A spell for boils is a way to help with illness. How to get rid of boils and boils using a conspiracy Remedies for boils conspiracies

Furunculosis is an infectious disease caused by penetration of the pathogen - staphylococcus - into the layers of the skin. There are many reasons for the development of the inflammatory process, but doctors are not always able to find the true source of the problem. This makes traditional medicine powerless in treatment. The patient despairs and begins to look for effective treatments in other areas. The Chiri spell is one of the unstudied but often used techniques.

Reasons for the appearance of boils on different parts of the body

A boil can form in a physically active and healthy person. The bacteria can penetrate the skin and cause suppuration. Favorite localizations:

  • head. A boil in this place is formed due to poor nutrition and increased oiliness of the hair. Self-treatment can be fatal due to pus entering the brain;
  • face (forehead, eye, nose, cheek, chin). Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, unbalanced diet and skin diseases provoke inflammation;
  • ear, auditory canal. Staphylococcus penetrates through microtrauma;
  • neck. Chiryak is formed due to metabolic disorders, low immunity, injury;
  • armpit. Sweat and hair are a favorable environment for the activation of the pathogen;
  • body: chest, back, arm, leg, buttock, thigh. There are many reasons, but more often - decreased immunity, metabolic disorders;
  • groin. Suppuration due to microtrauma during shaving.

Review of conspiracies for boils

Healers among the people believe that you can not treat, but talk about a boil and forget about its existence forever. It is a common assumption that a purulent lump grows on the body due to the evil eye or damage caused to a person. A bad effect on the energy field causes suppuration on the skin in different places. If treatment with medications and ointments does not help, the abscess appears again and again, a carbuncle develops, it’s time to move on to magic.

Stepanova's conspiracy

The healer suggests using a tree knot to eliminate the problem. This is a powerful, often used method in alternative medicine. Before you start reading, you need to prepare a small board with a knot protruding on the surface. The prayer is read slowly 9 times while the index finger moves around the knot. After finishing the reading, the board is hidden in a secret place where a stranger cannot detect it. After healing, the board must be burned at the stake or in the oven.

Words: “As a twig dries up and dries up, so (the name of the sufferer)’s boil dries up and dries up. Let it be so!".

Grandmother's method

This is an ancient female method that was successfully used in the treatment of household members. Grandma's recipe involves using a glass of water, one pinch of salt, and a thin thread made of natural fabric.

In the evening, before going to bed, you should tie a thread around the pine cone and tie a small knot at the end. Do not tighten too tightly so as not to cause pain or discomfort to the patient.

Salt is poured into a glass, water is poured in and everything is thoroughly mixed. Before drinking, the grandmother reads the “Our Father” prayer and gives her a sip from the glass. Relief comes after the first ritual.

Using a key

In magical actions, great importance is attached to keys. They are used in fortune telling, rituals, and healing prayers. Thanks to their use, you can quickly remove damage and cure diseases. The key collects energy and can provide quick help with inflammatory formations on the skin.


Every practicing healer has secret methods that can heal any boil, stye, pimple, and cure the skin. It is impossible to recognize these secret prayers; they are passed down from generation to generation and are not told to outsiders. For ordinary people, there are simple prayers that do not require magical objects or special knowledge.

Conspiracies for purulent boils, which you can read yourself:

Name Required Attributes Actions Spell
For the cream Store-bought or homemade high-fat cream, container Pour the dairy product into a container, read, and speak.

If the butt is inflamed, there are numerous formations, a finger is dipped in the cream and circled around the affected areas. Treat twice a day.

“The servant of God (the name of the sufferer) stood up, blessed himself, walked, crossed himself, out of the house through the door, out of the yard through the gate or gate. He walked into an open field. And in that field there is stone, there is no grass and flowers. Let my illness go away, let there be no boils. Let the skin of God's servant be cleansed... In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
Healing prayer for holy water Blessed church water, glass glass Pour holy water into a glass, cross it, bring it close to your mouth, whisper a spell on the boil. Wash your face and apply a small amount of water to the painful, swollen bumps. “May my face be smooth as a mirror, smooth and fresh as water, clean and white as snow-white snow, clean and bright as daylight. Yes, let it always be like this. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
On the dough Sour cream, wheat flour Knead the dough from the indicated ingredients, roll it into balls, and apply to each individual chiri. Leave for 30 minutes. Repeat treatment 1 time per day. “The boil is the enemy, where did you originate? Small, red, wither, pale from the servant of God... May my speeches be strong and sculpted. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Say “Amen” three times.

Choose one of the methods you like, repeat the ritual daily until relief comes, do not stop until healing is complete.

Instructions for reading the plot from Chiriya

In order for the spell to work and quickly restore damaged skin from boils, it must be read correctly in accordance with the recommendations.


  1. You need to speak only during the waning phase of the moon. During this period, it directs energy to the benefit of the body, healing, helps destroy diseases, get rid of excess, unnecessary things.
  2. Believe in the magical power of your prayers. The greater the faith, the more powerful the effect, the easier the recovery.
  3. The words from the spells are read clearly, without stopping, with good legibility. It is advisable to learn the chosen spell in advance or reprimand it well, so as not to let the patient down during the ritual.
  4. Carry out the procedure only in a good, upbeat mood. During the entire process, you should remain calm and calm.
  5. You can combine magical rituals with medications and medicinal ointments.

After healing, you are allowed to wash your face and take care of your skin with charmed attributes and holy water. An important condition for a quick recovery is the regularity of rituals until the inflammatory process is completely eliminated.

Traditional medicine often comes to the rescue in difficult situations. People know a large number of recipes for treating various diseases, including furunculosis. But it is possible to carry out a home ritual only in the initial stages of the disease, in uncomplicated forms. A child, a pregnant woman, an elderly person must be shown to a doctor; self-medication is dangerous for their health and life. Chiri is a dangerous formation that can break through, introduce infection into the blood, lymphatic system, or affect the brain and cause death. You should not take the risk if you have severe purulent inflammation or an abscess located in the head, face, armpits, groin or lymph nodes.

Skin inflammations and abscesses can significantly complicate a person’s life. A spell from chiriy (vereda) will help solve the problem in a short period of time. For a long time, people have tried to get rid of this scourge with the help of medicinal herbs and prayers. It is best to combine such actions with medical procedures under the supervision of a dermatologist. It’s worth talking about how to use magical rituals to eliminate a boil without causing a scar on the skin.

You can get rid of an abscess on the skin with the help of medicinal herbs and prayers

Boil is a purulent inflammatory disease that can be localized on the body, face and head. If the problem is ignored, single boils turn into entire lesions of the skin. Self-medication or squeezing out deep ulcers can result in sepsis (blood poisoning).

Reasons for the formation of chiria:

  • frequent contamination of the epidermis;
  • formation of skin microcracks;
  • squeezing existing pimples;
  • improper shaving;
  • oily skin;
  • abnormal hair growth;
  • causing damage.

Sometimes a focus of inflammation is formed due to the evil eye. The peculiarity of such chiria is the long duration of relapse of skin pathology, even with drug treatment.

Rules for the ritual

If you want to get rid of the problem, you must adhere to certain conditions:

  • complex treatment. The chiriya plot is carried out after visiting a dermatologist. It is also worth taking precautions to prevent a relapse if the appearance of purulent foci quickly disappears.
  • choosing the right time. The fight against boils on the face and body begins during the waning moon phase on any day of the week. An exception is the maximum activity of the night luminary during some rituals.
  • sincere belief in healing. The spoken words will be spoken in vain if you do not put the power of your desires into them.
  • positive attitude. The ritual is carried out in a good mood and with complete peace of mind.
  • choice of performer. A conspiracy with an existing boil can be carried out independently or with the help of a person who is worthy of trust.

Chiriya conspiracy methods

There are different ways to speak about a boil. A powerful ritual involves the use of black magic against someone who has damaged the beauty and health of the skin. You can speak up a small abscess by appealing to the saints and great martyrs.

The spell for boils should be started during the waning moon phase

Ritual with coal

When plotting against a boil at home, you should dip your ring finger in coal ash. On a door or window frame you need to circle a circle three times with the words:

“Neither from the fruit of stone, nor from the boil of ore, nor from the swelling of the head, die, be lost!”

After this ritual, the coal is thrown over the threshold with the proclamation:

“Where you came from, go there.”

Ritual with an egg

At home, it is enough to purchase a fresh egg to get rid of chiries. A spell for a boil will work if a wart appears on the heel and big toe (spike), a knotted udder (suppuration under the armpit) or lichen. To roll out negative energy from the body, take the egg in your left hand and move it clockwise over the problem area on the skin.

“Have mercy, O God, on (name), born to a mother, baptized in the Holy Temple, blessed by You! Remove the evil scourge from him with an egg, for this egg has been given strength and joy through the resurrection of Your Easter, and just as the people rejoice at a painted egg, so God, grant (name) joy and health! In the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Let it be so! Amen!"

The main condition for this action is persistent faith in the Lord God and the good intentions of the person praying. When using holy water during a black ritual, the person's entire body will then be covered with boils.

Scheme of the ritual:

  1. Visiting church. In a holy place you need to stock up on water and two thin candles. When leaving the church, you should give alms to the suffering.
  2. Expectation. On the day of visiting the temple, the ritual for boils is not performed. You need to wait out the night and get down to business early in the morning.
  3. Carrying out a magical performance. A glass of holy water is crossed three times when reading the Lord's Prayer. The words of the threefold whispering of water: “Be, my face, like a mirror surface, clean and fresh, like mother water, whiter than snow, brighter than light. For now, for centuries, for all bright times. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

You should wash your face with enchanted water three times a day with lit candles. Problem areas of the skin need to be treated especially carefully.

When plotting holy water, the main condition is persistent faith in the Lord God

Ritual with honey

Water will not always help with a boil if it is already ripe and causing pain. In this situation, honey with medicinal herbs is used. You should mix the aromatic substance with oregano and thyme. If the ointment turns out to be too viscous, then it is diluted with spring or melt water. Then the healing composition is infused from the full moon until the next phase of the full growth of the night luminary in a warm and dark place.

After the announced time, the ointment is spoken nine times with the following words:

“The priest was on his way to work, but the demon misled him and took him to a swamp. So the boils would have gone away from me, from me, God’s servant (name). Go away pus and filth from me, servant of God (name). Word. Key. Lock. Language".

When the moon is waning, chiriy is smeared with honey and herbs before going to bed, and in the morning the composition is thoroughly washed off.

Ritual for salt

The bulk substance is capable of absorbing negative energy when receiving a bad message from an evil person. To remove damage, white magic involves the use of:

  • salt (table or sea);
  • holy water from the church or from the tap on January 18;
  • family prayer book (if possible).

Salt is dissolved in holy water, the abscess is treated with the liquid, and the following is read over the prayer book seven times:

“Blistering, rotten, gray and sluggish, go away from the wind for 7 years and 7 winters, go away from the violent one for 7 times. From the fifth along the dome, from the sixth along the steep, from the seventh for good.”

You can also speak a boil using black magic. In this case, take salt, a black candle and on a non-church holiday say:

“I restore to you your rottenness throughout your whole body. As I suffer, let the demons torment you and always take away your beauty!”

The black candle is then placed in a circle created from salt and left to burn to completion.

It is dangerous to carry out this ritual on your own, because to enhance its effect, it is advisable to make an incision on your finger and sprinkle the wax cinders with your blood. If strong magic from the enemy works flawlessly, and areas of inflammation and ulcers grow, then it is better to turn to a trusted witch without loss of blood.

Ritual with thread

This method of getting rid of skin scourge was very popular among our ancestors. The plot involves the presence of a thread made of natural fibers, a pinch of salt and a glass of spring or well water.

Before going to bed, the chiriy is carefully tied with a thread and a small knot is made. The girth of the problem area should not be noticeable, because instead of getting rid of the person’s torment, the pain will intensify. A spell is read over salt dissolved in water:

“Where did it originate? Here your words are worse than the edge of a knife. Red, small, dry out, fade (name). May my words be sticky and strong. Let it be so".

The charmed liquid is then drunk, and in the morning the patient will feel significant relief. If necessary, the ritual is repeated.

When the milk product is applied to the boil three times, it is spoken with the words:

“The servant of God... stood up, blessed himself, walked, crossing himself, out of the hut through the doors, into the courtyard through the gates, and went out into the open field. There is a dry shalga in an open field, just as on that shalga neither grass grows nor flowers bloom, just as the servant of God would not have any chiry, nor vered, nor bathhouse evil spirits. The servant of God is cleansed...in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If the abscess is severe, this remedy will not be enough. It is necessary to additionally read the following proclamation:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Zaaminu, zaaminu, zaamiyu, all the chirii, all the vereda, all the boils and all the evil spirits of the servant of God (name).”

The abscess will disappear if you cast the spell three times, draw a cross around the edge with a knife, and then drive the blade into the door. The knife is not removed until the abscess is completely removed.

When casting a spell on cream, the boil is smeared three times with a dairy product.

Ritual with a comb

The eye should be given the most attention, because it can be affected by Staphylococcus aureus. In this case, you cannot do without the help of a doctor. If barley appears on the mucous membrane of the eye not due to a serious infection, then you need to take a wooden comb and apply it directly to the affected area.

When you press the boil, you should say the magic words:

“The barley grew, mowing began. The barley was mowed and the healer was persuaded. Grandfather-witch, speak the barley so that it goes to the forest, to the water, to the meadow grass from the servant of God (name). Amen. Amen. Amen."

The ritual ends with spitting on the ring finger and smearing the chiriya on the mucous membrane of the eye with saliva.

Plot with tar ointment

Pharmacy ointment is not suitable for the ritual, so you should prepare it yourself. The recipe for creating a suspension is simple: a small amount of resin is mixed with finely chopped plantain and tar. Homemade ointment is applied to the boil for three hours after reading the following words:

“The abscess is coming from me, onto other people’s trunks and grape palaces. As empty as they are at night, so empty are they during the day. As clean as they are in the 7 winds, so free am I from abscesses at 7 o’clock.”

After the announced time, the bandage is thrown away from the house.

Whispering red cloth

When wounds appear on the body, the bloody coloring material will help you get rid of the painful problem on your own. In the complex medical treatment of ulcers, a ritual with a birch stake and scarlet cloth will not interfere. A flap from this attribute is applied to the wound itself and the magic words are whispered:

“From the red flame, from the hot fire to the sick, flesh-like hallway. I light it hot, for 77 roots. Yellow on the side, from purulent soot in the box. Just as the box is empty, so the sickness is empty, the good, the red cloth is empty.”

A birch stake is tied with cloth and the stick is dug into dry ground. To solve the problem, the wood is burned.

People considered the strongest protection against chiria to be dough mixed with flour and sour cream. Initially, the products spoke with the words:

“Boil-enemy, where were you born? Small, red, dry up, fade from the servant of God (name). Be my words strong and sculpting. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then the dough was kneaded from the flour, cut into small plates with a knife and applied to the boil. The conspiracy was especially effective when strips of dough were fixed on the problem area with a plaster overnight.

People considered dough mixed with flour and sour cream to be the strongest defense against chiria.

Ritual from a Siberian healer

Help from Natalia Stepanova involves the use of white magic. To carry out the ritual, you need to find a board with a knot. When casting a spell on a boil, you should alternately move your finger along the ledge on the tree and the boil.

“As a twig dries and dries up, so (name) chiriy dries and dries up. Let it be so! Amen".

There will be no purulent rashes if you burn the wood after the ninth reading of the prayer.

Strong prayer will always help if a boil appears on the face or skin. When plotting against boils, it is best to believe not only in medicine, but also in folk remedies for protecting against boils. The beauty and health of every person is in his hands with additional help from higher powers.

Abscess spell is a simple healing spell that will help remove inflammation and remove abscesses from any area of ​​the skin. Like any quick conspiracy, it can be carried out independently, and can also be applied to yourself. Just don’t treat it as fun or something abstract - time has shown that such rituals are sometimes more effective than any medicine.

Quick spells for skin abscesses

  1. Take a red piece of cloth, apply it to the sore spot and say: “From the red flame, from the hot fire to the sick, flesh-like hallway. I kindle it hot, for 77 roots. Yellow on the side, from purulent soot in the box. Just as the box is empty, so the sickness is empty, the good, the red cloth is empty.” Wrap a piece of fabric around a birch stake and stick it into dry soil. When the abscess goes away, the stake will need to be burned.
  2. Moisten the abscess with water, diluted soda or salt, blow on it 7 times and say: “Abscess, sluggish, rotten and bluish. Go away from the wind for 7 years and 7 winters, go away from the violent one 7 times. From the fifth along the dome, from the sixth along the steep, from the seventh to completely.” Do not wipe off the remaining water with anything, but let it dry.
  3. Prepare ointment and tar, pine resin and ground plantain. Apply to the abscess for 3 hours with the words: “Lubricated buckshot is coming from my trunk, onto other people’s branches - spruce and tar. An abscess is coming from me, onto other people's trunks and grape palaces. As empty as they are at night, so empty are they during the day. Just as they are clean in the seven winds, so empty are my hands (or any other part of the body where the boil is located) in seven hours.” Throw away the removed bandage.

When is the conspiracy carried out?

Like other healing spells (for boils, boils, warts), the healing ritual for abscesses is best performed on the waning moon. A good time for a conspiracy is considered Tuesday or Thursday. Relief usually occurs on the first day, the abscess either begins to go away or “breaks through”, turning into an ordinary wound. If this does not happen within 2 days, then the ritual can be repeated, only before it is advisable to read the “Our Father” prayer. Many people are mistaken when they think that the combination of Christian prayers and healing spells is incompatible. In fact, it enhances their effect. In addition, this gives a person additional protection from such “side” effects of the ritual as extraneous rashes on the skin or deterioration in health. Abscess spell has many variants of execution, and today it is not possible to say exactly how many of these rituals exist. It is only known that those that are available to us today are among the most effective, since only real healing spells are kept for many years and passed on by word of mouth.

Complete collection and description: an abscess on the finger, a prayer for the spiritual life of a believer.

Unmercenary martyrs Cyrus and John

O holy saints of God, martyr and unmercenary Cyrus and John! Having fought a good fight on earth, we have received in Heaven the crown of righteousness, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him. In the same way, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us against the wiles of the devil, so that, having been delivered from sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present We will be worthy, through your intercession, even though we are unworthy, to see good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His saints, the glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

The Trinity of grace has entered into your honest hearts, blessed Cyrus and John, and has appeared against the terrible spirits of unclean spirits. And not just a revealed, but a secret illness, the doctor quickly, with the same boldness towards God, the Lover of Mankind, heal our spiritual passions with unceasing prayer.

Glorious saints Cyrus and John, unmercenaries, martyrs and miracle workers, with your mercy, like an insurmountable wall, protect us from all troubles and preserve us from enemies visible and invisible through your unceasing prayer to the Lord.

When you receive grace for healing, you extend health to those in need, physicians, wonderworkers of glory; but by your visit to the warriors, you overthrow insolence, healing the world with miracles.

Folk remedies for treating an abscess on the finger

    Traditional healers believe that the most effective means for treating an abscess on the finger are laundry soap and baked onions.

    If you have nowhere to bake onions, use boiled onions. Cut the onion in half, cook in boiling water for three minutes, then separate the onion into flakes. After removing the film from the inside, apply it to the problem area. An ordinary, undeveloped abscess should clear up within a day.

    It’s even easier to prepare a flatbread from liquid honey and rye flour (or second-grade flour). A dough is prepared from a tablespoon of honey and flour, from which a flat cake is made, and then applied to the finger.

    More effective compositions are ointments and cakes, which contain, in addition to soap and honey, onions and pine resin, and this richer amount of components allows you to achieve more effective remedies. It is recommended to add both vegetable oil and wax from a church candle.

    For example, they recommend a composition consisting of equal parts of soap, honey, pork fat, wax and onion. Place all ingredients in a saucepan and heat over low heat, stirring, until the onion becomes translucent. After this, a little incense powder is added and heated until it melts. After removing from heat, add a fifth of the total amount of fir oil to the mixture. Next, place the saucepan in a container with cold water and continue stirring until thickened. This ointment is effective not only against abscesses, but also successfully fights purulent acne.

    Mix a tablespoon of pork lard, unrefined vegetable oil, resin and wax. Add the onion cut into rings. Heat the mixture over low heat in a frying pan until the onion dries, but do not allow it to burn. At the very end add a tablespoon of butter. After straining the mixture, it is poured into a glass or porcelain container and stored in the refrigerator. The resulting yellow ointment, which has a pine smell, can be stored for several years. It has good activity in drawing out pus and relieving pain. This ointment is applied to compressor paper and applied to the problem area. A thick layer of foam is placed on top, and it can be secured, for example, with an adhesive plaster.

    A very simple and accelerated method is treatment with kerosene, into which the sore finger is dipped. You should keep it there until it starts to burn and pinch. Everything will go away the next day, but the procedure can be done again.

    You can also use indoor ficus leaves. Take two leaves, one of which is crushed in a meat grinder, and the other is dipped in boiling water and the crushed mass is laid out on it, which is applied to the abscess. Then they fix it in any way, it is better to do it at night. If necessary, the manipulations are repeated.

    How to speak to a boil: strong prayers for boils

    Treatment of boils can be carried out using an unconventional method - a spell for boils. Unlike modern methods of removing them, the ritual does not require significant time and costs associated with the purchase of medications. The charmed remedies are used to treat the sore spot. The most important thing is that in order to heal a boring boil, you need to believe in yourself and the future result. But you also cannot blindly trust unconventional methods of treating boils - despite the fact that prayers and spells have helped many, it is still better to rely on the help of a doctor.

    The disease affects adults and children whose bodies are weakened for some reason. The places where boils form can be different: face, neck, back, legs, armpits. Sometimes boils appear in the ear or nose. They do not develop only in places where there is no hair on the skin - the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands.

    Development of inflammation

    A furuncle or boil is a formation on the skin like pimples in which purulent-necrotic processes occur. Inflammation begins in the hair follicle, then affects the sebaceous gland and surrounding tissues.

    Why is this happening? Infection penetrates through skin lesions. With reduced immunity, the body cannot resist it and an inflammatory process begins, which then leads to the formation of pus.

    The causative agent of the disease is Staphylococcus aureus, less commonly white Staphylococcus and Streptococcus. After an infection enters the wound, the skin begins to turn slightly red, and a small bump forms under it, which hurts a little.

    After 1-2 days, a white or yellow boil head appears, and pus then flows out of it. The boil becomes painful, and the surrounding skin may swell greatly. The diameter of the formation can be from 1 to 4 centimeters. The patient's condition worsens: the temperature rises, general weakness is felt.

    After some time, the boil bursts and the purulent contents mixed with blood come out. The pain decreases and the person feels much better. When the pus is completely released, the wound closes and heals.

    Causes of the disease

    The disease develops only in a weakened body that cannot cope with the infection. For a child, this may be vitamin deficiency or diseases that reduce immunity.

    Reasons for the formation of boils:

    • poor hygiene;
    • taking corticosteroids;
    • excess weight;
    • malnutrition;
    • some diseases (diabetes, cancer);
    • regular contact with harmful chemicals.

    The appearance of boils is caused by improper body care, especially in places where the skin is subject to friction or heavy contamination, for example, the neck.

    And the body’s inability to resist bacteria and viruses develops as a result of an incorrect lifestyle: nutrition, activity and bad habits. The best remedy for boils is a reasonable attitude towards health.

    Methods of plotting a boil

    You can speak up any abscesses and boils in different ways, both independently and with the help of other people. The main principle of the ritual is prayer. Read it slowly, fully believing in successful treatment.

    You can speak to any boil with the words:

    • “This finger has no name, This place has no chiry. Be my words strong and sculpting. Amen". Circle the boil with your ring finger and speak three times.
    • “Boil Vasily, dry from above, wither from below, go to the branch, go to the branch.” Use a knife to outline the boil, then tap it on any knot.
    • Read the “Our Father”, make a broom from thyme (Bogorodskaya herb), moisten it with holy water, spray yourself and your bed. Next, you need to go backwards through the door to the balcony or street, there, throw the broom over your left shoulder.

    Healers also treat boils using fresh cream. We pour them into a container and whisper over them:

    “God’s servant (name) stood up, blessing,

    He walked, crossing himself, out of the hut by the doors,

    From the yard through the gate, he went out into an open field.

    There is a dry shalga in an open field,

    As if no grass grows on that shalga,

    No flowers bloom

    It would be the same for the servant of God (name)

    There would be no boil, no sore,

    No bathhouse Evil.

    The servant of God (name) is cleansed

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    The conjured cream should be used to treat the boil, while saying the same words, you can read it yourself.

    There is another grandmother's method. You can circle the boil with charcoal 3 times, press it firmly and whisper a curse:

    “Neither from stone fruit nor from boil ore

    not from the headache, die, disappear!

    After this you need to throw the coal into the coal pile and say:

    Where you came from, go there!”

    “Get off the slave (name) onto the beast, onto the leaf,

    on a low bush, on a swamp hummock, on an empty barrel.

    Cleanse the body of slave (name). Amen".

    Of course, not everyone believes in such things, but it’s worth a try. The boil will disappear without painful procedures, several visits to the doctor, or the cost of medications. Conspiracies require faith from a person; without it, nothing will work. There are several ways you can speak to a boil at any stage of its development.

    Abscess spell

    Abscess spell is a simple healing spell that will help remove inflammation and remove abscesses from any area of ​​the skin. Like any quick conspiracy, it can be carried out independently, and can also be applied to yourself. Just don’t treat it as fun or something abstract - time has shown that such rituals are sometimes more effective than any medicine.

    Quick spells for skin abscesses

  1. Take a red piece of cloth, apply it to the sore spot and say: “From the red flame, from the hot fire to the sick, flesh-like hallway. I kindle it hot, for 77 roots. Yellow on the side, from purulent soot in the box. Just as the box is empty, so the sickness is empty, the good, the red cloth is empty.” Wrap a piece of fabric around a birch stake and stick it into dry soil. When the abscess goes away, the stake will need to be burned.
  2. Moisten the abscess with water, diluted soda or salt, blow on it 7 times and say: “Abscess, sluggish, rotten and bluish. Go away from the wind for 7 years and 7 winters, go away from the violent one 7 times. From the fifth along the dome, from the sixth along the steep, from the seventh to completely.” Do not wipe off the remaining water with anything, but let it dry.
  3. Prepare ointment and tar, pine resin and ground plantain. Apply to the abscess for 3 hours with the words: “Lubricated buckshot is coming from my trunk, onto other people’s branches - spruce and tar. An abscess is coming from me, onto other people's trunks and grape palaces. As empty as they are at night, so empty are they during the day. Just as they are clean in the seven winds, so empty are my hands (or any other part of the body where the boil is located) in seven hours.” Throw away the removed bandage.

When is the conspiracy carried out?

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Greetings, my dear reader. My name is Olga, I do magic and conspiracies.

My grandmother passed on her skills to me; some of the spells and love spells that you will read here were used by her for magical purposes.

Now, in the turbulent age of Internet development, many types of magic spells, conspiracies and love spells will be available to you. I will be happy to share effective ways to attract good luck, wealth, money, love, and much more. Thank you for visiting my site!

Abscess on finger prayer


There is a golden bridge on the sea on Okiyan, on an island on Buyan, on that bridge sits a golden man, holding a golden bow, shooting at the servant of God (name) with golden arrows. Those arrows are a touch and a stitch, a pinch and a hair, a night and day touch, midday and midnight, water and wood. Take, Lord, these painful arrows from your hands, from your feet, from your bones, from your relics, from all your bodies. Grant, Lord, to God's servant (name) health and salvation. Amen.

Bring black horsehair into a cold bath and place it under the shelf. Then flood the bathhouse and bring the sick person. Steam the sore finger and wrap horsehair around it, tie it on top with a black rag and read the spell.

Black hair, take a living hair from a slave (name) from the bathhouse to the stable, from the stable to the field, to the wide expanse. The hair is alive, you may be dead. Amen.

Untie the rag, remove the horsehair and immediately burn it in front of the patient.

Place several ears of wild oats in a bowl, fill the bowl with water and read the spell three times over the sore spot. Then pour the enchanted water on the sore spot.

God bless. Hair, fall, little one, go beyond the high mountains, beyond distant rivers, I am not afraid of your squeak, nor squeal, nor dog bark. Just as a dog breeds and gives birth, so you, my dear, breed and breed behind the mountains and rivers, but never return to your slave (name). Amen. Amen. Amen.

Hold an ear of wheat or oats in your hand, move it over the sore spot with the words:

Hair-eater, hair-eater, go out to the ear, from the ear to the swamps, get out of the baptized, prayerful. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Cut the air over the sore spot with a knife and say a spell.

Heavenly powers, Panteleimon the healer, with your holy power, heal the servant of God (name). Amen.

Abscess spell

If an abscess does not heal, a conspiracy will help.

Most Holy Mother of God, great helper, help and assist the servant of God...(name), so that the servant of God...(name) does not have boiling blood, does not break an abscess, does not tear the turf, does not ache in the bone, does not rot the body. Knife, knife, corkscrew, corkscrew, fire, fire, and you are a disease from the servant of God... (name) out. Amen.

While reading the plot, move the ring finger of your right hand counterclockwise around the sore spot.

Faith and health to you.

Source: “Advice from the traditional healer Evdokia. Calendar healer."

FELON. FOLK TREATMENT for inflammation on the finger

Panaritium, folk treatment

Panaritium - inflammation of the tissues of the finger - is a fairly common disease. There are several forms of panaritium: cutaneous, subcutaneous, tendon, articular and bone.

The cause of panaritium is microtrauma - carelessly performed manicure, hangnails, abrasions, scratches, burns, etc.

After incised wounds, panaritium, as a rule, does not occur. For the development of all forms of panaritium, minor damage to the skin of the finger that is not promptly treated with disinfectants is important: iodine tincture, alcohol tincture of calendula, 10% alcohol tincture of propolis.

The disease manifests itself as increasing pain in the finger. Before pus appears, panaritium can and should be treated independently. To do this, hold your finger in the hottest water possible, in which table salt and baking soda are dissolved (dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt and 2 teaspoons of baking soda in a glass of hot water). The procedure lasts 10-12 minutes and must be repeated every hour for 2-3 hours.

After removing your finger from the hot bath, you need to treat it with alcohol (70-98 degrees). Then put cotton wool or gauze soaked in vodka on your finger and put on a rubber fingertip.

If pus has not yet formed in the finger, then you can get rid of the pain and further development of panaritium by dipping your finger in alcohol for 2-3 hours. If there is no alcohol, then you can put a mixture of grated red beets and sour cream on the affected finger and secure it with a bandage; Apply a fresh portion at night.

Subcutaneous felon is most often localized on the palmar surface of the nail phalanx of the finger, which swells and becomes sharply painful when touched.

With panaritium of the nail, the periungual ridge turns red and becomes painful when palpated. With articular panaritium, the joint swells, turns red, and movements in this interphalangeal joint become sharply painful. With tendon panaritium, the finger is half-bent and does not move due to swelling and pain.

Bone felon produces multiple fistulas and purulent discharge. This is a severe form of the disease.

For articular, tendon and bone panaritium, surgical intervention is necessary.

A sign of the transition of felon to the purulent stage is twitching, sleep-depriving pain in the finger. In this case, you need to urgently contact a surgeon.


Of the folk recipes for the treatment of panaritium, you can use the following.

When treating felons, 5% propolis water at a temperature of 38° C in the form of a bath can be effective. Place the sore finger in propolis water for 10-15 minutes, then dry it without wiping. A film of propolis forms on the skin. After 2-3 procedures, the panaritium is opened. On the 5th day the wound usually heals.

The following recipe is also very effective: prepare a mixture of 7 parts fir oil and 3 parts Vishnevsky ointment. Apply the composition to a bandage and apply to the affected area, cover with compress paper and tie. Change the bandage 2-3 times a day.

Prepare a tincture of leaves and mustache of the golden mustache in vodka. To do this, chop 1 large leaf and 20 cm of mustache with a plastic knife and pour in 200 ml of vodka, heated in a water bath to 40-50 ° C. Leave for 6 hours and, without draining the raw material, pour a little of the tincture into a glass and hold the sore finger in it. 30-40 minutes 2-3 times a day. After the procedure, dry the finger with a clean napkin and treat it with 5% alcohol tincture of iodine.

Folk remedies for treating abscesses on fingers

* After you have disinfected the wound with a solution of salt, soda and iodine, make a honey cake. It will help draw out all the pus. Mix 0.5 tsp. flour and 0.5 l. honey Stir, place such a cake on the damaged finger, secure with a bandage, and apply a bandage for half a day. Usually during this time the abscess goes away.

* Try to cure felon with this folk remedy: Grate an equal amount of fresh carrots, beets, and onions on a fine grater. Mix everything together, add a little fresh carrot juice and a few drops of perennial aloe juice. Apply the paste to the damaged area, secure with a bandage, and apply a bandage.

* In order to cure an abscess faster, it is necessary for the abscess to mature more quickly. To do this, make a paste of baked onions and grated laundry soap in a 2:1 ratio. Apply the mixture to the patch and apply to the damaged area. Change the dressing every 4 hours.

Abscesses on the fingers, toes, and gums can be successfully cured with a paste of fresh plantain leaves and horse sorrel.

* For the treatment of abscesses, tincture of Japanese Sophora is very effective. You can buy a ready-made tincture at a pharmacy, or you can make it yourself. To do this, chop the fruits of the plant, pour good vodka in the proportion of 40 g per half liter of vodka. Store in a warm place for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Make lotions from the tincture.

* Try using the St. John's wort plant. Pour 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs 1 tbsp. boiling water, cover with a towel, let sit for 20 minutes. Cool, moisten a piece of cotton wool, apply to the abscess, and secure with a bandage. It is also good to hold a damaged finger in the infusion. This bath should be done to treat abscesses for 20 minutes.

* Treatment of abscess using pine resin resin is effective. Apply it to a piece of bandage and apply it to the abscess. After 3-4 hours, the damaged finger stops hurting, the inflammation disappears, and the abscess resolves.

Treatment of an abscess on a finger using other methods

To speed up the ripening of the abscess, grate fresh onions and apply the pulp to the area affected by the abscess.

Bake an onion or boil it in milk, apply it hot to the abscess and bandage it. Change bulbs every 4-5 hours.

Bake the onion, grind and mix with 1 part of grated “Children’s” soap. Apply the resulting cakes to the abscess, changing them every 5 hours. Instead of onions, you can use baked garlic.

Attach fresh gruel of grated beets to the abscess - the abscess will either resolve or ripen quickly. Keep the sore spot in a hot solution of soda or soapy water (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water). Keep for at least 20 minutes. Apply freshly grated potatoes to the sore spot, bandage with gauze, and change after 3 hours. For felon - purulent inflammation of a finger - at an early stage of the disease, wrap the affected finger with the inner (white) side of potato peelings. Change the peel several times during the day.

Apply an ointment made from honey, flour and mashed baked onion to the emerging abscess.

To speed up the maturation of the abscess and for the resorption of tumors, a crumb of wheat bread soaked in hot milk should be applied to the sore spot overnight.

Cut off the lower, largest leaf of aloe vera, rinse thoroughly, cut lengthwise or crush, apply to the area affected by the abscess and bandage it. Change daily.

Moisten the surface of the abscess with fresh aloe vera juice.

Tie a cloth soaked in castor oil to the ripening abscess.

Herbs and herbs for abscesses

Pour 20 g of crushed willow bark with 1 cup of boiling water and heat over low heat for 20 minutes. Soak a piece of bandage in the broth and tie it to the abscess overnight.

Apply fresh leaves of curly lily to the abscess.

Pour 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds with 1 cup of boiling water and leave. Soak a cloth in the infusion and apply it as a lotion to the abscess.

Apply a paste of crushed flax seeds, filled with warm water, to boils and inflamed areas of the skin.

Boil flax seeds and chamomile inflorescences in milk. Strain and apply the pulp to the abscesses.

Good remedies for treating abscesses are cedar resin and oleoresin. They should be applied to abscesses.

Crush fresh leaves of ivy budra. Apply the leaf mass to the abscesses. Pour 30 g of globular eucalyptus leaf into 1 cup of boiling water and place on low heat. Dilute 1 glass of broth in 1 liter of boiled water and rinse the abscesses.

Grind 0.5 cups of dry leaves and flowers of St. John's wort and infuse in 1 cup of vegetable oil for 3 weeks. Lubricate the boils with oil.

Take 15 g of white mistletoe branches, 10 g of dead nettle flowers; stinging nettle herb, water pepper herb and oak bark. Pour the mixture into 1 liter of boiling water. Apply in the form of compresses or lotions.

Treatment of an abscess without surgery is permissible only in the initial stages of the disease and only under the supervision of a surgeon. The main methods of conservative treatment of abscesses are:

– Daily baths with a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), which is added to warm (not hot) water until a faint pink color appears. Dip the sore finger into the prepared bath for a few minutes, after which you should carefully blot the finger with a napkin and apply a bandage, folded several times, onto the skin in the area of ​​inflammation, on which a thin layer of dioxidine ointment or levmekol is applied. Then the finger should not be bandaged very tightly.

– If, as a result of home treatment, the symptoms intensify, the body temperature rises, or a large accumulation of pus appears, immediately consult a surgeon. Surgical treatment is carried out under local anesthesia. The surgeon makes a small incision in the skin of the finger, removes dead tissue of the finger, and introduces local antibacterial agents. With a subungual abscess, the nail is usually removed. After the operation, the patient is given daily dressings, which allow the administration of local antibacterial and wound-healing agents. The total duration of such treatment is about a week.

Such an unpleasant type of inflammation as chiria occurs in every person. To remove them, they resort to the help of a surgeon. To avoid medical intervention, read a small conspiracy from Chiri. A simple ritual can be easily performed on your own at home.

Causes of the disease

Chiria appear on the human body for a reason. This is due to the following problems in the body:

  • cleansing the skin is not enough;
  • injuries or cracks into which bacteria enter;
  • body hair grows incorrectly;
  • when shaving, hair follicles are affected;
  • The fat content of the upper layer of skin is high.

As a result, a small purulent pimple begins to form on the skin. If you do not get rid of it, the infection intensifies and the abscess becomes larger. The pain in this place increases, and the person experiences discomfort. It is prohibited to squeeze it out yourself at home, as this leads to a worsening of the inflammation. If you need to get rid of inflammation, a harmless boil slander is ideal.

Conspiracy for problems on the face

This method is ideal if inflammation has occurred on the face and it is necessary to use holy water to perform this ritual. The index finger of the right hand is dipped in it and applied to the inflamed area. After this, they begin to read the words of an effective conspiracy for boils:

“I, the servant of God (name), ask for help from higher powers. I can't fight the abscess myself. May my skin improve today and I can go out looking beautiful again. I will read the words of this strong curse until I see a positive result. Only magic can help me. I tried traditional methods of treatment, but it did not give any results. May the Lord hear the words of my sincere prayer and help me in this difficult situation. Amen".

You need to read the hex at least 3 times a day. Reviews indicate that a positive result occurs within 2–3 days. With the help of this ritual, our ancestors coped with various inflammations on the skin. When you perform this ritual, believe in the result. Visualize the situation as if all pimples and sores disappear from your face instantly. This will help speed up the healing process.

Ritual using dairy products

There is one more effective ritual. Conducted on dairy products: kefir, cream or sour cream. It is recommended to use fresh products. This will increase your chances of recovery. Place the cream or sour cream in a glass jar and read the effective spell:

“I, the servant of God (name), will never cope with the danger to my skin on my own. I feel like black magic was cast on me. For this reason, skin problems appeared. If one of my friends did this, then let all these consequences appear on his body. I, the servant of God (name), want to be beautiful and attract the attention of men. Beautiful flowers grow in an open field, so let my skin turn out to be beautiful, as it was before. Folk remedies could not help against ulcers on the body. Most Holy Theotokos, you have always helped women in difficult situations. Help me, I beg you. I place my last hope in you. I have never had to use the powers of magic, but this time I see no other way out. My skin will be cleansed, and I will be happy forever. Amen".

Dip your finger in the charmed cream and apply to the inflamed area. This effective ritual is ideal if the source of inflammation occupies a large area of ​​the body (back, leg or stomach).

Ritual using holy water

This method should only be used by people who have been baptized in the church. You must sincerely believe that heavenly forces will help you in resolving this difficult situation. Faith is the main lever that helps speed up results. Follow these steps:

  • Take running water at home and pour it into a glass jar;
  • take the water to the church and ask the priest to bless it;
  • when you come home, pour a small amount of water into a glass;
  • read
  • take 3 sips of water and begin to read the words of the following prayer:

“I, the servant of God (name), was exposed to inflammation on the skin. I wish my face to become clean and beautiful. I want my appearance to attract the attention of others. I'm still single and I need to meet the man of my dreams. I won't be able to do this while my face is covered in ulcers and boils. I hope that higher powers will take pity on me and restore my former beauty. I conjure with prayers and ask for help. Amen".

If your face is affected, you should wash your face with the charmed water every day. The imperfections appeared on another part of the body - you need to wipe this area with a cotton pad soaked in water. Even if you begin to notice a positive result, wash your face as a preventive measure.

Magic on dough

Knead the dough using wheat flour and sour cream. After this, make small balls out of it and apply them to the affected area of ​​the skin. Read the words of the following conspiracy against chiriy:

“I have a boil on my body, but I want to get rid of it. Let him slowly disappear and never appear again. My main desire is to be beautiful. I want to wake up in the morning and, looking in the mirror, feel attractive. My words come from the heart, with good intentions. I hope that the Lord hears my words and everything will come true soon. Amen".

This dough mask should remain on the body for at least 40 minutes. The ritual must be performed every day for a week. In just a few days you will notice an improvement in your condition, and there will be no scars on your skin. Folk remedies are considered more effective compared to cosmetics that can cause an allergic reaction.

Spell for boils

There is an effective method that helps fight purulent boils. For this you will need natural red fabric. You should pour holy water on it and apply it to the affected area. After this, begin to read the words of the following plot for a boil:

“Let the boil that appeared on my body leave it forever. I can’t go out while I don’t look like myself. Only with the help of a magical ritual do I hope to receive the support of higher powers and be healed. Let all redness and purulent formations be absorbed into this tissue. I will burn it and immediately the condition of my skin will improve. I, the servant of God (name), wish to become an attractive woman in the eyes of men and find true family happiness. Amen".

As soon as you complete these steps, light a church candle on the table and set fire to the fabric from its flame, collect the ashes in a separate bag and throw them away from home. Maximum effectiveness is achieved if the ashes were buried under an old tree.

Magic for ulcers on the head

There is an effective spell for boils. It will help if an abscess has formed in the head area. You should make ice or icicles from snow (if it's winter outside). Place 7 pieces of ice or icicles in front of you. It is best to carry out the ritual. With its reduction, all skin problems will disappear. After that, start reading the following slander:

“I, the servant of God (name), read the words of this prayer in order to get rid of the boil on my head forever. Every day I comb my hair with great difficulty. Pain brings me discomfort that is difficult to cope with. I ask higher powers to help me. Amen".


Every person has skin problems: some suffer and other people have to deal with ulcers. All types of inflammation can be easily treated with the help of magical rituals, if carried out according to all the rules. Follow the instructions and you will soon notice an improvement.