Bow tie made of satin ribbon for a boy. How to make a men's bow tie or tie from fabric or satin ribbon with your own hands

When you need to quickly and cheaply make a stylish and elegant accessory for a men's suit with your own hands, a satin ribbon bow tie is the perfect solution. Gentlemen invented decorating themselves in this way back in the 19th century. Even then, a satin ribbon was tied around the neck in the likeness of a bow. Over time, the accessory has improved, but the prototype in the form of a classic bow is still relevant.

A simple version of a ribbon butterfly: how to make?

To make an original butterfly with your own hands, it is not necessary to buy a special fabric and spend time on patterns. The result can be achieved no worse using a regular satin ribbon.

To make a product in a simple version, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • satin ribbon (width 3-4 cm, length 1 m);
  • satin ribbon (width 1 cm, length 60 cm);
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • threads;
  • needle
  • hooks;
  • matches.

The traditional even the simplest butterfly for a man consists of two parts - two bows. For the manufacture of the first, 20-25 cm of tape are cut, for the second - up to 40 cm of tape. The shorter segment is folded in half so that the ends overlap each other. A series of stitches are made along the core, the thread is tightened, several turns of the ribbon are twisted in the center to get a neat bow.

By analogy, a larger bow is also made, after which they proceed to create the basis for fixing the tie. For this, a thin tape is suitable, to which blanks are sewn. Why is it thin? For both a boy and a man, a thin ribbon is easier to disguise under a shirt collar.

For the base, measure the desired length of the tape, sew hooks for fasteners to the ends. So that the edges do not crumble, they are treated with matches. If there is no thin tape, you can work with a thick one, bending the edges inward.

Further, in order to finally sew the tie, two previously prepared blanks are glued together, the attachment point is closed with an additional piece of tape - the product is ready. Hooks for fasteners can be replaced with buttons or Velcro.

To make a bow tie according to the instructions above, you can use both a plain and printed ribbon, or two color options, creating interesting combinations. Additionally, ready-made accessories are allowed to decorate:

  • chain;
  • stones;
  • lace and other elements, depending on the features of the model.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that hand-sewn satin ribbon bow ties, by all the rules, are able to compete with branded products and deliver no less pleasure to the recipient.

Ties are a very ancient decoration. Its first prototypes are depicted on terracotta warriors, which one Chinese emperor wished for his afterlife in 220 BC. The statues depict scarves tied around the neck with a bow. Similar accessories were worn by warriors in ancient Rome. In those days, the tie served not as an ornament, but as a protection of the throat from winds and coolness.

The tie received its role of decoration around the 16th and 17th centuries. During the Thirty Years' War, King Louis XIV of France saw beautiful neckerchiefs on Croatian officers invited for negotiations. He liked this accessory so much that a royal decree was issued for the courtiers to wear La Cravat at all council meetings.

At the end of the 17th century, women began to wear the tie. And to this day, this elegant wardrobe detail adds a special chic to any matching outfit.

In this article, we suggest you make some kanzashi ties. An elegant frill made of ribbons for a charming lady or a strict black bow tie for a young gentleman.

We propose to make the first two tie brooches for girls. Such wonderful accessories are perfect for the first day of school or a special occasion.

So, jabot tie in kanzashi technique.

Materials for work:

  • Satin ribbons in black and white colors 5 cm and 2.5 cm wide;
  • A small piece of black lace;
  • Round decoration (an old brooch or a decorative large button will do);
  • Thread and needle;
  • Lighter or candle;
  • Glue gun;
  • Brooch pin.

It is necessary to cut off from a white tape 5 cm wide two pieces of 18 cm in length and 1 piece of 20 cm in length. From a black tape 5 cm wide, cut 1 piece 18 cm long. Melt the edges of the ribbons over the fire.

From a black tape 2.5 cm wide, cut 2 pieces 18 cm long and 1 piece 20 cm long. From a white ribbon 2.5 cm wide, cut a piece 20 cm long.

For beautiful frills that create a frill effect, you need to make 21 little things of round petals as follows: cut off a square of black ribbon 5x5 cm. Melt the edges over the fire. Fold it diagonally (the fold line is on top). Make sure the corners match exactly. Now take a needle with a black thread and thread it into the right corner. Now you need to walk with ordinary stitches in a semicircle to the left corner of the triangle. The semicircle bends to the lower corner of the triangle. Now it remains to tighten the thread and the triangle will gather into a beautiful petal. Fasten the thread. Trim the lower part of the petal evenly and melt.

Here's what happened.

Now you need to make a bow base. To do this, sew the pieces of ribbons prepared earlier on the front side, making a slight overlap. Do not cut the thread.

Now fold the blank in half, placing the seam in the center of the future bow.

The next step is winding the thread. Tie the bow tightly in the middle. Sew to secure several times, bring the thread to the wrong side of the bow. Pin.

Do the above manipulations with all blanks. Here's what happened.

Now you need to sew bows of the same size from different ribbons 2 together. Like this.

Now we sew a double bow from two blanks of 18 cm ribbons.

Now, on the resulting double bow, sew the largest black and white bow of 20 cm ribbons on top. If it is more convenient for you to work with glue, you can glue blanks.

Now let's start creating the frill. Here you will need a glue gun. Glue 3 petal blanks together.

Glue the resulting three between the top two layers of bows. (see picture).

Similarly, glue 4 more triplets one under the other.

Now we complement the triplets with the remaining petals. Here's what happened.

Attach a hairpin to the wrong side.

To mask the joints of the frill petals, glue a piece of lace on the wrong side.

It remains to attach the decoration on the front side and wait until all the glued parts are completely dry.

Next tie brooch from ribbons it is so easy and simple to make that even beginners can handle it.

Materials for work:

  • Ribbon 5 cm wide in white and grey. (You can, of course, choose any two you like);
  • Brooch pin;
  • Needle and thread;
  • Lighter or candle;
  • scissors;
  • White lace;
  • Half beads and beads of pearl color.

From a white tape you will need 2 pieces 20 cm long, from a gray one 18 cm and 28 cm long.

Now, from two white segments and a short gray segment, make bows in the same way as described in the previous master class. Here's what happened.

Now we will make a tie directly from a piece of tape 28 cm long.

Position the ribbon with the wrong side towards you and fold in half so that the ends of the ribbon are perpendicular to each other (see picture).

Fold in half and iron. It turned out a tie with a triangular end. Here's one.

All elements are ready, it remains to assemble and decorate.

Sew small pieces of lace to the gray bow. Fasten the white bows into one big one. Now you need to sew a gray blank on top of a white double bow.

From the wrong side, glue the tie itself with hot glue and mask the junction with lace.

Attach a hair clip.

It remains to decorate with beads. Here's how it happened. You can decorate to your liking.

These wonderful two options are suitable for fashionable ladies.

For young gentlemen, we propose to make such a wonderful bow tie.

Materials for work:

  • Satin ribbon 5 cm and 1 cm wide;
  • Organza ribbon 4 cm wide;
  • Threads and a needle;
  • pins;
  • Glue;
  • Decor elements and lock (if you want).

Make two pieces 26 cm long from wide ribbons of satin and organza.

On the satin ribbon face up, place the organza ribbon face up as well. Align the edges (if desired, fix with pins). Now you need to melt the edges of the ribbons folded together. Organza is very flammable. So you have to be careful when melting. It is important not to overexpose the blanks, especially if you are working with light materials. You can get darkened and "smoky" edges.

Turn the wrong side towards you and connect the melted edges in the middle. You can iron the workpiece with an iron. The sides should overlap slightly (maximum 1 cm).

Chop off the workpiece with a pin and sew in the middle (where the sides are overlapped) with large stitches.

Now you need to tighten the thread and fasten it. Here's what happened.

It remains to collect a bow tie.

In our master class, an option for any neck circumference is proposed, but if you know the parameters of the baby who is making the tie, then focus on them.

So, ties.

Cut off a piece of about 4 cm from a narrow satin ribbon. It will mask the seam in the center of the butterfly.

Measure the tape needed for the tie and smear it in the center with glue on the front side. Glue the wrong side of the bow to the glued front side of the tie.

Leave until the glue is completely dry.

Now put just a little glue on the center of the edge of the 4 cm ribbon and wrap around the center of the tie. It is enough to pull it tight, but so as not to deform the ribbon, and so that it does not wrinkle.

A bow tie made of ribbons is ready. At will, the center can be decorated with various fittings.

The current accessory - a butterfly - is actively used as the finishing touch to a stylish male, female or children's look. Making your own bow tie is very easy. A simple creative process will take a minimum of time, and you will receive an exclusive decoration.

How to make a bow tie with your own hands

Any girl can buy a tie for her man in any men's accessories store. However, it is much more pleasant for the stronger sex to receive gifts made by oneself. Butterfly ties exist in different variations, but they all fall into two main categories:

  • classic elegant model a la tie, which is tied around the neck;
  • an accessory that is attached to the collar with a clip or a special fastener.

The shape of the bow tie is divided into four types:

  • classic, the width of which does not exceed six centimeters;
  • large bow ties with a width of eight centimeters;
  • butterfly diamonds in the shape of a rhombus;
  • models of ties with slightly rounded ends.

A girl can sew a butterfly with her own hands for a man with step-by-step instructions. It is necessary to decide which material is best suited for the accessory. If you use silk or velveteen, then the bow tie will have a prestigious and expensive look. A more economical option is polyester, which resembles satin models, or paper. In any case, the first bow tie should be made from inexpensive material so that you don’t worry if you fail. In order for the product to keep its shape, the fabric for manufacturing must be dense.

From paper

An excellent alternative to a paper tie can be a fabric tie if time is sorely lacking, and the accessory needs to be ready. If you use the origami technique, which does not require gluing and stitching, then you can quickly make a beautiful bow tie from a sheet of colored paper. To implement your plan, you need to take a sheet of square size, for example, 15x15 cm. It is better if the sides of the material differ from each other.

Instructions on how to sew a butterfly around your neck with your own hands:

  1. Turn the paper upside down, fold it horizontally, and then unfold it again.
  2. To the center line, bend each of the four corners in turn.
  3. Fold the top and bottom edges towards the center as well.
  4. Fold the workpiece in half, starting from left to right.
  5. Bend the corners that are located on the right to the center line and unbend.
  6. Straighten the product.
  7. Fold the center piece in half along the folds you created to make it inward.
  8. Bend the top layer of the left corner to the right, bending from the top right corner down.
  9. Fold the left side back so that the corners on the right and left match.
  10. Fold the top layer of the left corners to the center line.
  11. Bend the left corners to the center line.
  12. Gently straighten the workpiece, carefully straighten the central part.

How to make a fabric bow tie

The current part of formal wear - a tie - does not have to be bought for a lot of money. You can sew an accessory with your own hands, using pieces of unnecessary fabric. The decoration is suitable for both a child and an adult. Perhaps, when you manage to make a bow tie with your own hands once, you will want to replenish your wardrobe with a whole arsenal of these attributes for every outfit for your son or husband.

How to sew a butterfly

There are many ways to sew a fashionable bow tie. There are complex and simpler options that require a minimum needlewoman time. It is possible to create a bow tie without a machine, but if you have sewing equipment, it will be easier. You will need:

  • a suitable piece of fabric, preferably dense;
  • sewing machine or ordinary needle and thread;
  • ruler;
  • good cutting scissors;
  • button;
  • rubber band.

Instructions on how to sew a bow tie with your own hands:

  1. From the material, cut a square of a suitable size, then fold it in half, stitch along three edges.
  2. Unscrew the product, forming a butterfly with your fingers, fix the middle with a thread and sew with a piece of fabric.
  3. Sew an elastic band and a button to attach the tie around the neck to the tie. Choose the length of the rubber band based on the girth of the neck.

For boy

A bow tie is put on a shirt for official events, for matinees or other celebrations. To sew a decoration for a four-year-old boy with your own hands, it is better to take a natural fabric of a dense texture - even cotton or linen is acceptable. For a bow tie you will need:

  • a piece of material measuring 2.5x4 cm;
  • a small piece of cotton with parameters 3x15 cm;
  • a piece of interlining 3x10 cm;
  • two pieces of cotton 3x10 cm;
  • a couple of pieces of Velcro;
  • spool of thread;
  • sewing machine.

Do-it-yourself bow tie is done like this:

  1. Fold the 3x10 cm patterns face to face and smooth the interlining on them.
  2. Sew on each side, and in one place leave a hole two centimeters in size.
  3. Unscrew the workpiece through the gap.
  4. Iron the resulting product, connecting the ends in the center with a zigzag seam.
  5. Fold the rectangular figure in half lengthwise with an indent of half a centimeter from the center, creating a line about one centimeter long.
  6. The strap must be sewn from patterns 2.5x4 cm, which are folded face to face.
  7. A piece of 3x15 cm is needed to create a long belt, which should be stitched along.
  8. Pass the belt through the belt with which to wrap the butterfly. Sew Velcro on the ends of the belt for fastening.

For a man

Butterfly tie looks spectacular on gentlemen. This accessory was not used so often a few years ago, but now it is back in fashion. Satin butterflies are especially popular. So, a do-it-yourself bow tie is made with the following materials:

  • two satin ribbons measuring 6 cm and 1 cm;
  • a set of seamstresses: threads, needles, scissors;
  • colorless varnish;
  • hooks as fasteners.

A bow tie for a man can be done like this:

  1. Take a wide ribbon of 6 centimeters and make stitches in the central part, tightening the thread after and giving the product the shape of a bow.
  2. According to the first example, create a second bow and glue the two blanks with glue, passing the thread at the fixation point.
  3. Attach hooks to a thin satin ribbon, and fasten the end of the ribbon to the slider. Thanks to this attribute, you can easily change the size of the circumference of a bow tie.
  4. Attach the ribbon to the finished bow tie with a thread and a needle.

Video: how to make a butterfly with your own hands

After spending a little time watching several videos, each girl will be able to give her boyfriend, husband or child a great handmade gift - a bow tie. Master classes provide detailed instructions on how to make a pattern correctly, stitch all the elements in sequence to get the desired product that will adorn any man.

On an elastic band

How to sew a butterfly with your own hands

From satin ribbon

A tie is an important part of a business wardrobe, a sign of good taste and "significance" of its owner. A good tie costs a lot, so the question of how to sew it with your own hands is always relevant.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

Making an elegant do-it-yourself tie: basic tricks

Before proceeding with the phased production of this sought-after accessory, you need to decide what exactly you want to get in the end. There are quite a few variations on the theme of a tie, and each type has its own manufacturing master class. The most common accessory options are the classic "noose" and an elegant bow tie. But this is not the whole list, because there is a narrow “herring” tie, a brooch tie, a bolo, a lavalier, a Windsor, and a neckerchief. By the way, there are many contradictions with the last type of accessory, because the word “tie” itself has French roots and in translation into Russian it sounds like “neck scarf”.

A tie pattern is a simple matter, because it can be done even without special tools and templates at hand. How? - you ask. Yes, it’s very simple - just dissolve the old unnecessary tie along the seam. It will be the same pattern that you can transfer to the selected fabric.

When preparing, it is important not to forget about the “understudy” fabric. It is needed so that your future product keeps its shape and does not wrinkle at every touch. For the role of "understudy" you can choose the usual lining fabric or fleece - these are the most inexpensive and affordable options. You can also buy self-adhesive fabric - friselin. In order to attach it to the fabric, it will be enough for you to attach it to the wrong side of your workpiece with a shiny layer and go through it well with a hot iron. Just a few movements and your product will acquire the desired rigidity.

Sewing a tie is also a very simple process, accessible even to the most inexperienced needlewoman. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all whether we sew an accessory on a sewing machine or with a hand seam, the main thing is to know how to fold and fasten it beautifully (and the rest is a matter of technology).

Another important question when sewing a tie (as well as when designing any product) is how to properly prevent unwanted "shrinkage" of the fabric? In order to have an idea of ​​how the sewing material will react to washing and ironing in the future, all these processes should be carried out even before it is cut. At this stage, you should definitely know what to prepare for in the future and what you should pay special attention to.

A tie is an item of everyday wardrobe, it is very important to consider this when choosing what fabric to sew this accessory from. Cotton, linen, silk and satin are considered the most practical - it is on these fabrics that you should choose (for festive options there are no restrictions on the choice of materials).

Universal accessory: a bit of history

As mentioned earlier, the word "tie" is of French origin, but the British made the accessory itself world-famous. It was with their light hand that he became a very important "status" detail of a business wardrobe. This men's accessory has long ceased to be just an accessory - it is also an indicator of the status and social position of its owner. Neckerchiefs and in our time have a fairly wide price variability - from a few hundred rubles to a couple of thousand dollars.

The popularity of the adult tie was soon repeated by the children's counterpart. Wealthy families sought to buy it for the boy, so that from childhood he would get used to a rather uncomfortable, but necessary accessory.

After the sexual revolution that took place in the middle of the last century, a women's tie appeared. Contrary to popular belief, he gave his owner by no means masculine features. On the contrary, a woman with a “noose” around her neck is always stylish, sexy and a little bold.

So gradually the tie entered the daily routine of almost the entire population of the globe. No one now sees anything reprehensible in tying a ribbon for a girl in the form of a tie or an elegant bow tie.

Among the variety of children's ties that are customary to wear to school, I would like to highlight the option with a zipper. Its feature is convenience, because you don’t need to tie it (tighten or unfasten the zipper and that’s it). Therefore, if you want to make a convenient school accessory, pay attention to this particular model. As for the colors of children's ties, these can be either strict blue or black options, or more cheerful colors (from Harry Potter, for example).

How to make a paper tie

If you need to make this sought-after accessory very urgently or you need it for some kind of competition, then plain paper can be an ideal material. The easiest option is a napkin bow tie. For him, it’s enough just to take an ordinary napkin, fold it like an accordion and fasten it in the middle.

No less popular are products made in the origami style. Just a few correct movements - and an elegant tie is in your hands (you can easily find detailed instructions on how to do this on the Internet).

You can also make a herring tie out of plain cardboard and rubber bands. Draw the silhouette of the future product, cut it out, attach the elastic band and... Done!

How to make a ribbon tie

Making a fashionable product out of a satin ribbon is not only very simple, but also inexpensive, and the result is simply excellent. The uniqueness of this material is that it looks equally great in any version, be it a classic noose, butterfly, brooch or herring. Whatever you choose, a satin ribbon product will look very dignified. You can also make a cute tie from scraps of satin fabric. However, when sewing a product from this material, do not forget to process the edges - without this manipulation, they can “crumble”.

In addition to quite “human” options, the ribbon also makes excellent decorations for the bottle. Cute ties made of felt or satin can decorate champagne at a wedding or "male" drinks at a corporate party. By the way, when preparing a birthday cake for your beloved man (brother, friend, boss), you can also decorate it with a cute mastic tie. It will look incredibly stylish and will definitely please the hero of the occasion.

How to sew a bow tie?

"Butterfly" or a bow is a classic form of a tie, without which it is impossible to imagine an evening version of a business suit (and not only). It is very simple to make it - take a small rectangle of fabric and pull it in the middle. This way you get a bow tie that can be worn with an elastic band or simply pinned to a shirt with a safety pin. This is the easiest way to make a bow, but not the only one.

You can use both simple sewing and more complex techniques such as Kazanshi and origami. The first option is to compile a whole composition from individual flaps, the second is to obtain the desired result by repeatedly bending the fabric. The Internet is replete with various tutorials on the correct use of these techniques.

On the World Wide Web, you can also find a classic bow tie pattern that you need to tie yourself (like a pioneer tie). Many of us know firsthand how to make a beautiful, correct knot of such an accessory - once a red piece of fabric was the real pride of a Soviet child.

If you want to stand out from the crowd, try a bolo tie. This is an unusual product made of a thin cord, which is fastened with a large brooch. A bolo can be a great addition to both a casual look and a festive one - it all depends on the outfit you choose.

A tie is also suitable for a New Year's costume. For a corporate party, for example, it is not necessary to wear a boring office version. For such an occasion, cheerful models for a clown, elegant neckerchiefs of a stewardess, and slightly defiant dudes bows will be equally appropriate.

There are many ways and master classes for creating a variety of ribbon decorations. Most often, such lessons contain information about making lush flowers, but many are interested in other options, for example, a butterfly from ribbons. With your own hands, you can do it quickly and without any problems. It is enough just to get acquainted with the basic elements, as well as the techniques for their implementation. Step-by-step instructions will come to help novice masters, which explains all the stages of work.

Popular decoration: DIY butterflies

This element can become a decor for a headband, elastic band, bracelet and even a ring. Lovely creations made of bright ribbons will cheer you up and remind you of sunny days all year round.

Do-it-yourself butterfly from ribbons is made in different variations. But in its manufacture, they always use the same principle - this is the folding of petals from round or rectangular pieces of ribbons.

simple kanzashi butterfly

Thinking about doing it yourself from the tape, first you should pay more attention to the step-by-step instructions. The best choice would be a simple butterfly for beginners, and after that you can move on to more complex decorations.

For work, you should prepare tweezers, scissors, light threads, a needle, a lighter, transparent glue and ribbons of two colors (3 and 6 cm wide). Additionally, rhinestones, beads, beads and rondels are useful.

Making upper butterfly wings

A butterfly made of ribbons with your own hands can be done quickly and without any problems, but for this you need to strictly follow the instructions. To make the upper wings, a piece 10 cm long is cut off from a wide ribbon. The segment is folded in half in length, and then its edges are in the form of an airplane. To make it convenient to work with the part, you need to grab the junction of the edges with a needle. For a more durable fastening of the structure and for decoration at the junction near the spout, you need to glue a rhinestone.

The corners of the part must be folded and fixed with tweezers. The excess edge is cut off with scissors, with their help they also level the bottom edge. To make the upper wings the same, it is better to make two parts in parallel, applying them to each other and comparing the sizes. At the bottom, the edges are singeed separately, and on the side - together, to get details in the shape of a boat.

Now you need to make round inserts from a ribbon of a different color. The petal should turn out with three folds. After that, a small sharp petal should be made, which is inserted between the folds of the round one, having previously lubricated the lower part with transparent glue.

Making the lower wings of a kanzashi butterfly

To create the lower parts, you need to take a piece of a wide tape 6 by 6 cm. It is folded in half and a round single petal is formed. A smaller petal is created from a narrower ribbon and glued inside a large part. In the same way, you should make the second wing.

Combining parts into one design

All elements of kanzashi decoration are sewn with a needle. The upper wings must be pierced in such a way as to capture all the folds. All parts are pulled together with a thread and fixed with several knots. For their strong fastening, you need to apply a little transparent glue to the base of the wings.

A butterfly made of ribbons, made by hand (kanzashi), looks beautiful, but in order for the design to be strong, you need to take care of its strong connection. The wings are attached to the body. To make it, you need a pin, on which a small bead is strung, a rondel is put on top, and then six beads of the same size. Next, you need to take the second pin and string the same parts on it in the same sequence. After that, both pins are inserted into one rondel, a large bead is put on, and a second rondel is placed on top. The ends of the pins are closed with beads.

Now it remains to connect the wings to the body. For these purposes, transparent glue and a needle with a light thread are also used.

Making hairpins: do-it-yourself ribbon butterflies

Similar kanzashi-style elements can be a wonderful decoration for hair. A butterfly made of satin ribbons must be glued to a hoop or hairpin. For these purposes, transparent glue is also best suited.

dragonfly kanzashi

A ribbon dragonfly will be one of the easiest crafts you can make yourself. For work, you need to prepare a satin ribbon about 2-3 cm wide, a narrow shiny ribbon, beads of various sizes, scissors, wire, thread, needle, tweezers and glue.

The first step is to start making wings. To do this, the satin ribbon must be cut into pieces about 6 cm long. One edge of each piece should be cut in the shape of an angle. After that, the edges of the resulting corners are glued from the wrong side. When the glue dries, the parts are turned out in such a way that peculiar petals are obtained. Next, using glue, you need to connect the lower corners on the front side.

Four petals are made in this way and combined into wings with glue. Next, you need to make a body for the future dragonfly, for this you will need two pieces of wire 10 cm each. They are twisted together, a knot is left at one end, and two free ends at the other.

Beads are strung on the wire (no more than 14 pieces), the closing one should be larger. The ends of the wire are fixed so that the body does not fall apart.

As a result, the dragonfly needs to be collected. The case of beads is fixed on the finished wings with glue. Moreover, if desired, you can decorate the wings, for this, a shiny ribbon, beads, rhinestones, beads, etc. are suitable.

Men's butterflies from satin ribbons

A bow tie has long been an essential attribute of a stylish male image. This accessory can be increasingly seen on girls, as well as younger boys. To look beautiful and elegant, it is not necessary to go to the store. We offer to make a butterfly from satin ribbons with your own hands.

To make such a tie yourself, you need to prepare two ribbons about a meter long (1 and 4 cm wide), threads, matches, scissors, a needle, special hooks and glue.

Bow ties from ribbons with hands: step by step instructions

Butterflies most often consist of two bows. For the manufacture of the first of them, you will need a piece of a wide ribbon about 25 cm long, for the second - 35-40 cm.

A smaller ribbon should be folded in half so that the ends slightly overlap each other, and the very point where the ends are joined is located in the middle of the part. Along this middle of the butterfly, you need to sew stitches “forward with a needle”, tighten the thread and wrap the tape around it so that the bow comes out. In the same way, you need to make a second larger bow.

Now you should start making the base of the butterfly. To do this, you need a thin ribbon, it is to it that the finished bow will be sewn, and it will hide under the collar. It is necessary to cut off two parts: one according to the volume of the neck with a margin, and the other - a small size for attaching a bow.

A thin long ribbon must be treated with a match flame so that the threads do not crumble. Two bows are glued or sewn together so that the small one is located on top of the large one. Behind a large bow, you need to attach a long ribbon and cover it with a small ribbon. The ends of the latter must be sewn in such a way as not to fix a long ribbon, it must move in different directions.

At the end of the work, it remains to sew fasteners in the form of Velcro, buttons, etc. You can buy special hooks that are used when sewing bras.

Now that all the stages of work are described in detail, a DIY ribbon butterfly can be made quickly and easily enough. This element will be a wonderful decor for hair clips, jewelry and even paintings.