Damnation Academy 4 read online full version. Elena Zvezdnaya - Academy of Curses. Lesson Four: How to cheat evil spirits for money

A blue flame flashed.

When the flame disappeared, we found ourselves in the master’s office, in that very school of the Art of Death. Moreover, here the window was open, and through the whistle of the wind, I heard in the distance:

Attack, lord,” the woman ordered, in the same tone that Veris used when she ordered us to start the race.


A muffled scream, and then the woman spoke again:

The "Dead Loop" grip allows you to inflict maximum harm on the attacker, with minimal effort and time...

Ellohar went to the window, closed it, locked it, and all this with an insidious grin, after which, turning to me, he asked:

Tea, juice, handkerchief?

“I don’t like this place at all,” I admitted honestly.

It’s noticeable,” Ellohar, bowing his head slightly, watched me with interest. - Riate, do you sleep well at night?

Shaking my head negatively, I walked to the already familiar sofa, sat down, and realized that I definitely needed a scarf. And not alone.

“He didn’t show up for four days,” I groaned, “four days... I’m not allowed out of the academy... Dara knows nothing, Tesme knows, but doesn’t speak... And I’m slowly going crazy from anxiety and the unknown. Where is he? What about him? Why doesn't it appear? How did the Immortals' exploration of Ardam end? Questions, questions, questions... and no answers... And also anxiety, constant, maddening, terrible anxiety for him... - I sobbed. - I can’t do this anymore...

Ellohar came up, sat down next to him, put his arm around his shoulders, held out a handkerchief and said thoughtfully:

Tantrums weren't supposed to be on the lunch menu, but I'm willing to make the sacrifices. What's next?

“Nothing,” I answered sharply, after the caustic remark I remembered who I was talking to, and tried to get up.

I blushed.

Ashamed? - the master asked mockingly, - come on, with your experience in robbing respected Tesme, there can be no question of any shame. But the fact that I got caught, yes, it’s a shame.

Another silent but determined attempt to get up, but I was again held down.

Quietly, quietly,” and Ellohar, without any mocking notes, said: “Tier was afraid for you, Daya.” He was very scared for you.

I stopped struggling, the master continued:

I warned you not to get involved in this, as I felt, Riate. You and the drow climbed into the arena, where the strongest fight, and the weak are not treated on ceremony. The smart ones, realizing what they got themselves into, immediately retreat, but you and Knights continued. And the height of stupidity is the story with this plate. Okay, you would have dragged her away, but it’s worse, Riate, you gave away the fact of possessing her.

I sighed heavily and quietly asked:

How are the same artifact who had the first Thiers medallion connected, and the murdered dwarf, who, in addition to the second medallion, also hid a tablet, and...

They imperiously closed my mouth, waited until I stopped making even an attempt to free myself, and rudely asked:

Riate, how is your hearing?

“My hearing is great,” I thought, but I didn’t tell Ellohar about it.

Removing his hand from my face, the master thought, and suddenly asked:

What answers were you going to find in the closed library?

The director of the Art of Death School was the first and only one who asked me this question, which is probably why I answered:

This is all somehow connected - the theft of artifacts from the Thiers clan reminded me very much of a story told by one vampire about the theft of artifacts from a clan of metamorphs.

Coming in a Dream? - as it turned out, Ellohar knew about what had happened.

Yes,” I thoughtfully crumpled my handkerchief, “and suddenly artifacts surface in the imperial treasury. It would seem incredible, but only a stronger clan can defeat a clan, so everything is logical and the only thing that is unclear is why the emperor needed these artifacts. - Ellohar was silent, I continued: - And then a group of people steal artifacts and scatter throughout the empire. And it would seem, what do an artifactor, a gnome and a magician have in common? Nothing, except for obvious participation in that same theft. And it is unclear why they did this if this did not bring them any benefit? They didn’t try to sell the artifacts, they didn’t try to give them to the same Spellcasters, and I have a feeling that they just wanted to hide them... - I remembered the corpse of the gnome-leatherworker and added in a fallen voice, - hide them, at the cost of their own lives. For what?!

With his head politely bowed, Ellohar listened to me thoughtfully, and his gaze, the attentive and penetrating gaze of a very experienced and wise lord...

And you won't shut my mouth? - I asked with a bitter smile.

He only narrowed his eyes provocatively in response, then smiled sadly.

Let’s go,” the master stood up and extended his hand. - I'm hungry, it doesn't hurt you to eat either.

We had lunch in the school cafeteria. If the name “school canteen” suited this place, I would rather call this place a restaurant. A cozy hall in an imperial style, round tables covered with snow-white tablecloths, exquisite cutlery, impeccable service and dishes for every taste.

We walked to one of the tables by the window, and as soon as we sat down, a server dressed in a school uniform greeted us, then handed us a list of dishes to choose from.

“It’s the same as always for me,” Lord Ellohar responded lazily, “but the lady should have offered a more conservative menu, don’t you think?”

The waiter, a half-breed vampire, suddenly turned pale, and saying: “I humbly ask you to forgive me,” he carefully took away from me a thin book with gold embossing, I didn’t even have time to open it.

Believe me, if I were you, I wouldn’t get upset,” the master consoled.

“I like to look at menus in different establishments, it’s always interesting,” I responded.

Okay,” Ellohar smiled mysteriously, “I’ll ask you to bring it back... after lunch.”

The waiter appeared and brought, obviously in a hurry, a dusty menu, on which were the monograms of the capital's Semaron restaurant.

And, will you prepare everything I order from this? - I asked with suspicion.

“Undoubtedly,” said Master Ellohar, smiling evilly.

The half-vampire swallowed barely noticeably. I suddenly felt sorry for him and the cooks, and I asked for the simplest thing:

Can I have an omelet with greens?

Someone clearly immediately felt better, and they asked me with gratitude:

What kind of drinks would you like?

Just tea. “Anyone,” I quickly answered.

Maybe wine? - suggested Lord Ellohar.

My eyes instantly filled with tears, my heart sank with a spasm, and I quietly answered:

No thanks.

Throwing a mocking glance at me, Ellohar ordered:

White, from my stock. And yes - I'm hungry.

It was the first time I had seen a server move at a run, and even run so fast. And it has never happened that the order was delivered almost instantly. Before I had time to smooth the napkin on my lap, the half-vampire returned with a tray and began deftly setting the table. The master, as it turned out, shared the same culinary tastes with Rian and meat was brought for him. True, the slice turned out to be barely cooked, but apparently this was intended, at least Ellohar seemed very pleased with what was brought. Me too - the fluffy omelette looked delicious, and the tea was just the way I like it - with a sprig of currisa. And then the vampire deftly poured the wine into the glasses. I looked at him indignantly, wanting to stop pouring the drink into my glass, since I had no intention of drinking wine, but then... “Don’t drink,” the server whispered with his lips.

I choked on my indignation, squeezed out a pitiful smile and asked in a shrunken voice:

Can I have some dessert for my tea?

Elena Zvezdnaya

Academy of Curses. Book 4

The Great Rian Thier, a member of the Order of the Immortals, the First Sword of the Empire, Master of Dark Magic and the Art of Death, the only one at the sight of whom even Thesme turned pale, looked wearily at me with dull black eyes. A haggard, seemingly darkened face, chapped, chapped lips, and a silent question in his gaze.

I lowered my head, I didn’t want to say anything in the presence of strangers, and besides the two of us, Master Tesme, Captain Veris, Lady Oris and our chief librarian, Mr. Bibor, were present in the office. Considering that I was caught breaking into a library vault, and a vault intended only for master-level teachers, using a curse on Mr. Bibor himself, I was really in danger of being expelled.

“I’m very sorry, Lord Director,” I said quietly, lowering my head.

I was really sorry, but Dara refused to help rudely and flatly. Master Tesme answered all my questions very sharply: “Don’t get involved in this, adept Riate.” Rian... Rian was absent for four days, two of which I spent under house arrest. The rules at the academy are strict, I broke them. Even the intervention of Okeno, who was now hovering outside the door, did not help.

“You’re sorry,” Ryan sighed heavily. – Is this all you want to tell us, adept Riate?

I wanted to say more, but not in front of everyone.

“Okay,” said the Lord Director wearily, “go, adept Riate.”

I raised my head and looked at him in disbelief, but the master did not even spare me a glance. But no, as if sensing my gaze, they paid attention to me to remind:

- You are free.

I had no choice but to silently turn around and leave, although I had to make an effort not to slam the door.

And in the secretary’s room Okeno was waiting for me, who, ahead of Lady Mitas, quietly asked:

- Expelled.

Holding back my tears, I quietly answered:

- Don't know.

The senior investigator shook his head reproachfully and asked once again:

- Why did you go there?

– Riate-Riate, there are things that it’s better not for someone as defenseless as you to get involved. What did this stunt of yours with stealing the plate lead to, Riate. Two drow died, you were attacked, and nine guards were injured in the battle with the karrags. And all this because of one of your stupidest actions!

What can I say to this? We wanted to reveal the secret, both Yurao and I are now paying the price. Officer Knights has been suspended, and it looks like I will be expelled. We were simply put in our place very rudely. No one doubted that we disagreed with this very passage, but our opinion was completely ignored.

“I’ll talk to Lord Tier,” Okeno said softly, “but even if he expels you, you will become a trainee in the Day Guard, in a year you will enter the guard academy, seven years and you’re with us, Day.” You are an excellent investigator, so I will provide you with a job.

– Thank you, but... Yurao and I are planning to engage in private investigation, Master Okeno.

– Private investigation requires experience and knowledge, Daya, you will only get this in the Night or Day Watch. Although you are closer to Night, Daytime activities with a magical component are not involved.

His speech was interrupted by Veris, who opened the door slightly and invited the senior investigator into the director’s office. I sadly trudged to the women's dormitory.

Wrapped in a cloak, I walked indifferently through the yard, not immediately paying attention to the group walking across me. And, probably, she wouldn’t even have looked if she hadn’t heard this snide:

“Wow, who’s coming, the venerable blacksmith Gort herself!” – it was impossible not to recognize this voice.

Raising my head, I saw Rigra, her two brothers and servants with suitcases - lectures began tomorrow, so the fact that adepts who had had their holidays arrived at the academy did not surprise me. I wasn’t surprised by her “greeting” either, since I already knew about the meeting with Auntie Rui. But I had no desire to deal with her, and therefore, overtaking them, I hurried to the hostel.

– Dirty waitress ignores high society? Although what is there to be surprised about - the director’s favorite, not to say mistress, now a respectable woman, almost a blacksmith, is her older brother.

- Hey, Deika the waitress, did she lose her voice from happiness? - and this is the youngest.

Academy of Curses - 4

“Adept Riate,” the tired voice of the head of our educational institution made something deep inside shudder, “I didn’t expect that I would have to raise this issue again, but... do you understand that for something like this I am obliged to expel you?”
The Great Rian Thier, a member of the Order of the Immortals, the First Sword of the Empire, Master of Dark Magic and the Art of Death, the only one at the sight of whom even Thesme turned pale, looked wearily at me with dull black eyes. A haggard, seemingly darkened face, chapped, chapped lips, and a silent question in his gaze.
- How long are you going to remain silent? - The voice is hoarse and seems to have a cold.
I lowered my head, I didn’t want to say anything in the presence of strangers, and besides the two of us, Master Tesme, Captain Veris, Lady Oris and our chief librarian, Mr. Bibor, were present in the office. Considering that I was caught breaking into a library vault, and a vault intended only for master-level teachers, using a curse on Mr. Bibor himself, I was really in danger of being expelled.
“I’m very sorry, Lord Director,” I said quietly, lowering my head.
I was really sorry, but Dara refused to help rudely and flatly. Master Tesme answered all my questions very sharply: “Don’t get involved in this, adept Riate.” Rian... Rian was absent for four days, two of which I spent under house arrest. The rules at the academy are strict, I broke them. Even the intervention of Okeno, who was now hovering outside the door, did not help.
“You’re sorry,” Ryan sighed heavily. “Is that all you want to tell us, adept Riate?”
I wanted to say more, but not in front of everyone.
“Okay,” said the Lord Director wearily, “go, adept Riate.”
I raised my head and looked at him in disbelief, but the master did not even spare me a glance. But no, as if sensing my gaze, they paid attention to me to remind:
- You are free.
I had no choice but to silently turn around and leave, although I had to make an effort not to slam the door.
And in the secretary’s room Okeno was waiting for me, who, ahead of Lady Mitas, quietly asked:
- Expelled.
Holding back my tears, I quietly answered:
- Don't know.
The senior investigator shook his head reproachfully and asked once again:
- Why did you go there?
“For answers,” his voice trembled, as did his chin.
“Riate-Riate, there are things that it’s better not for someone as defenseless as you to get involved.” What did this stunt of yours with stealing the plate lead to, Riate. Two drow died, you were attacked, and nine guards were injured in the battle with the karrags. And all this because of one of your stupidest actions!
What can I say to this? We wanted to reveal the secret, both Yurao and I are now paying the price. Officer Knights has been suspended, and it looks like I will be expelled. We were simply put in our place very rudely. No one doubted that we disagreed with this very passage, but our opinion was completely ignored.

Elena Zvezdnaya

Academy of Curses. Book 4

The Great Rian Thier, a member of the Order of the Immortals, the First Sword of the Empire, Master of Dark Magic and the Art of Death, the only one at the sight of whom even Thesme turned pale, looked wearily at me with dull black eyes. A haggard, seemingly darkened face, chapped, chapped lips, and a silent question in his gaze.

I lowered my head, I didn’t want to say anything in the presence of strangers, and besides the two of us, Master Tesme, Captain Veris, Lady Oris and our chief librarian, Mr. Bibor, were present in the office. Considering that I was caught breaking into a library vault, and a vault intended only for master-level teachers, using a curse on Mr. Bibor himself, I was really in danger of being expelled.

“I’m very sorry, Lord Director,” I said quietly, lowering my head.

I was really sorry, but Dara refused to help rudely and flatly. Master Tesme answered all my questions very sharply: “Don’t get involved in this, adept Riate.” Rian... Rian was absent for four days, two of which I spent under house arrest. The rules at the academy are strict, I broke them. Even the intervention of Okeno, who was now hovering outside the door, did not help.

“You’re sorry,” Ryan sighed heavily. - Is that all you want to tell us, adept Riate?

I wanted to say more, but not in front of everyone.

“Okay,” the Lord Director said wearily, “go, adept Riate.”

I raised my head and looked at him in disbelief, but the master did not even spare me a glance. But no, as if sensing my gaze, they paid attention to me to remind:

You are free.

I had no choice but to silently turn around and leave, although I had to make an effort not to slam the door.

And in the secretary’s room Okeno was waiting for me, who, ahead of Lady Mitas, quietly asked:


Holding back my tears, I quietly answered:

Don't know.

The senior investigator shook his head reproachfully and asked once again:

Why did you go there?

Riate-Riate, there are things that it is better not for someone as defenseless as you to get involved. What did this stunt of yours with stealing the plate lead to, Riate. Two drow died, you were attacked, and nine guards were injured in the battle with the karrags. And all this because of one of your stupidest actions!

What can I say to this? We wanted to reveal the secret, both Yurao and I are now paying the price. Officer Knights has been suspended, and it looks like I will be expelled. We were simply put in our place very rudely. No one doubted that we disagreed with this very passage, but our opinion was completely ignored.

“I’ll talk to Lord Thiers,” Okeno said softly, “but even if he expels you, you will become a trainee in the Day Guard, in a year you will enter the guard academy, seven years and you are with us, Day.” You are an excellent investigator, so I will provide you with a job.

Thank you, but... Yurao and I are planning to engage in private investigation, Master Okeno.

Private investigation requires experience and knowledge, Deya, you will only get this in the Night or Day Watch. Although you are closer to Night, Daytime activities with a magical component are not involved.

His speech was interrupted by Veris, who opened the door slightly and invited the senior investigator into the director’s office. I sadly trudged to the women's dormitory.

Wrapped in a cloak, I walked indifferently through the yard, not immediately paying attention to the group walking across me. And, probably, she wouldn’t even have looked if she hadn’t heard this snide:

Look, who's coming, the venerable blacksmith Gort herself! - it was impossible not to recognize this voice.

Raising my head, I saw Rigra, her two brothers and servants with suitcases - lectures began tomorrow, so the fact that adepts who had had their holidays arrived at the academy did not surprise me. I wasn’t surprised by her “greeting” either, since I already knew about the meeting with Auntie Rui. But I had no desire to deal with her, and therefore, overtaking them, I hurried to the hostel.

Dirty waitress ignores high society? Although what is there to be surprised about - the director’s favorite, not to say mistress, now a respectable woman, almost a blacksmith, is her older brother.

Hey, Deika the waitress, did she lose her voice from happiness? - and this is the youngest.

I stopped, and, despite the fact that my eyes were wet, my heart was completely torn to pieces, I slowly turned to the bastard Dakene family. And she almost screamed, because behind the vile trinity stood Lord Ellohar, whom our local aristocrats had not seen. But the master winked at me cheerfully and, putting his finger to his lips, called for silence. In general, the director of the School of the Art of Death looked strange - a thin black sweater that fit his neck, black trousers and that’s it. Considering that it’s not summer at all, and Rigra and his brothers, wrapped in fur coats, still shudder from gusts of icy wind, Ellohar’s attire was indeed strange. But the smile is cheerful, a little sly, and I smiled back.

She has a strange look, she also smiles. Are you, by any chance, stray? - Rigra’s older brother stepped towards me. - Hey, brat, answer when they talk to you.

From a sly smile the master’s smile became somehow predatory.

Apparently she wants us to teach her some manners again, right, Deika? - the younger one stepped towards me threateningly.

Ellohar instantly stopped smiling and asked gloomily:

Riate, what are we talking about?

The Dakene family jumped in surprise, the servants dropped their suitcases, and Rigra, seeing the master, gasped and sat down in the snow in fright. Ellohar slowly came closer, thus standing between the brothers, and hugging both of them by the shoulders in a friendly manner, with emphasized gaiety, asked:

What, my killer whales, are we having fun with fist fights? - the young aristocrats turned white. - Are we silent, my brave ones? And you’re right, torture is always more fun! - Now both Dakene brothers were trembling in horror.

A blue flame flashed.

When two adepts of death stepped out of it, the younger Dakene fell to his knees and howled, the master was not at all embarrassed by this:

Well, well, my dear, you will have to pay for everything in this life, for beating a weak woman too, especially since it will be so fun and exciting, right, adept Gorkhe?

Added: 08/24/2016

Never try to sneak into a closed library! Never! Especially if you are a simple adept of the Academy of Curses, and you will have to answer to the most powerful lord of the Dark Empire. After all, instead of the knowledge that interests you so much, you may run into a serious charge of attempted murder, which you don’t even suspect. Just as you don’t even suspect that the corrupt evil spirits, in their merciless hunt for DeYure, are preparing a terrible magical blow. However, officer Jurao Knights and his correct financial policy, so carelessly not taken into account by the enemies, are a very serious weapon. True, you should still think carefully before engaging in battle with an enemy that is superior to you, because there is someone who values ​​the life of Dei Riate above his own.

The Great Rian Thier, a member of the Order of the Immortals, the First Sword of the Empire, Master of Dark Magic and the Art of Death, the only one at the sight of whom even Thesme turned pale, looked wearily at me with dull black eyes. A haggard, seemingly darkened face, chapped, chapped lips, and a silent question in his gaze.

I lowered my head, I didn’t want to say anything in the presence of strangers, and besides the two of us, Master Tesme, Captain Veris, Lady Oris and our chief librarian, Mr. Bibor, were present in the office. Considering that I was caught breaking into a library vault, and a vault intended only for master-level teachers, using a curse on Mr. Bibor himself, I was really in danger of being expelled.

“I’m very sorry, Lord Director,” I said quietly, lowering my head.

I was really sorry, but Dara refused to help rudely and flatly. Master Tesme answered all my questions very sharply: “Don’t get involved in this, adept Riate.” Rian... Rian was absent for four days, two of which I spent under house arrest. The rules at the academy are strict, I broke them. Even the intervention of Okeno, who was now hovering outside the door, did not help.

“You’re sorry,” Ryan sighed heavily. - Is that all you want to tell us, adept Riate?

I wanted to say more, but not in front of everyone.

“Okay,” the Lord Director said wearily, “go, adept Riate.”

I raised my head and looked at him in disbelief, but the master did not even spare me a glance. But no, as if sensing my gaze, they paid attention to me to remind:

You are free.

I had no choice but to silently turn around and leave, although I had to make an effort not to slam the door.

And in the secretary’s room Okeno was waiting for me, who, ahead of Lady Mitas, quietly asked:


Holding back my tears, I quietly answered:

Don't know.

The senior investigator shook his head reproachfully and asked once again:

Why did you go there?

Riate-Riate, there are things that it is better not for someone as defenseless as you to get involved. What did this stunt of yours with stealing the plate lead to, Riate. Two drow died, you were attacked, and nine guards were injured in the battle with the karrags. And all this because of one of your stupidest actions!

What can I say to this? We wanted to reveal the secret, both Yurao and I are now paying the price. Officer Knights has been suspended, and it looks like I will be expelled. We were simply put in our place very rudely. No one doubted that we disagreed with this very passage, but our opinion was completely ignored.

“I’ll talk to Lord Thiers,” Okeno said softly, “but even if he expels you, you will become a trainee in the Day Guard, in a year you will enter the guard academy, seven years and you are with us, Day.” You are an excellent investigator, so I will provide you with a job.

Thank you, but... Yurao and I are planning to engage in private investigation, Master Okeno.

Private investigation requires experience and knowledge, Deya, you will only get this in the Night or Day Watch. Although you are closer to Night, Daytime activities with a magical component are not involved.

His speech was interrupted by Veris, who opened the door slightly and invited the senior investigator into the director’s office. I sadly trudged to the women's dormitory.

Wrapped in a cloak, I walked indifferently through the yard, not immediately paying attention to the group walking across me. And, probably, she wouldn’t even have looked if she hadn’t heard this snide:

Look, who's coming, the venerable blacksmith Gort herself! - it was impossible not to recognize this voice.

Raising my head, I saw Rigra, her two brothers and servants with suitcases - lectures began tomorrow, so the fact that adepts who had had their holidays arrived at the academy did not surprise me. I wasn’t surprised by her “greeting” either, since I already knew about the meeting with Auntie Rui. But I had no desire to deal with her, and therefore, overtaking them, I hurried to the hostel.

Dirty waitress ignores high society? Although what is there to be surprised about - the director’s favorite, not to say mistress, now a respectable woman, almost a blacksmith, is her older brother.

Hey, Deika the waitress, did she lose her voice from happiness? - and this is the youngest.

I stopped, and, despite the fact that my eyes were wet, my heart was completely torn to pieces, I slowly turned to the bastard Dakene family. And she almost screamed, because behind the vile trinity stood Lord Ellohar, whom our local aristocrats had not seen. But the master winked at me cheerfully and, putting his finger to his lips, called for silence. In general, the director of the School of the Art of Death looked strange - a thin black sweater that fit his neck, black trousers and that’s it. Considering that it’s not summer at all, and Rigra and his brothers, wrapped in fur coats, still shudder from gusts of icy wind, Ellohar’s attire was indeed strange. But the smile is cheerful, a little sly, and I smiled back.

She has a strange look, she also smiles. Are you, by any chance, stray? - Rigra’s older brother stepped towards me. - Hey, brat, answer when they talk to you.

From a sly smile the master’s smile became somehow predatory.

Apparently she wants us to teach her some manners again, right, Deika? - the younger one stepped towards me threateningly.

Ellohar instantly stopped smiling and asked gloomily:

Riate, what are we talking about?

The Dakene family jumped in surprise, the servants dropped their suitcases, and Rigra, seeing the master, gasped and sat down in the snow in fright. Ellohar slowly came closer, thus standing between the brothers, and hugging both of them by the shoulders in a friendly manner, with emphasized gaiety, asked:

What, my killer whales, are we having fun with fist fights? - the young aristocrats turned white. - Are we silent, my brave ones? And you’re right, torture is always more fun! - Now both Dakene brothers were trembling in horror.

A blue flame flashed.

When two adepts of death stepped out of it, the younger Dakene fell to his knees and howled, the master was not at all embarrassed by this:

Well, well, my dear, you will have to pay for everything in this life, for beating a weak woman too, especially since it will be so fun and exciting, right, adept Gorkhe?

And you can’t anger the dark lords...

The first one to appear grinned nastily and asked only one question:

Is it for a test or for a coursework?

  • To the essay on the History of Torture,” Ellohar smiled so happily. - Orves, you take the second one and give it to the first-year adepts, they are practicing very interesting blows there today. Painful for men's... pride. At sunset, return both to the family nest. Please inform parents that they can send complaints to me personally. All.