Vitamin a deficiency. Signs and symptoms of vitamin A deficiency, and how to get rid of it? Food supplements and vitamin complexes

Dry skin, alopecia, reduced visual acuity - this is how a lack of vitamin A manifests itself. Despite the high content of this substance in familiar foods, signs of retinol deficiency (the second name for vitamin A) are observed in many women. Before you start taking vitamin supplements, you should understand the reasons for the development of a nutrient deficiency.

Retinol Functions

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble substance. The synthesis of this nutrient occurs in animal cells, so it enters the body exclusively with food of animal origin. Since the Second World War, there has been a myth that carrots contain the most of this vitamin. Carrots, like other vegetables and fruits, contain carotene - provitamin A 2 , a precursor of retinol. In the true form of the vitamin, it is converted in the human liver, for which the body has to spend a lot of energy.

Retinol is one of the vital substances. Its main functions:

  • stimulation of oxidative processes;
  • antioxidant protection of the body;
  • prevention of premature aging;
  • maintaining a normal metabolism;
  • ensuring the full functioning of the organs of vision.

Stimulation of oxidative processes ensures smooth functioning of the immune system. The nutrient is famous for its antioxidant effect, in other words, it protects against mutations and malignant degeneration of cells. Retinol is necessary for the normal formation and development of the skeleton, muscle tissue, tooth enamel. The need for this substance increases markedly in children during periods of active growth of the body, vitamin A hypovitaminosis is fraught with problems with bone tissue.

Daily intake

In order not to face hypovitaminosis of vitamin A, it is necessary to ensure sufficient intake of this substance with food. The norm depends on age and physiological characteristics (pregnancy, menopause, the period of active growth in children):

The norm for teenagers and adults is the same. Women during pregnancy need 800 micrograms of retinol per day, during lactation the consumption rate increases to 1100 micrograms.

The maximum allowable daily amount of retinol is 3000 mcg. Such large doses are used in the treatment of diseases caused by a lack of vitamin A.


Retinol β-carotene Retinyl/Retinol Acetate Retinyl/Retinol Propionate Retinyl/Retinol Palmitate Pro-Vitamin Carotenoid Blend

Substance form

IU mg mcg g

Decimals in the result


IU conversion ⇄ g/mg/mcg (developed by pharmacists and doctors based on reliable data)

Vitamin A deficiency symptoms

Vitamin A deficiency is a consequence of exacerbation of chronic diseases and unbalanced nutrition. The main reasons for the development:

  • severe infectious diseases (including tuberculosis);
  • diseases of the pancreas;
  • rigid mono-diets;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to impaired absorption of nutrients;
  • anemia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pathology of the urinary system.

Also, a lack of vitamin A can occur due to severe stress, intense physical exertion. Signs of a lack of vitamin A in the body are often encountered by vegetarians and women who follow a strict diet. This is due to the lack of protein foods of animal origin in the diet.

Vitamin A hypervitaminosis is quite rare. The abuse of food additives and vitamin complexes causes hypervitaminosis.

Initial manifestations of vitamin A deficiency

Symptoms of acute vitamin A deficiency develop slowly. Signs of hypovitaminosis can be divided into initial manifestations and symptoms of pathological nutrient deficiency.

First of all, vitamin A deficiency or retinol hypovitaminosis affects the appearance. Typical signs of vitamin A deficiency:

  • dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • "goosebumps" on the hips and sides;
  • cracks in the epidermis of dry areas of the body (elbows, knees, heels);
  • dandruff;
  • thinning and fragility of the nail plates;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • the formation of mimic wrinkles ("crow's feet");
  • excessive hair loss and brittleness.

Lack of retinol causes a change in the structure of the hair. They become dry and lifeless, the tips fork and break, hair loss intensifies. You can conduct a self-diagnosis by counting the number of hairs that have fallen out during the day, which remain in the bathroom, on the pillow and between the teeth of the comb. Normally, there should be no more than 80 of them (according to other sources - no more than 100). A symptom of a lack of vitamin A in the body is an increase in the number of hair falling out per day, almost twice as compared to the norm.

If the body does not have enough retinol, dryness and flaking of the skin occurs. With a lack of vitamin A, acne often develops.

Office workers often face such an unpleasant phenomenon as dry eye syndrome. The main cause of this disease is hypovitaminosis of retinol or vitamin A, which leads to a decrease in the production of tear fluid.

Consequences of pathological deficiency of retinol

If the body is deficient in vitamin A for a long time, severe disturbances in its work develop. Long-term nutrient deficiency leads to the development of the following pathologies:

  • night blindness;
  • anemia;
  • inflammation of the epidermis (dermatitis);
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • cystic neoplasms in the liver;
  • keratitis;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • ulceration of the intestinal mucosa;
  • menstrual disorders due to an imbalance of sex hormones.

With a pathological lack of vitamin A, reproductive function deteriorates. Women cannot get pregnant, men experience problems with potency. Especially dangerous are ophthalmic diseases caused by vitamin A deficiency, since without timely treatment they can lead to an irreversible deterioration in color perception and loss of visual acuity.

The consequences of a pronounced lack of vitamin A in the body are dangerous for people of all age groups. Hypovitaminosis in children is fraught with growth retardation. For women, the consequences are manifested by an increased number of infectious diseases, menstrual irregularities (prolonged absence of menstruation) and problems conceiving, while men may experience severe bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease.

More about the problem - in the video:

Diagnosis of hypovitaminosis

It is possible to determine that the body lacks retinol using laboratory methods and an ophthalmological examination. The leading symptom of hypovitaminosis is blurred vision in the dark, called night blindness. Another sign is the formation of yellowish spots and plaques in the eye, visible only when examined by a doctor. To accurately determine the content of retinol in the body, it is necessary to pass a biochemical blood test.

Vitamin Deficiency Treatment

Therapy for beriberi is selected individually for each patient and depends on the consequences of vitamin A deficiency in the body. Be sure to prescribe a balanced diet, additionally use special drugs. Dosages are prescribed by a doctor. Additionally, drug correction of the consequences of hypovitaminosis in adults is carried out.

Food supplements and vitamin complexes

Having figured out how a pathological lack of retinol or vitamin A manifests itself, you should make up for the deficiency of retinol as soon as possible, without waiting for the development of dangerous diseases with severe symptoms.

The easiest way to quickly eliminate deficiency and provide the body with the necessary nutrient is to take special vitamin supplements.

A large selection of quality and certified products is available atiHerb. The site presents original supplements and complexes from the best manufacturers in the USA and Europe. Choosing an iHerb store, the buyer receives an original drug and significant cost savings, because all supplements on the site are on average 30% cheaper than analogues presented in pharmacies.

Since the school days, many have known that vitamin A is what is found in large quantities in carrots and is good for vision. Modern scientists know much more properties and functions of this biologically active substance important for health. What does a lack of vitamin A lead to, what are the causes and symptoms of this kind of hypovitaminosis?

What is vitamin A

Science means by the term "vitamin A" a group of substances of a similar structure, which includes forms of retinol and its derivatives - retinoids. In addition, the precursors of this substance are distinguished into a separate category - provitamin A or carotenoids, which in the body turn into the vitamin itself. Retinoids are found in animal products, while carotenoids are found in vegetable products. Both forms dissolve well in oils and poorly in water. They can be stored in the liver and body tissues.

daily requirements

The daily requirement for vitamin A varies depending on sex, age, level of physical activity:

  • infants up to a year - 400-500 mcg (1333-1667 IU);
  • children under 14 years old, depending on age and weight - 400-700 mcg (1333-2333 IU);
  • men aged 14 years and older - 1000 mcg (3300 IU);
  • women aged 14 years and older - 800 mcg (2667 IU);
  • pregnant women - 200-800 mcg (667-2667 IU);
  • nursing mothers - 400-1200 mcg (1333-4000 IU);
  • the elderly - 800 micrograms (2667 IU).

The need for vitamin A increases with heavy physical exertion, diseases of the liver, intestines, stomach, stress, and diabetes. In addition, the daily intake of the vitamin should be increased for those who live in hot climates or consume excessive amounts of protein, which is often observed among adherents of sports nutrition. Vitamin A is also needed in large quantities during the period of active growth and development.

Importance of Vitamin A

The main functions of vitamin A in the body are as follows:

  • synthesis of rhodopsin - a visual pigment necessary for twilight vision;
  • synthesis of enzymes necessary for the production of components of connective tissue, cartilage, bones, hyaluronic acid, taurine, liver enzymes .;
  • synthesis of growth factors that promote the production of muscle tissue proteins (growth function);
  • synthesis of sex hormones, interferon, immunoglobulin A.

In addition, vitamin A protects the body from the effects of free radicals and, according to some reports, increases the efficiency of insulin use.

Causes of hypovitaminosis

The causes of vitamin A deficiency may be associated with external exposure to adverse factors, including a deficiency of this substance and its precursors in food. Moreover, this can happen not only because of the forced impoverishment of the diet or as a result of exotic diets. Vitamin A is fat-soluble, and if foods containing fat are excluded from the diet, the absorption of retinoids and carotenoids will decrease. Improper storage of foods can also lead to the fact that the content of vitamin A in them is reduced. Infants may suffer from vitamin deficiency if they are weaned early.

Another group of causes of vitamin A deficiency is internal. Deficiency can result from lipid malabsorption, bile formation, smoking, and alcoholism. A rare congenital disorder, hypercarotenemia, in which there is no intestinal enzyme responsible for the synthesis of vitamin A from provitamins, can also lead to a lack of vitamin A.

Symptoms and consequences of deficiency

Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency depend on the stage of beriberi. At the initial stages, the violation of the functioning of organs does not have pronounced external signs, but is accompanied by a decrease in working capacity, a decrease in immune protection. In the second stage, vitamin A deficiency has severe symptoms. The third stage leads to the development of diseases.

The most well-known manifestation of hypovitaminosis A is "night blindness" or lack of twilight vision. Another characteristic symptom is skin disorders. Dandruff is formed, aging processes are accelerated, early wrinkles appear, hair falls out intensively, nails become brittle, and the processes of keratinization of the skin intensify. With a lack of vitamin A and its precursors, the skin becomes dry, acne appears, and the condition of the teeth worsens. There is also insomnia, apathy, fatigue.

Since vitamin A affects the reproductive function, its deficiency provokes disorders in this area. In childhood, a lack of vitamin A leads to growth retardation, reduced immunity, increased fatigue, dryness and pallor of the skin, and color blindness.

A pronounced lack of vitamin A can cause frequent intestinal infections, liver cysts. Sometimes this condition accompanies cancer of the pancreas, lungs, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis. In women, mastopathy, cervical erosion can be observed, in men - loss of erection, urinary incontinence.

To diagnose vitamin A deficiency, an eye biomicroscopy is performed or dark adaptation of vision is examined, the content of vitamin A or carotene in the blood serum is determined.

How to fill the gap

To treat vitamin A deficiency, retinol preparations and a diet that includes foods high in the substance and its precursors are prescribed. In drug treatment, vitamin A is often prescribed with vitamin E, which promotes the absorption of this nutrient, as well as with vitamin D. The transport and synthesis of vitamin A deteriorates with a lack of zinc, therefore, for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, the vitamin can be prescribed together with this microelement. 5 out of 5 (6 votes)

Vitamins A and E play an important role in our body. With their lack, our eyesight, hair and nails suffer. Unfortunately, many women associate these symptoms with poor-quality cosmetics or age-related changes.

The role of vitamin A in our body

This vitamin has two forms: carotene and retinol. Retinol is found in animal products. Also, our body absorbs alpha, beta and gamma-carotenes from foods.


This provitamin can be found in kiwifruit, melon, beans, potatoes, carrots, and pumpkins. However, in order for the provitamin to be preserved, all foods must be consumed raw or steamed. With prolonged heat treatment, all useful substances evaporate. The lack of this substance leads to disturbances in the immune system, to problems with the skin and vision. Regular consumption of foods with alpha-carotene reduces the incidence of cancer.


This substance can be found in orange and yellow foods: carrots, bell peppers, peaches and chicory. Its regular use reduces the risk of cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

What does a lack of vitamin A lead to?

It has already been mentioned above that a lack of vitamin A in the body can lead to serious disorders. To notice the lack of this vitamin in time, pay attention to the following symptoms:

    The appearance of wrinkles and rapid aging of the skin;

    vision problems;

    Increased fatigue, poor health, loss of strength, insomnia, apathy;

    Skin diseases (increased dryness, acne, etc.);

    Respiratory tract diseases;

    Deterioration of the condition of the hair;

    Problems with gums and teeth (hypersensitivity);

    Problems with intimate life (decreased libido, loss of erection).

In order for vitamin A to be absorbed, elements such as iron and zinc are needed. With constant nervous breakdowns, diets, diseases, malnutrition, vitamin A reserves are quickly exhausted in our body.

Zinc ensures the transport of vitamin A from the liver. Zinc is also responsible for its accumulation and storage in body tissues. This vitamin plays an important role in metabolic processes. Especially strongly the lack of vitamin is reflected in women: hair and nails become brittle, dandruff and skin problems appear. Indigestion and diarrhea may occur.

Too much vitamin A

An excess of this vitamin is also bad for the body. Therefore, carefully read the instructions for vitamin complexes and, if necessary, consult a doctor. Symptoms of hypervitaminosis: bleeding, which often causes miscarriage, bad mood and apathy, nausea, indigestion, severe headaches.

Vitamin E

This vitamin is just as important for women's health as vitamin A. It helps fight free radicals and has antioxidant properties. In addition, this vitamin plays a significant role in the bearing of the fetus. There are eight forms in which vitamin E is present.

What does a lack of vitamin E lead to?

It is not for nothing that in this article we are considering two vitamins at once: A and E. The thing is that they are very important for the female body. With a lack of these vitamins, a woman will not be able to conceive a child, and a man will not be able to fertilize. There are frequent cases of miscarriages. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that these vitamins are supplied in the right amount to our body.

Vitamin E deficiency affects the nervous system, the work of the pituitary gland and the thyroid gland. The first symptoms that should alert you are lethargy, apathy, poor health, general weakness, emotional instability. As soon as you notice the presence of these symptoms in yourself, immediately consult a doctor. You will be assigned a comprehensive examination, which will include an examination of the thyroid gland, liver and gallbladder.

With beriberi, a person becomes too irritable. Severe anemia may occur. Prolonged beriberi can even lead to the development of serious diseases such as thromboembolism and cancer. The main function of vitamin E is to protect the body from the effects of harmful substances.

Sometimes a course of treatment with vitamin E is prescribed if the girl is sick with mastopathy, fibroplasia, intraventricular bleeding. With such diseases, not only drug treatment is prescribed, but also a special diet.

Fortunately, vitamin E and A deficiency is very rare. But it can occur if the human body does not absorb fats well. Also, beriberi affects women whose age has exceeded 50 years. People who use alcohol or drugs are at risk of beriberi. However, most often doctors are faced with cases where the lack of vitamins is associated with various diets.

If you have received a burn or injury, have undergone surgery, then you should definitely include foods that contain vitamin E in your diet. This will help the body recover faster.

What does an excess of vitamin E lead to?

The daily requirement in vitamin E is only 14 grams. However, during pregnancy, in the presence of certain diseases or strong physical exertion, the dose of the vitamin is increased several times. As a rule, an excess of this vitamin does not affect our body in any way, but still you should not abuse it.

Where to find vitamin E?

If a person monitors his diet, then he is unlikely to encounter beriberi. Vitamin E is found in eggs, milk, nuts, grains, seeds and grass, as well as vegetables. The daily need for a vitamin can be compensated by pharmacy multivitamin complexes or special preparations. A lot of this vitamin is found in sunflower, sesame and hemp oil. But keep in mind that in order for this vitamin to be normally absorbed, it is necessary to eat fatty foods.

How to overcome beriberi folk remedies

It is very easy to make up for the lack of vitamins A and E with the help of ordinary foods. To do this, include in your diet vegetable salads, which are prepared from such ingredients: parsley, celery, dill, sorrel and carrots. At least once a week, eat a vinaigrette seasoned with vegetable or olive oil. Do not forget that foods that have undergone heat treatment lose their beneficial properties.


This product contains a large amount of vitamins A and E. To replenish the reserves of vitamins, it is recommended to use this product at least once every two weeks. However, you need to cook asparagus in a double boiler or at least in the oven. Its regular use not only replenishes the reserves of vitamins, but also helps to cleanse the intestines of antioxidants.

Sea fish

Fatty fish varieties contain many vitamins, including A and E. Choose from varieties such as mackerel, salmon, tuna, salmon. Such fish is rich in omega fatty acids, which help in the fight against excess weight.


The liver is a very useful product that can provide our body with various vitamins and substances. Previously, diseases such as night blindness and anemia were treated with this product.

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble substance that has two forms - retinol (original vitamin) and carotene (provitamin A). The role of this element is indispensable for the implementation of normal human life, because thanks to this vitamin, cell growth is stimulated and the aging process slows down, the redox balance is normalized and vision improves, and bone and dental tissue is formed. Vitamin A deficiency contributes to serious changes in the body, which have their own signs and symptoms.

Hypovitaminosis A is caused by two main groups of causes:

The first group is a deficiency due to insufficient intake of vitamin A in the body with food;

The second group - appears due to disturbances in the absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract, severe infectious diseases, pathologies of the endocrine system and helminthiasis, and also occurs during pregnancy, during the rapid development and growth of the body and with significant physical or mental stress.

Daily intake of vitamin A

In order to prevent hypovitaminosis of vitamin A, it is necessary to maintain the balance of this element in the body daily, in an amount corresponding to the person's age and lifestyle:

  • 0-12 months - 0.4 mg;
  • 1-3 years - 0.45 mg;
  • 4-6 years - 0.5 mg;
  • 7-10 years - 0.7 mg;
  • 11-50 years - 0.8 mg;
  • Pregnant women - +0.2 mg;
  • Nursing - +0.4 mg.

Persons subject to heavy physical labor are at risk and need 1 mg of vitamin A per day.

Sources of Vitamin A

  • Vegetables - carrots, pumpkin, spinach, broccoli, green onions and parsley;
  • Fruits - apples, melon, apricot and grapes;
  • Berries - cherries, sea buckthorn, watermelon;
  • Dairy products - sour cream, cheese, milk, butter;
  • Offal - beef liver;
  • Egg - chicken egg yolk;
  • Fish oil and red caviar.

Symptoms of Retinol and Carotene Deficiency

Symptoms in varieties of vitamin A deficiency are different and develop over a fairly long time, appearing alternately. There are three stages in the development of vitamin A deficiency:

  1. The first stage of vitamin A hypovitaminosis - the signs of the primary stage are the disruption of the functioning of some internal organs, which has no characteristic specifics and is accompanied by a decrease in efficiency, body tone and a decrease in resistance to viral infections. It is possible to determine the symptoms of this stage only with the help of certain laboratory tests that use stress tests;
  2. The second stage of vitamin A deficiency - the secondary stage manifests itself in the form of visual symptoms, and the clinical manifestations of beriberi reflect the lack of certain substances. Symptoms of vitamin deficiency at this stage are expressed in a disease associated with a violation of the human immune system;
  3. The third stage of vitamin A deficiency is manifested as a condition that causes a complete deficiency of the nutrient or malabsorption. Lack of vitamin A causes various diseases that have characteristic signs, the treatment of which begins immediately after the replenishment of the missing element in the body.

Signs of hypovitaminosis

The lack of vitamin A in the human body is expressed in the appearance of wrinkles and early aging of the skin, the formation of dandruff. Also a characteristic symptom of beriberi is "night blindness", which consists in the inability to see when it gets dark. Signs of vitamin deficiency of retinol and carotene are dry skin, acne and deterioration of the teeth. With a deficiency, apathy, insomnia and fatigue may appear.

Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency are expressed in the accumulation of crusts and mucus in the corners of the eyes, as well as in violation of the reproductive female and male functions. In childhood, a lack of vitamin A is manifested by a decrease in immunity, growth retardation, fatigue, dry and pale skin, color blindness, and night blindness.

Vitamin A deficiency can lead to intestinal infections, liver cysts, and pancreatic cancer. Women may develop mastopathy and cervical erosion, while men may experience loss of libido and erection, as well as urinary incontinence. In some cases, with hypovitaminosis of vitamin A, the development of lung cancer, bronchitis, pneumonia and sinusitis was diagnosed.

Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency indicate the need to visit a doctor, because serious diseases can occur that are much more difficult to treat than the deficiency itself.

Treatment of retinol and carotene deficiency

With a lack of vitamin A in the body, timely treatment is required, since such a condition can cause serious illness. If a person has a lack of vitamin A, first of all, therapy is carried out that helps to compensate for its deficiency. There are several ways to treat beriberi:

  1. A balanced diet is the use of foods that contain a high concentration of retinol or carotene;
  2. Medicines - dosage forms help with beriberi within 2-4 weeks. The type of drug and dosage are prescribed individually, in accordance with the stage of vitamin A hypovitaminosis.
  3. Treatment of concomitant diseases - the lack of retinol and carotene in the body has serious consequences, among which even oncological diseases are diagnosed. That is why, having noticed the first signs of vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to begin procedures for its elimination as early as possible in order to prevent the development of the disease.

Preparations of this vitamin are presented in the form of capsules of 1.5 milligrams, dragees of 1 milligram, oil solutions of various concentrations (for injection and oral administration), vitamin A concentrate from fish liver oil and cod fish oil.

Carrot juice contains vitamin A

Multivitamin complexes are also indispensable, such as Undevit, Hexavit, Vitrum, Duovit, Complivit, with which you can make up for the deficiency of the missing nutrient. Basically, synthetic drugs are prescribed if the patient does not have the possibility of adequate nutrition, in other situations, experts recommend dealing with the deficiency of components missing in the body with the help of specially selected diets.


The consequences of a long-term deficiency of retinol and carotene are disappointing, since this condition affects almost all internal systems of the human body, causing diseases of the internal organs and diseases of the vital systems.

By noticing the first signs of beriberi, and by consulting a doctor in a timely manner, you can protect yourself from such eye diseases as blindness, prevent skin lesions in the form of acne and dermatitis, and also protect your body from the harmful effects of bacteria and infections.

Vitamin A (retinol) plays a primary role in maintaining the general health of a person, in particular, in maintaining the functioning of the immune, reproductive systems, the organ of vision and the integrity of epithelial tissues. The lack of this organic compound can negatively affect, first of all, visual acuity and skin condition. If the doctor suspects a lack of retinol in the body, he prescribes the determination of its concentration in the venous blood. The analysis can be taken in the direction or independently (for preventive purposes). It is also important to examine the organs of the gastrointestinal tract: hypovitaminosis can develop due to a decrease in the quality of absorption of vitamin A in the small intestine.

How to suspect a lack of retinol?

Vitamin A deficiency causes the following symptoms:

  • visual disturbances, especially at dusk;
  • dry skin;
  • mucosal damage;
  • increased fragility of nails and hair;
  • physical weakness, decreased performance;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • increased sensitivity of the cornea, the formation of ulcerative defects on the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • tendency to develop urolithiasis;
  • decreased activity of the immune system, a tendency to develop infectious and inflammatory diseases.

In children, hypovitaminosis A can even lead to a delay in physical and mental development, severe weakness, and a decrease in twilight vision. If you notice at least a few symptoms of a lack of retinol, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination and make an accurate diagnosis, and, if necessary, prescribe the treatment of the disease and adherence to a certain diet.

The experience of world scientists has shown that when retinol reserves are depleted, people have serious problems with immunity, skin, and the reproductive system. Even banal SARS can lead to severe bronchopulmonary complications and death from infections.

If hypovitaminosis A develops, the epithelium of the internal organs suffers. This causes keratinization of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, urinary organs, intestines, and the organ of vision. The secretion of epithelial cells of the bronchi and lungs slows down, which increases the risk of developing respiratory diseases with bacterial complications and other adverse consequences. There is keratinization of the skin, and first of all, the limbs are damaged.

The epithelium of the urinary tract is damaged, stones begin to form around fragments of torn tissues. Long-term vitamin A deficiency can lead to kidney stones and related complications. Against the background of a lack of retinol, spermatogenesis in men is disrupted, testicular tissue atrophy may occur. But vitamin A deficiency is especially dangerous for children and pregnant women.

Risks of Retinol Deficiency During Pregnancy

Pregnant women are at risk. During the period of bearing a child, retinol takes part in the development of many organs and tissues of the fetus. British scientists conducted studies on mice, the results of which found that even a moderate deficiency of retinol increases the synthesis of a protein that destroys brain neurons. These consequences are irreversible.

A lack of retinol during fetal life can lead to a decrease in the ability and early development of Alzheimer's disease in adulthood. Hypovitaminosis A leads to pregnancy fading, severe weakness in women, manifested by the threat of miscarriage and a high risk of malformations in the unborn child.

Be sure to pay attention to your diet even in preparation for pregnancy. Large amounts of vitamin A are found in fish oil, liver, butter, milk, green and yellow vegetables, and legumes. Additionally, take multivitamin complexes.

The role of vitamin A

True vitamin A is retinol (found in food of animal nature), and its predecessor is carotene "provitamin A" (part of vegetables, fruits, greens). In the liver, carotene is converted to vitamin A, and its reserve is stored in adipose tissue. Thus, even if a person eats poorly for a limited period of time, but has fat all over the body, there will be no hypovitaminosis. Vitamin A accumulated in adipose tissue will be gradually released, depending on the condition of the body.

Here are the main functions of retinol:

  • participation in the production of protein structures, enzymes and hormonal substances;
  • maintenance of twilight vision;
  • participation in the growth of the skeleton;
  • maintaining the activity of the human reproductive system;
  • preservation of the basic functions of epithelial and bone cells;
  • protection against free radicals and premature aging;
  • prevention of the development of malignant tumors;
  • maintaining the full functioning of the genitourinary organs and the gastrointestinal tract.

Not so long ago, experts discovered the antitumor effect of retinoids. It has been experimentally proven that vitamin A minimizes the effects of carcinogens, maintains the normal functionality of epithelial cells and prevents their growth.

Modern research has shown that a lack of vitamin A dramatically increases the body's susceptibility to viruses and bacteria. The reason for the development of infections lies in the lack of intake of retinol with food. Supplementation with vitamin A helps to reduce the risk of measles infection among children, and contributes to the mild course of the disease.

The amount of vitamin A

In adults, the need for vitamin A is 700-900 mcg per day. It is enough for a woman to consume 600-700 mcg per day, for a man a little more - about 900 mcg. The norm of vitamin A for a child under 6 months is 400 mcg, from 6 to 12 months - 500 mcg per day. Children older than a year and adolescents should receive up to 500-900 micrograms of vitamin A per day. The need for retinol during pregnancy increases - up to 800-900 micrograms per day.

It is important to remember that bile is necessary for the absorption of vitamin A. It is synthesized in the presence of fat in the diet. Low-calorie diets are dangerous for the development of beriberi, especially for women, who can bring down the hormonal background and lose their previous reproductive functions.

High doses of retinol are toxic! Do not exceed the recommended dosage! But the toxic properties of retinol appear when the daily intake exceeds 3000 micrograms.

Foods High in Retinol

A decrease in the amount of vitamin A in the blood is observed with an unbalanced diet, when there are no animal products, vegetables and fruits.

It takes several weeks for retinol levels to normalize. Treatment necessarily includes changing the diet and taking vitamin preparations.

A large amount of retinol is found in the following products:

  • beef liver;
  • butter;
  • egg yolks;
  • fish fat;
  • sour cream;
  • caviar;
  • cottage cheese;

Foods high in carotene:

  • carrot;
  • bell pepper;
  • broccoli;
  • pumpkin;
  • spinach;
  • soy and peas;
  • apricots and peaches;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • melon;
  • rose hip.

How to increase the absorption of vitamin A?

Vitamin A deficiency can be primary or secondary. Primary occurs in children and adults who eat poorly, refuse fruits and vegetables, milk, cheese, cottage cheese and butter, replace healthy meals with semi-finished products, canned food, sweets. Abrupt cessation of breastfeeding also increases the risk of beriberi in a child.

Secondary retinol deficiency is associated mainly with impaired absorption of fats, with problems in the functioning of organs that are involved in bile formation. Vitamin A is fat soluble - it is necessary to maintain sufficient levels of fat for its absorption. Deteriorates the absorption of retinol lack of zinc, which is involved in the metabolism and transport of vitamin A.

Vitamin E, which is considered a powerful antioxidant, is also used to increase absorption. It promotes the absorption of retinol from the intestines and maintains the main beneficial properties of vitamin A. It is not recommended to use activated charcoal at the same time as taking retinol, which can impair the absorption of nutrients in the intestines.