Royal wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William: details that will surprise William and Kate Middleton. Wedding of Prince William and Duchess of Cambridge Kate: date, dress, wedding bouquet, engagement ring, hairstyle, guests, cost. Film about family

On April 29, 2011, Prince William and Kate Middleton got married in London, whose engagement was officially announced by the royal court on November 16, 2010. A tweet report about the wedding ceremony was conducted from London by RIA Novosti correspondent in the UK Alexander Smotrov.

17:38 Can't help but repost the PA picture of the main royal cake # RoyalWedding from 17 tiers!

17:33 People in crowns, colorful wigs, with flags and painted faces continue to celebrate the rest of the day off in honor of # RoyalWedding

16:41 It is a pity that the British monarchy thought so late to dilute its blue blood with hot red common people to improve the health of their offspring.

16:37 The press room applauds and cheers for the kiss between William and Katherine after # RoyalWedding

16:34 Seven aircraft of the Royal Air Force flew over the palace and the fountain of the Victoria Monument, where the most desperate spectators are already bathing # RoyalWedding

16:30 After standing and thinking, they kissed for the second time:) # RoyalWedding

16:27 Come out, come out to the balcony! # RoyalWedding Surprised point fingers at the sea of ​​people below

16:16 And it would also be interesting to know about the first visit of the couple to Russia, of course. Although it is unlikely that this will be their priority immediately after # RoyalWedding

16:14 I wonder how long after # RoyalWedding The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are coming to Cambridge?

16:11 A crowd of people was let through the Mall, now you can clearly see HOW MANY people came to see # RoyalWedding !

For the wedding of Prince William's grandparents - Queen Elizabeth II and Duke Philip of Edinburgh - more than 2,500 gifts were presented, including 76 handkerchiefs, 30 scarves, 148 pairs of stockings and 16 nightgowns. However, there was also a special gift - lace woven by Mahatma Gandhi.

Prince William's parents Princess Diana and Prince Charles were given 4,000 gifts for their wedding. The newlyweds received 20 silver dishes from the Australian government, and sapphire jewelry from the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. And the New Zealand government gave Charles and Diana a practical gift - a carpet.

15:29 Some of the spectators in front of Buckingham Palace dragged to # RoyalWedding the flag of Georgia and it flashes all the time in the frame of the live broadcast

A procession of five carriages with the newly-made husband and wife, as well as their relatives, will proceed through the central streets of London to Buckingham Palace. From the balcony of the palace, they will look at the aviation parade, and then go to a gala dinner on behalf of Queen Elizabeth II.

15:18 All asphalt on the route of the procession # RoyalWedding sprinkled with a layer of sand - apparently so that the horses do not stumble

15:15 Catherine Middleton will not throw her wedding bouquet into the crowd, but will lay it on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier # RoyalWedding

15:13 A festive procession of colorful carriages moved from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace # RoyalWedding

The place and date of the wedding were the subject of betting. Clients of bookmakers correctly managed to "guess" the place of the wedding - Westminster Abbey, but made a mistake with the date - July was called the most probable month.

The date of the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton - April 29, 2011 - became known in November last year. April 29 is declared a national holiday.

14:43 William and Kate wrote one of the prayers for their wedding themselves # RoyalWedding

By the way, none of the weddings of high-ranking members of the British royal family in the post-war period fell on a Friday. The wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles was originally scheduled for Friday, but then due to the funeral of Pope John Paul II, it had to be postponed to another day.

14: 23 The Archbishop of Canterbury declared William and Kate - now Katherine - husband and wife # RoyalWedding

14:19 The bride's ring barely fits :) But the groom is stubborn, so it will be his way # RoyalWedding

14:18 William makes a marriage vow. The face is serious. Kate takes an oath with a smile on her lips # RoyalWedding

14:16 The bride's bouquet contains lilies of the valley, carnations (Sweet William), hyacinth, ivy and myrtle - symbols of happiness, eternal love and strong marriage # RoyalWedding

14:12 Camilla, instead of singing hymns, looks at the guests over the program during # RoyalWedding

13:43 The queen, as predicted by the bookmakers, is dressed in a yellow suit and a # RoyalWedding

13:40 Duchess Camilla wore # RoyalWedding champagne dress and duck egg coat (dirty blue)

Westminster Abbey has often been the site of royal weddings. It was in this cathedral in central London that William's grandparents, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, as well as his uncle, Prince Andrew, and aunt, Princess Anne, were married. The wedding of Prince William's parents, Prince Charles and Princess Diana, took place at St. Paul's Cathedral.

In order for the wedding ceremony to start on time and without surprises, the bride and groom (separately), as well as other members of the royal family, will arrive at Westminster Abbey by car.

13:15 Princes William and Harry travel to the Abbey on # RoyalWedding, the crowd rages

13:08 David Cameron in a tailcoat and his wife Samantha in an emerald green dress and an orange scarf walk through the abbey as if they were in their own # RoyalWedding

Prince William and his fiancée Catherine Middleton chose to have their wedding guests donate money to charity instead of buying expensive gifts. The couple will accept gifts from close family members, but other guests are encouraged to make confidential donations to charities.

12:55 Cameron will give Kate and William pictures of the island of Anglesey, and Boris Johnson - guess! tandem bike of course! #

Added to bookmarks:

While we look forward to the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, let's take a trip down memory lane to April 29, 2011, the day Prince William and Kate Middleton said "Yes" to each other.

The wedding was the biggest day in history and royal guests flocked to the UK capital to watch the happy couple tie the knot.

Fashion trends were very different in 2011 - check out the photos and you'll see some bold looks. From the shoes of Lady Gaga and Victoria Beckham to the magical look of Princess Eugenie.

Chelsea Davy chose a mix of greens for her bridal ensemble. The blonde with beautiful accessories, golden tan and jewelry looked charming.

Prince Albert II of Monaco and Charlene were seen heading out the West Door of Westminster Abbey. Charlene opted for a gray suit, which she wore along with gray gloves, a hat, and a bag, but completed her outfit with nude-colored shoes.

Can you imagine Victoria Beckham wearing this outfit nowadays?! And look at the shoes - now she would definitely wear something more chic. But back in 2011, a pregnant VB looked incredible in a navy blue shift dress that she paired with navy accessories.

Samantha Cameron wore a Burberry dress to the Duke and Duchess' wedding in 2011. A turquoise dress was a great choice back then, and heels added a sexy touch to the prime minister's wife's style.

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall arrive for Prince William and Kate's wedding. Charles looked very dapper in his suit, while Camilla looked glamorous in her pale suit, which she paired with metallic heeled shoes.

Prince Philippe of Belgium and his wife Mathilde put aside all prejudice for Will and Kate's wedding. From her teal-colored outfit to his purple sash, no one could go unnoticed by these royals.

You can never go wrong when you see Queen Maxima of the Netherlands wearing a nude lace dress, nude shoes and a turban.

tangerine dream Princess Victoria of Sweden! Husband Prince Daniel, Duke of Westergotland, with his orange tie, perfectly harmonized with his wife.

No one will forget this look anytime soon. Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice traveled to Westminster wearing exquisite headdresses. The couple received some misunderstandings for their outfits, but looking back, were they really that bad?

Queen Sofia of Spain, Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia all dressed to impress at the royal wedding. Letizia opted for a peach dress with matching accessories, while her mother-in-law donned a lavender suit and peep-toe pumps.

Elton John received an invitation to the royal wedding and looked very serious as he took his seat next to his partner David Furnish. The singer could not resist adding something of the color of his eyes to the outfit and chose a bright purple tie.

Queen Margrethe of Denmark waved to fans as she headed to Westminster Abbey in a bright blue dress and coat. The queen even managed to find the perfect hat to match her outfit!

Carole Middleton looked as happy as a mother can look at her daughter's wedding. The mother of the bride opted for a light blue dress adorned with decorative details. The mother-in-law of Prince William completed the outfit with silver shoes.

James Middleton looks almost unrecognizable here. We're so used to seeing him with facial hair - but he was clean-shaven at his sister's wedding.

Perhaps one of the best-dressed guests at the wedding was the Queen, who looked delightful in yellow as she entered the abbey. William's grandmother chose sunny yellow, which she paired well with a creamy handbag and cream shoes.

Pippa Middleton may become one of the most famous bridesmaids in history. Kate Middleton's sister looked incredible in an Alexander McQueen gown.

PA producer and stylist Briney Daniels was one of the brightest guests, wearing a purple and red dress and red stilettos.

Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal and Princess Amira left the abbey in their finest. Princess Amira looked very glamorous in her peach colored dress and accessories.

The late Tara Palmer-Tomkinson looked beautiful in blue as she attended the wedding of her sister, Santa Sebag-Montefiore.

Actor Rowan Atkinson (aka Mr. Bean) arrived for the wedding of the century.

Ben and Marina Fogle looked colorful as they made their way to the abbey. Marina came out in a bright green dress that was perfect for her expecting a baby.

On April 29, 2011, Prince William and Kate Middleton got married in London, whose engagement was officially announced by the royal court on November 16, 2010. A tweet report about the wedding ceremony was conducted from London by RIA Novosti correspondent in the UK Alexander Smotrov.

17:38 Can't help but repost the PA picture of the main royal cake # RoyalWedding from 17 tiers!

17:33 People in crowns, colorful wigs, with flags and painted faces continue to celebrate the rest of the day off in honor of # RoyalWedding

16:41 It is a pity that the British monarchy thought so late to dilute its blue blood with hot red common people to improve the health of their offspring.

16:37 The press room applauds and cheers for the kiss between William and Katherine after # RoyalWedding

16:34 Seven aircraft of the Royal Air Force flew over the palace and the fountain of the Victoria Monument, where the most desperate spectators are already bathing # RoyalWedding

16:30 After standing and thinking, they kissed for the second time:) # RoyalWedding

16:27 Come out, come out to the balcony! # RoyalWedding Surprised point fingers at the sea of ​​people below

16:16 And it would also be interesting to know about the first visit of the couple to Russia, of course. Although it is unlikely that this will be their priority immediately after # RoyalWedding

16:14 I wonder how long after # RoyalWedding The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are coming to Cambridge?

16:11 A crowd of people was let through the Mall, now you can clearly see HOW MANY people came to see # RoyalWedding !

For the wedding of Prince William's grandparents - Queen Elizabeth II and Duke Philip of Edinburgh - more than 2,500 gifts were presented, including 76 handkerchiefs, 30 scarves, 148 pairs of stockings and 16 nightgowns. However, there was also a special gift - lace woven by Mahatma Gandhi.

Prince William's parents Princess Diana and Prince Charles were given 4,000 gifts for their wedding. The newlyweds received 20 silver dishes from the Australian government, and sapphire jewelry from the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. And the New Zealand government gave Charles and Diana a practical gift - a carpet.

15:29 Some of the spectators in front of Buckingham Palace dragged to # RoyalWedding the flag of Georgia and it flashes all the time in the frame of the live broadcast

A procession of five carriages with the newly-made husband and wife, as well as their relatives, will proceed through the central streets of London to Buckingham Palace. From the balcony of the palace, they will look at the aviation parade, and then go to a gala dinner on behalf of Queen Elizabeth II.

15:18 All asphalt on the route of the procession # RoyalWedding sprinkled with a layer of sand - apparently so that the horses do not stumble

15:15 Catherine Middleton will not throw her wedding bouquet into the crowd, but will lay it on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier # RoyalWedding

15:13 A festive procession of colorful carriages moved from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace # RoyalWedding

The place and date of the wedding were the subject of betting. Clients of bookmakers correctly managed to "guess" the place of the wedding - Westminster Abbey, but made a mistake with the date - July was called the most probable month.

The date of the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton - April 29, 2011 - became known in November last year. April 29 is declared a national holiday.

14:43 William and Kate wrote one of the prayers for their wedding themselves # RoyalWedding

By the way, none of the weddings of high-ranking members of the British royal family in the post-war period fell on a Friday. The wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles was originally scheduled for Friday, but then due to the funeral of Pope John Paul II, it had to be postponed to another day.

14: 23 The Archbishop of Canterbury declared William and Kate - now Katherine - husband and wife # RoyalWedding

14:19 The bride's ring barely fits :) But the groom is stubborn, so it will be his way # RoyalWedding

14:18 William makes a marriage vow. The face is serious. Kate takes an oath with a smile on her lips # RoyalWedding

14:16 The bride's bouquet contains lilies of the valley, carnations (Sweet William), hyacinth, ivy and myrtle - symbols of happiness, eternal love and strong marriage # RoyalWedding

14:12 Camilla, instead of singing hymns, looks at the guests over the program during # RoyalWedding

13:43 The queen, as predicted by the bookmakers, is dressed in a yellow suit and a # RoyalWedding

13:40 Duchess Camilla wore # RoyalWedding champagne dress and duck egg coat (dirty blue)

Westminster Abbey has often been the site of royal weddings. It was in this cathedral in central London that William's grandparents, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, as well as his uncle, Prince Andrew, and aunt, Princess Anne, were married. The wedding of Prince William's parents, Prince Charles and Princess Diana, took place at St. Paul's Cathedral.

In order for the wedding ceremony to start on time and without surprises, the bride and groom (separately), as well as other members of the royal family, will arrive at Westminster Abbey by car.

13:15 Princes William and Harry travel to the Abbey on # RoyalWedding, the crowd rages

13:08 David Cameron in a tailcoat and his wife Samantha in an emerald green dress and an orange scarf walk through the abbey as if they were in their own # RoyalWedding

Prince William and his fiancée Catherine Middleton chose to have their wedding guests donate money to charity instead of buying expensive gifts. The couple will accept gifts from close family members, but other guests are encouraged to make confidential donations to charities.

12:55 Cameron will give Kate and William pictures of the island of Anglesey, and Boris Johnson - guess! tandem bike of course! #

With bated breath, millions of people around the world were waiting: Prince of Wales William and Kate Middleton became husband and wife. Their wedding ceremony was estimated to be watched by two billion people. Such a spectacle Great Britain - and the whole world! - not seen since 1981, since the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana Spencer.

The night before the ceremony, 28-year-old Prince William spent at the residence of Clarence House with his younger brother Prince Harry, father Prince Charles and his wife, the Duchess of Cornwall Camilla. The bride, 29-year-old Kate Middleton, along with her parents and sister stayed at the five-star Goring Hotel in central London.

In the morning, from Clarence House and the Goring Hotel, the bride and groom - as well as their relatives - in a strictly defined order at intervals of a few minutes went to Westminster Abbey.

Cars (Kate and her father Michael Middleton, for example, drove a rare 1978 Rolls-Royce from the royal garage) drove through the central streets of the British capital, crowded with thousands of excited people. Those who wanted to take the best places along the route of the motorcade attended to this issue on Wednesday and lived on the sidewalks in tent cities for two days. The sluggish did not get a place: about a million tourists arrived in London, plus hundreds of thousands of local residents took to the streets. Do not be surprised by these figures: Londoners did not have to skip work, because today is an official day off in the country.

Princes Harry and William's car

Prince Harry and Prince William

Michael Middleton and Kate Middleton

By the time Princes William and Harry arrived at Westminster Abbey, most of the 1900 invited guests had already gathered here. Among them were relatives of the bride and groom, members of the British royal house, more than 40 members of royal families from around the world, dozens of heads of state, and Beckham, Elton John and David Furnish, colleagues of William, as well as relatives of the British military who died in Afghanistan.

Ian Thorpe

David and Victoria Beckham

Guy Ritchie

Tara Palmer-Tomkinson

Elton John and David Furnish

Joss Stone

British Prime Minister David Cameron

Queen Sofia of Spain, Prince and Princess of Asturias

Crown Prince Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands and Princess Maxima

Princess Anna

Prince Andrew

James Middleton

Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel

Queen Margrethe II of Denmark

Prince Albert II of Monaco and Charlene Wittstock

Michael Tindall and Zara Phillips

Prince Michael of Kent with his wife

Princesses Eugenie (in Vivienne Westwood) and Beatrice (in Valentino Couture)

Carol Middleton

Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla of Cornwall

Queen Elizabeth II

Prince William and Prince Harry

Prince William

The last to arrive at the abbey was Kate Middleton, who, by the way, from now on will need to be called Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge. When she got out of the car, the main intrigue was finally revealed: the world saw the bride's wedding dress. Kate was actively involved in the design of this Alexander McQueen dress, created by Sarah Burton. The toilet has a classic silhouette, fluffy skirt, chic long train. On the bride's head was a 1936 Cartier diamond tiara, over which a handmade lace veil was thrown over. In her hands she held a lovely bouquet of lilies of the valley.

Pippa Middleton (in Alexander McQueen)

Kate, Michael and Pippa Middleton

The ceremony itself lasted just over an hour. According to tradition, there was only one engagement ring - Katherine would wear it. It was crafted by the Wartski brand from a bar of Welsh gold given to William by the Queen shortly after his engagement. The ring was brought to the abbey by Prince Harry, the best man of his elder brother.

When the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams declared William and Catherine husband and wife, the prince and duchess got into a luxurious carriage drawn by four white horses and went to Buckingham Palace. They were followed by several more carriages with Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh and the Middleton family.

David Furnish and Elton John

Victoria and David Beckham

Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh

Michael and Carol Middleton

650 guests of the ceremony also went to the palace - a solemn reception awaited them. But before sitting at the head of the festive table, Prince William and his wife, according to tradition, appeared on the balcony of Buckingham Palace and greeted journalists and onlookers. Not far from the palace, a few days before, a press camp was set up, which housed eight thousand (!) Representatives of the British and world media.

The appearance of Kate and William on the balcony, the tender kiss of the young and the air parade that followed, truly became the culmination of today's - already gone down in history - day.

And although about 50 million pounds were spent on the wedding (part of the funds were allocated from the state budget, the rest of the expenses were covered by the relatives of the young), when you look at the happy smiles of William and Kate, money is the last thing you want to think about.

Congratulations to the Prince and Duchess, who have been moving towards this union for over eight years. We wish them - like in a fairy tale! - lived happily ever after.

The Royal Family and the Middleton family on the balcony of Buckingham Palace

Queen Elizabeth II, Duke of Edinburgh, Pippa Middleton and Prince Harry

Michael and Carol Middleton, Prince Charles and Duchess of Cornwall

Duchess of Cambridge Catherine and Prince William

BBC source


Photo by Wenn/All Over Press

The long-awaited for the British wedding of the British Prince William and his beloved Kate Middleton, who after the marriage will be referred to as Princess Catherine, has already passed.

Hundreds of thousands of Her Majesty's subjects were waiting for this long-awaited event. But still, not many were so optimistic, because the dry figure of statistics suggests that the number of divorces is steadily growing every year, so there were still concerns. A divorce lawyer at the court of Queen Elizabeth prepared all the necessary documents in advance “just in case”. Let's believe in pure and beautiful love!

1. The guests arrived at Westminster Abbey a few hours before the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

2. Band of the guards before the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

3. Parade near Parliament Square in London on the eve of the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

4. Sir Elton John and his partner David Furnish are shown their seats in Westminster Abbey.

5. British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and his wife Miriam also arrived at the royal wedding.

6. Millions of people around the world watched the royal wedding.

7. Princess Anne of Great Britain also arrived at Westminster Abbey.

8. Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, second wife (since April 9, 2005) of Charles, Prince of Wales, heir to the British throne, arrived at Westminster Abbey.

9. Carol Middleton, mother of Kate Middleton, arrived at Westminster Abbey for her daughter's wedding.

10. Queen Elizabeth II shakes hands with the Dean of Westminster Abbey.

11. Princess Eugenie of York and Princess Beatrice of York arrived at the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey.

12. Prince William of Wales and Prince Harry of Wales at Westminster Abbey.

13. Philippa Middleton, Kate Middleton's sister, arrives at Westminster Abbey for her sister's wedding.

14. Katherine with her father Michael Middleton.

15. Kate and Philippa Middleton arrived at Westminster Abbey.

16. The couple also chose a few little bridesmaids and pageboys – four girls, aged 3 to 7, and two boys, ages 8 and 10. Two of them, three-year-old Miss Grace van Cutsem and eight-year-old Tom Pettyfer, are godchildren of Prince William.

17. Catherine Middleton with her father goes for the dean of Westminster Abbey. Behind them is her sister Philippa.

18. Katherine's father brings his daughter to the Altar.

19. Katherine's father, Michael Middleton, passes his daughter's hand to William.

20. Guests sing a hymn.

21. Prince William puts a ring on the finger of his fiancee Catherine Middleton in front of the archbishop.

23. Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, leave Westminster Abbey.

24. Prince Charles, Michael Middleton and Carol Middleton. So to speak, the parents of William and Katherine, only Lady Dee is missing.

25. Now William, Duke of Cambridge and Katherine, Duchess of Cambridge.

27. Prince Harry, of Wales

28. Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, driving to Buckingham Palace after their marriage in Westminster Abbey.

30. Kiss William and Kate on the balcony at Buckingham Palace.

31.Rachel Jane Eardley and Diana Palette inflict the last touches on the royal wedding cake fromFiona Cairns, a famous confectioner from the English county of Leicestershire .

33. Prince Charles