21 weeks pregnant what baby. What happens to the body of the expectant mother. Who is at increased risk

On the twenty-first week of pregnancy expectant mothers feel good with normal fetal development. In the absence of any complications, this time is very good in terms of sensations: the tummy has grown significantly, but it still does not particularly interfere with movement. The baby is already kicking quite noticeably. Mom even knows when her future child likes to stay awake and when to sleep. Toddlers usually begin to be active in the evening or early in the morning. During the day, when mommy walks and does business, the little baby sniffs sweetly in her cozy shelter.

At this time, you can even see how the fetus moves. The baby has already grown enough so that his movements of the legs can be seen on the surface of the abdomen. The spectacle is truly bewitching and can even break through a tear especially impressionable. And in this interesting position, almost all women become very sensitive, emotional and often too impressionable.

Of the positive changes, we can name a significantly improved appearance: the hair seems to thicken and become more shiny, a healthy blush appears.

However, there are also some negative factors. So, 21 weeks pregnant, sensations:

  • Increased appetite, and as a result, excessive weight gain
  • Slight shortness of breath due to the fact that the internal organs are shifted higher and begin to put pressure on the lungs
  • For the same reason, severe heartburn may appear.
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Dizziness and weakness due to possible drops in blood pressure
  • Nasal congestion
  • Bleeding gums
  • Anxiety before the upcoming birth
  • Increased skin pigmentation
  • The appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen.

Sometimes women during this period simply rejoice at the future meeting with the long-awaited baby and simply do not notice these unpleasant little things. But if you notice that you are very depressed, you worry for no reason, your mood changes too often, you become extremely forgetful and absent-minded, then it is better to consult a doctor. After all, your condition may indicate any negative internal processes.

Now mothers are starting to eat more, but also more tired. After all, the baby is actively growing, and he needs more energy and more nutrients.

Fetal development at 21 weeks of gestation

At the twelfth week of pregnancy (this is the obstetric period, the embryonic week will be approximately 22-23), the weight of the fetus is approximately 300 grams. Growth - already almost half of what the baby will be born - about 25 cm. length from crown to tailbone 18 cm.

If you look at the embryo in the ultrasound images, you can see that the baby's skin is already formed, but still covered with numerous wrinkles and folds. The color of the skin is still reddish. At the same time, fatty tissue gradually increases. The more it is, the rounder the fruit will be.

The rudiments of teeth are already forming in the fetus, both milk and permanent .. He can blink with cilia, which, like the eyebrows, have already formed.

At the same time, the baby is already moving very actively. But you need to watch his movements. Too little or excessive physical activity should alert. A doctor's consultation is required.

At this time, all the glands of the endocrine system have already been formed and are working - the thyroid gland, pancreas, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, sex glands. The spleen is functioning. The gastrointestinal tract is already actively working: the baby swallows amniotic fluid, which delivers nutrients to the baby's body through the stomach. But unnecessary elements are deposited in the intestines. They form the original feces - meconium.

The embryo is already able to taste - there are taste buds on the tongue. Therefore, the baby can react to the taste of food that the mother consumes.

The child's body can already protect itself from some infections - the formation of leukocytes is already underway in the blood.

The first hair grows on the head.

What factors affect the development of the fetus

Now the placenta is fully formed, and the baby is already well protected. Most unnecessary and harmful substances are filtered out and will not harm the fetus. However, there are factors that can significantly negatively affect the state of the embryo. These are alcohol, drugs, nicotine, antibiotics, some toxic substances (arsenic, mercury, potassium iodide, quinine and the like), hormonal substances.

The influence of ionizing radiation is dangerous, therefore, fluorography for the entire period of pregnancy is prohibited. Contact with household aggressive detergents and cleaning agents should also be avoided.

What complications can occur at 21 weeks of pregnancy

Complications can occur later with a lack of vitamin D: after birth, the baby may develop rickets.

If there is not enough calcium in the mother's diet, then this leads to varicose veins and hemorrhoids after childbirth.

Overeating threatens with a serious weight gain - and this is the risk of developing metabolic syndrome, obesity and diabetes in a woman.

A serious complication is swelling of the extremities, especially the legs. At the same time, at each appointment, the doctor must control the size of the swelling. Then you may need to adjust your diet.

Changes in the body of a woman at 21 weeks of pregnancy

On the 21 obstetric weeks of pregnancy the woman is already fully aware that a new life is developing within her. She already feels her baby well, talks to him, communicates to the best of his ability. And this is very good for the baby, because scientists believe that a deep emotional connection is already being established between a mother and her child.

The tummy is already significantly noticeable to others. However, there is also some discomfort here. The enlarged uterus begins to shift all the internal organs upward, so there are always unpleasant sensations. For example, sometimes it becomes difficult to breathe when walking - this is pressing down on the lungs. The stomach begins to play pranks, because the fetus pushes it up together with the intestines. Possible severe heartburn, constipation, indigestion. But now it is already possible to take drugs that regulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but only after consulting a doctor.

A very big problem for many is the frequent urge to urinate. For some, it comes to the point that they are afraid to leave the house for a long time, as it is difficult to control the muscles that hold the urethra. And sometimes unpleasant sensations appear after a particularly active baby begins to beat the bladder with his foot.

The chest has now grown significantly. There may be a slight discharge of colostrum from the nipples.

The volume of blood in a woman's body increases by 35 percent. Naturally, the load on the heart increases.

In women who had any chronic diseases before pregnancy, the unpleasant symptoms of existing diseases may worsen.

For many, the size of the foot increases. Edema appears on the extremities. This should be especially monitored, because severe swelling may indicate complications.

But for most, the appearance becomes simply amazing: beautiful and fast-growing hair and nails, good skin, blush on the cheeks and sparkle in the eyes.

The level of hCG in the body of a pregnant woman is gradually decreasing - now the norm is 4720 - 80100 mIU / ml.

Analyzes and medical examinations

Serious analyzes for 21 weeks pregnant not required. At each visit to the observing gynecologist, you will have to take a urinalysis (general). Also, the specialist will monitor the baby's heartbeat, measure the mother's weight, blood pressure, tummy volume and the height of the uterine fundus.

Normal weight gain now is about 4 kg. Busting can be dangerous in the future risk of diabetes.

The doctor will prescribe all other examinations based on the general condition of the pregnant woman, the course of pregnancy and the presence of chronic diseases. In case of serious deviations, hospitalization may be required (for preservation).

Ultrasound at 21 weeks pregnant

On the 21 weeks a second screening ultrasound may be ordered if not already done.

Ultrasound will help to see and evaluate the development of the embryo, its size, the formation of internal organs, the position of the fetus.

The specialist will check the condition of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid. It is also necessary to measure the heart rate - normally it is 180-190 beats per second.

First of all, now you need to take care of your safety and the safety of your unborn child. Now, because of the grown belly, the center of gravity has shifted significantly, so you will have to learn to walk and move as if from the beginning. It is worth bending over carefully so as not to press the stomach. The same goes for sleeping positions. Especially in winter, you need to move carefully so as not to slip and get injured.

Try not to go for walks alone, stay alone for a long time, as frequent dizziness is dangerous.

Pay special attention to nutrition. Although by this time many women have already formed their diet, they are used to a certain set of products, but it is worth remembering the required amount of nutrients and vitamins. Appetite is sometimes also worth moderating, so as not to gain excess weight.

You should not take risks by using all sorts of folk remedies: herbal infusions, teas, ointments and the like. The impact of natural natural substances on the body of a pregnant woman has not been fully studied. For example, hibiscus tea can increase the tone of the uterus.

Prohibitions and contraindications during pregnancy

Strictly taboo still applies to alcohol, cigarettes, drugs. Taking medicines only as directed. Try to avoid stress if you still have to work. But it is better to reduce your job responsibilities to a minimum at this time.

Sex at 21 weeks pregnant

Sex at 21 weeks pregnant may be prohibited if there is a placenta previa or a threatened miscarriage.

With intimate relationships, you should be careful, choose positions in which there will be no deep penetration and pressure on the stomach.

Otherwise, bed comforts are not forbidden. Moreover, now the sensitivity of a woman's erogenous zones is greatly increased. And pleasant sensations will only benefit.

Sports and physical education

Shouldn't be avoided now physical activity. It is clear that the load should be within reason. A minimum of mandatory daily walks. If you have the opportunity and desire, do gymnastics, Pilates, yoga, go to the pool. Naturally, all exercises should be special for pregnant women.

You should not lie on the couch all day and take care of yourself like a crystal vase. The muscles of the body must be in good shape, at least with a minimum load.

Vitamins and medicines at 21 weeks pregnant

We continue to take medicines only when necessary and only after the recommendation of a doctor. No self medication.

It is also better to discuss a vitamin complex for pregnant women with a specialist if you think that you are not getting enough of what you need with food.

On the 21 weeks pregnant You can already enroll in special courses to prepare for childbirth. It's time to learn how to breathe properly, do exercises that will facilitate the process of childbirth. It is useful and morally set yourself up for this moment. It is important to communicate with other pregnant women, share impressions, support each other.

The second part of the gestation period is aimed at gaining weight by the baby, at this time the indicators of its growth are already taken into account, coordinated directional movements are actively felt. The 21st week of pregnancy is marked by a planned ultrasound, where you can find out who to expect, a boy or a girl, or maybe you are expecting twins.

By the 21st week of pregnancy, a woman already has a well-rounded belly. It still does not cause inconvenience, but already has volume. Toxicosis by this period is already passing, but new sensations appear.

  1. At this time, the little one begins to move actively. Often this happens while the mother is sleeping. Therefore, changes in the position of the baby in the womb can wake you up unexpectedly. Doctors recommend monitoring the frequency of movements, since the activity of the embryo directly depends on its condition:
  • if you feel the movement of the child at least ten times during the day, be calm, everything is in order with the baby;
  • an excess of the number of movements may indicate that the mother is uncomfortable or nervous;
  • a small number of movements may indicate fatigue, but also signals that it is necessary to consult a doctor.

  1. It is at this time that a woman begins to notice large weight gains. This is absolutely normal. The child begins to accumulate subcutaneous fat, gaining weight and gaining height. Mom's appetite also increases. But experts do not advise putting on too much weight, as this can lead to stretch marks and weaken the tone of the uterus.
  2. The breast of the expectant mother also continues to change in volume. The sensitivity of the nipples increases, the halo around them becomes a little larger and changes color to a darker one. Pregnancy at 21 weeks is accompanied by the release of a small amount of colostrum, this is due to the development of the fetus. Doctors recommend putting wipes in your bra to avoid irritation and infection.
  3. There may be slight pain in the abdominal muscles. This is due to active growth and is not a problem. At the 21st week of pregnancy, you can already clearly see what is happening with the baby. From the side, you can clearly see the leg or ass of the child.
  4. At this time, the uterus rises three centimeters above the navel, its distance to the pubis will be approximately 21 centimeters. This position slightly squeezes the internal organs of a woman. The result may be a slight shortness of breath when walking or heartburn. To avoid unpleasant phenomena, you need to master breathing techniques that will come in handy later.
  5. Changes also occur with the skin, it acquires a slightly bluish tint. This is due to the high quantitative indicator of estrogen in the blood. Do not be afraid, such a manifestation is considered absolutely normal for the gestation period, after childbirth, skin color will return to normal.
  6. The 21st week of pregnancy is accompanied by pain in the uterus, often the woman is frightened, not understanding what is happening. In medical practice, this phenomenon is known as Breston-Hicks "training" contractions. It is not at all dangerous either for the mother or for the unborn child, and speaks of the correct development of the fetus, rather than any pathologies. The pain may be concentrated in the abdomen or radiate to the lower back. In the second case, you should pay attention to this specialist. It is also worth being alert if the stomach begins to pull to the bottom or burst from the inside. At the same time, the stomach itself becomes very hard, as if it begins to turn to stone. Pain in the legs or back may also occur. This happens due to the overweight of the pregnant woman.
  7. At this time, small vaginal discharge is characteristic, due to the influence of progesterone. It is important to ensure that they do not change their concentration, do not have a curdled base, do not look like flakes. In all these cases, you should consult a doctor. This is especially true if there are signs of bleeding.
  8. Various digestive disorders are possible: constipation or bloating. This is due to the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs. The gynecologist will advise a remedy for solving this problem.
  9. Often 21-22 weeks are accompanied by insomnia, this condition can be caused by various reasons:

  • frequent urination due to uterine pressure on the bladder;
  • unusual position during sleep;
  • a psychological factor that is periodically present during pregnancy.
  1. Hormonal restructuring of the body leads to the fact that hair and nails are characterized by increased growth. Hair growth may also occur in the wrong place.
  2. Often during this period, cramps appear at night, often this occurs with a lack of calcium. A large load on the legs can lead to varicose veins. To avoid this, pay attention to comfortable shoes and try not to overload your feet.
  3. Fetal pressure often leads to hemorrhoids, which are not serious and go away on their own after delivery.

How does the fetus develop at 21 weeks

It is important to remember that at the 21st week of pregnancy, the baby is only 19 weeks old, at this age the fetus begins to develop intensively and is very similar to a real baby. You can already sing songs and tell stories. It has been proven that children can perfectly hear everything that happens outside and are very fond of classical music.

There is an intensive weight gain, but growth stops a little. The baby receives nutrition from the amniotic fluid, drinking up to 500g per day.

The child's eyes are still hidden behind the eyelids, and the whole body is covered with hair. At 20-21 weeks, he is quite comfortable and spacious in the womb. Therefore, the baby loves to change position, although he sleeps for almost twenty hours.

At this time, the child's nervous system is already fully formed, many blood cells work. The first taste preferences appear due to the taste buds on the tongue. The digestive organs are developing.

The average weight of a child by the time of 21 weeks is 340 g. This is an approximate parameter, since during pregnancy each fetus develops individually. Its size from crown to heels reaches 25 centimeters.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman

At this time, it is important not to overeat, as the baby is gaining weight intensively, and the mother's appetite increases. It is better to diversify your diet with fish, meat, vegetables and fruits. There are nutritional features during this period:

  • freshly squeezed juices will give a maximum of vitamins for a developing baby;
  • to avoid constipation, include coarse-grinding foods in your diet;
  • to eliminate heartburn, use fractional portions;
  • try to give up salty, smoked and fried foods;
  • try to cook only for a couple;
  • Avoid fast foods.

During this period, the child's digestive system is actively developing, you can not harm it.

Sex at 21 weeks

In the normal course of pregnancy, there are no contraindications for sex. It all depends on how the woman feels.

During this period, the sensitivity of erogenous zones is aggravated, so sex can deliver a lot of pleasant sensations. The only thing you will have to experiment a little with is the appropriate postures, since the tummy already has quite tangible volumes.

Possible risks of 21 weeks

The most undesirable symptoms of pregnancy at 21 weeks are the appearance of edema and a cold, since these factors affect the development of the fetus.

The first problem can be dealt with by following simple rules:

  • periodically lie with your legs up;
  • take care of comfortable shoes;
  • take contrast foot baths.

It is more difficult with a cold, since such a gestational age implies unwanted medication:

  • The main thing is not to panic, 80% of women suffer from a cold during pregnancy. This is due to a decrease in immune functions.
  • Definitely do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms, consult a doctor, warning him of your situation.
  • If you do not have edema or the doctor prohibits you from drinking heavily, try to drink as much tea with honey as possible.
  • Do not use nasal drops, the principle of which is based on vasoconstriction. This will adversely affect the uterus and can provoke an abortion.
  • During the onset of a cough, it is permissible to use inhalations. However, in no case do not steam your feet and do not take hot baths. This is a direct threat of miscarriage at this time.
  • If you have a temperature, consult your doctor about which drug you can take.
  • Do not stop taking prescribed medications immediately after symptoms stop. It is important to complete the entire course of treatment in order to avoid a recurrence of the disease. How much and when it is necessary to drink medicines, the doctor decides.

Examinations at 21 weeks of gestation

At this time, the expectant mother must pass clinical blood and urine tests to monitor kidney function and detect anemia.

At the 21st week of pregnancy, a second planned ultrasound is performed, which allows you to:

  • determine gender;
  • examine the quality of amniotic fluid;
  • fix the position of the placenta;
  • to reveal the diligence of the fetus;
  • determine the possible expectation of twins.

At each visit, the doctor should listen to the fetal heartbeat.

Ultrasound examination can be wrong in determining the sex of the child. The main task of this study is to agree on the mass norms corresponding to the current month.

There are several moments that do not threaten the health of mother and baby, but are unpleasant.

  1. Often during this period, signs of anemia appear. To avoid this, add iron-rich foods to your diet.
  2. Try to avoid a large number of people, do not visit places that are potentially dangerous in terms of infection. Having caught even an elementary cold, you will be significantly limited in the means of treatment.
  3. At this stage of pregnancy, the belly is actively growing, as a result, the navel may prolapse, and the pregnant woman may also feel that the stomach begins to itch periodically. It is required to consult with a specialist, he will select a means of solving the problem.
  4. Often at this time, moles appear in a pregnant woman. Do not rush to panic, it is possible that they will disappear after childbirth. Seek advice from a specialist.
  5. Do gymnastics. Starting from the twentieth week, the stomach will actively grow, stretching the muscles. It is important for you to prepare for childbirth.
  6. To avoid stretch marks, watch your diet. It is important at this stage not to overeat. You need to understand how much you will weigh in a week's time.

At the 21st week of pregnancy, you need to review your wardrobe:

  • choose comfortable shoes, taking into account puffiness;
  • from now on, the stomach will increase, consider options for loose clothing;
  • pay attention to the bra, it should not tighten the chest;
  • take care of sanitary napkins, colostrum will begin soon.

You can help relieve back pain by:

  • contrast compresses;
  • massage for pregnant women;
  • compression stockings for legs;
  • physiotherapy exercises for pregnant women.

To ease the load on the legs, you can:

  • without straining too much during bowel movements, to relieve tension, keep your legs on a small stand;
  • learn Kegel exercises that stimulate blood circulation;
  • warm sitz baths help well;

21 weeks of pregnancy is the sixth obstetric month. If you look at the weeks, then 141-147 days have passed since conception. 21 weeks of pregnancy opens the second half of the gestation period. The second trimester is considered the most calm and pleasant period throughout pregnancy, since toxicosis, as a rule, has already been left behind, and the tummy has not yet grown enough to cause discomfort and inconvenience, and therefore mothers begin to experience an unprecedented surge of strength and vigor.

Development and size of the fetus at 21 weeks of gestation

What happens to the baby at 21 weeks pregnant? It has formed almost all organs and internal systems. It is at the 21st week of pregnancy that an active supply of subcutaneous fat begins, due to which the body acquires roundness, and although the skin retains its wrinkling, it is no longer so red, and the vessels become less and less visible every day. While the baby is still very thin and can be compared with a small grapefruit or orange. The average weight is approximately 300 grams, and height can reach 25 cm. However, a slight deviation in size up or down is not considered a pathology, since each pregnancy always proceeds individually.

At the 21st week of pregnancy, white bodies begin to form in the blood, which are responsible for the development of immunity in the fetus. After their formation, most of the mother's diseases become not so dangerous for the baby, since he is already able to protect himself. At the 21st week of pregnancy, taste buds continue to improve, thanks to which the baby already distinguishes the taste of amniotic fluid very well, drinking them during the day in an amount of at least half a liter. The eyes begin to open slightly, and the hearing is already sufficiently developed so that the baby can hear sounds coming from outside. He is already able to distinguish the voice of his mother, which is why it is recommended, starting from the 21st week, to talk with the baby as often as possible.

Photo of the abdomen. What does the belly look like at 21 weeks pregnant?

Movement at 21 weeks pregnant

21 weeks of pregnancy is the period when the fetus is actively moving and making at least 200 movements per day. However, of the total number of movements, the mother is able to feel only a part, since the baby is still too small and there is plenty of room for him in the uterus. In addition, at 21 weeks of gestation, the duration of fetal sleep is about 20 hours, and sometimes the sleep and wake patterns of the mother and fetus may simply not match. Movements at the 21st week of pregnancy should be daily, and the pregnant woman should normally feel at least 10 movements per day, their absence or, conversely, a significant increase may indicate abnormalities in the development of the baby, or even his death.

Video: Baby moving at 21 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound at 21 weeks pregnant

The 21st week of pregnancy is the most appropriate time to undergo a second screening ultrasound. If at the first screening it was only possible to assume the presence of pathologies in the baby, then at the second ultrasound examination, their presence can already be confirmed or refuted with certainty.

In addition, at the 21st week of pregnancy, all organs are fully formed in the fetus and they have taken their permanent location. That is why any deviations in the development of these organs or their complete or partial absence are clearly visible on the ultrasound machine.

No less important is ultrasound at 21 weeks of gestation to assess the condition of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid, the number of vessels in the umbilical cord and their compliance with the gestational age. This will help not only to identify any deviations or complications in its course in time, but also to take measures to save the pregnancy and restore its correct course.

Ultrasound photo at 21 weeks pregnant

Weight gain at 21 weeks pregnant

Weight gain at 21 weeks of gestation is about 4.8-5.8 kg. This indicator can vary by 1-1.5 kg, both up and down. The norm and deviation in weight gain depends on: age, height and weight before pregnancy, physique, tendency to be overweight, body characteristics, early and late toxicosis.

21 weeks pregnant - sensations

What happens to mom at 21 weeks pregnant? This is a happy time for the expectant mother in terms of well-being. Her mood is cheerful and upbeat, since many disturbing symptoms, such as drowsiness, dizziness, nausea and frequent mood swings, are far behind, and the first movements of the baby, which are already felt quite clearly, cannot but rejoice, which affects in a favorable way not only on the mood of the pregnant woman, but also on her general mood. In addition, the tummy is at least a little rounded, however, it is still not very noticeable to others and does not cause discomfort at all for the future woman in labor.

Despite the fact that the general well-being of a pregnant woman at 21 weeks is very good, there is still a possibility of pain that can cause severe discomfort to mommy.

Pain and cramps in the legs at 21 weeks pregnant

21 weeks of pregnancy is a period when more and more mothers begin to complain of increasing leg cramps, especially in the evening, which cannot but interfere with the normal course of sleep. Cramps are a sign that there is not enough calcium and potassium in the body of a pregnant woman, which must be reported to your doctor, who will prescribe additional vitamin complexes.

The pain in the legs that appeared at this time, as a rule, indicates problems with the vessels, as well as the possible onset of varicose veins. This may be due to the fact that the enlarged uterus exerts a noticeable pressure on the vena cava, thereby complicating the venous outflow. Periodic rest during the day, wearing compression stockings, and avoiding long and long walks can help alleviate this pain syndrome.

Uterus tone at 21 weeks pregnant

Normally, there should be no pain in the abdomen at 21 weeks of gestation. If these are small pulling pains on the sides, then it's okay, since this is due to sprain, and as a result, the growth of the uterus. But if these pains acquire a cramping character, and the stomach seems to stiffen and squeeze in a vice, then this indicates the appearance of a tone that can provoke premature birth. It is important to understand that despite the fact that all the internal organs of the fetus have already completed their formation, at birth at 21 weeks of gestation, it has no chance of survival. That is why when observing such symptoms in yourself, and not passing them even after a long rest, you should immediately seek medical help.

Gastrointestinal disorder

Stretch marks

Due to the rounded tummy and increased weight at the 21st week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may face another nuisance - these are stretch marks in the chest, abdomen and inner thighs. They look like stripes of various sizes of red color, over time they turn white, become less noticeable, but never completely disappear. That is why it is easier to prevent their occurrence than to deal with the consequences. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to moisturize the skin at least 2 times a day with various oils and creams, since there are now a huge number of them sold in cosmetic stores and pharmacies, the main thing is to choose the most suitable one for your skin type.

21 weeks pregnant: discharge

Normal discharge at 21 weeks of gestation is not abundant, clear, white or slightly yellowish in color with a slight sour smell. If the secretion has become fetid, and the color has become atypical, then this is the reason for an early visit to the doctor, since such discharge is a sign of sexual infection of the mother. At week 21, many drugs are approved for use and do not cause any harm to the fetus, which is why many infections are easily treatable.

If the discharge has become bloody, even if it is not abundant, you should immediately call an ambulance, since such discharge indicates a threat of miscarriage. It is important to understand that this process is reversible, but it can be stopped only with timely contact with a medical institution.
Another deviation is the allocation of too liquid consistency. This may turn out to be a leak of water, which, in turn, indicates the onset of labor.

21 weeks of pregnancy is the period when the breasts are significantly rounded and the amount of discharge from it has increased. This is colostrum, which is forbidden to express, since strong pressure on the breast, in particular nipple stimulation, can provoke uterine contractions, which in turn can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of a miscarriage or its threat.

In order to feel as comfortable as possible and reduce unpleasant painful sensations, mothers should adhere to the following tips and rules:

  • you should not eat a lot of fatty, salty and sweet foods, as this provokes severe thirst and the possible appearance of edema;
  • clothes that are too tight and restrictive should not be worn to avoid pressure on the abdomen. 21 weeks of pregnancy is just the time when it is time to think about buying specialized things for pregnant women;
  • you need to breathe fresh air as often as possible, and daily airing of the room is also desirable. This will help reduce the risk of occurrence;
  • if any alarming symptoms occur, in no case should you self-medicate, since many drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy and can only be prescribed by a doctor;
  • sports are not prohibited, but it is advisable to avoid its active types;
  • sex at 21 weeks of gestation is not contraindicated, but rather desirable, but only if there are no problems or abnormalities during pregnancy. It is worth taking care of choosing the right postures that would exclude pressure on the abdomen and on the vena cava;
  • food should be varied and contain a large amount of fruits and dairy products.

So, the second trimester, in particular the 21st week of pregnancy, is really the most pleasant period throughout the entire period of gestation, since right now the likelihood of the baby fading is almost completely excluded, which cannot but have a favorable effect on the general mood of the expectant mother. In addition, many health problems can be solved, it is enough just to seek medical help in a timely manner. However, do not forget that at 21 weeks the baby is actively improving all of his internal organs and systems, as well as his growth and weight gain, so you should follow all the recommendations and advice as clearly as possible, and also do not miss visits to the doctor and take everything in a timely manner. necessary analyses. This will help not only to notice deviations in the development of the baby in time, but also to prevent their possible negative consequences.

21 weeks pregnant - video

Congratulations, you are already on 21 weeks of pregnancy development, which means that the fifth month of waiting for a miracle is coming to an end. Not so much time left before the birth. Consider enrolling in special birth preparation courses.

Half of your journey is already behind, but the feeling of fatigue is still absent, shortness of breath and insomnia do not annoy you yet. However, women who are overly sensitive to changes in their physical condition feel some inconvenience. Back pain may occur when sitting in one position for a long time or being in an uncomfortable position.

Your uterus is located at a distance of 1 centimeter above the navel, it is already squeezing the internal organs of a woman. Your baby is already somersaulting and pushing. Even by appearance, you can determine in which side of the tummy he is now. The fetus is at 21 weeks of pregnancy.

By the end of the 21st week of pregnancy, the fetus is usually about half the size it will be at birth. At the same time, it weighs a little - only 360 grams.

The 21st week of pregnancy development will be marked by the development and improvement of the baby's digestive system. The systematic ingestion of amniotic fluid by the baby leads to the fact that he trains both the lungs and the esophagus. At this time, the mother can already influence the formation of the baby's taste preferences.

The endocrine system of the child is already actively working, and on 21 weeks of pregnancy development the pancreas is also active. Children are often active at night. Your gentle stroking of the tummy and a lullaby will help your baby fall asleep. Children already react to the voice of their mother and her mood.

Since a woman already constantly feels her baby in her stomach, she feels more and more like a mother. Start talking to your child, this is very important and necessary. A calm, gentle, affectionate tone of speech addressed to a child will make him feel your love.

At the twenty-first week of pregnancy, intimate life presents its surprises. There is a need to adapt to your new forms. If you do not have a threat of termination of pregnancy, do not refuse intimacy with your husband. The correct organization of your nutrition requires special attention. If you have a strong appetite, we advise you to take control of it and draw up a nutrition plan. Remember, being overweight can give you a lot of trouble when carrying a pregnancy.

Of course, it is difficult to control appetite. But at the 21st week of pregnancy, you can’t give yourself any concessions. Extra chocolates, pastries and sweet soda will start an irreversible process of weight gain.

Accustom yourself to the diet, and it will allow you to keep fit until childbirth. The following meal plan would be rational: a good hearty breakfast + a lighter second breakfast + a full lunch with not very large portions + a healthy afternoon snack + a light dinner.

There will be a break in the analyzes at the twenty-first week of pregnancy development.

At 21 weeks of pregnancy, any tests and ultrasound are not prescribed. However, if your schedule of examinations is violated, then the second scheduled ultrasound may fall at this time. If you have a threat of carrying a pregnancy, then you undergo tests and examinations according to an individual schedule.

At the 21st week of pregnancy development, the forms of the expectant mother can be admired. You have a high, full chest, a small, neat tummy. Healthy skin, hair and nails. You will notice a lot of admiring glances from men

However, some women are concerned about age spots. Do not worry, modern cosmetics can easily hide this defect. Pregnancy will soon be over and you will forget about all these difficulties.