Breastfeeding of newborns. Breastfeeding: advice for a nursing mother. Breastfeeding problems. Adequate sleep and psychological comfort

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Today, the grocery market almost every day throws various food novelties to the consumers' judgment. This also applies to a variety of infant formula. Nevertheless, breastfeeding a baby remains as relevant for modern women as it was a hundred years ago. Therefore, it is advisable for mom to carefully prepare for the addition to the family and find out in advance everything about breastfeeding a newborn. On our website you can find the information you need to do this. We tried to collect materials that will be useful not only for young mothers, but also for those who are starting to feed their not their first child. In the meantime, let's highlight the main points in this matter.

The secretion of milk in a nursing woman (or lactation) is regulated by prolactin, a hormone that is produced around the clock by the adenohypophysis. It reaches its highest content in the blood 3-4 days after childbirth. At the same time, the secretion of milk is also established, stabilizing approximately on the 7th day from the birth of the baby. And the breast milk push reflex is associated with a hormone such as oxytocin. The concentration of both of these hormones in the blood of a woman who has given birth to a child largely depends on the irritation of the mammary glands by the baby's mouth during feeding. And if the breast is not emptied, lactation stops after a while. Frequent latching of the baby to the breast promotes increased milk production. Its composition, depending on the nutritional needs of the child, changes over time. It may not be the same even within one day.


In the first few days after the birth of a baby, colostrum is secreted from a woman's breast - a thick, yellowish liquid containing large amounts of immune proteins. It is very fatty and nutritious, and a small amount of it is enough to completely saturate the baby. Feeding a newborn with colostrum contributes to the formation of his immunity, adaptation to the environment of the still sterile organism of the crumbs. On the 4th day of the postpartum period, the so-called transitional milk appears - the same value as colostrum, but more liquid in comparison with it.

Breast milk

Mother's milk is optimal nutrition for your baby. Each of the mothers needs to know everything about breast milk, because it gives the baby the whole range of nutrients necessary for its vital activity. Breast milk is rich in some proteins, essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, iron, which is easily absorbed by the baby's body. It also contains something that is not in ordinary infant formula or cow's milk - these are biologically active substances and immunoglobulins. They help the infant's gut to adapt and protect it from infections.

Mature milk

At 3 weeks after the birth of the baby, the nursing mother has mature milk. It is less fatty and more liquid than colostrum and fully meets the needs of an infant. In the mammary gland, it is heterogeneous, they are distinguished:

  1. Front - a portion of breast milk, which is released at the very beginning of the baby's feeding. It is slightly bluish in color, liquid, less high in calories.
  2. Back - milk coming towards the end of feeding. Usually it is white (sometimes yellowish) in color, rich in fats and calories, due to which the child is satiated.

In the process of breastfeeding, one should not rush and tear off the baby before he has time to suck out the "back" milk, otherwise he will simply remain hungry.

The main components of breast milk:

  • fats - help not only in the development of the child's brain, but also in the general formation of his body;
  • lactose - is an important source of energy;
  • proteins - when a baby enters the body, they are broken down into amino acids, as a result of this process a basis is formed that contributes to the development and growth of muscles.

The functions of other components of breast milk are equally important for the development of the infant. Enzymes, lipase and amylase in breast milk facilitate the digestion and absorption of incoming food in the baby's digestive tract. There are other substances important for the body in mother's milk for a newborn, which effectively reduce the risk of developing allergies in a baby. They contribute to the formation of a reliable protective shell on the intestinal walls, preventing the penetration of various allergens into the crumbs' body.

How does human milk differ from cow's milk?

Why is it necessary to feed a newborn with a woman's breast milk, and not cow's milk, for example?

The immunity of the baby in the first months of life is not yet developed and is supported only by breast milk. This is due to the content of antibodies and factors of protection against infection in it, which are absent in milk of animal origin. Also in cow's milk, despite all its nutritional value and saturation with vitamins, there may be a lack of some vitamins necessary for an infant, namely A and C.

Breast milk is optimal for a baby in terms of the amount of minerals, while cow milk contains too much calcium and sodium. Although, in terms of iron content, a woman's milk and cow's milk practically do not differ. Only their difference is that iron in breast milk is much better absorbed by newborns, which cannot be said about cow's. In addition, other proteins are mainly present in animal milk. So, in cow, for example, casein is the main protein. It curls into a dense structure and is poorly digested by the baby's body.

There are also significant differences between a woman's breast milk and animal milk in terms of the amount of proteins and lactose it contains. The lactose content in breast milk is maximal, and the protein content is minimal.

Breastfeeding your baby

The breastfeeding process is very important for both the baby and his mother. You need to prepare for it in advance, tuning in to a certain way. Not all women succeed in attaching the baby to the breast correctly the first time. But over time, things usually get better. For aspiring mothers planning to feed their baby for the first time, there are many useful materials on the pages of our site that will help young women get advice and answers to all questions about breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding is very important for your baby's growth and development. Up to 6 months this is mandatory, then it will be necessary to introduce complementary foods in accordance with age. But it is better to continue breastfeeding the child further - at least up to a year, and if possible up to 2 or even 3 years, until his immune system is finally formed. At this age, it will be quite enough to give him a breast not too often - 1-2 times a day at most. By the age of 2-3 years, the immunity of young children is already becoming self-sufficient, therefore, breastfeeding can be completely abandoned quite painlessly. Of course, in addition to breast milk, the baby should receive other nutrition at this age. When the time comes, the baby will stop sucking on its own.

More on the benefits of breastfeeding

It is only natural that most women choose to breastfeed. A nursing mother and her baby develop a touching relationship and a strong emotional bond that remains throughout life. And cases of abandonment of newborns, if the pregnancy was undesirable, in women who began to breastfeed, are much less common than in those who did not immediately do it.

Breast milk is nutritious and easily absorbed by the baby's body. Feeding a newborn with mother's milk, in addition to getting a good nutrition for a child, there are many other advantages for a little man. Here's how it works:

  • helps to reduce child mortality;
  • forms positive character traits of the child;
  • has a positive effect on the harmonious development of the baby;
  • reliably protects against various infections;
  • prevents the appearance of rickets and diathesis;
  • relieves dental problems at an early age;
  • prevents the occurrence of certain diseases at an older age - oncological, cardiovascular, allergic, diabetes and others.

For a woman, there are many positives in feeding a newborn with breast milk. In addition to the fact that she develops a maternal instinct and forms a strong emotional contact with her baby, breastfeeding is beneficial for her health. Natural feeding of the baby, prescribed by nature itself, helps a woman prevent postpartum bleeding and avoid a new pregnancy in the first time after the birth of a child, reduces the possibility of mastitis, the appearance of lactostasis, and reduces the risk of ovarian and breast neoplasms.

Among the advantages of breastfeeding, one can single out such a positive side as significant savings in the family budget. Good infant formula costs quite a bit, while good nutrition for a nursing woman is much cheaper.

Contraindications to breastfeeding

But, despite all the benefits of breastfeeding, it also has contraindications. Moreover, if we consider the contraindications on the part of the child, then there are not many of them, or rather, only one thing - the newborn cannot suckle. This can happen as a result of the difficult general condition of the baby, low birth weight.

As for the mother, neither the woman's weight, nor the anatomical features, nor the shape or size of the breast affect successful lactation and the ability to feed her baby. And contraindications for breastfeeding include diseases such as:

  • HIV infection;
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • severe mental condition.

Taking some medications, as well as bad habits of a woman, can also become an obstacle to feeding a baby with breast milk. But if smoking is still somehow permissible, if the nursing mother was never able to give up cigarettes, although in fact it is extremely undesirable, then breastfeeding is strictly prohibited for those using drugs and alcoholic beverages.

Breastfeeding a baby is an absolutely natural process, although it may seem somewhat difficult and even inconvenient for young mothers. But in reality, some women only need to put in a little effort to organize breastfeeding for their baby. To fill the gaps in the available knowledge about GW, the missing information can always be gleaned from the materials of our website. Here you will learn not only everything about breastfeeding and lactation, but you will also be able to receive the recommendations you need in a given situation in a timely manner.

But these breastfeeding tips should come in handy for every young mom:

  • for good lactation to be established, it is important to attach the baby to the breast in the first hours from the moment of his birth;
  • during the period when milk has not yet come, you should not feed the newborn with infant formula. Colostrum, despite its small amount, is rich enough in composition to completely satisfy the baby in the first days of his life;
  • it is better to give the baby a breast at his every request, focusing on the baby's anxiety and not waiting for crying and screams from his side;
  • you should not accustom the baby to the nipple, because it is possible that, in the end, due to the ease of obtaining nutrition in this way, he will prefer her mother's breast, which does not contribute to lactation. If the child needs to be given something, for example, medicine, it is better to do it with a spoon;
  • if the baby is anxious, crying, and even more so - refuses to breastfeed, you must first try to calm him down and only then start feeding;
  • the infant does not need to be supplemented with water if he receives the mother's breast on demand. The front milk received from the mother is liquid and serves him as a drink, while the back milk serves as food;
  • if the baby is fed not by the clock, but when he asks, then complete pumping of the breast is not required. Sucking out a certain volume of mother's milk, the child, as it were, orders for himself a portion of the nutrition he needs for the next feeding. When expressing, the volume of arriving milk will be more than the newborn can eat;
  • night feedings support the woman's lactation, so you should not give them up;
  • it is better not to take the baby off the breast until he releases it himself, otherwise he will not have time to suck the hind milk, which means he will remain hungry;
  • when applying the baby to the breast, it is necessary to ensure that it is correctly gripped by the baby's mouth;
  • when breastfeeding, it is more correct to support the baby by the back, and not to hold his head;
  • going to feed the baby, the mother needs to get comfortable and comfortable for herself, so that she can keep the baby at the breast for quite a long time. When feeding, it is necessary to press the baby's body against you, and not reach out to him with your breast. It is also advisable to get acquainted with the various positions for feeding the baby, because when they change, the baby sucks out more milk;
  • a nursing mother needs to observe the hygiene of her body, but treat this without undue fanaticism. Frequent washing of the mammary gland before breastfeeding, especially using soap, dries out the delicate skin around the nipples, and this can provoke the formation of cracks.

To summarize, we note that a mother's breast milk is the best food for a baby. It has all the nutrients your baby needs. And on the pages of our site, we will try to tell everything about breastfeeding, maintaining the health of a mother during feeding, and, of course, about the needs of the newborns themselves.

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Long and successful breastfeeding is real!

In recent decades, the opinion has spread in our society that breastfeeding is a difficult task that not everyone can control. There is an opinion that there are dairy mothers, and some mothers only have enough milk for 3-4 months, or even less.

We hasten to inform you that this is far from the case! Most often this is due to the fact that young mothers simply do not have the necessary information about breastfeeding, and, unfortunately, this is rarely taught specifically. Therefore, women feed as well as they can, sometimes without knowing the main points that are critical for successful lactation. We will list them in this article.

1. It is important for a successful start of breastfeeding that the baby is early applied to the breast within 1 hour after birth. It is this that is important for further breastfeeding. Because with early contact between mother and child, an invisible bond is formed, which they will carry through their entire life. In addition, the first drops of colostrum contain a large amount of substances that protect the child from infections, thus, the child is "vaccinated", and the intestines are colonized by the mother's microflora, not the maternity hospital. Colostrum is sterile, and no one can guarantee the sterility of the preparation of the mixture and the purity of the nipple.

2. Before the baby is first applied to the mother's breast, he should not receive anything from the bottle or in any other way. Since it is important that the child's body gets exactly those nutrients that are intended for the child's body by nature, thus, they do not disrupt the natural development of the digestive system of the child's body. In addition, when receiving a breast for the first time, the baby captures these moments and then, he will breastfeed without problems, relying on the first sucking experience. If, instead of the mother's breast, the child was given a bottle with a nipple, then he captures that he will feed from a rubber "breast" and the transition to the mother's breast may not be easy.

If a newborn child was taken from the mother, and for the first time instead of the mother's breast he will receive a nipple, then it is dangerous for the child for the following reasons:

  • the child does not receive colostrum (which plays an important role in the development of immunity, is the main point in stimulating and establishing lactation);
  • he may have nipple-nipple confusion and may refuse to breastfeed his mother.

For a young mother, this is dangerous for the following reasons:

  • due to the confusion of the mother's nipples - bottle nipples, the baby is reluctant to breastfeed, which can lead to improper breast latching, cracks and milk stagnation.
  • it takes longer for milk to come because the baby is not stimulating enough to the breast.
  • The likelihood of hypogalactia, reduction and termination of breastfeeding increases.

Thanks to WHO research, it has been established that even one or two pre-lactation nipple feedings are enough to prevent breastfeeding from taking place.

3. After the birth of the child, the mother and the baby should be in a joint ward. It is important that mom and baby begin to adapt to each other from the first hours. Mom will learn to understand her baby's signals and respond to them in time. The baby will be able to freely receive breast when it is necessary for him.

4. In the first days of a child's life, he should receive exclusively colostrum and later - breast milk. The baby does not need water and other non-nutritive substances; it is dangerous for a child to eat breast milk substitutes.

Very often, expectant mothers ask the question: "What to do while there is no milk ?!" The first 2 days (sometimes 1-7 days) there really is no milk. So far there is only colostrum - very high in calories and easily digestible, saturated with a huge amount of immunoglobulins and beneficial flora, which promotes the release of meconium (original feces), the formation of the intestinal environment and cleansing the body of bilirubin.

Little colostrum. Very little. And it is right!

Imagine the internal organs of a baby - only a few months have passed since they formed. In utero, they have already worked, digesting light suspended particles in the amniotic fluid. But this is idle work, training. Now they have to earn full money. After all, there will be no more nutrition from mom directly into the blood. You need to get absolutely all the nutrients from milk yourself. In order for the transition to a fundamentally different method of nutrition to take place smoothly and successfully, nature has provided an intermediate stage - the colostrum period.

It is a small amount of colostrum that allows the digestive tract and kidneys of the crumbs to try themselves in a new role, train, get used to new loads and gradually move on to full-fledged work. Even a large amount of mother's milk (let alone the mixture!) During this period creates an unbearable and unnecessary load on the adapting human systems.

Will he be hungry? No. The fact is that in the first days of life, very serious and important processes take place - adaptation to dramatically and radically changed conditions of existence. The child's body is entirely occupied with this adaptation and does not want to waste energy on digestion.

In addition, brown fats are burned in the newborn's body, due to which almost the entire daily need for energy is provided. Plus the high energy value of each drop of colostrum. The kid gets everything he needs.

Here are a few simple rules to help you make your first milk-free days comfortable:

1. Remember that now the baby only needs colostrum and in just such an amount to keep him healthy. And he doesn't need anything else.

2. Be calm, because the baby really feels mom's mood and starts crying if mom is anxious or turned on.

3. Do not wait for a cry to give breast and try not to take it away from the baby yourself.

4. Be together all the time. An insignificant percentage of problematic births involves the separation of mother and child.

5. Make feedings comfortable. There are no household chores in the maternity hospital yet, there is only you and the baby. Feed him lying down and rest yourself at the same time.

6. Get the correct attachment. By grabbing the breast deeply, the baby will be able to suck it more efficiently and less tired.

7. Offer him a second breast, if he, after long sucking on one, shows dissatisfaction. This will help the correct formation of lactation, help to avoid excess milk supply, and the baby will receive his priceless drops of colostrum from both breasts. Then you can again offer him the first.

5. In the maternity hospital, the mother should learn how to properly hold the baby at the breast. The correct attachment of the baby to the mother's breast depends on this. It would be nice to feed the baby in different positions, this will facilitate the removal of milk from different lobes and will not provoke stagnation. There are three main positions: "cradle" - a traditional, well-known position, "from the armpit" and feeding while lying down, but you can come up with your own, the main thing is to keep a good attachment. Make sure that in all these poses you feel comfortable, and the baby's body is located in the same plane and does not bend. The newborn should lie on its side and the mouth should be at the level of the nipple. In the "cradle" position, the baby is pressed against the mother's belly by the legs and tummy.

6. Mom needs to learn how to properly attach the baby to the breast. Breastfeeding counselors or nurses at the hospital can help mothers with this. When applied correctly, the entire areola or most of it plus the nipple is in the baby's mouth. Thus, the entire mouth of the baby is filled with breast and when sucking, air almost does not enter there, therefore, the child almost does not swallow air. When sucking, no extraneous sounds (clicks and smacking) are heard. The chin of the child, often the nose rests against the chest, the lower lip is turned out. It doesn't hurt mom to feed!

7. The baby should be breastfed on demand. This means that the mother reacts to the crying of the baby by applying it to her breast. In addition, the requirement for a crumb is his behavior in which his mother sees that he wants to get breasts (search behavior). For example, a child in a dream began to toss and turn and open his mouth. The baby is not crying yet, but makes movements with her tongue, as if looking for a breast.

A newborn baby has many reasons to want to kiss the breast, because in addition to satisfying nutritional needs, the baby satisfies the need for psycho-emotional comfort. The baby became scared - he needs to be lodged on the breast, he wanted to put on his arms, uncomfortable under new clothes, the heel was combed, he wanted to pee - to everything, to this, he can react with crying, and his mother saves him by letting him kiss his breast. You should not worry that the baby will overeat, it is practically impossible with exclusive breastfeeding, because his body is genetically tuned to very frequent feedings. It is normal for a baby of the first month to apply every 1 to 1.5 hours. Be careful not to overfeed your breasts again. If the crumb eats excess norms, he will spit out the excess, thus, his self-regulating system will debug everything.

8. The time that the child is at the breast is regulated by the child. Do not rush, he must eat exactly as much milk as he needs, unfortunately, we cannot know this, so we will focus on the baby. The mother can only pick up the breast if the baby has mishandled the breast and it hurts you. To do this, we use a finger, unclench the gums with it, and take out the chest. We serve it again, but we take into account the correctness of the grip of the chest.

9.Do not transfer the baby to the second breast before he has sucked the first. Do not forget that frequent breast changes can lead to the fact that the baby does not have time to suck out the back, more fatty milk, thus, the baby may have digestive problems, and as a result, lactase deficiency and frothy stools may occur. It is better to act like this: we give one breast at one feeding. If the baby falls asleep very quickly under the breast (5-10 minutes), then you can give the same breast a second time when he wakes up.

10. It is very important that the baby has free access to the breast at night. It will be very good if you organize a joint night's sleep. It is known that it is at night that the hormone prolactin is produced, which is responsible for milk production the next day. In addition, this is a good opportunity for the mother to sleep at night, as she does not have to get up all the time to calm her baby and breastfeed. The child, feeling the scent of his mother next to him, also sleeps better and longer.

11.A baby who is breastfed should never receive pacifiers, pacifiers or bottle feeding. It is known that when sucking on the nipple, the baby uses different muscles than he uses when sucking on the breast. Thus, he can learn to suck incorrectly and damage the mother's nipples. For some babies, one bottle feed is enough and the baby is already beginning to refuse to take the mother's breast or worry under the breast. If the baby needs additional feeding, it should be given from a cup or spoon.

Artificial children need pacifiers and nipples, so that they can satisfy their sucking need, babies do not need them, they are even useless. They have a mom and a breast, which they kiss on demand.

12. Exclusively breastfed babies do not need additional water and early introduction of complementary foods until 6 months. Firstly, milk contains up to 90% water; they satisfy their need for liquid through milk even in summer. Secondly, he also does not need supplements and additional vitamins, since milk contains all the vitamins necessary for the crumb, and they are absorbed by the child's body completely without a trace, unlike vitamins synthesized artificially. It should be remembered that early introduction of complementary foods can have negative consequences. It is known that, receiving additional food up to 6 months, the baby begins to poorly assimilate vitamins and minerals from mother's milk. And, unfortunately, he still does not know how to assimilate them from new food.

13. It must be remembered that a mother should not get carried away with washing her breasts with soap before and after each feeding, as well as handle it in any way. The Montgomery glands are located around the nipple, which produce a protective grease that protects the nipples from dryness and injury. In addition, this lubricant smells like amniotic fluid, so the baby is soothed at the breast by smelling the familiar scent. This smell helps the baby to determine where the breast is to be applied to. By this smell, the child recognizes his mother. If the breasts are washed very often, the protective layer is washed off and the nipple can be easily injured. It is enough if you take a shower every 1-2 days.

14. Mom should not additionally express milk after each feed. The task of the young mother is to establish breastfeeding in such a way that only as much milk is supplied as the baby needs. Additional pumping tune the breast to produce excess milk, unfortunately, it takes a lot of time and effort. Some mothers who pump after breastfeeding complain, “If it weren't for constant pumping, I would love to breastfeed! And so I get very tired. " Expressions may only be necessary in certain cases.

15. Do not weigh your baby before and after each feed. These procedures do not give accurate results on the amount of milk eaten. In addition, they make both the baby and the mother nervous, who begins to worry about how much the baby ate in one feeding. It would be more correct to weigh the baby once a week at the same time, in the same clothes. The weekly weight gain should be about 125 g. And for more peace of mind, do a wet diaper test. If a child has good weight gain and 12 or more wet diapers per day, he is in a good mood, which means that he has enough milk and the child is full.

16. If the mother has a cold, it is not necessary to wean the baby from the breast during the illness. On the contrary, it is very important to attach the baby to the breast at this time. Since during an illness, the antibodies of the illness that she is suffering from enter the mother's milk. The baby, receiving this milk, is vaccinated and, thus, most often does not get sick. If he does get sick, then the disease is not so difficult and the child recovers quickly. If there is a need to take medications, you can call the consultants of "Affectionate Mom", we will find out from reference books how this medication is compatible with breastfeeding.

17. It is important for young, lactating mothers to find communication with those mothers who have had a positive, long-term (1-2 years) experience of breastfeeding their children. It is this kind of communication that will contribute to successful and long-term feeding, because they can receive support and practical advice, which, in turn, will help to establish breastfeeding.

18. No need to strive to wean a baby after his first birthday. It is most physiological to feed children up to 2-3 years old, when the child is fully mature (both mentally and physically) in order to part with the breast.

All About Breastfeeding

Throughout the entire existence of mankind, the process of breastfeeding newborns is common for all peoples, regardless of race and cultural affiliation, as it ensures the child's survival and normal physical and neuropsychic development.


Breast milk is the best, nature-adapted food for a baby, as it provides his body with all the nutrients he needs for the first six months (26 weeks) of life. In addition to nutrients, breast milk contains substances that meet the unique needs of an infant - essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, some proteins, and easily digestible iron. However, the main difference between breast milk and artificial mixtures is that it contains immunoglobulins and biologically active substances that protect the child from a variety of infections and contribute to the adequate adaptation of the newborn's intestines. It has been reliably proven that the composition of breast milk changes during the day, as well as during lactation and corresponds to the age of the child.


Lactation is determined by prolactin, the main hormone that ensures the secretion of milk in lactating women. The hormone is produced by the adenohypophysis, its synthesis occurs around the clock. The level of prolactin in the blood reaches its highest value on the 3-4th day of the postpartum period. The milk flow process is established by the 3rd and stabilized by the 7th day of the postpartum period. By this time, the formation of the capacitive function of the mammary gland is also completed. The prolactin level depends on the sucking activity of the baby. If its level is high, but milk is not removed from the breast, then lactation decreases. Prolactin has a sedative effect. The excretion or ejection reflex of milk is determined by the level of oxytocin. Oxytocin causes contraction of myoepithelial cells and other structures of the alveolar region and promotes the release of milk into the large ducts and cistern of the mammary gland. The degree of activation of oxytocin-producing cells depends on the intensity of sucking. Recent studies indicate the participation of oxytocin in the hypothalamic regulation of prolactin secretion. An increase in blood oxytocin levels precedes an increase in prolactin levels induced by breastfeeding. If the breast does not empty, milk secretion ceases. The concentration of prolactin and oxytocin in the blood of women in childbirth essentially depends on adequate mechanical stimulation (compression, stretching, vacuum) of the mammary gland by the baby's mouth during feeding. With such a complex stimulation in the afferent fibers that form receptors of the nipple and areola of the mammary gland (mechanoreceptors), a characteristic pattern of impulses arises, which along the pathways of the spinal cord enter the hypothalamus, then into the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, where they cause the release of these hormones, lactogenesis and release milk.


In the first days after the birth of the child, the mammary glands of the woman in labor produce colostrum - thick yellowish or transparent milk. Colostrum contains more protein, antibodies and other protective factors than mature milk. Colostrum has a mild laxative effect and promotes the timely cleansing of the newborn's intestines from meconium (original feces), which reduces the duration of the physiological and prevents the development of pathological jaundice in the baby. Colostrum also contributes to the development and normal formation of the functions of the intestines of the child after his birth, prevents the development of allergies and intolerance to other foods. In terms of its vitamin composition, colostrum differs from mature milk, it contains especially a lot of vitamin A. Considering the specific composition of colostrum, it is very important that the child receives it from the first hours of life. It contains all the necessary components and fully meets the nutritional needs of the baby until the mother has mature milk.


Mature milk is milk that appears a few days after the birth of a baby in much larger quantities than colostrum. Distinguish between "front" and "back" milk.

"Front" milk - milk that the baby receives at the beginning of feeding, it has a bluish color. "Front" milk is produced in large quantities and contains a lot of sugar (lactose) and protein. Sometimes the mother thinks that her milk is inadequate, "skinny".

Back milk is delivered to the baby at the end of the feed, the milk has a rich white color. The "hind" milk contains more fat than the "front" milk, which gives the "hind" milk a rich white, sometimes yellowish color. The large amount of fat makes the hind milk high-energy, so the baby must not be taken off the breast prematurely, but must be allowed to suck out all the hind milk, otherwise he will be hungry.

Many young parents, grandmothers and other relatives of a newborn believe that breastfeeding can be successfully replaced by bottle feeding with cow's milk. The following is compelling evidence that this should not be done: Differences Between Human Milk and Cow's Milk Breast milk contains anti-infective and growth factors that are not found in animal milk or infant formula. Recall that the immunity of a child in the first months of life is provided exclusively by antibodies and nonspecific protective factors contained in mother's milk. In cow's milk, protein is mainly represented by casein, which curdles into a dense, poorly digestible clot. Breast milk proteins contain all essential amino acids, including the essential cystine and taurine. Breast milk fat contains a large amount of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids. In addition, breast milk contains an enzyme called lipase. Cow's milk and formula do not contain the enzymes found in breast milk. In terms of iron content, cow's and breast milk do not differ from each other. However, in terms of bioavailability, breast milk iron is undoubtedly more readily available than cow's milk iron. So, from breast milk, the child absorbs 50% of the iron contained in it, while from cow's only 10%. Breast milk contains the optimal amount of minerals. Animal milk contains too much calcium and sodium.

Breast milk contains enough vitamins, unless the mother is deficient in them. Animal milk may not contain the required amount of vitamins A and C.

Today, the benefits of breastfeeding for babies under one year of age have been reaffirmed. It is proved that in children who are exclusively breastfed: there is a significant decrease in the cases of sudden death syndrome; there was a decrease in the incidence of enterocolitis, sepsis, otitis media, diarrhea, atopic dermatitis, food allergies, bronchial asthma, diabetes, cancer in children; there are no pathological reactions during preventive vaccinations; the best parameters of the psychomotor and emotional development of children and their greater sociability are noted; there is a decrease in the incidence of dental problems in early childhood - a decrease in the incidence of caries.

In addition to the benefits of breastfeeding for the baby, there are certain benefits of breastfeeding for the mother as well.

Oxytocin, which is released from a woman when breastfeeding a baby, contributes to the contraction of the uterus and the timely stop of bleeding, thereby predetermining breastfeeding as an affordable and effective means of preventing bleeding in women in the postpartum period. Therefore, it is very important to attach the baby to the breast immediately after birth and feed it as often as possible. Breastfeeding women have a certain amount of energy, they produce milk even with a limited calorie intake. It has been proven that women who are breastfeeding are less likely to develop ovarian and breast cancer. Breastfeeding prevents the onset of ovulation and menstruation and is a physiological method of preventing pregnancy (lactational amenorrhea method). The effectiveness of the method is high, and feeds the child exclusively with milk at his request, day and night, at least 8-10 times or more within 24 hours with an interval of no more than 5 hours between feedings. However, the risk of a new pregnancy remains at about 2%. It should be emphasized that the cost of feeding a lactating woman than the cost of artificial feeding for a child's dm is much more beneficial for the mother herself.

Breastfeeding has an important psychological benefit for both the mother and the baby. It promotes the formation of a close, tender relationship between mother and child, an attachment from which both receive deep emotional satisfaction and which lasts for life.

Breastfeeding promotes: close emotional relationship between mother and child; emotional satisfaction of the mother; a more affectionate attitude of the mother towards her child and reduces the likelihood of abandoning him if the pregnancy was unwanted; breastfed babies are calmer, cry less, and feel more protected.

PREPARATION FOR BREASTFEEDING AND BASIC FEEDING RULES Sit comfortably, relax. Get into a comfortable position, lying or sitting, to be able to hold the baby close to your chest for a relatively long time. There are many ways of feeding: sitting, lying down, squatting. The most important thing is that during the feeding process the mother is relaxed and the baby is comfortably located. Keep the baby in such a position that he does not have to pull the head out. This means that the baby should be turned towards your breast, that is, turn his tummy towards your belly. Check if your child is comfortable. Place your baby close to your breast so that he does not have to exert and reach for the breast while feeding. Your nipple can be damaged if the baby tries hard to keep the nipple in his mouth. Support the baby's back, do not hold the head. If the child's head is firmly clamped, he can instinctively try to twist, "fight" at the breast. The baby's nose should be flush with the nipple during feeding. This means that the child will have to turn the head slightly to reach the nipple, help him by supporting the lower part of the back. Do not use your fingers to adjust the distance between the baby's nose and chest. By squeezing your breasts with your fingers, you disrupt the shape of the breasts, thereby making it difficult for the baby to grip the nipple. When positioned correctly, the baby breathes through the edges of the nasal passages. Do not hold or move your chest like a bottle. Your movements will prevent the baby from grabbing the breast. The baby must fully latch on to the breast to reach the place where the milk has accumulated. If there is a need for breast support, support from below, preferably with the entire palm of the hand, with the edge pressed against the chest wall. Keep your fingers about 10 cm from the nipple. If the baby is sleepy or restless, draw attention to feeding by gently touching or touching the cheek or mouth or nipple. Squeeze a drop of milk onto the surface of the nipple to stimulate the baby's further appetite. Children usually open their mouths in this position and make “milking” movements with their tongue. When you see that the child's mouth is wide open, the tongue is deep at the bottom of the mouth, you need to bring the child closer to you and give him a chance to "grab". It will take the experience of several feedings to learn, not everything is given right away on the first try. In the event that the child is dissatisfied with something, is very hungry or cries at the moment of latching on to the breast, he raises his tongue, making feeding impossible. Try to calm the baby down before feeding. Some babies have periods of protest before each feed. Take every opportunity to feed your baby when it comes up. You can help him take the breast at this moment, and he will not even notice it. If the baby prefers one breast, give him that one.

Remember that you need to pull the baby to the breast, not you to reach for him with the breast.

HOW TO ESTIMATE WHETHER A CHILD IS ENOUGHLY RECEIVING MILK Any child is an individual, in nature there is no second, exactly the same. Children's nutritional needs are also individual. Just as the composition of milk changes throughout the day and months, so does the needs of the baby. Fortunately, most babies are able to adjust the amount of breast milk they consume according to their needs.

It is recommended to breastfeed the baby as soon as he shows signs of hunger or anxiety, day and night, starting from the first day, it is necessary to adhere to this routine until the end of the feeding period. Sometimes you will have to feed 10-12 times a day, sometimes 6-8 times. Do not wait for the baby to cry for feeding.

If a baby is given a pacifier or is swaddled tightly, it is very difficult to recognize the signs that babies usually show when they are hungry. Hungry children move their heads, their hands, bring them to their mouths, they saliva, they smack their tongues, making sucking movements with their mouth and tongue. Children have many ways to show their hunger. Screaming and crying is the last, most desperate method. Breast milk is easily and quickly digested compared to artificial baby food, therefore, the baby should be fed more often than with artificial feeding. Most babies need to be fed at night. For convenience, place your baby's crib next to yours or place it nearby so that it is easy to feed at night. This is not dangerous, the maternal instinct will help you feed the baby in a drowsy state, just do not swaddle him tightly, this will not make him calmer. Feeding is relaxing, so you can rest yourself, even if you can't sleep. Allow your child to eat their fill. Ignore the watch while feeding. Sometimes children gorge themselves quickly, sometimes slowly. The baby may require feeding intermittently, resting between feedings, sometimes he requires more constant feeding. You will learn to understand from the sounds whether the baby continues to suck or is just napping at the breast. As long as your baby is comfortable, feeding will not hurt your nipples, even with frequent and prolonged feedings. If the baby spontaneously throws the breast, take a break (pause). Then try offering the same breast to make sure the baby is getting fat-rich hind milk. If he refuses, offer a second breast, if he refuses the second breast, then the baby is full. At each feed, offer the breast that "rested" from the previous feed. If the baby has a noticeable tendency towards the "favorite" breast, this is not a problem. Almost milk from one breast is enough to feed a baby. Do not forget that there are women who have successfully breastfed twins and even triplets with success.

Milk fully meets the baby's food and water needs in the first six months of life. Even in hot weather or if the child has fever, there is no need to give him extra water or tea, you just need to feed the child often and at his will. From six months, breast milk alone can no longer fully meet the needs of a child for nutrients, vitamins, and trace elements. It is necessary to introduce complementary foods, but the feeding should be from a cup and spoon, but not from a bottle.

In the first months of development, normal weight gain ranges from 500 to 800 g per month. If the weight gain is less than indicated, you should not immediately resort to artificial baby food. Try to feed your baby more often. Seek advice from your pediatrician, pediatric nurse, who will check if you are applying the baby correctly while breastfeeding, and whether breastfeeding is effective. Babies do not grow evenly, the baby may suddenly require more frequent feeds over several days, which will increase the milk supply accordingly. Babies perfectly regulate their needs, thereby regulating the amount of milk produced by the mother's breast.

There is no need to wash your breasts and nipples before breastfeeding, as breast milk is disinfectant. Soaps, disinfectants, or alcohol remove the skin's natural grease and increase the risk of cracking. One daily hygiene procedure is enough (for example, a warm morning shower). However, before each feeding, the mother should wash her hands thoroughly with soap and water.


It has been proven that a mother's weight does not affect successful lactation. The dietary requirements of a nursing mother vary over a fairly wide range. The woman's need for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals increases during this period, but if these needs for additional energy and nutrients are not met, then the synthesis of breast milk will occur at the expense of the mother's own resources. A normally nourished woman has the necessary reserves of nutrients, which are used to compensate for the increased requirements in the first months of lactation. Below is an approximate diet for a nursing woman.

The widespread belief that a significant increase in fluid intake is necessary for normal lactation is not supported by scientific research. When the mother does not have enough fluid, the urine becomes concentrated, the woman becomes thirsty. Therefore, usually a woman herself regulates the flow of fluid so as not to feel thirsty.

The shape and size of the breast does not affect the amount of milk in it or the possibility of breastfeeding. Often the reason for the unsuccessful attachment of the baby to the breast is explained by the shape of the nipples. Small, flat or depressed nipples are often a cause of concern to the mother - whether the baby will be able to properly latch on to the breast, whether it will be difficult for him to suckle. In most cases, flat nipples are not an obstacle to breastfeeding, most often the reason for unsuccessful breastfeeding should be sought in a violation of the technique of attaching the baby to the breast. Help the mother to properly attach the baby to the breast as early as possible, ideally on the first day after birth, before the milk “arrives” and the breast is full. If for some reason the baby is unable to suckle, the mother should be advised to express milk and feed it from a cup. The baby should not be bottle fed, as this makes it difficult to latch onto the baby in the future.

Absolute contraindications for breastfeeding are:

First. On the part of the child - the inability to suckle the breast (difficult general condition of the child, low birth weight). Second. On the mother's side - a serious condition, taking certain medications, HIV infection.

Breastfeeding difficulties may be due to the following reasons.

The anatomical features of the structure of the breast and the woman's body as a whole, as a rule, very rarely are the direct cause of insufficient milk production. Psychological factors are another matter.

Psychological factors are more often than others an objective reason for the presence of difficulties in breastfeeding. Stress, family conflicts, lack of understanding between wife and husband, significant stress experienced by a woman after childbirth, especially if there are several children in the family, lack of care and assistance from the husband and other close people - these are the visible reasons that may be encountered any young family, and which can ultimately lead to insufficient milk production in the mother.

In order to activate the oxytocin reflex, it is necessary to help the mother both psychologically and practically - to eliminate any sources of pain or anxiety, to evoke only pleasant thoughts in relation to her baby, and when expressing milk, the mother can hold the baby on her lap or just look at him.

The other most common cause of a mother's lack of milk is infrequent breastfeeding or hourly feeding. Failure to feed the baby at night can also lead to a decrease in milk supply, especially if the mother stops night feeds before the baby shows signs of satiety. Short breastfeeding leads to the fact that the baby does not receive enough fatty "hindmilk", and therefore, not enough calories, poor breast emptying most often leads to a decrease in milk production.

Improper latching on to the breast leads to the fact that the baby suckles ineffectively, which in the future will lead to inadequate milk production.

A bottle-fed baby who sucks on a pacifier may have difficulty sucking because it will not properly latch on to the breast. The introduction of supplementary feeding earlier than 4-6 months leads to the fact that the baby suckles less at the breast, as a result of which milk production also decreases. Prepare a sterile pumping container. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water immediately before expressing. Breast milk expressed in a sterile container can be stored at room temperature for 6-8 hours, at a temperature of + 4 ° C (in a refrigerator) it can be stored for 24-48 hours without pasteurization. If you need a longer storage of milk, then it must be frozen, while certain rules must be followed. It is recommended to express milk only in a sterile container, glass or special plastic, as milk fats can be absorbed on the walls. Do not fill the container completely, you must leave about 2.5 cm of free space, since when freezing milk expands and the glass container may burst. It is necessary to freeze milk in portions (designed for one feeding), since defrosting and re-freezing are unacceptable. The container with each portion of milk must be signed, indicating the time of expression (day, month, year and time). Milk should be frozen immediately after expressing.

Expressed breast milk at -20 ° C can be stored for up to three months.

Nipple cracks, breast enlargement, uninfected mastitis Breastfeeding problems during breastfeeding, as a rule, are associated with improper attachment of the baby to the breast, which leads to engorgement of the mammary glands, blockage of the milk ducts and the addition of inflammation with the possible development of an abscess. Breast filling with milk occurs on the second to fifth day after delivery. Inflammation and cracked nipples most often occur in the early days, when the skills of correct latching to the breast and the frequency of feedings have not yet been worked out. Improper latching of the baby to the breast is painful, causes cracking, which in turn limits breastfeeding and can lead to engorgement of the breasts. Washing the nipples too often (more than once a day) removes the protective film and causes cracks.

Restriction of breastfeeding, improper attachment of the baby to the breast, and other factors can cause blockage of the milk ducts - lead to the appearance of a hard, painful formation, reddening of the skin with a possible increase in body temperature and chills. This condition is sometimes called uninfected mastitis. The condition of a woman with uninfected mastitis can be improved by more frequent latching of the child to the breast and its complete emptying. In all cases, if you have doubts or suspicions of mastitis, you should consult with your family doctor (pediatrician, obstetrician-gynecologist) regarding the correct decision on whether to continue breastfeeding.

If your condition worsens, your doctor will probably prescribe antibiotics for you. Treatment with these antibacterial drugs is not a contraindication for continuing breastfeeding. Breastfeeding your baby should be continued as breast milk helps to restore the baby's normal intestinal flora.


Despite the fact that breast milk contains immunoglobulins and nonspecific protective factors, it is with breast milk that the transmission of an infectious agent to a child can occur. Pathogens can enter milk when the mother has an infectious disease, and milk can also be contaminated when expressed. Infection can occur through direct direct contact with damaged breast skin, nipple, and contact with a breast pump and container. Dissemination of expressed milk can be due to normal maternal flora or pathogens. A localized infection - mastitis or inflammation of the nipple - can also be a source of pathogens in milk.

When HIV is transmitted from mother to fetus, it is always difficult to determine whether it happened after delivery through breast milk or the fetus became infected in utero. The risk of HIV transmission is higher with primary infection of the mother during pregnancy or breastfeeding, as well as with the progression of the disease, when there is a high level of viremia (an increase in the number of viruses in the blood). Many studies have shown the possibility of infection in newborns during breastfeeding in cases where it has been proven that the infection of the mother occurred after childbirth (parenteral). During this period, specific antibodies are likely to appear in breast milk, but their role in protecting against HIV transmission is limited. If the mother has HIV infection, breastfeeding is excluded!

Expressed breast milk can become infected with a variety of pathogenic bacteria when the milk is expressed and stored. Often expressed milk is contaminated with the flora of the mother's skin, for example, coagulase-negative staphylococcus. With a slight contamination of milk, these organisms do not pose a danger to the newborn. However, with a large number of them and in the case of deeply immature and premature or weakened babies, these microorganisms can pose a serious danger to the health of the child. Dissemination of expressed milk in case of non-observance of the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime leads to the development of severe infectious and inflammatory diseases in children. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene when expressing milk, its storage and subsequent use. In all cases of the disease, the doctor who monitors your baby decides whether to continue breastfeeding.


There is no need to stop breastfeeding if the baby does not want to. Most children give up breast on their own in the second year of life. Breast milk continues to be a defense against infectious diseases for the baby.

If, for some reason, it is necessary to wean the baby from the breast, then the following should be done:

Increase the duration of the intervals between feedings, so that their number is reduced by one feeding per day every week or two, for two to three months; stop feeding your baby in the morning; stop night feeds (this should be done last);

Simultaneously increase attention, love and care for the child.

Feeding newborns with breast milk, the benefits of breastfeeding

In 2003, the World Health Organization and UNICEF issued an essential set of recommendations for humanity. For the first time, a document entitled “The Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding” clearly defined the basic principles of infant feeding.

The only priority food for every baby, regardless of the region of birth, the social capabilities of the parents and other factors, is breast milk. The publication was preceded by many years of research by scientists around the world, who by the beginning of the 21st century were able to almost completely identify the composition of breast milk and the characteristics of its effect on the child's body.

Main advantages

It was found that human breast milk has nothing to do with cow's or goat's milk, but its composition is closer to blood. It turned out that this fluid is not static, but changes depending on the current needs of the child. Moreover, the mother's diet has practically no effect on the ratio of “ingredients” in her. It turned out that it is impossible to change the fat content of milk, and its rapid "burnout" during a woman's illness is nothing more than a myth.

Breastfeeding began to be perceived as a perfect, ideal physiological process that allows you to provide a baby with more than just food. It forms a stable psychological connection between the baby and the mother, gives a powerful start to the child's immunity, protects against allergic reactions and even cancer. That is why trends that were completely impossible 20 years ago began to appear in the world: adherents of breastfeeding after two years and women who practice feeding adopted children. Incredible? But all this has real scientific justification.

According to the recommendation of the World Health Organization, a child should receive exclusively breast milk until the age of six months. It provides 100% of his needs. It is not recommended to offer the baby water and "breast substitutes": bottles, pacifiers.

To fulfill this requirement, the infant should be attached to the breast immediately after birth. The maternity hospital requires a joint stay of the mother and child for 24 hours. The importance of tactile skin-to-skin contact for the correct formation of lactation and feeding exclusively “on demand” is indicated.

The advantages of breastfeeding lie not only in the elementary convenience for a woman - no mixtures are needed, healthy and valuable food for the baby is always “at hand”. This is just a small fraction of what breast milk actually brings to a baby.

WHO experts identify the following benefits of breastfeeding, directly affecting the quality of life of the little man in the present and in the future.

  • Protection against gastrointestinal infections. This problem is not the most urgent for developed countries, like Russia, but extremely acute for developing countries. Child mortality from diarrhea and other intestinal infections is high in Africa and Asia. The best protection for the baby is breastfeeding and its early initiation - within an hour after birth. It eliminates the risk of infections and their severe course, including infant death.
  • Providing energy and nutrients. At the age of six months, breast milk provides all the needs of the child's body. However, its value does not diminish in the future. It serves as a source of essential nutrients for a baby, covering half of the energy needs under 12 months and one third up to 24 months. The nutritional value of breast milk is especially great during a child's illness. It is extremely easily absorbed by the child's body and helps to reduce mortality among malnourished toddlers.
  • Protection against obesity. It has been proven that breastfeeding of a newborn greatly reduces the risk of developing obesity in the future and related diseases: diabetes mellitus, hypertension.
  • High intellectual development. According to the observations of experts, breastfed babies are more successful in intellectual development than artificial crumbs. It is easier for them to learn new skills, they are more successful in training and career growth.
  • Stable psyche. Babies grow up calmer, more balanced and self-confident than artificial children. This determines the quality of their life in the future.

Understanding the importance of breastfeeding allows a woman to correctly prioritize, give preference to artificial feeding, and work on the development of lactation and its maintenance in difficult situations.

Breastfeeding consultants recommend that lactation be maintained during the period of a woman's illness, including in the case of the development of infectious mastitis. This will allow, after recovery, to return to natural feeding, an identical alternative to which none, even the most high-quality and expensive formula, can serve.

The basic benefits of breastfeeding babies are complemented by practical benefits. A woman does not need to worry about the quality of her “product”, since milk itself adapts to the needs of the child. There is no need to additionally purchase vitamins or nutritional supplements, add water to the crumbs. His food will be as varied and balanced as he needs at a particular point in time. After all, the valuable liquid in the mammary glands contains more than 500 different substances, while in no artificial mixture the number of ingredients exceeds fifty.

The practical benefits of breast milk also lie in other aspects.

  • Helps the baby fall asleep. It is at the time of sucking that the babies fall asleep and calmly doze until the next feeding. This reflex is especially pronounced in newborns.
  • Helps not to wake up. It is convenient to take advantage of this advantage at night. If the baby cries, it is enough to give him a breast, and the whole family will sleep peacefully until morning.
  • Helps empty the intestines. During feeding, the baby empties the bowels and bladder painlessly and comfortably. This relieves him of anxiety about tummy soreness.
  • It is assimilated always and everywhere. Breast milk is the only food that the baby's body digests without the slightest effort. It is absorbed not in the stomach, but in the intestines, so you can feed your baby with it as much as he wants! It does not create a load on the digestive system, does not create a risk of overweight. It is absorbed equally quickly during sleep and wakefulness, bathing and play. You can continue to feed them after switching to the "adult diet" without controlling the amount eaten. And it is especially important to support feeding during a child's illness, since it is from it that the baby will receive not only energy in an easily accessible form and nutrients, but also antibodies to the disease and natural antimicrobial compounds, in particular, the natural antibiotic lysozyme.
  • Helps not to get sick. Breast milk forms the full immunity of a child up to two months. In the future, the immune defense decreases, as the system begins to form on its own. However, it has been proven that long-term breastfeeding maintains immunity at a higher level than feeding for up to a year.
  • Protects against colic and dysbiosis. The most common problem among babies is colic. They are formed by gases that stretch the walls of the intestines and cause pain. Immunoglobulins, which are part of mother's milk, cover the intestines with a "film" that excludes the aggressive effects of gases and protects against the penetration of dangerous microorganisms into the blood from the digestive tract. Bifidus factor is another active ingredient from the mammary glands. It inhibits the reproduction of pathogenic intestinal microflora, populates it with beneficial bacteria.
  • Eliminates stress. The baby regularly experiences discomfort and pain. He is in pain during birth, swaddling and other "strange" procedures. He is scared from loud sounds, bright light. He is cold, unusual. All these sensations cause crying. Mom's milk helps to eliminate them. The baby not only feels the warmth from contact with the mother's skin. He receives from his food anti-stress factors, analgesic hormones, sedatives - a whole range of useful elements that help him adapt to the new world.

Breastfeeding allows a woman to discard stereotypes about the overworking of the mother of the newborn, about sleepless nights at the crib, about incessant crying until the age of three months. If you are breastfeeding, these stories are not about you. Your child will be healthy and calm.

5 popular questions about the benefits of breastfeeding

How often and for how long should you feed? How to replace breast milk at night? Why does it stand out a little or, conversely, a lot? There are an incredible array of questions about breastfeeding. We will answer the most common ones.

  1. Why is there no milk after childbirth? During childbirth, the placenta is separated, which triggers the mechanism for the production of the hormone prolactin. It, in turn, stimulates the alveoli in the mammary glands, which begin to produce nutrient fluid. In the first days after the crumbs are born, they produce colostrum - a super-nutritious substance in which there is practically no water, but an incredible amount of protein and immune factors - a real inoculation of the baby's health. Milk comes in 3-5 days, which is marked by "bursting" of the breast, often soreness. At this point, it is extremely important to learn how to properly apply the baby to the mammary glands so as not to damage the nipples. There is no need to "stretch" your chest with your hands! This is an absolutely useless and very painful procedure. To get enough milk, you should often and correctly apply the baby to the breast, feed him as long as he wants.
  2. How often to feed? It is not permissible to use the "regimen" feeding technique. Firstly, a child of the first month of life simply will not be able to comply with this regime without harm to health. Its stomach is extremely small to hold a large amount of food at a time. Plus, breast milk is digested very quickly. Feeding "often and little by little" is natural and correct from a physiological point of view. This is what on-demand feeding looks like. Apply the baby to your chest as often as possible. So you will not only provide him with the correct diet, but also allow lactation to establish at the required level. It has been proven that nutrition "according to the regime" inhibits lactation already in the first six months of a baby's life.
  3. How to replace milk at night? The hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the amount of milk in the mammary glands, reaches its peak between three and eight in the morning. If you plan to maintain lactation, talking about milk replacement with something else at night is unacceptable.
  4. How much breast milk is fed? There is a uniform recommendation by the World Health Organization for feeding children. Breastfeeding is essential for up to six months. It is extremely important to do this before 12 months. Feeding up to 18 months is desirable. Up to 24 months, you can continue to feed at the request of the mother. According to HV consultants, the question of how much to breastfeed is deeper. So the breastfeeding consultant Natalya Razakhatskaya argues that the natural period for completing lactation is the baby's age of more than two years. In addition, his readiness must be formed from a psychological and physiological point of view to abandon his mother's breast. It is unacceptable to carry out weaning when the baby is sick. Or if the intervals between feedings are less than 12 hours.
  5. How to replace breast milk after a year? Nothing. There are no artificial mixtures with the same content of valuable substances. If you are planning to wean a baby, the diet should be exclusively "adult" food or an adapted formula (up to six months).

Research in recent years has highlighted the benefits of continuing infant feeding after two years of age. At this age, the composition of milk adapts to the new needs of the child and is saturated with protective factors: antimicrobial, antiallergenic. It increases the content of vitamins A and K, which are important for the development of eyes, skin condition, increases the level of iron, excluding the appearance of anemia. Finally, breastfeeding stimulates the development of the baby's speech apparatus.

Breastfeeding of newborns has tremendous benefits. It creates the basis for the correct, harmonious development of a person, lays the foundation for his health. But no less important is the close emotional connection of the child with the mother, which is formed precisely at the moments when the baby is applied to the breast, creates conditions for close confidential communication in the future and is maintained throughout life.


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Correct breastfeeding of newborns for months from birth to weaning with the first complementary foods. Helpful advice for breastfeeding mothers and solutions to problems that a woman will face for the first time after childbirth.

Breastfeeding from A to Z

GV is a gift that nature has endowed every woman. There is no special training required to prepare for breastfeeding, so there is no reason to worry.

But there are still some things to think about before a baby arrives. If a newborn baby does not take the mother's breast well, there is no advice other than the following - this must be experienced. Usually, women continue feeding for a year or two, and at the end of this process a feeling of great victory comes: they became a hero in the eyes of the baby, gave him a part of their soul, heart and a little breast milk.

Starting breastfeeding

There are not many ways to prepare for the beginning of the Guards. The most important thing is to prepare yourself emotionally. A woman's body prepares to feed her baby even during pregnancy. Little by little, step by step, hormonal and physiological changes ensure the supply of milk to the breast. During this time, the shape of the bust is likely to begin to change. The very same milk production begins in the third trimester, so you may notice a small discharge from the nipples ...

How to breastfeed properly

After studying the issue of feeding, young mothers are still confused, disappointed, and sometimes it comes to depression. Do your best to think clearly. At this point, you know everything you really need to know about breastfeeding. A woman is born with an inner understanding and intuition of how to be a mother and will soon become a specialist. Consider the issue from a sober point of view ...

Essential things for full breastfeeding

First of all, the right thinking will help you make the right choice in relation to you and your child. Here are a couple of things that you can do that will really save you a lot of energy and nerves. A woman's body changes a lot during gestation and after childbirth, so sometimes chronic health problems are exacerbated. While new sores appear, which superimposes all the troubles one on top of the other, and this all sucks out all the energy, and there is not so much of it ...

GW for beginner moms

If you are just starting to breastfeed, rest assured that this is the right way, but if you are not breastfeeding naturally, do not worry, the woman can stimulate milk production on her own. Yes, there is no better option for a baby than a novice mother will start breastfeeding. This is the best way to feed your baby, and provide all the necessary elements for full growth. Breast milk contains all the necessary food ...

Reasons for transferring to artificial feeding and basic rules

The correct willow will give the baby everything necessary for the full growth and development of the child's body. Modern formulas are better than donated breast milk - at least for reasons of sterility and hygiene. And it is more convenient - they are well stored, and their composition is stable, which cannot be said about human milk.


Continue taking the same vitamins as during pregnancy for at least the first month of HB. After that, you should switch to multivitamins and mineral supplements, or not change anything, it all depends on individual needs (discuss this with your doctor at the first postpartum visit). A balanced diet can also help your baby develop properly, especially if you make the decision to eat healthy foods consciously. You can also add to the complex of vitamins ...

Nutrition for a nursing mother while breastfeeding

The daily menu of a nursing mother should mainly contain wholesome and nutritious food. You can eat non-allergenic fruits and vegetables. The diet needs white meat, eggs, porridge. You should also, at least once a week, eat dietary fish, including the record holder for the composition of beneficial fatty amino acids - red fish.

What eggs can you eat while breastfeeding?

Boiled or fried chicken eggs should not be eaten in the first month due to the high risk of allergies in the newborn. And also raw eggs carry a threat of salmonella contamination. But every nursing mother should know that eggs (chicken, quail) contain invaluable vitamins and minerals. Let's take a look at all the pros and cons of eating eggs with you.

Watermelon breastfeeding

Watermelon can be eaten while breastfeeding if the nursing mother is sure where and how it was grown. Watermelon should be eaten with caution with gv because of the nitrates, which it absorbs like a sponge. If possible, the mother should ask the pediatrician for advice. During breastfeeding, a woman does not have enough sweets, and watermelon is a well-known delicacy.

What not to eat while breastfeeding

Foods prohibited during breastfeeding directly affect the health of newborn babies. Before starting the guards, you need to arm yourself with basic knowledge about the nutrition process and the features of prohibited foods. You should definitely study the history of diseases in the family dynasty, pay attention to the body's sensitivity to certain foods ...

Breastfeeding tea

If a woman drinks a lot of tea during GW, it must be remembered that most types of drink contain caffeine. Caffeine is not recommended in large quantities, and we advise you to drink no more than two to three cups a day. It is better to drink after the feeding procedure so that the substance does not pass into breast milk. Excess caffeine will make the newborn fidgety and have trouble sleeping ...

How to wean your baby from breastfeeding

Weaning from gv should not be painful for the baby. Find out how to choose the right time and what you can do in turn to get your baby on the bottle without the hassle. Breastfeeding should be completed gradually. An abrupt end will provoke lactostasis or mastitis. A nursing mother should be prepared for the slow process of weaning her baby.

Lactostasis - stagnant breastfeeding

During breastfeeding, mothers often face a problem such as lactostasis. The main signs of pallor are when the breast increases in size, becomes dense, chills appear, redness on the surface of the breast and the venous network expands ...

Mastitis while breastfeeding

Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast during breastfeeding in women and girls (rarely in men), usually caused by a breast infection, but not always. Any mother can get mastitis, although it is most common during the first 6 months after birth. The main thing is not to panic, but to come to the treatment of mastitis with a cool head.

Starting complementary foods for the baby

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Public Health Association (APHA), breast milk is the only food that newborns need in the first 6 months of life ... Complementary foods should be introduced with vegetables or baby cereals.

Menstruation with breastfeeding

Headache in a nursing mother

In this article, you will learn: what causes a headache, as well as female hormones associated with pain. What medications can be taken, and we will dwell on medications in more detail: citramone and analgin, can they be taken during breastfeeding. Let's describe the effective ways to get rid of headaches ...

Paracetamol while breastfeeding

Some medicines should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Certain types of drugs are safe for health. In cases where the need for admission outweighs the risk to the unborn child. Always tell your doctor if you are pregnant or planning a birth ...


We decided to dye our hair or keep it natural during pregnancy. Reconsider your decision as soon as the baby is born. Although dyeing while breastfeeding with chemical dye is not recommended. The direct effect of staining on development has not been proven. Most breastfeeding moms still worry about whether and how their habits affect their babies?

Breast milk

Storage of breast milk at room temperature (no more than 25 degrees C), for six hours,

in a cool window, with ice packs, up to 24 hours ...

How to feed a child after a year

Quite simply, breast milk is of much better quality. Many people are mistaken that special baby food can be compared to breastfeeding ...

Sore throat in a nursing mother

Throat treatment for sore throats using natural remedies at home often gives good results without the unwanted side effects of breastfeeding ...

What to do with constipation while breastfeeding mom and newborn

Problems with constipation during GV can arise right now. Give yourself a few days after the baby is born before you start worrying. For a long time without food, during childbirth, to live a day or two without defecation, because there is simply nothing in the stomach….

The benefits of goat milk

Goat's milk is the best food for a baby. It is compared in chemical balance with mother's milk. Nature has built mother's milk in such a way as to cherish, grow, not harm ...


Regular consumption of oatmeal while breastfeeding stimulates milk production. While there is no scientific evidence for a link between oatmeal and breast milk, some have already noticed the effect. Most working mothers have noticed that when they eat cereal, their milk supply increases, and on days when they eat other foods, it decreases. In some countries, oatmeal has long been recognized for its miracle properties, so many doctors often recommend that patients take a closer look at this product ...

When mom smokes while breastfeeding

First of all, a mother who cannot quit smoking should breastfeed. Breastfeeding provides many of the benefits over bottle feeding in helping a baby fight disease ...

Can bananas be eaten?

But what if the child is constantly reaching for the fruit basket for the bananas and eats them unpeeled !? When my baby began to speak and for the first time called his grandmother's name, I immediately decided to inform her about it by phone, and he even repeated his feat to her, to which my mother was very happy ...

Feeding after a cesarean section

Almost every third newborn is born by cesarean section. Many of these caesarean sections are unexpected, so the expectant mother should be informed about this procedure before her baby is born ...

Cracked nipples and other problems

In the first few days of breastfeeding, it is most common for mums to experience breast discomfort, but you should not tolerate severe pain and discomfort. Breastfeeding should be enjoyable for both you and your newborn. If this is not the case, you should make changes, and for this it is worth talking to a specialist ...

Risks of Depression While Breastfeeding

“Women should breastfeed their babies,” researchers keep repeating. Moreover, it is women who show a desire to breastfeed who will be less prone to melancholy ...

Breastfeeding colds

How safe are cold medications for breastfeeding? Yes, there are cough medicines that are safe for mom when breastfeeding ...

Swollen breasts while breastfeeding

During the first week after giving birth, the breasts are full and may be swollen, tender, hot, throbbing with lumps. Breast swelling can spread to the armpits. Temperature is not excluded either ...

How to lose weight during guards

What are the most effective ways to lose weight while breastfeeding? All pregnant women are generally advised to maintain a healthy proportional weight for proper newborn development. At the same time, it is not recommended for pregnant women to gain excess weight. However, shortly after giving birth, almost all women are too eager to lose more weight than they have gained as a result of pregnancy ...

Breastfeeding questions: 10 facts a young mom needs to know

Breastfeeding strengthens the emotional bond between mother and baby, provides the newborn with the necessary substances, and forms immunity. Therefore, many women are determined to breastfeed their baby for as long as possible. But often, when lactation is developing, young mothers have many questions:

1. Will I be able to breastfeed my baby? The answer is unequivocal: it will work! Every healthy woman is able to naturally feed her baby, regardless of breast size, physique, age. This requires the desire of the mother herself. If you doubt your abilities, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of breastfeeding, the technique of latching to the breast, and the formation of lactation will be successful.

2. If milk does not come in the first days, is it necessary to supplement with a mixture? There is no need to feed a newborn. In the first days, the mother excretes colostrum, it has a high nutritional value. Therefore, even a few drops of it are enough for a newborn to saturate. In addition, with supplementary feeding, the number of attachments to the breast decreases, which delays the arrival of milk from the mother. Apply the baby to the breast and as often as possible on demand and the milk will arrive soon.

3. The kid is losing weight - does it mean he is not eating enough? When discharged from the hospital, all babies weigh less than at birth. It does not depend on the amount of milk that the newborn consumes. Weight loss is associated with the following reasons:

  • Excretion of fluid through the skin;
  • Passing urine;
  • Discharge of original feces (meconium);
  • The stress of a newborn: from a warm, cozy tummy, he fell into a huge unknown world.

Weight loss of up to 10% of body weight at birth is considered normal; usually, after returning home, the baby will quickly gain what was lost.

4. How often to breastfeed a newborn? Feed your baby on demand: Offer breast when he is anxious. In the early days, the baby may need a breast every 30 minutes. When milk arrives, the intervals between feedings become longer, but not immediately regular, or equal to 3 hours (according to some). Feeding on demand will ensure that the baby is producing the amount of milk the baby needs.

5. Do I need to express milk between feedings? When feeding on demand, no additional pumping is required. At first, there may be more milk than the child needs, but over time this will normalize. It is necessary to express milk in the following cases:

  • When the baby does not take the breast, or for health reasons is separated from the mother;
  • When there is too much milk and engorgement of the mammary glands occurs, lactostasis or mastitis begins;
  • When there are deep painful cracks in the nipples;
  • When the mother is taking medications that are contraindicated for breastfeeding.

6. How long should the baby suckle at the breast? The baby will suckle for as long as it needs to. Sucking time can range from 5 minutes to 2 hours. In one case, the baby wants to eat, in the other - to drink, in the third he just needs his mother's warmth.

7. Do I need to wash my breasts before feeding? This is not necessary. It is enough to take a daily shower with regular baby soap. Do not use deodorized and antibacterial products: they often cause allergies in babies and neutralize beneficial bacteria. In case of sweating or excessive milk leakage, you can simply rinse your breast with warm water just before feeding.

8. Should I give my baby a pacifier? No, this should not be done. By satisfying the sucking reflex with the nipple, the baby will breastfeed less often. Accordingly, the amount of breast milk in the mother will decrease. Using a pacifier can also lead to improper grip and even breastfeeding. We also read: how to wean a child from a dummy

9. Is it necessary to add water to the newborn? No, a newborn does not need water, because breast milk is 90% water. Even colostrum can fully satisfy a baby's thirst. Water has no calories, so it can cause additional weight loss or underweight.

10. Does the baby have enough milk? You can find out about this in two simple ways:

  1. The amount of urination. An infant should have 12 or more of them per day. The urine is colorless or pale yellow, odorless. This criterion is true if the child is not given water or medication.
  2. Weight gain. A healthy baby gains at least 120 g per week in weight (excluding the time spent in the hospital), the monthly weight gain can range from 0.5 to 2 kg (We also read: normal weight gain).

The mother's breast is not only a means of saturating a baby, but also a way of communicating with the world, satisfying the need for love, affection and tenderness. Breastfeed your baby and have fun!

Read also: Fundamental advice on breastfeeding mothers about hepatitis B

Most women who have recently given birth are aware of the benefits of breastfeeding and want to breastfeed their baby. However, it is important not only to tune in to this process, but also to know how to properly establish it. It would seem, what could be easier than putting the baby to the breast and letting him suck the milk? But many mothers, especially primiparas, who are left alone with their baby for the first time and make an attempt to breastfeed him, face some difficulties.

The basic principles for establishing good lactation and successful feeding are as follows:

    Early attachment of the baby to the breast.

    Breastfeeding experts say that in order to achieve a good lactation, it is important to start feeding the baby immediately after birth, within the first 30-60 minutes. This is of great importance, since at a given time interval the neuroendocrine mechanisms of lactation regulation in the woman who gave birth are triggered, i.e. latching the baby to the breast immediately after childbirth is a signal for the female body that increased milk production is now required.

    In addition, it is very important for a newborn to receive the first drops of colostrum, with the help of which the child's gastrointestinal tract is populated with beneficial microflora, and protective antibodies appear in the baby.

    With the early attachment of the baby to the breast, a whole complex of psychophysiological contacts between the mother and the child starts and begins to form, which become the basis for their further relationship. Thus, a close connection is established: the woman better understands the needs of the crumbs and tunes in to prolonged breastfeeding.

  1. Feeding "on demand", i.e. latching the baby to the breast as often as he asks for it, without limiting the duration of feeding. This principle is based on the fact that the amount of milk in the mother depends on the needs of the child - the more the baby sucks, the more milk the mammary glands produce. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the hormone prolactin is responsible for the secretion of milk in the woman's body, and it is produced in response to the sucking of the baby.
  1. Compulsory night feeds, since it is at night that the hormone prolactin is intensively produced, which stimulates lactation.
  1. Refusal of additional drinks... Babies in the first months of life who are breastfed do not need additional fluids, since breast milk is both food and drink. However, if it is hot at home, and you think that the baby needs to be given water, use special ones with a nipple that follows the shape of the nipple so that the baby does not give up the breast.
  1. Elimination of supplementary feeding with milk formulas... Some young inexperienced mothers think that there is no milk in the first days after giving birth, and therefore the baby needs to be supplemented with formula. In fact, this is a misconception. In the first few days after the birth of the baby, the mother excretes colostrum. It really is secreted a little - only 10-50 ml per day. However, it has an increased nutritional and energy value, so even 5 ml of colostrum per feeding is enough for a newborn baby.

    Colostrum plays an important role in the development of immunity in a baby, as it contains high concentrations of antibodies. That is why it is important that the newborn receives precious drops of colostrum in the first days after birth. Attach your baby to your breast as soon as you ask, and your body will respond to the baby's “request” with active milk production.

  1. Correct attachment baby to breast... At the beginning of lactation, it is very important to avoid irritation and cracks on the nipples, which make it difficult to feed.

Breastfeeding in the hospital

What are the basics of breastfeeding that a mother should learn while she and her baby are in the hospital?

Correct attachment of the baby to the breast

This is an extremely important aspect of establishing lactation. It depends on how quickly the baby learns to suckle correctly. Proper attachment protects the nipples from injury, and high-quality emptying of the breast is a good prevention of milk stagnation and mastitis. Unfortunately, the baby does not always take the breast as needed, so the nurse of the pediatric department in the maternity hospital or the neonatologist must show and explain to the mother all the details of the correct attachment.

The sooner a nursing woman masters the technique of breastfeeding, the better, as this will avoid unwanted problems.

Improper latching of the breast and "nipple sucking" are the main causes of cracks, inflammation of the nipples and lead to a limitation of the frequency of feedings, impaired milk flow.

The main thing that a nursing mother should remember is that breastfeeding should not be accompanied by painful sensations. If there is pain, then the baby is not breastfeeding correctly.

With proper grip, the baby should take not only the nipple, but also the areola - the dark area around the nipple. At the same time, the lower and upper lips of the child are turned out (and not tucked inward), the mouth is wide open, the nose and chin touch the chest. Only in this case will the baby's sucking movements be effective.

Feeding positions

The comfort of a woman while feeding a baby is one of the important factors in maintaining lactation: it is very important that at this moment both the mother and the baby are comfortable. A well-chosen mother's pose contributes to the correct capture of the breast by the baby.

Women who have had a caesarean section or an episiotomy may experience difficulties with a comfortable breastfeeding position. In these cases, the most comfortable position is “lying on its side”.


For the development of successful lactation, regular and complete emptying of the mammary glands is necessary. If this does not happen, milk stagnation (lactostasis) appears and a decrease in its production.

In the first days after childbirth, colostrum is excreted, and about the third day, milk begins to be produced. In this case, the mammary glands enlarge, harden and become painful. During this period, in order to avoid stagnation of milk, you need to apply the baby to the breast as often as possible. If the baby is “on demand,” there is usually no need to express the breast. The mammary glands, responding to the needs and demands of the newborn, produce as much milk as it needs.

When do you need to pump?

  1. If you feel that there is more milk than you need, and your well-fed baby is snoring calmly, and your breast hardens and pours out with milk.
  2. A newborn sluggishly sucks and lays poorly on the breast (premature babies, children with intrauterine malnutrition, children with lesions of the central nervous system).
  3. Mom and baby are separated and it turns out to feed the baby only according to the regimen.
  4. Painful cracks in the nipples do not allow a young mother to fully feed her baby.

To avoid lactostasis, milk can be expressed using a delicate Dr. Brown's manual breast pump... It does not damage the nipples and prevents bacteria from entering the milk ducts.

Breast care

Particular attention should be paid to breast care. Compliance with simple rules of hygiene allows you to avoid the problem of scuffs and cracks on the nipples, which make it difficult to feed the baby.

Washing your breasts 1-2 times a day while taking a shower. You do not need to do this before each feeding. The fact is that when washing the breasts, especially with soap, a protective layer of fat is removed from the skin of the areola and nipple, which contains factors that prevent pathogenic microbes from entering the skin of the breast. Frequent washing leads to dry skin and cracked nipples.

After breastfeeding, you can apply a special cream to prevent dryness on the breasts and nipples, you can also lubricate the nipples with drops of breast ("back") milk and let them dry.

If there are cracks and inflammation of the nipples, they must be examined by a doctor, as they can be the "gateway" for infection and as a result, mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland) may develop. To heal nipple cracks, special products with panthenol or lanolin, rosehip oil or sea buckthorn oil are used.

How to eat a nursing mother?

This is a very important question, because with natural feeding, the child's body directly depends on the mother's: the food that a nursing woman takes affects the quality of breast milk and, accordingly, the nutrition of the baby. A properly structured diet during lactation allows you to achieve an optimal composition of breast milk. In order for the baby to grow and develop well, a nursing mother should receive a complete nutrition balanced in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and calories every day.

Particular attention should be paid to foods that should not be consumed while breastfeeding, as they can harm the health of the baby. For example, chocolate, honey, citrus fruits, nuts can provoke allergies in a baby. Legumes, grapes, cabbage often cause increased gas production in the intestines and colic in infants, etc.

There are also some peculiarities in the drinking regime of a nursing mother. On days 2-3 after childbirth, when there is a sharp increase in milk in the breast, fluid intake should be limited to 800 ml per day in order to avoid severe engorgement of the mammary glands and milk stagnation. After the establishment of lactation, the volume of fluid consumed should be approximately 2 liters per day. Moreover, it is desirable that it was not only water or tea, but also compotes, kefir and other fermented milk products.

After the hospital

If the mother was unable or did not have time to establish proper breastfeeding in the hospital, or she still has unresolved questions, but the time has come for discharge, do not worry. If you have any unanswered questions, you can contact your local pediatrician who will observe the baby at home upon returning from the hospital, or consult breastfeeding counselors.

Breastfeeding is the ideal way to feed your baby. First, and importantly, it's helpful. Your body does everything for you. Nature itself decided everything, and endowed your breast milk with a mass of substances necessary for a crumb, which are so important for its full growth and development. No other manufacturer of formula feeding food has been able to invent a product similar to and superior in benefits to breast milk. Secondly, breastfeeding is free. You can afford it at any time. At the same time, prices for formula for artificial feeding are increasing, making them affordable for not every family. And also, it is very convenient, because all that is required of you is to make yourself comfortable and give the baby a breast. And there is no need to boil water, look for dishes for the mixture, cook it, especially when the child wakes up in the middle of the night from hunger, and you only managed to fall asleep.

What is worth remembering while breastfeeding is that you need to limit the use of certain foods that can adversely affect the baby's body, causing colic, an allergic reaction, etc. Nobody talks about a strict diet. On the contrary, you should not limit yourself to food in order to get all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. In addition, you must not lose weight and need to recover from childbirth.

Prohibited foods for breastfeeding

Products prohibited during breastfeeding include alcoholic drinks, carbonated drinks, chocolate, seafood, strong tea and coffee, citrus fruits, legumes, onions and garlic, milk, eggs, honey, fatty, fried, smoked foods, canned food and preserves, fruits and vegetables red and yellow, grapes, black bread, condiments, spices and sauces.

You can start introducing these foods 3 months after your baby is born, but not before. Only by this moment will his digestive tract mature. Once the infant reaches this age, you can introduce one product per day, observing the reaction. If the baby has colic again or a rash, then try it next month. It is worth introducing new products in small portions, for example, one chocolate candy, or one orange slice.

Nutrition for breastfeeding

The diet of a nursing mother should include boiled meat and low-fat fish, dairy products, cereal dishes, soups with low-fat broths, marshmallows, dry biscuits, marmalade, crackers, vegetables and fruits not mentioned in the list of prohibited ones, compotes, fruit drinks, jelly, weak tea, natural juices from hypoallergenic products, special dishes for pregnant and lactating women that have a beneficial effect on lactation.

Breastfeeding can help you bond with your baby as such a great way to show your baby how much you love and care for him.

What kind of milk does your baby get at the beginning and end of a feed?

Women's breasts are designed in such a special way that it is frequent, regular feedings that cause milk flow. The quantity and quality of milk varies from woman to woman, it even differs from day to day and hour to hour. Between feedings, very thin, clear milk is produced, watery and not rich in fat.

This milk travels through the thoracic ducts and collects in the area of ​​the halo. The baby receives it in the first minutes of feeding, and this light meal stimulates his digestive system and sets it up for work.

While the baby sucks the breast, massages the halo and stimulates the nipple with his tongue, the production of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin increases in the mother's body. Prolactin sends a signal to breast cells to immediately increase milk supply. This milk is significantly richer in fats and has a creamier color. Milk supplies the baby's body with the necessary calories and is responsible for the baby gaining weight. It creates a feeling of satiety in the child and induces a calmer and longer sleep. That is why it is so important to keep the baby at each breast for at least 10-15 minutes, otherwise there may simply not be a turn to get more fatty milk.

The hormone oxytocin, in turn, acts on muscle tissue and breast cells, helping newly arrived milk move faster and under greater pressure through the thoracic ducts towards its target - a hungry little creature. This can cause milk to leak, it can flow from the breast with force, as if making it easier for the baby to suckle.

Several of these increased milk flows can occur in a 30-minute feed, although women usually only notice the first one. He manifests himself in a feeling of fullness, even fullness of the chest, as if pressure on it from the inside. You can also determine the increased milk flow by the behavior of your baby - he will begin to swallow more often than usual, after one or two sucking movements.

In the period following shortly after childbirth, women often experience slight pain, similar to menstrual pain, since the oxytocin hormone - an excellent assistant in returning to a flat tummy and a previous figure - acts on the uterus, contracting it. That is why you can often hear the opinion that breastfeeding contributes to the restoration and improvement of the figure.

Keys to Breastfeeding Success

If you limit feeding to five minutes at each breast, your inexperienced recruit may receive only weak milk and barely have time to form and induce your first milk flow. In this case, the baby will receive food with low calories, which will translate into poor weight gain and dehydration, which is often seen in newborns these days. The woman, in turn, will experience unpleasant heaviness, breast overcrowding or problems due to a lack of milk. It is extremely important that the newborn is in the same room as the mother and breastfeeds every two to three hours. Try to feed him at least 15 minutes from each breast whenever possible.

New mothers should try to get as much rest as possible to help their baby form good milk. Working at home, exercising too much, having fun, or working outside the home can create difficulties and make it difficult for your body to form the right style of milk production. Daytime sleep and any opportunity to lie down to rest are very positive habits. Try to cultivate them in yourself at this time in your life. The energy you need will also come from food and fat stores that were made during pregnancy.

In order to produce a liter of milk per day, an additional 800 kilocalories is required. Half of these will come from your nine month supply. This means that on average, you should be losing your weight at a rate of 250-500 grams per week. The remaining half should come from a well-balanced, vitamin-rich diet.

A nursing mother should be getting about 2000-2500 calories a day, depending on her body composition and activity level during the day. Eat whatever food you want. However, if you notice that your little one is feeling restless six hours after you eat something, you may need to eliminate this food from your diet. And of course, drink as much liquid as you want, or, as they say, as much as you like.

If you find yourself excluding a large number of foods or entire food groups because they affect your baby's well-being, seek the advice of a good nutritionist or pediatrician - additional help will not hurt you.

While breastfeeding, try to avoid smoking, alcohol and caffeine-containing drinks - all of which will somehow find their way into your milk. Any medications you intend to take must be checked with your pediatrician.

Over time and as your baby grows, you will notice changes in his feeding and sleeping schedule. Feeding will be less frequent, and sleep times will be more predictable and regular.

Lara mama 16.08 09:23

This is always the case for everyone! I also think that there is less milk in the evening, and there is not enough of it. In fact, judging the sufficiency or insufficiency of milk from what follows is not allowed, the child is gaining weight, pees 10-12 times, then everything is ok! it's just that the baby stays at the breast longer after lunch, suckles longer and therefore it may seem that there is not enough ... the breast is gaining milk during the night (since there is a long break between feedings) and therefore they are harder, and then the milk does not pour into the breast, they are soft, but milk is produced and your baby eats !!! it is produced while sucking !!!
and the fact that the child is nervous, pulls the nipple is also normal behavior at your age !!! watch what happens at that time, maybe she pissing, pooping! This is exactly how it was for me, and my grandmothers already advised to pump to see enough milk, but I defended my opinion and now everything is OK with us !!! what I wish you too! you are doing everything right, often attach the baby, do not limit the time spent at the breast and do not give anything instead of the breast !!!

Breastfeeding is the best and most affordable nutrition for a baby that a mother can give him. It would seem that what is easier - the mother gave birth to a baby, immediately put it to her breast and calmly feeds him when the baby needs it. But our modern women have absolutely no experience in breastfeeding a baby, and it often becomes a difficult test if mommy does not hear good advice from an experienced nursing mother or a breastfeeding consultant, a health worker who has the correct information in time. It is because of ignorance of many nuances and mistakes in feeding that mothers quickly stop breastfeeding and transfer children to formula.

First attachment is the backbone of the basics

It is important that the first attachment of the baby to the breast takes place in the delivery room, and if this was not done there, you need to attach the baby to the breast as early as possible, in the very first hours, as soon as the condition of the mother or the baby allows. Not everyone succeeds in immediately and correctly attaching the baby to the breast, and at the time of breastfeeding, there may not be milk in the breast, as it seems to the woman herself (although in fact there is always milk in the breast). But, this is not at all a reason to immediately give the child supplements, water or anything else. Colostrum, which is formed in the breast in the first three to five days after the birth of the baby, is very small, but it is very high in calories and extremely nutritious. It will be quite enough to meet the needs of the child in the first day of life and to actively stimulate lactation in the mother. If the baby is often applied to the breast and allowed to suckle as much as he wants, this will help him “pump” the amount of milk he needs. The arrival of transitional milk (average in composition between colostrum and milk) occurs on the third or fourth day, and along with this, the body weight of the toddler begins to arrive.

So, it is worth remembering, you cannot give the newborn on the first day, while there is little milk, water or mixture, only the mother's breast is unlimited often.

Breast problems that may occur

Often, young mothers in the first days of breastfeeding or later, experience breast problems - these can be cracks, periodic milk stagnation or soreness during feeding. Attention, it is important to remember the following! Pain or discomfort, cracks during feeding are not invariable attributes of feeding, as many say “be patient, but what did you think - breastfeeding is difficult and painful!”. These are completely incorrect statements. With the correct attachment of the baby to the breast, feeding is absolutely painless and does not bring discomfort at all, does not create cracks in the nipples and does not cause lactostasis. If you have such problems while breastfeeding - this is a signal from your body "you are doing something wrong." You should immediately seek advice from a breastfeeding counselor or more experienced women in the GV support group, who are available in many cities. If this is not possible, you can seek advice on the websites of feeding associations - AKEV, La Leche League, usually they give very practical and useful advice. You can also ask for help and advice in topic groups. Including on our website.

Nutrition of a young mom when feeding

Another difficulty for young mothers is the issue of a special and complex "diet of a nursing woman", which everyone interprets in their own way, up to the constant sitting on buckwheat and water. However, such grueling eating will lead you to give up breastfeeding rather than long and comfortable feeding. In fact, there is no special diet for nursing mothers, and a nursing woman should eat all the usual and ordinary foods that she ate while still pregnant. Of course, it should be a healthy and balanced diet, chips, beer or smoked sausage - this is not a suitable choice for nursing mothers. There are no restrictions on yellow, red or other foods, this diet with the restriction of all components does not bring any proven effectiveness.
Eat what your soul desires, but everything should be in moderation and start a little. If the baby is prone to allergies (or you yourself are allergic or there are many allergy sufferers in the family), you must first try a new product that you have not eaten at all or rarely ate it, in a small amount (no more than a couple of spoons) and track the reaction. A nursing mother can enjoy tea, coffee, chocolate, citrus fruits, and shrimp. Just observe rationality and measure in everything, do not lean on these products immediately after childbirth.

Rubber "moms" - breast substitutes

A bottle with a pacifier and a mixture, or a pacifier in the baby's mouth have become for us a kind of "classic attributes" of childhood. But, for full-fledged breastfeeding and for stable lactation of a nursing mother, these accessories are absolutely not friends or even acquaintances. In the everyday life of a nursing mother and her baby, these items should not be (do not even purchase them, just in case).

These breast substitutes or imitators interfere with both:
- the baby's nipples and pacifiers spoil the correct grip of the breast, form an incorrect bite and simply deceive the baby, instead of a warm mother, the baby sucks cold indifferent silicone;
- For mom, breast simulators steadily reduce breast stimulation, lead to cracks and a lack of milk, the baby's refusal to suckle the breast due to resentment against the mother and violation of the sucking mechanism.

Therefore, a breastfed baby does not need to be given bottles and pacifiers, he does not need them - he receives full nutrition and reassurance from his mother's breast.

We feed on demand - the main postulate

The baby and the mother are a harmoniously built and special system that mutually influence each other, and each pair can have its own modes and patterns of feeding. The capacity of the breast varies from woman to woman, and the amount of milk does not depend at all on the size of the breast, babies all suck in different ways and can get full at different times. That is why a pair of mother and baby should not have any restrictions on the time of feeding and the number of attachments, including at night. It is necessary to feed the baby on demand, and you need to keep the baby at the breast indefinitely until he falls asleep or lets go of the breast himself. Night feedings are the key to stable and long lactation, therefore, you need to feed your baby at least once every two to three hours at night. Late morning feeds are especially important from three in the morning to eight in the morning - they are especially active in stimulating the production of milk hormones.

Calm, only calm is the most basic

Stress, overwork and negative emotions can have a very negative effect on breastfeeding, therefore, try to think more about yourself and your baby, be less nervous and have more rest. If you need help, advice, or support, you can reach out to the breastfeeding communities, talk to your spouse or loved ones who support your breastfeeding drive. Try not to listen to stupid or inappropriate advice that they say "give up these breastfeeding - give the formula and that's it", the formula will not solve all the baby's problems if they are breastfeeding. And sometimes new ones can be added, which were not there during breastfeeding. Tune in to breastfeeding and stick to your plan, try to take more care of yourself and your baby - during the day, go to sleep and rest with your baby more often. Set aside some of the household chores, ask them to take on someone from the household. With constant fatigue and stress, with negative emotions, stress hormones are released in the body, which begin to block milk hormones, especially oxytocin. This leads to the fact that oxytocin deficiency "locks" milk in the breast and it is difficult for the baby to get it from the breast, although there is milk!

And the constant incomplete emptying of the breast leads to the fact that gradually, according to the principle of feedback, the amount of milk produced decreases and the level of prolactin decreases. As a result, this can lead to a lack of milk, crying and irritation of the baby, and with it, the mother. A vicious circle is being formed. Calm down - pull yourself together, feed, relax and forget about all the negative.

How long to breastfeed?

There are no clear boundaries - it is not worth throwing the breast exactly in a year or two - it is up to you to decide, however, breastfeeding brings undoubted benefits not only to the baby in the first months of life, but also to older children, at six months, one year and even two years. Therefore, the general recommendations for breastfeeding, developed by WHO, one of the most authoritative organizations in support of hepatitis B, is to exclusively breastfeed, without supplementation and supplements for the first six months, and maintaining breastfeeding for at least the first one and a half to two years. The main thing is a positive attitude and your desire, then you and your baby will succeed! I myself breastfed my son until the age of 2 years 8 months, and we went with him to self-excommunication!