Hemorrhoids at 21 weeks pregnant. Hemorrhoids during pregnancy: what to do, how to treat. Condition of the placenta and presentation

You are on the verge of the sixth month of pregnancy, which refers to the most prosperous period - the second trimester. The 21st week of pregnancy is a relatively calm time, the tummy has not yet grown enough to restrict your movements, and toxicosis, as a rule, does not bother you at this stage.

At a period of 21 weeks of pregnancy, what happens to the baby is easy to find out. Just at this time, a planned ultrasound is most often performed, in addition, tactile contact with the child, through pushes, will also give you an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis well-being and mood.

Baby development at 21 weeks

  1. Your child has gained weight by 21 weeks: the standard weight is around 360 grams, while the baby’s height is 26-27 cm;
  2. Please note that from week 20, growth is measured along the entire length of the body, and not, as before, from the crown to the coccyx. Such dimensions still allow the fetus at 21 weeks of gestation to actively move in the tummy, which you clearly feel;
  3. The force of the pushes is somewhat increased, it’s just that the child’s skeletal system has become stronger, and he is actively pushing away or pounding with his fists on the walls;
  4. The child's nutritional activity only intensifies, he often swallows amniotic fluid with useful substances that have got into it, the fluid is excreted from his body when he pees, but undigested microscopic particles are deposited in the intestines and form feces;
  5. Just imagine that the child already distinguishes tastes, so he can get angry if you eat something sour or bitter (a current article on the topic of nutrition during this period: What not to eat during pregnancy ?>>>);
  6. In the gastrointestinal tract of the baby, enzymes and gastric juice are already present, however, in minimal doses;
  7. At the 21st week of pregnancy, the spleen is included in the work (learn how the baby grows and develops throughout pregnancy from the article Development of the child in the womb >>>);
  8. At a period of 21 weeks of pregnancy, the development of the fetus is aimed at improving the functioning of the internal organs, so the endocrine and immune systems are actively involved in the work, and the lungs develop.

Mom's well-being

Your well-being and feelings at the 21st week of pregnancy are characterized positively, both in terms of physical and psychological. This is the ideal time to prepare at home for the meeting of the baby and purchase the necessary things, unless, of course, you are superstitious (for information on what exactly you need to take, read the article: What to buy for a newborn for the first time?>>>). Your tummy is noticeable, but still does not greatly restrict your movements.

Uterine size

Your baby needs space to grow and develop actively, and your body does a great job of that. The uterus at the 21st week of pregnancy is palpable at the level of the navel, or even a centimeter above it.

The total height of the uterus is 21 cm. And if the baby is spacious in such a house, then for you these parameters are fraught with compression of internal organs, problems with urination or heartburn. Don't worry, all these symptoms are temporary.

Pain at 21 weeks

You may experience some soreness at 21 weeks pregnant. It's time to decide which of them are considered the norm, and which signal dangerous conditions:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen. Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen may be due to the growth of the uterus and the preparation of the pelvis for the birth process. It is important to ensure that the pain does not turn into acute and is not accompanied by bloody discharge, since in this case it is a signal of a threatened abortion. When the stomach hurts sharply at the 21st week of pregnancy, the help of a specialist is needed;
  • Pain in the chest. You can feel pain when you touch your breasts, and this is not surprising, they increase in size, fill up, the first colostrum is already released from the mammary glands (read on the topic: When does the chest start to hurt during pregnancy?>>>).
  • Back pain. These sensations are most often manifested after a long walk or being in a static position. Pain can occur due to a shift in the center of gravity and leaning forward, when wearing uncomfortable shoes, and sitting for a long time. Don't forget about rest;
  • Pain in the umbilical region. You may feel sharp or throbbing pains in the navel, they are caused by internal pressure of the uterus, the bottom of which is just located at this level at 21 weeks of pregnancy;
  • Pain in the legs. You may feel heaviness and pain in your legs, cramps, weight gain and swelling are to blame, especially if you spent the whole day on your feet. Cramps occur with a vitamin deficiency, you may need to take a vitamin complex or balance your diet;

About how to do it safely and get the most benefit, I talk in the book Secrets of Proper Nutrition for the Future Mom >>>.

  • Headache. Dizziness in the morning or when jumping up suddenly is a common occurrence in mid-pregnancy. Your circulatory system works in an enhanced mode, and it does not need additional loads. Migraines may occur, especially if you are overwhelmed. You need to relax, drink warm mint tea and take a walk in the fresh air.

Any painful sensations can be alleviated or reduced to zero using massages, water procedures, using special supporting bandages.

Bleeding. Allocations

Standard normal discharge at 21 weeks of gestation is characterized as transparent, moderate, without a pronounced odor. All the rest will point to certain problems:

  1. The curd consistency of the discharge, accompanied by itching or burning, indicates infection with Candida class fungi or thrush (read on the topic: Thrush during pregnancy >>>).
  2. Abundant opaque discharge with yellow or green purulent clots is a signal of an inflammatory process, consult a doctor;
  3. Brown discharge at 21 weeks pregnant is nothing more than blood blotches. In small amounts, spotting is possible with erosions of the cervix. If the discharge is plentiful, while the stomach is strongly pulled at the 21st week of pregnancy, then there is a threat of miscarriage or missed pregnancy.

Please note that bloody marks on your underwear may appear due to constipation or inflammation of hemorrhoids.

Feelings at 21 weeks

At the start of the 21st week of pregnancy, what happens to the mother is also felt by your baby. And his mood is clear from the shocks, which in this period are becoming stronger and more noticeable. From light tickling to persistent butting - these are the results of your tête-à-tête with your child.

  • Surely you have noticed that the peak of the child's activity and movement at the 21st week of pregnancy begin in the evening. Try to calm the baby, sing him a lullaby or just stroke his stomach. In total, the child spends only 4 hours in an active state, and when you lie down, these movements are most noticeable;
  • The belly at the 21st week of pregnancy is gradually increasing, and the waist circumference is getting larger, accurate measurements are an individual matter, they depend on the weight of the mother and baby, heredity also plays a role. But even small sizes are already becoming the cause of insomnia, since it is difficult to find a comfortable position for relaxation;
  • At 21 weeks pregnant, you feel the urge to go to the toilet all the time, and this is not surprising, given the pressure of the uterus on the bladder. Remember to visit the ladies' room more often, and it's good to lean forward a little to completely empty the bladder. In addition, regulate the amount of liquid you drink at night, then nothing will interfere with your sleep;
  • The unpleasant symptoms of 21 weeks include shortness of breath and heartburn. But you can fight them - with proper breathing, which will come in handy for you during childbirth and fractional nutrition (what other ways can help alleviate the condition with heartburn, find out from the article Remedy for heartburn during pregnancy >>>);
  • Another feature of this period is the increased growth rate of hair and nails. Please note that their condition has become better, the skin is cleaner, this is due to a change in hormonal levels;
  • At the 21st week of pregnancy, an increase in appetite can also be noted. Firstly, the baby requires more from you, in addition, your body needs vitamins and trace elements. Eat enough but low-calorie foods so that your scale doesn't upset you.

Narrow issues of pregnancy

You need to remember that now you are responsible not only for yourself and your health, but also for your baby under your heart. Of particular danger are diseases and colds.


With your condition, it is not logical to expect the traditional 36.6 on a thermometer, constant hormonal and physical changes affect your body temperature, often setting it at 37 and 37.5 degrees.

Cold at 21 weeks pregnant

Although the second trimester is considered the most prosperous in terms of protecting the baby from external irritants and viruses, do not forget that at the 21st week of pregnancy, what happens to the mother also affects the child. Believe me, if your head breaks and your body breaks with a cold, the baby will also suffer.

The main risks of a cold:

  1. High fever at 21 weeks of gestation, spasmodic cough can cause placental abruption or bleeding;
  2. Dehydration, which accompanies most diseases, can cause constipation, metabolic disorders (more about constipation during pregnancy >>>);
  3. A limited list of drugs does not allow taking drastic measures in the treatment, so the recovery process is often delayed (for information on how you can be treated, read the article Cold during pregnancy >>>);
  4. Violation of the thermal regime at elevated temperatures can lead to overheating of the baby.

During pregnancy, folk remedies and heavy drinking will become relevant, it is better to refuse medicines, even with the conditional permission of some.


Sex at the 21st week of pregnancy is allowed and welcomed, but with certain reservations: the choice of sparing positions, shallow penetration, personal hygiene.

Alcohol at 21 weeks

It is not difficult to guess that all bad habits during pregnancy are in the taboo zone. As for alcohol, pouring a glass for yourself, you drink this drink and the baby. Alcohol easily enters the child's body, poisoning him from the inside, loading the still immature kidneys and liver.

Red wine may be recommended to you as a good remedy for raising hemoglobin. The drink may help you in the fight against anemia, but at the same time it will wash out a lot of useful substances from the body. In addition, industrial alcohol contains a lot of preservatives and dyes that are very difficult for your liver to cope with.

Examination of mother and child

In the second trimester, namely, the 21st week of pregnancy belongs to this period, you are offered to visit a gynecologist at least once a month. At the appointment, the height of the uterus is measured, the specialist listens to the baby's heartbeat, asks a question about the frequency of movements.

By the way, you can ask, at 21 weeks of gestation, how often the baby should move. See for yourself: he sleeps about 20 hours a day, therefore, he communicates with you for 4 hours.

A specialist may examine you in a chair. He will be interested in the condition of the vagina and cervix. During pregnancy at 21 weeks, untreated diseases may worsen, so sparing therapy may be needed.

By this time, you may already have the results of a second screening for congenital abnormalities. Whatever the result, do not rush to conclusions. It is important to take into account age, weight, week of pregnancy, number of fetuses, heredity. Without ultrasound results, numbers on paper will not show you anything.

Baby's condition

The first question that worries all pregnant women on ultrasound is who is there? Indeed, the sex at the 21st week of pregnancy can be determined, unless the baby shyly covers himself with his hands.

During the examination, measurements are taken:

  • So at 21 weeks of gestation, the size of the fetus will be 26 cm, measured from the crown to the heels;
  • The uzist will examine all the internal organs of the baby, correlate their sizes with tabular standards;
  • Another exciting moment - you will hear how the baby's heart beats. The norm is up to 170 beats per minute.

During the study, you can see how your baby swallows water or sucks a finger, or maybe he, just at this moment, will perform acrobatic tricks. You can ask a specialist to take a photo for you as a keepsake.

Condition of the placenta and presentation

During ultrasound, the placenta is fixed to the uterus. Ideally, it is attached in the middle of the back wall. When the placenta is low, closer to the cervix, there are threats of abortion.

Another parameter that worries a specialist is the presentation of the fetus. At 21 weeks pregnant, even if the baby is upside down, this is not considered critical. The child at this stage is mobile and can roll over several more times.

There is such a term as the age of the placenta. The placenta at 21 weeks of gestation should be at stage 0 of maturity, that is, in the process of growth. Its surface is homogeneous, and it should remain so until the 30th week. 1 and further stages indicate an excessive load on the placenta, such as a disease of a pregnant woman or bad habits.

Number of waters

During ultrasound, the amount of water and their transparency are determined. Measurements are made of the distance of the baby to the walls of the placenta, and the estimated volume of amniotic fluid is calculated.

Lifestyle at 21 weeks pregnant

In the trend, especially during pregnancy, a healthy lifestyle. If you have been actively involved in sports before, do not rush to give up exercise. There is always an alternative - this is fitness for pregnant women, swimming. It's time to sign up for childbirth school, and don't forget to bring your partner along.

Don't forget to take a break, even if you're still at work. Take five minutes to get some fresh air or walk down the hallway.

21 weeks of pregnancy is not a time for stress, watch only positive programs and films, walk in the park more often, visit museums and theaters.


Your weight and the health of you and your baby depends on your nutrition. So that the extra kilos do not scare you when weighing, remove quickly digestible fats and carbohydrates, muffins and sweets from the diet. Please note that the normal weight at 21 weeks of pregnancy is plus 6-7 kg from your initial weight.

  1. Vegetables and fruits should be the basis of your diet. If you notice increased gas formation after eating fruits or vegetables, remove them for a while or take them in a thermally processed form. Read the article to find out which fruits are good for pregnancy ?>>>;
  2. Proteins must be on the table, you can replace animals with vegetable ones;
  3. Calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, folic acid, vitamin C - you really need all these trace elements, you will find them all in the same vegetables and fruits;
  4. Please note that you need to drink enough water. You can green tea and even coffee, but without sugar. By the way, so that the liquid does not linger in the body, reduce salt intake to zero;
  5. In the taboo zone: smoked meats, canned food, fried and salty dishes, dried fish or meat, animal products without heat treatment.
  • A contrast shower will help relieve tension and fatigue, especially since baths and saunas are contraindicated at week 21;
  • Don't forget about your skin: it needs extra care and hydration. You can lubricate the skin of the abdomen with baby oil, this is a good prevention of stretch marks. Read more in the article Stretch marks during pregnancy >>>;
  • Your clothes should be made of natural fabrics and free cut, shoes are comfortable and without heels;
  • Take a light snack and water with you when you go outside.

And remember that you are now in the golden mean, relax, walk, and be healthy!

The desire to quickly get to the ultrasound guides many women, since the sex of the baby is reported at this time. And this is a very important moment, especially for the expectant mother. If possible, you can take a vacation or sick leave in order to relax a bit. The 21st week of pregnancy is characterized by the fact that the woman begins to experience the first inconvenience and tries to adjust to her new condition.

What happens in the female body at 21 weeks of pregnancy

Weight gain by this period is approximately 6.5 kg. In general, the second trimester proceeds more calmly than the first, since the hormonal background does not change as quickly.

A woman during pregnancy should worry and be nervous as little as possible, as this will have a bad effect on the condition of the child. Stress hormones can lead to tachycardia in the mother and fetus. The cardiovascular system of a woman is already under a lot of stress. Stress will only worsen the functioning of the heart.
For example, with a tendency to constipation, you need to eat right from the beginning of pregnancy. If before conception the thrush worsened constantly, then now it will bother.

In such cases, treatment should be carried out with special antifungal drugs that are safe for the child. Douching during pregnancy can not be done, so the treatment can be quite delayed.

Another problem that occurs during pregnancy is hemorrhoids. This is a varicose vein of the hemorrhoidal veins of the rectum. It occurs due to squeezing of the vessels of the small pelvis by the enlarged uterus.

If hemorrhoids were before pregnancy, then an exacerbation necessarily occurs, since the veins already have characteristic changes. The choice of drugs should also be treated very carefully, since most of them are contraindicated when carrying a child.

Hemorrhoids are dangerous not only with pain and bleeding. In the dilated veins of the rectum, blood clots can form, which, under unfavorable circumstances, come off and clog important vessels (in the placenta, brain, heart of a pregnant woman). Therefore, when hemorrhoids appear, its treatment must be approached very responsibly.

It is important to monitor the indicators of blood clotting and take drugs to thin it. This will be the prevention of blood clots.

What happens to the fetus

The weight of the child by the 21st week of pregnancy is approximately 370 grams, and the height is about 27 cm. The amount of subcutaneous fat increases, so the vessels do not shine through the skin so much. Fingernails and toenails have already begun to grow. Under the rudiments of milk teeth, the rudiments of molars have formed, which will come out at 5-6 years of the baby's life.

The normal content of calcium in the blood of the expectant mother will help the bones and teeth to form well. But an excess of calcium can be harmful - because of this, the ossification process will occur too quickly and the fetal head will be too dense for childbirth. This will lead to ruptures of the cervix and even the vagina.

Meconium is formed in the intestines of the fetus by the 21st week of pregnancy. This is the original feces, which appears as a result of the processing of amniotic fluid. In the first days after birth, meconium will come out of the baby's intestines.

Sometimes during childbirth or as a result of hypoxia, the baby's rectum relaxes and meconium passes into the uterine cavity. This is an unfavorable sign, indicating problems in the fetus. If meconium gets into the lungs, it can cause respiratory failure or pneumonia after birth.

At 21-24 weeks of gestation, an ultrasound examination is very informative, since the child is still small and all its organs can be examined. At a later date, the child has little space in the uterus and he takes a forced position. Therefore, if there is a desire to record on a disk during a three-dimensional ultrasound, then it is better to do it during this period of time. Gender is also usually reported at this time.

Examination of a woman during pregnancy has many nuances. For example, she should visit the dentist more often because of possible problems with her teeth and gums. It is also better to pass a bacterial culture of urine several times with the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics.

Treating hemorrhoids during pregnancy is not an easy task. During this period, it is necessary not only to quickly cure the disease, but also not to harm either the mother or the child. Therefore, many women try to avoid therapy for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, additional intervention, both medical and surgical, allowing the disease to develop into severe forms.

In this case, hemorrhoids complicated during pregnancy after the birth of a child will require a lot of time and effort to cure the disease at a more severe stage, and even before the stage of childbirth, hemorrhoids during pregnancy can significantly worsen the mother's well-being and affect the health of the baby. Why does hemorrhoids occur during pregnancy, what provokes the onset and development of the disease, can it be prevented and how are manifestations of hemorrhoids treated during pregnancy at different stages of gestation?

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy: causes of the disease

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy can appear both at the very beginning of the gestational period, and during gestation or after childbirth. It is a mistake to believe that it is childbirth that provokes the development of hemorrhoids, and few people know that after delivery by caesarean section, an exacerbation of the disease is also possible. However, there is a direct relationship between the development of hemorrhoids during pregnancy, since the bearing of a child is considered a provoking factor due to changes in the body of the expectant mother.
Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the rectum. During pregnancy, the vascular system undergoes heavy loads, the volume of circulating blood increases by 30%. As a result, venous problems often appear, such as leg vein varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
The mechanism of the formation of the disease is as follows: the growing uterus presses on the colon and rectum, provoking local blood stasis. Veins overflowing with blood are stretched, forming hemorrhoids. The latter protrude under the intestinal mucosa.
There are a number of factors that provoke the occurrence and / or development of this disease in expectant mothers:

  • constipation, especially chronic, as the walls of the rectum stretch excessively during bowel movements;
  • hypodynamia, if the pregnant woman does not move much, then stagnation of blood in the pelvis is formed, which provokes hemorrhoids and thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins;
  • regular use of contraceptives of hormonal origin before pregnancy, since most of them negatively affect the condition of the venous walls;
  • increased intra-abdominal pressure, which is physiological for pregnant women, but is also a risk factor for the development of hemorrhoids;
  • excess weight;
  • a change in the hormonal background (progesterone causes relaxation of the smooth muscles lining the walls of blood vessels and the intestines, which in turn causes constipation).

Is it necessary to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Treatment of the disease, even sometimes severe stages, is often postponed for the postpartum period due to fears of harming the child. Specialists categorically do not support this approach to therapy, since with hemorrhoids, a successful pregnancy can be complicated by the serious consequences provoked by this disease.

The combination of pregnancy and hemorrhoids, especially in the acute stages, leads to a gradual deterioration in well-being. Constant discomfort, pain, the inability to go to the toilet normally exhaust the more, the more severe the stage of the disease. A woman will endure pregnancy worse, and this is reflected in the health of the baby.

Large hemorrhoids cause inflammation and tissue death, which "opens the way" for all possible infections. And during pregnancy, any infectious disease can be dangerous for the baby. In the most severe cases, the infection can enter the baby's bloodstream, causing intrauterine infection.
An even more severe consequence of neglected hemorrhoids is anemia or anemia, which is caused by constant bleeding from the anus. A lack of hemoglobin can lead to fetal hypoxia, oxygen starvation, which is extremely dangerous for a growing baby.
An unpleasant consequence of hemorrhoids not cured during pregnancy can be a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition immediately after childbirth, regardless of the method of delivery.

Why does hemorrhoids occur in women: we understand the reasons

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hemorrhoids in women

It must be understood that during pregnancy, the development of hemorrhoids can proceed rapidly, so treatment should be started as early as possible. Modern drugs allow you to minimize the risk of complications and quickly cope with the disease, pharmacological companies offer a range of drugs approved in the most sensitive first trimester of pregnancy. Hemorrhoids of the early stages of development are also successfully amenable to the prevention of exacerbations while observing the diet, physical activity and hygiene procedures.

If necessary, drug therapy for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, it is better to entrust the selection of the drug to a specialist.
Conservative treatment is the safest method for treating hemorrhoids during pregnancy for mother and child. Depending on the trimester and the stage of development of the disease, the proctologist prescribes drugs in the form of ointments, creams, anal suppositories with different effects. The most common medications for the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancies at different stages of development are the following:

  • candles and ointment Relief. The drug, made on the basis of shark liver, is used in monotherapy at the first stage, for stages 2 and 3 of the development of hemorrhoids it should be used as part of complex therapy. It has no contraindications during pregnancy and lactation;
  • suppositories with sea buckthorn can be used by pregnant women without restrictions, this is a mild but effective remedy that has no contraindications except for allergies. Sea buckthorn oil contributes well to the healing of tissues at the site of hemorrhoids;
  • anal suppositories Neo-Anuzol belong to the list of drugs allowed during pregnancy. The restriction is made by patients with intolerance to iodine and diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • Procto-glivenol is an effective drug for the treatment of hemorrhoids of all stages, not recommended for use in the first trimester;
  • Hepatrombin in ointments and suppositories has a high coefficient of therapeutic effect, but is not prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is also used as part of the preparation for surgery for stage 3-4 hemorrhoids.

Operative methods of treatment during pregnancy

Non-surgical removal of hemorrhoids does not carry any particular risk for a pregnant woman, all procedures are performed under local anesthesia and do not require long-term hospitalization. In some cases, surgery to remove hemorrhoids is the only way to cure the disease, preventing it from developing into more severe forms.
Most often, during the gestation period, they resort to a conservative method, using invasive procedures only in extreme cases, although the removal of hemorrhoids is considered the best option for stage 2-3 hemorrhoids, when conservative treatment can only slow down the development of the disease, but not completely cure.
Among the operational methods are the following:

  • sclerotherapy for 2-3 stages of the disease. The procedure is carried out permanently, after the introduction of the drug into the hemorrhoid, the initial stage of recovery takes only 1 hour;
  • ligation with latex rings allows you to effectively treat internal hemorrhoids. At the base of the node, a ring is fixed that blocks the blood circulation in this area. This is a minimally invasive procedure that is not dangerous for pregnant women;
  • coagulation (cauterization) with a laser or an apparatus with infrared rays is another method of treating stage 2 and 3 hemorrhoids, which is acceptable during pregnancy.

Diet and lifestyle for hemorrhoids

The same role as the correct selection of drug therapy is played by additional methods of dealing with hemorrhoids. They are not aimed at treating the symptoms, but at eliminating the causes of the disease.
A balanced daily diet should be divided into 3-5 meals, eating small portions so as not to overload the digestive system. A healthy diet contains a lot of fiber and a minimum of fried, spicy, fatty foods. Fast food, carbonated drinks, canned food, factory-made products should be excluded from the diet. During the day, you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid, fermented milk products are very useful.

It is necessary to include in the menu products that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels - beets, cabbage, carrots, leafy salads, etc.
It helps well with hemorrhoids of stages 1 and 2, special exercises for pregnant women, which help improve overall blood circulation and keep muscles in good shape, as well as reduce the level of uterine pressure on internal organs.

your child

During the first week of the second half of pregnancy, your baby has grown. Now it weighs 300-350 g, and its length from crown to tailbone is 26-27 cm.

Vision develops as the last of the five senses that a child has at the time of birth. The optic vesicles, destined to become the retina, appear as early as the fourth week. At the 21st week, the fetus begins to open its eyelids, but all visual cells reach maturity and begin to function only after birth. There is no more information about prenatal vision, all other observations relate to a person who has already been born. Immediately after birth, the field of view of the child remains very narrow and does not more than 50 - 60 degrees. The baby sees only at a distance of 20 - 40 cm. This is exactly the distance at which the mother holds the child when feeding.

The training of the digestive system continues through the ingestion of amniotic fluid by the child. It turns out that a normal full-term baby can swallow a huge amount of amniotic fluid - about 500 ml in 24 hours. In the small intestine, water is extracted from this fluid, and the rest goes to the large intestine and turns into meconium. This is a black-green to light brown substance that is secreted from the large intestine of the child a few days before childbirth, during their process and after the birth of the baby. It is very important to monitor the presence of meconium during childbirth. If the baby's bowels have contracted and meconium has entered the amniotic fluid, the baby may swallow it before or during delivery. Once in the lungs, meconium can cause pneumonia. Therefore, if the midwife sees that meconium has entered the baby’s mouth, she removes it by sucking it with a small tube. The contraction of the intestines of the fetus can be caused by pain experienced by him, so the presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid indicates that the baby is suffering. Sometimes, swallowing amniotic fluid can cause hiccups in the fetus: many mothers feel this in the form of light rhythmic “shudders” for several minutes.

By the beginning of the sixth month, the so-called yellow body of pregnancy, formed after the cessation of ovulation and reached its maximum development as early as the 16th week, ceases to function. It is no longer needed.

Along with the enlargement of the uterus, other parts of your body change and increase. If it seems to you that your legs are growing and becoming heavier, you can rest assured that this is so. The reasons for this phenomenon is that fluid collects in the ankles and feet, especially after a day spent on your feet. The ligaments are slightly loosened, causing the joints that carry the weight of the body to expand and stretch, and the arch of the foot to flatten. Most likely, in the second half of pregnancy, you will have to purchase shoes that are half a size larger than before. Give preference to shoes with wide and low (no more than 5 cm) heels or wedges. Buy new shoes at the end of the day when your feet are most swollen. Remember that during pregnancy, all ligaments are weakened and the ankle is no exception. Shoes should give solid support to the foot - even if for this you have to sacrifice beauty. What else can be done? Raise your legs whenever possible; try not to stand for a long time without a break; do foot massage and simple exercises; wear cotton socks. These simple actions will not only relieve pain and reduce swelling of the legs, but will also serve as a prevention of varicose veins possible during pregnancy.

Increased blood circulation in the pelvic area and uterine pressure can give you such a nuisance as hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids usually get worse towards the end of pregnancy. With each subsequent pregnancy, it becomes more difficult. What measures should be taken for hemorrhoids? Avoid constipation from the very beginning of your pregnancy. Try to rest on your side - in this position, watch TV, talk on the phone, sleep, etc. Avoid prolonged standing and sitting. Maintain impeccable cleanliness in the area from the vagina to the anus; after the toilet, do not use paper, it is better to visit the shower. If necessary, you can take a mild laxative. There are special exercises that strengthen the muscles of the anus and perineum - Kegel exercises. Here's one variation on the Kegel exercise: Sit up straight in a hard, flat chair, making sure your weight is on your pelvic bones and not your sacrum (i.e. you don't "fall through" backwards). Squeeze the muscles of the perineum and pull them up and in. Hold them in this position for 10 seconds. (do not hold your breath!), then slowly relax. Do the exercise several times a day.

Many future mothers hush up the problem of hemorrhoids, but this disease constantly reminds of itself with unpleasant symptoms, forcing them to go to the doctor. Pathology leads not only to bearing a child, but also to a sedentary lifestyle, genetic burden, malnutrition, which causes constipation.

There are suppositories and ointments that can cure hemorrhoids during pregnancy. However, it is necessary to carry out therapy only as directed by a specialist. The use of drugs, if it does not eliminate the disease, will mitigate its symptoms. Sometimes it is advisable to use folk remedies to combat pathology.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy: causes

Hemorrhoids are formed due to overflow of blood in the venous plexuses located in the anus. Veins that have changed their structure are called hemorrhoids. Based on the causes of the disease, its primary and secondary forms are distinguished.

In pregnant women, hemorrhoids appear, as the uterus presses on the venous plexus. Symptoms occur due to malnutrition, provoking constipation. With problems with defecation, the mucous membrane of the rectum, as well as the hemorrhoidal veins located under it, are damaged in the process of passing feces.

Hemorrhoids are often formed during attempts during labor. This is due to the fact that the head of the baby, which is born, puts pressure on the blood vessels. In this case, the woman is prescribed treatment after childbirth.

Signs of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

The disease goes through 3 stages of development:

  1. Hemorrhoids are located in the lumen of the rectum, but do not leave the anus.
  2. The bumps are located outside the anus, but after a while they are set back.
  3. Hemorrhoids do not return to the rectum and are in front of the anus.

Symptoms of the disease cause a lot of inconvenience. First, there is pain during bowel movements, and traces of blood on the toilet paper. Sometimes there is itching, discomfort, swelling and cracks in the anus. Unpleasant sensations remind of themselves when walking. In the future, elastic knots fall out of the anus, causing pain.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to conduct an examination. It is important to exclude other pathologies that could cause unpleasant symptoms. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by a proctologist by probing internal hemorrhoids, as well as sigmoidoscopy or anoscopy.

Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

In rare cases, pathology can lead to dangerous consequences for the mother and her baby. So, with constant bleeding of the hemorrhoid in a woman, the likelihood of developing anemia increases. Hemoglobin deficiency can provoke fetal hypoxia, which is fraught with a slowdown in its growth and development.

In addition, an infection can get into the external hemorrhoidal nodule and cause an inflammatory process. At the same time, the penetration of microorganisms and toxins into the body of the expectant mother, and then her child, is not excluded.

What to do to prevent the negative effects of hemorrhoids? The following preventive measures must be observed:

How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is carried out, as a rule, by conservative methods. A significant role is assigned to the prevention of the disease. Surgical removal of hemorrhoids during gestation is extremely rare.

What to do if hemorrhoids appear, but preventive measures do not help? Contact a specialist and resort to drug therapy. There are many drugs approved for use by pregnant women. It is advisable to use ointments and creams for external hemorrhoids, and suppositories for rectal administration - for internal ones.

Hemorrhoids are not easy to cure. This disease can worsen at any time. However, preventive measures and competent therapy significantly reduce the likelihood of developing pathology.

Candles for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

What to do if a delicate problem overshadows the expectation of a baby? Firstly, do not prescribe treatment yourself, and secondly, consult a specialist. You can pick up a modern remedy for hemorrhoids, allowed during pregnancy.

Natalsid - candles for hemorrhoids

Usually, doctors prescribe suppositories for rectal administration to their patients. The most popular drugs in this category are:

  • natalside;
  • sea ​​buckthorn candles;
  • papaverine.


Natalsid - suppositories to combat hemorrhoids, which can be used in any trimester of pregnancy. The active substance of the suppositories is sodium alginate, a natural component obtained from brown seaweed.

The drug has hemostatic, reparative and anti-inflammatory effects. Its components penetrate the rectum, then mix with the feces, greatly facilitating their excretion.

1 suppository is injected into the anus 2 times a day after spontaneous defecation or cleansing enema. The course of treatment is usually 1 to 2 weeks. For expectant mothers, the dosage of the drug is selected individually.

Candles with sea buckthorn oil

Candles with sea buckthorn oil are indicated for lesions of the intestinal mucosa to stimulate recovery processes. 1 suppository is injected into the anus 2 times a day. The course of treatment is no more than 15 days.

The use of candles with sea buckthorn oil during the gestation period is allowed. They are used not only to alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids, but also to combat cervical erosion. However, you should not engage in treatment on your own.


Papaverine - suppositories for rectal administration, designed to relieve spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs. The drug reduces pain, reduces swelling of tissues in the anus, normalizes blood circulation in the pelvis.

Enter 20-40 mg of papaverine 2-3 times a day rectally. The instructions indicate that the safety of the drug during pregnancy has not been established. Before treatment, it is necessary to obtain the approval of a doctor.

Ointments and creams for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

What to do if hemorrhoids appear? To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you can use ointments or creams.

The most popular ointments are:

Ointment from hemorrhoids during pregnancy should be applied several times a day after performing hygiene procedures. Before starting treatment with any drug, you should consult with a specialist.

Cream for hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The most popular gel to combat the symptoms of hemorrhoids is Troxevasin. It has a wide spectrum of activity. After applying the drug, the walls of the vessels become toned, the outflow of blood improves, inflammation, itching and swelling in the anus area decrease. The instructions indicate that there is no data on the undesirable effects of the product on the fetus.

Despite the fact that you can choose a remedy for hemorrhoids that is allowed during pregnancy on your own, you still need to enlist the advice of a doctor. This will help avoid unwanted consequences. In addition, some medications should only be used in conjunction with other medications.