How to wash yellow plaque from plastic. Preparation of plastic for bleaching. Means for cleaning the plastic window sill

You will need

  • -alcohol;
  • - chlorine bleach;
  • - soda ash;
  • - washing powder;
  • -perhydrol;
  • -acetone.


Sometimes a small coating of a yellowish tint is formed from dust settling on light objects or, and if these particles themselves do not affect the plastic, then it is quite possible to remove them. Try cleaning the plastic with normal soapy water and a sponge or brush if the surface of the object is not afraid of scratches.

Try using alcohol - methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, etc. - which one you find. But just keep in mind that all chemical experiments should be carried out in a well-ventilated area, wearing gloves, and in some cases goggles. And in order not to spoil the thing, try it by first washing a small piece in an inconspicuous place.

Plastic can also be washed with acetone. But keep in mind that some types of this material dissolve in it. Take a cotton swab and moisten it with acetone so that there are no smudges when processing the item. It is necessary to wipe with quick movements horizontally, from top to bottom.

If you are unable to remove the yellow due to changes in the structure of the plastic itself, you can try to update the item by painting it with spray paint.


  • how to process plastic

It's no secret that with the help of AdobePhotoshop you can correct many annoying errors that were revealed only after the photo shoot. But there is one of the many ways to correct the color of a person's teeth, it is available to users who do not even know this program very well.


Uploading an image. We carefully study the color scheme and the nature of the lighting captured in the photograph. This is very important, so that after color correction by us, “improvements” do not create a comic effect, but really decorate a person. There is an erroneous opinion that the whiter the teeth, that is, the less they have their own color, the better. This is not true. Imagine if the room is lit with a colored lamp, for example, a blue tint. Then the snow-white shirts look light blue, the white tablecloths too, the whites of the eyes glisten blue, but the fashion model's teeth have a neutral - dirty gray tint. In the real world, this cannot be, or rather, it can be if the model has serious oral diseases. This needs to be understood before we take on the color correction tools. The color of healthy teeth in the image is the color of white objects in a particular lighting situation.

Let's get to work. With a tool from the Lasso set, select the area to be processed on the image. Before we start tracing the contours of the teeth, set the Feather parameter to 3-5 px, this will make the edges of the selection smooth and soft, which is more natural. We carefully follow the border of the teeth and gums, in difficult situations making allowances towards the tooth enamel, because the rims on the lips and gums repainted in an unnatural color are not the best face decoration.

Align the color of the teeth. To do this, use the Photo Filter filter (menu Image>Adjustments>Photo Filter…). We switch the selector to the mode of manual color selection (Custom Color), Now it's time to remember about the lighting of the scene. If there are whites in the image, it will be easier for us. We click on the square that sets the Custom Color and move the cursor (its appearance has acquired the shape of an eyedropper) to the image. We click on the place of the image (white fabric, wall, or, in the end, the whites of the eyes), which can give us information about what color the model's face is lit. It must be remembered that highlights are white spots that go beyond the dynamic range of the picture, for example, or bright highlights do not suit us - after all, human teeth do not glow, therefore they cannot look as white as light bulbs.
If there are no suitable white objects in the image, then the color will have to be selected at your own peril and risk. Mentally imagine what shade the white surface would acquire if it were in this image next to a person, find and set this color in the color field in the settings window. Remember that even with the right lighting, tooth enamel is still not neutral, but has its own color - a natural shade of ivory.
The Density parameter (effect density) is recommended to be set to a value of about 70%, however, this may vary. Observe how its change affects the picture.
Tech tip: If the selection outline - the flickering dotted line around the teeth - is preventing you from seeing the image, you can temporarily turn it off by pressing Ctrl+H. Do not rush to remove the selection at all, it will still be useful to us.

Having finished aligning the color of the teeth, you can slightly add brightness to them and. To do this, it is enough to use the simplest device - the Brightness / Contrast panel (menu Image> Adjustments> Brightness / Contrast). Just do not overdo it with brightening the enamel. When choosing a parameter, look in general so that the shine of the model’s teeth “does not cover the white light” - this obviously will not benefit the artistic image, it will make the image fake.


  • make teeth whiter in photoshop 2019

Underwear gradually loses its dazzling luster and begins to look untidy. To return the whiteness to yellowed or grayed things, they came up with a lot of different means, so if you wish, things can be “reanimated”.

You will need

  • - bleach;
  • - powder;
  • - salt and soda;
  • - hydrogen peroxide.


Things made of cotton or linen can be boiled. For this purpose, it is better to use purified water, since it does not need so much. Pour water into an enameled bowl (basin or bucket), add powder and a little, and put on fire to boil. Don't forget to stir. After things have boiled for 30-40 minutes, rinse them well in clean water. But it is worth noting that after boiling the laundry may decrease slightly in size.

Add a little baking soda and salt with each wash. If you wash in an automatic machine, then 2 tsp will be enough. salt and 3 tsp. soda. Of course, the linen will not whiten the first time, but gradually it will return to its previous appearance.

Soak laundry in cold water with oxygen bleach added overnight. Wash it by hand in the morning and rinse in clean water. It is not recommended to use boiling water for this purpose, since bleach at high temperatures has a negative effect on fabric fibers.

Dilute 2 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide in a liter of water and soak the laundry in the resulting solution. Peroxide perfectly bleaches and refreshes the color of the fabric.

In hardware stores, special bleaches are sold specifically for underwear. The method of application is described on the packaging with the product. If you decide to use it, then first read all the recommendations, otherwise things may be irretrievably damaged.

To keep your underwear looking white, use a leading brand of optical brightener powder. If you have dirty water (with a yellowish tint), boil and defend it first. Then pour into the basin, and wash the linen only in clean water by hand.

Useful advice

Do not attempt to bleach underwear with citric acid. It gives a yellow tint to things. It's pointless to use it.


  • bleach clothes with baking soda

The child grows, learns the world by trial and error, so there are many stains on clothes. And natural fabrics keep them very well. Daily washing, or even several times a day, takes a lot of time and effort, because you really want to things children were not only "safe" but also clean and free of stains. How to deal with the hard-to-remove remnants of the knowledge of the world?

You will need

  • - boiling water,
  • - stain remover
  • - liquid powder,
  • - potassium permanganate,
  • - vinegar,
  • -hydrogen peroxide,
  • - whiteness.


Most often, food stains remain on the clothes of the child. And the most difficult thing is to remove traces of berries and juice, but if the stain is fresh, then it will be possible to cope with the task. This can be done with ordinary boiling water. Boil two or three liters of water, pull the soiled thing over the container (just pull it, but do not put it in a basin) and pour boiling water on the soiled place until the stain disappears. If the thing is small, then just put it in the sink and also pour boiling water over the contamination.

To remove an old juice stain, you can use modern stain removers. In the lines of children's detergents there are bleaches. It is best to pour or pour a little product on the contaminated surface, wait a few minutes, and then wash with baby powder. Laundry soap often well washes the dirt that has eaten into the fabric.

To remove the most stubborn stains, it is better to use the grandmother's method: potassium permanganate, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, cotton pads. Dilute a few crystals of potassium permanganate in vinegar (the solution should be beet-colored, make sure that the crystals are completely dissolved). Soak a cotton pad in the solution and rub it on the stain. Don't be alarmed - the fabric will darken a little. With a clean cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide, rub the stained area again - the fabric will discolor. Please note that this magic method will only work on white or permanently dyed items.

Grass stains. Rub the fabric with a liquid powder - gel with enzymes. Wait for a while, then rinse under running hot water.

Stains from sauces and ketchup. Rinse the stained area on the fabric from the inside out under running cold water. To prevent the stain from spreading, you can put a cotton or linen napkin under the fabric, then it will be absorbed into the substrate. First treat with liquid powder, if necessary, brush the top layer of dirt, but do not rub hard. After the product is absorbed, rinse with water. If it doesn’t help, put the baby thing in warm water for about thirty minutes, and repeat the procedure again.

For the most stubborn stains on whites or white fabrics with a printed pattern, you can use a radical remedy - whiteness. Dilute the product according to the instructions on the package and soak the item or pour on the stain. Just be sure to wash the clothes after that and rinse thoroughly so that the smell of bleach does not remain.

White fur looks spectacular. It rejuvenates and refreshes the complexion. But over time white fur acquires an unpleasant yellow tint. This must be taken into account when buying such a product. It is impossible to completely get rid of yellowness. It is only possible to temporarily disguise it.

You will need

  • - hydrogen peroxide;
  • - ammonia;
  • - a piece of chalk;
  • - wheat bran;
  • - shampoo for pets;
  • - blue.


To bleach yellowed fur, take 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide per 200 ml of water. Add a few drops of ammonia. Apply the solution to an inconspicuous part of the product to check the reaction. If a fur has not changed color, clean the pile with a foam sponge. Dry the product in the sun.

Grind the chalk into a powder and rub it thoroughly into fur. Shake off the product after cleaning. Chalk effectively removes dirt and whitens.

To get rid of the white fur uh, take potato starch. Apply to pile. Pour the soap solution into the spray bottle and spray on the product. Then gently rub the mixture and wait until it dries completely. Brush off the powder thoroughly. After the first procedure, the result may not appear.

To combat jaundice fur but use the grandmother's recipe, which is based on an optical illusion. Dilute a little blue in warm water and soak a sponge in it. Swipe lightly over the pile and wait until it dries completely.

To fur not yellowed, you need to remove pollution in time. Grease stains can be removed with gasoline or stain remover. Apply the mixture to the pile with a cotton swab. After sponge wash with warm soapy water. Clean fur blot with paper towel. Then dry and shake. Any light soiling is removed by pet shampoo. Dilute it in warm water and apply with a sponge or soft cloth to the product. Rub gently. When fur clean, rinse with soapy water and hang to dry. Comb through after complete drying. White fur effectively clean bran. Heat up the pan. Put wheat bran on it. Then sprinkle them on the contaminated areas fur and intensively rub first on the pile, and then against. Then shake them off with a brush.

Useful advice

If the fur is stored incorrectly, it may wrinkle. Take a damp sponge and lightly wet the pile. Then comb through with a wide-toothed comb and hang to dry.


  • silver fox yellowness

White from frequent washing, various kinds of pollution, exposure to sunlight, improper care turn yellow over time. How can you return your favorite underwear or clothes to their original whiteness?

You will need

  • - ammonia;
  • - chemical bleaches;
  • - hydrogen peroxide;
  • - salt;
  • - fermented milk products (yogurt or kefir);
  • - a decoction of white beans;
  • - washing powder, soap.


When washing, add ammonia to the water. It will soften the water and neutralize the salts that color the whites. things into yellow.

Chemical bleaching agents help restore the original color to things. True, their frequent use leads to fragility of the fabric. Therefore, you need to be careful with their use and follow all recommendations for use.

Helps to whiten yellowed things hydrogen peroxide. First, wash the linen with a detergent - powder or soap, in a washing machine or by hand. Rinse and squeeze well.

Then soak in a solution: for 10 liters of warm water, 10 tablespoons of table salt, 3 liters of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 5 tablespoons of ammonia and 50 grams of washing powder. After 3-4 hours, rinse the laundry in clean water.

The old, grandmother-tested way to bleach things- boiling. Take a metal bowl, bucket or large pot of water and put it on the stove. Bring the water to a boil. Then add laundry detergent or bleach.

Dip the laundry in water and boil for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally with a stick. Remove the bowl from the stove, cover with a lid and leave overnight. Then rinse thoroughly things.

Yellow stains from champagne or white wine will help remove kefir or yogurt. Apply a small amount of fermented milk product to the stain. Rub well so that it is absorbed into the fibers of the fabric. Put the clothes in a basin and pour more kefir or yogurt on top. Add some water if necessary.

Leave for 2-3 hours. With heavy soiling, you can soak the laundry overnight. Then rinse in clean water and wash as usual.


  • white things turned yellow

T-shirts are versatile clothing in both summer heat and cool weather. But white T-shirts need special care. And sometimes there are situations when expensive bleaches and powders with stains on white things can not cope. Or a snow-white T-shirt turned yellow or turned grayish, while losing its former dazzling whiteness.


To prevent your T-shirt from turning yellow and gray after washing, wash it separately from light and colored items. If it contains flax or, you need to wash synthetics separately. During washing, add bleach powder to regular powder, or pour bleach into the prewash compartment. Be sure to look at the packaging. These products must be suitable for use in automatic washing and white washing.

If you are afraid of bleach, remember how a few decades ago they coped with the problem of bleaching a white thing. At that time, boiling with was very popular. This method will only work for you if your T-shirt is cotton. In 10 liters of water, add 500 grams of soda ash and 500 grams of bleach. Leave the solution for two days, then strain. Boil the T-shirt in this solution for at least two hours. But be aware that this bleaching method leads to a rapid failure of the fabric. And there are safer ways.

You can also bleach a T-shirt with potassium permanganate. Add a small amount of potassium permanganate to a bucket of hot water so that the water acquires a gentle shade, and 200 grams of ordinary washing powder. Then lower the already washed item into the bucket, cover with polyethylene on top and wait until the water has cooled. Rinse the T-shirt thoroughly after this procedure.

The former dazzling of your things will help return a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Fill a bucket or basin with warm water and add peroxide at the rate of 2 liters of water, one teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Add a handful of soda. Soak the T-shirt in the resulting solution for 20 minutes. To make the bleaching uniform, stir the thing periodically.


Remember that a white thing can lose its color not only due to pollution, but also due to prolonged storage. That is why dirty laundry should not be stored for a long time.

Stretch or plastic ceilings acquire a yellowish tint over time. It is impossible to whitewash or paint them, but there are enough ways, using which, you do not have to carry out global repairs and change something.

You will need

  • - mop;
  • - chlorine-containing agent;
  • - a special liquid for washing the floor.


Over time, the surface of stretch or plastic ceilings is covered with a thin layer of fat. If there is no hood over the stove, cooking further contributes to this. In order not to change the ceilings and not spend large amounts of money, it is enough to thoroughly wash the surfaces, and they will again become their original white color.

For bleaching plastic or stretch ceilings, it is permissible to use a solution with a chlorine-containing agent. Prepare a container of hot water. For 10 liters of water, add 1 tablespoon of a thick chlorine-containing agent. Take a mop with a rubber or microfiber tip, soak it in the prepared solution and thoroughly clean the ceilings.

After washing the ceilings for the first time, let them dry completely. If yellow or gray streaks remain visible, repeat the treatment. This method helps to completely refresh the ceilings.

Instead of a chlorine-containing product, you can use a special liquid designed for washing the floor. These liquids are sold in the network of household goods in a wide range from different manufacturers. The price range is scattered from a few rubles to several hundred rubles.

Read the instructions carefully. Different manufacturers may recommend a different dose when using the product. Dilute the solution, add the indicated amount of the purchased product, rinse the ceiling surface thoroughly. Most often, once is enough to completely whiten the ceiling. Special products do not leave smudges and streaks, easily cope with the most difficult dirt from the first time, there is no need to re-treat.

Many people dream of having a Hollywood smile, because it is not only beautiful, but also symbolizes health and success. In fact, healthy snow-white teeth do not exist in nature, since the minerals that are responsible for their strength give the tooth enamel a slight yellowish tint.

The reasons for the intense yellowness of the teeth are very diverse. Repeated use of strong tea or coffee during the day leads to yellowing of the teeth due to the introduction of pigment into the tooth enamel. Smoking is a fairly important etiological factor in the appearance of yellow enamel, as teeth turn yellow from nicotine resins. Regular poor-quality brushing of teeth leads to the accumulation of plaque on the enamel. Yellow teeth are a consequence of blood diseases and endocrine disorders.

The way to eliminate this problem depends on the one that caused the discoloration of the tooth enamel.

Professional teeth whitening

If the teeth are from exposure to pigments, then they can be in a dental clinic for several tones at once by applying a special composition to the enamel and exposure to ultraviolet radiation, acids or a laser.

You can use professional: gel, sticks, adhesive strips. They are used according to the instructions. Also in the pharmacy you can buy whitening toothpastes, which instead of abrasive substances contain chemical reagents.

Rinsing the mouth with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution gives a good result - the teeth become noticeably lighter. But this method is contraindicated for people suffering from caries or other gum diseases.

Teeth whitening folk remedies

Among folk methods of teeth whitening, brushing your teeth with fresh strawberry puree or rinsing your mouth with strawberry juice is quite common. The therapeutic effect is due to the action of fruit acids contained in strawberries.

To fight the yellowness of the teeth, you can use ordinary baking soda. To do this, just dip your toothbrush in a solution or powder of soda and brush your teeth. After such a procedure, they become whiter, but the gums can also be injured. In addition, baking soda can damage the top layer of tooth enamel, so you can use it as a whitening agent no more than once a month.

Wood ash whitens teeth well. It contains a lot of potassium hydroxide, a compound with bleaching properties. Microscopic crystals of this substance eliminate plaque in hard-to-reach places, making teeth clean and snow-white. Wood ash is mixed with toothpaste or used in its pure form, directly applied to the toothbrush.

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Tip 10: Spray paint for plastic: rules for use

The widespread use of plastic products has led to a demand for paint products designed to be applied to their surface. The most popular paint for plastic, produced in aerosol packaging.

A glossy effect can be achieved only in special production facilities, but even for home use, such a coating looks great on the surface of doors or window frames. It is not affected by moisture and pollution and tolerates seasonal temperature changes well.

Hardware stores stock a range of spray paint for plastics in over 50 different colors, including imitation woods and golden metallics.

Rules for the use of spray paint for plastic

The paint for plastics is fast drying, and the durability of its coating allows the painted product to maintain its appearance for about 3 or more years. In the process of working with this substance, safety precautions should be observed, since it is volatile and prone to fire. Coloring is best done outdoors, and if not possible, in a well-ventilated area.

To protect the respiratory tract, a paint respirator must be used, and if paint gets into the eyes, they should be rinsed without delay. The paint can should be stored at room temperature and kept away from open flames. It must be shaken for several minutes before use to obtain a more uniform coating color and prevent clogging of the spray system.

The surface to be painted must be thoroughly cleaned before starting work. In the presence of roughness and porosity, a layer of primer for plastic should be applied, which, after drying, must be carefully sanded. If you plan to paint a separate place, it is worth covering the neighboring areas with paper so that they do not have to be subsequently washed with a solvent.

After applying the first layer, re-treatment may be necessary if unevenness cannot be avoided. The balloon should be kept in a strictly vertical position at a distance of 25-30 cm from the object. If after completion of work there is paint left in the cylinder, you need to turn it upside down and press on the head until the jet becomes colorless. This will help the paint not dry out.

Plastic is a common material. It is used for the production of household goods, windows, computer parts, furniture. The material has one drawback - the ability to turn yellow.

Consider what to do if the plastic has turned yellow, how to whiten it at home.

Any white plastic will yellow over time. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, many substances are destroyed, including polyvinyl chloride. If the product is made of low-quality material, the process will go faster, as the dye and plasticizer evaporate.

In addition, there are a number of other reasons:

  • Poor-quality window structures made using complex technology. They consist of more than a dozen components that are responsible for the reliability and shade of the product. Manufacturers want to reduce the cost of the product, so they save on mixture stabilizers and violate production technology;
  • Savings when creating plastic on a white pigment of zinc oxide, titanium dioxide or lead. This raw material gives the product a white tint. Because of this, a yellowish tint begins to appear on the products after two to three years;
  • Light aging of the material. It has light stabilizers based on benzophenone or benzotriazole. Because of this, exposure to ultraviolet rays slows down. The process of yellowing windows that face south will go faster than on the shady side;

If the windows face the sunny side, it is better to remove the flowers from the window sills, as yellow marks will remain on it very quickly.
  • Operating conditions. Being near the highway and the influence of the weather are also considered unfavorable factors. Due to temperature changes, the chemical and physical properties of the material change. Cracks form, the shade changes. This usually applies to budget PVC windows;
  • Wrong care. Some housewives make too much effort when leaving, which negatively affects the product. Yellowing occurs due to solvents, strong alkali, acid;
  • Cigarette soot and greasy fumes in the dining area. These marks can be removed with detergents.

Important: When buying plastic windows, it is better to choose trusted manufacturers. The price will be higher, but the white color will remain for a long time. Usually the warranty period is 30-40 years, but even GOST standards allow that the shade may change during this time. Windows purchased from unscrupulous manufacturers are often impossible to whiten. If low-quality plastic has turned yellow, the process is irreversible.

Many do not advise buying windows from China and Turkey. It is necessary to check the quality certificate, which proves the reliability of the product. In the absence of this document, there is no need to take risks. In this case, the quality of the windows is usually low and you will soon have to make a new purchase.

Yellowed plastic looks untidy and dirty

Preparing for whitening

Before you try to whiten plastic products at home, it is important to properly prepare. To avoid damage and scratches, use only a soft sponge or special wipes against grease and dirt.

Important: To whiten yellowed plastic on the refrigerator, as well as on the microwave, washing machine, air conditioner and other household appliances, you need to remove accessories and small parts. Their processing should take place separately by soaking in a special solution.

The microwave oven or machine must be unplugged from the mains. Remove dirt and soot from the door, side panels or window frames. There is a special need for this if they are in the kitchen.

How to whiten plastic

Consider how to bleach yellowed plastic:

  • The most gentle method is the use of laundry soap. Best of all, it copes with oily plaque. Dissolve ½ a bar of grated soap in water, dip a sponge into the solution, rinse the yellowed areas. Wait 30 minutes, wash off. To more effectively wash yellowed plastic, you should choose a product with a high percentage of fatty acids. This is indicated on the piece itself or on the pack;
  • Solvents and alcohol. Ethanol helps whiten yellow plastic well. It is important to wear gloves when handling and open the vents. Moisten a napkin in alcohol, treat the areas. The smell disappears over time. To speed up the process, you can use a mild scented cleaner. A solvent such as acetone is also used. You need to act according to the same algorithm. If the shade of the product has not changed very much, nail polish remover with acetone in the composition is suitable. These are aggressive products that can change the shade of plastic, so you should first check their effect on a small area;
  • Vinegar. This method is also referred to as sparing. Vapors occur during operation, so special care must be taken. It is important to open the window, wear thick rubber gloves. For advanced cases, a more aggressive remedy is made. To do this, mix liquid soap, baking soda and acetic acid, add a small amount of water. It is quite difficult to get rid of the smell of vinegar, so the method does not need to be used if the product has yellowed slightly;
  • Bleaches and technical soda. These tools are best used for removable plastic parts. A mixture of soda and powder for white clothes will be effective. Add 1 tbsp per liter of water. l. each ingredient. Soak for a quarter of an hour. Chlorine-based bleaches, such as "Whiteness", are also suitable. The tool is inexpensive, but effective;

How to bleach plastic with baking soda and bleach
  • Hydrogen peroxide. With this method, yellowed white plastic can be cleaned even in the most advanced cases. First you need to wipe it with a grease and dust remover. You need to process at least 3-4 times. You can mix peroxide with hair bleach. Mix 0.5 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. each ingredient, wipe the yellowed coating;
  • Special wipes. You can buy special wipes for the keyboard and monitor in technical stores. They are impregnated with a composition that eliminates yellowing and cleans the surface;
  • Dye. This is a cardinal way if other means do not help. It is better to choose spray paints. Surface protection should be provided that does not require painting, otherwise it can be damaged;
  • Powder products and baking soda. Trying to clean yellowed plastic with abrasives is not safe, but if other methods fail, you can use them. Pemolux is doing well.

Improvised means for bleaching plastic products

Professional Ready Tools

If until recently the white glossy plastic on windows or other products turned yellow, and you are wondering how to whiten it, you can buy ready-made compounds. Many household chemical departments offer specialty cleaning products for plastics. They are used for heavy soiling and bleaching. A common tool is Cosmoklar cleaning milk, its effective analogue Bauset, and an inexpensive Bon sprayer.

You can pick up a universal remedy, such as Domestos, Cif, Grass, Garden, Meine Liebe sprays. Suitable products are also sold in automotive stores: Mafra, Profoam.

Professional plastic bleaching products

Prohibited funds

Not suitable for cleaning plastic products:

  • Abrasives, metal brushes. They scratch the plastic, dust will accumulate in the damage and pollution will appear. It is very difficult to put such a product in order;
  • Strong acids and alkalis can damage the protective layer of plastic, which will harm the appearance of the product;
  • Melamine sponges are also considered abrasive, as they scratch the surface;
  • Hot water causes yellowing and turbidity.

In order not to damage the plastic, it is better to choose gel or cream products.

If the plastic is properly cared for, yellowing can be prevented. A number of rules should be followed:

  • Periodically clean the surface with soapy water. Then wipe it dry with a clean cloth. For processing, you can use different detergents, for example, dishwashing gel and powders for clothes. It is important to choose gel and liquid formulations;
  • Do not use abrasives as permanent care products. Powders leave scratches on the coating that are invisible. They accumulate dirt, deeply penetrating over time;
  • Smoking near plastic is not recommended. Regardless of the quality of the coating, it will harm him;
  • Clean regularly. If you do not remove dirt from the plastic, yellowness appears. This is usually noticeable on the windowsills where there are flower pots;
  • Apply polishes. They form an invisible film that provides protection against the negative influence of external factors;
  • Try not to leave stains. It is quite easy to wash food marks, but it is very difficult to remove the paint from labels and magazines;
  • If possible, plastic products should be protected from the influence of the sun.

If you purchase high-quality products and provide them with proper care, they will retain their original appearance for a long time. It is important to start cleaning with a gentle method, and only as a last resort, when irreversible changes in the material have occurred, use abrasives or paint. Work should be carried out with open windows in protective gloves.


Plastic window sill is an indispensable attribute of PVC windows. One of the advantages of plastic is its resistance to contamination, but if something has stained a perfectly white surface, then it is not so easy to wash it off. Let's figure out how to clean a plastic window sill!

Cleaning products - how to wash plastic window sills?

All plastic cleaning products can be divided into two main groups: factory products and folk recipes. The former are effective, but require additional costs, the latter are less effective, but practically free, since the right ingredients are always at hand.

Among the factory products there are even special cleaners for plastic window sills and frames. However, if you look at it, the absence of reagents harmful to plastic - solvents, acetone, acids - makes them special. They soften the plastic and lead to the formation of microcracks, from which it is hardly possible to wash out small dust particles. It is also important that the composition of the products does not contain abrasive particles that can scratch the surface.

Rummaging through the shelves of the store, you will find many products that are being promoted, such as detergents for dishes, floor or bathroom walls - the content is the same, only the advertising is different. Agree, buying a whole jar of a special cleaner for two or three window sills is simply unprofitable. Therefore, experienced repairmen and housewives prefer universal tools, such as Domestos, Mr. Proper, Comet and cheaper counterparts.

Folk recipes are not as effective and require a lot of physical effort and cleaning time. However, they have a significant advantage - many products are safe for children, do not pollute the air with harmful chemical compounds, do not emit vapors and do not leave marks on the surface. In addition, you can prepare such a detergent, if not for free, then very inexpensively.

The safest for plastic is a soapy solution or a paste of soap or washing powder.

Ammonium chloride, citric acid, baking soda or mustard are not applicable to plastic window sills! They can leave behind micro-scratches or lead to the formation of cracks. It is very easy to prepare the solution - grate a piece of any soap (40-50 g) and dilute in a small amount of warm water until completely dissolved. The higher the concentration, the better. You can do the same with washing powder, the main thing is that the grains are completely dissolved.

How to wash and bleach a plastic window sill - construction pollution

Windows, and with them window sills, are installed in the room long before the end of the repair. So they usually face a lot of risks of being dirty. The film, which is designed to protect window sills and window frames, does not always cope with this task. The master who left behind dirt is bad, but the fact remains that the repair is completed, and you are puzzled by the problem of how to clean the plastic window sill and frame. With glass it is much easier - dirt and sticks to it with difficulty. How to clean and wash plastic window sills to restore their perfect look?

How to wash and bleach a plastic window sill - a step by step diagram

Step 1: Remove Dirt and Dust

To begin, remove the end caps (if any) to prevent dirt from accumulating at the junction of the caps and the window sill. Clean the surfaces from ordinary dirt and dust: first, gently sweep the dirt from the window sill with a dry rag or broom, or vacuum it, and then wipe the residue with a damp cloth. It is best to use not just any rags, but a microfiber cloth, or at least cotton, flannel or fleece.

Step 2: Apply the product

If there are dirt sticking to the plastic on the surface (plaster, putty), apply paste or gel on them and let the dirt soak for 2-5 minutes. In the case of stains of polyurethane foam (), which could stain the window sill during window installation, it will be more difficult to remove the pollution. In this case, first cut off as much of the foam as possible, and then apply a paste or gel, or a special solvent to the remains. Try to apply solvent only on the foam itself. Leave the stain to soak with the cleaner for 10-15 minutes - during this time the foam should get wet and soften.

Step 3: Get Rid of Tough Dirt

We wash off the paste or gel and use a rubber spatula to pry off the remaining dirt. The mounting foam will have to be slightly scraped, but a rubber spatula or a brush with hard bristles will not harm the window sill.

Step 4: Stripping

Wash off the remaining dirt with plenty of water and wipe dry. If other stains are found, repeat the procedure.

From time to time, at least twice a year, rubber seals, which are used to secure windows and hide cracks, should be lubricated with silicone grease. It is usually recommended to do this before the onset of cold weather and in the spring. After you managed to wash the plastic window sills, glossy surfaces can be rubbed with a special plastic polish, which is sold at any hardware or hardware store.

How to wash and clean plastic window sills - household pollution

Streaks from windows, traces of flower pots, rust - how can you clean and wash a plastic window sill from these contaminants? There are plenty of ways to deal with them! If you trust only household chemicals, then in your “arsenal” of funds there must be various gels of well-known brands: Sif, Domestos, Mr. Proper, as well as a sponge with a hard side and rubber gloves for cleaning. Read the label carefully - many manufacturers indicate that their products are also suitable for plastic.

  • In order to return the radiant whiteness, experienced housewives use Domestos- the result will really please you.
  • Effective for quick cleaning Mr. Proper- everything, as in advertising, wiped and clean.
  • If rusty streaks appear on the window sills, it is best to deal with them Cillit.
  • Traces of children's "arts" - strokes of wax crayons - are effectively removed by a melamine sponge.
  • To cope with small stains or dust, wet wipes designed for office equipment or for the kitchen will help.

And yet there is such a stage of window sill pollution, as in that joke about children: “Honey, will we wash these or give birth to new ones?” Such consequences could be caused, among other things, by errors during cleaning, when products with acids were used for a long time, damaging the structure of the plastic. The window sill acquires a gray, dirty shade, which is not washed off by anything. In this case, only save. Choose a thicker film, it will withstand any test in the future. It does not have to be white - it can be a marble-like or wood-like film, as well as a wide variety of patterns and colors. In the end, if you can’t decide, buy several options at once, fortunately, the cost of the film itself allows this.

Before gluing, get rid of dust and other dirt and wipe the window sill dry. Then, on one side, peel off the film from the protective paper layer and gently stick it to the window sill. Gradually peeling off the protective layer, press the adhesive side to the window sill with a rag or a special rubber roller, pushing out air bubbles. It's not scary if the film went obliquely - you can safely peel it off and stick it again, it will not lose its properties, if you, of course, got rid of the dust in advance.

How to bleach yellowed plastic: effective folk methods

One of the most unpretentious, lightweight and common materials used in the manufacture of household appliances, kitchen utensils and many other household products is plastic. Unfortunately, over time, white plastic parts take on a noticeable yellow tint. To easily restore the products to their former whiteness, we recommend that you read a few tips on how to bleach yellowed plastic.

soap solution

Very often, yellowed plastic is the result of ordinary dust, dirt or soot settling on its surface. In this case, it will be easy to solve the problem of cleaning the product - just wash it in ordinary soapy water, armed with a sponge or brush with soft bristles.


To whiten plastic, you can also soak the product in a solution of baking soda and washing powder. In a liter of water, 20 grams of each of these substances must be dissolved, after which plastic should be placed there and left for at least six hours.


Alcohol can slightly dissolve the surface of plastic parts, so careful use of this method will bleach plastic that has yellowed for almost any reason.

It is best to use a lint-free cloth dampened with alcohol for cleaning. Before you begin to process the entire part, try to clean some inconspicuous area. If alcohol has not spoiled the surface, you can safely wipe the entire product.


Instead of alcohol, you can clean yellowed plastic with acetone. Soak a dry, clean cloth or tissue in the liquid and gently wipe the desired areas. Make sure that no excess moisture or stains remain on the surface during processing. And in this case, be sure to make sure that acetone will not cause harm by first wiping a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product.

Cleaning products for monitors and PCs

To carefully whiten the plastic, wipes designed for the care of computer equipment, sold in specialized stores, help. According to experts, after cleaning with such a napkin, a battered computer looks almost like new. Along with PC, you can also use this product to clean other plastic items.

Plastic cleaners and restorers

Another special care product for plastic surfaces are various cleaners and restorers sold in auto parts stores. With the help of these sprays, you can not only bleach the plastic, but also cover it with a thin protective film.

Hydrogen peroxide

Many housewives successfully return the whiteness of kitchen utensils with the help of ordinary hydrogen peroxide, sold in pharmacies. Dip a sponge in the solution and carefully wipe the yellowed parts.

Peroxide not only helps to remove soot and grease from the surface of products, but it can even whiten plastic windows that have turned yellow from tobacco smoke.

To enhance the result, you can also mix peroxide with any stain remover, dissolve this mixture in water and place plastic parts there for several hours. About 40 grams of this product must be added per liter of water.

If none of the proposed methods brought you the desired result, it remains to use the last effective remedy, namely, paint your products white, for example, using an aerosol can.

Despite the fact that plastic is considered a material that is quite unpretentious in everyday life, you should not use products containing coarse abrasive particles or alkaline substances, as well as hard sponges, washcloths and metal “brushes” during cleaning.

These devices will only scratch the plastic surface, spoil the appearance of the product and give free rein to the bacteria that will begin to accumulate in the grooves and microcracks.

How to wash plastic dishes

In order to wash plastic dishes, you will need warm water, regular dishwashing detergent or liquid soap. Remember, not all plastic is resistant to boiling water: if the water temperature exceeds 60-70 ° C, plates, bowls and containers are more likely to develop a “mesh” of cracks.

Products made of heat-resistant plastic can be sent to the dishwasher, but only if a special icon on the bottom of the dish informs about this possibility.

Dishwasher safe icon on plastic utensils

Remove dried food from the plastic as follows: soak the dishes in warm water, adding a couple of drops of detergent. Half an hour is enough for the remnants of the food to “move away”.

Most of all, housewives are not confused by fat (it is just washed off the walls of plastic dishes without problems), but by an unpleasant smell that eats into the surface. Try to get rid of the smell by one of the following methods:

  1. Pour 1 cup of warm water and ¼ cup of 9% table vinegar, a couple of drops of dishwashing detergent into the container. Close the container with a lid, shake vigorously for a minute, leave for an hour. Next, drain the water and rinse the dishes with cold water.
  2. Baking soda has a similar effect. Dilute the soda with warm water to a paste state, treat the walls of a bowl, plate or ladle with the resulting composition. Leave overnight and wash off with cold water in the morning.
  3. Coffee beans, charcoal or activated charcoal are considered good absorbents. Put 5-6 grains or "charcoal" tablets in a container, leave under a tightly closed lid for two hours until the smell passes into an absorbent.
  4. Rub the inside of the container with lemon juice (or just lemon peel), leave to ventilate for two to three hours. At the end of the procedure, rinse the dishes with water.
  5. Vanillin will also help (do not confuse with vanilla sugar). It is enough to fill the vessel with water and add one or two pinches of fragrant powder there, tightly “cork”. Rinse the container after two to three hours.

How to wash a plastic barrel (tank or canister) from dirt and mold

Washing a plastic drinking canister or tank is a laborious task, but among home remedies there are “helpers” who can handle even such a difficult task. All methods combine the action of cleaning, disinfecting agents and mechanical cleaning.

Technology: pour one of the products suggested below into a tank or barrel, close the lid and shake well (twist or roll). The smallest particles will polish the container from the inside, and the active substances will destroy the accumulated bacteria.

To make the process more efficient, fill the barrel not completely, but about a quarter. Do not forget to rinse the container with cool water after cleaning and dry it naturally.


  • Baking soda is a mild abrasive that also effectively fights microorganisms. 2 teaspoons of powder are enough for 1 liter of water.
  • As an alternative to soda, use clean (calcined) sand, sawdust, coffee grounds, millet (at the rate of 200-300 grams per 10 liters of water). For a stronger effect, add a few drops of dishwashing liquid.
  • Saturated (bright pink) solution of potassium permanganate not only disinfects the surface, but also removes a pronounced "marsh" smell.

It is necessary to clean tanks, barrels, canisters from accumulated dirt, sediment and mold (greenery) at least once every 2-3 months.

Cleaning a plastic kettle from scale and dirt

Table 9% vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water), citric acid (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water), potato or apple peels will help clean the plastic kettle from scale and a layer of dirt (a couple of medium potatoes or small apples are enough for 1 liter of water).

Method: pour water into the kettle, add the "active" agent, bring to a boil, and then let it brew for 30-60 minutes. Pour the composition, walk along the inside of the kettle with a clean soft sponge and rinse the dishes well with cold water.

Cleaning other plastic products and furniture

Plastic combs require not only constant cleaning, but also disinfection. Citric acid, ammonia or 9% table vinegar will cope with these tasks.

Prepare a soap solution, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of funds (per 1 liter). Soak the comb for an hour, and then wash with plain water. It will destroy bacteria and a weak solution of potassium permanganate: hold the comb in it for an hour.

To wash plastic items like children's toys (cubes, cars), soak them in a solution of laundry soap. Use pre-soaking (for half an hour) and an old toothbrush - dirt in small recesses and joints will disappear without a trace. Once the procedure is completed, rinse the toys under running water and leave to dry naturally.

Similarly, you can clean plastic furniture. But instead of soaking, thoroughly wipe the contaminated surface with a sponge dipped in soapy water, then rinse with water and dry with a clean rag.