The girl must be thinner than the guy or fatter. What kind of girls do guys like? fat or skinny girls

Today we decided to touch on one controversial topic, namely, who do guys choose - thin or full girls. Do girls really need to sweat in the gyms, constantly go on these diets and go for liposuction to please men, or do they, on the contrary, need to eat more, for example, lard, potatoes, meat? ... Let's look into this issue.

Each era dictates its own criteria of beauty. So, in the Renaissance (Renaissance), for some reason, all the artists depicted women as busty, with rather big hips, their face resembled a puck, in general, as if the then ideals were not thin. Picked up - you have a thing! Today, on television, mostly some anorexics shine, so is it really necessary to strive for 90-60-90 at the present time?

Of course, every man has his own tastes (beauty and ugliness are in the eye of the beholder; for some, the soup is rare, and for some, the beads are small), but at the same time, for example, Roman Abramovich for some reason did not choose a puffy lady for himself, he chose a skinny Dasha Zhukov, Brad Pitt also did not give preference to plumpness, but settled on skinny Angelina Jolie.

Let's take a look at some sites and forums. We see the following posts and polls.

Here, most likely, the survey was conducted by obese women :)

Here is another information, already more plausible.

We can say that the golden mean rules the world. A woman should not be a sow or a skin-covered skeleton. Here is Kim Kardashian, is she thin? The oven is such, but it is an object of male desire. As before, the demand for anorexic girls is very low. That's who wants to "beat on the rocks" during sexual intercourse?

However, frankly, the truth lies much deeper: men are subconsciously looking for a young lady who will be able to endure and then give birth to a healthy, strong child. How does a slender, overly thin, malnourished lady endure healthy offspring, if she does not even want to feed herself normally, and the child in the womb will die altogether?

It will be difficult for both a thin girl and a full one to bear a child. That one will have health problems, that the other.

Dear women, no need to chase kilograms, because they are not an indicator of harmony or fullness. The beauty of the body depends on the growth and volume of individual parts of the body, it is the "harmony" of proportions that is beauty. This is confirmed by a mass of examples: the correctly built Anni Lorak and Chekhova and the harmonious thin forms of Pletneva and Loboda. It all depends on the sum of the criteria in the complex.

Personally, we have noticed that frankly full ladies are mainly chosen by thin men, and vice versa. Probably, this is for compensation, balance. One ideal weight for two :)

So all the same, by what criterion do men choose ladies? This is what Lydia said.

Let's remember the world famous fairy tale "Thumbelina" by Hans Christian Andersen. How did Thumbelina "hook" the mole? And the fact that she ate only half a grain a day, the mole did not agree to more. However, in reality this is not a criterion at all. Men only evaluate the appearance of a woman during an acquaintance, and they don’t think at all about whether they can feed. It's not the shapes that attract them!

Men choose a lady, depending on how they feel when they are with her. If a guy feels cool, cool, a real man, then he doesn’t care at all what shape a girl has and how much she weighs. No one will ever marry GMOs, even if the forms correspond to 90-60-90.

If slender girls, having opened their delicate velvet mouths, begin to spit out something that is not clear, then psychological impotence sets in in men in an instant. And it is at such moments that men run to the beautiful charismatic plump women who will hug, calm, who are not like those “suckers”, lollipops, but like cotton candy - tender, airy.

Thus, do not strive for the ideal that modern fashion dictates. It is better to strive for the golden mean, because it is precisely this that men prefer. By the way, donuts are also loved, especially if they are with their own zest, charisma, beautiful and well-groomed in appearance.

And finally, we offer you to watch an interesting video dedicated to today's topic.

To favorites

The age-old female question “Which women do men like more, full or thin?” does not want to let go of the weak half of humanity. And although there is no dispute about tastes, let's try to solve this problem after all.

Throughout the centuries, the ideal of female beauty has been constantly changing, and it has not always been dictated by male tastes. Most of all, society as a whole influenced the idea of ​​the ideal.

Ancient world. During this period, as can be seen from ancient frescoes and records, women were mostly slender due to lifestyle and traditions. Although, as such, there were no generally accepted standards of beauty.

Middle Ages. At first, slender, even very thin girls were in fashion, who were sung in ballads as ladies of the hearts of knights. Later, women of a stronger physique, able to endure the hardships of the period, began to be valued.

Renaissance. Look at paintings by Raphael or Titian. Are the skinny ladies depicted there? No, these are quite puffy ladies who, by today's standards, have not just appetizing forms, but rather obesity. However, society subconsciously considered just such a figure to be beautiful. Because a fat woman could easily bear and feed children.

Over the years, beauty standards have changed faster and faster. They were influenced by historical events, famous personalities, and in the 20th-21st century, by the whims of famous fashion designers. And women, all the time looking back at the standards of society, either lost weight, or gained weight, or disfigured themselves with inept plastic surgeries. And all in order to please the opposite sex. But are such sacrifices really necessary?

What kind of women do men like more, full or thin? Tastes could not be discussed

Ask your girlfriends what kind of men they like and you will hear a variety of answers. Someone loves pumped-up males, and someone loves slender asthenics, some ladies are touched by a beer tummy and bald head, while others love tall thugs. Then why did you decide that the guys are different, and they have an unequivocal answer to the question: which women do men like more, full or thin? There is no such answer. All people are different, they have peculiar preferences, excellent tastes. After all, everyone, in the end, finds his pair: both slim and plump.

Although there are some statistics in this matter. Studies all over the world have shown, first of all, that a man's addictions depend on his nationality and lifestyle. For example, Europeans really prefer women of medium fullness, without obesity, and Slavs, especially Eastern ones, as well as Latin Americans, like girls with forms. Athletes most often choose sports ladies, but cozy business executives do not. Therefore, if this notorious issue is still on the agenda, it is worth studying the “target group” whose attention you want to attract.

What kind of women do men like more, full or thin? How to please a man

The stronger sex loves with its eyes, and this is no secret to anyone. Yes, the tastes of men are different, but there is something that unites them. To the question "Which women do men like more, full or thin?" 90% will answer - well-groomed and with attractive forms.

You can have a size five bust and 80 cm waist, or you can fit the standards of top models, but the body must be attractive. Cellulite, stretch marks, sagging skin, belly, stoop - this is not feminine and not seductive. In addition, the vast majority of men agree with the statement that even a slender girl should have slight curves in the right places (that is, beautiful, albeit small, breasts and neat buttocks).

Obesity and anorexia are also not kept in the top of things that attract men, so you should not go to extremes. Just love yourself, your body, take care of it. And forget about the complexes alone with your loved one.

Skinny or full. Who is really more interested in men?

No matter what they say about the beauty of the female soul, men really, first of all, “love with their eyes”. In any case, they first evaluate the female appearance, and only then the spiritual essence of women. And in appearance, it is the figure, the physique, that catches the eye in the first place. It will depend on how attractive she is, whether a man will hold his gaze a little longer, whether he will consider among many others, or indifferently pass by. So what kind of women do men like more: thin and slender supermodels or still full puffy, Kustodiev young ladies?
Unfortunately, the statistics are relentless. According to the results of a sociological survey, 80 percent of modern men do not like fat women, and only 20 percent admitted that they are not attracted to "skin and bones." However, do not rush to drink valerian or diet pills. It turns out the term "complete" requires some clarification. Most often, by this word, men do not mean fullness as such, but obesity, under which even the figure is not visible. At the same time, they are by no means repelled by fullness, from which the woman's body acquires soft rounded shapes. In other words, a few extra pounds are perceived by men quite adequately, even loyally. Success depends only on how a woman knows how to present these very extra pounds. And here there are some little secrets that you should know.
If your waist has not completely swum, then you have nothing to worry about. It is only important to ensure that completeness does not progress. Everything else can be visually corrected by properly selected wardrobe items. Then the figure will look very harmonious, which, in fact, attracts men. And they won’t even pay attention to minor flaws, if these flaws do not spoil your image as a whole. In this sense, slender women are far from ideal, it's just easier for them to hide figure flaws.
That's what really does not paint a woman, so it's cellulite, which will have to be fought. In general, the only enemy of overweight women is a loose, flabby body, when extra pounds, like jelly, begin to “vibrate” with every movement. Here you really have to go on a diet and come to grips with yourself.
If you want to keep a beautiful figure, then proper nutrition is the best way to do this. Sports and exercise are only auxiliary methods. In fact, someone who plays sports, but eats too much, not only does not lose weight, but also risks paying with health problems. However, it is not necessary to bring yourself to exhaustion. Such actions cannot be called otherwise than a mockery of the body. In addition, they are fraught with very serious consequences. In everything you need to know the measure. It is better to turn to special, proven methods that do not promise instant results, but are proven and reliable.
The cause of excess weight can also be the habit of "jamming" problems and stressful situations. And then you have to replace it with something else, more useful. But the most important thing is not even that. Scientists have found that overeating is the result of insufficient spiritual activity. All the religions of the world constantly repeat this. The lack of hobbies, favorite work, life goal and other similar important components of spiritual activity, a person seeks to compensate for with any addictions from the area of ​​​​the physical world, including overnutrition, when they eat, as they say, having nothing to do. This is where the beauty of your soul can really serve you well, and at the same time attract a lot of fans.
And yet, no matter how trite it may sound, the main charm of a woman, thin or full, is the uniqueness of her inner world. Barely perceptible, unpredictable, never fully understood. No wonder there are many examples of how plump women, despite their weight and external data that are far from ideal, are very popular with the stronger sex. They turn around after them, vying with each other offer a hand and a heart, they are even ready to wear them in their arms. Why? Because there is a mystery in these women, a mystery, some kind of internal, not external attractiveness, some kind of spark, without which even a slender beauty will remain just a beautiful, but lifeless doll.

Sergei Vasilenkov

Good afternoon, our dear readers! Our article is devoted to the issuedo men like fat girls! We will talk about what figure men consider ideal! And should a full girl go on a diet to become attractive to men?

What kind of girls do men like - full or thin? For our article, we conducted a survey among men! Read our article about the real preferences of men!

Fullness or thinness - do men like a fashionable figure

Any fashion at all times rows one size fits all. If serious anorexia is in fashion, it is believed that only emaciated skinny women like men. The new trend is full hips. It is automatically considered that only a voluminous ass is able to attract a male look.

But fashion is set by a narrow circle of people! People who are not chasing after life itself, but after fleeting passing aesthetics! And to believe in fashion trends that change too abruptly and often is already considered unfashionable. Such a paradox arose from the conflict between fashion and reality - the parameters of the "ideal" body of a woman are incompatible with health.

And the tastes of men in general often do not change until the end of their lives! And some people really have to lie to others and themselves about their preferences, because they are not “fashionable”.

Statistics output:men like fatand thin women in a 1:1 ratio! Moreover, men are looking for a slender, as from a cover, girl, mainly to brag about her to friends, and not for personal happiness.

Fat or thin - what kind of girls do men like

men who love fator thin women, they say with one voice: a woman should love herself! And be relaxed both in communication and in bed. If a man is satisfied in an intimate way, he will not look for figure flaws in his beloved woman. And if she inspires respect from others with her speech, then weight generally ceases to play a role!

Only one thing the men admitted - rarely anyone likes a swollen figure. Elastic fullness, when a dense layer of fat is felt under the pink elastic skin, a wide rounded ass and, of course, voluminous soft breasts - and on average up to 85 kg with a height of 1m 68 cm is not perceived visually as excessive fullness.

But if the body is loose, if the skin hangs in flabby folds, the limp chest dangles from side to side, and the stomach seems to be swollen, then even 1 extra kilogram will be perceived as a serious disadvantage. With such a figure, it is better to maintain thinness. A man can forgive a swollen body only to the mother of his child. And not longer than a year after giving birth.

Men like fat girls - reasons

The reasons cover all areas of life. Some donuts and unaware thatfat girls like guysboth aesthetically and subconsciously! And that only the shyness of the girl prevents the guys from appreciating all her charm!

Full wife - prosperity in the house

A real man is a breadwinner! And if his beautiful wife is skinny, then even with a constantly full refrigerator, it may seem to a man that he cannot cope with the house. What brings home little or not what you need. The more he feels this, the more he thinks about children. After all, if my wife looks emaciated, then I will not feed the children!

And some jealous people, in order to “protect” their lady, try to feed her on purpose. Like, I love her like that, but other men will not pester!

A plump woman cooks well

This is sometimes not true. But basically, a plump girl herself loves to eat deliciously, and pamper her man with a hearty meal. And which of the men does not rejoice at the borscht, over which the caring hands of his beloved worked?

Kindness and kindness

As psychologists say, the rumor that thin women are meaner than plump ones is often true. Everything depends on the person, of course, but food makes the hormones of joy be produced. Those who like to eat these hormones simply have more. And plump girls do not like to find fault, because they know that they themselves are not the ideal of fashion. And forgive the shortcomings of men more often than thin people.

Family and Children

Instinct persistently makes a man look for a mother for his offspring. Sometimes the views of men change depending on his desire to have children.Do men like fullladies or not, but it is more voluminous forms that cause greater sexual desire in such a period. A man unconsciously begins to feed his beloved with more high-calorie food. In general, a full lady looks healthy and ready for pregnancy.

Woman character

If a man is looking for character in a woman, then harmony fades into the background. Or the third.Do guys like fullgirls for possible relationships, usually clear after 25 years. And mature men, unless they are trying to compensate for complexes or maintain status, are more and more inclined to choose more voluminous ladies. Who seem more loyal and responsible.

How can a fat woman find a man for a relationship?

Just like skinny!Fat woman Maybe meet a manin the same places as any other! And a theater, and a park, and a cafe, and a wood carving master class! Although it needs to make an impression in a slightly different way.

Open outfits are suitable for slender women, but a plump one can indulge in a moderate neckline. Catchy colors of clothes look vulgar - you need to select suits of moderate tones. And shoes should only be comfortable - a wading fat woman gives the impression that she is not healthy. Ideally, these should be shoes with a low stable heel.

Flirting and flirting should be smoother than in the case of a thin woman. A full body already looks more impressive, and you need to compensate for this with ease in behavior.

Be sure to smile and have fun! Cheerfulness is a necessary decoration of your face! By the way, jewelry is almost always complete, so feel free to complement your outfits with beads or bracelets.

And of course, self love. Attractiveness appears when a woman appreciates herself. Don't be shy about your shapes - they are beautiful because nature says so! And don't listen to crazy European fashion designers! The beauty of models for one season, and yours - for centuries! Check it out by visiting any art gallery!

Do men like fat girls: conclusion

From this article, we have learned:

  1. Do guys like fat girls
  2. Why do men like fat women
  3. How a fat woman can attract a man

The main thing is that your self-perception is correct. You are beautiful both outside and inside! And the graceful lines of your body are just a dream for some men! So allow yourself the pleasure of being desired!

Be happy! And see you again!

There are many manuals and books that tell about what guys like in girls. It will take a lot of time to study them. If you collect all the useful information, you can find out the following.

What attracts boys to girls?

  • Attractive appearance. Many girls are sure that this means a figure with parameters 90 60 90, but we are talking more about a harmoniously built, proportional complexion. Such a young lady looks like a figurine, even if she has a few extra pounds. She pleases the eye, it is pleasant to look at her.
  • Tightness, sportiness. Such a girl simply attracts the eye, in contrast to the rich pampushka, plump and loose. In addition, a sports figure implies an active character, the ability to achieve goals, which also has.
  • Femininity. The girl should be soft, tender and fragile. It is even better to speak without raising your voice, insinuatingly and affectionately. Persons boorish, rude, stubborn remind men of themselves.
  • The ability to dress. Two mistakes are common: a girl dresses too modestly, gray, gloomy, or vice versa defiantly and too flashy. Both that and that are bad. A gray mouse will never attract attention, and an extravagant lady will scare rather than please.
  • Decent behaviour. It is equally bad to shy away from the guys, running away, as if stung, and to behave cheekily, to use foul language.
  • Moderately weak, defenseless young lady. I want to protect this, protect it from life's storms, hardships and sorrows.
  • Naturalness. There is no need to portray, behave and pose, such behavior can repel for a long time.

What kind of girls do guys like - external signs

According to polls, girls evoke sympathy among guys:

Beautiful and natural beauty. Forget about perhydrol-burnt hair, extended nails, eyelashes, tons of makeup, all this is not fashionable, not pleasant, and even repels guys. Best of all, luxurious hair of a natural shade, maybe tinted, perfect skin, even, white teeth, light tan in moderation. Highlight your strengths and hide your weaknesses.

Well maintained. You will not get beauty from an untidy, sloppy girl with dirty hair. Look after your appearance, take care of yourself, it's so nice. It is desirable that everything be perfect: from the nail to the image as a whole. Yes, sometimes it is difficult, it takes time, but the result is worth it: admiring glances and worship from men of all ages.

The concept of well-being includes:

  • the absence of any hair on the body, except for the head, no guy will like to touch an unshaven leg or hairy armpits;
  • beautiful hands with soft skin, lovely manicure. You don’t need long nails of defiant colors (red, scarlet, blue-green, etc.), they scare the stronger sex, soft pink shades, nude - that’s it;
  • clean, freshly washed hair of a pleasant natural shade, light brown or black, it doesn’t matter;
  • white teeth, even and beautiful, no bad breath;
  • elastic body, without cellulite, with a small amount of muscle;
  • correctly selected perfume, floral, berry, fresh aromas are good, the girl should smell pleasantly, and not smell like sweat or yesterday's clothes;
  • tastefully selected clothes that go, create the image of a gentle, romantic young lady.

Feminine. And this means soft and tender, romantic and weak. You should not wear baggy hoodies or coarse trousers, it is better to prefer dresses, skirts, sundresses, fabrics such as silk, chiffon, satin and velvet.

Loose hair or beautifully trimmed, flying fabrics, heels also look amazing.

Able to present themselves beautifully. This concept includes the ability to dress stylishly and tastefully, behave with dignity in society, so that it would not be a shame to show a girl in front of parents and friends. All the guys dream of such a young lady who would arouse the admiration and envy of others.

Positive, with a good disposition. Able to cheer up, shake up, inspire confidence in time.

Loving sports. Moreover, even if the guy himself is not a fan of an active lifestyle, he will still prefer an active, fit and athletic girl. Men are repelled by a flabby body, cellulite and a stomach.

Inaccessible, which must be conquered, achieved. A cheeky, dissolute girl can and will like it for a short time, no one will consider her for a long relationship.

Sexy. Alluring and seductive girls who know how to flirt, cute coquettes are liked by all guys without exception.

If we are talking about entertainment and leisure, then guys like open, sociable, without complexes young ladies, if we talk about serious relationships and creating a family, then guys choose modest, economic, sort of excellent girls.

In general, guys are attracted to:

  1. Not standard girls who compare favorably with the general mass, who know how to get to know each other in an original way (for example, on a dating site, such a young lady will never start a conversation with the phrase: “How are you” or “Hello, what are you looking for?”), And behave non-trivially.
  2. Not affectionate, having their own interests. Guys are terribly annoyed by girls who don’t know what to do and only wait for a man’s call all day in the hope that the guy will come and entertain such a princess.
  3. Smart ones. If there is nothing to talk about with a girl, except for shopping and cosmetics, then what to do with her at all? Guys sometimes want to discuss something serious with their beloved, and if she is completely stupid, then this can only be tolerated at first, in the future you will not want to maintain a relationship with a dummy.
  4. Honest. Guys do not like girls who are hypocritical, deceitful and always portraying someone, they also do not like intriguers and liars.
  5. Initiative, who can offer their own leisure option or surprise with something.
  6. Possessing a sense of humor.
  7. Sexually liberated.
  8. Having some kind of talent, for example, a girl can be an unsurpassed dancer or a fast swimmer, the main thing is that she can be proud of.

What kind of girls do guys like: thin or full?

Some men like thin young ladies with small breasts, others stare at plump girls, lush and soft owners of rounded shapes, but everyone, without exception, likes harmoniously built persons with beautiful proportions.

In addition, a light gait, a disposing facial expression, charm, shining eyes are of great importance, it is these girls that attract and you don’t want to let them go.

At the same time, an unearthly beauty with an extinct look or an evil face will repel, you will not want to get to know her better. That is why the inner content is so important, it can both illuminate the light from the inside, and diminish the beauty of even an ideal girl at first glance.

The presence of the waist also plays an important role. , a girl may not be completely thin, but at the same time have a pronounced waist, she will want to hug and press her to herself. The opinions of men differ on this issue, but it remains unchanged that any male is attracted to a feminine figure, proportional and harmonious.

Which girls do guys like: tall or short?

Different men like different girls. There is a stereotype that guys like exceptionally tall girls, bright and prominent. In fact, tall guys tend to choose girls to match themselves, who are just as tall or a little shorter than themselves, and short guys prefer small young ladies, pretty little inches.

However, often men of small stature can admire and run after tall girls, and tall guys can melt from miniature young ladies. There are no rules, and low growth can always be corrected with wedge shoes, heels or a platform. Tall girls, in order to hide their height, can wear ballet flats or loafers.

Do guys like simple, modest girls?

Guys like modest, soft, kind and caring ladies. They melt from such, but excessive modesty is not so good. If a girl is too weak and compliant, then she can sit on her neck. Softness is good in moderation, otherwise it can let the owner of this character down.

What kind of girls arouse sympathy in guys of different zodiac signs?

  • guy Aries like a romantic young lady, long-haired and like a princess. However, at the same time, she must have a strong character and be sultry and passionate.
  • Taurus elegant, graceful girls, distinguished by a sharp mind and enterprise, are to their liking. In addition, Taurus appreciates housekeeping and thriftiness in women.
  • guy Twins a girl of unusual appearance, for example, a mulatto, or one that immediately attracts the eye, for example, the owner of a luxurious braid to toe, will easily seduce. And also they are attracted by young ladies who are erudite and well-read, with whom it is interesting to have a conversation.
  • Cancer a girl with an impressive bust will surely impress, and if she still loves and knows how to cook, then he will be ready to lead her down the aisle even tomorrow.
  • a lion I am sure that I am worthy of a girl of divine beauty. Leo guys prefer bright, prominent, tall blondes.
  • Virgo a well-groomed, graceful and well-mannered girl who knows the rules of etiquette will amaze you in the very heart. In addition, Virgo guys are attracted to practical, businesslike young ladies.
  • To the guy under the sign Libra you will like an active girl who has her own opinion on any issue, as well as the owner of a good disposition and sense of humor.
  • scorpions drawn to mysterious and mysterious women, as well as independent and self-aware.
  • guy Sagittarius like a sports, active person who has goals in life. In addition, Sagittarius is able to appreciate the intelligence of a woman.
  • Boy Capricorn is driven by appearance, an exquisitely beautiful and well-groomed girl will undoubtedly charm him. And for him, the devotion of a woman is very important.
  • Aquarius drawn to open girls, sociable and friendly. The Aquarius guy will also appreciate the girl's experience in bed affairs.
  • Pisces need a feminine, submissive and obedient girl. To such a young lady, the Pisces guy will immediately make an offer.

Any guy will like a girl:

  • Satisfied with life and myself . Guys like girls who live in pleasure, rejoice in every day. Such a girl does not seek consolation in a partner, she is self-sufficient, and everything is fine with her. In addition, such a person is distinguished by self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Bright personality. Such a girl has some kind of zest, something that distinguishes her from others.
  • Soft, kind. It is pleasant to be with a gentle, feminine girl, she calms and you want to protect her from everyone. Men can't stomach grumpy, grouchy women who just want to argue or get their way.
  • Having a sense of humor. Such a girl will tell a positive story in time, support and inspire.
  • Able to understand and sympathize. Men need the support of women so much, mutual understanding is important for them. A girl who can sometimes compromise, listen to the wishes of a guy, is undoubtedly worth her weight in gold, rather than a capricious, eccentric person who requires everyone to run around her.

Guys like slender fit girls with a pronounced waist. Although many people like small roundness on the female body.

A survey was conducted, it turned out that girls who have a difference between the volume of the chest and waist and the waist and hips are 30 cm are particularly attractive.

It is these young ladies who attract to themselves with a magnet. And not just very slender, thin and tall. In addition, guys like it when a girl has a strong ass, elastic and pumped up, long slender legs and beautifully shaped breasts.

The conclusion is that men are attracted to either active people who are friends with sports, who do not have a fat, or more feminine and rounded, but again without a tummy and cellulite. Being overweight doesn't make anyone look good. Let's only allow weight at the upper limit of the norm, when the girl looks so juicy and with forms.

What qualities do guys like in girls?

Guys get sympathy for girls:

  • Slim, with such a pleasure to go out, you can brag to your friends about your princess.
  • Merry. Guys are repelled by girls, always gloomy and dissatisfied with everything.
  • Sexy. A girl with a pronounced sexuality always attracts guys, they hover around her like bees around honey.
  • Smart. It is pleasant to communicate with a well-read erudite girl, it is interesting to spend time.
  • Serious. For long-term relationships, guys prefer moderately serious ladies who are not looking for easy connections, but are ready to invest in a partner morally and emotionally.

Guys like it when a girl behaves naturally, doesn't act like she's being frivolous or pretentious.

An open positive young lady, sociable and friendly will appeal to everyone. You should not be clamped in the presence of a young man, but behaving cheekily and depravedly is also bad.

If we talk about gestures, the guys are impressed by the graceful, calm movements of the girl. Do not wave your arms while talking, this may not please the guy. You can straighten your skirt or delicately throw back a strand of hair.

The gait should be natural without deliberate wobbling of the hips. Believe me, if you stand on heels and put on a tight skirt or a dress that fits your figure, then your hips will roll over by themselves, enticing the guys. But overly unbridled behavior will attract completely frivolous guys.

Speak politely, affably, without using slang words and without using slang. A beautiful speech adorns a girl, as well as an elegant dress.

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Top 5 things guys like in girls

Answers to other interesting questions

For us to answer questions, ask them in the comments.

  • Is it true that all guys, without exception, like girls with a model appearance?

Yes, many young people want to meet just such a young lady, but some men consider such girls to be too superficial and empty, frivolous and stupid. Maybe this is just a stereotype, but it is quite firmly rooted in society. Female models are often considered loose and ready for anything in relationships with the opposite sex.

  • Is it true that guys like naughty girls?

There is such a thing, a moderately capricious, fastidious person often skillfully turns guys. While a modest and serious girl sits alone. However, do not overplay, excessive eccentricity can scare away, not every guy will agree to fulfill all the whims of the queen.

Do guys like fat girls, which guys exactly?

If in a full girl the weight is distributed evenly throughout the body and there is, in principle, not too much excess weight, then such a figure will look quite attractive. Many men are even impressed by such, a little in the body, ladies. However, if the excess weight is concentrated on the stomach or arms and legs, then this type of physique can no longer be called seductive, you must definitely lose weight.

In general, plump girls are to the taste of older men, who are also full and love to eat. An appetizing lady evokes in them associations with a sweet hostess, homely and loving to cook. A plump girl is unlikely to inspire young guys to get to know each other. Although anything can happen, sometimes a small, frail guy just craves a large girl with forms, and when he sees one, he melts with admiration.

Do guys like skinny girls, and which guys?

Thin, slender girls with an excellent figure are the object of desire for many men.

Such a young lady is perceived as active, energetic and temperamental. Young guys tend to make friends with such a girl, to have a romantic relationship, older men also often dream of such a girlfriend or wife.

A beautiful figure attracts the eye, such a girl looks fragile, tender, she wants to be protected and protected. Well, if a girl is not just thin, but also loves the gym, then her figure is more toned and embossed, which, of course, cannot but attract.

What kind of ladies do tall guys like?

A tall guy often chooses the same tall girl, such couples look quite harmonious. However, dear little inches, do not be sad, often a tall young man dreams of a miniature baby, whom he will take care of and protect from the whole world. Everyone has different tastes, the main thing is that people fit each other not only in height, but also love each other, this is the most important thing.

Do guys like dirty girls?

It cannot be said that vulgar girls impress young people. Guys expect to hear from girls speeches that caress the ear, and not rude and dirty words. Guys prefer delicate, well-mannered ladies who have an idea of ​​etiquette and respect others. After all, pronouncing obscene words is the same as littering, it is ugly, repulsive and disgusting.

Do guys like girls with freckles?

According to surveys, more than 60% of guys noted that young ladies with freckles are extremely attractive, mysterious, cute and, of course, beautiful people. That is why the persistent desire of many freckled girls to get rid of their hemp looks strange. Believe me, these little yellow spots, kisses of the sun, give the face a mischievous and sly look, such a girl disposes to herself, is perceived as a sweet, friendly and good-natured person.

Inaccessible girls attract many young people. A man is by nature a conqueror, a hunter. When a girl is unattainable, she wants to conquer, captivate, achieve her. Such a young lady excites the desire to take possession of her. A man is ready to court, perform feats, do the impossible, just to win her.

However, you should not go too far, if for a long time you show your complete indifference and inaccessibility, then a man may think that he is simply disgusting to you and stop his attempts.

Do guys like smoking girls?

Smoking girls cause rejection in guys, especially those who rely on long-term relationships. The guys are sure that the smoker is pragmatic, bitchy and cynical. It is believed that such a person is frivolous and accessible, an affair with her is perceived as light entertainment. But no smart man wants to marry and have children with such a lady, rightly believing that a smoking girl is unlikely to be able to give birth to a healthy child.

In addition, all the guys note that there is nothing pleasant about kissing a smoker. The smell from the mouth is repulsive, the gray complexion and early wrinkles do not paint, and yellow teeth look frightening.

Do guys like red hair?

Red-haired young ladies are considered hot, hot, sultry girls. Guys perceive them as passionate persons, temperamental and burning. In addition, many young people are sure that a red-haired girl is just a fire in bed, you won’t get bored with her. Of course, you need to have a certain courage to get to know a redhead, such a girl is usually also sharp on the tongue, in addition, she attracts glances and will not go unnoticed, she will obviously be harassed by other males and one must be able to protect her from harassment.

Statistics show that long-haired girls are popular with men. Such young ladies look emphatically feminine, romantic and charming. Long hair can be loosened, or you can comb it beautifully, decorate it with a hairpin or a flower. Definitely a girl with beautiful, luxurious, long hair is a bewitching temptress, irresistible and charming. It invariably attracts and makes you want to inhale the fragrance of your hair and run your hand through it. Undoubtedly, long hair is an adornment of a girl, they give seductiveness and seductiveness to the whole look.

Do guys like little girls?

Petite girls drive many young people crazy. They are so fragile and defenseless, you want to hug them, protect and save them. It is natural for a man to protect the weak, and the little girl seems to say with her whole appearance: “I am weak, vulnerable, I need protection.” Guys often start relationships with girls of small stature, they consider them very feminine, graceful and soft in character.