Time for beauty. What beauty treatments to schedule for the spring? Spring procedures at the beautician

Not only the long cold winter is over, but also the slushy spring months with sleet and changeable winds. The time has come for beauty and rebirth! Fresh grass, the first flowers and bright leaves on the trees ... Our body, having endured all the hardships of winter and early spring, is ready to rejoice in life and shine again! We will help him recover from all the difficulties he has lived through and prepare him for the long-awaited summer season.

In the spring, solar activity rises sharply. And in taking care of yourself, you need to take into account this important factor. Beauty standards are changing. Once upon a time, young ladies hid under wide-brimmed hats and light umbrellas to keep their skin soft and white. Then an attractive bronze tan came into vogue. Healthy and beautiful skin with any degree of tanning is in vogue these days. Therefore, regardless of whether you are a fan of a natural skin tone or an even intense tan, you need to think about skin care in the midst of spring and on the eve of the summer season now.

Whitening treatments in spring

Women who want to get rid of freckles and uneven pigmentation, as well as fans of aristocratic whiteness of the skin in the spring, face a serious problem - cosmetologists do not recommend whitening procedures at this time.

Spring is not a time for bleaching?

The use of aggressive media and preparations for salon whitening leads to irritation and damage to the epithelium and even deeper layers of the skin. Such damage, combined with high solar activity, has unpleasant consequences for appearance and health. The most harmless thing is pigmentation. In the worst case, the degeneration of epithelial cells. How can fans of fair skin not harm themselves and carry out whitening procedures in the spring? And the lovers of intense even tanning should prepare their skin for long-awaited sunbathing? To get the desired effect and avoid the sad consequences, use natural cosmetics with a gentle whitening effect!

Solution - natural dry cosmetics "Secret of Beauty"

Whiten and even out complexion

The procedure for smoothing the complexion and whitening should begin with the application Lithocomplex "Secret of Beauty"... The product cleanses the skin and has a beneficial effect on it. Skin structure and complexion are leveled, the skin is whitened. You can choose a suitable Lithocomplex, taking into account the peculiarities of the skin, in accordance with its type.

For whitening and evening out complexion "Secret of Beauty" offers several options for masks of different lines: Masks No. 7 and №14 series "Secret of Beauty", Neo Fammask No. 6, and Phytosystem "Antikuperoz" line "Gentle herbs". The use of these cosmetics gives an even light skin tone, prevents the formation of spring freckles and pigmentation. Effective effect on the skin occurs without harm to health and unpleasant cosmetic consequences.

Preparing for sunbathing

Tanning lovers will qualitatively prepare their skin for sunbathing using natural dry cosmetics "Secret of Beauty". An irreplaceable assistant in preparing the skin of the face and body for tanning - Lithocomplex... The product will gently remove dead skin cells, after which the tan will lie evenly and beautifully. It is also useful to carry out a procedure to smooth out the texture of the skin. For this purpose created Phytosystem-mask "Elimination of defects" with nettle and St. John's wort line "Gentle herbs".

Moisturizing from the inside

The warmer it gets outside, the more our skin needs hydration. But hydration should be of high quality and constant. Therefore, in spring and summer, you cannot do without masks with a moisturizing effect of Neo Fammask No. 4 or Phytosystem "Moisture fixer"... They prepare the skin for heat and frequent bathing, providing deep hydration and nourishment to the skin from the inside. These products do not burden the skin with excess water, but restore the moisture saturation of the epithelium from the deep layers of the skin. With this approach, the epithelium and the upper layers of the dermis are constantly and evenly moisturized from the inside. So, the moisturizing effect is maintained even if you do not use a moisturizer immediately after bathing. The care is carried out in such a way that there is no need to lock the moisture received from the outside in the skin with fatty creams.

Protecting your skin from the vagaries of the weather

Most of us live far from green places, where azure water splashes and the sun shines 360 days a year. Yesterday's truly summer heat outside the window can today be replaced by a gusty wind and 100% humidity ... Therefore, an important component of the skin protection program is caring creams. Created specially for harsh and changeable weather conditions "Multiprotection" line "Lady Royal". It protects the skin from the negative effects of all the vagaries of nature: active sun, wind and a sharp spring cold snap.

Coming from the street in the spring, you can use the cream "After sunburn, solarium and phototherapy"... The product helps the skin to recover and after exposure to the sun get only a beautiful and even tan, and not freckles and burns.

Don't forget about nighttime skincare. Great as a night care in spring and summer "Stimulating, renewing" cream. It neutralizes the action of free radicals, which are formed when exposed to the active sun, and irritation from the changeable spring wind.

Caring for the skin of the whole body

Not only the skin of the face needs care and attention, but also the whole body. Spring and summer appliques and wraps with Litofitosalt No. 3 help to heal problem skin, cleanse the surface of the skin from toxins excreted through it, eliminate excess oiliness and sweating, which appear when the temperature rises outside.

Healthy body - healthy skin

In winter, the metabolism was reduced, toxins and slags accumulated, the disposal of which was slow. In the spring, the body switches to a new rhythm of work. The metabolism is accelerated. The metabolites accumulated over the winter enter the bloodstream. For recovery and painless adaptation to the new rhythm of work, the body needs help. Excellent support - Litofitochai "Secret of Beauty". In spring and summer, the course is relevant Tea number 4(to remove toxins) and Tea number 2(for skin health). Will give strength and raise vitality Tea No. 7 (stimulating vitamin).

Spring brings the joy of beauty and renewal! With the Secret of Beauty natural dry cosmetics, help your skin to renew itself comfortably and pleasantly, to prepare for hot summer days! The renewed healthy skin will delight you with its tenderness and beauty!

Spring is the time when nature wakes up and we are together with it. At this time, I especially want to shine with beauty, attract attention and enjoy life. But after winter, facial skin tends to look tired, dull and lifeless. Cosmetic procedures will help to restore health and well-groomed appearance. What procedures will need to be done in the spring, we will tell in the article.

Each cosmetology procedure has its own time

Any experienced specialist will tell you that there is a good time for any cosmetic procedure. Late autumn, winter and early spring are considered the best periods. It is during these periods that solar activity is reduced. The fact is that many procedures involve a mechanical or chemical effect on the skin, which leads to its microtraumas, which provoke the renewal of skin cells, due to which the desired effect is achieved. But the sun, which we have been waiting for all winter, is still too much - the injured skin is very sensitive to the action of ultraviolet radiation, under its influence hyperpigmentation occurs on the skin (in other words, spots of different sizes, similar to freckles). So there is no need to wait for warmth, we go to beauticians and order the following procedures ...

1. Mesotherapy and biorevitalization

These techniques involve the introduction of the drug into the skin of the face, neck and décolleté by injections. The main component of the preparation is hyaluronic acid, supplemented with a vitamin cocktail. These procedures smooth out fine wrinkles around the eyes, lips, forehead, correct the nasolabial triangle, and also refresh the complexion and deeply moisturize the skin. Such procedures are especially recommended for use in the spring, as they restore the moisture balance of the skin, which has suffered comparatively during the winter. You can read more about mesotherapy.

2. Botox and fillers

This is perhaps one of the most common cosmetic procedures. Botox or dysport (analogue of Botox) involves the introduction of a special preparation based on botulinum toxin into the muscles of the face. As a result, there is a complete or partial paralysis of the muscles in certain areas of the face. Thanks to this, muscle contraction stops, which leads to the smoothing of many expression lines. In addition, with the help of Botox, you can raise the drooping corners of the lips and eyebrows - see the article that is botox and where to inject it... Filler, on the other hand, "pushes" the wrinkle from the inside, thanks to a special preparation. With the help of a filler, you can achieve smoothing of deep wrinkles and folds, the filler is also recommended for general age-related face correction.

3. Ultrasonic face cleaning

4. Plasmolifting

Plasmolifting is an injection procedure. The skin is injected with its own blood plasma, which is initially taken from the patient and prepared in a special way. Plasma is rich in platelets, which trigger positive processes in the skin of the face. Thanks to plasmolifting, you can achieve rejuvenation of the skin of the face - wrinkles are removed, after long-term use, the flabbiness of the skin is eliminated, the complexion is evened and refreshed, this method is also used for problem skin and acne.

We talked about the most common and effective cosmetic procedures that can be done in any cosmetic clinic or salon. There are a huge number of other procedures, but in any case, consult your doctor before any procedure.

Spring always comes unexpectedly, yesterday it was hopelessly cold outside the window, and this morning the sun is shining through the same window and there is almost no snow left! Sunlight makes you look in the mirror with great interest and finally make a decision: "Today I am starting a new life."

It's so easy to make big decisions in spring! Someone comes to training for the first time, someone decides to cover their nails with bright red varnish, and someone makes a consultation with a surgeon.

What can a beautician offer at this moment?

The peculiarity of "spring clients" is that they want to achieve maximum results as quickly as possible. In November, people look at things more realistically and it is not difficult for us to explain why a course of 5 procedures, which lasts a whole month, is needed to get rid of wrinkles. In March, the client looks disappointedly at the beautician, who is optimistic about "noticeable results in two weeks." Spring is the time of dreamers, so experienced cosmetologists don't even smile when they hear “I need to lose 19 kg until May”, “I want to remove my double chin by next week” and “can I get rid of it in one procedure?”

Thus, we need to not only successfully prescribe and perform effective beauty treatments, but also find an opportunity to demonstrate clear, visible results after each treatment. In order to achieve this, the cooperation of the clients themselves is necessary. Fortunately, in the spring, the recommendations of cosmetologists are much more readily followed.- and this must be taken advantage of.

The main cosmetic problems of the spring period are associated with two main factors: winter physical inactivity and lack of vitamins in food in winter. Of course, natural conditions are also of considerable importance, especially in the regions of the north and in areas of a sharply continental climate, where in winter the temperature drops to values ​​below twenty degrees Celsius. Most of the clients of a beautician these days do not work physically outdoors, but many of them love winter sports and spend a lot of time outdoors on weekends.

Physical inactivity - limitation of physical activity.

In the cold season, many people try to "not make unnecessary movements" - an extra hour to sleep under a warm blanket, in the evenings to meet with friends at the table, and there are not so many opportunities for active daily walks in winter. On average, 90-120 minutes of aerobic activity per week, broken by at least 3-4 times, is quite enough to maintain good physical condition. Unfortunately, one three-hour workout does not compensate for a week spent in a work chair in front of a computer. Physical inactivity can lead to an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (primarily, deterioration of intestinal motility and chronic constipation), and in older people, physical inactivity is a risk factor for the development of ischemic disease and disorders of the respiratory system. Naturally, all these changes are reflected in the condition of the skin, which receives a less active supply of oxygen, resulting in a host of cosmetic problems associated with hypooxygenation. First of all, attention is drawn to the change in complexion - pallor, gray and earthy skin tones, bruises under the eyes, this is how people of the north who work in offices often look at the end of winter. In addition, oxygen deficiency in the tissues slows down the course of inflammatory processes, any minor inflammation can lead to infiltrates, sometimes painful, edema and the appearance of pigmentation. Of course, the lack of oxygenation slows down metabolic processes, including the synthesis of structural proteins of the skin.

Vitamin deficiency.

The winter diet does not please with variety - on the tables you can see potatoes, rice and pasta much more often than green salad and bright fruits. Non-seasonal food is quite expensive and not available to everyone, in addition, there are traditions of "winter food" - heavier, more nutritious, nourishing and ... hot. And heat treatment does not contribute to the preservation of vitamins in food. Vitamins in food supplements and pharmacological preparations are not always well absorbed by the body and are effective. A deficiency of B vitamins is quite common, which can be manifested by increased sensitivity of the skin of the face, especially the mouth area, deterioration of healing processes and activation of inflammatory reactions. Many vitamins of this group play a significant role in "cosmetic support", since they are involved in the reactions of tissue respiration and active synthesis. Vitamin B3 or PP, helps to maintain the tone of facial muscles by affecting the arterial microcirculation system, therefore, with a deficiency of this vitamin, a decrease in the tone of the muscular frame of the face may appear. This can be perceived as "precipitous aging", because within a few weeks static wrinkles can appear sharply, the oval line and even the shape of the cheekbones can change, which frightens women and leads to the idea of ​​turning to surgeons. Vitamin B12 also plays an important role, since it is actively involved in iron metabolism. Iron deficiency contributes to a decrease in the tone of the skin of the face and neck and can provoke "fine wrinkled" aging.

Temperature difference.

The damaging factor for the skin of the open parts of the body and, first of all, the face, is not so much the low air temperature, but the repeated temperature changes during the day. From the warm air of the apartment, a person goes out into the frosty air of the street, then gets into the car, where the air is warm again, and again goes out into the frost after a few tens of minutes. Each time the skin is forced to adapt to new conditions - the work of the sebaceous glands is activated or suppressed, the capillaries expand or narrow, the temperature receptors of the skin work tirelessly. Of course, the skin gets tired of the constant efforts to "adapt", with age, failures in the mechanism more and more often occur, which is manifested by dryness, increased skin sensitivity and capillary injuries.

Thus, the main "cosmetic hits" of spring are procedures that allow you to get rid of the "winter legacy".


Step # 1

First of all, it is necessary to return the brightness to the face, which is so lacking by the end of winter for most women. Lack of movement, lack of fresh air, lack of light, heat and sun rays cause the skin to take on a dull, earthy hue. In case of violation of the barrier properties of the skin, the problem is aggravated by unevenness and increased dryness of the skin, increased hyperkeratosis. Discomfort, morning "tightness" of the skin, irritation and increased sensitivity are also possible. With oily skin, by the end of winter, a funnel-shaped expansion of pores, an increase in the shine of problem areas of the face, and the regular appearance of inflammatory elements are often noted.

In this situation, skin oxygenation is a universal therapeutic area. An increase in oxygen saturation of the skin leads to an increase in metabolic processes, restoration of microcirculation, the protective function of the skin, nutrition and moisture retention, both in deep layers and in the surface layers of the epidermis. There are a lot of cosmetic programs aimed at oxygenation. Hardware techniques - Oxy Jet, galvanic currents, microcurrent exposure. Among the programs of classical beauty care, the first place, of course, is given to procedures with alpha hydroxy acids and vitamin C. In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to procedures using nicotinic acid metabolites, in particular, nicotinamide and methyl nicotinate. Recent studies have shown that these compounds can achieve a whole spectrum of physiological effects, most of which are realized precisely due to the fact that nicotinic acid metabolites create conditions for the restoration of tissue oxygenation. To date, objective evidence has been obtained that the application of niacinamide solutions at a concentration of 2-4% provide an objective improvement in blood circulation in arterial capillaries, an increase in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, a decrease in the severity of pigmentation and even a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect in acne, comparable to the effect of clindamycin.

Oxygenation procedures are recommended to be used as a kind of "resuscitation" spring programs for tired skin. Even a short course, 2-4 procedures for 1-2 weeks, can significantly improve the appearance of the skin, achieve a feeling of comfort and well-groomed, while preparing the skin for a more intense and targeted effect.

Step # 2

The next stage of therapy is a program of nutrition, hydration and saturation of the skin with active elements, which are designed to replenish the reserves lost during the winter. Deep moisturizing treatments using various forms of hyaluronic acid, water-soluble vitamins. Programs using membrane protectors - fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D. Nutrition and saturation procedures with amino acids, active peptides and aminopeptide complexes - all this arsenal must be used in working with clients of the middle and older age group. Almost every woman over the age of 37-38 should receive at least a short course of this kind of procedure in the first spring months to fill the structural deficit that occurs during the winter.

After the skin has received "oxygen resuscitation" and "vitamin rehabilitation", it is time for targeted correction of certain cosmetic defects - mimic and static wrinkles, pigmentation, local changes in elasticity, and so on.

It would be a big mistake for a specialist to decide to start by correcting problems without active cosmetic preparation.

Yes, many of our clients turn to a beautician at the end of winter precisely for wrinkles, age spots or bags under the eyes. The specialist is tempted to follow the client's lead and limit himself to only directed, often invasive correction - injection techniques allow you to get immediate results. But in order for these results to be natural, stable and long-term, the skin must be restored functionally, and this can only be achieved by therapeutic methods.

Step # 3

In addition to professional care and correction procedures, it is very important to discuss with the client and home care scheme- in the first spring months, it is justified to prescribe drugs with active forms of vitamin C, low concentrations of retinoids, daily care with alpha and beta hydroxy acids, depending on the individual characteristics of the skin. If there are manifestations of a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, the cosmetologist may recommend making certain changes to the diet or prescribing nutritional supplements to compensate for the deficiency. Of course, it may not be superfluous to consult a therapist, nutritionist, and, if necessary, other specialists.

Starting from April, it is recommended to prescribe preparations for the active influence of the sun, first of all, these are cosmetics with high concentrations of antioxidants. Among them, the most relevant are flavonoids and isoflavonoids, which are part of such herbal ingredients as extract of green tea, red grapes, ginkgo biloba, Barbados aloe, leaves and fruits of blueberries, cranberries and lingonberries.

Fat-soluble vitamins, some ingredients of vegetable oils, plant extracts - turmeric, borage, evening primrose and many others have a membrane-protective effect. For people with sensitive skin, prone to vascular reactions, it makes sense to recommend preparations with extracts of red algae and licorice. 2-3 weeks before the planned sunburn, it is reasonable to prescribe nutritional supplements for preparing the skin for the sun, which include beta-carotene.

Spring is a great time of the year when any woman wants to be beautiful. A cosmetologist can help you feel joy not only from the first rays of the sun, but also from your own reflection in the mirror, from the return of the feeling of youth and beauty.

In spring, our skin needs more care than other seasons. Even in winter, the nutrition of the skin is not given as much attention as at the beginning of the spring season. Throughout the long Russian winter, our body is exposed to quite serious stress: cold air, lack of vitamins and minerals, as well as sunlight has an extremely negative effect on immunity. In turn, its decrease leads to problems not only with the health of the whole organism, but also with its individual organs, including the skin. And to look good, you need to know how to prepare your skin for spring.

Causes of poor skin condition in spring

The main problems are, of course, winter time. The skin dries up under the influence of cold and wind, loses its protective properties and begins to peel off. But spring also adds difficulties. Its effect is exerted by a constant temperature drop, incipient vitamin deficiency and poor ecology. In addition, it is at this time of the year that we experience the greatest amount of stress, which also has a negative effect on the skin.

In order to improve the condition of the skin in this case, conventional cosmetics are not enough, so it is worth applying more effective facial skin care in the spring. To do this, consider the main problems that arise at this time of the year.

Cleaning the epidermis

Before starting any procedures for moisturizing and nourishing the skin, you must first cleanse its upper layer - the epidermis. By the way, in the spring it is not recommended to deeply cleanse the face, since the skin is already under stress, and what is useful at other times of the year will only bring harm in the spring. Instead of heading to the beauty salon, it's best to do a gentle cleaning at home.

Facial cleansers

As a rule, such skin care in the spring is carried out using purchased scrubs or masks that you can prepare yourself. For different, different components are used, so when buying ready-made cosmetics, pay attention to the composition of the product.

Since normal to dry skin needs more gentle care, a mask with sea salt is applied to the face. Massaging is carried out for no more than one minute, after which the composition is washed off and a nourishing cream is applied.

In the case of faded skin, after 35 years, it is worth using formulations containing avocado, jojoba oil and other emollients.

Spring maintenance involves the use of coarser cleaners such as apricot pits, ground amber, or almonds. The massage takes about 2-3 minutes. If there is a problem with enlarged pores, cosmetic clay masks are used to narrow them.

How to use cleansers correctly?

When using cosmetics, there are several rules to follow:

Additional measures to cleanse the body of toxins

The condition of the skin directly depends on the general health of the body and, first of all, on the amount of toxins in it. In order to return the skin to a healthy and blooming appearance, it is necessary to cleanse not only its layers, but the entire body as a whole. There are several safe ways to do this yourself.

Drink a glass of warm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice every morning. This product contains a large amount of antioxidants, due to which it removes toxins well. Grated apple, milk or beet has similar properties. Eating these foods three times a day also detoxifies the body and provides proper skin care in the spring.

A good way to cleanse yourself is to visit a bathhouse or sauna. Due to the effect of high temperature, all the pores of the skin open, a large amount is excreted from the body. This process can be helped by taking currant or calendula tea during the procedures.

We restore skin protection

After cleaning, the protection must be restored, since it is due to the violation of the hydrolipid film in the skin that the fat and water balance is disturbed. As a result, the skin becomes dry, flaky and irritated.

In this case, proper skin care in spring will help restore its former radiance, restore elasticity and smoothness. To do this, you need to provide hydration and nutrition not only from the outside with the help of masks, but also using a sufficient amount of water and vitamins. A dehydrated body every day after winter needs at least 2 liters of water, a lot of fruits or vegetables, and, if necessary, the use of pharmacy vitamins. In the latter case, before buying drugs, it is recommended to first consult a doctor who will determine exactly which vitamins and minerals are deficient.

What products to use to moisturize and nourish the skin?

Facial skin care in the spring mainly involves moisturizing and only after that nutrition. Therefore, for a while, while the epidermis is actively cleaning, give up creams with nutrients and use moisturizing serums and masks. Good results are obtained with kefir masks with the addition of various ones that will help not only moisturize, but also protect the skin.

There are certain substances that the skin needs in the spring. Tips for using pharmacy vitamins:

  • Vitamin A restores the body's immunity.
  • Vitamin E restores and promotes the revival of the hydrolipid film, the main protection of the skin.
  • Vitamin C protects the skin from free radicals and restores its tone and elasticity.
  • Vitamin B6 relieves skin irritation and inflammation.

However, before you start taking care of your face, you need to pay attention to the most problematic area, the so-called T-zone.

T-zone problems

Shine in the T-zone can appear even if the skin itself is rather dry. And this is not a sign of oily skin, but a signal of dehydration. When the hydrolipid film on the skin surface is disturbed, the body tries to protect it by using its other resources, namely sebum. Therefore, trying to get rid of the unpleasant shine with degreasing agents, you only exacerbate the situation.

In the spring, it should include mainly moisturizing creams containing hyaluronic and The product should be chosen according to the type of skin, the correct choice can be judged by the disappearance of shine and a feeling of tightness after using the cream.

General care rules

Features of skin care in the spring suggest some restrictions in everyday life.

Do not use tap water to wash your face, it contains a large amount of chlorine. The best option would be to use melt or bottled water. If for some reason this is not possible, it is necessary to get rid of the chlorine component. To do this, tap water is frozen in a bottle, thawed at room temperature and allowed to settle.

You should not use regular soap for everyday face washing, in this case, skin care in the spring is best done with non-alcoholic lotions that are appropriate for your skin type.

Give up a large number applied cosmetics, use a light moisturizer with the addition of an ultraviolet filter.

In the spring, the effects of the winter lack of vitamins and sunlight begin to be felt. The skin of the face reacts to vitamin deficiency - dryness, irritation, and a feeling of tightness appear.

How do you get rid of these troubles? Several stages of salon and home procedures will help restore your skin to freshness.

Skin cleansing.

At home, masks made of cosmetic clay will help to cleanse your face. The preparation of such a mask is very simple - a little warm mineral water is added to the clay, after five minutes the mask is applied to the face without affecting the area near the eyes, after complete drying it is washed off with water. Cosmetic clay penetrates deep into the pores of the skin and helps to cleanse them.

Modern salon facial cleansing procedures give a very good effect.

They can be performed using an ultrasound machine or mechanically using professional cosmetics. As a result of the procedure, the skin is deeply cleansed, comedones (small dark spots) are removed. After such cleansing, the effect of home cosmetics that you use daily increases.

Pilling for renewal.

Peeling exfoliates dead skin cells. Thus, there is a regeneration - renewal of the skin. Fine wrinkles disappear, the complexion improves. Peeling stimulates the production of elastin and collagen fibers, which are essential for smooth and firm skin.

You can do a light peeling on your own using ground oatmeal or bran diluted with a little warm cream or milk (for oily skin). The resulting mass is applied to the face and rubbed in with light circular movements for five minutes. After rinsing, apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Modern salon peels have a powerful effect, resulting in a long-lasting anti-aging effect. This can be a chemical, fruit or ultrasonic peel. Each species has a different effect - deep, medium or superficial. A peeling course can consist of several procedures. Only a professional beautician can choose the type of peeling that is suitable for your skin.

Nutrition and hydration.

In the spring, it is necessary to saturate the skin with vitamins and moisture. An excellent vitamin mask, obtained from a mixture of lemon or orange juice with honey. Cosmetic oils of avocado or jojoba have a moisturizing and nourishing effect. The oil is applied to the skin like a cream, you can do a small massage - lightly tap your fingertips on your face until the oil is completely absorbed.

Salon procedures for skin care differ from home procedures by a deeper effect due to the use of professional cosmetics with a higher concentration of active substances. You can be offered both various masks and whole care programs aimed at solving a variety of problems - relieving "fatigue", deep moisturizing, lifting, anti-stress, anti-aging programs of the skin. The effect of such procedures lasts for a long time.

If you have gained extra pounds over the winter, do not be upset. Thalassotherapy will help to tighten the skin, get rid of cellulite in a short time. Many beauty salons include SPA treatments in their services. For thalassotherapy, natural sea products are used, containing a huge amount of active substances that break down fats and remove harmful substances. After a course of mud or algal wraps, the skin is tightened, the volume is significantly reduced.

Be sure to pay attention to spring cosmetic procedures - and you will enjoy not only the sun, the first green leaves, warm weather, but also your reflection in the mirror!