baby's head is considered the most reliable.
However, in general, it is believed that in late pregnancy, the error in determining the term using ultrasound increases. This is understandable: after all, each child develops individually, and at the end of pregnancy, the size of the fetus, which the doctor is guided by in his calculations, can vary significantly depending on the characteristics of a particular child.
With all the variety of methods for determining the due date of the upcoming birth, there is no one "completely accurate", as we have already said, does not exist. Therefore, we can say that a more or less accurate determination of the term of the upcoming birth is possible if all the data obtained are not contradictory, but complement and reinforce each other.
Although even in this case, the date of birth can be shifted by one or two weeks in one direction or the other due to the fact that urgent labor (that is, delivery on time) can occur in the period from 38 to 42 weeks of pregnancy.

Determination of the gestational age by the first stir.

Primiparous women begin to feel the first movements of the baby at a gestational age of 20 weeks. Multiparous a little earlier - at 18 weeks. Gynecologists recommend that a woman remember the date of the first movement and must enter it into the dispensary card of a pregnant woman. When setting the term of pregnancy and childbirth, this is of great importance. For example, in order to determine the date of birth, it is necessary to add 20 weeks (or 4.5 months) to the date of the first stirring; for multiparous, it is necessary to add 18 weeks or 5 months.
But this method of determining the gestational age is not always correct. There are women who, even in their first pregnancy, feel the baby's movements much earlier than the due date at 20 weeks, at 17 weeks, or even earlier. Especially often, such early movements are observed in thin women. There are women who feel the first movements 2 weeks later than the due date.
Doctors have their own opinion about such early perturbations and staging on their basis the gestational age. Most experts believe that women, ahead of time, do not feel the baby's movements at all, but the "work" of the intestines. After all, as you know, most pregnant women suffer from increased gas production ...

Determination of gestational age by measuring the length of the uterus and fetus.

You can calculate the gestational age in a more complex way. Such a calculation can only be made by a gynecologist. You are unlikely to succeed on your own. So, in order to measure the length of the uterus, the woman lies down on the couch and straightens her legs. Beforehand, it is imperative to empty the bladder, otherwise errors in determining the correct gestational age are possible. The length of the uterus is measured with a tape measure or pelvimeter. Usually the length of the uterus is equal to the number of weeks. For example, the length of the uterus is 36 cm, which means that the gestational age is also 36 weeks.


There is little that beats the joy of having a positive pregnancy test! Once you realize the great news that you will soon be a mom, you will begin to ponder practical questions. One of these questions is how to find out the due date?

Start with

The cycle time is 21 days. 22 days. 23 days. 24 days 25 days 26 days. 27 days. 28 days 29 days. 30 days 31 days. 32 days. 33 days. 34 days. 35 days. 36 days. 37 days. 38 days. 39 days. 40 days

Defining it is not as easy as it might seem. Most expectant mothers do not realize that they are pregnant until the first delay in menstruation, and by this time the gestation period can be up to five weeks. This means that it is not enough just to count down nine months from the date of the pregnancy test, even if you try hard and take into account the weeks since the last ovulation.

It will be possible to determine the exact date of birth of your unborn child only if you remember exactly the day of the ovulatory cycle at the time of fertilization.


You may not be aware that menstruation and ovulation counts as the first two weeks of pregnancy. So it's no surprise that the calculations can be tricky, especially if your cycle is longer or shorter than the average (28 days).

Although pregnancy is usually 40 weeks long, the due date can be influenced by various factors. Our calculator takes your last period start date and cycle length into account to quickly calculate your approximate due date based on your cycle length.

If you know the exact date of conception, indicate it. The calculator takes into account the first two weeks falling on menstruation and ovulation.

  • 1.First specify the first day of your last period as well as the average length of your cycle. This is the number of days from the first day of one period to the last day before the start of the next period. If you know which one day conception occurred, choose this option as an alternative.
  • 2. Enter relevant dates into the calculator.
  • 3. Then press Discover!

Remember that the calculator calculates an approximate date, not an exact date. After all, every pregnancy has its own characteristics.


Having calculated the date of birth, you will know the approximate date of the baby's birth, and you can begin to prepare for this.

If you haven't already, start by making an appointment with your doctor, who will confirm the pregnancy with a blood test and checkup, and will help determine a more accurate due date.

At each follow-up examination, the doctor will determine the size of your uterus and monitor the development of your baby. The moments when you hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time, as well as when you see it on the sonogram, will be the brightest on these examinations. As the pregnancy progresses, the due date may change.

Remember that throughout your pregnancy, you should first listen to your doctor's advice. However, there are a few things you can do yourself. Check out the rest of our site for more information.