The theme of raising children in Russian classical literature. The theme of education in one of the works of Russian literature of the 18th-19th centuries

Introduction. 3

1. Fundamentals of moral education in literature lessons .. 4

2. The theme of education in the works of Russian literature of the 19th century. 7

2.1 Characteristics of the literature of the 19th century. 7

2.2 Moral, artistic and aesthetic education on the examples of literary works of the classics of the 19th century. 9

Conclusion. 16

References.. 17


Mastering the literary classics by students is an indispensable condition for maintaining the unity of national culture. The formation of a morally active personality is the main task of teaching and educating in literature lessons.

Russian society in this period is experiencing a deep moral crisis: a person is moving away from understanding the spiritual foundations of life, losing the foundations of his own being. Modern man is increasingly focused on material success, external achievements. The realities of modern Russian society are market relations, an orientation towards instrumental values, the Americanization of life, the destruction of national identity, the foundations of the people's existence. A truly active person is able to freely, that is, consciously choose the line of his behavior. Therefore, as the main task of training and education, it is necessary to consider the education of such a person who is capable of self-determination in the modern world. This means that students need to develop such qualities as a high level of self-awareness, self-esteem, self-respect, independence, independence of judgment, the ability to orient themselves in the world of spiritual values ​​and in situations of life around them, the ability to make decisions and take responsibility for their actions and to choose the content of one's life activity, the line of behavior, the ways of one's development. It was all these qualities that became the basis of the works of the classics of Russian literature of the 19th century.

This work is devoted to the topic of education in the works of Russian literature of the 19th century, the paper discusses the main aspects of the content of education in literature lessons, analyzes the theme of education in works, and other outstanding masters of the word of the 19th century.

1. Fundamentals of moral education in literature lessons

The period of adolescence is a period of rapid “infection” with new ideas, a period of changing feelings, moods, thoughts, hobbies, faith in one’s ideals and one’s own strengths, interest in one’s own personality, problems of time, the search for an ideal, goals in life, dissatisfaction with oneself. All this serves as a powerful engine of moral development.

The development of autonomous morality, associated with a critical understanding of the norms of public morality, an explanation of moral conflicts, the search for and approval of one's own moral principles, is especially stimulated by creative acts of moral choice. Therefore, modeling and application in training and education of situations of moral choice turns out to be a necessary condition for the moral activity of schoolchildren.

A moral choice situation is one that involves contradictions between two mutually exclusive decisions or actions.

A person in such situations must make an alternative decision about his attitude to moral or immoral facts and about his behavior (“What should I do?”).

Making an alternative decision means choosing between good and evil, sympathy or indifference, courage and cowardice, honesty and deceit, loyalty and betrayal, altruism and selfishness, etc. To choose the right moral decision is to commit an act.

In order to effectively use situations of moral choice in the upbringing and development of schoolchildren, you need to know the types of moral and ethical problems raised in them. Moral and ethical problems can be aimed at the knowledge of broad philosophical and ethical phenomena, concepts (man and nature, man and society, art and life, beauty and goodness, the meaning of life, etc.), at the knowledge of the relations and behavior of people, their own moral qualities.

Morality is a system of internal rules of a person, based on humanistic values ​​that determine his behavior and attitude towards himself and other people.

Morality is a fundamental quality of a person, his positive beginning, which grows out of a feeling of love for people, regardless of their nationality, and an understanding of freedom as a personal responsibility.

The criterion of morality is the ability of a person in a difficult life situation to make a choice in favor of creation, not destruction.

The formation of morality occurs in the process of personal self-awareness and familiarization with the spirituality of society.

Problems may be associated with the choice of behavior and the adoption of a moral decision, with the assessment and self-assessment of the moral merits of a person, with the adoption of a decision in a particular situation, may require an explanation of a moral phenomenon.

The ability to see, realize and analyze moral and ethical contradictions around oneself and in oneself is the most important component of the development of ethical culture and moral self-awareness of a schoolchild.

Moral examples and situations must be taken from works of fiction. The formation of morality by means of fiction in the new socio-cultural conditions is a controlled process and depends on the work of the teacher in the selection of literary education in the light of cultural, national and universal values. Therefore, it is necessary to update the content of literary education and include for studying works with acute moral themes that raise important philosophical and moral problems, eternal questions. It is these questions, so important for the moral education and development of schoolchildren, that are covered by the authors of works of literature of the 19th century.

The main task of the teacher in literature lessons is to achieve an informal solution of moral problems, to make a moral choice, taking into account the whole variety of conditions accompanying the situation, bringing more and more complex moral problems and more complex moral and ethical situations for discussion and analysis.

Fiction, appealing not only to the mind, but also to the feelings of the young reader, develops and spiritually enriches the emerging personality. The huge educational material that the lessons of literature carry in themselves is obvious. Awakening the feelings and living of the reader - the student, they improve the culture of perception of fiction in general. The task of the philologist is to teach children to empathize, reflect on the work, understand the beauty of the word.

In the school analysis of a literary work, the very process of communication with art is important. In the course of it, the teacher helps the children to see what went unnoticed at the first reading, gradually reveals the various layers of the artistic text, and leads the students to comprehend the meaning of the work. This forms the student as a reader, makes him emotionally more sensitive.

The art of education is, first of all, the art of speaking, addressing the child's heart. Spiritual values ​​should be cultivated. Based on each specific topic of the lesson, it is necessary to determine what learning skills you will develop, what moral qualities this lesson will help to educate in students. The educational role of the lesson is more important than just the presentation of educational material.

2. The theme of education in the works of Russian literature of the 19th century

2.1 Characteristics of 19th century literature

At the beginning of the XIX century. there is a sentimental trend. The most prominent representatives of it: Karamzin ("Letters of a Russian Traveler", "Tales"), Dmitriev and Ozerov. The emerging struggle between the new literary style (Karamzin) and the old one (Shishkov) ends in victory for the innovators. Sentimentalism is being replaced by a romantic direction (Zhukovsky is a translator of Schiller, Uhland, Seydlitz and English poets). The national beginning finds expression in Krylov's fables. The father of new Russian literature was Pushkin, who in all kinds of literature: lyrics, drama, epic poetry and prose, created samples that, in beauty and elegant simplicity of form and sincerity of feeling, are not inferior to the greatest works of world literature. Simultaneously with him, A. Griboedov is acting, who gave in whom. "Woe from Wit" is a broad satirical picture of manners. N. Gogol, developing the real direction of Pushkin, depicts the dark sides of Russian life with high artistry and humor. Pushkin's successor in fine poetry is Lermontov.

Beginning with Pushkin and Gogol, literature becomes an organ of social consciousness. The appearance in Russia of the ideas of the German philosophers Hegel, Schelling, and others (the circle of Stankevich, Granovsky, Belinsky, and others) belongs to the years. On the basis of these ideas, two main currents of Russian social thought emerged: Slavophilism and Westernism. Under the influence of the Slavophiles, there is an interest in native antiquity, folk customs, folk art (the works of S. Solovyov, Kavelin, Buslaev, Afanasyev, Sreznevsky, Zabelin, Kostomarov, Dal, Pypin, etc.). At the same time, the political and social theories of the West are penetrating literature (Herzen).

Beginning in the 1850s, the novel and short story, which reflect the life of Russian society and all phases of the development of its thought, became widespread (works by: Turgenev, Goncharov, Pisemsky; L. Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Pomyalovsky, Grigorovich, Boborykin, Leskov, Albov, Barantsevich, Nemirovich-Danchenko, Mamin, Melshin, Novodvorsky, Salov, Garshin, Korolenko, Chekhov, Garin, Gorky, L. Andreev, Kuprin, Veresaev, Chirikov and others). Shchedrin-Saltykov, in his satirical essays, castigated the reactionary and selfish tendencies that arose in Russian society and hindered the implementation of the reforms of the 1860s. Populist writers: Reshetnikov, Levitov, Ch. Uspensky, Zlatovratsky, Ertel, Naumov.

The historical stage of the emergence of the realistic method and the direction corresponding to it. The 19th century embraced all the best that was in romanticism, which arose at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. in .: the idea of ​​free development of the individual, the creative transformation of the genre and style originality of literature. The 19th century gave different national versions of a truly social novel, where a person appeared in a deep inner connection with social circumstances and obeyed them, although many artists presented a literary character as a fighter against these circumstances. Like no other century, the 19th century was distinguished by an extraordinary variety of genre, thematic forms of literature, and in such an area as versification, it gave countless rhythmic and strophic modifications in every national literary language. At the beginning of the 19th century, he formulated the principle of "world literature". This did not mean the loss of the national specificity of literatures, but only testified to the processes of integration in the verbal art of the world. The second half of the 19th century was called the "Russian period" in world literature.

2.2 Moral, artistic and aesthetic education on the examples of literary works of the classics of the 19th century

To comprehend philosophical problems, actively apply their knowledge, their life experience, using their beliefs, pose problems, analyze various moral and ethical conflicts, complex problems of human relations, make independent decisions, develop cognitive independence and creative abilities, students learn from the works of such famous authors 19 century like, Goncharov. By analyzing the works of the authors, it is possible to explain such concepts as conflict, morality, patriotism, devotion, betrayal. In the works of the listed masters of the word of the 19th century, the theme of education runs like an invisible thread.

For example, the work "Eugene Onegin" can rightly be considered an encyclopedia of the education of modern life. This is an eternal work, combining all the main traditions of the Russian people. The novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" poses many problems. One of them is the problem of happiness and duty. This problem is most clearly illuminated in the final explanation of Eugene Onegin with Tatyana Larina. Onegin for the first time thinks that his worldview is wrong, that it will not give him peace and what he eventually achieves. “I thought: freedom and peace are a substitute for happiness,” Onegin admits to Tatyana, beginning to realize that true happiness lies in the desire to find a soul mate.

He understands that all his foundations have been shaken. The author gives us hope for the moral revival of Onegin. Tatyana's main advantage is her spiritual nobility, her truly Russian character. Tatyana has a high sense of duty and dignity. Because Tatyana puts her duty to her husband above her own happiness, she is afraid to disgrace him, to hurt him. That is why she found the strength to suppress her feelings and say to Onegin:

I love you (why lie?)

But I am given to another;

And I will be faithful to him forever

The theme of education in this work is expressed by the upbringing of a sense of duty and responsibility. Honor and the meaning of life are the main educational problems covered in the novel. Tatyana was forced to fight for her dignity, showing in this struggle uncompromisingness and her inherent moral strength, this was precisely the moral values ​​​​of Tatyana. Tatyana is the heroine of conscience. Tatyana appears in the novel as a symbol of fidelity, kindness, love. It has long been known to everyone that happiness for women lies in love, in caring for others. Every woman (whether she is a politician, teacher or journalist) should be loved, love, raise children, have a family. For Pushkin, Tatyana is the ideal of a young Russian woman, whom, having met, it is impossible to forget. So strong in her sense of duty, spiritual nobility.

In the work "Hero of our time" The main educational theme is the problem of personality. Personality in its relation to society, in its conditionality by socio-historical circumstances and at the same time resisting them - such is Lermontov's special, two-sided approach to the problem. Man and destiny, man and his purpose, the purpose and meaning of human life, its possibilities and reality - all these questions receive a multifaceted figurative embodiment in the novel. “A Hero of Our Time” is the first novel in Russian literature, in the center of which is presented not a biography of a person, but a person’s personality – his spiritual and mental life as a process. The novel organically combines socio-psychological problems and moral-philosophical, sharp plot and merciless introspection of the hero, sketchiness of individual descriptions and novelistic swiftness of turns in the development of events, philosophical reflections and unusual experiments of the hero; his love, secular and other adventures turn into a tragedy of the unfulfilled fate of an outstanding person. The whole system of images of this work, like the entire artistic structure of the novel, is built in such a way as to illuminate the central character from different sides and from different angles.

This work brings up in the reader the ability to fully exist in society, the ability to understand the contradictions that often arise in the soul of any person, the ability to find a balance between psychological difficulties and obstacles that stand in the way.

The significance of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" in the subsequent development of Russian literature is enormous. In this work, Lermontov for the first time in the "history of the human soul" revealed such deep layers that not only equated it with the "history of the people", but also showed its involvement in the spiritual history of mankind through its personal and generic significance. In an individual personality, not only its concrete-temporal socio-historical signs were highlighted, but also all-human ones.

No less significant educational value has a work "Undergrowth". It is especially valuable for the period of adolescence, when young people need help in choosing their future path in life. In Fonvizin's comedy, the theme of education is expressed in the confrontation between good and evil, baseness and nobility, sincerity and hypocrisy, bestiality and high spirituality. Fonvizin's "Undergrowth" is built on the fact that the world of the Prostakovs from the Skotinins - ignorant, cruel, narcissistic landowners - wants to subjugate his whole life, to appropriate the right of unlimited power over both serfs and noble people who own Sophia and her fiancé, the valiant officer Milon ; Sophia's uncle, a man with the ideals of Peter's time, Starodum; guardian of laws, official Pravdin. In comedy, two worlds collide with different needs, styles of life and speech patterns, with different ideals. The ideals of the heroes are clearly visible in the way they want to see their children. Let's remember Prostakova at Mitrofan's lesson:

"Prostakov. I am very pleased that Mitrofanushka does not like to step forward ... He is lying, my friend of the heart. He found money - he does not share it with anyone .. Take everything for yourself, Mitrofanushka. Don't study this stupid science!"

And now let's remember the scene where Starodum speaks to Sophia:

"Starodum. Not the rich one who counts the money to hide it in a chest, but the one who counts the excess in himself in order to help someone who does not have what he needs ... A nobleman ... would consider it the first dishonor not to do anything: there are people who help, there are Fatherland to serve.

The work clearly shows the difference between good and evil, nobility and ignorance, the reader has the opportunity to evaluate all these qualities, to conclude what is truly valuable in life. the comic is deeper, more internal: rudeness, which wants to look kindly, greed, which covers with generosity, ignorance, which claims to be educated. The comic is based on absurdity, a discrepancy between form and content. In The Undergrowth, the miserable, primitive world of the Skotinins and Prostakovs wants to break into the world of the noble, to appropriate its privileges, to take possession of everything. Evil wants to seize the good and acts very vigorously, in different ways.

The theme of education is no less clearly seen in the work of the great Russian playwright of the 19th century "Storm". The drama tells about the tragic fate of a woman who could not step over the patriarchal foundations of house building, could not fight for her love, and therefore voluntarily passed away. This work with a tragic end educates the reader for strength of mind, the ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations, maintaining self-control in difficult moments of life. Katerina is very devout, religious. And from the point of view of the church, suicide is a grave sin, they don’t even bury a suicide. And we see how hard it is for her to take this step, however, it is the betrayal of the closest person that pushes her to commit suicide. Katerina was disappointed in her lover, she realized that he was a weak, weak-willed person. Look at how Boris behaves in the parting scene: at first he pities Katerina, and at the end he himself wishes her death. Perhaps not so terrible, but still the death of Katerina will make Boris forget her faster.

Of course, suicide can be regarded as an act of a weak character. But on the other hand, life in the house of Kabanikha is unbearable for her. And in this act is the strength of her character. If Boris runs away from his love, abandons Katerina, then what should she do, how to live on? And so she decides to commit suicide, because she cannot stop loving Boris and forgive him for his betrayal. The drama "Thunderstorm" shows the power of influence on a person and his soul of such relationships as betrayal, contempt, neglect. The education of students on the example of this work takes place in line with the formation of a sense of justice, respect, devotion to one's neighbor.

In the work "Dead Souls" The topic of education was also given close attention. Nikolai Vasilyevich, being an honest, intelligent, sensitive, religious man, saw that the world was ruled by evil, which spreads with great speed, and a person gets along with it. Having got along with a person, it begins to flourish and triumph. Evil begins to spread with such speed that it is difficult to determine its boundaries. Considering himself a prophet, Gogol sincerely believed that it was he who should point out to mankind its sins and help get rid of them. When you read the pages of a work, everything seems gray, vulgar, insignificant. It is dullness and vulgarity that is evil, and it is terrible in itself. It is vulgarity that gives rise to base feelings, stupidity and indifference. In this vulgar world, evil knows no bounds, for it is boundless.

The main question that is asked in the poem "Dead Souls" is: "Is there something bright in this world, at least some kind of appeal to the light?" No, other idols are served here: the stomach, materialism, the love of money. But these are all false values, and each of the heroes has their own. In the poem "Dead Souls", the author raised the most painful and topical issues of his contemporary life. He clearly showed the decomposition of the serfdom, the doom of its representatives. The very name of the poem had a huge revealing power, carried “something terrifying” in itself. The main educational idea of ​​the work can be called the doctrine of the moral and spiritual values ​​of a person, as opposed to material values. A person needs lofty ideas, aspirations, emotions, the constant desire for savings, material wealth simply destroys the human "I".

The character system of the work was made on the principle of ever deeper spiritual impoverishment and moral decline from hero to hero. So, Manilov's economy "was somehow going by itself." When reading a work, an interest in everything that is around is brought up, and the enormous harm and destructive effect of indifference and apathy is pointed out. Through the entire poem, Gogol, parallel to the storylines of the landowners, officials and Chichikov, continuously draws another one - connected with the image of the people. With the composition of the poem, the writer all the time persistently reminds of the presence of an abyss of alienation between the common people and the ruling classes.

No less important for the education of the reader is the work "Oblomov". The main features of Oblomov's character lie in the complete inertia that comes from his apathy towards everything that is happening in the world. The cause of apathy lies partly in his external position, and partly in the image of his mental and moral development. According to his external position - he is a gentleman; "he has Zakhar and another three hundred Zakharov," in the words of the author. Oblomov is not a creature completely devoid of the ability of voluntary movement by nature. His laziness and apathy are the creation of upbringing and surrounding circumstances. The main thing here is not Oblomov, but Oblomovism. He might even have begun to work if he had found a job for himself: but for this, of course, he had to develop under somewhat different conditions than under which he developed. In his present position, however, he could not find something to his liking anywhere, because he did not understand the meaning of life at all and could not reach a reasonable view of his relations with others.


So, after analyzing the topic of education in the works of the classics of Russian literature, we can conclude that the fiction of the 19th century is the most important cultural heritage that helps to educate a morally and spiritually rich generation.

Outstanding literary works help the reader analyze their own actions, educate them in the ability to make the right decisions when a person is faced with a moral choice. The literature of the 19th century teaches us the fundamental qualities of the human soul, such as honor, dignity, fidelity, devotion, spirituality, philanthropy, humanity, diligence. Using the examples of the heroes of their works, the authors involuntarily instill in readers the moral qualities of the human personality, guided by the actions and views of their characters.

The theme of education actively runs through the bulk of the works of literature of the 19th century, which also forms patriotism and love for the Motherland among readers. Thus, we can say that the educational theme is an effective methodological means of forming readers' own moral and ethical views, beliefs, attitudes, ideas in the process of solving moral and ethical problems.


1. Aksenova of feelings with an artistic word. A guide for the teacher. - M.: AST, 2002.

2., Zverev literature of the nineteenth century. 1870s - 1890s: Memoirs. Literary-critical articles. Letters. - M .: Higher school, 2005.

3. Bazanov literature of the 19th century. - M.: Law and law, 2001.

4. Volovoy Pushkin - The mystery of the novel. Criticism. – M.: Academy, 2004.

5. Goncharenko education of students in a literary and creative society. - M.: Gardariki, 2003.

6., Grishina of the ideological and moral position of adolescents by means of literature / / Improving the teaching of literature at school. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986.

7. Pedchak literature of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. – M.: Phoenix, 2003.

8. Pisarev Oblomov. - M .: State publishing house of fiction, 1975.

Goncharenko education of students in a literary and creative society. - M.: Gardariki, 2003, p.67

Aksenov of feelings with an artistic word. A guide for the teacher. - M.: AST, 2002, p.121

Grishin of the ideological and moral position of adolescents by means of literature / / Improving the teaching of literature at school. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986, p.78

Bazanov literature of the 19th century. - M .: Law and Law, 2001, p. 83

Pedchak literature of the late 18th early 19th century. – M.: Phoenix, 2003, p. 29

Volovoy Pushkin - The mystery of the novel. Criticism. – M.: Academy, 2004, p.138

Zverev literature of the nineteenth century. 1870s - 1890s: Memoirs. Literary-critical articles. Letters. - M .: Higher School, 2005, p. 14

Pedchak literature of the late 18th early 19th century. – M.: Phoenix, 2003, p. 54

Palkhovsky's "Thunderstorm" in Russian criticism. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University, 2001, p.42

Pisarev Oblomov. - M .: State publishing house of fiction, 1975, p.96

In the texts for preparing for the exam in the Russian language, there are often problems related to education. We have combined them in this work, selecting literary arguments for each problematic issue. All these examples from books can be downloaded in table format (link at the end of the article).

  1. The problem of childhood and its role in the formation of a person's personality is clearly displayed in the novel. I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". Reading about the childhood of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, we begin to understand why this hero behaves this way in adulthood. In their native Oblomovka, everyone did nothing but eat and lie down, everything in their native estate breathed serene laziness. Mother protected little Ilyusha, he grew like a delicate flower. And so Ilya Oblomov grew up as an idle, completely unadapted person who could not even dress himself.
  2. The significance of the childhood period in the development of a person's personality is shown in "Dead Souls" N.V. Gogol. Throughout the entire work, the reader gradually recognizes Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. And a description of the hero's childhood and youth becomes a kind of completion of the disclosure of the image. The father teaches the boy to save a penny, to please the bosses. Young Pavel listens to his father and puts his orders into practice. Chichikov, deprived of many benefits in childhood, seeks by all means to catch up and get everything from life. It is in the childhood of the character that we find the roots of his adventurous nature.

The problem of fathers and children

  1. A textbook example of the disclosure of the problem of relationships between generations can be a novel I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Arkady Kirsanov and Yevgeny Bazarov represent the camp of "children", in opposition to them are the Kirsanov brothers (Nikolai and Pavel), who represent the camp of "fathers". Bazarov brings new moods of youth, nihilism. And the old people, especially Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, do not understand the ideas of denial. The main problem is that the characters do not want to understand each other. And this is the main conflict of generations: the inability and unwillingness to accept and hear each other.
  2. Tragically reveals the theme of relationships between generations in the drama A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". The boar has long subjugated everyone in her house to her will, she does not even realize that her children are suffering. Daughter Barbara has long learned to lie and be hypocritical, she has adapted to life in the house of the Kabanikhi. Tikhon wants to escape from the house where his mother runs everything. There is no understanding or respect between mother and children. They are in different opposing camps, only the struggle of the "children" does not come to the surface. Varvara's rebellion in her double life: she says one thing to her mother, thinks and does another. Tikhon decides to say his word after Katerina's suicide, and until that moment he will strive to get out of the house that is suffocating him. The conflict of "fathers" and "children" leads to suffering on both sides.

family problem

  1. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in his novel The Golovlevs clearly showed how the specifics of upbringing within the family is reflected in the future life of already grown-up children. Arina Petrovna Golovleva is a mother, she divides children into hateful and favorites, gives them nicknames, which eventually crowd out their names. Children live from hand to mouth, although the estate is quite rich. None of the children of Arina Petrovna grew up in such conditions into a decent person: Stepan, the eldest son, squandered his fortune and returned to Golovlevo at the age of forty, daughter Anna ran away with a hussar, who soon disappeared, leaving a girl with two children, Pavel drinks, Porfiry (Judas) grows up as a cruel, petty person. No one became happy, because there was no happiness and love since childhood.
  2. French writer François Mauriac in "The Monkey" shows how cruelly relationships within the family can affect the life and worldview of the child. The heroine hates her husband, she transfers this feeling to the child because of her unfulfilled hopes. Little Guillou, whom his mother calls "Monkey" grows up in an atmosphere of constant scandals, tantrums, and cruelty. He understands that he interferes with his mother, he is not needed here. And the child commits suicide. In the family of an aristocratic family, de Sernay did not care about the boy, he was a “bone of contention”, the cause of conflicts, and therefore the ending of the story is so tragic.

Right and Wrong Education

  1. L.N. Tolstoy in his epic novel "War and Peace" draws several families. The Rostov family can be considered one of the exemplary ones. Rostov's mother brings up feelings of kindness and justice in her children. They grow up as decent people, ready for a feat, self-sacrifice. In the Kuragin family, completely different values ​​were invested in the upbringing of offspring, therefore both Helen and Anatole are immoral inhabitants of high society. So, Helen marries Pierre only for his money. Thus, what kind of values ​​are invested in the upbringing of children depends on what kind of people they grow up to be.
  2. In the novel "The Captain's Daughter" A.S. Pushkin the father bequeaths to his son Peter Grinev to protect honor from a young age. These words become a guide for Peter. He checks his every step according to this main testament of his father. That is why he gives a rabbit sheepskin coat to a stranger, does not kneel before Pugachev, remaining true to himself to the end, for which the rebel respects Grinev, leaving him alive. So, thanks to proper upbringing, the hero was able to remain a highly moral and decent person during the terrible peasant revolt.

The problem of parental responsibility for the fate of children

  1. DI. Fonvizin in the comedy "Undergrowth" showed how parents themselves raise stupid, ignorant, spoiled children on their estates. Mitrofanushka is used to the fact that everything in this life revolves around him: the best caftan, and the teachers were chosen so as not to tire the child, and the bride you want. Mrs. Prostakova understands the mistake of her upbringing only at the end of the work, when her native Mitrofanushka tells her: “Yes, get rid of it, mother, how it was imposed ...”.

A.S. Makarenko wrote that the entire system of education should work under the motto of attention to the person, and we are talking not only about attention to his needs, desires, but also to his duty. Often, parents themselves are largely to blame for the fact that children grow up capricious, spoiled, selfish, poorly accustomed to work and irresponsible. Taking full care of the child up to the age of majority and even later (and this applies even to such household trifles as warming up dinner, washing dishes, walking the dog, picking up younger children from kindergarten, etc.), parents isolate the child from difficulties life, justifying himself with the fact that, they say, the child will grow up and work more, and he will have more than enough responsibility. But adults forget that a big responsibility grows out of a small one, there is no other way, otherwise the child may simply not endure. The same applies to the endless indulgence of children in their whims: today I want this, tomorrow this. Sergey Mikhalkov described this situation very well in the poem “About Mimosa”, in which the boy Vitya is so spoiled by his parents that the poet compares him with a delicate mimosa flower. Parents often forget even about self-esteem, allowing children to yell at them and vent their anger.
Confirmation of my words can be an example from the story of A.I. Kuprin "White Poodle". Trying to earn at least something, the boy Seryozha and the old man Lodyzhkin go around the Crimean estates and give small circus performances. They are accompanied everywhere by the poodle Artaud, a wonderful dog who also participates in the act. In one of the estates, very rich, beautiful, where they happened to perform, they met a boy who was hysterical, and neither his mother, nor the nannies, nor the doctor could calm him down. He was distracted only by the dog, skillfully fulfilling all the commands of the old man and the boy. And after the performance, the boy wanted to get the dog for himself ... The artists immediately rejected the offer to sell the dog, and then the boy's family committed a crime - at night, when Lodyzhkin and Seryozha were sleeping, the janitor from the estate stole Arto.
Wendy and Peter, the characters in R. Bradbury's story "The Veld", kill their own parents. The author sees the reasons for this unthinkable act in the upbringing of children who were overly pampered, fulfilling their every whim.
Let us turn to the story of V.S. Tokareva "Nothing special". Her hero Ivan Korolkov, the father of a sixteen-year-old girl Oksana, understands with great regret that her daughter is growing up selfish, because the opinion of her parents means nothing to her and she thinks first of all only about her own interests. The father realizes that he missed a lot in raising his daughter, missed what should be laid in early childhood. These are the moral guidelines and spiritual values ​​on which a person later builds his whole life. And Oksana was too loved, spoiled; being an only child, she was a light in the window for her parents. And now they have to reap the fruits that they have sown. And Korolkov is acutely aware that right now he is deeply responsible for his daughter and intends to correct past mistakes.
At D.I. Fonvizin in The Undergrowth, Mrs. Prostakova, like Korolkov, realized too late that she had not put important truths into the head of her son Mitrofan: respect for elders, love for parents, the need for work and education. It is much more important for her that the child eats well, sleeps and does not relearn. Therefore Mitrofanushka at the age of 16 is stupid, deeply uneducated and rude. As soon as the mother falls into disgrace, the son immediately turns away from her.
Thus, all the most important qualities, such as kindness, compassion, responsibility, respect, helping elders, and much, much more, must be formed in children from early childhood, otherwise a person may face many problems in adult life.

All-Russian Festival

"The Russian language is a national heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation"

Nomination: Scientific research


The theme of upbringing and education in Russian literature

XVIII-XIX centuries.

Sabinsky district, with. Shemordan

Scientific adviser:

Education should be at a high level, but education has no value in itself. The main goal of all human knowledge is “virtue”, “enlightenment elevates one virtuous soul”*.

The petty landowner, Mrs. Prostakova, her brother Skotinin, who loves pigs, the lazy Mitrofanushka - “... everything in this comedy seems like a monstrous caricature of Russian. Meanwhile, there is nothing caricature in it: everything is taken alive from nature and verified by the knowledge of the soul.

"Encyclopedia of Russian life" called one of the greatest novels "Eugene Onegin".

Pushkin is a great Russian poet, the founder of Russian realism, the creator of the Russian literary language. Almost half a century has passed since the release of Fonvizin's play, how the younger generation has changed. At that time, young people faced an acute problem of choice: to be an adherent of official, that is, secular life, a style of behavior adopted in the highest circles of society (education received "from the hands" of foreign teachers, replacing their native Russian language with French - writing and speaking Russian - bad form!), a monotonous daily routine, or prefer bit by bit to collect their own, domestic scholarship, risking being doomed to misunderstanding and contempt of contemporaries. High society in both capitals led just such a life and did not resist its monotonous course in the least. According to the words, “Our society, consisting of educated estates, is the fruit of the reform. It remembers the day of its birth, because it existed officially before it really began to exist, because, finally, for a long time this society was not the spirit, but the cut of the dress, not education, but privilege.

It began in the same way as our literature: by copying foreign forms without any content, our own or someone else's, because we abandoned our own, and not only accepted, but also were not able to understand someone else's. Onegin also belongs to this society:

Sleeps peacefully in the shadow of the blissful,

Fun and luxury child.

Wakes up at noon, and again

Until the morning his life is ready,

Monotonous and variegated.

And tomorrow is the same as yesterday.*

Onegin is a secular St. Petersburg young man, a capital aristocrat. Describing his hero, Pushkin speaks in detail about his upbringing and education. Onegin received a home education and upbringing typical of the aristocratic youth of that time:

Monsieur I "Abbe, poor Frenchman

So that the child is not exhausted

Taught him everything jokingly

I did not bother with strict morality,

Slightly scolded for pranks

And he took me for a walk in the Summer Garden.*

Eugene's upbringing under the guidance of foreign teachers, disorderly, superficial, cut off from the national soil, was typical for people of the entire circle of secular youth.

Let's remember:

He's completely French

Could express himself and wrote:

Easily danced the mazurka

And bowed casually.*

He knew enough Latin

To parse epigraphs,

Talk about Juvenal

At the end of the letter putvale,

Yes, I remember, though not without sin,

Two verses from the Aeneid.*

We all learned a little

Something and somehow

So education, thank God,

It is not surprising for us to shine. *

In Petersburg, Onegin leads an idle, vain, empty life.

Let's compare Onegin's upbringing and education with Pushkin's favorite heroine, Tatyana.

While Onegin led a life between balls and theaters, Tatyana, living in the village with her parents and sister, existed in a completely different way:

She is in her family

Seemed like a stranger girl.*

“The dearest parents taught their daughters only the art of getting married at all costs. Children vegetate in the nursery, among mothers and nannies, among maids, in the bosom of servility, which should inspire them with the first rules of morality, develop noble instincts in them, explain to them the difference between a brownie and a goblin, a witch from a mermaid, explain various signs, tell all kinds of stories about dead men and werewolves, to teach them to swear and fight, to lie without blushing, to teach them to eat incessantly, never to fill up. Girls are taught to jump and lace up, strum a little on the piano, talk a little in French - and education, of course, then they have one science, one concern - to catch suitors.

That's the whole upbringing of girls. Tatyana grew up in the wilderness, among fields and forests, close to the common people. Her main tutor is the serf “Filipyevna gray-haired” *. This nanny symbolizes the deepest connection of the main character with the peasantry, with its poetry and "traditions of the common people's antiquity."

M., 1984. S.67,69.

"Eugene Onegin". M., 1970.S.7,8,13,50.

The national-Russian, original-folk influence turned out to be stronger in the formation of Tatyana than French novels, although they also instilled in her sublime dreaminess.

In contrast to the vulgar, ignorant provincial-local environment, Tatyana is characterized by the search for an anxious thought, a strongly developed sense of moral duty, directness, frequency, kindness, cordiality.

But Tatyana, although she is “an exceptional being, a deep, loving, passionate nature” *, cannot live without the influence of the society in which she is, therefore her craving for education, her dissimilarity to others made her strangely quarrelsome.

The fates of the best heroes of the novel are tragic. The tragedy of the heroes is due to the ever-increasing conflict with society and the lack of expression of this conflict in action. It exists only in their feelings. Tatyana, preferring "a shelf of books and a wild garden"* to the splendor, noise and fumes of Petersburg, remains in the light. Onegin is unable to break with society, which he cannot accept.

The novel "Oblomov", published at the turn of the 1860s, also did not ignore the topic of upbringing and education of the younger generation. The main conflict of the novel - between the patriarchal and bourgeois ways of Russian life - the writer reveals on the opposition of people, feelings and reason, peace and action, life and death. We can observe this opposition in the example of our main characters: Oblomov and Stolz. In Oblomov and Stolz, almost everything contrasts, down to the smallest details, from origin to style of clothing. But their main difference, no doubt, remains the absolute dissimilarity of their characters and ideals. Everything else is cause or effect of it. It is enough to recall Oblomov's dream to understand that his

laziness and apathy, he owes much to the lordly origin and upbringing. His idea of ​​life developed from observations of the life of his parents, who accustomed their son to idleness and peace, considering them a sign of happiness and the highest breed.

He wants to do something himself, and the household did not even allow himself to pour water from a decanter, bring something, pick up a dropped thing, believing that labor in general is stigmatized with slavery. “Zakhar, as he used to be, a nanny, pulls on his stockings, puts on his shoes, and Ilyusha, already a fourteen-year-old boy, only knows that he is laying down one or the other leg for him; and if something seems wrong to him, he will kick Zakharka in the nose ... Then Zakharka scratches his head, pulls on his jacket, carefully slipping Ilya Ilyich's hands into the sleeves so as not to disturb him too much ... "*. Oblomov was supposed to receive his education in Verkhlev, in the boarding house of the German Stolz (Andrey's father), an active and strict person. “Perhaps Ilyusha would have had time to learn something well from him if Oblomovka had been five hundred versts from Verkhlev. And then how to learn? The charm of the Oblomov atmosphere, way of life and habits, extended to Verkhlyovo; after all, it, too, was once Oblomovka; there, except for Stolz's house, everything breathed the same primitive laziness, simplicity of manners, silence and immobility.

Stolz's father, on the contrary, tried to instill in his son respect for knowledge, the habit of thinking and studying. He brought up in his son economic tenacity, the need for constant activity.


*. M., 1984. P.70.

* Oblomov. M., 1958. S. 87,90,105.

* "What is Oblomovism?". M., 1958.S.406,415.

The energy and enterprise of Andrey Stolz is a consequence of the need to make his own way in life without relying on anyone. This opposition is reinforced by the fact that their life paths constantly intersect.

Moreover, Stolz is trying to wrest his friend Ilya Ilyich from the clutches of Oblomovism, to awaken in him all the best feelings: kindness, honesty, sincerity, nobility, hoping that these feelings, having developed, will make his life whole and harmonious.

Oblomov's dreams, sometimes childish and naive, differ sharply from reality, which became his biggest life tragedy. His laziness and apathy prevent him from realizing at least a small fraction of his grandiose dreams.

Oblomov, as it were, lives a double life: the first is an everyday reality, and the second is his dreams and dreams, in which he presents himself as an active person, a person who is able to create and act, regardless of any life problems and internal contradictions. But this is a dream, not reality. Ilya Ilyich sleeps because in a dream he sees himself as what he wants to be. His life is a dream.

With this novel, the writer showed what a detrimental effect serfdom had on life, culture, and science. The consequence of these orders was stagnation and immobility in all areas of life. We see how the conditions of landlord life and noble education give rise to apathy, lack of will, and indifference in the hero. The writer showed Oblomov's path to the consciousness of his worthlessness, insolvency, to the disintegration of the personality. Using the images of Oblomov and Zakhar, the author convinces that serfdom spiritually devastates a person, deprives him of his will and aspirations. The main theme of the novel is the fate of a generation that is looking for its place in society, history, but failed to find the right path.


Summing up our research, we conclude that system of upbringing and education, adopted in Russian noble families in the 18th-19th centuries, was in many ways imperfect, vicious, disfiguring young minds and hearts, ruining fate. Young people developed such qualities as laziness, passivity, infantilism, inability to realize their own dreams and at the same time - arrogance, a sense of superiority in relation to others. These qualities largely contributed to the failure of people in life, the fatal inevitability of an unhappy fate. We traced all this on the fates of our main characters.

“Childhood is the most important period of human life, not a preparation for a future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life. And because of how childhood passed, who led by the hand in childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the outside world - it depends to a decisive extent on what kind of person today's baby will become, ”wrote. It is from childhood that the upbringing of a child begins, it is in childhood that the solution to the adult secrets of the human soul, it is childhood that becomes the key to understanding the actions, victories and failures of an adult.

The role of the family in the upbringing of a child is incomparable in its strength with any other social institutions, since it is in the family that a person’s personality is formed and develops. The family acts as the first educational institution, the connection with which a person feels throughout his life. It is in the family that the foundations of human morality are laid, the norms of behavior are formed, the inner world of the child and his individual qualities are revealed.


1. . Articles about Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol. Moscow. "Enlightenment" 1983

2. . French tutors of the late 18th century: problem statement.

3. , . Russian literature of the first half of the 19th century. Kazan, Magarif 2009

4. . Russian literature of the first half of the 19th century. Moscow. "Enlightenment", 2000

6. "Undergrowth." Moscow. "Soviet Russia", 1983

7. "Eugene Onegin". Moscow. "Fiction", 1970

8. "Oblomov". Moscow. "Enlightenment", 1958

9. "What is Oblomovism?" Moscow. "Enlightenment", 1958

The problem of education in literature was often touched upon by different writers, because this problem is one of the most important. It is upbringing and education that can be called the real foundation in the life and destiny of every person, therefore it is very important to have the right upbringing and the atmosphere in which a person will grow up. Only a favorable family atmosphere will allow you to set goals correctly, prioritize and build your happiness.

As without upbringing, and without education, a person will not be able to achieve his goals and will not be able to fulfill himself. For these reasons, the problem of upbringing and education is relevant at all times. And in order to convey its importance, writers, using the examples of the heroes of their works, show what this can lead to. Let's talk about the problem of education, citing arguments from the literature for the exam.

In what works is the problem of upbringing and education posed

If we talk about the role of childhood in the formation of personality, then the work of Oblomov can be a good example. Here we see how devastating an excessive love for a child can be when the mother begins to protect him, cherishing him like a flower. Ilya Oblomov was forbidden even to dress himself, everything was done for him by the servants. As a result, when he grew up, he could not build a happy life. Because everyone also continued to lie on the couch and wait for someone to do everything for him.

It is very important that there are good relationships between children and parents in the family. Children should not be afraid of their parents, and the relationship between them is based on trust. Parents need to hear their children, just like the children of their parents. Otherwise, it will turn out, as in the work of Ostrovsky, where the mother subordinated everyone to her will. As a result, the daughter constantly lies, and Tikhon hates his parents' house. There is no respect and understanding between mother and children. But it should not be so, and Ostrovsky shows what such relationships lead to.

The family is the place where the upbringing and education of children begins. And in order for everything to be successful, children must grow up in strong families where love and friendship reign. Otherwise, everything can end very badly, as in the work of Francois Mauriac Monkey. There, the child ends his life by suicide, considering himself unnecessary, unable to withstand the eternal atmosphere of cruelty and scandals around him.

Fonvizin in his work showed the mistakes of parents who themselves raise children spoiled, ignorant and very stupid. But the realization of one's wrong actions and wrong upbringing often comes too late. As in the case of Mrs. Prostakova, when, in the end, her own son refuses her. But in Pushkin's work, the father sent his son to the service just in time, and not to St. Petersburg, but to Orenburg, giving parting words to protect honor from a young age. This helps in the future the undergrowth Petrusha Grinev to turn into a real man.