How to heal yourself from a sacrifice. How to heal from sudden illnesses. Internal energy of the body

The speed of thought exceeds the speed of light

If light travels at a speed of 300,000 km / s, then, in fact, thoughts spread instantly.

Thought is finer than ether - a medium that conducts electricity. During the radio broadcast, the singer in Calcutta sings beautiful songs. You can perfectly hear these songs on the radio at your home in Delhi. All messages are received on radio waves.

So, your mind is something like a radio station tuned to receive and transmit waves. The saint, whose thoughts are filled with peace, poise, harmony and spirituality, sends harmonious and calm thoughts into the world. They spread with lightning speed in all directions, are perceived by the consciousness of people and give rise to the same harmonious and calm thoughts in the minds of these people. At the same time, a person, absorbed in worldly concerns, sends contradictory thoughts into the world, full of hidden jealousy, revenge and hatred, which are perceived by the consciousness of thousands of people, arousing similar evil and contradictory thoughts in their souls.

The medium through which thoughts spread

If we throw a pebble into a pond or puddle, we will see how waves radiate from it in all directions in the form of a sequence of concentric circles.

In the same way, the light of a candle generates waves of etheric vibrations that radiate from it in all directions. When a thought rushes through a person's head, good or evil, it creates vibrations in the manas, or mental atmosphere, and these vibrations also spread in all directions.

What is the possible medium through which thoughts spread from consciousness to consciousness? According to the most acceptable of the existing explanations, manas, or the substance of the mind, fills all space, as ether fills it, and serves as a medium for transmitting thoughts, as prana serves as a medium for transmitting feelings, ether for transmitting heat, light and electricity, and air - for sound transmission.

You can move the world with your mind. Thought is a great power. It can be passed from person to person. The powerful thoughts of the great sages and rishis of antiquity are still recorded in akasha (this is the so-called "Akashic Chronicle"). Yogis with the gift of clairvoyance are able to perceive these mental images. They can read them.

You are surrounded by an ocean of thoughts. You are floating in an ocean of thoughts. In the world of thoughts, you absorb some thoughts and reject others. Each person has their own world of thoughts.

Thoughts are living beings

Thoughts are living beings. Thought is as hard as stone. Our life may end, but our thoughts will never die. Each change of thought is accompanied by a vibration of the matter (mental) from which it was created. Thought is a force, and, like any force, it needs a special kind of subtle matter for its work.

The more power a thought has, the earlier its fruits ripen. Thought is focused and transmitted in a given direction, and, thus, the effectiveness of its subsequent work depends on the degree of concentration and direction of thought.

Thought is a subtle power

It is supplied to us with food. If food is pure, thought also becomes pure. The one with pure thoughts speaks very convincingly and his speech makes a strong impression on the minds of the listeners. Through the purity of his thoughts, he has an impact on thousands of people. Pure thought is sharper than a razor's edge. Always keep your thoughts pure, sublime. Perfecting thoughts is an exact science.

Thoughts as radio messages

People who harbor thoughts filled with hatred, jealousy, revenge and anger are truly very dangerous. They cause strife and hostility among people. Their thoughts and feelings are like radio messages broadcast on the air and are perceived by those whose minds respond to such vibrations. Thought rushes with tremendous speed. Those who have lofty and virtuous thoughts help other people who are not only close, but also at a distance.

Are thoughts huge forces?

Thought has tremendous power. Thought is capable of curing diseases. Thoughts can transform the mindset of people. Thought can do anything. She is capable of performing miracles. The speed of thought is unimaginable. Thought is a dynamic force. It is caused by vibrations of psychic prana, or sukshma-prana, in the mental substance. This is the same force as gravity, grip, or repulsion.

People do not suffer from what is happening, but from their attitude to what is happening. Therefore, a person who in his heart is sure that he is sick will be sick. The human spirit is the main stimulant to his bodily health. Positive thoughts, feelings - this is the basis without which it is impossible to improve your health, no matter how radical and universal ways you use on the way to health.

The universal law of attraction: like attracts like

Those people who constantly think about diseases, constantly talk about them - they will get sick, and those who concentrate on health will be healthy. Everything that comes into your life you yourself attract into it, therefore, you yourself attracted all your sores, all diseases with your wrong thoughts and actions.

The problem is that most people think about what they don't want and then wonder why it happens over and over again in their lives. You can start right now to feel healthy, cheerful, full of strength and energy, and then the Universe will respond - you will attract all this into your life. First try to feel healthy, believe in healing, and then your desire will come true, because this is what you feel.

Don't put it off, don't think - here I will recover first, and then I will enjoy life. Feel good now - and you will attract events that make you feel even better.


Gratitude is a surefire way to bring more into your life. You breathe - be grateful for it, you have eyes, hands, legs, you can see this light, you can hear the sounds of nature, human voices, feel the breath of the wind. Thank you for everything that surrounds you. Don't focus on what you are missing. Thank you for what you already have!

Your body can heal itself

The nature of our thoughts completely determines the state and functioning of our body. The cells of our body are arranged in such a way that they are constantly renewed, some every day, for a few months. That is, in a few years we have a completely new physical body. If you are sick and focus on the disease and talk about it, you create even more diseased cells. Imagine that you live in an absolutely healthy body!

Create positive attitudes

Think about what beliefs prevent you from getting rid of the disease? Can you be sure that you have a bad inheritance? You can also be convinced that you will never become completely healthy, because you live in a city with a bad ecology, or the years are already taking their toll ... You can create any installations for yourself. That is, you convince yourself that you will never recover. In fact, our possibilities are unlimited and the beliefs that we create for ourselves will soon become reality. For example: you are convinced that you are not getting old, but younger. Try!

You can completely free yourself from past habits, conventional cliches, the pressure of public opinion and prove once and for all that your inner strength exceeds external influences.

Listen to your body

Any illness indicates that your thoughts do not benefit your true self. Thus, the body tries to inform you that something is wrong with your thoughts, feelings. Therefore, be attentive to the needs of your body. Listen to your body. Begin to listen carefully to what your body says about its needs. For example, if you want to eat something, first ask yourself if you are really hungry and if this is food that will benefit your body. Eat mindfully.

And learn to love yourself, your body, then it will respond to your love and will serve you for a long time, without exhausting you with diseases and ailments.

Much depends on the quality and quantity of a person's vital energy. Sufficient the amount of energy has an automatic effect on improving health. The more energy or prana accumulates, the stronger the human body becomes, and its capabilities increase. A person receives this energy through nerve endings located in the respiratory tract, lungs, in the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, as well as through biologically active points located on the skin.

The collection and distribution of energy is carried out with the help of deep rhythmic breathing in a prone position, the body is relaxed, the hands are on the solar plexus.

When inhaling, imagine that you have collected not just a portion of air, but also a portion of energy and mentally direct it to the area of ​​the solar plexus. Hold your breath for a few seconds, and when you exhale, imagine that this energy is dispersed throughout the body, right down to the fingertips. This exercise refreshes and strengthens the nervous system, induces a sense of peace throughout the body. It is especially beneficial for fatigue and a decrease in energy and vitality.


The meaning of energy healing primarily consists in cleansing, releasing organs from diseased energy. Sit comfortably, relax, concentrate on your breathing. Inhale slowly through your nose and exhale more intensely through your open mouth. During exhalation, clearly imagine that the sick, stagnant energy leaves the sick organ.


Continue breathing in the same pattern while lying in a comfortable position. As you inhale, produce a set of energy. At delayed On your breath, imagine that a light cloud of light energy has formed in your chest area.

After 10-15 seconds of holding your breath, mentally direct this cloud to the diseased organ. Follow its progress with your mind's eye, so that it does not spread throughout the body, but goes exactly to the right place.

BE CAREFUL! In case of tumor diseases of the organ, pumping its energy is undesirable.


For pain in the heart - 2 times a day;

For pain in the stomach, liver, kidneys and other internal organs - at least 3 times a day;

With neuralgia of a cold or other nature, as well as with symptoms of paralysis of the limbs - 5 times a day.

In chronic diseases, treatment with your own energy is best done before bedtime and in the morning. Fall asleep and get up with a cloud of healing light energy going wherever you send it. Fill the organ with light, love, gratitude. Get up and lie down with the thought that you are healthy, program your subconscious mind to heal.

During the session, you can simultaneously purify and heal. When inhaling, set up energy, and when exhaling, direct it to the diseased organ for its recovery. With the next inhalation, also produce a set of energy, and when you exhale, command the disease to leave, and so - alternately.


Lying or sitting, perform rhythmic breathing. They make one breath, in which they mentally direct energy to the diseased organ to restore blood circulation and improve health. Then one breath is performed, in which energy is gained on inhalation, and pain is mentally displayed on exhalation. And so in turn several times. If this exercise begins to help, then you need to rest and repeat a few more times, and so on until the pain is completely removed.


Breathe rhythmically while lying or sitting upright. When inhaling, direct the blood flow (mentally) to any place suffering from insufficient circulation. This helps, for example, if necessary, to warm up any part of the body with increased blood flow. With a headache, it is necessary to direct the blood flow to the legs. And fill the head itself and the area around the head with light and radiance.


This method of treatment is based on the use of the latent potentialities of human thinking at the cellular level.

Each cell or group of cells of one functional purpose has an independent "thinking", which subconsciously controls the work of organs. Disease is a disorder of cellular thinking. If the organs are awakened by the power of thought and tune them to the correct wave, then the organ will be able to heal.

Thought healing is based on the following principles:

1. The order to the cells to normalize their thinking is transmitted mentally. It can also be transmitted through the bioenergetic flow, accompanied by appropriate thoughts.

2. The hands are primarily used to transmit signals and energy to cellular thinking. This is achieved by stroking or contacting the hand with the location of the diseased organ.

3. The thinking of the cells at its level corresponds to the undeveloped child's thinking, and this must be taken into account when referring to them. The requirements should be set out quite clearly and clearly, in the form of an appeal to a capricious, but beloved child who does not fulfill his duty.

Of course, the cells do not understand the words addressed to them, they only understand the visual and semantic image of the process of restoring normal functioning, including energetics. But words contribute to the formation of thought and are symbols of thought. At the time of treatment, it is necessary to concentrate all attention on the transmission of a mental order to the organs, to visualize the diseased organ and, as it were, to get in touch with it.

4.In terms of the level of mental development and susceptibility, the organs differ significantly
apart. The most intelligent and sensitive is the heart. He should be addressed most gently.
and friendly. It quickly accepts the orders of the central thinking. The intestines are very patient and obedient. The stomach is sensitive and receptive.

Stroke the surface of the body in this place, concentrate on the diseased organ. After you have attracted the organ's attention, indicate to the cellular thinking what is required of it. Reason with him as with a child who does not follow orders. Persuade, give directions or give orders.

5. Sessions are best done every day for two weeks, depending on the organ, its state and the nature of the disease.

Be healthy!

  • 1. you always have the strength to heal yourself.

    2. only you can heal yourself.

    Nobody else will do it for you. It is very important to create a healing team - its members can offer their knowledge, ideas, different views and, most importantly, their support. However, these people cannot heal you - only you can do it. It is a personal journey of self-discovery and spiritual evolution. No one can experience your emotions, understand how your mind works, or generate your thoughts. Others can help you track down unhealthy patterns, but you and only you can change them.

    It is good to talk about healing when you have a minor illness, and if everything has already been tried, doctors are not able to help the illness? What then?

    3. first heal the soul; it will be followed by healing of mind and body.
    Soul, mind and body have different needs, and if everyone gets what they need, then everyone will be healthy. But if at least something is neglected, disunity will appear and the disease attacks everything. Healing restores the connection between soul, mind and body. While medicine works primarily with the body, the divine art of healing reminds us to start with the soul, for it is the source of our existence that breathes life into both mind and body. In the event that we start from here, then everything else will be pulled up automatically. What are the needs of the soul? Live in joy and meaning, develop, grow and express your motives through thoughts, words and deeds.

    4. Only love heals.

    The energy of love is filled with incredible healing power. Sent by you to any part of the body where there is pain or a malfunction, love is filled with the renewing power of the soul and mind. In the mind there is a shift of attention from detecting a problem to finding a solution, and the soul "Sees" the sore spot and imbues it with unconditional love. This feeling lives in the present, exactly where the healing takes place - not in the past or in the future.

    5. Forgiveness makes room for love in the heart.

    When our hearts are filled with fear, anger, sadness or despair, there is no room for warm feelings without which it is difficult to stay healthy. Love is related to the soul and forgiveness is related to the mind; it releases the emotional charge that fills the painful thoughts — those that trigger victim behavior and force us to lead a “Bird's Rights” life instead of a normal and full-blooded one. Forgiveness removes congestion in the energy body so that the information it contains can flow freely, providing a connection to the soul, mind, and body to maintain health. With the help of the right vibrations, it eliminates unhealthy attitudes and fears that lie in the spine, poisoning emotional charges in organs, glands and muscles. It starts the healing process and strengthens the immune system, and we become less susceptible to disease.

    6. change is the only course of action.

    The evolutionary journey is one of the changes; there is no other choice in life. This is what comes from thought to thought. Change transforms our thinking and helps move from the past to the present and from the present to the future. The first step in transformation is forgiveness, followed by love. When we forgive ourselves and our offenders, we expand the space of our mind for new thoughts and expand our heart so that it can contain more love. When we are sick, our soul, mind and body require change. They send alarms that something is wrong, that there is a loss of unity between them - and all this affects our state. The model of psychospiritual healing proposed by the soul reminds us: if thoughts are sick, then the body also becomes sick. The only way to heal them is to change their thinking. To live is to change; to change means to grow up; growing up means infinite every time.
    Yourself anew. "

    7. Focus on what you want, not what you don't want.

    Healing is consistent with the law of attraction: what you think about, so you become. What you become is what you think about. The best way to test if your thoughts are healthy is to analyze your lifestyle, relationships with others, and your health status. If what you find as a result is not what you want, then change something. There is one common ailment for all of us, which sooner or later attacks everyone in life: we begin to attract to ourselves what we do not want, instead of what we want. The only way to stop this process is to change it. But first you need to learn to live in the here and now.

    I wrote about how you can heal yourself from illness in the article “Heal Yourself”. Here I will repeat a few guidelines for healing and releasing my illness.

    • Try to understand that your health is only in your hands. Nobody can make you healthy, young and happy except yourself. Not a doctor, not your loved ones, not a medical wellness program, no one.
    • Know that our body is a self-regulating system that is able to independently recover, renew, improve and cope with any diseases that arise in it.
    • Love your disease, do not perceive it as an enemy that must be destroyed. Your illness is a signal that you are violating the laws of nature, and at the same time, it is your assistant who begins to work to save your body, activating defenses to restore lost harmony and restore health.
    • Study books by authors who teach how to treat their illness and health correctly, offer specific methods and systems for healing, recovery (Katsudzo Nishi, Luule Viilma, Louise Hey, Maya Gogulan, Valery Sinelnikov, etc.).
    • Apply methods and systems of healing in your practice constantly. Don't just read books, but comprehend the methods and systems of spiritual healing, try on yourself, choose those books and methods that you like. Make your favorite books desktop so that you are always at hand, helping you find answers to your questions and pain.
    • But do not refuse the help of doctors of traditional medicine for acute, serious, as well as severe illnesses. Help your doctor lead your body to recovery.

    The human body is a very complex system. And scientists are still far from a complete knowledge of all internal processes, how the body's self-healing mechanism works.

    The fact is that until recently science has not studied everything that relates to the subtle world, where the human soul and subtle energy dwell.

    That is why modern medicine is powerless in the face of many diseases, it does not study these processes and considers a person in the narrow plane of classical physics.

    Only recently did quantum physics make a deep breakthrough in understanding how the world and the human body actually work, as a part of this world.

    Such concepts, which were known for a long time in ancient times, such as the soul, energy channels and meridians within us, internal energy, Power, have become not abstract concepts, but real things.

    We'll talk more about quantum physics another time.

    Now the main thing is to understand that it is the knowledge of these things and the application of it in practice that will give you the key to a true and complete acquisition of health and happiness.

    You will have an advantage over others who are not familiar with what I am going to tell you about today.

    Attempts to become healthy and happy without knowing how the subtle processes within us work are doomed to failure.

    Intuitively, many understand this and are treated in the ways that the soul suggests, and not what the doctors prescribe.

    Of course, I am not saying that modern medicine is not capable of curing and one should not neglect the advice of doctors.

    But the cure will not be complete and may even be harmful if you deny knowledge about the inner energy of a person.

    What is internal energy?

    It is a complex system, consisting of large and small energy channels, closely interconnected with each other and setting everything that happens to our body.

    It is the state and fullness of these channels that determines both the general state of our health and the work of a particular organ.

    If you have disrupted the work of any organ, then, first of all, little energy passes through it due to either clogging of the energy channel responsible for this organ or due to a general decrease in the energy of the body.

    Therefore, it is useless to treat any disease without restoring the work of the human energy system. It is important to understand why the energy does not fit the organ and eliminate this reason.

    But the most interesting thing is that the body itself is able to make up for the lack of energy flow through certain channels. Our task is not to interfere with him and help open the way to reserve energy sources that he will find himself.

    This is human self-healing. Nature will do everything herself. It works like that. You can't even imagine what miracles the Power of Life is capable of. She can, in order to grow a plant, break through the asphalt in order to preserve the form of life, exist in very unfavorable conditions. And there are a lot of such examples. The same forces are embedded within us.

    With the help of thought, you can not only get what you want, but also heal from any disease. By using certain techniques, you will forever forget about health problems, and a happy life will become the norm for you.

    We all know from our own experience that when you don't feel well, no work gets done. And if the disease is chronic and constantly reminds of itself, then you don't even dream of any success of love and happiness, because the only thought that revolves in your head is the desire to recover and so that nothing hurts. At such moments, you think that if your health hadn't let you down, you would have been able to achieve everything that you have dreamed of for so long.

    Very often, ailments arise from negative thinking and negative emotions. It is clear that when nothing but pain is felt, no one is able to analyze their behavior. But the fact remains: if you really want to be cured once and for all, you need to work on your attitude towards life.

    When we experience such emotions as anger, anger, irritation, hatred, condemnation, and the like, then we transmit to the world negative and rejection not only of others, but also of ourselves. We all live on the same planet and are made up of the same cells and atoms. Broadcasting dissatisfaction with life, we show the Universe our unwillingness to develop further.

    Disease Healing Technique

    This technique will help to quickly heal any disease and get rid of pain. However, it will not rid you of negative thinking, since it only affects the physical level. You have to work with the inner world on your own.

    Get into a comfortable position and relax. It is important that no one distracts you from the process. Close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths in and out. Now focus on your problem or pain. Imagine what form it can take in the body and where it is located.

    When a clear picture appears in front of your eyes, look at it for a while and study. Then imagine that a golden ball appears next to it. At first it is almost imperceptible, but it gradually begins to grow and emit light and warmth. And so he becomes more than your painted image, and literally fills it with his nature. Feel how a golden glow permeates your entire body, and the disease simply dissolves in its rays. Stay in this state, having caught all the purity and harmony of your soul and body, and open your eyes.

    This exercise should be done until the ailment completely disappears. The number of repetitions will depend on how serious your diagnosis is. There are no special rules for the use of this exercise. Use this technique whenever you see fit and as often as your heart tells you.

    1. You always have the strength to heal yourself.

    The physical body has self-healing mechanisms, it is equipped with a protective system that does not allow external and internal pathogens to pass through. The structure of the body provides for a process of self-regeneration through the daily creation of new cells. We can stop this process only if we do not believe in this ability and do not give the body what it needs: rest, proper nutrition and exercise.

    2. Only you can heal yourself.

    3. First, heal the soul; it will be followed by healing of mind and body.

    Soul, mind and body have different needs, and if everyone gets what they need, then everyone will be healthy. But if at least something is neglected, disunity will appear and the disease attacks everything. Healing restores the connection between soul, mind and body. While medicine works primarily with the body, the divine art of healing reminds us to start with the soul, for it is the source of our existence that breathes life into both mind and body. If we start from here, then everything else will be pulled up automatically. What are the needs of the soul? Live in joy and meaning, develop, grow and express your motives through thoughts, words and deeds.

    4. Only love heals.

    The energy of love is filled with incredible healing power. Sent by you to any part of the body where there is pain or a malfunction, love is filled with the renewing power of the soul and mind. In the mind, attention is shifted from detecting a problem to finding a solution, and the soul "sees" the sore spot and saturates it with unconditional love. This feeling lives in the present, exactly where the healing takes place - not in the past or in the future.

    5. Forgiveness makes room for love in the heart.

    When our hearts are filled with fear, anger, sadness or despair, there is no room for warm feelings without which it is difficult to stay healthy. Love is related to the soul and forgiveness is related to the mind; it releases the emotional charge that fills the painful thoughts — those that trigger the victim's behavior and force us to live a bird’s life instead of a normal and fulfilling one. Forgiveness removes congestion in the energy body so that the information it contains can flow freely, providing a connection to the soul, mind, and body to maintain health. With the help of the right vibrations, it eliminates unhealthy attitudes and fears that lie in the spine, poisoning emotional charges in organs, glands and muscles. It starts the healing process and strengthens the immune system, and we become less susceptible to disease.

    6. Change is the only course of action.

    The evolutionary journey is one of the changes; there is no other choice in life. This is what comes from thought to thought. Change transforms our thinking and helps move from the past to the present and from the present to the future. The first step in transformation is forgiveness, followed by love. When we forgive ourselves and our offenders, we expand the space of our mind for new thoughts and expand our heart so that it can contain more love. When we are sick, our soul, mind and body require change. They send alarms that something is wrong, that there is a loss of unity between them - and all this affects our state. The model of psychospiritual healing proposed by the soul reminds us: if thoughts are sick, then the body also becomes sick. The only way to heal them is to change their thinking. “To live is to change; to change means to grow up; to grow up means to endlessly create oneself anew every time. "

    7. Focus on what you want, not what you don't want.

    Healing is consistent with the Law of Attraction: What you think, so you become. What you become is what you think about. The best way to test if your thoughts are healthy is to analyze your lifestyle, relationships with others, and your health status. If what you find as a result is not what you want, then change something. There is one common ailment for all of us, which sooner or later attacks everyone in life: we begin to attract to ourselves what we do not want, instead of what we want. The only way to stop this process is to change it.

    The treatment of a variety of health problems with bioenergy has been known since ancient times. And to this day, this method of treatment is popular among many peoples, the development of which is still at the stage of the primitive communal system. In these tribes, traditions have been preserved for many millennia in an unchanged form. In ancient times, people believed that any disease was a manifestation of an energy imbalance.

    According to this method, any person can have a therapeutic effect through bioenergy. As a whole teaching, this technique was formed by the ancient Indian yogis. Bioenergetic impact - the return of health with the help of Prana, is one of the most important parts of yoga. The history of the technique goes back more than one millennium. From its homeland, the practice of healing through bioenergy came to the countries of the Ancient East, as well as to Greece and China, where it gained great popularity. To restore a close connection with the outside world and energy, Chi energy was used, special techniques were used.

    Some idea of ​​this medical practice can be obtained from the Bible. According to the Gospel, it was by the laying on of hands that Jesus Christ healed the suffering. Of course, the Son of God possessed a huge energy reserve. The biblical texts do not speak of exact ways of restoring the potential of energy by Christ. However, they mention that he regularly starved. It can be concluded that this is how he restored energy.

    At the same time, the Holy Scripture says that during his stay on Earth, Jesus healed and diagnosed not only through personal contact, but was also able to do this at a distance. The people healed from various serious diseases unquestioningly believed in the divine nature of healing and in Christ himself, which greatly increased the effect. Since some diseases could be healed only after sunset, it can be assumed that Jesus took biorhythms into account. Among the therapeutic methods, there is not only the laying on of hands, but also breathing or washing with water. At the same time, the patient was instantly healed of the disease. Christ had 70 disciples, to whom he revealed the methods of healing. They spread this practice, along with Christianity, to all corners of the world.

    Thus, according to the information of the Gospel, already in the first years of the new era, the practice of bioenergetic healing was actively used by early Christians. Already at that time, a certain set of rules was drawn up, which indicated the main methods of curing a particular disease, ways to restore energy balance, as well as the theoretical foundations and philosophy of the doctrine itself.

    In the Middle Ages, this practice began to be called magnetism. It is known that magnetic abilities were the prerogative of clergy in European countries. They were piously convinced that the healing power of their hands belonged to the Lord, which explains the amazing abilities of some medieval monks. However, during the Inquisition in Europe, this method of treatment was recognized as the machinations of the devil. At the same time, in India, the process of studying this practice was secret, but not the healing process itself.

    In Europe, the right to determine the divine or diabolical nature of the gift of healing belonged exclusively to the holy church. Therefore, only the ministers of the church and persons of royal blood, who were considered the governors of God on Earth, received the right to heal through bioenergy. All other followers of magnetism were burned at the stake as servants of the devil and heretics.

    Also, the practice of treatment by the laying on of hands did not bypass the territory of Russia. This gift was possessed by healers, as well as priests. Protopope Avvakum is considered the most famous representative of Russian magnetism. Secret treatments were passed down from father to son, and many of these ancient secrets have survived to this day. A vivid example of magnetism are conspiracies on blood, amulets, removal of damage, etc. At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, Ramacharaki's book about the occult treatment of yogis was published, which removed the veil of secrecy from the practice of magnetism.

    At the beginning of the twentieth century, the first textbooks were published. At the same time, the training of the first specialists who knew the methods of healing by the laying on of hands began, the first laboratories were founded. Today, this area of ​​knowledge is actively developing, specialized scientific laboratory complexes are being created, where biofields are studied. However, until now, bioenergetic teaching has not revealed all its secrets and mysteries.

    How to heal yourself. 2. Only you can heal yourself.

    Nobody else will do it for you. It is very important to create a healing team - its members can offer their knowledge, ideas, different views and, most importantly, their support. However, these people cannot heal you - only you can do it. It is a personal journey of self-discovery and spiritual evolution. No one can experience your emotions, understand how your mind works, or generate your thoughts. Others can help you track down unhealthy patterns, but you and only you can change them.

    Constant spiritual practice has become a way of life for me. I studied all eight books by Viilma at that time, as well as books by Louise Hei, Katsuzo Nishi and other authors. She practiced the authors' advice on her behavior and attitude to life. Gradually, I somehow forgot about my illness.

    After another year and a half, I decided to conduct an ultrasound scan. What was my surprise when the doctor dictated to the nurse the size of my right ovary 1.8 by 1.5 cm. But before, instead of an ovary, there was a cystoma the size of an egg. When I showed the doctor a card with her early notes, she was surprised, and once again carefully looked at the monitor, she said that she saw a small vial of serous fluid measuring 1 by 1 cm next to the right ovary. This is what remained at the site of my cystoma.

    As a physician, I understand that not only spiritual work on myself helped me to recover. Probably, the changes taking place in connection with the attenuation of the functions of the ovaries had a positive effect on my health. However, I am convinced that it was the constant and long-term (over three years) spiritual work to identify and release my stresses that helped me to heal to a greater extent.

    Moreover, I became a completely different person. I feel healthy and happy. Now I look at the world around me and people with love and understanding. Nobody and nothing annoys me, I do not criticize anyone, I do not envy. Each person is unique, he has the right to do as his mind and heart tell him.

    However, I do not want to dissemble, I have not yet been able to say goodbye to resentments forever. But I am constantly working on myself. Since our life cannot be completely stress-free, I learned to let go of them. I try to forgive and let go of all stress, negative thoughts, people unpleasant to me, etc. I do this for myself and the health of my body. When the soul is calm and balanced, then the body is healthy.

    Hello, friends.

    Today I want to discuss with you a very important topic - self-healing, the hidden reserves of our body. Or you can put it another way - self-healing from all diseases.

    Because by understanding it and putting it into practice, you can improve
    your life a thousand times over, become healthy and overcome many of your ailments.

    The body's ability to heal itself

    Even in ancient times, people knew that our body is capable of self-healing miracles. This is how wise nature works.

    Thanks to her, huge reserve forces are laid inside us that can restore a damaged organ, grow new cells to replace the dead, and maintain internal homeostasis.

    It's like a lizard grows a new tail to replace an old or damaged one.

    Of course, everyone knows how external injuries recover from a cut. But few people understand that the same mechanism works with internal organs and with the entire body as a whole.

    If a person gets sick, complex deep processes begin to take place inside us, many of which are still incomprehensible to us. The body temperature rises, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea begins, and the release of dead cells or foreign substances and organisms occurs.

    Thus, the body is trying with all its might to get rid of the disease. Yes, there are diseases that he cannot cope with, but still the forces that are hidden within us are truly limitless.

    Ancient healers and sages understood all this. Therefore, in those distant times, the main goal of treatment was not to interfere with the body's recovery, as well as to help it open those reserve sources of energy that would heal a person themselves.

    Herbs were also prescribed to stimulate natural processes. Strengthened, but did not stop, cough and runny nose to remove bacteria and viruses through the mucous membrane.

    But most importantly, the emphasis was placed on the prevention of diseases through an overall increase in health by increasing the body's energy. Thus, with the onset of the disease, the person coped with it better without outside help.

    But at some point, medicine changed the vector of its development. Deeper and deeper into the study of every organ and cell, as well as viruses and bacteria that attack us, she imagines that she knows everything about the human structure and is able to defeat many diseases.

    All this led to the fact that doctors began to treat only a specific organ, forgetting about the integrity of the whole organism. All kinds of medicines were invented that cured one thing, but harmed everything else in a complex way.

    And also the doctrine of human energy was forgotten, that there are healing forces within us that are capable of miracles of self-healing.

    Internal energy of the body

    The human body is a very complex system. And scientists are still far from a complete knowledge of all internal processes, how the body's self-healing mechanism works.

    The fact is that until recently science has not studied everything that relates to the subtle world, where the human soul and subtle energy dwell.

    That is why modern medicine is powerless in the face of many diseases, it does not study these processes and considers a person in the narrow plane of classical physics.

    Only recently did quantum physics make a deep breakthrough in understanding how the world and the human body actually work, as a part of this world.

    Such concepts, which were known for a long time in ancient times, such as energy channels and meridians within us, internal energy, Power, have become not abstract concepts, but real things.

    We'll talk more about quantum physics another time.

    Now the main thing is to understand that it is the knowledge of these things and the application of it in practice that will give you the key to a true and complete acquisition of health and happiness.

    You will have an advantage over others who are not familiar with what I am going to tell you about today.

    Attempts to become healthy and happy without knowing how the subtle processes within us work are doomed to failure.

    Intuitively, many understand this and are treated in the ways that the soul suggests, and not what the doctors prescribe.

    Of course, I am not saying that modern medicine is not capable of curing and one should not neglect the advice of doctors.

    But the cure will not be complete and may even be harmful if you deny knowledge about the inner energy of a person.

    What is internal energy?

    It is a complex system, consisting of large and small energy channels, closely interconnected with each other and setting everything that happens to our body.

    It is the state and fullness of these channels that determines both the general state of our health and the work of a particular organ.

    If you have disrupted the work of any organ, then, first of all, little energy passes through it due to either clogging of the energy channel responsible for this organ or due to a general decrease in the energy of the body.

    Therefore, it is useless to treat any disease without restoring the work of the human energy system. It is important to understand why the energy does not fit the organ and eliminate this reason.

    But the most interesting thing is that the body itself is able to make up for the lack of energy flow through certain channels. Our task is not to interfere with him and help open the way to reserve energy sources that he will find himself.

    This is human self-healing. Nature will do everything herself. It works like that. You can't even imagine what miracles the Power of Life is capable of. She can, in order to grow a plant, break through the asphalt in order to preserve the form of life, exist in very unfavorable conditions. And there are a lot of such examples. The same forces are embedded within us.

    How to start the self-healing process

    Everything is very simple.

    In order for the self-healing process to start, successfully relieve us of diseases and restore health, it is necessary to increase the level of internal energy of the body, as well as remove obstacles to its launch.

    This is how diseases should be treated in the first place. Of course, the knowledge of modern medicine must be used for treatment, but the launch of the body's self-healing should be paramount.

    This is how they always treated in the East.

    During internal healing, complex processes begin to rebuild tissues, remove foreign substances, and align internal homeostasis. All this requires a lot of energy. And if it is not enough, self-healing simply will not happen or will not be complete.

    You also need to restore the flow of energy to the diseased organ, if for some reason it has been disturbed.

    In oriental medicine, many methods are used to restore energy and restore its flow to the internal organs - acupuncture, acupressure, sound massage, other types of massage, aromatherapy, warming up and much more.

    Also suitable for these purposes, and other methods.

    There are various exercises, meditations, and visualization techniques for increasing energy.

    But the best techniques, proven for more than one millennium, are, of course, yoga and qigong.

    Better yet, a modern technique that includes both yoga and qigong -. I have been doing it for many years, which helped me get rid of many diseases.

    It is energy-meditative practice that successfully launches the process of self-healing of the human body.

    But we'll talk about this another time.

    And also in a separate article I will tell you in more detail how to increase your energy level.

    Also, understanding the process of self-healing sheds light on such a mysterious concept as, where there is a mood for self-healing of the body.

    For a better understanding of the above, I suggest watching an excerpt from the wonderful film "The Secret":

    And that's all for now.

    See you soon on the blog pages.

    1. You always have the strength to heal yourself.

    The physical body has self-healing mechanisms, it is equipped with a protective system that does not allow external and internal pathogens to pass through. The structure of the body provides for a process of self-regeneration through the daily creation of new cells.

    We can stop this process only if we do not believe in this ability and do not give the body what it needs: rest, proper nutrition and exercise.

    2. Only you yourself can heal yourself.

    Nobody else will do it for you. It is very important to create a healing team - its members can offer their knowledge, ideas, different views and, most importantly, their support. However, these people cannot heal you - only you can do it. It is a personal journey of self-discovery and spiritual evolution. No one can experience your emotions, understand how your mind works, or generate your thoughts. Others can help you track down unhealthy patterns, but you and only you can change them.

    3. First heal the soul; it will be followed by healing of mind and body.

    Soul, mind and body have different needs, and if everyone gets what they need, then everyone will be healthy. But if at least something is neglected, disunity will appear and the disease attacks everything. Healing restores the connection between soul, mind and body. While medicine works primarily with the body, the divine art of healing reminds us to start with the soul, for it is the source of our existence that breathes life into both mind and body. If we start from here, then everything else will be pulled up automatically. What are the needs of the soul? Live in joy and meaning, develop, grow and express your motives through thoughts, words and deeds.

    4. Only love heals.

    The energy of love is filled with incredible healing power. Sent by you to any part of the body where there is pain or a malfunction, love is filled with the renewing power of the soul and mind. In the mind, attention is shifted from detecting a problem to finding a solution, and the soul "sees" the sore spot and saturates it with unconditional love. This feeling lives in the present, exactly where the healing takes place - not in the past or in the future.

    5. Forgiveness makes room for love in the heart.

    When our hearts are filled with fear, anger, sadness or despair, there is no room for warm feelings without which it is difficult to stay healthy. Love is related to the soul and forgiveness is related to the mind; it releases the emotional charge that fills the painful thoughts — those that trigger the victim's behavior and force us to live a bird’s life instead of a normal and fulfilling one. Forgiveness removes congestion in the energy body so that the information it contains can flow freely, providing a connection to the soul, mind, and body to maintain health. With the help of the right vibrations, it eliminates unhealthy attitudes and fears that lie in the spine, poisoning emotional charges in organs, glands and muscles. It starts the healing process and strengthens the immune system, and we become less susceptible to disease.

    6. Change is the only course of action.

    The evolutionary journey is one of the changes; there is no other choice in life. This is what comes from thought to thought. Change transforms our thinking and helps move from the past to the present and from the present to the future. The first step in transformation is forgiveness, followed by love. When we forgive ourselves and our offenders, we expand the space of our mind for new thoughts and expand our heart so that it can contain more love. When we are sick, our soul, mind and body require change. They send alarms that something is wrong, that there is a loss of unity between them - and all this affects our state. The model of psychospiritual healing proposed by the soul reminds us: if thoughts are sick, then the body also becomes sick. The only way to heal them is to change their thinking. “To live is to change; to change means to grow up; growing up means creating endlessly every time
    yourself again. "

    7. Focus on what you want, not what you don't want.

    Healing is consistent with the Law of Attraction: What you think, so you become. What you become is what you think about. The best way to test if your thoughts are healthy is to analyze your lifestyle, relationships with others, and your health status. If what you find as a result is not what you want, then change something. There is one common ailment for all of us, which sooner or later attacks everyone in life: we begin to attract to ourselves what we do not want, instead of what we want. The only way to stop this process is to change it.

    But first you need to learn to live in HERE and NOW.

    Hey! This post will focus on the topic "Improvement of the body according to the system of Seraphim Chichagov"... Here I have posted a video of the practitioner Kravchenko Ksenia Pavlovna. I think these videos will not leave anyone indifferent, tk. everything that is told in the film contradicts the usual opinion about the correct treatment of diseases. All advice is practical and worked out for decades.

    When I first watched the video with Ksenia Pavlovna, I was amazed by her statement: “Practice and vast experience show that there is no disease that would be cured faster than any other than cancer”. On account of Xenia, a huge number of patients who were cured of diseases that are considered incurable. In her speeches, Ksenia says that if you switch to the regime that she talks about in her films, then a person will never get sick!

    I transcribed the video and wrote out the main messages from two of her talks. First Conversation is a theory about the causes of disease and what can each of us do to restore our health? You can watch and download the film.

    The second part is specific practical advice on how to help yourself quickly, the most common diseases are considered. You can fully view and download.

    The main idea of ​​the first film is that ANY DISEASES is due to dirty, viscous blood, and it is dirty and viscous due to the fact that the stomach does not work properly.

    It is the stomach that maintains a certain quality of blood. If he does it right, the person does not have any disease, including cancer.

    The stomach is the main organ that reveals the essence of the Seraphim Chichagov system.

    In a normal state, the stomach produces hydrochloric acid and pepsins. All this constitutes gastric juice. Hydrochloric acid and pepsins are very strong acids that dissolve organics (such as a piece of raw meat).

    The stomach produces 10 liters of gastric juice per day. Of these, only two liters are involved in digestion. The stomach digests proteins of animal origin: eggs, fish, meat, dairy products. The rest is digested by the pancreas, dissolving carbohydrate foods and producing alkali.

    Of ten liters of gastric juice, eight liters are absorbed into the blood every day. During normal functioning of the stomach, human blood contains mainly gastric juice.

    That is why blood, like tears and sweat, tastes salty. All body fluids are sodium chloride (0.9%), or saline. The stomach must constantly maintain a certain percentage of sodium chloride in the blood.

    Chlorine is a disinfectant. It thins blood, dissolves blood clots, plaques on blood vessels, dead cells, microbial flora, sand and stones in the gallbladder and kidneys, moles, papillomas, warts, cysts and tumors anywhere in our body.

    And in general, treatment, as such, does not exist at all. No matter how much one would like, never and no one system: neither herbal medicine, nor homeopathy, nor acupuncture - can not be cured, you can only remove the symptoms.

    Some are more dangerous, others less dangerous for humans, but only the symptoms are removed. Modern medicine gives a pill that relieves the symptom but does not cure it.

    Removing symptoms, a person often does not think about the cause of the symptom. The disease accumulates, and as a result, as a result of these accumulations, to which one turned a blind eye, such a disease as "cancer" arises.

    Any tablet entering the stomach causes certain complications and side effects. The drug, removing a symptom, has a huge number of side effects and effects.

    If the causative factor of circulatory disorders in the body is poor secretion of hydrochloric acid, poor stomach function, and the drug that gets there worsens this situation even more, then removing the symptom, we aggravate the causative factor.

    The Lord created man perfect, the system of our body is capable of self-healing. But the recovery mechanism often breaks down.

    When children are born, there are no moles on their bodies; they appear after children are given antibiotics, traumatizing the stomach with chemical drugs. This causes disturbances and leads to the appearance of moles.

    Colds, Fever (FLU, ARVI, ARI)


    This happens when the stomach, in addition to the digestive function, does not also perform a barrier function, i.e. passes any infection into the intestines. The hydrochloric acid level allows this infection to enter the intestines.

    This infection multiplies in the intestines, because there are all the conditions for this. Everything from the intestines instantly enters the bloodstream. After the infection has entered the bloodstream, our temperature rises.

    Temperature is not a disease, it is a normal reaction of the body to the presence of infection in the blood, and the more vicious it is, the higher the temperature.

    If the stomach does not produce enough hydrochloric acid and does not maintain the concentration of chlorine in the blood, then blood is not a disinfectant, i.e. chlorine is not harmful to infection.

    How to help yourself quickly:

    1. The temperature should never be brought down, with any antipyretic and antibiotics, because this is a normal natural struggle of the body.

    2. As long as there is a temperature, it is necessary to completely eliminate food and water until the temperature subsides. At a high temperature, you usually do not want to eat or drink, the body itself tells you what it needs.

    3. It is necessary to increase the concentration of chlorine in the blood, for this it is necessary to suck on a grain of salt every half hour. At high temperatures, the body really likes it.

    4. To increase the concentration of chlorine in the blood, which will have a detrimental effect on bacteria and viruses, it is necessary to take one lasix tablet if an adult and half a lasix tablet if a child.

    The drug works in 10-15 minutes, a diuretic effect begins, which removes excess potassium and the concentration of sodium chloride in the blood rises.

    It all works unmistakably, under such conditions, any infection dies within a few hours. According to statistics and practice, the flu goes away in 4 hours!

    5. The last stage, it is necessary to make iodine nets under the right and left hypochondrium, where the liver and spleen are located. When there is a cold disease, iodine nets go away in minutes before our eyes and we make them as they disappear.

    Then, when all this passes, the kidneys of all people will already be implanted, because the stomach is not working properly. And the kidneys are not able to actively remove the dead infection.

    The kidneys need help, for this on the second day, when the temperature has already dropped, we introduce propolis tincture. Because alcohol tincture, it must be dissolved in the inlet, 5 drops of alcohol per 50 grams of water, we drink every 2 hours, and then we leave it 3 times a day, 5 days, just in case, so that the infection goes away completely from the kidneys.

    Because, as a rule, when the temperature drops, the temperature begins to remain subfebrile, which means that the infection has settled in the kidneys, like in a filter, because this filter is weak and is not able to completely remove it.

    This temperature cannot be corrected, it is very long and does not react to anything. Propolis helps this business to be completed very quickly and gently.

    This is a tactic for managing any cold disease.

    Conclusion: If the stomach works well and we do not eat after 18-00 and the stomach produces strong hydrochloric acid, then no infection and disease is possible.

    High pressure


    These are hormonal problems, the hormone is released into the bloodstream and the vessel either narrows or expands, i.e. the pressure either increases or decreases. All this is influenced by the endocrine hormonal system.

    The cause of high pressure is non-filtering kidneys, when the pressure rises, the vessel narrows. The vessel narrows because the urea salts remain, the kidneys have not filtered them so that it does not get into the head, the vessel narrows and the pressure increases.

    High blood pressure consists of two numbers, the upper number is renal pressure, and the lower number is heart pressure.

    To lower the upper figure, we give a diuretic and it immediately drops; to lower the lower figure, it is necessary to replenish the thyroid gland with iodine, i.e. it is enough to pour iodine on the hand and rub in the area of ​​the heart, as it is absorbed after 10-15 minutes. the bottom digit falls.

    How to help yourself quickly:

    1. It is necessary to expand the vessel, the vessels narrow not only in the head, but in all vessels in the body. Therefore, when the pressure rises, the limbs get cold. What needs to be done?

    You need to take hot water, put your feet in warm water and slowly add hot water so that your feet get used to it. After that, the vessels begin to expand very quickly and the pressure begins to drop rapidly. This very quickly helps to relieve the upper pressure digit.

    The lower figure of the pressure can be removed by making iodine nets or simply pour iodine onto the hand and rub in the area of ​​the heart, after 10-15 minutes. cardiac second pressure drops. Both the upper and lower pressure numbers are adjusted.

    Conclusion: In order to prevent this from happening, you need to restore the stomach, eat often and in small portions, after 18-00 do not eat anything and reduce the fluid you drink.

    During the day, up to 500-600 ml., In general, to save the stomach and pull out hydrochloric acid. Natural pressure returns to normal after 2 weeks.

    drinking 1.5-2 liters of water a day, it would be true if we had water in our vessels and the kidneys filtered plain water, the more water you drink, the cleaner the kidneys.

    But the kidneys do not filter water, but sodium chloride, 0.9% saline solution. If the chlorine concentration is low, the stomach does not support it, then the kidneys will not filter it and they begin to clog: salts, sand, stones, because chlorine is a disinfectant and solvent.

    If chlorine does not dissolve salts, sand, stones, then urea salts remain, are deposited in the spine, joints and walls of blood vessels and give the upper figure of pressure.

    Varicose veins on the legs


    This is one of the functions that the thyroid gland does not trigger.

    The thyroid gland triggers 500 functions of the liver, one of these functions is the raising of venous blood from the lower extremities of the small pelvis to the lungs for enrichment, against the laws of gravity.

    This function is performed by the liver in the presence of thyroid hormone.

    If the veins on the legs are blue, there is stagnation of the venous blood of the lower extremities and the small pelvis.

    How to help yourself quickly:

    - It is enough to give iodine to the thyroid gland, because there is a strong iodine deficiency. For this, from 20 to 22-00 it is necessary to make iodine nets, a large amount of iodine is needed.

    The thyroid gland comes out of standing usually due to an emotional factor (feelings, irritation, stress, take everything to heart, etc.) After 30 minutes. after stress, the thyroid gland is completely zeroed for iodine.

    If iodine is not added, then the thyroid gland fails, but at the same time it does not hurt, not showing itself in any way. On the emotional factor, this is usually fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, i.e. the thyroid gland gives chronic fatigue syndrome.

    - You need potassium iodide, it can be prepared at home, for this we take 1l of water, take a tablespoon of potato starch without a slide, put it in cold water and put it on fire.

    Slowly brew jelly, then cool and pour in 1 tablespoon of iodine. You can add sugar or lemon juice to taste. We store the kissel in the refrigerator. Drink half a glass 3 times a day without food, the last intake in the interval from 20 to 22-00 during the thyroid gland. There is no overdose.

    - We use aspirin bandages, take 4 aspirin tablets, grind them into powder, pour them into a glass and fill them with hot water, because aspirin does not dissolve in other water.

    We take two rolls of a wide bandage, immerse it in a glass and squeeze it so that it is wet, but does not flow from it. And starting from the tips of the fingers, wrap the leg in a spiral like a stocking and leave it for an hour and every day for an hour.

    In a few days, the color of the veins changes and the swelling goes away, aspirin dilutes and relieves inflammation. It is topical until thyroid function kicks in liver function.

    Conclusion: It is necessary to check the thyroid gland for performance, for this, in the interval from 20 to 22-00, make iodine nets on the wrist and see how quickly the nets disappear. If the thyroid gland does not work, replenish the thyroid gland with iodine.


    True diabetes mellitus occurs when the pancreas is traumatized, i.e. there are no cells that produce insulin - this is insulin-dependent diabetes, of all diabetes it is 8% percent, everything else is insulin-independent diabetes.


    By its origin, this is gastric diabetes, for example, a person eats any carbohydrate product and after digesting a carbohydrate product, our blood sugar rises, but after 2 hours as the sugar rises, they should fall back to normal.

    The stomach, after it has digested food and lowered it into the intestines, continues to be produced with hydrochloric acid with pepsins, and all this goes into the bloodstream and lowers the level of potassium (sugar) in the blood to the norm, which is normal for us on the fast.

    If the stomach does not work, then our sugar after eating is high, we are drawn to sleep, because the sugars are high, so as not to get into the brain, so that it does not burn out, the vessels begin to overlap, we start to sleepiness.

    And if the stomach cannot remove sugar to normal, then the body tries to do it roughly how? We have a feeling of thirst, the mucous membrane dries up, the body tries to ask for water and drink, as a rule, not sweet water, but simple, at least somehow, the concentration of this sugar at the expense of simply dropping water.

    Because the main task is not to run this excess sugar into the blood, so that the brain tissue does not burn.

    Conclusion: If after a meal there is no vigorous well-being, if we feel bad, we are weak, sleepy, lethargic and we start to want to drink it is blood sugar, the second most common type of diabetes.

    How to help yourself:

    - Often fractional and until 18-00 there is, if you do not eat for several days after 18-00 this situation will immediately pass

    - The volume of a single meal should not exceed the volume of two folded palms and no matter what you eat. If you start eating like this, then a person will definitely not have either a feeling of thirst or drowsiness.

    Everything is determined by the amount of food and the ability of the enzymes of the pancreas and stomach to digest this food. The less this is, the less the amount of food eaten should be. Considering that almost everyone now has planted stomachs, it is necessary to eat like this for almost everyone.

    - It is necessary to temporarily remove foods containing potassium from the diet until the stomach is restored, because when the receptors in the vessels are triggered, the stomach will automatically replenish the whole thing with hydrochloric acid.

    After that, the body will begin to react correctly itself, after sweet, it will demand to eat something salty. This means that the self-healing system is working and the body is pulling itself out of difficult situations.

    It is necessary to remove foods containing yeast, because this is a huge amount of potassium (yeast-free bread, pita bread, loaves, there are many recipes on the Internet), dried fruits and fruits in large quantities (grapes, bananas, nuts, seeds)

    - Try to drink as little as possible, when there is diabetes, the feeling of thirst is very high. You can suppress the feeling of thirst with a grain of salt (since this is not insulin-dependent diabetes).

    After we have eaten, after half an hour or an hour, it is necessary to suck on salt, after which an unconditioned reflex is triggered and the body begins to produce hydrochloric acid, which is absorbed into the bloodstream and the sugar level goes down and the feeling of thirst goes away immediately.

    Conclusion: There are small portions, and until 18-00, drink less up to 500 ml. a day, reduce the intake of foods containing sugar. The more a person observes all this, the faster he goes through all this.



    If the kidneys are not working well and the urea salts have not been removed, then in order to save the brain, the vessels have narrowed and the headache comes, spasm.

    How to help yourself quickly:

    - The lasix tablet helps to remove excess potassium (sugar), sodium rises, the impulse through sodium potassium passes and the headache goes away. This concerns not only the headache, if in any place where something hurts lasix quickly removes everything.

    - You can do the same with Gamassio. Take sesame seeds, white seeds (sold where seeds and nuts are sold), pour into a dry frying pan without oil, trim a little when the seeds start to turn yellow and cool.

    And in proportion to 5 tablespoons of sesame seeds, one tablespoon of salt and through a coffee grinder all this is silent, salted halva is obtained by taste and smell. When there is a headache, it is enough to just suck one tablespoon in the mouth, the headache goes away.

    Conclusion: the problem is in the stomach, as there is no strong hydrochloric acid, which has not cleared the kidneys. Do not eat after 18-00, drink less, eat in small portions.



    This is usually the throwing of bile into the stomach, i.e. after each meal, bile (alkali) is thrown into the stomach from the intestines. A bacterium living in an alkaline environment, all this lives in the stomach, because there is no strong hydrochloric acid.

    - Gastritis and seizure ulcers, i.e. it is necessary to eat fractionally and often. Because the stomach starts working at 5 in the morning, I produce strong hydrochloric acid and pepsins (gastric juice), which dissolves any protein.

    The gastric mucosa is also injured and dissolved, so by 5 pm there is no hydrochloric acid in the stomach or the mucous membrane that produces it. And so that the mucous membrane is not eaten away by its own pepsins, it is necessary to eat often, not to starve during the day.

    - Do not eat after 18-00

    - Do not eat very hot food, because the secretion of hydrochloric acid is disturbed, digestion is impaired, the food should not be higher than body temperature.

    If the stomach has not digested food, then the person begins to have a tendency to constipation.

    Pancreatitis is treated with hunger.

    Conclusion: If the hydrochloric acid in the stomach is strong, then the bacteria will not be able to live there. Don't eat after 18-00, etc.



    Non-filtering kidneys, they do not excrete salt, they are deposited primarily in the spine, joints, vascular walls. First of all, in the spine, but not on the vertebrae themselves, but on the ligamentous apparatus that holds the vertebrae.

    In this connection, the ligamentous apparatus sags, they stop firmly and tightly to hold the vertebrae. The vertebrae begin to move and dangle, with any physical exertion, heavy, uneven, when we take something with one hand, our vertebrae are displaced, their ligaments do not hold them, they crush the nerve endings, there are lumbago and pain.

    If constant unbearable physical exertion occurs and the ligaments do not hold the vertebrae, then there are cartilaginous discs between the vertebrae, which begin to move out and a hernia appears.

    Those. if the kidneys are not filtered, osteochondrosis, scoliosis and Schmorl's hernia appear. This is because the kidneys filter the wrong blood, and the quality of the blood is determined by the stomach.

    How to help yourself quickly:

    - Aspirin bandages, they thin the blood and relieve inflammation. Dissolve 4 aspirin tablets in a glass, wet the bandage, and spread this bandage from the first cervical vertebra to the coccyx in a few layers (3-4 layers are obtained) and leave for an hour and the pains quickly go away.

    Conclusion: it is necessary to free the kidneys, dissolve salts, sand, stones that have formed there during life. To do this, Suck salt 5-6 times outside of food, Do not eat after 18-00, Reduce the amount of fluid you drink.