A script about the royal children of the Romanovs. Learning new material. With life in Christ

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The script for the literary evening "Bless, Lord, the family ..."

(Slads No. 1,2) Host: What is a family? This word is clear to everyone, like the words "bread", "water". It is absorbed by us from the first conscious moments of life, it is next to each of us. A family is a home, children, grandparents. These are love and cares, works and joys, misfortunes and sorrows, habits and traditions.

Reader: God bless the family -

creations crown

On human children

the earth rests.

Holy Trinity of the earth -

Child, Mother, Father,

And humanity itself

Not anything family.

E. Evtushenko.

(Slide number 3) Presenter: I will tell you a legend: “In ancient times, there was an amazing family. The family is huge - one hundred people, and peace, love and harmony reigned in it. Rumor about this reached the supreme ruler himself. And he decided to visit this family. When the ruler was convinced that all this was true, he asked the Elder, the head of the family: "How do you manage to live without quarreling, without offending each other?" Then the Elder took the paper and wrote a hundred words on it and gave it to the governor. He quickly read it and was surprised: the same word - "understanding" was inscribed on the sheet a hundred times. (Slide number 4) Presenter: Now let's fast forward to the Middle Ages. In the sixteenth century, "Domostroy" appeared in Russia - a book in which there were very useful things, teachings and instructions were given to every Christian: husband, wife, and children. It dealt with the responsibility of spouses for each other, for their children, for elderly parents, for the spiritual and moral state of the family, for its well-being. So, for example, some chapters of Domostroi were called:

“Instructions to husband and wife, and children, and servants on how they should live”;

"How to bring up your children"

Praise to the Wives;

"On the profit reserved for future use."

According to such laws, not only ordinary people lived, but also royal persons.

(Slides №6-26) A story about the family of Nicholas II.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a prince and a princess. They met as children and fell in love with each other. Many years later. Children's love did not fade away, but turned into a deep and strong feeling. They got married, lived happily ever after, and died on the same day. The Tsarevich's name was Nikolai Alexandrovich, he was the eldest son of Emperor Alexander III and the heir to the Russian throne. The name of the princess is Alice-Victoria-Elena-Louise-Beatrice. She was the youngest daughter of Ludwig, Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt, and the granddaughter of Queen Victoria of England. Nika and Alex, who became Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Fedorovna, had four daughters, Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia. The girls were very friendly. Later, when they grew up, from the initial letters of their names they formed a common name - OTM, with which they signed letters and congratulations written by one of the sisters on behalf of everyone. The long-awaited son and heir Alexei was born almost 10 years after his parents' wedding. It was the apotheosis of the family happiness of Nikolai and Alexandra. But the joy was soon overshadowed by the news of the terrible illness of the Tsarevich. Great-grandson of the Queen of Great Britain was struck by the hereditary disease of the Coburg dynasty - hemophilia. Despite the verdict of the doctors, little Alexei, when the disease receded, played and studied, played naughty, did not lag behind his sisters. Tsar's children, like all children in the world, played, studied, delighted and grieved their parents. They were very friendly with each other, wrote letters and congratulated each other on the holidays. They read books, rewrote the poems they liked, drew ... In the indoor amusements of the grand duchesses, the doll reigned in all its variety of forms. The most effective were German-made porcelain dolls with thick curls of natural hair and closing eyes. Such dolls were more of a decoration for a room than a subject for play. In the family of Nicholas II, who fostered respect for Russian history, interest in folk life, many imported toys had domestic pairs: dolls dressed in colorful national costumes of the peoples of the Russian Empire - "Ukrainian", "Tatar", "Ossetian", "Russian". And the favorite game of the heir was the soldiers, of whom he had a huge number. For hours he put them on a large table, organizing wars, maneuvers and parades. Nikolai Alexandrovich and Alexandra Feodorovna took an active part in the upbringing of children, which began routinely with fundamental home education. In addition to teachers, textbooks and books, the development of children was facilitated by board games at home: educational and entertaining. Children especially loved "Historical Lotto" - a portrait gallery of Russian princes and tsars with a brief description of their biographies and merits of government. The focused atmosphere of the classrooms was replaced by outdoor games. A great adherent of a healthy lifestyle, Nikolai II in every possible way encouraged children to love physical exercise. Children skated, bicycles, played tennis. They liked to spend home evenings reading a book. The emperor himself read aloud especially masterfully. He read in Russian, English, Danish, German.

There were many books in the family. Children received books as gifts for Christmas, birthdays and name days. Each child had his own library.

The children, surrounded by the mutual love of their parents, grew up kind and affectionate. The common suffering of parents and girls during the attacks of Alexei's illness, when his life was under threat, brought the family even closer together.

The childhood of the royal family ended in 1914 with the outbreak of the war. In the trials that fell to their lot, everything that was laid down in childhood was manifested: love, and duty, and loyalty, and faith in God and in Russia.

The power of love that holds this family together turned out to be so indestructible that both adults and children were frighteningly incomprehensible in their patience and dignity to those who in Yekaterinburg, in the Ipatiev house, guarded, humiliated and killed them. THEY Lived happily ever after and died on the same day.

(Slides №27-41) Presenter: Both in the distant and in the recent past, we will find many examples of how families developed and lived in Russia. Let's move now to our land.

The Grigorov family has its roots in the distant past - during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. Today we will tell you about the childhood years of Alexander Alexandrovich Grigorov, who was an outstanding Kostroma local historian, the author of the book "From the history of the Kostroma nobility."

About Alexander's childhood. Aleksandrovich had the warmest impressions. The family was large, the father had 4 children, numerous relatives also lived in the Aleksandrovskoye estate. The atmosphere of kindness, friendship and philanthropy reigned in the house. The distribution of responsibilities in the family was as follows: the father, Alexander Mitrofanovich, was the main leader, but the reins of government - the keys, the kitchen, the pantry - were in the hands of the mother, Vera Alexandrovna. Father and mother attached great importance to the education and upbringing of their children. The mother was very religious, and she tried to instill religious feelings in children from a very early age. A.A. Grigorov recalled: “It used to be that before going to bed, my mother would lay a rug on the floor in front of the icon and kneel together in her dreams. And we, already naked, in some shirts, stand and repeat after mom, looking at the mournful and beautiful face of the Mother of God. " The grandmother, Anna Nikolaevna, the owner of the estate, replaced her with her mother during the separation of the children. She also made a great contribution to the upbringing of children, told her grandchildren about the Grigorov family, family traditions and various curious cases. She spoke excellent French and demanded that the children answer her questions only in French. It was a great pleasure for the children when such a large family gathered on the veranda for tea. Jokes, laughter, interesting stories attracted the attention of children. Especially little Sasha Grigorov loved to listen to the stories of his uncle Alexander Mitrofanovich Grigorov. He had a great influence on the formation of the world outlook, outlook and love for Russian history. Alexander Mitrofanovich was a brilliant Russian officer who later became an admiral. Uncle's stories helped Alexander Grigorov restore the history of the Kostroma sea dynasties on the slope of the ribbons. And, of course, the boys preferred ships, and the girls preferred dolls, but the toys were all common, and although the most beloved ones were called "mine" or "mine", they were all placed in a "toy closet." There was a bookcase on top of a toy cabinet. It contained all the children's books, old books that still served father and grandfather. The most important is Ushinsky's Native Word. The whole family in the house loved the hall. Divine services were held there, and a Christmas tree was arranged for Christmas. And when there were many cheerful young people, the hall served as a place for staging amateur performances. Horses played a significant role in childhood. Each had "his own", as it were, a sponsored horse: the children watched their feeding, carried tidbits, and learned to ride from an early age. The children went through the initial stage of education at home, and then they were assigned to different educational institutions: boys - in a lyceum or cadet corps, and girls - in a gymnasium. It was not necessary to finish training, since 1917 came, and then childhood ended, and a large, friendly family broke up. And everyone already had their own story ahead. (Slide №43) Presenter: Now let's remember family traditions.

Until now, in (our houses) village houses, photographs of all family members - close and distant relatives - hang on the walls. In the center of this iconostasis, in a prominent place, are enlarged portraits of the heads of the family: father and mother. "Parents" and "Homeland" are words from the same root. These holy words help us to love, to understand our native language, native nature, traditions of our people.

Family dinners, when the whole family gathers at the same table

The family connection of times is the same secret threads that connect Today with Yesterday, with the Day before yesterday. This is our story, our Destiny: in photographs, in our dear names, in our beloved faces.

Reader: Keep your family albums,

Servants faithful to their memory!

Thanks to them in your home -

A disturbing glimpse of bygone days.

From pictures of faded, yellowed

They look at you and me point-blank

The eyes of relatives who have died long ago

But not forgotten so far

Photos from family albums are shown.

Reader: Take care of your loved ones. Take care.

Life, it is in a hurry, does not wait.

Support on a steep bend, Know their troubles in every way.

Save letters, wait for a visit,

Give them flowers sometimes.

It is very difficult, very simple.

Living life is not a field to cross.

Those close to us leave for eternity.

Each has its own hour and its own turn.

Let cruelty or heartlessness

Late repentance does not burn you.

You still have time. Hurry up

Surround them with many worries.

L. Irsetskaya.

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education

"Center for Continuing Education for Children"

Nizhneomsky municipal district of the Omsk region

Lesson: "The royal family"

Developed by: Marina Mikhailovna Baisheva,

additional education teacher,

I square category, MBU DO "Center

additional education for children "

With. Nizhnyaya Omka of the Omsk region

2018 Nov.

    Introduction …………………………………………………………. p. 3

    Methodical development of the lesson ……………………………… p. 4-12

    Conclusion ……………………………………………………… .. page 13

    List of used literature ……………………………… p. 14

    Appendices ……………………………………………………… p. 15-19


The federal state educational standard formulates the social order of a modern general education school. The order is expressed in the "national educational ideal", which is defined as "a highly moral, creative, competent citizen of Russia, accepting the fate of the Fatherland as his own, realizing responsibility for the present and future of his country, rooted in the spiritual and cultural traditions of the multinational people of the Russian Federation."

And one andfrom the means of developing a modern theory of spiritual and moral education of children in an educational institution isanalysis of the development of students' upbringing in a historical retrospective.

Lesson "The Tsar's Family" (about the historical personality of NicholasII) is devoted to an extremely relevant topic, since every year more and more attention is paid to the issues of the culture of education on the part of the Russian public. The problem is that the family as the guardian of traditions, the cradle of man and the cradle of culture is under threat. Since the strategy of modern social development requires the enrichment of the norms of family life, thereforethe experience of family education in the home of Nicholas II deserves close attention. The royal family of Nikolai Alexandrovich and Alexandra Feodorovna Romanov is an example of the moral, pious upbringing of children. Such a historical example forms among students an idea of ​​the high moral ideals that the family of Emperor Nicholas II embodied in their lives.

Methodical development of the lesson

Occupation type: combined, generalizing.

Lesson technology: game, collective interaction.

Target: to acquaint children with the life of the Royal family, with their exploits and virtues.



    Study of the lives of the Holy Royal Martyrs;

    Acquaintance of children with virtues and proverbs to them;

    Consolidation of new material with the help of the "Tree of virtues".


    Fostering love for the Motherland and neighbors;

    Love for the Royal family;

    Patience and compassion;








Formation of UUD

Personal UUD:

1) the formation of the readiness and ability of students for self-development

2) the formation of motivation for learning and knowledge

3) the formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world and respect for the history of the state

4) the formation of a respectful attitude towards a different opinion and the ability to work in a group

Regulatory UUD:

1) mastering the ability to set and maintain a goal, search for means of its implementation

    mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature

    the formation of the ability to implement the conceived by means of artistic expression

    ability to work according to the proposed plan

    mastering the forms of personal reflection

Cognitive UUD:

1) expanding knowledge of the history of the state

2) the establishment of causal relationships between historical facts, events associated with the royal family

Communicative UUD:

1) the formation of the ability to build a speech utterance in accordance with the tasks of communication

2) the formation of the ability to distribute and perform roles in a group

    the formation of the ability to listen and engage in dialogue.

Material for the lesson:


    Multimedia projector;

    Audio recording of Zhanna Bichevskaya;

    Photo materials (electronic album "Tsar's family");

    Icon of the Holy Royal Martyrs (preferably large);

    Photocopies of photographs of the Tsar's family (there are seven pages of photocopies for each desk);

    "The Tree of Virtues" - carved from cardboard Whatman paper:

Barrel 1.5 m: height, ≈ 20 cm; width: branches - different sizes, but to fit the trunk; apples - ≈ 20 - 30 cm, leaves - ≈ 20 - 30 cm. There should be 10 apples, 17 leaves, on which proverbs will be written, or you can also make a few leaves without proverbs.

Explanatory note:

The Tree of Virtues should be painted with gouache or watercolors (painted with children in previous lessons). Write virtues on the blocks, and proverbs on the leaves.

Course of the lesson

    Organizing time:

Teacher: Hello dear guys! It is very nice to see you all in a great mood. Let's start our lesson!

    Post new topic:

Teacher: We will devote our today's lesson ... After listening to me, guess for yourself. "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, lived - there was a king." Which Russian people are not familiar with these words? We all read many fairy tales in childhood, and thanks to them, the image of a king was formed in our minds. At the word "tsar" we imagine a grandfather with a white beard and a crown on his head; he is wearing an immense red robe trimmed with white ermine, and in his hand is a scepter. The king sits on a golden throne and rules the country; from time to time he goes to war. The king lives in a fairy-tale world, which is in no way similar to the world in which we live. Who are we going to talk about?

The student: About the king.

Teacher: Yes, about the king, but not about the king who lives in a fairy-tale world. Guess what kind of king after listening to the song.

(The song of Zhanna Bichevskaya is played - "The Royal Martyrs").

The student: About Tsar Nicholas II.

The student: Yes. Today we will talk about his family: about the Romanov family. Guys, open the first page of the album.

(Distribute albums with photographs. For each school desk, 1 copy).

A demonstration of photographic materials begins on the screen - the electronic album "The Tsar's Family" (page 1).

    Learning new material:

Teacher: The Church canonized the Royal family among the holy martyrs. And who are called martyrs?

The student: Martyrs are the saints of God who endured suffering and death for Christ.

Teacher: The royal martyrs pleased God with their lives, and therefore they are saints. And holy people have not a biography, but ... a life.

Let us listen to the lives of the holy royal martyrs. We will listen carefully to answer the questions. Open page 2 of the Album (in parallel with the demonstration of the photo on the screen).

Holy Tsar - Martyr NicholasIIwas born on May 19, 1868 near St. Petersburg in Tsarskoe Selo. Please turn to the second page.

From childhood, Grand Duke Nicholas was distinguished by piety and tried in virtues to imitate Job the Long-suffering, on the day of whose memory he was born, and St. Nicholas, after whom he was named. "I was born on the day of Job the Long-suffering," he said, "and I am destined to suffer."

What saints of God did the holy Tsar-Martyr try to imitate?

The student: Job the Long-suffering and Saint Nicholas.

The student: And why exactly these saints?

The student: Because on the day of commemoration of Job he was born, and in honor of St. Nicholas he was named.

Teacher: Those close to Tsar Nicholas noted: "His soul is pure, like crystal, and passionately loving everyone." He was deeply moved by every human grief and every need. He began and ended the day with prayer; knew the rite of church services well. During which he loved to sing along with the church choir.

How did Tsar Nicholas begin and end the day?

The student: He began and ended the day with prayer.

Educator Education of a son by the will of the august father AlexanderIIIwas conducted strictly in the Russian Orthodox spirit.

What was the spirit of education?

The student: In a strictly Russian Orthodox spirit.

Teacher: The royal youth spent a lot of time reading a book. He surprised his teachers with an unusual memory. The future sovereign successfully completed the higher course of economic, legal and military sciences and underwent military training in the infantry, cavalry, artillery and navy.

In the fall of 1891, when dozens of Russian provinces were exhausted from hunger, AlexanderIIIput his son in charge of the committee to help the hunger. The future king worked tirelessly to alleviate the suffering of his people.

Whom did the future king help?

The student: He helped the hungry.

Teacher: Once, when Tsar Nicholas was very young, he met at a ball with the German princess Alice of Hesse - Darmstadt, who was even younger than him, she was only 12 years old, and he was 15 years old. And, behold, from that time on, Tsar Nicholas began a correspondence with Alice. Prince Nicholas prayed to the Lord that Princess Alice would become his wife. He knew the words of the Savior: "Whatever you ask God, God will give you." Princess Alice had a Lutheran faith. Therefore, he prayed to the Lord that He would facilitate Alice's transition to the Orthodox faith. And, behold, the prayers of NicholasIIwere heard: Princess Alice became his wife, but before she was chrismated by St. right. John of Kronstadt, who became the confessor of the royal family. At the time of chrismation, she was named Alexandra, in honor of the Holy Queen - Martyr.

(Open pages 3 and 4).

Guys, please tell me how the German princess Alice became the wife of the Russian Tsar NikolaiII?

The student: They met at a ball, after which they began to correspond. Tsar Nicholas prayed to the Lord that Alice would become his wife and accept the Orthodox faith. And the prayers of NicholasIIwere heard by the Lord. Alice became his wife by accepting anointing with the name of Alexander.

Teacher: Emperor NicholasIIascended the throne on November 2, 1894. With deeds of love and mercy, the sovereign marked the beginning of his reign: prisoners in prisons received relief; there was great debt forgiveness; provided significant assistance to needy scientists, writers and students.

The sovereign tirelessly strove to give inner peace to the country. By nature, he was completely incapable of doing harm to anyone. During the entire period of his reign, the sovereign did not sign a single death sentence. Not a single request for clemency that reached the king was rejected by him. Every time he was worried that the pardon would not be late.

Surprisingly sincere gaze of the sovereign always shone with kindness. Once the tsar visited the cruiser "Rurik", where there was a revolutionary who had taken an oath to kill him. The sailor did not fulfill his vow. “I couldn't do it,” he explained. “Those eyes looked at me so gently, so affectionately.”

What deeds of mercy did Tsar Nicholas have?II?

The student: He helped those in need, visited prisons. Abolished the death penalty.

Teacher: The sovereign was also unmercenary. That is, he had no attachment to money and wealth, he tried to give everything away. Four million rubles of tsar's money Tsar NicholasIIexterminated for the maintenance of hospitals and other charitable institutions. "He will soon distribute everything that he has," said the manager of His Majesty's office. "His dresses were often repaired," recalls the king's servant.

Dispassion for money and things is the virtue of non-acquisitiveness.

How was the virtue of non-possession manifested in Tsar Nicholas?

The student: The king distributed royal money and wore clothes that had been repaired many times.

Teacher: The royal couple were an example of a truly Christian family life. The Lord blessed this love marriage with the birth of four daughters. (Page 5).

Look at the icon and tell me: what was the name of the princesses? (Showing the icon).

The student: Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia.

Teacher: (Open page 6). And their brother, Tsarevich Alexy, who suffered from an incurable disease - hemophilia - is not a blood clotting disease, i.e. if you suddenly get hurt, then the blood from the wound cannot stop for a very long time. And Tsarevich Alexy, like all children, was a mischievous child, he loved to play pranks, run around and play with the youngest Princess Anastasia.

Alexandra Fyodorovna spent many sleepless nights by the bed, her son groaning in pain.

(Open page 5).

The Tsar and Tsarina brought up children in devotion to the Russian people, simplicity and severity. "The duty of parents in relation to children," wrote the empress, "is to prepare them for life, for any trials that God sends." The royal children slept on hard camp beds without pillows; dressed simply; dress and footwear passed from the elders to the younger. The food was very basic. Tsarevich Alexy's favorite food was cabbage soup, porridge and black bread, "which, as he said," my soldiers eat. "

How were the royal children brought up?

Trainees tell.

Teacher: Now listen about Alexandra Feodorovna, who was a born sister of mercy. She visited the sick, and when she could not go to the suffering herself, she sent her daughters. The empress was called a real ascetic of charity. Being an impeccable wife and mother, she especially sympathized with the sorrows of other mothers and provided them with all possible help and care. Alexandra Fyodorovna often gave financial aid to those in need through her close associates, trying to keep it secret. Arranged charity bazaars, the proceeds from which went to help the poor; she organized training workshops for the poor throughout the country and opened a nursing school. At her own expense, the queen built a house for disabled soldiers, where they learned all kinds of craft.

What did the royal family do during the war years? (Open page 7).

From the first days, the sovereign, in addition to the vigilant state labors, he toured the front, cities and villages of Russia. He took care of the war wounded in a fatherly way, visited hospitals and infirmaries. The queen tried to adapt as many palaces as possible for hospitals. She and the older princesses became sisters of mercy at the Tsarskoye Selo hospital. Their whole day was dedicated to the wounded, they gave them all their love and care. Tsarevich Alexy also encouraged the suffering, talking for a long time with the wars. Tsar Nicholas possessed courage and himself stood at the head of the army and made decisions. And the young Tsarevich Alexy went with his father to the front.

But the opponents of Orthodoxy, the atheists took advantage of the military hardships to tear to pieces Orthodox Russia and its tsar, the Orthodox monarch. Open pages 8-9. The screen displays photographs from the electronic album "The Tsar's Family".

July 18, 1918 - the royal family was shot by the atheists. By the providence of God, the royal martyrs were taken from earthly life all together, as a reward for the boundless love that bound them into one indivisible whole.

    Securing the material

We turn to the "Tree of Virtues", on which leaves with proverbs are fixed. We read proverbs aloud with the children and guess which virtue they correspond to. Apples with virtues are laid out on the table. Children take turns picking apples and hanging them from leaves with proverbs that correspond to virtue.

When all the apples are hanging, I ask the question: "Guys, give specific examples of how these virtues were manifested in the royal family?"

Children tell what they remember.


With faith you will not be lost anywhere.



The Lord endured and commanded us.

There is no salvation without patience.





They don't beat you with a spear, but with your mind.


Without God, not to the threshold.


Better to give than take.


    Summing up (reflection)

Teacher: Now let's summarize. Who are we talking about today?

The student: About the royal family.

Teacher: What do you remember and like from your life?

Trainees answer.

Teacher: Can we imitate the royal family?

The student: Yes.

Educator : Today we learned what are the virtues. Let's call them.

Trainees called the chorus of virtue.

Educator : What kind of apple would you like to sprout in yourself?

Trainees answer.


Teacher: The next week is dedicated to deeds of mercy and will be called: "Week of mercy."

What works of mercy could you do?

Trainees list.

Teacher: Homework: Grow an apple of mercy. We will do deeds of mercy, but wisely and forGod, i.e. for the glory of God.


The royal family of the Romanovs embodied the highest moral ideals in their lives: serving the Motherland, bringing benefit, caring for people, love for the family, for their country, for God. Parents taught their children by example of their lives.

The following methodological techniques were used for the lesson: work with biographical data, the use of illustrations, historical photographs, multimedia teaching aids, independent work of students, discussion, comparative analysis.

The results of reflection of this lesson showed the effectiveness of the proposed methodology in achieving the goal of the lesson.

As a result, students:

They became familiar with the moral foundations of Orthodox culture on the basis of studying the life of the Tsar's family;

- developed the need for self-improvement, self-education and spiritual growth;

Expanded knowledge in the field of history, culture and religion;

We learned a lesson in fostering love for the Fatherland and a sense of pride in everything that was created by the Russian people. A moral improvement of the younger generation took place.


1. "Sovereign Peacemaker", article by Yu.V. Kudrina, Pokrov magazine, ST Media Publishing House, No. 3 2010. - P. 59.

2. "Lives of the Holy Royal Martyrs" Compiled by Georgy Balovnikov, 1999, Publisher: Moscow 2000

3. Methodical materials of seminars Potapovskaya OM, Ph.D., Art. Researcher at the Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education, Russian Academy of Education.

4. Natalia Bonetskaya. "Tsar - Martyr". Publ .: Sretensky Monastery. Moscow. 2001

5. Federal state educational standard for primary general education. M., 2009 .-- P. 9.

    Appendix # 2 - Template "Sheet"

    Appendix # 3 - Proverbs

    With faith you will not be lost anywhere.

    Love is a ring and a ring has no end.

    The Lord endured and commanded us.

    There is no salvation without patience.

    From the world on a thread - a shirt to a beggar.

    The poor man asks, but he must give it to God.

    He who honors his parents will never perish.

    Handyman. Skillful fingers.

    The craft of eating - does not ask for a drink, but feeds itself.

    They don't beat you with a spear, but with your mind.

    The clever one will judge, and the foolish one will condemn.

    With prayer in the mouth, with work in hand.

    Without God, not to the threshold.

    Better to give than take.

    Do not boast in silver, but boast in goodness.

    The clever resigns, and the stupid puffs up.

    Do not take on many things, but stand out in one.

    Appendix # 4 - Template "Apple"

    Appendix # 5 - Virtues


"The royal family is the ideal of the Christian family"

Polubenko Natalia Nikolaevna,

primary school teacher

Target: on the basis of the assimilation of historical spiritual and moral values, to form a patriotic consciousness in students.


    Introduce students to Emperor NicholasIIand his family and, by their example, show an example of true service to the Motherland and people.

    To bring children to a deeply felt attitude to the spiritual and moral values ​​of the Christian family, to the realization of the need to strive for ideal relationships in the family.

    To bring up in children a sense of duty, responsibility, love for neighbor, mutual understanding.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, presentation “The Royal Family - the Ideal of the Christian Family”, video “Song of the Holy Royal Martyrs”.

Course of the lesson:



Guys, today we will talk about one family. A family that has become an ideal. This family was unusual - it is a royal family. The Romanov family.

You will say to me: “Yes, when was that! We have lived without kings for almost a century. ” And I will answer you: “That's right. That was a long time ago. But everyone should know about it. This is a family that can serve as an example for more than one generation of people. And it was no coincidence that I chose this royal couple for our conversation. The family of the last Tsar of Russia accepted a terrible martyrdom at the hands of Soviet executioners, and this happened in the city of Yekaterinburg more than 90 years ago - on July 17, 1918. And since we live with you in a three-hour drive from the city of Yekaterinburg, it means that we must know about this without fail.

Well, are you ready to learn about Tsar NicholasIIand his family? So, they sat down more comfortably. We begin.

(SLIDES 2, 3, 4)

Holy Tsar - Passion-Bearer NicholasIIwas born on May 19, 1868 near St. Petersburg, in Tsarskoe Selo. On the occasion of his birth, the sacrament of the Baptism of the Royal Infant was performed. From childhood, Grand Duke Nikolai was distinguished by piety, a pure soul, and ardently loving everyone. He was deeply moved by every grief and human need. The royal youth spent a lot of time reading a book, studying foreign languages. He surprised teachers with an unusual memory and outstanding abilities. Nikolai's education at the behest of Father AlexanderIIIwas conducted strictly in the Russian Orthodox spirit. The future tsar successfully completed the higher course of economic, legal and military sciences, underwent military training in the infantry, cavalry, artillery and navy. In the fall of 1891, when dozens of Russian provinces were exhausted from hunger, AlexanderIIIput Nicholas at the head of the Committee for Relief of the Famine. Nikolai Alexandrovich saw with his own eyes the human grief and worked tirelessly to alleviate the suffering of his people.

(SLIDE 5) In the spring of 1894, Tsarevich Nicholas made an unshakable decision to marry. Princess Alice of Hesse became his chosen one.

(SLIDES 6, 7)

The parents finally blessed this marriage. NikolayIIand Princess Alice of Hesse got married. True, she had to change her faith and accept Holy Orthodoxy. Alice told her husband: "Your country will be my country, your people will be my people, your God will be my God ..." They fell in love with the Orthodox Orthodox religion, magnificent churches and monasteries, solemn divine services. At the time of chrismation, she was named Alexandra, in honor of the holy Tsarina-Martyr.

In the fall of the same 1894 NikolaiIIhe spends all his time at the bedside of his seriously ill father. A few days before the death of Tsar AlexanderIIIuttered the following covenants. For life NikolayIIkept them in my heart.


“You have to take from my shoulders the heavy burden of state power and carry it to the grave in the same way as I carried it and as our ancestors carried it. I bequeath to you to love everything that serves the good and dignity of Russia. Avoid wars. In domestic politics, first of all, patronize the Church. She saved Russia more than once in times of trouble. Strengthen your family, because it is the foundation of every state ... "


After the death of his father NikolayIIOn November 2, 1894, he ascended the throne. In the depths of his grief, he said: "I did not want the Tsar's crown, but, fearing to disobey the will of the Most High and the will of my father, I will accept the Tsar's crown ..."

It was truly the Tsar-Peacemaker. All his actions were aimed at protecting the universal world. During the reign of Tsar NicholasIIdid not sign a single death warrant, and not a single request for clemency was rejected by him. On the contrary, he always worried that the pardon would not be late.

The Emperor's surprisingly sincere gaze shone with genuine kindness. He always generously helped those in need from his own funds, without thinking about the amount requested.

The Emperor did not like luxury. Civil suits have been with him since the groom's days, and he used them. His clothes were often repaired and patched.

Sovereign NikolayIIpossessed a rare endurance and courage. He did not fear for his life, was not afraid of assassination attempts and refused the most necessary security measures.

This is how Tsar Nicholas wasII, who until the last days of his reign remained loyal to Russia. In March 1917, the Emperor handed over the Tsarist power to his brother Michael for the sake of saving Russia. In his diary, he wrote: “Around betrayal, cowardice and deceit ...” The people lost the one who had the successive grace to create Russian Law.

(SLIDE 10)

In the family of Tsar NicholasIIhad four daughters. The girls were named with Russian names: Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia. They were extraordinarily beautiful, it was impossible to take your eyes off them. Despite the fact that they were princesses, they were distinguished by their modesty and simplicity. Never as arrogant as some girls are today. They had no servants. They ironed the linen themselves, tidied up the room, worked in the garden. Freed from their studies, they ran away to the servants - dishwashers or watchmen - to nurse their children. They did not sit idle for a minute.

(SLIDE 11)

On August 12, 1904, the fifth child was born, a boy, the heir to the Russian throne, Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov. He was born in the midst of the Russo-Japanese War and became the consolation of the Tsar's Family and all of Russia. Tsarina Alexandra loved little Alexei and was most worried about his health.

(SLIDE 12)

Already in one year, the Tsarevich was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis - hemophilia (incoagulability of blood). The slightest wound, cut, bruise, careless movement was terrible, as this could lead to bleeding, large blood loss.

(SLIDE 13)

From childhood, Alyosha understood the horrors of a serious hereditary disease and kept himself in check all the time. After all, like all boys, he was lively, cheerful, agile. He, like everyone else, wanted to run, play tennis, ride a bike, but he was not allowed - it was dangerous. He had to be protected. It happened that the Tsarevich was bedridden for a long time, lay in delirium and was on the verge of death. Medicine could not help Alexei. How many tears the Empress shed over her son's bed and shared pain and suffering with the boy. That is why Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna very rarely smiled and was always sad.

From early childhood, Aleksey was an affectionate, affable, sensitive, caring child. Despite the boy's serious illness, the Sovereign and Empress brought up their son in severity, introducing him to military affairs. For hours Alexey could play wars, parades, maneuvers. In his nursery there were many soldiers, toy military equipment.

(SLIDE 14)

Simplicity and modesty were the hallmarks of the Royal Family. They led a quiet, modest life, did not like balls. Dressing is simple, passing clothes to each other. Alyosha wore sisters' dresses until he was three years old.

(SLIDE 15)

Parents brought up in their children a sense of duty, devotion to the Motherland. They all wanted to serve their country, the Russian people.

(SLIDE 16)

The family got together every evening. They were resting. The older daughters played the piano, recited poetry, read and discussed books. The younger ones, together with the Tsarina, were engaged in needlework. Father NikolayIIwas a highly educated person. He read history, excerpts from Chekhov and his favorite book of the Gospel.

All children studied well, were diligent, studied foreign languages. In addition, all the girls embroidered, sewed, knitted.

When the girls grew up, they began to sew clothes for the poor, sending them to orphanages. VIWorld War II, the princesses sewed and knitted things for the front and families of soldiers.

(SLIDE 17)

When the war began, costumes of sisters of mercy were sewn for the eldest daughters Olga and Tatiana. In the infirmary, they bandaged the wounded, cleaned after them in the wards, and helped the surgeon during operations. The Grand Duchesses prayed with tears for the most difficult patients, wrote letters for them. For two and a half years, while the war was going on, they got up early, and sometimes went to bed at 2 am.

Do you think the younger sisters - Maria and Anastasia - didn't help the wounded?

They packed and prepared bandages and bandages. They played with the wounded in fleas, in the ruble, in the war, chatted, distracting them from their suffering.

The Grand Duchesses loved their parents very much. They considered it a holiday for themselves to take a walk with the Emperor or ride together in a sleigh along the street. When mom was unwell, the sisters took turns on duty at her place. The princesses were united by strong and tender love.

(SLIDE 18)

They came up with a common name for themselves OTM, composed of the first letters of their names. They put this signature on the gifts and letters sent from all four.

Alexey, meanwhile, was also growing up. He easily became attached to people, loved them. He had many friends, the soldiers were also his friends. The Tsarevich had what we Russians used to call a "heart of gold."

Do you think a boy at the age of 11 can have a military rank, be in a war?

(SLIDE 19)

It turns out that it can. When Alexei was 11 years old, the First World War was going on. The prince was brought up near the front line, in an exclusively male environment. While on the front line, Alexey and his father lived in a small room, slept on hard camp beds. Even on the front line, his teachers taught him lessons in Russian, Russian literature, French and English, arithmetic, history, geography, natural science and the Law of God.

(SLIDE 20)

During this time, the Tsarevich matured, got rid of shyness. Here, for his courage when visiting the front line in the sphere of fire, he received his first soldier's award - a medal on the St. George ribbon.

Guys, do you think such a sensitive, noble, kind, loyal boy could become a great emperor?

But he did not become the Sovereign, did not ascend to the Russian Throne, although he hoped to bring good to the people. “When I am King, there will be no poor and unfortunate people. I want everyone to be happy, ”was the boy's cherished dream.

When the Tsar was betrayed in 1917, the new authorities imprisoned his entire family. The Grand Duchesses at that time were in the Alexander Palace of Tsarskoye Selo. They had measles.

(SLIDE 21)

So began a year and a half of arrest and exile for them.

In the distant cold Tobolsk, in Siberia, the Tsar's family was settled in a small two-story mansion of the former governor. Life here has become boring: a house, a courtyard, a small garden, the same people around. There was almost no place for walking. They sawed wood themselves, but there was not enough wood to heat the house. But even in this difficult time, the children did not stop studying hard, and did not complain about anything. In letters to friends, they wrote that they settled down very well.

The most difficult test awaited the Tsar's family in Yekaterinburg, where they were guarded even by convicts. They forced the princesses to play the piano, accompanied them to the restroom, swore dirty, drank. But the princesses forgave them their bullying, politely addressed them. Nothing evil could spoil their pure hearts. In Yekaterinburg, they themselves washed and ironed clothes, darned clothes, washed dishes, took turns reading to their seriously ill brother, learned to bake bread and cook. They found a reason for joy in everything, despite the windows painted over with oil paint, the deaf high fence around the house where they were settled, and the fact that they had to sleep on the floor on mattresses.

One night, the entire royal family was ordered to dress in road clothes and go down to the basement. They were promised another trip to the new place of detention. But they were deceived. They were martyred. They were shot and stabbed with bayonets while still alive. The date of the savage murder is July 17, 1918.

The bodies of the murdered Royal family were secretly taken out 20 km from Yekaterinburg. Their bodies were burned for three days. Everything was destroyed.

(SLIDE 22)

A pit was formed at the site of the buried remains of the Tsar's family. This place is now called Ganina Yama. This place is sacred, the land is also sacred. A monastery has been built on this site in our time.

Of course, the blood of the Royal family falls on us, and not only on those who committed this terrible crime. Today we understand that the murder of the Romanov family was a fatal mistake. For more than 90 years Russia has been bearing this sin. The image of NicholasIIand his entire family became shrines. You can ask them for help, pray in their images. The royal family is the ideal of the Christian family. We need him very much now.

(SLIDE 23)

Do you remember their names, Russia?

The dawn is flooded with their lives:

Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, -

Our Tsar had four daughters of a dove.

When you see the wings of a dove shine

In the azure of the sky, above the golden church cross,

These are their souls - pure messengers of repentance,

Sent to you, Russia, by Christ himself.

(Watching the video "Song of the Holy Royal Martyrs" by Zh. Bichevskaya)

Scenario Tsar's Day in the Novoomsk Rural Library - page №1 / 1

Tsar's Day at the Novoomsk Rural Library on July 18, 2013. Script / N. Gapeeva / Novoomsk branch library No. 17 of MBU "Central Library System of the Omsk Municipal District". - 2013

Municipal budgetary institution

"Centralized Library System

Omsk municipal district of the Omsk region "

Novoomsk library-branch number 17


Tsar's day

in the Novoomsk rural library

Compiled by: Gapeeva Nina Mikhailovna


Tsar's Day in the Novoomsk Rural Library

Day program:

1. Round table dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the execution of the family of Nicholas II and the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty at 12 noon

2. Literary and musical composition "Holy Royal Passion-bearers, pray to God for us!" at 13 hours 30 minutes

3. Tea drinking at 14 o'clock

4. Excursion to the temple at 14 hours 30 minutes

Responsible - Gapeeva N.M., head of the library.

Location- Novoomsk library, temple In the name of the Royal Passion-bearers in Novoomsky settlement.

Registration- thematic shelf "Crowned family", an icon, memorial candles, flowers.

Purpose of the event- educational.

Tasks: to honor the memory of the executed royal family, to attract the public opinion of the village to study the history of the royal family, in whose honor the temple was built.

Invited- residents and representatives of the administrations of the Novoomsky and Troitskoye settlements, representatives of public organizations, the Orthodox parish, the Cossacks, the department of culture, the district library, the district libraries, cultural workers, teachers, and the district press.

Preliminary preparation- a visit to the museum. Vrubel (exhibition dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the House of Romanov)

Roundtable Discussion Topics:

1.The historical context in which the shooting of the royal family took place

3.How was canonization - canonization

4.A sample of family education in the royal family

5 iconography

6. Temples in Russia and the Omsk region in honor of the Royal Passion-bearers

7.About the Romanov dynasty

8.On what occasion do they pray to the Royal Martyrs

9. Exchange of impressions from visiting memorable places, reading literary works, watching films related to the topic of the round table

Event progress:


Leading: June 13, 2013 at the Ministry of Culture of the Omsk Region, chaired by the Deputy Minister of Culture L.A. Chekalina held a meeting dedicated to the celebration of the Tsar's days in the Omsk region.

This year the Orthodox world will celebrate a memorable date - the 400th anniversary of the accession of the House of Romanov.

The mournful date - the 95th anniversary of the martyrdom of the Royal family of Nicholas II - the last Russian emperor - was celebrated yesterday, July 17.

As you know, a church consecrated in honor of the holy Royal family has been operating in Novoomskoye for five years already.

Therefore, the Orthodox Christians and the community of the Novoomsky and Troitsky settlements also could not stay away from the significant events of Russian history. Today, the Novoomsk rural library has invited you to a roundtable meeting, the theme of which is the 95th anniversary of the tragic death of the royal family.

Our event took place thanks to the public initiative of Strokina G.T. , Dezhurova L.N. and the Novoomsk rural library.

Our event is secular. The round table brought together historians, teachers, librarians, cultural workers, youth.

Today we will touch on a very multifaceted, interesting and, in my opinion, very important topic for everyone. Speaking of the last royal family, words come to mind about martyrs who did not abandon the faith of Christ, about a loving, friendly family that did not abandon each other in the hour of death. I would like to know more about what was happening in Russia at that time in order to understand the roots of the tragic events. After all, they affected not only the royal family, but also many ordinary Russians.

To tune in to the perception of the topic of the round table, I invite you to listen to the song "We are Russians" performed by O. G. Tikhonenko. The author of the text is Gennady Ponomarev, the music is Oleg Tikhonenko.

We were made for glory with Christ,

The monstrous enemy will not eat us -

They pricked us with a sickle, starred us with stars

But our banner is and will be a cross

Narrow roads lead us to Christ,

We know death, persecution and captivity,

We are Russians, we are Russians, we are Russians,

We will rise from our knees anyway.

The discussion with the enemy is over,

We will rise again to the exploits of grief.

Russia, Ukraine, Belarus -

Slavic tribes three heroes

Chorus: the same

Verse 3

Filling the world with crimson chimes

The Russian dawn of victory will rise,

And we, in revolt, with crosses and icons

Let's go to marry the Russian Tsar.

Chorus: the same

Verse 4

Already the angels are trumpeting for the last battle.

For faith, for the Tsar, go, do not be afraid!

By conciliar repentance and prayer

May the Lord resurrect holy Russia!

Presenter: The topic of repentance was continued in her poem by our reader, teacher of additional education at the Omsk Agricultural College, N.A. Ryabova.

People are arranged in an interesting way ...

We leave, burning bridges.

We say that we will not regret

And we have nothing to repent of today.

But it's not in vain that Time teaches and heals

And put everything on the shelves.

And for everything that was once

It will make you look differently.

Collecting the wreckage stories

To glue the "broken bowl" together.

And our descendants will repent

For our sins and deeds.

Main part

Leading: Today - July 18 - is the day of remembrance of the Great Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth, the sister of the last Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. On the night of July 18, 2018, Elizaveta Fedorovna, along with members of the imperial house, was taken out of the city; the unfortunates were jammed from behind with the butt of an ax and thrown alive into the abandoned mine of the Nizhnyaya Selimskaya iron mine. Then the mine was pelted with grenades, filled up with logs and thrown with earth.

The Grand Duchess did not fall to the bottom of the mine, a few months later her body was found at a depth of 15 meters, on a ledge. Two grenades did not explode, they lay next to her body. Being badly injured herself, she tore the hem of her dress and bandaged the wounds of Prince Ivan Konstantinovich, who happened to be nearby. The princess was still alive for at least one day: a peasant passing by heard a faint singing from the mine. When she was the last to die, Elizaveta Fedorovna prayed for her tortured relatives.

The life of Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna by the will of fate turned out to be closely connected with Russia. Born in Germany, she adopted a new homeland, becoming famous in her as a great mother. The tragic death broke the chain of her good deeds. As an example, we are left with the child of the princess revived today - the Martha-Mariinsky monastery, a symbol of mercy and philanthropy.

Round table:

Speech by Dzhurova Larisa Nikolaevna- a historian and ethnographer, contained a story about the tragic fate of the royal family. Kazakova Svetlana Ivanovna - librarian from Luzino told about the Tobolsk exile of the royal family and iconography. Turysheva Natalya Ivanovna brought from the family library an album of photographs, paintings and icons "The Crowned Family", published in Moscow in 2006, and told about its creators. Gladysheva Svetlana Nikolaevna - Deputy Director of the MBU CBS of the Omsk region reported on the Internet resources on the topic of the event and presented a book of memoirs by Alexander Romanov, a great-uncle and childhood friend of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II. Lesovaya Natalya Pavlovna, a hereditary Cossack woman, teacher of the history of the State Agricultural Academy, spoke about the Cossack traditions.

Leading- The artistic part of the Tsar's day - the literary and musical composition "Holy Royal Passion-Bearers, Pray to God for Us" performed by GT Strokina. Accompanied by Sinyuk Vladimir Sergeevich.


Host: Many thanks to all the guests for taking the time to come to the library, responding creatively to important events in Russian history, thank you for interesting stories. I propose to meet in the fall and talk about the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty.