The influence of the strong position of Rahu on people's feelings. The influence of the shadow planets Rahu and Ketu on human destiny and health. Physiology and health

- these are the points of intersection of the Moon’s orbit and the Sun’s orbit; they are opposite each other and move backwards.

Rahu usually enhances the characteristics of the house in which it is located, introducing tendencies of struggle and quarrels.

Rahu is the planet of drama and illusion, the outer decoration of life.

It is not without reason that its symbol is smoke, a haze that obscures the view and perception from the reality of the picture of the world.

Rahu symbolizes the external life of a person, his behavior in the external world.

Rahu is the originality, imagination, extroverted nature of a person.

In the horoscope, Rahu symbolizes the karmic task and denotes what a person should devote time and effort to and what to do in the current incarnation. If a person does not realize this and does not fulfill the task assigned to him, he will undergo great trials in old age.

The influence of Rahu is similar to that of. The one who works through Rahu becomes a sage.

Rahu is “responsible” for natural disasters: earthquakes, floods, disasters, etc.

Rahu is cash, more often “easy” money, not backed by anything.

Rahu also symbolizes allopathic medicine - we can say that all modern medicine is under the influence of Rahu.

Also, Rahu is all intoxication: alcohol, drugs, etc.

Rahu is an indicator of genetic engineering, large cities, media, PR. These are revolutions and all kinds of riots, terrorism and all phenomena when more force and power is applied than necessary.

Rahu in a horoscope means divorce or widowhood.

Rahu is the ability of a person to influence the masses.

Rahu also means unusual humor and wit.

Realized Rahu is deep intuition and clairvoyance, the ability to see the world through illusion.

Rahu has a peculiarity - the planet can give a lot to a person, but take away just as much if a person does not learn lessons and becomes too attached to the material benefits given to him.

Everything that Rahu gives is temporary, and it is given exclusively for gaining wisdom.

In the body, Rahu is responsible for:



    excretory tissue



    digestive tract

    swallowing reflex

Diseases for which Rahu is “responsible”:

    varicose veins








In conjunction with other planets and depending on the degree of unfavorability of such a connection, Rahu can also indicate other diseases* that are not included in this list.

Clothes: pompous, pretentious, tasteless, but bright.

Colors: brown, smoky shades, as well as colors that are difficult to identify, incomprehensible colors.

Side of the world: southwest.

Places: stadiums, stages, beautiful, breathtaking, factories where a large number of people work, media.

Element: ether.

Geometric figure: straight line.

Metals and stones: lead, hizzonite (hessonite), agate.

Number: 4.

Age: from 69 to 108 years.

Personality: eccentric, impulsive.

Gender: a sexless planet.

Relatives: maternal grandparents.

Professions and occupations: associated with the masses, in front of people

    mass media




    political games

Nature of the planet: varies depending on the position in the horoscope, the nature of the connections and aspects.

Rahu does not own any zodiac sign.

Some Jyotish sources say that this planet has no degrees and signs of exaltation and debilitation, others state that Rahu is exalted in and experiences debilitation in Scorpio. Another group of jyotishas considers the constellation to be the sign of Rahu's exaltation, and the constellation to be the sign of his fall.

Strong Rahus indicate someone born in a low caste or one who has sinful thoughts and commits low acts.

A strong Rahu can give a person power and help him achieve a high position in society. Rahu can contribute to the material success of a person.

Rahu, just like , will act as the owner of the sign in which it is located. Therefore, the strength of these planets is judged not only by their own position in the signs, but also by the position of the lord of the sign in which they are located.

The most important indicator of Rahu is selfish desires for pleasure, those desires about which the sages say “Beware of your desires.”

Rahu forces us to indulge our material nature, immersing us in the race for illusory happiness.

In addition, Rahu gives doubts, disappointments, and uncertainty. Rahu brings confusion to the mind and creates temptations. He personifies everything illegal and condemned - bad habits, a tendency to intoxication, gambling.

From a material point of view, the dignity of a strong Rahu is power over people, the ability to influence the crowd. But from a spiritual point of view, this is the greatest test.

Rahu shows poisons, it gives character traits such as greed, greed and envy.

Rahu in gunas




  • natural, simple life
  • eating natural foods
  • freedom from illusions
  • detachment
  • fearlessness
  • originality
  • novelty
  • independence
  • rich imagination
  • ingenuity
  • unusual humor
  • insatiable desires
  • crowd influence
  • extreme sports
  • desire for power over people
  • ostentatious religiosity
  • addiction to electronics
  • fear of the future
  • pretentious taste in clothes
  • dishonesty
  • confusion
  • flirting for pleasure
  • dependence on allopathic drugs
  • criticism
  • disputes
  • divorces
  • addiction
  • clouding of mind
  • alcoholism
  • smoking
  • "terry" illusion
  • obsession
  • addiction to heavy music
  • malaise from natural food
  • dirt, disorder
  • TV addiction
  • dislike of talking about God
  • irritation from beauty and nature
  • excessive sleep
  • terrorism

Upaya (methods of harmonization) of Rahu energy:

The Ketu-Rahu axis as an indicator of a person’s destiny. Talents according to Ketu and Rahu. Stages of personality development. The concept of “karmic maturity”. Life programs “minimum” and “maximum”. “Educational process” as a consequence of failure to fulfill karma according to Rahu. Areas of life for which Rahu is responsible (according to ancient texts and modern interpretations). Negative and positive aspects of Rahu's influence.

Karma according to Rahu is activated with the onset of so-called “karmic maturity”, no earlier than 15-16 years (i.e., not earlier than the onset of puberty) and no later than 42 years; the time when this karma is activated is individual in nature and can also be determined using astrology. Before the onset of karmic maturity, a person can live only according to Ketu, but after its onset it is already necessary to move on to fulfilling karma according to Rahu. In the Avestan school of astrology, the fact of starting activity in the area indicated by Rahu is usually called the “minimum program” on the path of personality development; The “maximum program” in this case is the complete overcoming of the main vice - the main negative stereotype that blocks the main talent of the current incarnation - the disclosure of this talent and its integration (harmonious integration) into society.

If before the onset of karmic maturity it is often possible to ignore one’s life purpose (a person simply “goes with the flow” or even commits adharma - actions contrary to one’s true duty), then from the moment karma is turned on according to Rahu, it is usually impossible to ignore one’s purpose “with impunity.” , because the “process of education” comes into force, with the goal of “forcing” him to begin fulfilling the goal of the current incarnation. The “intensity” of the educational process depends on the level of personal development (the higher the level, the higher the requirements of the Universe for a person). The process of education is supervised by the most incorruptible and impartial planet - Saturn. A “soft” educational process is possible from the 1st to the 7th level of development, but from the 8th to the last (12th) the requirements for the individual increase and the educational process can be carried out more and more “hard”.

In modern psychology, one of the formulations of non-fulfillment of karma according to Rahu is an emotional state characterized as a “midlife crisis.”
In Western and Avestan astrology, the positions of the Black and White Moon (Lilith and Selene) in the horoscope are also directly related to the maximum program: Lilith indicates the main vice of the current incarnation, Selena indicates the main talent. Unfortunately, the length of the article does not allow us to talk about this in more detail; In this case, as materials for self-study, we recommend the very strong and deep seminars “” and “Karmic Astrology”, as well as the research of P.P. Globa and other outstanding astrologers dealing with issues of personal and tribal karma. Because These types of karma often have deep roots and are quite difficult to understand (especially for a beginner); to conduct a full analysis of your personal and family horoscope, it is favorable to contact a professional astrologer.

Having considered the influence of the axis of the shadow planets as a key factor in determining destiny, we again return directly to Rahu, which is the main topic of our study.

In Indian astrology (in its modern interpretations), Rahu is responsible for a number of integral aspects of modern “technogenic” life: large cities, electronic money (it can indicate income generation through the electronic banking system), “shadow” aspects of politics and mass media, artificial technologies.

Also (mostly this is earlier information based on the Puranas and other Sanskrit sources) in its lower aspect it “supervises” meat-eating, sexual immorality and prostitution, gambling (those in which rajas and tamas are strongly manifested), intoxication and poisons (including alcohol in “non-therapeutic” doses and narcotic substances outside their medical use).

Rahu is one of the karakas (indicators) of jnana (knowledge) and is responsible for foreigners and long journeys.

A strong and harmonious Rahu, realized through a positive aspect, is characteristic of psychologists, philosophers, scientists, astrologers and clairvoyants (since it is responsible for the intuitive part of the mind), as well as, for example, satirists, since has a strong and unique effect on communication functions.

Through its energy, Rahu can strengthen the house in which it is located, excessively enhance (hypertrophy) the qualities of the planets with which it connects (remove “frames” from them) and introduce distortions, incl. having the nature of illusion. He is also able to “mimic” - take on the qualities of the planets with which he connects, without, however, losing his own qualities. For harmoniously developed people, Rahu gives them the opportunity to rise above the material, look through illusion, endowing them with a vision of “subtle” plans and a deep understanding of the essence of things.

The Om-Aditya Center wishes you to find Love in your soul - for God, for yourself, for the world around you - which is the basis of any health, happiness and prosperity.
Anton Kondrashev

The illusions that Rahu creates in our minds disappear in time and space, just like smoke in the air. However, the smoker continues to smoke for the momentary pleasure that flows from it, while we continue to chase mirages, and within these illusions lies the joy of our existence.

Rahu symbolizes the strongest desires and intentions that lead the soul to birth. Its influence is like looking through a cloudy magnifying glass - such a look distorts, obscures and confuses. Thus, the location of Rahu in some area of ​​the horoscope symbolizes our distorted attitude towards issues in this area. The influence of Rahu is especially unfavorable in the following cases:

  • All the planets in your horoscope are located between Rahu and Ketu, the so-called “Kala Sarpa” and “Kala Amrita” of yoga.
  • Rahu is located on the axis of the 1st and 7th houses.
  • Rahu is placed in the 5th house.
  • Rahu is conjunct with one or more planets in your horoscope.
  • Rahu is in a debilitated or hostile constellation.
  • Rahu is your “Atma-karaka”.
  • Birth near an eclipse: Hence Rahu is conjunct with the Moon.
  • The placement of Rahu in the following houses: 1,2,4,5,7,8,9,12 is considered unfavorable and therefore needs correction.
  • Your age is 41 - 42 years.

Signs of the destructive influence of Rahu: increased sensitivity and excitability, fears and anxieties. Hallucinations, addictions, despondency and gloominess, and uncontrollable fantasies are possible. It’s difficult to fit into modern life, few friends, asociality. Life is wasted on useless activities. Phobias. Physical indicators - weakness of the immune system, increased susceptibility to infectious diseases, nervousness, trembling of limbs, insomnia, pallor and indigestion due to nervousness. The connection with the physical body is weakened, and control over body functions is possible. This can lead to various nervous and mental diseases.

The ancient sages, having tracked the relationship between the position of the planets and the events of human life, developed special corrective means to soften the intensity of difficulties and increase the positive potential of the planet. These observations are known as upayas or means of harmonizing planetary energy.

Mantras as a means of harmonizing the influence of Rahu

Recite the mantra for 49 (108) days or longer. During the day, it is advisable to read the selected mantra at least 108 times. It is advisable to repeat the mantra at the same time. For example, after sunset, when Rahu’s energies intensify.

The incarnation of Lord Vishnu as Varaha or boar corresponds to Rahu. The boar saves the Earth and pulls it out of the universal swamps. Rahu in his more exalted form has the qualities of a savior and redeemer, which is manifested in the form of the goddess Durga, his super ruler, as well as in the incarnation of Lord Vishnu in the form of a boar. Worshiping the Varaha avatara allows one to get out of the swamp of ignorance and shake off the many snakes that live in it, transforming Rahu energy. It is recommended to recite the following mantra:


You can also recite Durga mantras to soften the energies of Rahu. You can recite the bija mantra. From Sanskrit the word "bija" is translated as "seed". A bija mantra is a “seed” or main mantra that cannot be translated in any way. In fact, all other mantras arise from it. Having no translation, the bija mantra, however, has a metaphysical meaning. Based on this, mantras have a certain power and are used in a very specific way. At the same time, it is believed that bija mantras are the most powerful, because they do not carry a semantic load for the mind, but have a certain working vibration.

  • Durga's bija mantra is DUAM (read as DAMM, when pronouncing the letter “m” the tongue rises to the sky). You can also read the mantra OM SRI DURGAYE NAMAH, the mantra must be read turning your face to the southwest.
  • The name mantra for Rahu is “OM RAHAVE NAMAH!”
  • Bija mantra - “OM RAM!” (pronounced with a long "a")
  • You can also use Shiva’s mantras - “HUM” (with a long “u”), which destroys illusions and cleanses the psyche of negative influences and suggestions

If Hinduism is not close to you, then to harmonize the energy of Rahu you need to choose the aspect of the Mother of God that has the power to protect and destroy sins, for example, the prayer of the divine mother of seven arrows. The seven arrows piercing the chest of the Most Holy Theotokos represent the seven main human sinful passions, which the Mother of God is easily able to read in every human heart and help cope with them.

Favorable actions harmonizing the energies of Rahu

  • Do not kill (if possible) insects, and also protect insects from their natural enemies (arrange an anthill, for example).
  • Fasting on Saturdays.
  • Feed the seagulls and dogs.
  • Drinking warm sweetened milk at night calms the mind and harmonizes the energies of Rahu;
  • Observe several principles: ahimsa (non-violence), non-intoxication, prohibition of gambling;
  • Keep everything clean, especially the area where you sleep. The science of Vastu says that if the house is dirty, then the energy of Rahu enters.
  • Consume oranges, sea buckthorn, honey - they enhance the beneficial effects of Rahu and weaken the negative ones;
  • Throwing a blue flower(s) into flowing water for 42 days.
  • The most difficult thing is to learn to live in the present without worrying or fearing the future.

Sadhana of Rahu

Planet Rahu is a shadow planet, one might say a ghost planet; you cannot see it through a telescope or detect it with any radar. Rahu is very visible during solar and lunar eclipses, like a shadow. It is important to understand how these planets appeared: a demon cut into 2 parts, one of them is the head, this is Rahu, and the other is the body, this is Ketu. rahu 1 By Western astrology, these phenomena were noticed and called the lunar node. Although this is not a node, but a real planet. Ghosts, spirits, evil spirits and other dirt live on it. All demons receive power from Rahu. We have already said that the planet Rahu is a shadow planet, when we talk about a shadow it means that this body is much subtler than the material one. Demons are more powerful than people, they have mystical powers, they also have the ability to control people, the ability to enter the consciousness of another person, and control entire nations - they have power, they stand at the level of demigods.

Rahu is especially strong from 10 am to 10 pm. According to statistics, most criminal acts are committed at this time, and various accidents occur more often. It would hardly occur to anyone to go to a pub early in the morning. This is also a time of black magic, especially during the full moon. If a person does not sleep at this time, then the negative energy of Rahu enters him. Rahu always has a detrimental effect and despises any laws. People who are mired in ignorance are associated with Rahu, they are very defiled and dirty. All gambling is associated with Rahu. Rahu means chaos, for example they can play cards and easily put a person’s life at stake. Rahu lives in 4 places: where they engage in drunkenness and drugs, where they engage in debauchery, gambling, where there is a lot of money. Rahu is strongly manifested in such perversions as homosexuality and lesbianism. Nowadays, Rahu culture is brought to people on television and on stage. A person who begins to behave according to Rahu will certainly come to him with Ketu. For example, he raised a knife and wants to kill - this is Rahu; he stabbed the knife - Ketu. Ketu awaits all demon spinners, as they always appear together in the horoscope. rahu 2 Murder according to Rahu - anger, flash of rage, Ketu - cold-blooded calculation. People under the influence of Ketu are very cynical and very reserved, usually they are spies and intelligence officers. If you insult a person under the influence of Rahu, he will start waving his arms and yelling; under the influence of Ketu, a person will not behave like that, he will remain silent, smile, wait for the right moment and then strike back. Accident - Ketu. Suspicion and suspicion are also Ketu. The troubles that burst into our lives are Ketu. If you see white dots (pits) on the lines or on your fingers, this is Ketu, a red hole is a red pit – this is Rahu. Each planet has its own strength and if Rahu overlaps this planet, an anomaly occurs in consciousness. If in the horoscope the Sun is covered by Rahu, he begins to experience mental tension. He creates lawlessness. He begins to attack those around him, depriving everyone of their happiness. If the Moon is blocked, a person loses consciousness, sees and catches devils. So, a rude and angry person who attacks everyone attracts the influence of Rahu.

When Mars is blocked, sadism sets in. Such a person wants to mock someone, he wants blood. Very cruel and irresponsible.

During an eclipse of Mercury, a person cannot think rationally and begins to have delusional ideas. If someone says something about him, he immediately shows aggression, he is very dangerous - such people need isolation.

During an eclipse of Jupiter, a person has paradoxical ideas, for example, building a time machine, and this is where he goes crazy. To feel the absolute influence of Rahu, you can go to a madhouse. In general, all such places smell lonely and unpleasant; every disease is associated with Rahu or Ketu.

Ketu has a sweetish cadaverous odor. With Venus blocked - sex, perversions. If Mars is connected, desire for the taste of blood. Eclipsed Saturn means madness in work. Ready to perform any asceticism. Ketu is something that cannot be changed. Ketu always follows Rahu. For example: drunkenness - Rahu, hangover - Ketu. Ketu people are scarier because... act secretly. They behave calmly and shamelessly. In a weak position of Ketu, a person loses self-confidence and insight. Tends to become a victim of violence.

If a person works on himself, then the house in which Rahu or Ketu is located greatly benefits from this, because it is intended for growth. Rahu is a planet that needs to always be worked on. It cannot be ignored; if Rahu is harmonized, it can quickly uplift a person, and if Rahu’s energy is used incorrectly, it leads to degradation. And to prevent anything like this from happening, before it’s too late to fix everything, contact our center, our specialists will definitely help you.

Good day! Today we will look at another planet in Vedic astrology - Rahu. In truth, this is not a planet in the usual sense of the word. From an astronomy point of view, this is the so-called northern node of the lunar orbit, where it intersects with the plane of the ecliptic - the apparent path of the Sun on the celestial sphere. It is at such points that lunar and solar eclipses occur. The second such node, the southern one, is called Ketu, and we will talk about it in the next article.

In Vedic mythology, Rahu and Ketu were considered parts of one whole, which was once a powerful demon who decided to cheat to obtain the elixir of immortality and pretended to be a demigod. In this story, he took a place between the demigods of the Sun and the Moon, but they recognized him in time as a demon, their enemy, and pointed this out to Vishnu. The Supreme God threw a disk and separated Rahu's head from his body, but since the demon managed to take a sip of the nectar of immortality, he remained alive. However, his body remained forever divided into two parts: the head was still called Rahu, and the body began to be called Ketu. This story is, to one degree or another, related to the ancient ideas about eclipses - people explained that the Sun or the Moon is swallowed by a huge snake or dragon, also in Vedic mythology, eclipses were explained by the fact that Rahu and Ketu fight the Sun and Moon.

These images will help us understand the nature of Rahu better, because this shadow planet, invisible in the sky, is considered the second most harmful after Saturn and its influence on the horoscope is also great. The separation of Rahu's head from the body explains the thirst for expansion of this planet and its insatiable desires. Just as a head without a body cannot get enough, so Rahu in its periods makes people passionately desire something and, when receiving it, do not be satisfied, do not stop there. If you compare Rahu with Jupiter, they will be similar as reflections, but dark and light. Jupiter gives happiness and feelings of freedom, expands consciousness, while Rahu, giving the desire for knowledge and expansion, sometimes blinds a person, and because of a strong desire to achieve the goal, he often does not see everything else or does not pay due attention to it. As a result, periods of Rahu can be fruitful for people materially, but these fruits disappear after the period, like water into sand. There is an opinion among astrologers that the area of ​​the horoscope in which Rahu falls is one of the goals for a person’s development in life and working off some bad karma. This happens due to two factors - interest in this area and illusions in it. For example, once in the seventh house of the horoscope, Rahu will give illusions or misconceptions regarding partners (both business and personal life), and deception on their part.

It is not for nothing that the northern lunar node is called similar to Saturn - their periods are close (Saturn -19 years, Rahu -18 years), they have the same day of the week - Saturday, and both are quite detrimental.

Characteristics of people under the influence of Rahu. In numerology, Rahu corresponds to the number 4. Consequently, all people with birth numbers 4, 13, 22, 31 fall under the influence of this planet. Rahu's element is air, like Saturn's, and it can give a tall, lean physique if aspected or in the birth sign. However, shadow planets like Rahu and Ketu are difficult to diagnose in terms of appearance or character. They are adaptable, like Mercury, and are able to adopt the nature of the planets with which they are in the same zodiac sign. So are people under the influence of Rahu - they cannot always be recognized, but here is what the jyotish scriptures say on this matter: Rahu is associated with strangers, foreigners, people from distant lands. Often people under the influence of this planet are passionate about some ideas; they are able not only to “have their head in the clouds,” but to nurture and selflessly strive for their goal. They usually have a lot of energy, and they often amaze others with their ability to work. Remember Vladimir Ilyich, who was born on April 22 (Rahu according to the number of soul and mind!). I mentioned Ulyanov-Lenin for a reason - Rahu is a reformer, a revolutionary, a person who finds shortcomings in the existing system and strives to correct them.

Professions of Rahu- this is what is associated with research, science, television, radio, transmission of information over long distances and export, they are also magicians, illusionists. Among modern professions, these are all kinds of testers of both technology and software (remember that Rahu can find flaws well and structurally “disassemble” the system into parts). Reformers and revolutionaries, as I have already mentioned, are also under his influence. This planet also loves occult activities - psychics and esotericists are often born on the day of Rahu.

Diseases under the influence of Rahu. Since the shadow nodes are the worst enemies of the Sun and the Moon, and these two planets are responsible, among other things, for the brain and mind, any mental disorders, oddities, or depressions are often caused by the influence of Rahu and Ketu. Rahu is more responsible for destructive influences in the psyche - aggression, violence, crime. Sometimes the influence of these planets on the birth sign and on the 7th house of the horoscope can cause deviations in the field of sexual relations. Also, it is these planets (more Rahu than Ketu) that can cause cancer. After all, Rahu tends to devour and expand - as well as cancer cells. Various epidemics and poisonings are also under its influence.

Rahu has fewer indicators than other planets, this is explained by its subtle material nature. But he still got some. This is how he shows outcasts, out-caste people, barbarians. It is precisely what we do not know well that we often fear and attribute bad and undesirable qualities to such people or phenomena. Any attacking army is under the influence of Rahu, Mars shows defense, and the northern lunar node is attack. Often good attacking athletes have the influence of Rahu in their horoscope.

The article said a lot about the evil things associated with this planet. But let's also mention his strong qualities. People with good influence of Rahu in horoscope They can sense mass trends more easily than others, use the energy of society and reach the top in politics and publicity. They are generally extremely energetic. If you need someone to improve and transform something for the better, these are great candidates. Often these people instinctively strive for self-improvement. They can achieve success in this matter largely due to the fact that they rarely rest on their laurels. If you have a Rahu child, then give him good, noble goals, inspire him and you will see how he can progress.