The best congratulations to your wife on her birthday. Happy birthday to your beloved wife. Wise congratulations on the anniversary of the wife

My dear half
My heart, soul, part of me
Happy birthday to you.
I live and breathe for you!

There is no one more beautiful in the world
Than my queen wife.
Be loved, desired, dear,
I will move mountains for you!

Much happiness and health to you,
Beauty and financial benefits.
I can do anything for you with love
All hopes will be fulfilled for us!

You know, I can't even imagine
How would I live in the world without you.
And on your birthday, dear wife,
I wish you from my heart.

To keep your smile young
And not subject to the burden of worries,
So that you fervently, laugh merrily,
Ignoring the hardships of life.

Health, dear - this is important,
And I will not wish for beauty,
After all, you are so desirable and beautiful,
Like you're 25 again.

Let the children be your comfort
Let them grow up to be good people
Success, strength, all the blessings of multiplication,
And so that we live together to old age.

My love, happy birthday! I wish you to be the same charming, tender, delightful and beautiful wife. I want you to feel like the happiest, most desirable woman in the world. Health to you, success, fulfillment of desires. May your every day be magical and fabulous!

Dear, I am so grateful to fate
That the road of life turned to you,
I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
I love you, only you I breathe!

You are brighter than the sun, brighter than the day
I won't be lazy to admire you.
Loved, desired, you are devoted to me,
You have everything that a wife should have.

I wish happiness, like a rose, to bloom,
Confidently, peacefully go through life,
Beloved stay, dream and love,
Believe me, it cannot be otherwise!

happy birthday congratulations
Beloved wife
And with all my heart I wish
Be always happy!

Let all sorrows and troubles
We are bypassed.
Well, if there are problems,
Know that I am always with you!

Beauty and charm
I wish for you.
And may all your desires
Always fulfilled!

My beautiful half
What keeps comfort in the house,
I wish not to know despondency,
A smile to touch the lips.

So that all victories and awards,
All the compliments and flowers
So that you are happy with everything
And that you are satisfied.

To know how beautiful you are
How beautiful and gentle you are
You are inspiration and strength
I love you my wife!

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday
My beloved wife!
The best in the world
I love you crazy!

May your every day be a holiday
And the sun shines on the soul.
Let happiness give life and joy
Will be with you always, everywhere!

You are an angel on our planet
whose name is family.
How our children love you!
How much I love you!

God bless you, dear
From evil, from diseases and troubles;
And know as I know it -
There is no better you in the world!

My wife dear
Happy Birthday to You!
Joy, good wishes
Be happy always.

Let life surprise you more often
And brings miracles
Let wishes come true
Gives what you've been waiting for.

I love, I hug
Be who you are, always.
Most of all I am in this life,
Honey, I love you.

My beloved wife
I want to tell you so
You are the only one in the world
I really love you too!

I wish your eyes
Filled with happiness all the time
Let the heart believe in miracles
For your dreams to come true!

Let the soul sing joyfully
Today, on this birthday!
May every day, year after year
It will be a great mood!

I'm in the mood all day today
After all, today is an important and big holiday.
My beloved wife's birthday.
I hasten to congratulate her with all my heart.

You, my dear, I wish
Always be the best on earth.
Forget about all your worries.
Success, happiness, joy to you.

May every day bring inspiration.
All plans and dreams come true.
Today is your beautiful birthday.
As before, be the goddess of beauty.

Wife- the closest and dearest person! How often in the bustle of days we have no time to show our beloved wife the attention and tenderness that she deserves. Talk about how beautiful and caring, cheerful and kind she is. And when your wife has a birthday, I want to sincerely and unusually congratulate her on the holiday!

Should be beautiful and romantic: after all, your spouse deserves it! But how beautiful it is to congratulate your beloved wife happy birthday? Of course, in verse!

Congratulating your wife in verse, you thereby express your gratitude, love and respect to her. She, like a real woman, will be extremely pleased with such attention! And even more so from a beloved spouse.

Happy birthday to my wife in verse

May your day be sunny and beautiful.
And your path will be strewn with roses.
And every evening - starry, clean, clear.
(name) ___, you always be happy!
Be cheerful, beautiful, sweet, simple,
Sincerely beloved - always be like that!

Light, light, beautiful and proud
You always go through life without difficulty.
You are a devoted, tender wife,
And in the heart of a husband you reign alone.
I'm glad to congratulate you on your birthday,
You are my pride, happiness and joy!

The stars are shining for you
For you - all words about love!
May dreams come true easily
And all your desires!

For you - both luck and happiness,
Every ray and every flower!
This world, incomparably beautiful, -
At your amazing feet!

Congratulations to the wife from her husband on her birthday

Do not enter a burning hut:
The hut, thank God, is intact!
But I know that you carry under your heart
For thirty heat fires!

To warm up in the winter cold,
To drive away any sickness
There is a heart. And above the heart
High rank: Wife

Alien to us that gossip?
Like, marriage is only betrayal and lies ...
I will help you with the dishes
And you caress, you will understand ...

Fed, happy children.
And order reigns in the house.
Must be, dear, behind this
My heart is burning so bright!

God bless you, dear!
And in the cold, and in the downpour, and in the heat.
Burn with love without burning
Our earthly guardian angel!

We crossed the field of life with you,
We have lived together for so many years for a reason.
Worked and argued with fate
Giving warmth to each other.

It was very easy and difficult for us,
Life was full of misfortune and happiness,
But today you, my friend,
Like a young tree, slender.

Your face breathes the spring wind
And that there are wrinkles on it - it does not matter.
After all, this is the book of our life they write
Confidently coming years!

Let the years you are not young
And fine wrinkles under the eyes,
Let me notice sometimes
Gray hair shining paths.

Let them say already that your age
Passed for the best female age,
But we swore a long time ago:
For us, love is like songs and like air.

In your eyes I see again and again
All the things I can't forget
And eternal love does not grow old,
How fresh are your eyes, dear and dear!

Beautiful congratulations for the wife on her birthday

Let me, beloved, dear,
Give you flowers
Adding everything I want
To what you desire.

I will cover with every petal
Your serene silhouette
And I will open the secret
A secret kept from everyone.

Bouquet - it's not a fortune teller,
Do not believe in chamomile love.
I, holding a "mermaid" in my arms,
I'll quickly close the door with my foot.

From the hottest, most tender,
From the most trembling words
Your eyelids will close without sleep...
Then, at the festive table

Candles are reflected in the glasses...
The whole world will melt... We are alone...
How good it is in the world
Everyone has their birthdays.

Your birthday! He is
From my favorite days of the Earth -
When dad and mom are in cabbage
I found you to my delight.

Oh, my holy simplicity!
My experienced eye was mistaken:
He told me you are golden
And you are not gold. Diamond.

You walk so beautifully, breathe.
Like the sun, I rejoice in you.
No, you won't hear from me
That you and I are not destined.

I will give you sunrises
Flowers from all the meadows of Rus',
I will dedicate sonnets to you -
Just don't ask for money.

Let the night flying over the house
Silent trumpet solo
Will wake me up. And dreaming
I will think about you.

Your day - this holiday is dear to me!
I will surprise you a lot
I want to play like a wizard
and give birth to amazement!

Flowers and congratulations to you
my hugs to you
only you alone in the world - a miracle
be with me forever.

You are the mother of my children
wife - you and a friend,
Skillful adviser in business!
you are like a guardian of the hearth
Like a friend's right hand
and your name is like a song on the lips.

You are the patient string at the mandolin
you are friendly with wisdom and so smart!
A virtuoso in the kitchen - there is no equal here
Don't wait for assistants - you can do everything yourself!

Always fresh and beautiful!
when do you get everything done?
After all, beauty is true and open
and you can see how hard you work!

I appreciate your skills!
Well done! How happy I am, loving
And congratulations on your birthday.
I will be the best husband for you!


Happy birthday wife, congratulations!

Touched the rays of the softest eyelashes
Beloved beautiful wife.
You hear the birds singing outside the windows,
And in the songs - about all your dreams.

Born on the same morning
My dear wife.
I hold in my hands a bouquet of tender lilies,
I wake up from sleep with my lips.

My beloved (*name*) woke up,
Giving me a smile.
There is no happier person in the whole world...
Oh, how beautiful your face is!

Kiss you... Happy birthday!
How happy we are today!
All my life you give me mood -
Like a May garden - lilac.

And may you always be joyful
My dear wife,
Merge in the arms of sweet -
Dear, I need you so much.

Happy birthday to my wife in prose

The world is changing every second: values, thoughts, actions, people are changing. But only your care and love remains unchanged. In a difficult moment, the heart is always warm when you think that there is a person nearby who you can rely on, who is ready to lend a shoulder and remain yourself, no matter what! It's good that I have you!

It is not at all necessary to be away, on a business trip, to congratulate via SMS. A beautiful SMS congratulation can be a nice addition to a good live congratulation or a prelude to a real congratulation. Happy birthday sms to wife also a great way to recall your feelings, proven over the years. Most importantly, do not skimp on congratulations!

Short congratulations on your birthday to your wife

My tender, beloved and waiting,
Whose warmth I am always surrounded by,
And your hands do not get tired
Congratulations and my low bow!

I want you to be happy with me the way I am happy with you. I want your eyes to shine with joy every day. After all, seeing them, and I feel warm in my soul.

Happy Birthday,
My beautiful wife!
There is nothing more wonderful in this life
In the morning, waking up, to see you next to me!

I want you to always be by my side and remain the way you are. My life, my reward, my dream! I love you very much! Happy Birthday dear!

Ah, my dear wife,
You are not an easy riddle.
The beauty of your hair...
Your femininity is a question
Your femininity is the answer
Image, mystery and plot.
You are death and salvation!
Happy Birthday!

Beloved, dear, the only one! Happy birthday to you! I wish you happiness, great love, good luck, so that a smile is always on your lips! Thank you for having me!
You are my life!

I am attached to you with all my heart,
My beloved wife
I am bound with you,
Because I only need you.

And on your wonderful birthday,
I'm ready to softly whisper:
You are like an angel in heaven!
Kissing you is so sweet.

Voice congratulations happy birthday to wife

Happy birthday to wife on the phone you can listen to and send what you like to the recipient as a musical or voice greeting on a mobile or smartphone. You can order and send a birthday greeting to your wife on your phone either immediately or by specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard. A sound birthday greeting to your wife on your phone will be guaranteed to be delivered to your mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving the congratulations by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

Cool congratulations happy birthday to the wife

What to wish you dear
Wealth or beauty?
But it would be better if in life
You will always be happy.

Take everything you can from life
All that is beautiful and bright
After all, in life you can make mistakes,
And you can't live twice.

My beloved wife
I want to wish you
So that the forms are elastic,
And there was no place for trouble!

To my beloved little wife-talker,
Today all the girlfriends will gather
On your holiday, talk heartily,
How great is the power of charm!

May there be joy and peace in our house,
All your wishes come true
I love you, my cheerful angel,
I hasten to send you my confession!

From a husband is not an easy and very serious matter. Congratulations to your wife on her birthday is not just a standard set of words. This is an expression of your gratitude for all that she has already done. Or else it will, rest assured.

We hope that this selection of poems for the wife's birthday will save husbands from worries and nervousness!

Sources of information:


A few words about how you can present such happy birthday wishes to your wife:

It can be written on a beautiful postcard, which will be placed in a basket of flowers. When you give your wife a gift, be sure to read her your chosen masterpiece.

If you do not live on a very high floor, you can recite congratulatory verses or prose under the window (like a real serenade). Your business will be successful!

If you decide to congratulate your wife in a romantic and unusual way, read her congratulations above the ground. Book a hot air balloon flight and just enjoy the moment.

I can't write beautiful words
I didn’t learn beautiful loud phrases, sorry.
But not for a second, believe me, I will not regret
What did you meet me on the path of life!

Today is your holiday, and mine, of course, too,
After all, we are now one, and you are my love,
You are the best friend in the world, you are more precious than all riches,
May happiness and success pursue you!

They say husband and wife
There is only one Satan in life:
B Wife's birthday −
My husband is not afraid of the devil!

Congratulations my angel
Always be yourself!
It was hard to decide
What to give today.

And then I take my time
I realized that my soul
Want to give yourself...

So we are not married in vain!

My wife is adorable!
Lord, thank you for your wife.
She is a heavenly creature
As they said in the old days.
She is kind, gentle, beautiful,
Everything suits her well!
Try to say something else
She... will turn my head!

Morning will come, and yours,
In a moment, the petals will bloom a rose ...
May your gentle eyes
They don't know what tears are.
Let everything be as you want.
Let expectations not be deceived.
And all the beautiful dreams
Your reality will become!

Cozy, warm, bright house,
And all the guests are pleased in it.
And the queen rules the house,
In all matters, a master!

Wonderful wife and mother -
You can't find them now!
And often with his wisdom
She shared freely.

And how to organize
What to read in philosophy
How best to arrange furniture
What should the dish be seasoned with?

And in raising children
She has surpassed Rousseau.
And over the writer's path
It's time to think...

Let me, beloved, dear,
Give you flowers
Adding everything I want
To what you desire.

Captivated, my love
Your charm!
I always try to surprise
Gift and attention!

I give flowers to my wife
Not only on birthday
Let happiness decorate life
Great mood!

To my beloved chatterbox wife,
Today all the girlfriends will gather
On your holiday, talk heartily,
How great is the power of charm!

May there be joy and peace in our house,
All your wishes come true
I love you, my cheerful angel,
I hasten to send you my confession!

Kind and gentle, smart and beautiful ...
You were created by nature marvelously,
Like a fairy tale, like a song, like a mountain stream
Swift, clean, free, nobody's.
So be full of health and happiness!
In my heart you are the only one!

Happy Anniversary Wife

Dear, beloved, dear,
My beautiful wife
I congratulate you on your birthday
I love you, I admire you!

I promise you today
Give gifts and flowers
I love my wife
And I will wear it in my arms!

Happy anniversary wishes to wife

I congratulate you today.
You have an anniversary today.
I wish you good health dear.
What in the world could be more important?

This holiday we will be together again.
I will see a tide of tenderness.
I want only love in my eyes.
I will give you this verse.

Congratulations. The sun illuminates
This holiday is our cozy home.
And I wish you well.
Without it, after all, we do not expect love.

Happy birthday wishes to wife

Happy anniversary dear
Tell us your secret
I have known you for many years
Only there are no changes.

You are still beautiful
No traces of wrinkles to be found
And the figure is just amazing
Sweeter than vodka for men.

The head is the mind chamber.
In the heart - a kind soul.
There is a decent salary
In general, you are good to everyone.

So that after the anniversary
Life went on without problems
To not regret the past
I invite everyone to drink!

Happy Anniversary Wishes from Husband

Happy Anniversary, my dear wife!
Congratulations and best wishes for you.
May all your dreams come true.
I wish you joy, success, beauty.

Live, bloom and be beautiful
Not knowing grief, start, misfortune.
Be loved always, do not be discouraged,
Give warmth, forget the bad!

Happy Anniversary Wishes

You today..,
This wonderful anniversary
We will celebrate together.
I hasten to congratulate you soon.

Your beloved wife
Congratulations on a wonderful holiday.
As a gift of the stars and the moon
I'll get it straight from heaven.

Let my beloved
Always just smiling.
Sorrow and grief never
May they never touch us.

Best birthday wishes for wife

My dear wife, dear sun,
I am grateful that you became my wife
And, today at the table, we celebrate the anniversary,
I know, not for the last time, we celebrate the holiday!

I wish you more bright days
Not the last day, the sun shone for us.
I recognize you, wife, as the most beautiful,
May you be the happiest today!

Congratulations on the anniversary of your beloved wife

Happy anniversary dear, the most beautiful,
Kind, comfortable, my beloved wife!
I'm happy with you, I breathe you
I look at my face with tenderness.
Be always joyful, warm with laughter,
After all, your smile is just heaven!
I thank fate for our meeting,
Because I love you very much!

Interesting congratulations on the anniversary of his wife

Ah, my dear wife,
You are not an easy riddle.
The beauty of your hair...
Your femininity is a question
Your femininity is the answer
Image, mystery and plot.
You are death and salvation!
Congratulations on the anniversary!

Congratulations on the anniversary of your beloved wife

My sweetheart, wife
Happy Birthday to You!
Lots of joy and laughter
Outrageous success!

Let the smile never go away
Happiness is around!
The forces will be here
And love is a direct route!

Sincere congratulations on the anniversary of his wife

Your birthday! He is
From my favorite days of the Earth -
When dad and mom are in cabbage
I found you to my delight.

Oh, my holy simplicity!
My experienced eye was mistaken:
He told me you are golden
And you are not gold. Diamond.

You walk so beautifully, breathe.
Like the sun, I rejoice in you.
No, you won't hear from me
That you and I are not destined.

I will give you sunrises
Flowers from all the meadows of Rus',
I will dedicate sonnets to you -
Just don't ask for money.

Short congratulations on the anniversary of the wife

Happy Anniversary, love!
Dear wife!
Sweet, unique!
You are the only one!
May all your dreams come true in life!
There will be joy and peace!
All sorrows will be forgotten
We will be happy with you!

SMS congratulations on the anniversary of the wife

May this glorious anniversary
Everything will be ok for you
Let the house be full of guests
There will always be prosperity in him,
Darling, don't be sad
After all, happiness is just ahead!

Happy birthday to wife

Happy anniversary, wifey
Happy Anniversary, sunshine!
Happy anniversary honey
The most beloved!

I wish you a lot of happiness
So that your dreams come true.
To have tears in your life
Never showed up.

Congratulations to the wife on the day of the anniversary

Congratulations on your anniversary.
And I hasten to wish you:
Be as before. brighter, better
than we can imagine.

I wish it was all over again
Only more beautiful again for you.
We have been ready for a long time.
I repeat this, love.

And the hugs got softer
And eyes, like stars, burn.
I wish the sun is brighter.
Illuminate the road a hundred times.

Original congratulations on the anniversary of the wife

my beloved wife
I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday!
All my life I love you alone
And I will continue, no doubt!

I want you to be happy
To smile more often in life
Health, happiness, beauty!
To stay like this forever!

Sincere congratulations on the anniversary of his wife

It's time to pay my debt to you
My wife, my beloved friend,
I'm walking with you along the Fate,
I'm happy, and this is your merit!
I gave you my heart
You are dearer to me than anyone in this world,
I would lay all the flowers at your feet,
All those that exist on the planet!
On your birthday, worrying and loving,
I dedicate these lines to you
And I raise my glass to you
My only woman in the world!

Congratulate your wife on her birthday

My wife, tenderness, inspiration,
Happy anniversary dear you
You are my weakness, you are my patience
You are my best.

And on this day you dear happiness,
Health to live for centuries
So that you forget about all the bad weather,
Thank you for being with me until the end.

Gentle congratulations on the anniversary of his wife

Sunshine, you're thirty today.
You are beautiful like a flower in spring
You are also beautiful, you are special
Proud, I recognized you like that.
I will bring a gift from the heart
And I will present it to you.
Read congratulations, and I go to the kitchen
And I'll bring salads to the table.

Wise congratulations on the anniversary of the wife

You are the mother of my children
wife - you and a friend,
Skillful adviser in business!
you are like a guardian of the hearth
Like a friend's right hand
and your name is like a song on the lips.

You are the patient string at the mandolin
you are friendly with wisdom and so smart!
A virtuoso in the kitchen - there is no equal here
Don't wait for assistants - you can do everything yourself!

Always fresh and beautiful!
when do you get everything done?
After all, beauty is true and open
and you can see how hard you work!

I appreciate your skills!
You are well done. I praise you more than once!
And I wish you a happy birthday
I will be the best husband only for you!!!

Unusual congratulations on the anniversary of the wife

My wife! I hasten to congratulate you!
On the day of the anniversary, I say with love,
That it’s better not to have a wife, why lie,
I will repeat this a hundred thousand times!

My beloved, precious, tender wife! I congratulate you on a holiday dear to my heart - your birthday. I love you madly and ask you to remain the same sincere, reverent, beautiful and sensitive girl that you continue to be from the day we met. Thank you, my dear, for the cozy family hearth that you give to the family created by us. Thank you for being kind and patient even when I do wrong. Happy birthday!

Beloved wife! I congratulate you on the day of your birth, I kiss you gently on your beautiful cheeks. I tirelessly admire your blooming beauty, freshness, enjoy the bliss that you surrounded me with. I appreciate your support and love, I want to live this life knowing that you are always there. Happy birthday, my beloved girl!

My beloved woman! I am happy to call you my wife and celebrate your birthday every year, watching you blossom and become more and more desirable and beautiful. I wish you to remain so beautiful, sweet, kind all the life that I want to spend with you until the end of my days. Love you.

My other half,
I love you, no matter how
You are not a brunette, you are not a blonde,
But just an angel in the flesh.

You were given to me by fate
What doubts can there be
Let love reign between us
My wife, happy birthday.

There is no more you, wife,
You are the closest in the whole world,
Your love is drunker than wine
So sweet to be with you in a duet!

I'm glad that fate connected us
With you for many years.
And happy birthday, dear,
I hasten to congratulate you.

I will give you sunrises
I'll get a star from heaven.
And on your hundredth birthday
I'll dance a polonaise for you.

Ask me what you want
I will fulfill all your dreams.
My Goddess and Princess
You have so much warmth.

My dear, dear, beloved,
Delicate, glorious, golden!
You are simply irresistible to me
The only and native.

I wish you bright sunshine
clear sky above your head
Many flowers, beautiful mood
And always stay young!

You came like a ray of sunshine
On my serene path.
I'm so happy that you showed up
I can't find another woman.

I want to wish you happiness
So that you live with me for a hundred years.
I will remove bad weather from the road,
I want you to bloom.

You, like the sun, illuminate the light.
You give joy to the child and me.
You care and help
The whole family is grateful to you.

Let the thousands of compliments heard on this day relieve you of doubts about your individuality, exclusivity and beauty. May all your sincere wishes come true. Let all dreams, even the most unimaginable ones, come true. Happy birthday, the sweetest and infinitely beloved wife.

On this beautiful day, your birthday, beloved wife, I want to congratulate you on your next 18th birthday, wish you to remain the same as now, young and beautiful, gentle and affectionate, caring and kind. May your heavenly eyes illuminate my life with their radiance for at least another hundred years.

Beautiful wife, on your birthday, let the compliments not subside, the house will be full of friends, and the wine will flow like water. May the next year of your life pass in the warmth of family relationships, with a rapid rise up the career ladder and be marked by sincere unchanging happiness. Joy and smiles to you, beloved and dear.