Caring for the skin around the eyes at home. Proper eyelid skin care at home How to moisturize eyelid skin at home

The skin under the eyes is rightfully considered the most delicate. The child is that the smallest number of sebaceous glands and blood vessels is concentrated in this area. In addition, the area around the eyes often suffers from dehydration, hence all kinds of swelling and dark circles appear. To moisturize the sensitive epidermis, it is important to have a basic knowledge of skin care. Let's highlight effective recipes for folk remedies that can be easily translated into reality on our own. So let's get started.

Powdered milk

Beat 1 egg yolk with a fork, start slowly adding milk powder to it, stirring at the same time. Calculate the quantity in fact, the mass should turn out to be pasty. Then add 25 gr. liquid honey, bring the mixture until smooth.

Apply the prepared composition to the area under the eyes, place two pieces of cling film or gauze on top. Let the mask sit on the skin for about half an hour, then remove the excess with a paper towel. After the procedure, do not wash your face for 1 hour.


Wash, peel, stalk and bone 1 apricot. Mash the pulp with a fork or chop in a blender, mix with 30 gr. thick sour cream and 10 ml. olive oil. Make a mask on the area under the eyes, apply a gauze cloth on top so that the mixture does not fall off.

Remove the composition after a quarter of an hour, then massage the dehydrated area. Wash your face, apply the cream for the delicate skin around the eyes with a hammering motion, leave until completely absorbed.


Purchase flax seeds, soak them in cold water for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly through a colander. Place the seeds in an enamel pot, pour boiling water over the entire plant.

Turn on the stove to the minimum power, cook until you get a mushy mass. Stir constantly so that the composition does not burn. Remove the seeds from the sides of the pot, otherwise they will become tough.

When the flax is completely cooked, cool it, strain, apply the gruel to the area under the eyes. Soak for about 25-35 minutes, remove excess with a napkin. Wash with contrasting water (first cool, then warm), wipe the epidermis with ice.

Natural oils

Natural oils include castor, almond, sea buckthorn, grape, olive, burdock, corn and sunflower. To moisturize the epidermis with one of the listed compounds, moisten the product with a cotton swab, apply to the dehydrated area.

The duration of the procedure is at least half an hour. After this period, it is necessary to remove the mixture with paper towels, wipe the skin with lotion and apply a hydrogel designed specifically for the skin around the eyes.

If desired, you can use natural oils as a night cream. If this is the case, apply a small amount to your fingertips, then use a hammering motion to spread the oil over the orbital bone and under the eyes.


Due to its high-calorie composition, banana saturates the epidermis with moisture and oxygen, so the product is often used to fight wrinkles and moisturize the skin around the eyes.

To prepare the mixture, take 30 g. butter, melt until soft in the microwave, in a water bath, or at room temperature. Grind a quarter of a medium-sized banana in a blender, combine the two with each other.

Massage the skin around the eyes with your fingertips to increase blood circulation. After that, make a mask, soak it for at least 40 minutes. To prevent the mixture from running down your face, you can fix the mass with a bandage or gauze.


Due to the fact that the cucumber is 80% water, it perfectly moisturizes the skin. Cut the fruit into slices about 2 mm thick, place on the problem area, lie down to rest. The holding time is half an hour, after which the product can be removed. Do not wash your face for 45 minutes after the procedure.

Optionally, you can use cucumber porridge. To do this, grind a quarter of the fruit in a blender or meat grinder, then squeeze out the liquid from it. The resulting mass is applied to the area under the eyes, the duration of the mask exposure is half an hour. Cucumber juice can be used as a skin lotion.


Wash and peel the tuber of young potatoes, grate or mince them. Squeeze the juice out with gauze, and apply the gruel to the area under the eyes. Wait 25 minutes, then wash with cold water.

You can also use potato broth. To do this, it is enough to moisten a piece of cotton wool in it, squeeze it out a little and apply it to the problem area. In this case, the exposure time will increase to 40 minutes.

Oat bran

You will need oat bran to make the mask. If it is not possible to purchase them, grind the flakes in a coffee grinder or blender. Take 50 ml. heavy cream or homemade milk, heat the product on the stove or in the microwave. Add 35g. oatmeal, leave for 20 minutes until completely swollen.

When the cereal absorbs moisture and increases in size, stir the resulting porridge. Make a mask on the area under the eyes, fix with a piece of bandage or gauze, soak for half an hour. Remove excess with a napkin, wash with melt water.


In the pharmacy, you can find Aevit, which is often used to remove bags under the eyes. Due to the caring components, the drug saturates cells with oxygen and fights dehydration. Mix 5 ml. "Aevita" with 10 ml. castor oil, add 10 ml. rosehip infusion and 10 ml. olive oil.

Soak a cosmetic sponge in the prepared product, squeeze out a little, apply to the area under the eyes. Wait 30 minutes, pat skin dry with paper towels. Optionally, you can drive in the composition with your fingertips, leaving it overnight.


Bread pulp moisturizes the skin quite effectively, use a rye or black product whenever possible. Heat 100 ml in a water bath. fat milk, chop 3 slices of bread without a crust into the composition. Leave to swell (about 20 minutes), then transfer the mixture to a blender.

Grind into porridge, then squeeze out the liquid with a bandage / gauze, apply bread crumb on your face, capturing the area under the eyes. The product must be kept on the skin for at least 25 minutes, after which it is recommended to wash and rub your face with ice cubes.

Black tea

Tea bags or homemade compresses are considered highly effective moisturizing methods. In the first case, brew the bag for 10 minutes, then apply the still warm composition to the area under the eyes. The exposure time ranges from 15-20 minutes.

If you want to use tea leaves, brew them for about 20 minutes, then moisten cosmetic discs in the resulting infusion. Apply to the skin for a quarter of an hour, do not wash after the procedure.

Sour cream and dill

Wash and dry half a bunch of fresh dill (if desired, you can replace it with parsley), mix the herbs with 45 gr. fatty thick sour cream. Add 10g. wheat flour, bring the mass until smooth.

Apply the mixture locally to dehydrated skin areas, such as the area around the eyes, cheeks, wings of the nose, etc. Leave the mask on the face for about 45 minutes, then rinse with ice water and lubricate the dermis with hydrogel.

Medicinal plants

To prepare the herbal compress you will need: 30 gr. turns, 10 gr. chamomile, 25 gr. thyme and 25 gr. linden inflorescences. Send all the plants to a saucepan, cover with water and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes, periodically adding liquid.

After the specified time, strain the broth, apply herbs to the area under the eyes, and use the infusion as a moisturizing lotion. Remove the rest of the compress after 20 minutes, soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe the delicate skin under the eyes.

Cottage cheese

Dairy products perfectly moisturize the skin, the product is especially effective in combating flaking, dark circles and general dryness of the epidermis. Mix 45 gr. cottage cheese with 20 gr. liquid honey, 10 ml. corn oil and 10 ml. whole milk. Spread the prepared mass on the skin under the eyes, if desired, make a mask for the entire face.

Soak the mixture for about 35-40 minutes. If there is no whole milk, replace it with heavy cream or sour cream. After finishing the procedure, wipe your eyelids with cosmetic ice cubes based on chamomile.

Peach oil

In the pharmacy, you will find vitamin complexes that are available in ampoules. Buy vitamins A and E, mix them together, add 10 ml. peach or sea buckthorn oil. Use the prepared composition 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Using a hammering motion, spread the vitamin oil over the entire area under the eyes, leave for at least 2 hours. In cases where the product is used before bedtime, soak it on the skin overnight (the oil will be completely absorbed by the morning).

The skin around the eyes needs regular hydration, for this reason it is not recommended to neglect basic care. Effective remedies for dehydration include black tea, natural oils, egg yolk, apricot pulp, flax seeds, potatoes, and cucumber. Also, do not forget about banana, oat bran, "Aevit", sour cream with herbs, medicinal plants.

Video: skin care around the eyes

The mirror of the soul should emit light.

But often. the look becomes dull, and the eyes are framed by a net of wrinkles.

If this is indeed the case, then it is time to pay more attention to the care of the skin around the eyes.

Eyelid skin care should never be left to chance.

Without taking any action, you will get fading skin quickly.

Which is affected by improperly selected cosmetics, stress, poor sleep, unhealthy diet, sudden weight fluctuations and other factors.

The skin of the eyelids must be enriched with vitamins and minerals, which are found in sufficient quantities in natural products.

This is a great way to hide the signs of aging for as long as possible.

Causes and symptoms of loss of dazzling appearance

Time passes imperceptibly, and by the age of forty we get the imprint of previous years on our face, which were different for everyone, therefore the result is different.

It is often said that by the age of forty a person has the face that he deserves.

By taking proper care of your skin from a young age, you can look great after forty.

Irregular care or lack of it leads to disastrous results, because caring for your own appearance requires material and time costs.

The main mistakes in skin care that cause loss of firmness and healthy color:

  • The use of face creams that are not intended for the thin skin of the eyelids. Face creams may contain flowing oils that irritate the eyes and other harsh ingredients.
  • The use of fat-based eyelids that prevent oxygen from entering the skin, so fluid accumulates and the skin appears oily.
  • The eye cream is applied with a rubbing motion that stretches the skin. It is necessary to gently apply the cream to delicate skin with light hammering and patting movements.
  • Make-up is not removed before going to bed.

Folk remedies

The skin of the eyelids has features that you need to know:

The most effective natural eyelid care products:

  • Protection takes the first place in the care of the skin of the eyes after forty years, especially in the cold season. An excellent remedy for this can be olive oil, which can be applied at any time of the day.
  • Aloe with antibacterial and protective properties forms a thin protective film on the skin due to the unique substances contained in the juice.
  • Use aloe juice in the morning or before bed if olive oil is not on hand.
  • Green tea with jojoba oil promotes hydration and protects the skin from toxins.
    This protection effectively prevents dry skin and crow's feet.
  • Castor oil should be applied to the skin of the eyelids for 20 minutes every day.
    It perfectly smooths out wrinkles around the eyes, while accelerating the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, which acquire a dark color and a healthy, beautiful look.
  • Vitamin E, dissolved in oil, is useful for wiping the skin of the eyelids.
    The oil will smooth out expression lines and prevent the appearance of new ones.
  • Tea leaves are used for tired eyes and puffy eyelids.
    It is used by placing cotton pads dipped in fresh tea leaves or used tea bags on the eyes.
  • The toning effect of ice cubes is convenient to use in the morning, after washing, allowing the skin to dry on its own.

On the page: it is written about a cream for hair loss in intimate places.

Effective masks

Almost all recipes for DIY masks can be used at any age, even the very young.

Natural remedies cannot harm your skin. Especially, masks refresh the skin, which include:

  • potato,
  • vegetable oil,
  • cucumber,
  • aloe,
  • parsley.

At least once a week, you should use refreshing and nourishing masks for the skin around the eyes:

No cosmetics can replace a good mood that makes your face unusually attractive.

Drive sad thoughts out of your head.

Set up a "reliable barrier" for gossip and overly emotional discussions, we smile more often!

Secrets of effective care

  • Vitamin C cream is able to strengthen blood vessels and is very effective for dark circles around the eyes.
  • With frequent swelling of the eyelids use refrigerated eye care products.
  • It is necessary to cancel the use of fatty creams if bags appear under the eyes. Use gel products.
  • Computer work requires regular breaks of 5 minutes rest.
    When we are in front of the monitor, we blink much less often, so the eyeball is not sufficiently hydrated. Many are familiar with this sensation of sand in the eyes, which makes us squint.

    This stretches the delicate skin around the eyes.

  • Give up bad habits.
    When smoking, nicotine constricts blood vessels, which has a very bad effect not only on the internal organs, but also on the condition of the skin and hair.
    At the same time, combustion products are constantly poisoned on the skin.
  • Go in for sports: go to the pool, dance, fitness - it contributes to a good mood and speeds up metabolism.
  • Eat right, optimally planning the diet taking into account age-related changes.


Put your eye care methods into practice! They will not take much time, but they will be of great benefit: the eyes will shine, wrinkles, dark circles and bags under the eyes will disappear.
Discomfort and fatigue will no longer be reflected in the mirror.
The results of your efforts will be noticeable not only to you, but also to the people around you.

While watching the video, you will learn several recipes for masks around the eyes to preserve the youth and beauty of your skin.

They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. They reflect the mood and emotions of a person, his feelings and state of mind. But the eyes can tell even more about health, habits, lifestyle and, of course, about age, because it is on the skin around the eyes that the first treacherous wrinkles appear that cause chagrin in any woman. And all because the skin in this area of ​​the face is very thin and contains practically no fatty layer. If we also take into account the fact that the eyes are the most mobile organ of the human body and are in constant tension, it is quite obvious that the skin of the eyelids gradually stretches, loses its elasticity and fades much earlier than the dermis on other parts of the face.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely reverse the aging process of the skin around the eyes, but it can be quite slowed down if you start taking care of it on time. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a number of special procedures using various cosmetics - creams, masks and compresses, and they can be carried out not only under the supervision of professionals, but also at home.

Why is eye care so important?

Often, women think about caring for the skin around their eyes only when they notice the first age-related changes - mimic wrinkles, bags and dark circles under the lower eyelids. In fact, all these troubles could have been avoided by starting to carry out competent care for this part of the face much earlier, barely reaching the age of twenty-five. According to cosmetologists, it is at this age that many women experience the first changes affecting the skin, and therefore this period is a borderline, after which it is necessary to carefully approach the regular care of the skin of the eyelids, and there are good reasons for this:

  • the area around the eyes is the most sensitive area of ​​the face, since it is more exposed to the negative effects of the environment than others;
  • under the skin of the eyelids, there are practically no muscles and sebaceous glands that could hold the required amount of moisture in the cells;
  • the eyelids are constantly in motion, and therefore, without additional care, they quickly stretch and become flabby;
  • the skin around the eyes constantly experiences stress, which can be caused by a wide variety of factors - bad habits, unbalanced diet, insomnia, chronic diseases of internal organs and vitamin deficiency;
  • the skin of the eyelids often comes into contact with decorative cosmetics, which clogs the pores and provokes a violation of oxygen metabolism in the cells, thereby reducing the synthesis of collagen fibers.

In addition, the use of poor-quality or improperly selected care products, the wearing of lenses, prolonged exposure to a monitor or TV, and insufficient fluid intake can affect the condition of the delicate skin around the eyes. Without additional care, the skin of the eyelids becomes thinner, loses its ability to regenerate, loses its elasticity and becomes more vulnerable to the effects of free radicals, pathogenic bacteria and other negative factors. In order to prevent the occurrence of various problems with the skin of the eyelids, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive care, which includes the elimination of various irritating factors and the conduct of special cosmetic manipulations.

Basic rules for skin care around the eyes

Home care for the skin around the eyes involves cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing, toning and protecting the skin. For these purposes, you need to use products that have a mild, non-aggressive effect: fruits (with the exception of citrus fruits), vegetables, berries, milk, cottage cheese, various herbs, fresh herbs, vegetable (non-essential) oils and tea leaves. These components can be used in pure form or combined with each other, making up a variety of cosmetic mixtures.

Since the skin of the eyelids is quite sensitive, care for it should be as gentle as possible, otherwise its condition can only worsen. In order to avoid mistakes in caring for the skin around the eyes, the following rules must be observed:

  • When using decorative cosmetics (mascara, shadows, eyeliner), it is imperative to pay attention to its quality and shelf life, otherwise no home remedies can save the skin of the eyelids from premature aging.
  • Do not leave make-up in front of your eyes overnight. All makeup products contain chemicals that penetrate deeply into skin cells, disrupt lipid metabolism and interfere with normal collagen synthesis.
  • To remove eye make-up, you should use special products - tonics, milk or gels. It is undesirable to use soap for these purposes, since it dries out the skin and disrupts its acid-base balance.
  • Before going outside and at night, it is recommended to apply to the skin of the eyelids specially designed for this area - creams, gels or serums, selected according to age.
  • Daily eye care should include gentle massage of this area of ​​the face (best done before bed). This procedure consists in tapping with the pads of the fingers around the circumference of the upper and lower eyelids (the area of ​​eyelash growth must not be touched). Such simple manipulations will help improve blood circulation and ensure the flow of oxygen and nutrients into the skin cells.
  • One of the main enemies for the delicate skin around the eyes is ultraviolet radiation. In addition to the fact that, looking at the sun, you have to constantly squint (and this, as you know, provokes the appearance of wrinkles), the skin also loses precious moisture. Therefore, in sunny weather, you must wear sunglasses before going outside.

Taking into account these easy-to-follow rules and carrying out full-fledged care of the skin around the eyes using a variety of homemade products, you can significantly prolong the beauty and youth of this delicate part of the face. The main thing is to choose the right formulation of masks (creams or compresses) in accordance with your individual characteristics and age. At the same time, one must not forget that the use of home cosmetics for the skin around the eyes requires the utmost care, since particles of the components can get on the mucous membrane of the eyes and cause it to irritate, damage or inflame. To prevent this, it is advisable to pre-place cosmetic mixtures in cheesecloth folded in 2-3 layers. It is very important that the prepared formulations are not too liquid, otherwise it will not work to avoid getting them in the eyes.

Recipes for folk remedies for the skin around the eyes

At home, you can prepare various products designed for delicate care of the skin around the eyes, but multicomponent masks are especially popular among them, which should be applied to clean skin 2-3 times a week about an hour before bedtime. If necessary (if you urgently need to eliminate puffiness or redness of the eyelids), cosmetic procedures can be carried out in the morning, but after that it is not recommended to go outside for a while. During the sessions, you need to be in a supine position, completely relaxing the muscles of the face. The duration of the action of the masks for the skin around the eyes is 15–20 minutes, after which the agent should be removed using damp discs soaked in warm water, milk or herbal decoction (for example, chamomile). To enhance the effect after removing cosmetic mixtures, it is advisable to apply a special cream or gel to the skin.

Moisturizing greens and cottage cheese mask

The mask prepared according to this recipe will help to replenish the lack of moisture in the skin cells and smooth out fine wrinkles.

  • 2 sprigs of parsley and dill;
  • 30 g of cottage cheese;
  • 10 ml olive oil.

Preparation and application:

  • Rinse the herbs under running water, dry them and chop them in a blender.
  • Mix green gruel with cottage cheese and butter.
  • Gently apply the resulting mass to the skin around the eyes and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Remove with a cotton pad and rinse your face with cool water.

Firming young potato and sour cream mask

This product provides a pronounced tightening effect, restores skin elasticity and eliminates puffiness.

  • 1 boiled potato;
  • 50 g fat sour cream;
  • 15 ml of almond oil.

Preparation and application:

  • Mash the peeled potatoes in mashed potatoes and add the rest of the ingredients.
  • Spread the prepared mass on the skin around the eyes, cover with cotton pads soaked in water on top and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse off the mask with cool water and apply some nourishing cream to the skin of the eyelids.

Rejuvenating peach and honey mask

Peach mask nourishes the skin around the eyes and helps to smooth expression lines.

  • 1 ripe peach;
  • 30 g of honey;
  • 10 ml olive oil.

Preparation and application:

  • Mash the peach pulp into the puree.
  • Add honey and butter and stir well.
  • Place the resulting mass in gauze bags and apply them to your closed eyelids.
  • After 20 minutes, remove the compresses from the eyes and rinse the skin with cool water.

Mask-compress from coriander seeds against bags under the eyes

Lotion with a decoction of coriander seeds helps to eliminate dark circles and bags under the eyes, refreshes the skin and relieves fatigue.

  • 20 g coriander seeds;
  • 150 ml boiling water.

Preparation and application:

  • Pour boiling water over the coriander seeds, cover and leave for an hour and a half.
  • Strain the resulting infusion, soak cotton pads in it and apply them to your eyes for 20-25 minutes.
  • Rinse your face with cool water and apply a moisturizer to the skin around the eyes.

Taking care of the skin around your eyes at home is easy, and if you spend enough time on this process, an excellent result will not be long in coming: you no longer have to worry about crow's feet, bags and dark circles under the eyes.

Thin skin near the eyes should be taken care of first. She is exposed to significant stress, but does not have the same ability to heal itself as the skin on other parts of the face.

The first signs of fatigue and aging appear around the eyes, and this area needs special attention and care. Unfortunately, many women forget about him, and do not even know about some moments.

What are the most common mistakes girls make when taking care of the skin around their eyes?

The reasons can be different: severe fatigue, when you want to go to bed as soon as possible, stressful situations in which any action is a burden. There are times when you have to spend the night in an unexpected place where there is no way to properly wash.

What if there is no way to erase makeup residues in the usual way?

Whatever the reason, you should find a way to remove your makeup. Ideally, you should always have special makeup remover wipes with you. They will help out in any situation.

Why is it so important to remove makeup before bed?

The fact is that the skin does not rest at night, it works actively. The processes of renewal, restoration, getting rid of everything unnecessary take place in her cells, and the remnants of makeup make this work difficult. As a result, even prolonged sleep will not refresh the skin, and it will look dull and gray.

The second mistake is using a soap-containing product for washing.

Such cosmetics have long ceased to be popular, but they still have their supporters. Soap is good only when there are no other ways to cleanse your face, but it is better to give preference to other cosmetic products.

What if you still had to wash with soap?

Moisten skin immediately with cream or gel. For unexpected business trips and other unplanned trips, it would be nice to have a small bottle of grape seed oil in your purse. It will not take up much space, but it is able to help out in many situations. Grape seed oil is light, absorbs quickly, does not clog pores and perfectly cares for the skin. It can replace face, eyelid and hand cream. Of course, only for a while.

Why is it so important to avoid soap?

The fact is that the areas around the eyes have practically no sebaceous glands, the secret of which protects and moisturizes the skin. The soap degreases these vulnerable areas, stripping them of a thin film of fat, leaving the skin dry, thin and fragile. Constant washing with soap will lead to the appearance of premature wrinkles, as the skin will be more sensitive to negative environmental influences.

The third mistake is neglect of rest.

This is especially true for young girls who are ready to sacrifice sleep for the sake of a party. Yes, one can hope to disguise the traces of fatigue with decorative cosmetics, but such an attitude towards one's own appearance is not in vain.

What if you still had to spend a sleepless night, or even more than one?

Unfortunately, we do not live in an ideal world and no one is immune from lack of sleep. If there was no choice and had to sacrifice rest, then in the morning bags under the eyes, dark circles, edema may appear.

It is possible to hide the traces of fatigue, if it has not become chronic. This will require brewed black tea bags, which must be cooled and placed on the eyelids. The duration of the compress is from 15 minutes.

Tea tones the skin, strengthens it, relieves bags and dark circles. Compresses of dill, parsley or sage have a similar effect. The herb needs to be boiled with boiling water, let it brew a little, and then moisten cotton pads in the broth and apply to the eye area.

Another good way to erase traces of fatigue from your face is to massage with ice cubes. Instead of water, you can freeze tea or herbal teas. Performing the procedure, you should not allow skin hypothermia. From this, her vessels will narrow, which will impede blood circulation.

After compresses or ice massage, it is advisable to do some physical exercises to increase blood circulation. This will help your skin cells bounce back faster after a sleepless night.

If the described measures are not enough, the turn of the cosmetics will come. The lifting cream will tone the skin and smooth out fine wrinkles. You will need a concealer to mask dark circles, and powder with reflective particles will give your look a fresh look.

Why is it so important to get enough sleep?

First, as mentioned above, at night the skin is restored and gets rid of toxins. And secondly, fatigue tends to accumulate. At the age of twenty, the negative traces of fatigue are practically invisible, but by the age of thirty they can already make themselves felt.

Skin, which has been undergoing a lack of rest for a long time, becomes more vulnerable, toxins accumulate in it, and blood circulation is impeded. This leads to premature wrinkles, distinct bags under the eyes and dark circles that are difficult to get rid of.

The fourth mistake is to save money when choosing cosmetics, both care and decorative.

There is a popular opinion that the results of using products of different categories do not differ as much as their prices.

What to focus on when choosing cosmetic products?

Of course, you need to look at the price, but not in the first place. The main attention should be paid to the composition. The less chemical fragrances, preservatives and dyes it contains, the better. As a rule, in inexpensive cosmetics, such ingredients are often used due to their cheapness and availability.

As for well-known expensive brands, the price of its products includes not only advertising and packaging, but also the cost of high-quality components, technological equipment and the work of qualified specialists. By the way, many of these companies have their own scientific laboratories, where formulas of new substances are developed that can make skin care even more effective.

Why is it so important to use quality cosmetics?

First, she does a better job with the responsibilities assigned to her. Secondly, it must have another important quality - to be safe, since it is used near the eyes.

The fifth mistake is the belief that conventional face cosmetics are suitable for the skin of the eyelids.

There are women who believe that the use of special care for this area does not make sense, and that the cream that is used for face care is quite suitable for the eyelids.

Why is it so important to use special cosmetics?

The texture of the skin around the eyes differs from other areas. It is thinner, contains less collagen and elastin, recovers more slowly and does not protect itself so well from harmful external influences.

Of course, her care should be special. Creams intended for the face are too oily for the skin of the eyelids. Products that cannot be absorbed quickly often cause swelling and irritation, and sticky products tend to stretch.

Eye creams are lightweight, quickly absorbed, have a neutral pH and sun protection factor in the composition.

The sixth mistake is ignoring skin type when choosing eyelid skin care cosmetics.

Yes, its structure is different from the rest of the skin, but it also has its own varieties.

Why should you pay attention to your skin type?

The area around the eyes is not oily or combination, but may have normal skin that is dry, sensitive, prone to swelling, or dark circles. Each of these types requires special care.

The seventh mistake is using anti-aging cosmetics too early.

Some girls, having seen their first mimic wrinkles, in fear rush to resort to means that young skin does not need yet.

Why you shouldn't rush into anti-aging cosmetics?

The first wrinkles are, of course, a sign that the skin already lacks its resources to recover from deformations, but it is still quite elastic, and with proper care, most wrinkles can disappear.

They arise from fatigue, the influence of dry air, ultraviolet radiation, lack of moisture, and these problems can still be dealt with without the use of "heavy artillery". Early use of such funds will not bring benefits, but the skin will begin to get used to them, and subsequently will no longer react to them.

The eighth error is the opposite of the previous one.

Women who are afraid of the addictive effect are afraid to start using products for their age, even if the need has already arisen.

Why shouldn't you delay using anti-aging cosmetics?

Those who continue to use only moisturizers deprive their skin of the support it needs.

For example, at the age of 30-35, the skin needs funds that enhance its regeneration processes, and after 40 skin creams contain substances that fight natural aging: antioxidants, vegetable oils, hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin.

If at the age of 35 you do not use cosmetics that can solve the problems of this age, then you can approach the next stage with fairly aged skin.

By the way, not only the use of suitable cosmetics, but also visits to the beautician should be timely. A specialist will help you choose the right care and, possibly, procedures that preserve beauty and youth. Consultation with a beautician is not very expensive, but it will not be superfluous. Investing in beauty is not a waste of money.

The ninth mistake is fears when using cosmetic oils.

Sometimes there are advice not to use oils for eyelid skin care due to the fact that they are greasy, poorly absorbed and cause swelling.

Why oils can be trusted with delicate skin around the eyes?

Most cosmetic oils are well absorbed by the skin, even in pure form. Solid butter-butter is absorbed a little worse than light stone fruit, but they certainly will not lie on the skin as an impenetrable film. The reaction of the skin of different people may be different, but in general oils are not capable of causing harm, especially in small amounts in the composition of the cream. By the way, cosmetic oils are recommended to be used to massage the skin around the eyes. They prevent stretching and deformation, moreover, during the massage process, the skin absorbs their valuable components better.

The last, tenth mistake is the incorrect application of cosmetics.

Many women rub the cream, stretching the skin, moreover, they do it against the massage lines, as a result of which they get more distinct wrinkles and swelling.

Why should care products be applied correctly?

The skin of the eyelids is exposed to significant stress during the day: several thousand blinks and facial movements. This contributes to its deformation, the opposition of which decreases with the loss of elasticity.

This is how wrinkles appear. Stretching the skin when applying the cream is an additional deformation, so all touches should be smooth and accurate. The second important point is the need to adhere to the massage lines.

It's easy to remember them: on the upper eyelid, the cream is applied in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outside, and on the lower one - vice versa. Such movements smooth out wrinkles and remove excess fluid from the tissues.

The mistakes in skin care around the eyelids discussed above are the most common and typical. If you regularly do at least some of them, you can nullify all your efforts, so you should remember them and not repeat them.

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  • How to care for
  • What means to use
  • Eyelid skin care rules
  • Eyelid Skin Care Review

The need to care for the skin around the eyes

Caring for the skin around the eyes should not only be gentle, but very gentle. The reason is in its physiological characteristics. “The skin here is about six times thinner than on the cheeks,” says Elena Eliseeva, medical expert at Vichy. "It also lacks sebaceous glands, so whatever type of skin you have, it tends to dry out around your eyes by default."

Active facial expressions, blinking (the average person blinks 60 times per minute) and a thin hydrolipid gown are the three main reasons for the need for special care.

The eye cream must contain nutrients and moisturizers.

Cosmetologists advise starting to use a moisturizer for this area at the age of 18. “And if a teenage girl has poor eyesight and is constantly squinting, then prevention will not hurt even at the age of 16,” Elena Eliseeva is convinced. "This will delay crow's feet and prevent creases."

The main reasons for which special attention should be paid to the care of the skin around the eyes are active facial expressions, blinking and a thin hydrolipid gown in this area.

How to care for


Look for makeup removers labeled “for the eye area”. Choose the most comfortable texture, focusing on your feelings: it can be milk, gel, micellar solution, two-phase liquid. Avoid foaming agents - if foam gets on the mucous membrane, it can provoke irritation. Look for the ophthalmologist tested label on the packaging.

Nutrition and hydration

“Due to the thin hydrolipidic mantle, the skin around the eyes is prone to dehydration and dryness, so the cream should contain both nourishing and moisturizing ingredients,” explains Elena Eliseeva. Look for products with hyaluronic acid, glycerin and nourishing oils like shea.

If you apply hyaluronic acid eye cream at night, remember that one molecule of hyaluronic acid attracts hundreds of water molecules from deeper layers of the skin. To avoid swelling in the morning, apply the cream 40-50 minutes before bedtime so that the liquid is evenly distributed.


There are not many creams with SPF for the area around the eyes on the beauty market. “In the sun, we usually wear sunglasses that protect not only the retina of the eye, but also the skin around the eyes,” says a medical expert for the Vichy brand.

Glasses should be large to protect the area from the eyebrows to the cheekbones. And choose lenses with a UV filter of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th type. So, for Moscow, the 2nd type is suitable, for Sochi - the 3rd, for travel to the tropics or mountains, choose the 4th type of UV filters.

What means to use

The beauty routine for the skin around the eyes does not offer much variety. Basically, three types of cosmetic products are used.

Look for the word "ophthalmologically tested" on the packaging of the eyelid product.

    Daily cream

    It can be moisturizing, nourishing, or anti-aging. Another option is an instant wrinkle filler cream (usually contains hyaluronic acid).

    Night cream

    Eye masks

    They are washable and indelible. Apply eye masks no more than 2-3 times a week. Apply the products in a thick layer - this creates a greenhouse effect, and the beneficial substances penetrate deeper into the skin.

If you want an instant hydration or radiance effect (for example, before going out), you can use a mask instead of an eye cream: a more concentrated formulation will provide an instant result.

When choosing an eye cream, observe the age limit: over the years, the needs of the skin around the eyes change. Accordingly, the formulas of funds should be different.

Spread the eye cream over the orbital bone with your fingertips.

How to choose an eye cream according to age

Age Features of the skin of the eyelids Suitable means
18-25 years old The skin may be dehydrated with a feeling of tightness. Moisturizing cream with hyaluronic acid and natural extracts.
25-30 years old Facial wrinkles begin to form around the eyes, the skin loses its elasticity. Cream based on antioxidants (vitamins C and E, polyphenols), with extracts of rose, witch hazel.
35-45 years old Visible crow's feet, decreased tone, swelling and bruising under the eyes. Anti-aging cream with antioxidants, retinol, caffeine.
45+ The skin of the eyelids loses its tone, sags, becomes thinner. Increased tendency to swelling. Lifting cream based on peptides and omega fatty acids; caffeine-based drainage cream.

What ingredients should be avoided in products for the skin around the eyes

First of all, experts call parabens. “There is nothing wrong with the parabens themselves, they are inert preservatives,” explains Elena Eliseeva. "But dermatologists believe they can cause allergic reactions."

Also worth listing:

  1. 1

    lanolin (this is animal fat - a substance that is obtained when washing sheep wool);

  2. 2

    perfumery fragrances;

  3. 3

    mineral oils.

Choose make-up removers marked "for the skin around the eyes".

Eyelid skin care rules

Now be patient, because the list will be long. After all, there are many rules for caring for the delicate skin of the eyelids.

    Apply eye cream twice a day: in the morning before makeup and in the evening before bed.

    The amount of cream is small, with a volume of a grain of rice. Spread the product evenly on the pads of the ring fingers (they are the weakest and will not stretch the skin) and spread over the skin around the eyes, focusing on the orbital bone. Do not apply cream to the movable eyelid.

If you want to achieve a drainage effect - to remove swelling, get rid of bruises - spread the cream with patting movements, moving from the bridge of the nose to the outer corner of the eye along the upper edge of the orbit, and then to the inner corner of the eye along the lower edge of the orbit.

The skin has its own biorhythms, so the best time for evening care is from 19:00 to 22:00. During these hours, the skin of the eyelids is most susceptible to substances falling on its surface. It is recommended to apply the eyelids 1-2 hours before bedtime and at least 30 minutes.

Eyelid Skin Care Review

Means for the eyes after 20 years.

After 20 years

Means for the eyes after 30 years.

After 30 years

Name Active ingredients Action
cream for the skin around the eyes "ANTI-AGING CARE, Anti-wrinkle 35+", Garnier tea polyphenols, plant cells of youth Activates cell renewal, moisturizes and makes the skin smooth.
FIRMING EYE CONTOUR CARE AGAINST FIRST SIGNS OF AGING SLOW AGE, VICHY Vichy thermal water, baicalin, probiotic, ginkgo biloba extract, caffeine Eliminates the first signs of aging, rejuvenates the skin around the eyes.
EYE CREAM ACTIVE C Yeux, LA ROCHE-POSAY vitamin C 5%, bitter orange extract, thermal water Smoothes the first wrinkles, prevents premature skin aging, reduces puffiness, moisturizes, evens out the skin tone around the eyes.

Means for the eyes after 40 years.

After 40 years

Name Active ingredients Action
REGENERATING DEEP EYE CARE REVITALIFT LASER X3, L'ORéAL PARIS proxylan 3%, fermented hyaluronic acid, lipohydroxy acid, caffeine Penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, promotes collagen production, smoothes the skin, makes it more elastic.
lifting eye cream gel with iris essential oil PROLAGENE LIFT, Decléor iris essential oil; free of parabens and mineral oils By filling, it smoothes wrinkles, eliminates dull color, makes the skin more elastic.
EYE CONTOUR CREAM PRODIGY REVERSIS eye, HELENA RUBINSTEIN edelweiss extract and stem cells, rice peptides Protects, strengthens and deeply nourishes, rejuvenates the skin around the eyes.