Reasoning the role of family in my life. The formative role of the family in human life. Let's talk about family values

The family from the point of view of sociology, the family is one of the most important and interesting for the study of models of social interaction within a group of people.

The concept of a family can have two interpretations:

  1. A group of people who are not related by family ties, but live together and lead a joint household.
  2. A group of people who are related by blood ties.

Many people now neglect contact with relatives, do not seek to start their own families and in every possible way deny the importance of the institution of the family. In this article we will talk about what the family gives and what role this concept plays in society.

The role of the family in a person's life

From childhood, we are taught that the family is the unit of society. But no one explains why this cell is important and what a family gives to a person in social, economic and moral terms.

The family plays an especially important role in the life of the child. When we grow up, we often leave the parental nest in order to establish our own life and, in the future, create our own family. But by this time, we had already received from our parents everything that we needed to decide to go on an independent voyage.

Family and child

What the family gives to the child in the period of his formation is written below:

  • Education. Looking at parents, we learn not only to repeat the simplest actions after them, but also to interact with the world around us. If in deep childhood dad and mom teach us how to hold a fork correctly or how to brush in the teeth, then later, sometimes without realizing it ourselves, we learn from the example of parents how to behave with other people: with the opposite sex, with friends, with annoying neighbors, etc. All this is deposited in our subconsciousness and at a certain moment indirectly affects the adoption of certain decisions by us.
  • The moral support. A person who has a family will never be alone. Of course, relationships within the family develop differently for everyone. But if you grow up in a normal, loving family, you can always count on support from loved ones. They will both console you and help you with advice, and if necessary, then with deeds.
  • Economic support. Until a certain moment, a person cannot provide for himself independently, therefore all our childhoods are supported by our parents. This is done not only by people, but also by animals that take care of their offspring until they reach a certain age. What distinguishes humans from animals is that this process is usually reciprocal. After you grow up and get on your feet, you already begin to help your parents, both financially and mentally and physically. As a person gets older, he becomes more and more like a child who needs help in everything. It is not for nothing that the people say that they are old and that they are small. In this matter, much depends on education.

Family and parents

If we talk about what the family gives to parents, then the question arises of why people have children. What a family gives to a person is understandable. The family is a safe haven where you will be understood, helped and listened to. This is why most people get married and have families. But why have children? If you do not take into account the fact that reproduction is a natural process that is characteristic of all living things and is the basis for the development and existence of a species, then we can say that the birth of children serves several purposes:

  • it is a symbol of love of two lovers who see its embodiment in children;
  • it is a way to unite the family and try on new social roles and functions;
  • children, no matter how selfish and selfish it may sound, often serve to embody the ideas, desires and aspirations of parents, which they themselves have not been able to realize.

The role of the family in the life of society

The family is the oldest and most solid institution of family relations, which has existed for many centuries. You can find out what the family gives to society below:

  • Families transfer knowledge and traditions accumulated by previous generations. When there was no written language and all knowledge was passed on, as they say, by word of mouth, only parents were able to pass on to their children the knowledge that they had acquired through their own experience. Those, in turn, preserved and increased this knowledge, passing it on to their children. This is how progress moved.
  • Children who grow up in healthy families are more emotionally stable and balanced, they have a good base for further development, which means they are unlikely to ever become socially dangerous. If a child is properly raised, he, on the contrary, will strive to be socially useful and respect himself, others and existing laws.

From time immemorial, the family has provided a person with the most necessary things in life: love, protection, knowledge about the world around him. She helped not only to be born and grow up, but also supported a person throughout his life. In the old days it was impossible to imagine even a physical existence without a family. No wonder popular wisdom says: "One is not a warrior in the field." However, even today, people try to stick together, despite the many difficulties that arise in doing so. Why the family is so important for every person to this day, what functions it performs and what determines the well-being of the family - we will consider these issues further.

The family, like any complex organism, has its own stages of existence - it is born, develops and dies. Each of the stages through which the family passes, is characterized by its own specifics and certain difficulties that need to be addressed. For example, at the stage of childbirth, a married couple has new, unusual roles of parents. There is an acute issue of combining a child and a career. Also, if there are certain problems at the previous stage, the child can become an additional element for the parents to manipulate each other. Untimely or inadequate solution of problems arising at each stage can lead not only to a deterioration in family relations and frequent quarrels, but also to the disintegration of the entire system, i.e. to divorce.

Despite the difficulties that arise, the family serves as a source of satisfaction for a variety of human needs. Thanks to the family, each person can organize their time - life, work, leisure - in the most optimal way. Joint rest gives new strength and fills the need for communication. Sharing responsibilities in the family contributes to better and faster performance of household chores. A joint budget makes it possible to spend money more efficiently. Also, the family has a great influence on a person's behavior and choices. Many achievements became possible precisely because the anticipation of pride in a father's eyes or the admiration of a wife helped their authors cope with the difficulties that awaited them on the way to the goal. The most important function of the family to this day is the birth and upbringing of a child. However, today many parents are torn between their responsibilities for raising children and the desire for creative fulfillment and professional growth. The decision to have a child in today's world is the result of careful planning and long thinking. The children that appear at the same time are mostly welcome and long-awaited, parents want to spend as much time with them as possible. As a result of such a discrepancy between desires and opportunities, parents are increasingly in a state of time trouble, they develop dissatisfaction with themselves, irritability, which they rip off on the very children for whose benefit their efforts are directed. However, studies by psychologists and sociologists say that even very busy but loving parents can give their children enough love and warmth. It is not so much the amount of communication that matters as its quality. Here one more important function of the family can be noted - the function of emotional support, psychological protection and mental communication.

In order to fully fulfill all its functions, and not become another source of stress, as unfortunately often happens, the family must have a number of qualities,
ensuring its most harmonious existence. What are the signs of a harmonious family? First, all members of such a family should not only listen, but also hear each other. In arising disputes, the opinion of everyone should be taken into account. Secondly, such a family is characterized by mutual assistance and development orientation of all its members. It is also worth noting the orientation towards joint activities, at least as elementary as common eating, and similar interests and hobbies, which are based on a common value system. In addition, in a harmonious family, each of its members should have an adequately high self-esteem, a sense of humor, the ability to joke with each other, and trust and goodwill should be present in relations between members of such a family. And finally, being a harmonious family doesn't mean not having problems. On the contrary, everyone can have problems. Their complete absence may speak more of emotional distance than well-being. The difference between a harmonious family lies precisely in the fact that, if necessary, it easily asks for help.

Thus, the system that the family represents is very fragile - the violation or change of any of its components directly affects the entire system as a whole. After all, any family system is made up of many parts - the personalities of each of its members, the characteristics of those families where they come from, relationships, shared experience, decisions made and much, much more. No wonder, it is the family that often makes a person deeply unhappy. Behind many of a person's life problems are the problems of his family. However, do not forget that the difficulties in the life of each person, the peculiarities of his character, his needs and hobbies also affect the whole family and, last but not least, the well-being of our family depends on us.

What is a family for you? What does your family give you? And how do you deal with the difficulties that arise in the family?

The role of the family in society is no less important, since society itself consists of families, which are its micro-reflection and carry many of its most important functions.

The role of the family is not something static, unchangeable, moreover, it has significantly transformed throughout the entire historical existence of mankind. In the past, the role of the family was more ambitious, a person was more dependent on his family origin, was more closely linked by family ties and obligations. The man was practically inseparable from the family. Therefore, we can say that in more ancient times the family played a truly all-encompassing role in the life of an individual. However, with the development of society, the family gradually yields part of its functions. Thus, a person in modern society is less dependent on his social origin, is not bound by family restrictions in choosing a marriage partner, profession, lifestyle, etc.

However, despite the fact that the family has historically lost its position somewhat, nevertheless, it continues to play a special role to this day.

The family with complete confidence can be attributed to special, fundamental groups of society. The family has a complex relationship with society and is significantly influenced by its political, economic and legal systems. And, in turn, it has a fairly noticeable impact on society.

First of all, the role of the family in society is associated with its function of reproducing offspring. Actually, the family gives the society new people. And it does not just give, it raises, educates, maintains and releases an already formed personality, ready to play its direct role in this society.

The family, to a certain extent, is a kind of reduced model of society itself. The family, as well as society, is a set of relationships: material and economic, social, cultural, psychological. The family at a certain micro-level simulates all types of relationships that exist in society and teaches them to the child. For many centuries, the family has been accumulating and inheriting certain property, experience, family memory, surname, and patterns of intra-family relations. In a family, a person for the first time encounters a division of labor, for example, in housekeeping, in the material support of the family.

In addition, there are legal, ideological relations between family members, and, in addition, moral and religious ones. It is under the influence of the family that such important issues for society as the formation of labor resources, their distribution and redistribution, qualification growth and labor productivity are found. Since the role of the family is especially evident when deciding where a young person should go to study, where to go to study, or work or not to leave. And all these relationships are refracted in the family through a special psychological mechanism: they are based on feelings of affection, love, duty, kinship, responsibility between family members.

If we take such an important problem as the state of health of the population, we will again see the decisive role of the family in this issue. The family carries with it the memory of the genetic, biological state of health. It is clear that children are a derivative of the genes of their parents. However, what is even more important, habits and skills of attitudes towards their health are formed in the family. The child adopts from the parents their lifestyle, attitudes towards a healthy or unhealthy attitude towards their physical condition. Whether a person is engaged in physical education or not, he likes to be in the forest in his free time, in nature or does not like, he leads an active lifestyle or is sedentary, etc. - all this usually starts with the family.

The family brings up. It is she who instills inclinations, tastes and needs in the younger generation. The role of the family is especially clearly manifested in the style of people's consumption of material and spiritual values. A person's focus on the material or spiritual, his desire to achieve something in life or lack thereof, a craving for self-education, self-development, or a banal passion for profit - all this is a consequence of the foundations laid in him by his family.

The role of the family is decisive in the formation of the labor resources of society, and, in particular, their quality. What is the quality of a specialist and, therefore, what is the efficiency of his functioning - this also largely depends on the family. Because it is here, based on the personal example of the conscientious work of parents, that a young person develops a highly conscientious attitude to his work, devotion to him, professional, labor honor, and also forms a general cultural level, breadth of erudition. Already the quality of schooling for children is largely determined by the cultural, educational level of their parents. As a matter of fact, the very intellectual and moral climate, the spiritual atmosphere in the family is the most important factor in the success of a child's studies at school.

Finally, the living conditions of the “outgoing” generations, pensioners, and elderly people have been and remain one of the most important problems of society, an indicator of its moral maturity and humanity. But it is in the family that habits, traditions, moral foundations of attitudes towards the older generation are laid: mercy or heartlessness, warm kindness or cold self-interest.

Cool! 9

Family is of great importance in our life. This concept is individual for each person. Someone thinks that the family is the people around whom you grew up - parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters. For some, the family is what you create yourself - husband, wife and children. I want to talk about what a family is for me.

I believe that both of these definitions are correct, they just need to be combined. Of course, the family for each person is his close people. Parents gave us life, grandparents took an active part in upbringing, uncle and aunts spoiled us from childhood, and we shared our innermost things with brothers and sisters. In a more mature age, almost each of us finds a person with whom he wants to go through life, with whom he wants to raise children. And this will already be a family that people choose themselves. We fall in love, get married, become parents, and thus create our own cell of society. For me, the family is both the one in which you were born and the one that you created.

The family for each person is a support and support. We should appreciate every moment spent with our loved ones, because we have no one dearer than them. In Hector's Journey or the Search for Happiness, François Lelord told the story of a woman who had cancer. The main character of the work asked her what is the greatest and real happiness for her. She replied: "The happiness of my son." She did not say that the most important thing for her is to be cured of cancer, her priority is the happiness of her son. I believe that a real family is when the happiness of your loved one is more important to you than your own. No matter how rich a person I am, no matter how strong my health I am, I can never be happy if someone close to me is unhappy.

Of course, balance is important in life. It would be desirable if we lived in prosperity, never got sick and our families were strong. But if it is necessary to prioritize, then for me there is nothing more important than family. We can endlessly work to buy a luxurious apartment in the city center, a prestigious car and a bunch of expensive clothes, but is this all more important than the smile of a loved one?

To be honest, I find it difficult to understand people who devote their lives to a career. Some of them do not even start their own families, they are so immersed in these gray everyday life, and they have only two goals in life - career growth and money. I've always wondered how these people feel when they return home to an empty apartment?

Family is in the first place in my life. I adore my parents. I am extremely grateful to them for the fact that they devote a lot of their time to me. I am glad that our relationship with both mom and dad is very trusting. Family motivates me to a certain extent. I really want to study well so that my parents can be proud of me. And of course, I want to start my own family. I want to come home from work to a cozy house where my beloved wife and joyful children will be waiting for me. I want to make them happy. And that makes sense to me.

The family is not just a unit of society, but precisely the foundation that is for a person the basis of psychological tranquility and protection from all life's troubles. After all, only native people are able to give self-confidence, believe in us and give us that absolute happiness, which is needed not only by children, but also by women and men.

The family for a child is the place of his birth, upbringing and formation. It is in the parental home that the basic ideas about good and evil, about attitudes towards others are laid, it develops morally and spiritually.

A woman in her own family realizes her role as a mother and a loving wife, takes care of children and her husband. The role of the man is also very important. For his household, he becomes a protector and main earner.

Upbringing in a modern family

Of course, not all families are perfect and complete. Recently, very often there are cases when a parent is raising a child alone, and most often these are women. The statistics are relentless and at the moment it is about a third of the total population. differs from a complete family only in that, for example, a mother cannot give her son or daughter a worthy example of male behavior. But, despite this, even alone there are quite chances to raise a worthy person, with all the correct moral principles and a positive attitude towards others.

What does a family give to a person and how does it affect his future?

The family is a kind of start and preparation for adulthood. It depends on the parents what abilities and skills the child will have as an adult. In the family, the child learns all the elementary skills of self-service and gets used to work. It is very important not to miss this moment and develop these skills already in early childhood. After all, the sooner the kid learns to be independent, the easier it will be for him to get used to life in a large team. For example, to kindergarten or school.

It is also worthwhile to accustom a daughter or son to common family work in time. Indeed, recently it has been customary to protect and isolate children from household chores. So that they do not overwork and do not stuff themselves once again into assistants. This approach is fundamentally unreasonable. Because the child feels his involvement in the life of the family and already from infancy expresses a desire to help mom and dad. By forbidding him to do this, the parents remove the baby from general difficulties. And growing up, he gets used to the fact that no one needs his help. But a family is not only common joys and happy moments, but also a general overcoming of difficult life situations.

Having reached the age of 5-6, children are already aware of moral and spiritual values. They are able to compare themselves with other peers and assess situations. For example, if in the nursery one of the children hit a girl, then the child in whom the principles of morality are laid down by the parents, understands that this should not be so and the boy did not act well. Therefore, already at preschool age, it is necessary to explain to the child how to behave in society, as well as develop his spiritual and inner world. There are several ways to do this.

  1. Reading books where there are stories or fairy tales about good and evil, as well as where various life situations are considered.
  2. Teach empathy and empathy. First of all, it is worth telling your daughter or son that you need to protect nature and take care of it. For clarity, while walking in the park, feed the birds or fish in the pond. Children of primary preschool and school age are already quite able to take care of their own pet and take responsibility for it.
  3. Give a certain freedom to know the world. Especially kids all the time strive to know the world on their own experience, through tactile sensations or by looking at an object for a long time. It is worth allowing and rewarding the child for curiosity by talking in detail about what interested him.
  4. Do not teach material values. This does not mean that parents should not buy expensive toys or gadgets for their child. You just need to convey to his consciousness that happiness does not lie in them. All this is a momentary joy from ordinary things that deteriorate and break over time. And the real happiness is that his parents are always there, and that they love him. The child needs to be taught to see happiness in every little thing. For example, it's great to just run through puddles, splash with water, etc.
  5. Also, from childhood, instill respect for elders and explain to the child how you can help other people and why you need to do it. After all, our attitude towards people develops from childhood. First, within the framework of your family. Therefore, it is important not to quarrel with parents and not offend brothers and sisters.

The psychological atmosphere in the family

A lot depends on the positive climate in the family. And the main guideline that sets the everyday mood for the family is always the woman. If she is in a good mood, communicates with everyone in a friendly and calm manner, then the children, as well as the husband, will feel comfortable at home. And if, on the contrary, she breaks down on all households after a hard day at work and creates a tense atmosphere in the house, then all family members will take over the mother's irritability. And then they will be in the same bad mood in kindergarten, school or at work.

The wife's task is always to create home comfort, to take care of all members of her family. As well as moral support in difficult times. After all, to whom, no matter how mother, the child will entrust his secrets and experiences. To do this, you need to ask your household members every day how the day went, and try, if possible, to spend the weekend together with the whole family, for a common lesson, or organize trips to nature. Even in winter time there is an opportunity to have fun outdoors. For example, go skiing, ice skating or just walk in the park, make a snowman and play snowballs.

The family is the place where the little person first meets and gets to know the world around him. He adopts all life experience from mom and dad. In the first years of his growing up, the laying of moral and spiritual values ​​takes place. Therefore, the role of the family is very important exactly as a person grows up in the future. After all, there are times when a child adopts not only positive foundations, but also negative ones. But they affect his requirements and expectations from the world as a whole, when he grows up and becomes an adult.