How to get rid of subcutaneous fat. Do it once! Fat "internal" and "external" - friends or foes? What is subcutaneous fat

In this article, we will talk about why all people lose weight in different ways? I am often asked the question: “WHY GIRLS HAVE SUCH A BIG RESULT AND ME HAVE A COUPLE OF CENTIMETERS AND A STOP”?
I really want you to understand. The lack of results at first does not mean that the technique does not suit you and nothing works. If you had the opportunity to look inside yourself, you would understand what I am talking about.

Fat is not only subcutaneous and visceral (internal), but also intramuscular. Strictly speaking, all three types of fat are needed by the body - they save the human body and its internal organs from cold, physical influences (hold the organs in place), supply energy, help in the production of hormones, and so on. It's all about the ratio of internal and external fat. Many will be surprised to learn that some apparently not fat people (thin) “carry” all the fat inside, that is, around the internal organs. But its excess is much more dangerous than an excess of subcutaneous fat!

The danger is the internal fat that accumulates in the liver and abdominal organs, and not at all its subcutaneous "brother". Internal fat cannot be seen or felt. Its share in relation to the total fat content in the body is small.

Why is internal fat dangerous? It does not affect the appearance, sits quietly in the abdomen, does not touch anyone. But at the same time, it actively releases elements of fatty acids into the bloodstream, they immediately attack the liver, which, in turn, has a short circuit, and away we go ... Excess insulin, increased pressure, increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides (fat particles) in the blood - this condition is called "metabolic syndrome".
Abdominal (abdominal) fat - "pupil" of stress, cortisol concentrate
(stress hormone). When you are chronically anxious, the body unleashes a wave of cortisol on the internal systems and at the same time creates a "factory" for its processing - abdominal fat.
EXACTLY OVER HIM and Bodyflex works for the first time. It burns, first of all, internal fats, the most dangerous for our health. The organs begin to function better, and the overall tone increases. Hence, many have a state of flight, energy splashes over the edge, we get tired less and eat. We get enough sleep and forget about problems with the intestines.
If we were able to observe ourselves more deeply, then with a closer comparison of the state before and after Bodyflex, we would notice a huge difference. From here I will tell you that people who are engaged in BF do not look their real age.

Scientists examined more than 400 women and found that 40% of the subjects had increased levels of internal fat. For a healthy person, the norm of internal fat is not more than one liter. But for some girls, with seemingly external harmony (height 185 cm, weight 57 kg), the volume of internal fat reached three liters. The growth of internal fat is promoted by short-term diets (the so-called express diets). When you lose weight, you get rid of excess body weight, including internal fat, but when you abruptly return to your usual diet, fat is first deposited inside. This was also confirmed by the study described above: women with excess visceral fat more often resorted to diets, while respondents with a normal state of the body preferred to get rid of excess weight during regular physical activity.

Although visceral fat cannot be measured directly, research has shown that body fat is related to waist circumference. If you have belly fat, then you already have excess internal brown fat, which has begun its harmful activity, causing an increase in blood pressure and insulin resistance.

At the same time, many note that if earlier they could eat as much as they wanted and fat did not stick to them, then from a certain point, they became very sensitive to errors in the diet and fat begins to grow much faster than before.
Maybe you noticed? It seems that they have not recovered much, but it’s hard to breathe .... lethargy .... movements are a burden? We don't want to be like that, do we?

CONCLUSION: First of all, Bodyflex fights internal fats. Some people have less, some more. Whoever has a lot of them, changes in the figure will not be noticed immediately, but only after a little work. In any case, you must be sure that a lot of work is being done in the body. I had my appendix removed. Then I was young and skinny. The surgeon told me later: “Be careful, I cut out as much fat from your stomach as I didn’t cut out from the fat ones.” Then I thought it was a joke. Then, when I started to get fat by leaps and bounds, I remembered him more than once. Apparently, just such people who are able to gain many kilograms in a short time are those who carry the largest amount of internal fat. And I do not know of other methods that can burn this fat the way BF does. Sometimes I can’t call my weight loss in another word, like TAYU !!! Hence, a strong opinion, even if you do not weigh a ton, you need to deal with BF. First of all, this is health and only then weight loss, as a factor emanating from internal changes.

Fat does tend to change its state from solid to liquid when heated, but the temperature must be very high - for example, as during cooking. Without harm to health, it will not be possible to achieve such a state, and if it were possible, the melted fat would occupy the same volume as it has no way to go outside.

The myths that fat can be melted during bathing trips or body wraps flourish, despite scientific evidence. It seems to people that everything is natural - when heated, the layer of fat melts and comes out through the pores. At the same time, the weight also decreases, and the person may even look a little thinner. In fact, water comes out through the pores with dirt and sebum, which is secreted by the sebaceous glands. Due to the loss of water, weight loss also occurs, and for the same reason volumes can go a little - no more than a centimeter. Changing the amount of water in the body really has a big impact on weight and volume: some women are well aware that before menstruation, the body tends to retain water, resulting in swelling and weight gain.

Wraps with cellophane and special materials also do not work: they make the skin sweat, but no more. Even more dangerous is playing sports with such wraps, the myth about their effectiveness for weight loss is very common. But active physical work with dehydration is very unhealthy.

How to get rid of subcutaneous fat?

The only way to lose fat is to burn more calories than you consume. With a calorie deficit, the body looks for other sources of energy - the most accessible is fat and muscle. If at the same time you play sports and eat more proteins, then you don’t have to worry about the safety of muscles - the body will lose weight only due to fat.

And there are many ways to create a calorie deficit. You can just eat less, while maintaining the same activity. You can go on a strict diet, but keep in mind that after a while the body will get used to small doses of nutrients and begin to consume less. You can increase your activity - walk more, run, play sports. You can strengthen your muscles, because muscle tissue requires energy even at rest, so the more muscle, the more calories it takes to maintain them.

Lately, you have often been haunted by shortness of breath. There is a feeling of heaviness in the whole body. Legs swell in the evenings. It became harder to bend over. Not a trace of past activity remains. You have recovered. Is it obesity?


In order to find out, measure your weight and do simple calculations. First of all, you should find out your . Determine it using one of the following formulas: (Height in cm - 100) x 0.85 = your ideal weight. Height in cm - 100 = your ideal weight. Height in cm x your volume in cm / 240 = your ideal weight.

If you find that your weight differs from the ideal by no more than 10%, do not worry. Obesity is not for you. Of course, it doesn't hurt to keep in shape, but you can congratulate yourself - your weight is close to optimal.

If the figure was about 15% - think about it. You have heard the first alarm signal. Change your life and diet, otherwise you will soon face the problem of obesity.

With the first obesity rate will be 15-29%. While you may not feel the inconvenience associated with being overweight. Surrounding people say that they like your cute light fullness. It's up to you to decide whether to stay like that or try to achieve ideal parameters.

The second degree is characterized by an indicator of 30 - 45%. But this does not yet have a serious impact on your health. You look like a plump woman, and maybe that suits you.

The third degree - exceeding your ideal weight by 50 - 99%. Assess your condition realistically. In addition to physical inconvenience, you run the risk of getting a lot of unpleasant and rather serious diseases: such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease.

The fourth degree is exceeding the ideal weight by 100% or more. Most likely, you have already received a set of relevant diseases, and pathological changes have occurred in your organs.

If you feel uncomfortable and think that the reason lies in being overweight, you should not ask yourself: “How to find out what I have obesity? Perhaps it's better to just take your figure seriously? And before that, visit an endocrinologist who will help you solve the problem of excess weight.


  • How do I know if I'm overweight

Tip 3: Body fat: what is it for and how to identify obesity

Adipose tissue is a type of connective tissue, which consists of special cells - adipocytes. The main function of adipocytes is the accumulation and metabolism of fat. What important function does adipose tissue play in the body and is it possible to do without it at all?

Where is adipose tissue formed?

Adipose tissue can form under the skin and as a layer between the internal organs - this is necessary for their mechanical protection. Such fat is called visceral fat and every person has it. However, its excessive amount can lead to visceral obesity - an extremely unhealthy condition.

What is adipose tissue for?

In addition to storing and protecting, adipose tissue also has endocrine and thermal insulation functions. In addition, fat cells affect the production of female sex hormones, therefore, with a deficiency of fat in the body, menstruation stops. When there is very little adipose tissue in the body, problems with skin and hair can begin, the body becomes susceptible to various diseases, and the general condition worsens.

How much fat should be

The human body must have at least 15% adipose tissue. The mark of 11% is critical for women - in this case, unwanted hormonal changes begin.

White and brown fat

Adipose tissue of the body is divided into white and brown. In white adipose tissue, the main function is storage, and brown adipose tissue is involved in the production of heat and the oxidation of fatty acids and glucose. It is believed that children have more brown fat, so they lose weight faster than adults. Scientists have identified an interesting way to increase the amount of brown adipose tissue in the body - for this you need to spend most of the time in a cool room at a temperature of no more than 20C or outdoors under the same conditions.

An easy way to spot obesity

Russian scientists A. Korovin and A. Pokrovsky have developed a simple technique, thanks to which you can quickly determine whether a person has obesity. To do this, pinch a fold of skin on the abdomen to the right or left of the navel with two fingers. It should not exceed 3 cm at the age of 30 and 4 cm after 30 years.

Belly or belly fat - of course, it does not look aesthetically pleasing, not sporty, and many of the owners of a “beer” belly would like it to be gone. Moreover, in some way it poses a threat to health.

(Total 7 photos)

1. Belly fat is more dangerous than other body fat. For example, fat deposits in the abdomen are more dangerous than on the buttocks and thighs. Since abdominal fat can be associated with a number of diseases such as diabetes, stroke and various heart diseases. A genetic predisposition passed on by parents can also contribute to the appearance of excess weight, but to a greater extent, excess weight can appear due to improper lifestyle and nutrition.

2. The myth of the "beer belly". Looking at the rounded belly of a beer consuming, they say that its owner has a beer belly, which appeared as a result of beer consumption. But this is not the case, studies have shown that there is no direct connection between beer and fat in the abdomen. It's all about alcohol, which increases appetite, affects the hormones that regulate the feeling of satiety.

3. The most dangerous are trans fats. Not the consumption of fatty foods, but an excess of calories leads to an increase in the waist and the appearance of the tummy, just some fats are a little more harmful than others. Studies have shown that trans fats increase belly fat to some extent. Trans fats are found in foods such as: cookies, crackers, fast food, margarine, baked goods.

4. The tendency of men to obesity in the abdomen. In men, most often fat accumulates in the abdomen, in women, due to differences in hormones, most of it accumulates in the buttocks and thighs. While a woman is under 40, her estrogen level is slightly higher, it redirects fat to the hips and buttocks, later, when estrogen levels fall, fat accumulates in the abdomen.

5. Rocking your abs will not reduce fat pads. Various physical exercises, squats and rocking the press only strengthen the abdominal muscles, but almost do not burn belly fat. The only way to get rid of excess fat is to eat right and be active and mobile: swimming, running, cycling, aerobics.

6. Thin people also have fat. Some people, despite being thin, have an increase in visceral fat, or that which accumulates around organs. These people may have elevated blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Well, a sedentary image will contribute to the formation of fat folds on the abdomen.

7. The best way to get rid of belly fat. Diet with calorie restriction. Inclusion in the diet of vegetables, products from whole grains, dairy products with a low content of fat. Much of the research shows that a calorie-restricted diet will help you lose excess body fat. You need to include vegetables, whole grains, fish, eggs, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products in your diet. Keeping these foods in your diet will allow you to get all the necessary nutrients and reduce your waist size. And of course regular exercise, from thirty minutes to an hour.

The fight against excess weight is a very relevant topic today, which is spoken and written by almost everyone. This question concerns not only aesthetics, but also our health, since fat, if there is too much of it in the body, disrupts the functioning of almost all organs and systems, increasing the risks of a wide range of diseases. How to get rid of subcutaneous fat and normalize its percentage in the body? This issue needs to be approached comprehensively.

Subcutaneous and visceral fat

The phrase "subcutaneous fat" can confuse a person who is far from dietetics. To understand what it is, it should be noted that fat in the human body accumulates in different parts of the body and in different forms. Subcutaneous fat - fat located directly under the skin, which we see in the form of folds on the abdomen, sides, thighs. There is also internal fat, which is located next to the organs and vessels and even inside them. It is also called visceral.

If a person has excess subcutaneous fat, but no internal fat, we can assume that he is lucky, since it is the excess of the second that is dangerous to health. Visceral fat cannot be seen, it gradually enters their cavities of internal organs into the spaces of muscle fibers, filling the circulatory system and provoking circulatory disorders, heart attacks, strokes. To become effective, it is worth approaching the issue thoroughly.

Subcutaneous fat is less dangerous. Its main harm is the distortion of the figure and our appearance as a whole. But it’s easier with it in terms of the fact that it’s easy to notice and understand that you need to lose weight, and it’s easier to deal with it than with invisible visceral fat, which provokes extremely unpleasant consequences.

The amount of visceral fat in the body should not exceed 10-15% of the total number of fat cells. As for the general, in women its norm is higher than in men.

Features of burning subcutaneous fat

Now you need to figure out why it is important to remove subcutaneous fat, and not abstractly lose weight. Many people believe that the cause of excess deposits is only errors in nutrition, although in fact the lack of activity is much worse.

From this it is clear that you can not burn subcutaneous fat, only by adhering to a diet. This, of course, is an important component, but physical activity is no less important. When fasting, the body loses both fat and muscle cells, so all you get is a possibly thin, but ugly, haggard, lean body.

Therefore, it is important to preserve muscle along with burning fat, and this requires an integrated approach that combines both proper nutrition and physical activity. Loads help maintain muscle tone and prevent fat accumulation in the future. The latter is ensured by the fact that muscle tissue consumes a lot of energy. That is, the owners of a trained body effortlessly burn more fat than those who do not like physical activity.

If you decide to reduce the percentage of body fat, initially consider the following: general recommendations:

  • Don't rush. It is clear that everyone wants to get rid of excess fat as early as possible, but rapid weight loss is not safe for the body. It is not recommended to lose more than a kilogram per week. Avoid all the fad diets that promise to lose 10 kg in a week, as they give quick and short-term results, and only worsen the situation, as the body begins to actively accumulate fat reserves for the future, and it becomes even more difficult to fight it.
  • Nutrition should be correct, varied and balanced. We will consider this issue in more detail below. You do not need diets for a while, but wholesome nutrition that will become your way of life.
  • As already mentioned, physical activity is important and it is necessary to combine cardio and strength exercises.
  • You can speed up the process of fat burning through various procedures, such as massage, body wraps. There are also special preparations which can help in this matter.

Nutrition Features

A fat-burning diet is important. It should be aimed at accelerating metabolism and changing the diet in the direction of increasing protein in it. Due to this, the body consumes more fat, while maintaining muscle mass. The basic principles of your diet should be as follows:

  • Don't starve and severely restrict calories, otherwise the metabolism will slow down, and the body will accumulate even more fat. The diet should be at least 1200-1500 kcal.
  • Include in your diet foods rich in vitamin C. In addition to improving immunity, it is also a natural stimulant of metabolism. Its sources are berries, citrus fruits, various fruits and vegetables, cabbage.
  • Healthy low-fat dairy products. They are rich in protein and calcium, which helps to strengthen bones and muscles.
  • Fats cannot be completely eliminated from the diet, but their sources should be helpful. The “correct” fats the body can take from fish, eggs, nuts, avocados, vegetable oils.
  • Protein should make up about half of your diet. Their best sources are dairy products, lean meats and fish, seafood, eggs, and legumes.
  • Limit the amount of simple carbohydrates and animal fats in the diet, because they lead to excess savings.
  • Eat often and in small portions- every 2-3 hours. Such a diet allows you to speed up metabolism, promotes fat burning and helps prevent the painful feeling of hunger.
  • Necessarily have breakfast, it is very important. The last meal should be at least 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • Drink enough clean water. It helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, accelerates metabolism and accelerates fat burning processes.

It is important not so much to limit the amount of food eaten as to control its quality, that is, to choose what you eat. Here is a list of products that are recommended to avoid or keep their use to a minimum.

  • fatty meats;
  • mayonnaise and other fatty sauces;
  • canned food, smoked meats, pickles;
  • fast food;
  • white bread, pastries;
  • sweets, sugar;
  • various chips, crackers and other snacks;
  • carbonated water, packaged juices, alcoholic drinks.

You need to build a diet on fresh and healthy foods. It should have enough fruits and vegetables, dairy products. Whole grain bread is also good. Besides, Your diet should include these foods:

  • white meat;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • cereals;
  • eggs;
  • nuts and seeds (in limited quantities);
  • eggs;
  • hard cheese.

In addition to water, the importance of which has already been mentioned, you can drink green and herbal teas. Black coffee is good in moderation.

Physical activity to burn fat

Without such a component as physical activity, it is impossible to burn subcutaneous fat. In fact, any sport contributes to weight loss, it is only important to combine cardio training with power loads. The former contribute to the direct burning of fat, the latter tighten the body and help maintain muscle. From cardio workouts, running, swimming, cycling or appropriate equipment in the gym is suitable. Of the strength useful exercises for the press, squats, bends and so on. In fact, you can effectively exercise both at home and in the gym. The main thing is regularity. You need to devote to training at least 3-4 times a week.

The most problematic area in relation to subcutaneous fat is the abdomen. To improve his physical condition Nice hula hoop with massage balls, as well as the “vacuum” exercise. AND don't forget the classic ab exercises.

Additional Methods

There are effective drugs aimed at getting rid of the fat layer and improving muscle relief. These are various fat burners, which contribute to the destruction or breakdown of fat molecules and complement diet and exercise. Fat burners are useful for those who play sports - they enhance the effectiveness of classes, increase the endurance of the body, give it energy.

Modern fat burners are a combination of substances that burn fat, break down adipose tissue and increase the resources of the body. The active ingredients in them are L-carnitine, yohimbine, caffeine, Clenbuterol and so on. Please note that such drugs should be used in a clear dosage and after the recommendation of a specialist, as they have a number of contraindications, and they can have a negative effect on the body. It is important to monitor your well-being, and if it worsens, stop the course.

Another supplement that is popular among those who work to burn fat by exercising regularly is protein i.e. protein. It can also be obtained from food, but often the amount of this is not enough, so protein powder is used, on the basis of which cocktails are made. Protein increases the energy consumption of the body, contributing to fat burning, promotes weight loss, maintaining and building muscle mass. If you use protein shakes in the right dosage, there will be no side effects.

There are also all-natural supplements that also help burn fat. These are various herbs containing caffeine. Also useful natural green tea, conducive to the production of energy even in static. Helps burn fat spices: red pepper, cinnamon, ginger.

Help in burning fat can be a massage performed on your own or with a specialist. It helps to improve blood circulation, speed up metabolic processes under the skin, improve skin tone. Can be The following types of massage are useful:

  • Water massage. It involves exposing the skin to a cool shower jet.
  • Pinch massage. In this case, the skin is pinched with fingers clockwise.
  • Canned. It involves the use of silicone jars that are attached to the skin and move.
  • Honey. And honey is applied to the skin, and then rhythmic patting movements are performed.
  • Manual massage, which can be performed by a specialist or on your own.

Of the cosmetic procedures, peelings and wraps, home or salon. But remember that these are additional measures, not the main ones, and they will not replace your exercise and proper nutrition.

These simple rules will help you effectively and efficiently burn excess subcutaneous fat. Stick to the right lifestyle and then you won't have to fight it again.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)

Are you unhappy with your figure, do you always choose high-waisted pants or skirts? It's time to fix this aesthetic problem. Learn all about how to lose belly fat, reduce sagging belly fat and lose weight quickly for the summer. Regular and well-chosen exercises in combination with a special diet - you need to always look great.

What is subcutaneous fat

A skin-fat apron, a sagging stomach or, as the people call it, an airbag is in almost every person. Even the thinnest people cannot boast of its complete absence. What is subcutaneous fat and should it be removed completely? Unlike visceral fat, which envelops internal organs and can lead to a host of health problems, subcutaneous fat is a reserve energy that the body uses in a critical situation.

Subcutaneous fat percentage

So that an important supply of energy does not suddenly turn into a layer of fat, you need to correctly control its level. It is impossible to determine the ideal body weight using standard methods that take into account height and weight. Hydrostatic weighing is needed - which will also measure the percentage of soft tissue and bone. This method is used even in professional sports.

For men with an athletic build, the normal percentage of subcutaneous fat should be in the range of 6-13%. Representatives of the stronger sex with 14-17% can safely talk about good physical shape, over 18% - an average male physique, and an excess of 25% will be called obesity. For women, this percentage is somewhat different:

  • 14-20% - athletic physique;
  • 21-24% - athletic body;
  • 25-31% - the average female level;
  • more than 32% - obesity.

How to burn subcutaneous fat

You can get rid of unnecessary kilograms in a lot of different ways, including medical ones. For example, the method of increasing thermoregulation or liposuction helps to burn subcutaneous fat from the thighs, however, no one can give a guarantee that over time everything will not return to its place. It is most effective to approach the problem thoroughly, choose an integrated approach that includes proper nutrition with calorie counting and active physical activity.

Diet for burning subcutaneous fat

How to remove visceral fat on the abdomen and at the same time lose subcutaneous fat? You need to reduce the calorie content of food and give up sweet desserts. Smoked sausages, tender sausages and even fried potatoes are non grata products. Instead, you should diligently lean on protein: cottage cheese, lean meats, yogurts and other dairy products. Do not forget about the benefits of fiber-rich legumes, fish.

It is worth considering that the diet for burning subcutaneous fat should not be strict. Ideally, the diet should be reduced by only 300 kilocalories and add a little physical activity. If, out of the total mass, 40% of calories will consist of protein foods, then the burning of subcutaneous fat will go faster. It is better to eat carbohydrates in the form of various cereals in the morning, and drink at least one and a half liters of liquid per day. Juices, coffee or soda are also prohibited.

How to remove belly fat

You can’t burn an unnecessary layer with diets alone; you still have to sign up for a gym or do active fitness at home. To remove subcutaneous fat from the abdomen, the fair sex will help light sports: fitness, Pilates, aerobic training, swimming and even dancing. Representatives of the strong half of humanity should focus on cardio and anaerobic type of training: pump the press on simulators or engage in strength sports.

How to burn belly fat for men

The statement that it is possible to burn subcutaneous fat on a man’s stomach with abdominal exercises is fundamentally wrong. In this way, you can get a negative result - the press will become elastic, but the big belly will remain in place. For burning, basic strength exercises are considered the most effective. Try to include in the standard program:

  • a set of squats with weights;
  • bench press standing, sitting or from the floor;
  • deadlift;
  • push-ups from the floor.

How to burn belly fat for girls

Modern women also strive to have a beautiful and flat tummy. Due to the reproductive function, fat in women accumulates mainly in the lower abdomen and hips, and these areas are considered the most problematic. Three simple exercises will help a girl burn subcutaneous fat on her stomach:

  1. Lie on your stomach, put your hands behind your head. Lift the body up so that the chest comes off the floor, and the legs continue to rest. So you not only tighten your tummy, but also strengthen your back.
  2. Turn over, arms parallel to the body. Raise your straightened legs slowly to an angle of 30 degrees, freeze for 30 seconds, and then relax. For efficiency, you need to do 10-15 approaches at a time.
  3. Close your eyes, rise on your toes, put your hands on your belt. Perform 8-10 swing exercises first with the left foot, then with the right.