How to whiten the face from pigment. A decoction of onions. Lime blossom decoction

A bright, well-groomed face is the visiting card of a woman who knows her own worth. How many sorrows cause darkening of the skin after a seaside holiday, age spots after illness, freckles. Even the trace of a small pimple can spoil the mood. How to make skin lighter? This question is asked by thousands of women. Beauty salons offer special treatments, but this is not a cheap pleasure. Face whitening at home will allow you to lighten your skin using simple recipes and inexpensive ingredients.

How to whiten age spots on the face at home

If you are going to whiten age spots, do not eliminate the causes that cause them, then cosmetic procedures will not give much effect. What is recommended to do:

  • Clean up the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Avoid foods that cause stains.
  • Add vitamins.
  • Limit exposure to sunlight.
  • Cleanse the skin with steam baths.

It is important to choose the right time for face whitening at home. Procedures in the autumn, with less activity of the sun, give the best effect. The process consists of several stages:

  1. Chemical peeling. Refreshes the top layer of the skin. Make a slurry of one part borax, five parts water. Apply to skin until dry, then rinse. Perform 5 treatments, one per week.
  2. Illuminating face masks. The composition includes citrus and rosemary oils, hydrogen peroxide, clay. They use natural products: lemon, parsley, cucumber.

Daily maintenance is essential for continued success. Use homemade whitening lotions, parsley and cucumber tonics. Wipe your face with ice cubes from decoctions of parsley, rice. All these tools will help you to lighten freckles on your own, get rid of pigmentation. You can put your face in order, make your skin bright, fresh and well-groomed.


It is advisable to apply brightening masks 1 time in 3 days for 15 minutes. Whitening the skin of the face with hydrogen peroxide is the most effective way. To four tablespoons of cottage cheese add 6 drops of the composition, yolk, a teaspoon of honey. Another recipe: mix 1 part baking soda with 2 parts hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to do a test to rule out a burn. Use hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of no more than 3%. Wash off the mask, moisturize the skin.


Whitening face cream for age spots, due to the fact that it is applied at night, has a long-lasting effect on the skin. It is absorbed for a long time, penetrates into its deep layers. Make your own skin whitening cream at home. The base is 3 tablespoons of almond oil. Pour 2 tsp. decoction of chamomile, one glycerin, 5 drops of lemon juice, tea tree oil. Warm up in a water bath.

Face whitening from sunburn

Even if you hide under a hat while on vacation, it is possible that the skin will darken or the tan will lie unevenly. How to whiten your face after sunburn? The available remedy is curdled milk. Apply it every evening for twenty minutes. Natural bleach - lemon juice will quickly brighten your skin. Apply, leave to dry, then rinse. Face whitening with lemon gives very fast results.

Folk remedies

There are many recipes for face whitening at home. Prepare your lotions. Vodka is their main ingredient. Add to 100 milliliters one and a half tablespoons of juice from fresh cucumbers, one lemon juice. Use daily. There is another option. Chop 3 tablespoons of parsley, put them in a half-liter bottle of vodka. Keep 15 days in the dark. Strain, use morning and evening.

Set up a beauty salon at home using simple recipes for whitening face masks. All of their ingredients are natural, readily available, and cheap. Half a glass of sour milk with a handful of oatmeal will allow you to make not only a mask, but also a soft scrub. Apply the composition with light circular motions, lightly massaging, and hold for 15 minutes.

Good results are achieved using clay masks. Its color does not matter. It does not matter if it is white, green or pink, the main active ingredient in it is kaolin. For a whitening effect, clay is brought to a pasty state by adding components to it:

  • parsley juice, cucumber;
  • rosemary oil;
  • lemon juice;
  • citrus oils.

Special bleaching agents

How to make a face white using special tools? Firms that develop cosmetic products for skin whitening offer serums, ointments and creams. Their use gives good results, but not all components in the formulations are safe. If you are going to use these products, go to a beautician. He will do allergy tests, select drugs that are suitable for your skin.

How to whiten acne marks on face

Women of all ages are troubled by acne spots. Beauty salons offer expensive treatments, but the problem is easy to handle at home. When whitening acne spots, it is important that the composition is applied pointwise to the problem area, kept for 15 minutes, washed off. To make the marks less noticeable, use:

  • whitening masks;
  • aloe juice, parsley;
  • kefir;
  • lemon;
  • clay.

Video: how to quickly whiten your skin at home

Watch the video and you will see that it is very easy to make a whitening face mask at home. Find out how available the ingredients for its manufacture, learn about the effect of each on the skin. Get step by step instructions on how to make a mask by mixing the ingredients correctly. You will be guaranteed success from its use, the skin will whiten in a few procedures.

We reduce age spots at home 15 ways to remove age spots at home.

We reduce age spots at home

15 ways to remove age spots at home.

1. Finely chop fresh parsley to make half a cup of fragrant mass. Fill it with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for about one hour. Then strain, add a little milk to the liquid and wipe your face before going to bed.

2. Rub a fresh cucumber on a fine grater or chop it in a blender. Apply the mass on the face and leave for 20-25 minutes. Then wash off with cool water. During the day, this mask can be done a couple of times.

3. Soak age spots with fresh grapefruit juice.

4. A mask of crumpled fresh red currants can gradually remove age spots from your skin.

5. Prepare a mask of 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, 15 drops of hydrogen peroxide and 15 drops of ammonia. Mix thoroughly and apply to skin. Please note that it is not recommended to keep this mask on the face for more than 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

6. And this mask is recommended for those who are ready to endure a slight burning sensation on their face for the sake of beauty. It is made from mustard powder. Dilute it in warm water to the consistency of thin sour cream. Please note that it is important to apply the mass only on age spots in order to avoid burning non-problematic areas. Keep it on your face until a slight burning sensation appears, and then rinse with warm water.

Mandatory procedure after the mustard mask is moisturizing the skin.

7. Dilute fresh lemon juice with water in a ratio of 1:10. Wipe age spots with this lotion, and over time they will turn pale, and then completely disappear.

8. Daily washing with kefir can whiten age spots.

9. Homemade celandine lotion will also rid your skin of age spots. Brew 1 tablespoon of celandine in 150 grams of water, let it brew for an hour - and the lotion is ready.

10. Cosmetic clay effectively helps in the fight against age spots. Prepare a mask consisting of 1 tablespoon of white cosmetic clay, 1.5 teaspoons of baking soda and 0.5 teaspoons of talcum powder. Add some 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Apply the mask on your face for no more than 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and lubricate it with a nourishing cream to prevent drying of the skin.

11. Dilute a little potato starch with fresh lemon juice to a thick sour cream. Apply it strictly to those places where skin pigmentation is increased and leave for 25 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

12. Effectively brightens age spots juice from viburnum berries. You can freeze it and wipe your face with fragrant ice cubes daily.

13. A yeast mask can become an assistant in getting rid of age spots. To prepare it, you need 15-20 grams of yeast and 1.5 teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

14. Almonds are at your service. About 20-25 nuts pour 100 grams of boiling water, then grind them very finely, mix with 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and apply to the skin for 20-25 minutes. Then wash off the mask with warm water and use a nourishing cream.

15. Summer mask to get rid of age spots: mix 1 tablespoon of celandine and dandelion juice. It is very important to lubricate with this solution only areas with increased pigmentation, otherwise healthy skin may burn.

In order for the treatment of age spots to bring a visible effect and yellow or brown spots leave you forever, you should not abuse it for a long time in the sun. The desire to sunbathe should be banned, because the sun's rays instead of a pleasant chocolate tan may well "decorate" the skin with unsightly spots. And the second time to get rid of them, if not more difficult, then certainly.

Skin pigmentation is quite common. How to whiten age spots on the face and restore its former beauty? Of course, you can simply disguise them by covering them with foundation, but this will not give a special effect. Masks and lotions made at home from the most common products help much better.

However, in order to achieve the desired result and keep it for a long time, in parallel with the use of masks, you should follow some rules:

  • reduce the amount of coffee consumed as much as possible;
  • introduce foods rich in vitamins PP and C into the diet;
  • protect your face from direct sunlight.

In addition, before trying to remove pigmentation, it is necessary to visit a doctor who will help assess the actual depth and size of the spots, consider the appropriateness of the selected procedures, and adjust the diet. It should be remembered that the removal of age spots is a procedure that requires an integrated approach.

Whitening face masks for oily skin

Specially prepared cosmetic masks will help to clear the face of age spots. When preparing them, be sure to follow the recipe and do not use them more than expected. Otherwise, there is a possibility of skin damage. If no special instructions are given in the mask recipe, then the composition is applied to the face for about 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with plenty of clean water. After the procedure, the skin must be lubricated with a moisturizer to prevent overdrying.

A curd mask is considered a very good remedy for lightening the skin. To prepare it, mix 50 g of fatty homemade cottage cheese and 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide. The mask is prepared immediately before use. If the composition remains, it is thrown away, since this mass is unsuitable for the next procedure. As a rule, after applying the mask, a person does not experience discomfort, but if a burning sensation suddenly appears, then it is recommended to wash off the composition so as not to accidentally damage the skin.

In the presence of very dark age spots that cannot be removed by anything else, a sour cream mask is used. To prepare it, fatty sour cream (2 tablespoons) is combined with ammonia (5 drops) and stirred vigorously. The resulting product is applied directly to the spots, trying not to affect healthy areas. Wash off the composition after about 15 minutes. Those who have sensitive skin should not use this mask, as it is too aggressive, which can adversely affect the skin.

The pulp of half a cucumber is rubbed on a fine grater and a little oatmeal is added (about 1 tsp). The resulting composition is applied to a cleansed face and kept for 20 minutes. Remove the mask with a wet cotton swab, and then wash with cool water. Thanks to this procedure, you can not only lighten age spots, but also get rid of oily sheen. The tomato mask has the same effect. To prepare it, the pulp of 2 medium tomatoes is mixed with 2 tbsp. l. wheat flour. Use the composition should be the same as the cucumber mask. The main advantage of these masks is the ability to use them daily. Other similar formulations are not recommended to be used more than twice a week.

Oily skin whitening can be done with a mixture of bee honey, table sting and lemon juice. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. Before applying the composition, it is recommended to steam the skin well. Maintain the composition for 25 minutes, after which it is washed off with plenty of cool water.

A decoction of parsley (2 tsp per glass of boiling water) or ice cubes prepared on its basis also has a good effect. If the pigmentation is not very strong, you can use a cleansing lemon lotion. To prepare it, one lemon is ground on a grater and pour 1/2 cup of cold water. The mixture is removed in the refrigerator and infused for 5-7 days, shaking occasionally. After the time has elapsed, the composition is filtered and 3 tbsp. l. vodka. Stored in the refrigerator.

Whitening masks for dry and normal skin

Dry skin can be bleached no more than 1 time in 10 days.

The composition of masks for this type of skin must include emollient components. For example, a mask consisting of grated unripe blackcurrant berries (2 tablespoons) and natural bee honey (1 tablespoon) has a great effect. The finished mass is applied directly to the affected areas. After 15 minutes, the composition is washed off with sour milk or yogurt.

According to doctors, age spots in themselves are not a disease, they arise as a result of various processes that occur in the human body and affect the distribution of melanin (the substance responsible for skin color) in a certain area of ​​the skin.

Causes of pigmentation on the face

Before you whiten the resulting age spots on the face, you need to find out the exact cause of their appearance.

Experts say that spots occur for the following reasons:

  • Pregnancy. In this case, the occurrence of spots is associated with a general restructuring of the female body. Before whitening age spots, a pregnant woman needs to visit a gynecologist.
  • Heredity. If the parents or grandparents of the patient have such spots, of any size, it is likely that the person has a genetic predisposition to the appearance of pigmentation on the face from birth.
  • Hormonal imbalance. This is especially common in women during menopause, pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun without the use of a protective cream.
  • Stress, depression, general depression of the psyche.
  • mechanical injury.
  • Congenital (acquired) pathology of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, digestive system.
  • Lack in the body of enzymes and other substances responsible for the normal condition of the skin.

Why do age spots appear on the body

The main causes of pigmentation on the body are in many ways similar to the causes of age spots on the face:

  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Lack or excess in the body of certain hormones;
  • Abuse of exposure to the sun;
  • Injuries and microtraumas of the skin.

Pimples on the neck

If age spots are localized on the neck, they most often occur due to a lack of vital vitamins and minerals in the body.

Pigmented spots on the back

Dark patches of skin on the back usually indicate that the body is producing too much melanin.

In order to choose the best option for skin whitening and removal of age spots, you need to determine the cause of their occurrence.

Pigment spots on legs

If darkening appears on the legs, they are caused by problems with blood circulation (attention: do not confuse spots with the vascular network!), Hormonal imbalance, lack of vitamins, hereditary predisposition to neoplasms.

Pigment spots on the hands

Attention: if the patient has a hereditary predisposition to oncological diseases, in case of any moles and (or) age spots on the hands, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist and, if necessary, an oncologist.

Perhaps the best way to get rid of the stain is to surgically remove it.

Age spots after sunburn - features

Before whitening small and medium age spots, you need to identify their cause.

Spots often occur after a natural tan or a long stay in the solarium. In this case, they are caused by exposure to the skin of ultraviolet rays.

If the patient has a genetic predisposition to the appearance of moles and age spots, to prevent the occurrence of moles and melanomas, sun exposure should be reduced. You should also use sunscreen before and after sun exposure.

Age spots during pregnancy - features

If age spots on the body (but most often on the face) occur in a woman during the period of bearing a child, special treatment for such spots is not required. In this case, darkening of the skin in some places is caused by hormonal changes in the body, and after childbirth, the problem will gradually disappear.

How to remove age spots on the face with salon procedures:

In addition to surgical methods, there are several effective ways to remove age spots on the hands:

  • Deep peeling. This procedure is performed at the appointment of a cosmetologist or dermatologist. It is not recommended to perform deep skin peeling at home, because peeling products can provoke allergic reactions, up to Quincke's edema;
  • Use of special creams based on drugs that remove excess melanin from the body;
  • The use of anti-aging masks based on drugs;
  • Spot lightening with hydrogen peroxide.

If they are localized on the face and have a medium (large) size, women often decide to eliminate this problem with the help of salon procedures.

Laser removal of age spots

The laser is very popular.

Laser correction is one of the most effective methods.

This method is especially well suited if the appearance of darkened areas is associated with age-related changes in the body, and other methods have not brought the desired result.

Phototherapy for age spots

You can also lighten darkening with the use of flashes. This method is called phototherapy. Two to five sessions of phototherapy are required to obtain significant results.

You can lighten dark areas with a flash.

If necessary, the course of treatment should be repeated after 3-4 months. Usually, after phototherapy, the skin tends to darken even more, but then gradually becomes lighter, and the spots completely or almost completely disappear.

Fractional thermolysis

An effective method of combating excessive production of melanin is the method of fractional thermolysis.

The main advantage of this method of getting rid of age spots on the face and body is that this method does not involve direct contact of any medical instruments with the patient's skin, therefore, there is no risk of transmission of any skin infections.


To get rid of small and medium-sized light brown spots, deep or superficial peeling is enough.

The main advantage of this method is its relative availability and low cost. The main disadvantage of peeling is skin contact with chemicals that can provoke irritation and allergic reactions.

Chemical peeling is an inexpensive and effective method of skin whitening.

The cost of treatment in the salon

The cost of treating pigmented skin areas using salon procedures is:

  • Mesotherapy method: 6,000 - 17,000 rubles;
  • Microdermabrasion method: from 3500 rubles;
  • Laser correction method: 9000 rubles and more, in accordance with the number and size of pigmented areas;
  • Chemical peeling method: 4000 - 10 000 rubles, in accordance with the medicine used.

How to get rid of age spots on the face at home. Folk recipes

In folk medicine, brightening masks are widely used. Most often, dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese) and the juice of some plants (parsley, lemon) are used as active ingredients in such masks.

Traditional medicine is effective in dealing with spots of small and medium sizes.

Attention: masks based on the above components brighten the skin, but do not eliminate the main cause of pigmentation - excessive production of melanin. In the presence of large spots, it is recommended to use pharmacy products in addition to masks.

Pharmaceutical preparations for age spots

How to whiten age spots, you can find in any pharmacy. Drugs traditionally used by doctors to treat excess melanin production are easily tolerated and have no side effects, experts say.

  • Achromin from age spots. Cream with a whitening effect "Achromin" effectively fights stains caused by the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation. Most patients say that this drug not only removes existing stains, but also prevents the appearance of new ones;
  • Melanative from age spots . Cream "Melanativ" reduces the production of melanin and, thereby, eliminates one of the main causes of age spots. Those who have used this cream for medicinal purposes claim that after one or more courses of treatment, age spots gradually lighten, and new ones no longer appear. The cost of the drug is about 700 rubles;
  • clotrimazole from age spots. Ointment "Clotrimazole" effectively fights skin diseases of a diverse nature: fungus, eczema, atopic dermatitis. Patients who have used this ointment for the treatment of the above disorders note that clotrimazole not only helps to get rid of the underlying disease, but also helps to lighten the skin and the disappearance of pigmented areas;
  • neoton from age spots . Cream "Neoton" brightens the skin and makes its tone more even. Patients who used the Neoton cream for the treatment of age spots claim that with the systematic use of the cream, the spots gradually lighten, and then completely disappear, the skin color evens out and becomes healthy;
  • Skinoren from age spots. Also effective is the tool "Skinoren". This tool successfully fights skin diseases of various etiologies, helps get rid of youthful acne and freckles, and brightens pigmented areas. Experts say that the use of this tool evens out skin tone and helps to brighten the skin;
  • Achroactive from age spots. The therapeutic agent "Achroactive" activates the body's defenses and inhibits the production of melanin. Patients recognize that the systematic use of Achroactive effectively helps in the fight against skin diseases of various nature, including age spots and freckles;
  • Cream Clearvin from age spots. Cream "Klirvin" deeply cleanses the skin and promotes the regeneration of skin cells. Doctors say that after applying the cream, the skin begins to look younger and lighter;
  • Evinal cream from age spots. Cream "Evinal" contains minerals necessary for healthy skin. Patients believe that the cream promotes deep cleansing and regeneration of skin cells;
  • Ansil from age spots. Ansil therapeutic agent brightens the skin and at the same time has a moisturizing effect. Experts say that age spots under the influence of this remedy do not always completely disappear, but always lighten;
  • Milk skin from age spots in a pharmacy. The Milk Skin pharmacy is also very popular. Cream "Milk Skin" quickly removes age spots of various origins due to the fact that it contains a special type of beneficial mushrooms.

"Milk Skin" is a very effective tool in the fight against stubborn medium and large dark stains;

  • Askorutin from age spots. Ascorutin tablets are effective if the appearance of age spots is caused by a lack of vitamins in the body. Askorutin compensates for the deficiency of vitamins;
  • Arbutin from age spots. The medical preparation "Arbutin" is made on the basis of plant substances that naturally whiten pigment spots on the skin. The drug brightens spots, as a result of the application, the production of melanin decreases;
  • Badyaga from age spots. Badyaga is also successfully used to combat age spots. Experts write that the effectiveness of badyagi is due to the fact that this drug contributes to deep cleansing of the skin.


Cosmetologists recognize that an effective means of combating age spots is salon or home peeling.

Peeling should not be used if the skin is inflamed or irritated, as its constituent chemicals can cause unwanted reactions.

Cosmetic creams and concentrates

Cream Vichy from age spots

Cream "Vichy" reduces the production of melanin in the body. It not only masks age spots, but effectively eliminates the main cause of their appearance. Patients call this cream "one of the most effective remedies."

Concentrate for lightening age spots Faberlic

For maximum clarification of spots of various sizes of etiology, a brightening concentrate from the cosmetic company Faberlik is also successfully used. According to experts, this drug successfully brightens the skin, gives it a healthy color and helps to reduce the level of melanin in the body.

Inblanc for age spots

Cosmetic product Inblanc prevents hyperpigmentation of the skin and promotes the elimination of spots. Experts and patients claim that this remedy is highly effective.

Whitening masks with hydrogen peroxide

  • Recipe 1. Here is an effective mask recipe for oily skin. It is necessary to dilute 50 g of 3% hydrogen peroxide in half a teaspoon of ammonia. The resulting composition is applied to the spots twice a day, the duration of one session is up to 15 minutes. Instead of ammonia, the use of lemon juice is allowed;
  • Recipe 2. Another option for a whitening mask is to dilute 15 drops of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in one tablespoon of cottage cheese. This composition must be left on the skin for 15 minutes;
  • Recipe 3. Another option is to dilute a tablespoon of lemon juice in 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Treat stains, leave for seven minutes, rinse with water at room temperature;
  • Recipe 4. This mask is also effective: mix a teaspoon of grated baby soap with lemon juice and a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Apply to pigmented areas and wash off after 15 minutes;
  • Recipe 5. Another recipe is to mix 100 g of liquid honey and freshly squeezed juice of one medium-sized lemon. Stir, treat stains, leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off and apply the usual nourishing cream. Keep refrigerated. If there are signs of aging and wilting, you can add vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) and sugar.

Zinc ointment for age spots

Zinc ointment evens out skin tone. According to doctors, it has practically no side effects, and also has high efficiency.

Before using any pharmaceutical preparations to whiten age spots, it is recommended to consult a doctor, because the medicine has a number of side effects.

Parsley mask for age spots

How to whiten age spots, herbalists can tell. The most commonly used herbal ingredients for this purpose are parsley and lemon juice.

Parsley infusion is prepared as follows: a bunch of fresh parsley is crushed and poured with boiling water. The infusion is left for three hours, and then the surface of the face is wiped in the morning and evening.

How to apply lemon for age spots on the face

Regularly rubbing the face with fresh lemon juice can make the spots almost invisible. The juice is diluted in a ratio of 1: 1 and the face is wiped with this solution.

Precautions When Using Home Whitening Methods

Before whitening age spots of various origins at home, you need to consult with your doctor. There are a large number of recipes that tell how to carry out this procedure at home.

When using any of the recipes, the following precautions must be carefully observed:

  • In the event of an allergy, irritation, rash, accompanied by itching, treatment should be stopped immediately;
  • Before using any drug, you should carefully read the instructions, study possible side effects;
  • It is recommended to conduct a preliminary allergy test: apply a small amount of the product to the skin and observe the skin reaction over the next day. If there are no signs of allergic reactions, the drug can be used in accordance with the instructions.

If you do not abuse sun exposure, lead a healthy lifestyle and give up bad habits, you will have to think about how to whiten age spots less often.

Useful video materials on how to whiten the skin of the face and get rid of age spots

How to whiten the skin of the face. Mask recipes:

How to get rid of age spots with a starch and honey mask:

Article on the topic: "how to whiten age spots on the face at home?" from professionals.

The presence of pigment spots has long been a serious problem for millions of women. An even complexion will make you look younger and fresher. What to do if brown spots with clearly defined edges appear on your forehead, or cheeks, or chin, called “chloasma” by doctors? Believe me, you can get rid of this scourge. But get ready for the fact that from this day on, protecting the skin from any factors that contribute to the appearance of pigmentation spots, will become your every minute concern. First of all, determine what caused the appearance of chloasma. There are many options: disruption of the liver or gallbladder, pregnancy, the consequences of exposure to the sun, the result of premature aging of the body. Until the root cause is removed spots, whiten the skin does not make any sense. After you solve this problem, you can proceed to the direct removal of the stain. The ideal time to deal with chloasma is late autumn, when solar activity is minimal and your skin is not exposed to active ultraviolet radiation. The main stages of getting rid of pigment spots three: chemical peels, whitening masks, daily whitening and revitalizing care.

You will need

  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • parsley
  • Cucumber
  • Lemon
  • curdled milk


chemical peeling

Chemical peeling is considered the most effective way to get rid of precisely

from pigment

spots. Peeling allows


stain due to the renewal of the upper layer of the epithelium. After the procedure, the skin intensively regenerates, and the stain becomes lighter and less noticeable. If financial possibilities allow, the execution of this stage can be entrusted to a professional cosmetologist. And you can do peeling in

at home

The main thing is to trust your feelings and be able to stop in time. So, for chemical peeling in

at home

mix 1 part borax with 4-5 parts water. Apply the resulting slurry to the skin of the face and wait until it dries completely. Rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizer to your skin. Required course for


stains - 5 procedures. Do them once a week so that the skin has time to rest, as peeling is a traumatic procedure for the skin.

During the procedure, you will feel a slight burning sensation, and after it the skin will turn red and possibly begin to peel off. The redness can last up to 24 hours depending on your skin type.

Stage 2 - whitening masks.
Masks are the main means of combating age spots and perfectly complement the chemical peel procedure. Whitening masks should be applied two to three times a week. At the same time, it makes sense to alternate the options for masks, since there are a huge number of folk remedies for whitening. The most common ones contain curdled milk, hydrogen peroxide, lemon or cucumber juice, or parsley juice. Choose what suits your skin best. Here are some options for the most popular pigment whitening masks. spots.Whitening mask #1. In order to remove age spots, pour finely chopped baby soap with hydrogen peroxide and beat this mixture into a foam. Add a few drops of ammonia. Apply the resulting mass to face without affecting the eyebrows and eyelashes, and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Whitening Mask #2. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater. Apply the paste on cleansed face and neck.
Keep it on for 20-30 minutes. Yeast mask. To lighten age spots, stir 15-20 g of yeast in one and a half teaspoons of lemon juice. Apply this mixture on your face and neck. Remove the mask after 15-20 minutes face blot with a cotton napkin and grease with cream. In addition to the whitening effect, this mask is also useful for its high content of B vitamins.

Stage 3 - daily care.
Wiping the skin of the face and directly the area of ​​​​the pigment spot with whitening lotions is an essential component of success in the fight for an ideal complexion. Parsley decoction is considered a well-deserved fighter with age spots. Pour the chopped parsley leaves with boiling water, pour the finished infusion into molds for making ice and mark in the freezer of the refrigerator. Wipe with the resulting ice face, neck and décolleté area in the morning until a feeling of numbness appears. This will not only whiten your skin, but also increase its tone.

Performing all of the above measures will save you from ugly brown

spots so disfiguring your


However, from now on you must avoid bright

and constantly


creams with uv-filter. It is also worth regularly conducting a course of fortification of the body, vitamin C therapy is especially effective.

Don't forget to cover

face visor or brim of a hat. This will significantly reduce the likelihood of new pigmentation.

spots .


Any procedures associated with whitening should be carried out only with absolutely healthy skin. The presence of scratches, microtraumas, peeling is a contraindication for starting procedures.

Related article

How to whiten neck skin at home


  • how to whiten age spots on face

may appear due to internal diseases, changes in hormonal levels, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, frequent skin injuries, prolonged use of cosmetics, and sometimes due to genetic conditioning. To get rid of pigmentation, you can contact a beauty salon that offers chemical peeling, cryoapplication, laser complexion alignment, etc., or you can do it on your own by preparing various brightening lotions and face masks from well-known and affordable products.


Parsley will help to cope with pigmentation. It not only brightens the skin, but also restores its elasticity. Take 2 tbsp. chopped parsley, 70 g honey, 2 tbsp. lemon juice and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mass on the face and leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. If there is no lemon juice, then mix 1 tbsp. chopped parsley with 30 g of honey and apply on face for 40-50 minutes. You can make a one-component mask from mashed parsley, applying it for 20-30 minutes.

From parsley, you can make not only masks, but also lotions. Put a few bunches of washed greens in an enamel pan, pour a small amount of water and boil for 20-30 minutes over low heat. Cool the resulting broth, strain and add lemon juice to it. Wipe your face with this lotion morning and evening.

Mix parsley juice and milk in equal amounts. Wipe your face with this mixture, and after 15-20 minutes wash your face with warm water. If you have dry facial skin, then you can use sour cream or cream instead of milk, and if you have oily skin, then yogurt.

To even out complexion, you can use lemon. Mix the juice of one lemon with 2 tbsp. honey. Soak small pieces of gauze with this mixture and place them on your face for 15-20 minutes. Replace the gauze with a new one every five minutes. Lemon can also be used without honey. Apply a fat cream on the skin of the face, and put thin slices of lemon on top. After 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water and wipe your face with cotton pads dipped in milk. Lemon-based masks block the overly active work of the sebaceous glands, therefore they are especially suitable for people with oily skin.

Make various fruit and berry masks. The acid contained in fruits breaks down dead skin cells, resulting in dead skin cells.


And in their place, new ones are formed. Strawberry, strawberry, blackcurrant, pomegranate, apple, grapefruit and kiwi are especially good at whitening the skin. Keep the fruit mask for 15-20 minutes, then wash your face and lubricate your face with cream.

Useful advice

Wash your face thoroughly before applying the whitening mask to your face.


  • brightening spots on the face in 2018

How to whiten your face from blemishes

Clean, even skin with a slight pinkish tint is the dream of any woman. But sometimes it is almost impossible to achieve it. And the reason for this is skin pigmentation - the appearance of dark shapeless spots that are randomly scattered over the face. Some women have few of them, while for others, an excessive amount of age spots is a real tragedy, because they greatly spoil the appearance.

If there is a barely noticeable speck on the face, this is unlikely to be a big problem. But if pigmentation is pronounced, then the question of how to whiten age spots on the face becomes relevant. Good news: you can get rid of this cosmetic defect at home with folk remedies.

Why do age spots appear?

Pigmentation is a kind of protection of the body from adverse environmental conditions. If a person spends too much time in the open sun, the skin begins to produce the pigment melanin, which causes spots on the face.

By the nature of the origin of the spots are:

  • congenital - these are vascular formations and small moles;
  • acquired are freckles and chloasma.

Doctors identify the following main causes of the appearance of an excessive amount of age spots on the face:

  • frequent and prolonged exposure of the skin to ultraviolet radiation;
  • problems of the digestive system. Especially pigmentation is affected by liver diseases;
  • often hyperpigmentation is an excess amount of lipochromes in the diet. They are found in oranges and carrots. Sometimes it happens that after the exclusion of these products from the diet, stain removal is not required - they disappear on their own;
  • constant stress;
  • pathology of the endocrine system of any nature and degree of development;
  • nervous tension;
  • mental illnesses such as severe phobias or neuroses;
  • mental disorders;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • insufficient amount of vitamins in the body;
  • vitamin C deficiency;
  • sometimes provoke the appearance of age spots pregnancy and childbirth;
  • long-term use of certain groups of medicines;
  • age-related changes in the structure of the skin;
  • Sometimes a person is to blame for hyperpigmentation. The fact is that the constant squeezing of acne is an excellent prerequisite for the appearance of age spots;
  • if a person doesn't like their birthmarks and tries to whiten their face quickly, hyperpigmentation is inevitable, and that's kind of the best outcome. Sometimes these actions lead to the development of malignant tumors.

Most of these reasons a person is not able to control, so skin lightening is a problem that worries a large number of people.

It should be noted right away that whitening age spots on the face is possible at home, but this is a rather long and laborious process. In addition, not only will it not be possible to remove congenital spots, it can also result in negative health consequences, so all the recipes in this article are designed to get rid of age spots at home that appeared due to the above reasons.

The first steps to get rid of shortcomings

Before applying masks for age spots, it is imperative to visit the hospital for a complete examination. If the cause of pigmentation lies in the pathologies of the internal organs, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause. Without this, all efforts will be in vain. If the spots disappear, then for a short time, and later they will appear, and even more.

First you need to visit a dermatologist who will prescribe diagnostic measures. If the diagnosis in this area is not made, the doctor will send the patient for an examination of the internal organs, after which it will be necessary to undergo appropriate treatment.

This article provides face masks that will only help in case of dermatological prerequisites for the appearance of age spots.

Before using any of the remedies listed below, you need to completely cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins. This can be done with a laxative tea bought from a pharmacy or a regular enema.

Cosmetic treatments

Today, many cosmetic clinics offer skin whitening services.

  • The most effective, fast and safe method is laser removal.
  • Another effective way is photorejuvenation. But it is not suitable for everyone; before its use, a comprehensive examination is required.
  • Whitening peeling does not always give the expected result. In addition, the procedure can be painful.
  • Cryotherapy is the latest method of influencing the skin with liquid nitrogen.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. But if the pigmentation is not too pronounced or the person does not want to seek the services of specialists, then the skin can be cleaned at home.

Masks as a means of treatment

A mask for age spots on the face at home is a very effective method of treatment. There are many recipes for such remedies, and they are all used according to the following rules:

  • all masks are applied twice a week;
  • before using any remedy, it must be tested on the elbow to exclude the possibility of an allergy;
  • each mask is left on the face for 15 minutes;
  • You can wash off the compositions with boiled water at room temperature. If possible, instead of water, you can use any decoction of pharmaceutical herbs;
  • after washing off the mask, you need to apply a whitening cream on the skin, bought in a special cosmetic store, and do not wash it off;
  • in order to avoid exposure to the skin of ultraviolet rays, you should not go outside for an hour after washing off the mask.

Now directly about how to prepare face masks:

  1. Peel sweet peppers from seeds, pass through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. The mass is applied to the face, it is not necessary to filter it.
  2. Mix in equal proportions chopped parsley leaves, liquid honey and lemon juice. Instead of pure lemon juice, you can use a fruit with zest, crushed in a meat grinder or blender. Lemon is the best whitening ingredient, according to many cosmetologists..
  3. Pour 25 g of pressed yeast with a tablespoon of slightly warm milk. Milk must be fresh, homemade and without additives. Leave the mixture for half an hour. Add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to it and mix thoroughly.
  4. Cucumber takes a well-deserved second place after lemon as an effective bleach. With it, you can prepare different masks or use it in its pure form. For example, grate and apply on the face. You can add olive oil, lemon juice or baby cream in any proportions to the resulting slurry.
  5. Pass the same amount of fresh viburnum and currant berries through a meat grinder and squeeze the juice from the resulting mass through cheesecloth. 4 tablespoons of juice should be mixed with a teaspoon of any liquid honey. Moisten gauze in liquid and apply to problem areas of the skin.
  6. Grind a medium onion in a meat grinder, squeeze the juice out of it. Mix a tablespoon of juice with a tablespoon of liquid honey and the same amount of vinegar (6%). Vinegar or honey of your choice can be omitted from this recipe.
  7. Using a meat grinder or blender, puree horseradish and apples. To obtain a mask, you need to mix these ingredients in equal proportions.
  8. A teaspoon of homemade milk at room temperature, olive oil and almond bran, mix thoroughly with two tablespoons of minced potatoes.
  9. Mix kefir, lemon juice and olive oil in proportions 2:1:1.

After applying any of these masks, the question of how to whiten the skin of the face will disappear by itself. In addition to its main function, each of these recipes:

  • eliminates skin roughness;
  • gives the skin a healthy tone;
  • eliminates spider veins.

Another well-known and very effective remedy is hydrogen peroxide, which deserves a separate discussion.

Hydrogen peroxide for age spots

The benefits of hydrogen peroxide are obvious:

  • skin whitening and lightening;
  • elimination of traces of age spots;
  • elimination of acne and scars from them;
  • getting rid of age spots.

Hydrogen peroxide from age spots is used at a concentration of 3%. Otherwise, there is a risk of chemical burns, which is fraught with noticeable scars.

The skin treatment procedure itself is quite simple:

  1. A cotton pad is wetted in liquid and applied to the problem area for 2-3 minutes. The skin should not be wet.
  2. Next, the skin is blotted with a paper towel.
  3. A regular nourishing cream is applied to the skin. It is desirable that he moisturize it. You need to apply in a thick layer.

When processing leather, the following recommendations of specialists should be observed:

  • First, it is advisable to test hydrogen peroxide on small areas that need clarification. So you can exclude allergic reactions and hypersensitivity and avoid negative consequences;
  • women who have too sensitive skin are at great risk using hydrogen peroxide;
  • if the cotton pad is kept on the skin for too long, a chemical burn is inevitable.

The main thing in getting rid of age spots is regularity. It is important to be patient, because the treatment process sometimes drags on for several months, but the result is worth it.

Visually, age spots are dark-colored areas of skin on the face or body. Their appearance is due to a violation of pigmentation processes, excessive accumulation of melanin. Masks for whitening age spots will help to lighten non-aesthetic skin imperfections, improve its condition as a whole, but they can only be used if you are completely sure of the causes of the appearance of pigmented areas. Before using home whitening masks, you should visit a specialist who will determine the cause of their occurrence and prescribe a set of measures to eliminate the problem.

  • Products with whitening properties
  • Features of the use of whitening masks at home from dark spots
  • Recipes for whitening homemade face masks and compresses

Products with whitening properties

In general, whitening masks are useful for absolutely everyone and not only to eliminate pigmentation, because they cleanse, refresh and tone the skin, which is useful at any age and for any type. Remember, home whitening products do not always help to completely get rid of pigmented areas, but lightening the skin and dark spots by several tones is also a noticeable result.

For masks with a brightening effect, products that are present in the kitchen of almost every housewife are usually used. The record holder among such products is lemon, namely its juice. For the same purposes, it is good to use grapefruit, fresh cucumbers, sauerkraut, sour-milk products, parsley, oatmeal, egg whites, turmeric, potato and corn starch, cocoa powder, berry juice (viburnum, strawberry). Masks based on cosmetic clay, hydrogen peroxide, salicylic acid are excellent help.

Features of the use of whitening masks at home from dark spots

  1. Apply lightening compositions in doses and keep exactly as much as indicated in the recipe, so as not to dry out the skin and not provoke dehydration of the epidermis.
  2. It is important to carry out the procedure in the evening and in the autumn-winter period in order to exclude the negative effects of sunlight.
  3. During the period of using whitening masks, it is necessary to use creams with a high sun protection factor, since the photosensitivity of the skin increases.
  4. Whitening stains should be washed off with cool water, without drying the face, apply a nourishing cream in an even thick layer.
  5. During the period of home treatment of areas with hyperpigmentation, it is recommended to include foods containing vitamins C and PP in the diet, as well as to exclude the use of coffee and coffee-containing drinks.
  6. Each composition from spots must be tested for skin sensitivity, since aggressive exposure can provoke even more of their appearance.
  7. The mask must be applied to a cleansed face.

Depending on the type of skin, the components of masks for dark spots can be varied, which will increase their effectiveness. In any undertaking, regularity is important, so whitening procedures must be carried out systematically twice a week until visible improvement. In the future, to prevent the occurrence of spots and just for general skin tone, brightening masks can be done once every two weeks.

Recipes for whitening homemade face masks and compresses

Lemon compress mask for age spots.

Medium sized lemon - 1 pc.
Vodka - 100 g.

The composition for application must be prepared 10 days in advance. Wash the lemon, cut into pieces, pull out all the seeds. Put the raw materials in a small glass jar with a lid and pour vodka. Put the mixture in a dark place to infuse. After 10 days, strain the resulting tincture. Take a piece of gauze, fold it into three layers and make cuts for the eyes, mouth and nose. Such a napkin will be required in case of large age spots located all over the face. In the case of single darkened areas, it is enough to take cotton pads. Soak cotton pads or gauze in the tincture, squeeze lightly, apply to problem areas and leave for 20 minutes. The face is pre-cleansed of cosmetics and impurities. During the whole time, you need to periodically additionally moisten the discs or gauze in the infusion, preventing the mixture from drying out on the face. After the procedure, it is advisable not to wash your face, let the infusion stay on your face for as long as you can withstand. Then you can wash and apply a nourishing agent to the skin.

Lemon-protein mask for oily skin from age spots.

Egg white - 1 pc.
Lemon juice (viburnum juice) - 1 tsp.

Beat the egg white until a thick foam forms. While continuing to beat, gradually add lemon juice to the protein. On a pre-cleansed face, apply a protein-lemon mass, avoiding the area around the eyes, which is desirable to lubricate with a fat cream before the procedure. As one layer dries, apply the next. And so on until the entire composition or your patience runs out. Rinse off the mixture with water at room temperature, be sure to lubricate the skin with a greasy cream.

Video: How to lighten age spots at home.

Lemon-honey mask for age spots for all skin types.

Lemon juice - 1 lemon.
Liquid honey - 100 g.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon and combine with honey. The prepared mixture can be stored in the refrigerator. Apply daily to areas with age spots or the entire face and neck, leave for 15-30 minutes. Rinse with cool water, be sure to lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

Mask with olive oil for mature and aging skin.

Lemon - ½ pc.
Olive oil - 1 tsp
Liquid honey - 2 tsp.
Sugar - 2 tsp

Mix honey with sugar, squeeze the juice of a pitted lemon and add the oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on the face with gentle massaging movements. Leave on for five minutes, then rinse and apply a nourishing treatment.

Mask with clay and cucumber juice from age spots.

White clay (kaolin) in powder - 1 tsp.
Fresh cucumber juice (parsley or strawberry) - 1.5 tsp.
Lemon juice - 1 tsp

Combine the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, apply to the face or only problem areas, hold for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water. After the procedure, the face must be lubricated with a cream with an intense nourishing effect. Fresh cucumber can also be used as an independent bleaching agent. Apply fresh cucumber mass daily on the face for 20 minutes. Course - 10 procedures.

Curd and sour cream mask for spots with hydrogen peroxide for all skin types.

Cottage cheese is not fatty - 1 tbsp. l.
Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
Hydrogen peroxide (3%) - 1 tsp.

Grind the milk components into a homogeneous mass, add peroxide and mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture on age spots, you can keep the whole face for 15 minutes, then wash with water at room temperature and apply cream.

Milky-citrus mask for skin prone to pigmentation.

Dried orange, lime or lemon peel - 1 pc.
Milk - 1-2 tbsp. l.

Grind the zest in a blender to make a powder, dilute it with milk to the consistency of sour cream and apply on the face for 10 minutes. Rinse with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

Yeast mask for all skin types from age spots.

Raw yeast - 25 g.
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Dilute the yeast with milk until smooth, add lemon juice. Apply the finished mixture to areas of pigmentation or the entire face, hold for 15 minutes.

Anti-spot mask with starch and lemon juice for all skin types.

Lemon juice.

Dilute starch with lemon juice to make a thick slurry, which is applied pointwise to areas with pigmentation. Keep the composition for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water and apply cream.

A brightening anti-blemish mask for fair skin.

Potato starch - 1 tbsp. l.
Village milk - 1 tbsp. l.
Wheat flour - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the components, distribute on the face, rinse after 20 minutes and apply the cream.

Viburnum mask for all skin types (except dry).

Viburnum juice - 100 ml.

Moisten gauze pads with slits for the eyes, mouth and nose in fresh viburnum juice and apply on the face. Moisten the cloth again after 10 minutes and apply for 10 minutes. Such compress masks should be done daily for 10 days. Then you need to take a 10-day break and repeat the course again if necessary. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with cream.

Mask with turmeric and lemon juice for problem skin.

Turmeric - 1 tsp
Lemon juice - 2 tsp

Mix the components until a paste-like consistency is obtained. If the mass is too thick, you can add a little more lemon juice. The mass is kept on the face or only age spots for 15 minutes. Wash off with plenty of cool water. Be sure to moisturize your skin with cream.

Mask with cinnamon for age spots.

Natural honey - 2 tbsp. l.
Cinnamon - 1 tsp
Lemon juice - 1 pc.

To squeeze out all the lemon juice without residue, place the fruit itself for a few seconds in hot water. Mix the finished juice with the rest of the components and lubricate the pigmented areas, or apply to the entire face. After 10 minutes, wash with cold water, and lubricate the skin with a cream with a moisturizing effect.

A brightening oatmeal oil mask for all skin types.

Lemon juice - 3 drops.
Oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l.
Olive oil - 1 tsp
Natural yogurt - 1 tsp.

Grind cereal with a coffee grinder. Mix the resulting flour with the rest of the ingredients. Keep the mask on the face until completely dry, rinse with warm water and lubricate the face with a nourishing cream.

Whitening mask with horseradish juice for aging skin.

Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
Horseradish juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Keep the resulting mass of mixed ingredients on age spots for 5 minutes, rinse with plenty of cool water and apply cream.

Body mask for age spots.

Hydrogen peroxide (3%) - 2 tsp.
Bodyagi powder - 1 tsp.

Pour the bodyagu with peroxide and soak for several minutes until foam appears. Moisten a cotton pad in the resulting composition and apply pointwise to the areas of pigmentation. After 15 minutes, wash your face with hot water, powder your face with talcum powder. Such a recipe is not suitable for sensitive and dry skin, as well as in the presence of rosacea, wounds on the skin.

Video: The current recipe for a whitening mask for age spots in the “Everything will be good” program

Kefir mask for light sensitive skin from age spots.

Homemade kefir - 2 tbsp. l.
Wheat bran - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients and keep warm to swell. After ten minutes, apply the resulting slurry to the entire face, after 20 minutes wash with running water and apply a cream with a moisturizing or nourishing effect.

Mask with sauerkraut from age spots.

Chopped sauerkraut - 2 tbsp. l.
Sauerkraut pickle - a little.

Mix the ingredients and apply on the face so that it does not drain - lie down for 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Anti-blemish potato-milk mask for all skin types.

Boiled and crushed potatoes - 2 tsp.
Lemon juice - 1 tsp
Cottage cheese - 1 tsp
Milk -1 tsp

Mix the components into a thick slurry and apply to areas of pigmentation, for those who want to tighten the skin and increase its elasticity, the composition can be applied to the entire face. After 20 minutes, wash off the composition, and moisten the face with cream.

Whitening masks at home will help solve the problem of pigmentation and improve the condition and appearance of the skin.


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Age spots are spots that appear when there is an excessive accumulation of melanin pigment in the deep layers of the skin. The color of age spots can vary from light brown to dark brown. There are only seven varieties of age spots: freckles (ephelids), lentigo (age age spots), melasma (chloasma), birthmarks (nevus), secondary depigmentation, Brocca's meloderma and rosation.

Beautiful clean skin is the dream of every woman. However, it often happens that on a delicate lady's face, due to prolonged exposure to the sun, changes in hormonal levels, diseases of internal organs, and other things, brownish spots appear that spoil the appearance. How to get rid of them?

There are many methods for dealing with age spots. We will now consider masks that have proven themselves well in the fight against such a skin defect. It is important to note that the following are examples of masks intended exclusively for local use.

Clay and lemon. A clay and lemon mask is an excellent remedy for lightening blemishes on the face. To prepare it, you need a teaspoon of white or blue clay and two teaspoons of lemon juice, that is, the ingredients must be taken in a ratio of one to two. Clay and juice should be thoroughly mixed and applied to problem areas of the skin for 5-15 minutes (subject to skin type), and then rinse with warm water. After the procedure, the skin must be lubricated with a fat cream.

Currant berries and oatmeal. Copes well with insidious age spots and a mask based on currants and oatmeal. To prepare it, you need to take a tablespoon of currants (you can use both fresh and frozen berries) and a tablespoon of flour, knead the currants, mix the resulting slurry with flour. The mask must be applied to the skin of problem areas for a maximum of 10 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water, and lubricate the skin with any moisturizer.

How to whiten age spots on the face