What is interesting about the age of a child from one to two years? A child aged one and a half to two years: features of development and behavior

Time goes by very quickly with a small child. More recently, the baby was a tiny lump, unable to raise his head, or utter any sounds, or focus his eyes. During the first year, the baby has changed dramatically, began to understand a lot, said the first words, took the first steps and continues to learn about the world around him. Let's find out how to determine if a child is developing normally, as well as how to stimulate the further development of a one-year-old baby.

Physiological changes

  • Child by 12 months usually triples the weight with which he was born. Now the rate of weight gain and increase in height compared to the first half of life is significantly slowing down.
  • The feet of a one-year-old child are still flat, and they have no arch. If the baby has just begun to walk independently, there are still fat pads on his feet. As you learn to walk, they disappear, and a bend appears at the feet.
  • The average number of teeth a one year old has is 8. At the same time, some children may already have 12 teeth, while others may have only 1-2 first teeth. These are all variants of the norm that do not require a visit to a doctor. It is only necessary to consult a pediatrician if there are no teeth in 1 year.

Physical development

During the twelfth month of life, the baby gains approximately 350 grams of weight, and its growth lengthens by another 1-1.5 centimeters. Both the circumference of the head and the circumference of the chest of a child at this age increase by an average of 0.5 centimeters.

Different children develop physically at different rates, but on the basis of indicators in a large number of babies of a certain age category, experts have established the limits of the norm for such indicators. These boundaries, together with the averages for one-year-old children, we noted in the table:

When hitting pieces of furniture, some parents teach the child to give "change". Is it worth it, see the next video of Larisa Sviridova.

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What can the baby do?

  • A 12 month old baby moves very actively and a lot. Most toddlers already know how to walk independently by the age of one and are constantly improving this skill. However, some babies at 1 year old still need their mother's support while walking or are in no hurry to start walking, preferring to move quickly on all fours.
  • Also, a child of one year old can already squat and rise independently from this position. The baby confidently climbs the stairs and climbs onto the sofa.
  • In one hand, a baby of one year is able to take 2 small objects. The child takes buttons and other tiny objects with the index finger and thumb.
  • A one-year-old child manages to collect a pyramid and build towers out of cubes.
  • The child's speech includes approximately 10-15 simple words of 1-2 syllables. One word karapuz can have several meanings. The baby does not yet pronounce all the letters and can confuse syllables in places.
  • A 1-year-old child understands the speech of parents well. He knows the meaning of the words "can", "cannot", "give", "take", "come" and many others. He also knows the names of people with whom he often communicates. The kid can already answer a simple question.
  • The baby can perform simple tasks, for example, wash vegetables, lay out cutlery, wipe dust.
  • The kid likes to hide and look for toys, throwing toys, creating and destroying buildings with blocks, filling crates and boxes, and then emptying them.
  • Twelve-month-old baby is interested in story games and knows how to play them. The baby can put the toy to bed or feed it.
  • Hearing the music, the baby will dance and try to sing along.
  • The kid knows many animals and can show them both on a walk and in pictures.
  • Baby knows way to use different items.
  • long term memory the child is developing - the baby is already able to remember the events of a few days ago.
  • Child becoming more independent every day. At the table, he already manages with a spoon and drinks from a cup himself. The little one already has certain preferences in food - the baby does not like some foods at all, and some, on the contrary, the child eats with great pleasure.

To check if the child is developing at a normal pace, you should:

  • Assess whether the baby can crawl, stand holding your hand, and take a few steps with your support.
  • Make sure the baby uses at least one gesture, such as shaking his head or waving "bye".
  • Check if the child understands your simple requests, for example, to take a toy or give it to you.
  • Make sure that there is at least one meaningful word in the child's speech.
  • Check if the baby has at least one tooth or signs of its appearance in the near future.

If, during such a check, something alerted you, tell the pediatrician about it during a routine examination a year.

Activities for development

  • The main skill that a one-year-old child “works” on is walking. If the baby continues to crawl and is in no hurry to take the first steps, you can attract the baby with your favorite toy. Some children are afraid of losing their balance, so a toy in their hands can help them start walking.
  • If there is an opportunity, let's baby walk barefoot on earth, sand or grass.
  • To stimulate gross motor skills, offer your child play with big cars balls and other large toys.
  • Keep practicing with your child development of fine motor skills. For example, you can attach clothespins to the edges of a coffee can and have your child take them off. As before, games with beans, cereals, sand, water are still interesting and useful for the child.
  • Also continue speech development peanut. Talk a lot with your child so that the baby can learn a large number of new words. Describe everything you do and things your baby sees.
  • Play with the little one but at the same time, let the baby do what he can do on his own. Play different stories with toys together, for example, how a bunny shares cookies with a teddy bear, a doll bathes in a bath, a mouse invites a teddy bear to visit.
  • Include your child music of different genres, as well as the sounds of various objects. So you will stimulate the development of hearing.
  • Take care of the little one drawing, allowing the little one to draw the first scribbles with finger paints, crayons or felt-tip pens. The kid will also like to create using plasticine and salt dough.
  • Walk with baby in the sandbox offering to play with a scoop, molds, a sieve, a rake.
  • On a sunny day, pay attention to the crumbs your shadows. Offer to step on your shadow.
  • Give the child a chance play with other kids. If the crumbs do not have a sister or brother, invite familiar families with preschoolers to visit.
  • Do it for baby photo album, which will contain photos of all close relatives, as well as pictures of animals. The peanut will consider him for a long time.
  • Spend some time every day joint reading with a baby. Buy children's books with colorful illustrations for the crumbs. Give the child the opportunity to choose which book he will “read” today.
  • Throw while bathing in the bath small toys that can swim, and then give the baby a sieve or scoop, offering to collect floating objects in a bucket.

Diversify the day with a lesson according to the “Little Leonardo” method by O. N. Teplyakova, an expert in intellectual development.

mental development

The development of the mental sphere of a one-year-old baby continues to be very intense. The child is awake longer and is able to concentrate on an interesting game with his mother for several minutes. That is why all developmental activities should be carried out only in the form of a game.

On the basis of communication with the mother, by the first birthday, the baby develops trust or distrust in the world that surrounds him. If this communication experience is positive, the baby will feel safe, and will also project positive emotions onto the world around him.

In the second year of life, the child actively continues sensory and cognitive development. The kid learns the properties of objects, their shape, colors. In games, parents should constantly guide the one-year-old peanut, because without help and prompts from outside, the actions of the crumbs will remain monotonous. Conducting simple classes with 1-year-old babies, parents help the little one compare and distinguish objects, develop memory, and master everyday skills.

To assess the mental development of a child at 1 year old, you can use the following tests:

  • Give the kid 2 cubes and show how to build a tower. The child will not throw the cubes or drag them into his mouth, but will put one on top of the other. By 18 months, the baby will already be able to use 3-4 cubes to build a tower.
  • Offer the baby a toy in which you need to put geometric shapes (frame insert or sorter). A one-year-old kid should put a circle in the hole for him.
  • Give the toddler a pyramid, offering to collect it. A kid at 1-1.5 years old will try to string rings, but will not take into account their size. Children learn to fold the pyramid correctly, taking into account the size of the rings, only by the age of 2.
  • Assess your ability to use household items. A toddler of 12-15 months already knows how to use a spoon and a cup correctly. At 1.5 years old, the child is able to take off his socks, hat and mittens.

Play with the baby and build towers with him from different figures, explain why the tower is falling

Motor skills

To assess the gross motor skills of the crumbs, find out if the baby knows how to walk for a long time, whether he has learned to bend over and squat, whether he is able to get up from his knees and climb onto the sofa. Gross motor skills exercises will include:

  • Jumping. Hold the little one under the armpits or by the hands and let the baby jump in place.
  • Climbing onto the couch and lowering back to the floor. For this purpose, you can attract the little one with your favorite toy.
  • Climbing. Invite the baby to crawl under a chair, climb into a large box and get out of it.
  • Stepping over. Having laid out various objects on the floor, walk around the room with the little one, holding the child by the hand. When the baby approaches the obstacle, show that you first need to raise one leg and step over the object, and then take the same step with the second leg.
  • Ball games. Teach your baby to throw the ball to the floor, while first giving the ball to the baby in his hands, and then put it next to him so that the child himself takes the ball. Next, learn to catch the ball. To develop your eye, you can throw the ball into the box.

To develop fine motor skills of a one-year-old child, you can:

  • Draw with pencils. First, hold the crumbs pen with a pencil and just leave marks on the paper. Try to get your baby interested in drawing.
  • Draw with paints. Give your child a dry brush and show them how to leave strokes, and then start learning how to paint with paints.
  • Sculpt from plasticine. Roll up the ball and show the baby how to make a cake out of it, then invite the little one to repeat.
  • Stick pebbles, buttons, tubes into plasticine.
  • Sculpt from salt dough.
  • Stick stickers on yourself or on a piece of paper.
  • Draw with finger paints.
  • Play with laces.
  • Wind the threads on a ball.
  • Play with water, grains or sand using a sieve and a spoon.
  • Screw on and off the caps.
  • Play with sorter and insert frames.
  • Learn to deal with hooks, Velcro, buttons, buttons.
  • Play with clothespins.
  • Practice with the sensory box.

Speech development

In the second year of life, the formation of the baby's speech takes place, as well as its rapid improvement. First, the baby begins to understand speech, and then replenishes vocabulary at a high pace and the stage of active speech begins. At the same time, the facial expressions and gestural speech of the little one are enriched. In one year, one word of a baby can mean a whole phrase.

To stimulate the speech development of a one-year-old child, you can:

  • Look at pictures in books, voicing what is drawn and asking the child simple questions about the picture, for example, “where is the dog?”.
  • Read rhymes and nursery rhymes, short tales and rhymes with a crumb, and also sing songs.
  • Perform articulation exercises.
  • Do gymnastics and finger massage.
  • Tell the baby about everything that can interest the little one - about nature, animals, seasons, houses and much more.

Finger games will help the development of the crumbs. Watch the video of Tatyana Lazareva, where she shows how you can play with a 1 year old child.

Approximate weekly plan for the development of a one-year-old child

So that the classes do not bother the baby, are not repeated and include all the important areas of development, it is worth planning them in advance for at least one week. This will allow the mother to cover all areas of development of the little one and prepare materials for educational games in advance.

We offer an example of a weekly schedule of developmental activities for a child aged 1-1.5 years:








Physical development

ball games

Gymnastics to music

Fitball exercises

Obstacle walking

Gymnastics video lesson

cognitive development

Assembling the puzzle

Finding the whole from the part

Dice games

Learning fruits

Sort items by color

pyramid games

Looking for a missing toy

Sensory and musical development

Listening to the sounds of musical instruments

We study smells

We study materials by touch

Listening to children's songs

Exploring Tastes

Sensory box game

Listening to classical music

fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics

Groats games

Lacing games

Finger gymnastics

Clothespin games

Sticker games

sand games

Speech development

Reading a fairy tale

Articulation gymnastics

Discussion of the plot picture

poetry reading

Articulation gymnastics

Looking at pictures and discussing them

Reading nursery rhymes

creative development

Finger painting


Drawing with pencils

Salt dough molding

Drawing with paints

Game with constructor

Modeling from plasticine

This is just a sample plan that should be modified for each individual child. Be sure to include activities that your baby enjoys in your weekly routine. At the end of the week, do a review of what you have done, based on which you can add some activities or reduce the list of games for the day.

Toys 1 to 2 years old

Toys help the baby develop both physically and emotionally. With their help, the child learns the world, studies the environment, develops imagination, becomes proactive and learns cause-and-effect relationships.

See Anna Gapchenko's video for information on what toys to buy for a 1-2 year old baby.

Among the toys of a child 1-2 years old should be:

  • Cubes.
  • Sorter with several simple holes.
  • Pyramid with 3-4 rings.
  • Cups are square and round.
  • Boxes of various sizes.
  • Toys for the street - a spatula, molds, a car with a body, a bucket.
  • Toys that pull or push.
  • Soft toys that the baby can put to sleep, feed.
  • Water toys.
  • Plastic utensils.
  • Toy phone.
  • Toys imitating household items.
  • Musical toys.
  • Cardboard or fabric books.

  • When visiting friends with children, pay attention to which toys interested the little one the most. This will give you the opportunity to replenish your supply of toys with items that the baby is sure to play with.
  • Many children like to play with household items (pot lids, sheets, a mirror, etc.). Do not ban, but make sure that such games are safe.

  • Games with cereals are one of the most favorite among the crumbs. How to conduct such classes, see the following video.


    Hygiene procedures are an important element of the daily routine in the life of a one-year-old toddler. In the morning, the child is washed and washed away. It is also important for the baby to brush their teeth and be sure to wash their hands before eating and after walking. Before going to bed, the baby is traditionally bathed, combining this water procedure with fun games in the water.

    Daily regime

    By the year, all children have a certain daily routine, changing several times over 12 months of life. Its maintenance is important for the well-being of the baby. The main points of the daily routine of a child of 12 months are the organization of sleep and wakefulness, as well as nutrition.


    Children 1 year old are more awake, but still sleep about 14-15 hours a night. Night rest on average lasts 10-11 hours, and during the day the child sleeps twice for 12 months. At the same time, the first daytime sleep usually lasts longer (2-2.5 hours), and the second one is shorter (1.5 hours). Babies begin to transition to one daytime nap around 18 months.


    In the daily routine of a 12-month-old baby there are active and calm games, gymnastic exercises, reading books, walks, visits and much more. In the first half of the day, active games are only welcome, and in the evening they should be avoided. Gymnastics with a child should be performed an hour before meals.


    Walking with a yearling is advised 2 times a day, and in good weather, at least one of the daytime dreams should be organized for a walk. It is recommended to go out with the crumbs in the morning at 10-11 o'clock, and in the afternoon - at 16-17 o'clock. Walks should be 2 hours or more. It will be influenced by weather conditions, for example, on warm summer days, the baby may well spend 5-6 hours on a walk. If the temperature outside is below -10, it is raining heavily or it is very windy, you should refrain from walking.


    A 1-year-old child still eats 5 times a day with 3.5-4 hour breaks between meals. It is recommended to adhere to the diet, offering the baby food at about the same time, and also avoiding long breaks. You can determine the total daily amount of food for a one-year-old baby by dividing the body weight of the crumbs by 9. On average, children of this age eat 1000-1300 ml of food per day. By dividing this amount by the number of feedings, you get an average serving size of 200-260 ml.

    P Breastfeeding baby's diet includes more and more complementary foods. The baby is applied to the breast mainly around dreams, during the day (for example, if he fell) and after meals (to drink complementary foods). At night, active mid-morning feedings remain, which occur at 4-8 in the morning.

    Formula-fed babies can continue to be fed an adapted formula, offering it in two feedings (first and before bedtime). If necessary, the mixture can already be canceled by offering porridge for breakfast to the crumbs and replacing the mixture with a sour-milk drink before bedtime.

    In the diet of a one-year-old child, spices, herbs, salt, and some types of sweets (marshmallow, marshmallows) appear. It is still too early for such children to get acquainted with fried foods, sausages and sausages, smoked meats, fatty meats, exotic fruits, mushrooms and chocolate.

    Calculate your feeding schedule

    Strengthen the health of children, temper them, develop the basic types of movements. Create conditions conducive to the development of physical activity. Prevent children from getting tired.

    In regime processes, to form the simplest skills of independence, neatness, accuracy.

    Expand the orientation of children in the immediate environment, replenish the stock of understood words and active vocabulary, develop the need for verbal communication. To form the ability to understand words denoting the names of objects, actions.

    To form the ability to understand simple sentences, short stories. To promote the formation of the ability to express in words, and then in short sentences, their needs and desires, to answer questions from an adult.

    Use the environment and communication with the child to develop his perception, thinking, attention, memory.

    To form the ability to act with toys, objects of the immediate environment in accordance with their characteristics and purpose; imitate the play actions of an adult, display familiar life situations in the game by imitation, as a model.

    Develop cognitive and motor activity of children in all types of games.

    To form the skills of a culture of behavior: to say hello, to say goodbye, to thank. Encourage the child's friendly attitude towards peers, encourage them to remember their names. Encourage empathy and responsiveness.

    Cultivate respect for plants and animals. Develop aesthetic perception.

    To draw the attention of children to smells, sounds, shape, color, size of sharply contrasting objects.

    To form the ability to look at pictures, illustrations. Develop interest in music, maintain a joyful state when listening to a piece. Expand the musical experience, enrich the child's auditory experience. Develop an understanding of the relationship of music movements. Encourage them to imitate the singing intonations of an adult, to the simplest rhythmic movements to the music.

    Encourage independent activities of children. In object-playing activities, show children the correct methods of action, maintain cognitive activity, interest, encourage independence and experimentation with a variety of didactic materials.

    To form game actions with a variety of plot toys, the ability to use substitute objects.

    Learn to play without disturbing peers.

    To form the ability to play together, to restrain their desires. To form the ability to ask, to wait.

    Raising a child from 1 year old by months during regime processes

    Regime processes (feeding, putting to sleep, getting up, getting ready for a walk and returning from it, carrying out hygiene procedures) occupy a significant part of the waking time. Children need patient teaching and direct adult help.

    To develop cultural and hygienic skills and self-care skills. Support children's desire for independence. Observe the principle of gradual inclusion of each child in the regime process. (Only 2-3 people who cannot eat on their own should be seated at the table. The rest of the children continue to play at this time. And so on.)

    Children of the first subgroup should be taught that before eating and as they get dirty, they must wash their hands. To teach kids to eat thick food with a spoon, by 1 year 6 months - and soup. Teach to eat a variety of foods, use a napkin (with the help of an adult), thank adults after eating (as best they can).

    Children of the second subgroup continue to be taught to wash their hands before eating and, as they get dirty, use a personal towel, with the partial help of an adult, eat the prescribed portion. To consolidate the ability to use a napkin, thank adults after eating, push a chair.

    Encourage active participation of children in the processes associated with walking and sleeping. By 1 year 7 months to teach to undress with a little help from an adult (take off a hat, felt boots, leggings, unbuttoned shoes, shorts and tights). By the age of 2, under the supervision of an adult, perform certain actions: take off and put on the listed clothes and shoes in a certain order.

    Teach children to be neat and tidy. By the age of 2, teach with the help of an adult to use a handkerchief, put in order clothes, hair, fold clothes neatly and in a certain sequence, put shoes in place. Learn to take care of things. Draw the children's attention to the order in the group.

    Contribute to the development of the skill to regulate their own physiological functions (by 2 years).

    Cultivate elementary skills of a culture of behavior. To consolidate behavioral skills that comply with the norms and rules: sit down at the table with clean hands, behave correctly at the table; talk calmly in a group, do not make noise in the bedroom; listen to an adult, follow his instructions, respond to his requests. To form a desire to provide all possible assistance to the teacher in the group and on the site; at home - to family members, neighbors.

    Continue to teach children to understand the words “good”, “bad”, “no”, “possible”, “necessary” and act in accordance with their meaning; say hello, say goodbye, thank you.

    To form the ability to pay attention to a friend playing nearby, to understand his condition, to sympathize with the crying. To teach not to interfere with a peer, not to take away toys, share them, be able to wait.

    To form the ability to take care of all living things: do not pick flowers and leaves, do not walk on lawns, do not offend animals, treat them kindly, protect them. A positive attitude to the environment should be effective: you need to teach children to water plants, feed animals and birds.

    Expand orientation in the environment. To form the ability to freely navigate in a group (reception, bedroom). To acquaint with the purpose of the group's premises, with places for storing personal belongings, the child's place at the table. To acquaint with the road from home to the playground.

    Develop speech comprehension. In children of the first subgroup, expand the stock of understood words: the names of frequently used household items (soap, handkerchief, comb, etc.), the simplest household actions (undress, wash, etc.), names of body parts.

    For children of the second subgroup, to consolidate the ability to understand words denoting household items, their purpose, color, size, location (high, low). Help children memorize the chain of actions unfolding at the prompt of an adult (take soap, wash hands with soap and wipe them, etc.).

    Develop active speech. To develop the ability of children of the first subgroup to pronounce words that are simple in sound composition, phrases consisting of two words (“give me”, “on”, etc.).

    Raising a child from 1 year old in games classes

    In order to systematically influence the development of children, conduct special games classes.

    To teach children to listen to an adult, to follow what he does and shows, to imitate his words and actions, to complete tasks.

    With children of the second year of life, it is recommended to conduct 2 lessons per day: with each subgroup, 10 lessons per week. Games-classes with children of the first subgroup are held in the second period of wakefulness, with children of the second subgroup - in the morning and evening periods of wakefulness.

    With children aged 1 year - 1 year 6 months of play, classes are held in subgroups (2-4 people each). The duration of the game is 3-6 minutes. Children aged 1 year 6 months - 2 years old can be united by 4-6 people, depending on the type of game. The duration of the game is 6-10 minutes.

    The development of the speech of a child from 1 year old by months

    Develop the ability to understand words denoting parts of the human body (arms, legs, head), parts of the face (mouth, eyes, ears); household game actions (to wash, walk); colors of objects (red, blue), contrasting sizes (large, small), shapes (cube, brick, ball, prism).

    To teach children to understand phrases that are simple in design and content, with which an adult accompanies the display of toys, his actions.

    active speech. To improve the ability of children to imitate sound combinations and words. Replenish the active dictionary with the names of known actions (sleep, walk, fall, etc.).

    Develop the ability to show and name familiar objects depicted in the picture in a static position (by 1 year 3 months) and in action (by 1 year 6 months).

    To form the ability to answer the questions “Who is this?”, “What is he doing?”.

    Encourage them to move from communication using gestures and facial expressions to communication using available speech means. Develop the ability to pronounce sentences of two words by imitation.

    Understanding speech. Expand the stock of understood words denoting parts of the child's body and his face.

    Tell the children the color of objects (red, blue, yellow, green), size (large, small), shape (cube, brick, roof prism), condition (clean, dirty), and the location of the object (here, there); temporary (now) and quantitative (one and many) relationships (by the end of the year).

    To consolidate the ability of children with the help of an adult to select familiar objects by color.

    Develop the ability to understand words denoting ways of moving animals (flies, runs, etc.), ways of eating (pecks, laps, etc.), voice reactions (meows, barks, etc.); ways of human movement (walks, runs, etc.).

    Develop the ability to understand sentences with prepositions in, on. Develop the ability to recognize and show familiar objects, regardless of their size and color (big and small ball, red and blue, etc.); correlate the same action with several objects (you can feed a doll, a bear, an elephant, etc.).

    To promote understanding of the plots of small dramatizations with toys, puppet theater performances about events familiar to children from personal experience.

    active speech. Encourage the replacement of onomatopoeic words with commonly used ones (instead of avav - dog, etc.).

    Offer samples of the correct pronunciation of words, encourage children to imitate.

    Continue to expand and enrich the vocabulary: nouns denoting the names of toys, clothes, shoes, dishes, names of vehicles; verbs denoting household (eat, wash, etc.), game (roll, build, etc.) actions, actions that are opposite in meaning (open - close, take off - put on, etc.); with adjectives denoting the color, size of objects; adverbs (high, low, quiet).

    To form the ability of children to compose phrases of three or more words, to use grammatical forms correctly; coordinate nouns and pronouns with verbs; use verbs in the present and past tense; use prepositions (in, on). Suggest examples of the use of interrogative words (who, what, where, where). Contribute to the formation of intonational expressiveness of speech.

    To promote the development of children's need for communication through speech. Give them reasons to contact adults and peers (ask; thank; offer; look who came, tell us, etc.).

    Introducing a child from 1 year to fiction

    To teach to listen and understand short, accessible folk songs, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, as well as author's works (prose, poetry). Accompany reading (telling) by showing pictures, toys. Teach children to listen to well-known works without visual accompaniment.

    Provide an opportunity to repeat after an adult some words of a poetic text and perform simple actions that are mentioned in a poetic work. Pay attention to the intonational expressiveness of children's speech.

    Development of movements of a child from 1 year

    Create conditions that encourage children to physical activity; promote the development of basic movements. Learn to walk in a straight line, maintaining balance and gradually including hand movements; climb on the ladder and get off it; climb, climb; repel objects when throwing and rolling; perform movements together with other children.

    Walking and balance exercises. Walking in a flock in a straight direction along a path lying on the floor. Walking with the help of an adult up the board, raised at one end from the floor by 10-15 cm (board width 25 cm, length 1.5-2 m), and down to the end. Climbing up and down a box (50 × 50 × 10 cm) turned upside down. Stepping over a rope laid on the ground, or a stick raised from the floor by 5-10 cm.

    Crawling, climbing. Crawling at a distance of up to 2 m, crawling under a rope (height 50 cm), climbing into a hoop (diameter 50 cm). Climbing up and down the ladder (height 1 m).

    Rolling, throwing. Rolling the ball (diameter 25 cm) forward (from the starting position, sitting, standing). Throwing a ball (diameter 6-8 cm) down, into the distance.

    Child development from 1 year 6 months to 2 years

    Walking and balance exercises. Walking in a flock, walking on a board (width 20 cm, length 1.5-2 m), raised at one end from the floor by 15-20 cm. Stepping over a rope or stick raised from the floor by 12-18 cm.

    Crawling, climbing. Climbing over a log (diameter 15-20 cm), crawling under a rope raised to a height of 35-40 cm, climbing into a hoop (diameter 45 cm). Climbing up and down the ladder (height 1.5 m).

    Rolling, throwing. Rolling a ball (diameter 20-25 cm) in tandem with an adult, rolling along the slope and transferring the ball to the slope. Throwing a ball (diameter 6-8 cm) with the right and left hand at a distance of 50-70 cm.

    General developmental exercises. In a sitting position on a bench, raising your hands forward and lowering them, moving them behind your back.

    In the sitting position, turns the body to the right and left with the transfer of the object.

    In a standing position, half-tilts forward and straightening; with the support of an adult, half-tilts forward, bending over a stick (40-45 cm from the floor).

    Squats with adult support.

    Outdoor games with children from 1 year to 1.5 months

    To form in children a stable positive attitude towards outdoor games. Conduct daily outdoor games with and without a toy.

    With children of 1 year - 1 year 6 months, outdoor games are held individually. With children older than 1 year 6 months - individually and in subgroups (2-3 people).

    To develop the basic movements of children (walking, crawling and climbing, rolling and throwing a ball).

    To form the ability to move in a flock in one direction without interfering with each other. Develop the ability to listen carefully to an adult, act on a signal.

    Approximate list of outdoor games

    “Catch up with the ball”, “Pass the ball”, “Crawl to the rattle”, “Catch up with the dog”, “Little and big”, “Catch the butterfly”, “Where is the mouse squeaking?” and etc.

    Independent games of children with toys that stimulate motor activity: with wheelchairs, carts, cars, etc.

    Games lessons with didactic material

    Child development from 1 year to 1 year 5 months

    Continue to enrich children's sensory experience.

    To teach children how to act with objects: string 2-3 rings of the same size on the pyramid rod, assemble with the help of an adult in a certain sequence a pyramid on a conical basis, consisting of 2-3 caps of different sizes; collect a pyramid of four rings of two contrasting sizes; open and close a single nesting doll, insert smaller items into larger ones and take them out.

    Improve various actions with objects (open - close, string - remove, roll, stick, lace, overlay), focusing on their size (large, small), color (red, blue). Learn to act with various didactic toys (ball throwers, didactic boxes, mushrooms and bushings with tables for them, etc.).

    Games classes with building material (table, floor). To acquaint children with some forms (cube, brick, prism), "objectifying" them (prism - roof).

    Together with an adult, beat buildings using plot toys.

    Child development at 1.5 years

    Continue to enrich children's sensory experience. Develop the ability to distinguish objects by size: with the help of an adult, assemble a pyramid of 4-5 rings (from large to small), of 4-5 caps.

    To form the ability to select lids (round, square) for boxes and caskets of appropriate shapes; collect double didactic toys (nesting dolls, barrels), make cut pictures from two parts (pyramid, apple, etc.).

    Exercise in correlating planar figures (circle, square, triangle, rectangle) with the holes of the didactic box.

    Conduct didactic games to develop auditory attention (“Who lives in the house?”, “Who called us?” Etc.).

    Develop the ability to distinguish between four colors (red, blue, yellow, green); at the suggestion of an adult, select objects of a certain color.

    Use special didactic aids: help children correlate the color and shape of mushrooms and bushings with a color field, flat and voluminous objects with curly holes in boxes and tables. Provide the opportunity to play independently with didactic toys, small and large building materials.

    Games classes with building material (table, floor). Continue to acquaint children with some forms (cube, brick, prism, cylinder), “objectifying” them (cylinder - column, pipe).

    To acquaint with the methods of design - applying, overlaying. Encourage, together with an adult, to beat buildings, use plot toys for games.

    To form the ability to use familiar forms of building material and elements of plastic constructors in the construction of their own various buildings.

    In the summer, go for a walk to play with natural materials. Combine sand games with building material games, water games with story games. To develop the ability to lay out familiar figures depicted by adults in the sand with pebbles, shells, cones. Encourage children to independently include natural material in story games as substitute items (leaf - plate).

    Musical education of children from 1 year

    To create a joyful mood in children when singing, moving and playing actions to the music.

    Cause an emotional response to music using a variety of techniques (gesture, facial expressions, singing along, movements), the desire to listen to musical works.

    Repeat with children the works with which they were introduced earlier (in the first year of life and during this year).

    Child development from 1 year to 1 year 6 months

    To attach to cheerful and calm music, to form the ability to distinguish by ear the sound of musical instruments of different timbres (drum, flute or pipe).

    To help children understand the content of the song they like, to help sing along (as they can, they know how). Gradually develop the ability to finish singing with an adult.

    Develop the ability to walk to the music, perform the simplest dance movements (spring, stamping your foot, stepping from foot to foot, clapping your hands, waving a rattle, a handkerchief; whirling, rotating your hands - “flashlights”).

    In the process of playing actions, cause a desire to convey movements associated with the image (bird, bear, bunny).

    Child development from 1 year 6 months to 2 years

    Start developing musical memory in children.

    Cause joy from the perception of a familiar piece of music, the desire to listen to it to the end. Help to distinguish the timbre sound of musical instruments (pipe, drum, harmonica, flute), show the instrument (one of two or three) on which the adult performed the melody.

    When singing, stimulate the independent activity of children (onomatopoeia, singing words, phrases, simple songs and songs).

    Continue to improve movements to the music, learn to perform them on your own.

    To develop the ability of children to listen to music and, with a change in the nature of its sound, change movements (switch from walking to stamping, whirling). Help to feel the nature of the music and convey it through game actions (the bear is walking, the bunny is jumping, the bird is pecking).

    Holidays, music games, entertainment.

    Introduce children to story musical games. To form the ability to transform when perceiving the music that accompanies the game. Cause joy, a sense of satisfaction from gaming actions.

    Show children the simplest performances in content.

    Dear readers of the site Malyshata, hello! We grow, we grow, we grow Development of a child up to two years. The baby has grown noticeably, he is already a year old !!!

    • The kid learned a lot, got acquainted with many things. But there are still so many interesting things ahead, so many achievements and wonderful discoveries.
    • In the second year of life, the crumbs improve such basic movements as walking, crawling, and even running.

    We are running while holding the hand of an adult, but ... We are!!! we're already running.

    Year and month

    • can independently walk along a board lying on the floor, 30 - 35 cm wide.
    • He crawls on the floor with great pleasure. But this is not enough for him, so he begins to overcome obstacles. He climbs on all fours over a log or a not very high bench.
    • He perfectly understands the request of an adult addressed to him - to show the eyes of a bunny, the arms, legs of a doll. And not only understands, but also shows eyes, legs, hands.
    • Well distinguishes objects or toys of the same shape (chicken, cockerel).
    • He clearly pronounces the words "mom, give."

    One year and two months

    • Steps over small objects on the floor. For example, a rope, a cube or a stick.
    • Begins to understand pictures, drawings (cat, dog, ball, cow).
    • Learn to drink gently from a cup, hold a spoon in your right hand on your own and eat thick porridge, and a little later any food. Although at first the drum roll on the table is most often knocked out with a spoon, this is already the first skill and skill of the child.

    One year and three months

    • The kid is trying to climb the hill. Naturally, parents should be nearby, should be on the alert.
    • Independently throwing legs, climbs over a log.
    • Holds a ball with a diameter of 50 - 60 cm in his hands, and tries to throw it forward with both hands. If you play with the baby every day, then the ball can fly off to a distance of up to 50 centimeters.

    One year and four months

    • The baby develops memory and thinking well. He picks up and lays out objects of the same shape - small, large; color - yellow, red, blue.
    • Vocabulary increases, the child understands well the meaning of simple sentences spoken by mom or dad. At the same time, intensive speech communication takes place, the baby tries to pronounce words and phrases grammatically correctly. At two years old, he correctly builds small sentences, and at three years old he correctly coordinates the endings of words in a sentence.

    One year and five months

    • Perfectly uses words if he wants something or he needs something. The speech of the child becomes a means of developing memory and thinking.
    • Climbing up an inclined board. But not yet on your own, while with the help of an adult, the child must be held by the hand.
    • Can step over a rope, stick or cube raised from the floor to a height of 5-10 cm.

    Development of a child up to two years

    One year and seven months

    • The kid understands the plot of the picture, photo or drawing.
    • Throws not with two, but with one hand, first with the right, then with the left, small balls (15–20 cm in diameter) at a horizontal target (hoop, basket or box with a diameter of 60 cm). The target is placed on the floor, at a distance of 20 - 40 cm from the child's feet.

    One year and eight months

    • Hand coordination develops. The baby picks up cubes and learns to make story buildings. He carefully puts the bricks on top of each other, it turns out a tower, or side by side, it turns out a path, track or train. After that, he can lay out a table, a crib, steps.
    • In speech, instead of the words "bow-wow", "ko-ko", the words "dog", "chicken" appear.
    • During the game, the child tries to imitate older brothers, sisters or parents.

    year and ten months

    • Geometric shapes such as a ball, a cube, a pyramid are already familiar to the baby, he distinguishes them well.
    • Understands the conversation of adults about some events. For example, it is fun or not very responsive to the offer to go to grandparents, play or go for a walk. The reaction of the baby depends on whether he likes such an action or not.
    • Learns to eat carefully, wash hands with soap, use a towel or napkin, partially dresses. It is during this period that the baby is accustomed to neatness and cleanliness. But the child is still very small and these skills are not yet strong. Therefore, after playing, he may forget to ask for a potty, no need to scold him, it is better to remind him more often.
    • The child is now an adult! He can climb a 15 cm high box or box turned upside down and get off it on his own.
    • Step over a cube or stick raised above the floor to a height of 15-20 cm.

    A year and eleven months

    • The baby’s speech is developing more and more, he learns to correctly call his actions “sat down, fell down”.
    • His speech consists of sentences with two or three words. Begins to use the words "I, he, she, small, big."
    • It is at this age that you need to talk a lot with children and encourage them to repeat different words and phrases. Ask simple questions and learn how to answer them.

    Two years

    • When the baby is two years old, he can independently climb into a chair, climb the stairs, holding on to the railing. Confidently runs, willingly climbs a hill and descends from it. It crawls quickly, willingly crawls under an arc, rail or rope stretched at a height of 50 cm above the floor. Bounces on the spot, can step from hoop to hoop placed side by side.
    • He plays with great pleasure, during the game he can push toys in front of him and also pull them along with him on a string.
    • He likes to play with sand, water, build small sand slides and tunnels. Freely bends forward, picks up an object or toy, and at the same time does not fall.
    • The baby is increasingly showing such a trait as curiosity, often asking adults the question “what is it”?
    • Can perform simple tasks, such as fetching a bear or doll, passing a cube or a ball.
    • Adults need to practice, play with children in a calm environment for 6 to 10 minutes. This time is enough for the baby to play happily and not get tired.

    It is also important to note the fact that baby 1 to 2 years old can absolutely calmly manipulate parents and older sisters or brothers, and does not hesitate to do so.

    • He wants to see and touch everything, stick his little nose in, he can tease. He protests loudly if he doesn't get what he wants.

    A baby from one to two years old is not yet capable, does not know how to wait. Therefore, he requires close attention to himself, often interrupting the conversation of adults.

    • If a child likes a toy in a store, he will demand from his parents to buy it here and now, no persuasion works on him.

    Therefore, a baby from one to two years old can easily throw tantrums in the market or in the store. But more about that later, a separate article will be written.

    And now parents need to stock up on great patience and understanding. Understanding that the crumbs still have a poorly developed system of self-control, and he cannot, is not able to think logically.

    • But this does not mean that you have a bad child, no! Even the most aggressive, naughty and greedy baby grows up to be a wonderful person. After two or three years, this difficult period of disobedience gradually weakens.

    Dear adults, if the article was useful to you Development of a child up to two years, share with friends, click on the buttons. Thanks


    A one-year-old baby no longer requires such care from parents, as it was before, in the first year. This, of course, pleases parents, the baby becomes more independent, and changes in development are also visible. But, along with this, babies require a lot of attention from their parents, since most babies are already starting to walk on their own, they can safely get out of the arena, get up in the crib.

    During this period, you need to be especially careful. Godovasik can already express his emotions, laugh, or vice versa show his character, reacts to prohibitions. In addition, if you deal with the baby, he will tell you where he is, ears, eyes, nose and tummy, and just in case he will remind his parents, otherwise they suddenly forgot. If the baby is asked to give or bring something, then the baby will gladly fulfill the request. The baby's vocabulary is gradually expanding, and already amounts to about 10 - 15 words at the beginning of the year and up to 200 or even more at the end. He uses phrases from simple words, such as "daddy, give" or actively says goodbye to everyone, while saying "bye".

    Anniversary development.
    The weight of one-year-old boys is 7.7 - 12 kg, while the height is 71 - 80.5 cm. Girls are slightly more modest in height and weight 7.0 - 11.5 kg, height 69 - 79.2 cm. young children, their head circumference is measured: for boys - 43.5 - 48.6 cm, for girls: 42.2 - 47.6 cm.

    These are average norms, and you should not be upset if the baby does not meet these parameters, first of all, constitutional features must be taken into account. In addition, babies should have at least a pair of teeth, and you can use the formula to determine the number of teeth. The age of the baby must be converted to months, and subtract 4 from this figure. For example, a baby is a year and two months old, therefore, the age is 14 months, the number of teeth should be 10. This formula is also not accurate, and the number of teeth that is obtained is not an axiom.

    With the achievement of a year, growth slows down somewhat, some mothers are worried that the baby does not gain weight in a month. Do not panic, if the baby is very groovy, frolics around the clock, runs around, then during this period the energy that was intended to increase body weight is burned. In addition, if the baby feels great, there is nothing pathological that the baby does not gain weight.

    The growth of the baby, as well as the weight slows down, and its pace depends on the heredity and constitution of the child. Many mothers associate growth retardation with insufficient protein in the child's diet, but if the baby's menu meets his needs, then it's not about nutrition. From a year old, babies grow and gain weight exclusively individually. But to exclude any violations, doctors evaluate the height, weight and proportionality of the body. At birth, the baby has a large head and a small body with short legs and arms. But after the child got up and began to walk, gradually his figure returns to normal, all parts of the body are aligned in relation to each other.

    Toddler features.
    Toddlers who have already learned to walk and run can get into various unpleasant situations. At this age, the baby is interested in everything, everything needs to be controlled exclusively by himself, everything needs to be viewed and looked into every corner. In addition, when running, the kids are not yet completely coordinated and often fall, and the kids still don’t quite understand “where the brake is”, for these reasons the kids cannot stop in time, and various unpleasant collisions can occur.

    If you leave a stool next to any shelf or elevation, the baby will definitely climb in and check what is there. This curiosity can end in a fall or a fright, as the baby climbed up, and it's scary to get off. For these reasons, you can not leave the baby alone, unattended. Grow an extra pair of eyes on the back of your head, or follow the baby relentlessly at arm's length.

    From the second year of life, it is necessary to monitor the posture of the child, it is from this age that the ossification of the spine begins. The development of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems continues. The pulse rate slows down compared to newborns, and is 120 - 125 beats per minute. In addition, the volume of circulating blood increases. There is an increase in lung volume, due to which there is a decrease in the frequency of breathing. But an unpleasant moment is a possible disruption in the functioning of organs and a violation of their function.

    Baby development.
    If up to a year the baby could be fed what you planned, put or planted where you want, then this will not work with a year old. Children already realize that they are individuals, they have their own desires and preferences, both in food and in spending time.

    Every morning, when the baby wakes up, he will no longer lie in the crib, this is no longer an interesting activity. There are so many interesting things around, so much to know, to touch. Parents should not forbid the child to explore the world. If there are dangerous objects in the house that the baby should not “get acquainted with,” then these objects should not be in the baby’s field of vision at all. Everything that the baby sees arouses great interest in him, it is important for parents to help in understanding the world, to tell and show objects. It is necessary to show what kind of object it is, why it is needed, etc. These actions will help mothers control the learning process, and protect the baby from possible dangers.

    Yearlings sleep less and less, usually in the afternoon nap, and spend more time in games. Moreover, not only toys are used for games, but everything that comes to hand, sometimes the most unexpected items. This is a great time for educational games, the kid will get acquainted with a large number of objects in the game, learn how to use them, for example, collect cubes in a pyramid or hide cubes in various boxes.

    In addition, the baby can already actively handle the spoon, some babies can do this for up to a year. In most cases, it depends on the parents themselves. The sooner the first introductory classes are held, the faster the baby will get used to the devices. The baby must be taken with you to the table, thereby setting your own example. After the baby shows interest in this subject, parents need to be patient. The crumbs, before learning to eat from a spoon, usually smear themselves in porridge and make “repairs” in the kitchen.

    Most kids at the table begin to indulge, being distracted by foreign objects. It is important for parents to stop this bad habit immediately, otherwise it can develop into a real habit, and there is nothing to be done about it. The simplest and most effective way is to take a plate of food from the baby, if it doesn’t help the first time, this must be done until the pampering at the table stops. Gradually, the baby realizes that messing around at the table is not in his interests.

    Raising a one year old.
    During this period, all the foundations of the existence of the child are laid. And just through the parents, through their behavior, the foundations of the family and communication are laid in the baby. The child learns the whole world around with the help of parents. In addition, babies are already beginning to realize their own "I" and its difference from the parent. At this age, the first sympathy and attitude towards others, trust and love are laid. The kid shows character, and in some matters he also shows stubbornness.

    Yearlings are very changeable in attention, easily switch from one subject to another. Many parents perceive this as the wrong parenting, but it is not. If the kid saw an object that interested him, and he cannot get to it, then naturally he will try in every possible way to get it. Initially, these will be some signs to the mother, the baby can show a finger, in case of refusal, the baby can be capricious, and if the mother does not pay attention after that, a real tantrum can happen. And this can not but worry parents. It is important that parents immediately stop these whims and tantrums, the baby must immediately be made aware that there are personal things of everyone that are not available to him. The most important thing is not to break down on the child, not to scold him, but to explain. But how to act, each parent decides for himself.

    At this age, babies begin to say their first “no”. At first, of course, not with words, with some actions, not with the desire to fulfill the request of the parents, and then with words. As soon as the baby is aware of this whole process, he may refuse even those actions that he likes. Moms call it "stubbornness." You can not suppress this feeling in him, otherwise a person will grow up who cannot say no, and everyone will use it.

    Of course, these are not all the features of children, and we will continue the discussion of the age from one to two in the second part of the material.

    In the first two years of a child's life, the foundations of all his skills and abilities are laid: intellectual, psycho-emotional, social, motor, speech. He constantly wants to play, run, jump, explore the world, communicate with others. Mastering the skill of walking helps free your hands for more active manipulations with objects. The kid is determined with the leading hand - right or left, improves coordination. All this contributes to the development of the cognitive abilities of the crumbs. What other features of the development of a child in the period from 1 year to 2 years do parents need to know?

    Age Specifics

    By the age of 2 years, the child stops growing and gaining weight as actively as in the first year. So, by the year the weight of the baby increases by about 3 times from birth, he can grow up by about 30 cm. And up to 2 years old, he will grow by about 9–10 cm and add about 3 kg. Perhaps less if the little one is too active and mobile. In order for him to have enough strength for all the daily "exploits", it is important to maintain two daytime sleeps for at least a year and a half.

    But the main features of age are associated with the psychology of a small person. First of all, with the crisis of the first year, caused by internal disagreements. Having learned to walk, the baby felt an increased degree of his independence, he wants to prove to his parents what an adult he is now and how much he can do. However, in practice, his skills are not yet so perfect, which causes a feeling of dissatisfaction. In addition, the imperfection of speech skills does not allow the child to fully express everything that he feels and what he wants.

    Compounding the situation is yet another disagreement. On the one hand, the kid wants to demonstrate his independence from adults, and on the other hand, he is in dire need of their love and support. Therefore, the child’s behavior begins to seem inadequate to many parents: he either insists that he will do everything himself, then he demands to do everything for him, then he protests and is capricious for no reason, then he refuses his favorite toys or dishes, then he contradicts everything. This is a natural state, which, with the right behavior of parents, will come to naught over time.

    4 milestones of the second year

    In order to follow the dynamics of the main areas of child development from 1 to 2 years, it is customary to divide this period into 4 time periods of 3 months. Each of them has its own distinctive characteristics.

    1 year and 3 months

    The child is still improving his walking skills. Even if it seems to the mother that the baby runs quite briskly, he still gets tired quickly. Therefore, the stroller for a walk should always be at hand.

    The kid is now a little hero - he is trying to find a more difficult way for himself: to overcome a puddle, pits, hillocks, climb a hill, stubbornly repeating the actions many times, even if the first one did not work out.

    Parents need to be very attentive to what kind of tracing paper the child is now removing from them: habits, behavior, words used, assessments of others, etc. After all, the little "monkey" absorbs it all instantly, sometimes shocking parents and others with their "antics" (repeated for adults!).

    Now it is useful to play imitative story games with the baby (feed, roll, bathe, rock toys, wash dishes after them, sweep). Also, the child will like catch-up, hide and seek, ball games.

    Speech development is still at the stage of autonomous speech: the child uses babbling and onomatopoeic words (perhaps also a couple of simple “real” words), understands and fulfills simple requests.

    The nervous system of the child is still developing, so he acts solely on emotions, not realizing the possible consequences. A little tracker studies absolutely everything around: from a mote on a carpet or a pebble in a puddle to a hook in the wall or a dragonfly that has flown in. At the same time, he wants to be independent more and more, so it will be completely useless to convince him that putting a frog in his pocket or pulling bags out of the bin is bad. Now it is important for parents to give the child room for research, reasonably securing him. After all, the feeling of fear or danger is still alien to him. This means that the space around it needs to be "cleared" from dangerous objects (irons, open sockets, sliding carpets, unstable furniture). And in the yard, constantly explaining why doing this or that is dangerous.

    Do not forbid the baby everything in a row to calm yourself! Your taboos must be reasoned and understandable for the child, otherwise he will not have room for development.

    What can a child at this age do?

    • use a pointing gesture;
    • walk (if not on your own, then holding on to furniture or an adult’s hand);
    • stand, climb stairs, run;
    • bend over a fallen object;
    • clap your hands;
    • enjoy your reflection, looking in the mirror;
    • pull off socks, stretch out arms and legs to help dress him;
    • use a fork, spoon, cup;
    • roll the ball;
    • “scribble” with pencils or felt-tip pens;
    • use gestures in speech, shake your head (“no”), show with a gesture “quietly”;
    • play games;
    • show body parts
    • scatter and put toys in a container;
    • check the reaction of parents to certain actions (especially those that violate the ban).

    1 year and 6 months

    The development of children at this stage is different in that household items, daddy's tools, kitchen utensils, dishes become favorite toys. Therefore, it makes no sense to overwhelm the baby with countless fashionable toys. It is important to allow him to use in the game those items that he likes (mom's cooking notebook, ladle or curlers, dad's screwdrivers, broom, shovel, colander or whatever).

    In physical terms, it's still the same fidget. However, parents should remember that the child is not yet able to coordinate his legs enough, so he can often fall, he is “drifted” on turns. But will this stop the little discoverer?

    The baby expresses emotions towards relatives very violently: both positive and negative. Very bored with a long absence of mom or dad. If discord begins in the family or something changes dramatically in the usual way of life, this is a lot of stress for the child.

    The kid has turned into a real cleaner: dirty clothes or pens irritate him. The process of potty training begins.

    As for speech skills, they have improved significantly: the baby can speak up to ten (or even more) real disyllabic words. A passive vocabulary is growing, the baby better understands the speech of adults, their intonation.

    Get a set of nesting dolls, sorters, pyramids, simple puzzles for the crumbs. You can buy or make your own finger puppet theater. It is useful for the development of speech, thinking, fine motor skills of the child.

    What can the baby do now?

    • Choose favorites among toys or animals.
    • Flipping pages while adults are reading a book.
    • Sing, sing along.
    • Conquer and explore different surfaces.
    • Take off your clothes (not all).
    • Sort items according to size, shape, color.
    • Combine 2-3 words, trying to make a meaningful phrase.
    • Brush your teeth with the help of your parents.

    1 year 9 months

    The kid continues to absorb the behavior and manners of others, especially parents, like a sponge, so it is important that the example is always worthy.

    Running and walking remain central to physical development. The kid strives to conquer the highest points of obstacles, trying to demonstrate his abilities. So parents should be as attentive as possible to the maneuvers of the crumbs in order to have time to pick up, support or catch him. But now, on a walk, you can abandon the stroller in favor of a tricycle with a handle. Let the child learn to walk for a long time and train the vestibular apparatus.

    At this stage, the baby becomes more cautious, the experience gained makes him think about the consequences of his actions. But tantrums and whims become more frequent. So parents need to learn how to switch the baby, distract, "extinguish" tantrums.

    Despite the presence in the lexicon of crumbs of several dozen words, most of them still remain "gibberish", which is why the "phrases" he creates often sound touching, although quite understandable. It is useful to write them down in a family album - then it will be interesting to remember these touching moments.

    Make your role playing more difficult. Let the kid take care of his bunny dolls: feed them, dress them, take them for a walk, rock them. Play sellers and buyers, doctors. In such games, it is useful to teach a child friendship, the ability to share and help.

    What has the child learned during these months?

    • Undress.
    • Ask for a potty.
    • Wash your hands, brush your teeth with the help of parents.
    • Imitate new actions of adults (for example, take out the trash in a bucket).
    • Build towers from 3-4 cubes.
    • It is elementary to describe the simplest illustrations in books.
    • Properly use the door (open-close with the handle).

    2 years

    The psychology of this age is such that the baby turns into a real mother's "assistant", trying to take part in all her household chores. Although often such “help” only increases the time of work, in no case should the mother push the child away, blaming her for ineptitude. This can not only discourage any desire to work, but also cause an inferiority complex.

    Now it is much easier to negotiate with the baby, he understands what it means to wait. Understands gender – his own and other children – preferring to play with members of his gender, adopting their behavior and skills. The child is able to share his toys. He already understands the meaning of the word “necessary”, he is sensitive to praise and to parental censure.

    Changes also took place in the development of speech. The kid can understand a short story from simple sentences (where we went, what we did, where we are going). The baby is able to complete more complex tasks (of 2 or more actions). In the child's active dictionary there can be up to 200 words, he can build a phrase of 3 words, finish a line of a poem, memorize a small rhyme.

    Your baby is now at the age when you can start learning colors and geometric shapes. Purchase special aids for this. Developing lotos, puzzles, and especially musical instruments and toys that play melodies will be useful. Remember that the development of the child will be complete only if the parents play with him, setting an example, teaching, helping, communicating.

    What can a baby do at this age?

    • Keep balance, jump, walk in all directions.
    • Jump over or bypass small obstacles.
    • Climb up an incline.
    • Throw the ball over your head, catch it.
    • Ride children's cars.
    • "Drive" rolling toys.
    • Draw a straight line.
    • Go to the toilet without "accidents".
    • Learn a few words a day.
    • Putting on and taking off all things independently.
    • Understand the meaning of the words "good" and "bad".
    • Understand words with opposite meanings (big-small, high-low, cold-hot).

    Parenting stage

    Raising a child between 1 and 2 years old is a very difficult task. On the one hand, it is impossible to interfere with his independence and prevent attempts to help, on the other hand, it is important to maintain his authority so that the baby not only understands the meaning of the words “can” or “impossible”, but also fulfills your requests, reacts correctly to prohibitions. It is necessary to help him understand that he is independent, but if something does not work out, his parents are always ready to help him. And it is also vital for him now to feel that the love of his parents does not depend on whether he does good deeds or not. He must have complete confidence that his act is bad, and not himself.

    No need to react sharply to the whims of the child, focus on them, scold for them.

    What other important aspects are worth paying attention to?

    1. Teach your child to communicate and interact with other people, including peers. He should have the opportunity to meet, play with them, without interfering or bullying, learn to build relationships.
    2. Do not protect the baby from any trouble. After all, for him it is a necessary life experience. Any ban must be justified.
    3. Try not to overprotect your child, allowing room for his new sense of independence.
    4. Never reproach him for incompetence, do not compare him with more developed neighbor children. This will lead to a feeling of insecurity.
    5. Try to spend more time in communication and story games. This is a way to learn the laws of socialization and the opportunity to learn by imitating your example.

    So, at this age stage, all the basic skills, abilities, habits, inclinations and character of the child are formed. This period is difficult, requiring patience and understanding from parents. If you show all your wisdom, you can significantly help the baby to overcome all the difficulties that arise less painfully and gain the necessary experience for further successful development.