What is the ideal wife? perfect girl

Probably, the eternal dispute of men about how they see their ideal chosen one will never fade away. Every woman wants to become not just a good wife, but an ideal one. However, first you need to figure out what are the main qualities that the very ideal girl should have? After all, in different eras, in different countries, these concepts may not coincide or even be radically different, everyone sees the ideal in their own way. There are several iron rules that every wife who wants to get closer to the ideal or become it should know and adhere to.

What a woman should be: 5 qualities of an ideal wife

An ideal is a combination of many factors that change over time. At different times, the ideals were radically different, but there are several qualities that will always be relevant. The ideal wife through the eyes of a man is not just a beautiful doll with a beautiful figure and makeup, it is a combination of external and internal beauty. She should be an interesting interlocutor, partner, assistant, beautiful and well-groomed girl. Many people think that it is simply impossible to achieve all this, however, this is not so.

There are five main qualities that men value and women admire:

  • Wisdom. There is such wisdom that comes only with age, and some are able to develop it in themselves, and at the same time be restrained, meaningful, learn from the mistakes of others, constantly improve, develop. Such a girl will become the idol of many, and the wife will inspire her husband not bold deeds.
  • external data. The main thing is grooming. A man will not admire his wife with a dirty head, in stretched sportswear and sloppy manicure, so external beauty is one of the main tricks and steps towards the ideal.
  • Thrift. A skilled housewife in the kitchen will always please a man with delicious and delicious dishes, and he will appreciate her for this, love her even more. A girl should be diversified, have time for a lot.
  • Support ability. Men, although they are called the stronger sex, are by no means so. They also want female warmth, attention and support, so you need to be able to cheer them up in time, give them strength, and push them to new achievements. A girl friend is one of the qualities that will help you get closer to the ideal.
  • Enthusiasm and optimism. A constantly sad, depressed spouse is unlikely to have a positive influence on her husband. The ideal wife is cheerful, cheerful, understanding humor.

Women's wisdom

There is a saying: “There is no perfect relationship. There is female wisdom not to notice male stupidity. Perhaps this is true, because a wise wife is not only experience gained over the years, but also constant work on herself. There are several interesting factors that will help a woman become wiser and answer the question of how to become an ideal wife.

  • If you graduated from Harvard (or something like that), you have the best job, you know several languages, and your husband cannot boast of such skills, then you should not demonstrate and humiliate your man. A wise girl never shouts about her experience, does not show off to her man.
  • Being a strong-willed girl, it is sometimes worth being a little weaker in front of her husband. A wise spouse will support, help in time, and when necessary, she will be a weak domestic cat.
  • The ability to listen and hear are the qualities of an ideal wife. Wisdom is to learn from others, to constantly develop, and for this you need to hear someone other than yourself.
  • The ideal representative of the weaker sex has her friends, her social circle, interests that should remain a mystery to her husband. It can be drawing, sports, learning languages ​​and much more. Wisdom is what we learn all our lives, so you should not wait for old age to acquire one of the qualities of an ideal woman.

Grooming and sexy

Not all the qualities of an ideal woman are inside us, the appearance of his wife plays a big role for a man. If you want your husband to be proud of you and also admire you, be always on top. In the morning it is best to wake up an hour before he wakes up, put yourself in order, prepare a delicious breakfast, and not sleep until the last minute, and then gallop around the apartment with an untidy haircut, sleepy eyes.

Even the most practical girls who prefer a sporty style of clothing should be the owners of at least a few pairs of heels. Skinny jeans, a shirt and stilettos are an effective way to get the attention of the opposite sex. When girls radiate sexuality, no guy can resist it. Husbands get used to seeing their wives at home, in a negligee, and if you show him a completely different side of the coin, he will appreciate such a transformation. It is important not to be afraid to be beautiful, to go for a manicure, to a beauty salon or to arrange such procedures at home.

To look perfect, attractive for your husband, throw out stretched T-shirts, bathrobes, sportswear. At home, you are the queen. Get a pair of beautiful satin shorts, T-shirts or a neat knitted dressing gown. Hair gathered in a bun is also not an ideal appearance, it is better to give preference to a neat ponytail, or buy a shell hairpin that will diversify your home hairstyle.

Good cooking and housekeeping skills

Since ancient times, a woman has been the keeper of the hearth. Much changes, but an economic wife who knows how to cook is valued at all times. An ideal woman who does not know how to cook ceases to be such in the eyes of a man. It is not at all necessary to surprise your husband with Mediterranean delights, although if you have culinary talents, then such qualities will certainly be appreciated.

The smell of a baked pie, cleanliness in the house, comfort and coziness can only be created by a woman, so in order to get one step closer to ideality, do not be lazy to take care of the house, your husband. It is important that he is always full, even if breakfast falls at 6 in the morning, therefore, in order not to torment herself with constant cooking, the ideal wife makes preparations in the evening, and in the morning it remains only to warm up.

Sharing chores around the house is also a great idea. The husband may be responsible for preparing meat dishes and doing more complex cleaning to make life easier for his beloved wife. However, it is worth presenting this thought with imagination, serving it with the right sauce so that the man has no reason to refuse you.

Faith in a man, support of a spouse

The qualities of an ideal wife are also faith in her beloved man, support in difficult situations. The hugs of a beloved wife will warm and cheer up any man. To become an ideal wife, you need to understand your soulmate, be there, give compliments. Ridicule, humiliation is the lot of weak women, and the wise act in a completely different way, finding a reason for praise in any event.

To be an ideal wife, one role of a mistress is not enough, you need to become a friend, buddy, ally. When a woman has something to talk about, this is a good sign for a man, such women are valued, respected, and in combination with other positive qualities, they become ideal in every sense of the word. Do not be afraid to thank your husband, talk about how brave, smart he is and what right decisions he made.

Good sense of humor and optimism

Depression, bad mood, lack of sense of humor - these qualities have never adorned any woman. An ideal wife should be cheerful, positive, understand jokes and not be offended over trifles. Sometimes you have to play along with your husband, even if you don't quite understand his humor.

Men love positive women who know how to laugh, have fun and sometimes be reckless. Doing crazy things is good. Life is one - laugh, joke, love, do not let yourself get bored in each other's company. To diversify and add extreme sports to relationships, make unusual surprises, arrange unexpected and non-standard holidays, original dates.

What do these incomprehensible men want from poor women? Everything, something is digging into them, then one did not fit, then the other is not like that. This one seems to be good for everyone, but now she doesn’t need it. I'm tired of this Brownian movement. Everyone has their own ideal, only life is life and brings its own corrections into the one that seemed only yesterday the ideal. Here you have found your ideal. She is smart and beautiful, and tomorrow, waking up and seeing her next to her in bed, grabbing her underpants in one hand, you run headlong into the other suitcase for another even more perfect one, and so on ad infinitum. Here is another even more beautiful and smarter, and tomorrow you suddenly discover that she is not averse to smoking and drinking beer like a team of movers and her beauty from this not only becomes boring over time, but also disappears. And this candidate of sciences, it’s a pity that she doesn’t know how to cook, and in bed she knows only two positions: lying still and standing still. And this real bomb in bed (not pissing, stupid, real), only it turns out that for some reason all your friends already know about it, and she brazenly replies to your claims that everyone likes it, but you see, you don’t like it . And here she is! - Ambitious, slender, smart, knows her own worth, beautiful. Here she is the ideal. Oh, and she's not. She didn't care if you were hungry from time to time. She is not used to cooking as she always ate in restaurants. And in general, you are a loser for her (why is a mystery), etc. etc. and damn it, ECLMN!

What should a girl be like (in my opinion) in order to meet our ambitions and at the same time not beat our independence with our pride. Despite the fact that the task seems difficult, in fact everything is much simpler:

1. She must be pretty. This is the main thing. Everyone understands beauty in their own way, so I will not describe in detail.

2. She must be neat. In clothes, in relation to one's own appearance and health (do not have bad habits), in everyday life.

3. Must be relaxed in the company, and at the same time not be vulgar. Moreover, uninhibited does not mean “hang yourself on all my friends”, it is uninhibited, natural.

4. Should be feminine so that you would like to give her flowers, compose poems in her honor, just love and treat her with tenderness.

5. Must be practical. There is a proverb that a woman can make three things out of nothing: a salad, a hairstyle and a tragedy. Being practical is the ability to do the first two points. A woman may not be able to earn money (this is still the prerogative of a man), but being able to spend it wisely is also the ability to be practical.

6. A girl must be decent. This means that she will not allow herself to be vulgar, to behave in such a way that you will be ashamed of her. He will not be jealous for no reason, and even in a dispute he will not stoop to the behavior of a whore.

7. She must love and most importantly respect you. A lot depends on you, a lot, but not all. Now, more and more often, the media are hammering into the heads of juvenile fools that a man is so, a “misunderstanding of nature”, you can never prove anything like that. If you are sure that as a man you are doing everything right, then everything is fine, whoever cannot fully appreciate this - part without regret, let the other suffer with such a “gift“.

8. You must be interesting together. She should be able to listen to you, and not through stupid silence, she should really be interested, with you, i.e. you should have the same interests, if not all, but at least on general topics.

9. A girl must be special. It should have a zest, which makes it for you that one and only, for the sake of which, you will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut. This does not mean that it should be “out of this world”, what it is, I don’t know, only you know it ... Maybe it’s a dimple on the cheek, maybe knowledge of Esperanto, it depends only on you, and for such a quality, you can actually evaluate yourself.

I specifically wrote only general concepts, because the rest is for taste and color. I did not write that it should be smart, in my opinion this is a combination of several points. Being a virgin is also not necessary, although I think it’s okay if you are her first, it won’t be, and if it’s also the last, then it’s generally class.

My girl has all these qualities to one degree or another, and although she is not a boxing champion, not a prostitute for $ 1000, not a PhD in philology, I don’t want anyone but her, although there is an opportunity, and I won’t exchange it for anyone. I think she deserves the feelings I have for her. And I wish everyone to find this totality, even if not today...

And remember guys that the ideal is not in the sky, but next to us. Forget about unrealistic ideals. Set yourself two levels: a minimum - below which you will never fall, and a maximum - above which you cannot climb, and you don’t need it. And look for the ideal in this gap. I hope my article will help you with this. Good luck. :-)


We all dream of a long and happy life filled with love and understanding, joy and miracles. We learn, develop and grow, learn how to improve our personal lives and meet that one and only, if we are not lucky yet, or how to strengthen existing relationships, if he is already there. All this, of course, is useful and important information, but sometimes even it does not help to understand why not everything in life goes well or people who were nearby suddenly disappear. And often the fact is that many of the fair sex simply do not know what is expected of them and what a girl or woman should be, according to men and not only. Which causes many problems and difficulties.

What should be the ideal girl

People tend to think in categories. Our brain is designed in such a way that it tries to discard unnecessary information in order to free up energy for solving more important life tasks. Therefore, we expect in advance from a certain circle of people the behavior that should correspond to them because of their gender, age, social status, nationality, etc.

It is unlikely that when they see a girl in front of them, people expect her to swear, smoke, be rude or behave cheekily. They will not believe that an adult woman does not know how to cook and maintain comfort at home, deciding that she does not need it.

Children are not required to be responsible for the family. Adults, on the other hand, have very different requirements. Although sometimes they are too old-fashioned or unacceptable to some people for a variety of reasons, they have to be taken into account, whether we like it or not. After all, the influence of public morality on us is difficult to overestimate. Sometimes ignoring it leads to huge problems and the person is "thrown to the sidelines." Not meeting male expectations, the girl remains lonely and unhappy, or she is left to choose only from those who themselves do not meet the criteria, the presence of which is necessary in order to be a real man.

Therefore, if it is difficult for a representative of the beautiful half of humanity to be alone, and she does not want to limit her choice to a few representatives of the opposite sex, she willy-nilly needs to have at least a minimum of those qualities that attract and help create a strong family. True, so that it would not be so offensive because everyone is trying to force a woman to meet men's requirements, remember that the stronger sex is also doomed to have certain criteria in order to be popular.

Among the qualities that are valued in girls, first of all, we can mention her ability to take care of herself. External beauty is a gift of nature and labor. And if we do not choose our appearance, then we ourselves are responsible for clean hair, neat nails, well-groomed skin and neat clothes.

Photo: what should be a girl

No matter how beautiful you are, unwashed hair, peeling varnish and dirty shoes will turn you into the most ordinary girl who does not care about herself or those around her. Neatness and grooming are essential qualities of any self-respecting girl, even if she is still looking for herself and her place in this world. Because in this way she demonstrates love for herself and attitude towards those around her. And hardly anyone will like such a demonstrative disrespect.

Men are not very versed in fashion trends and some things can simply shock them, but this does not mean that a stylishly selected outfit that emphasizes the femininity of its owner will be ignored by them. On the contrary, it is the way a girl looks that makes them evaluate her and understand whether she belongs to those who are for one night or to those whom they eventually marry.

You probably at least once, but thought: "Is there an ideal girl in the world?". I am ready to answer your question, if it is more correctly formulated: “What should a girl be like to seem perfect for you?”. Although there are some criteria that are common to most Russian men. About everything about this, I will try to tell you in this article.

Naturally, how many men, so many opinions. This is especially true for appearance: for example, some choose only blondes, while others like brown-haired women or brunettes. Some prefer model figures, while others, on the contrary, are attracted to women "in the body." So how then to decide on the criteria by which you can determine that the girl is ideal?
In general, I think that you are hardly looking for the very best for yourself, but you really want to understand which girl suits you best, and with whom everything will be super. I also think that the ideal girl is the one that suits you so much that you are even ready to close your eyes to some of her shortcomings. And therefore, it is not at all necessary for her to be Miss Universe, although it is unlikely that any man has refused such a thing. There is one rather interesting theory about how to find your ideal girl.
In the life of every man, there are several roles (needs) for which he needs a woman. And therefore, what a girl should be like in order to please you as much as possible depends on how successful she is in these roles. The theory, of course, is theory, but it is also confirmed by practice. Not everything is as smooth as it sounds, but there is a sense in it, and therefore I will take my time to tell you about it.
I’ll make a reservation right away that all the qualities (roles) in one woman are extremely rare, but if there are at least three or four of them, then you can consider that you are very lucky. Ideally, of course, to have them all, but then you will have to date several girls at once. If morality allows you, and everything suits them, then why not. But, alas, this rarely happens, and what should be your ideal girlfriend, you have to choose from what is.
A good girl is one that meets your personal requirements. Let's see, what are the signs of a good girl?

7 looks of the perfect girl

Below I give you several roles of a girl and models of relationships associated with them:
  • Woman as a partner. As a rule, these include business women who have achieved success in life, but they do not just need a man for sex. They choose a self-confident person, a professional in some industry, thereby using not only his masculine qualities, but also business ones. It turns out a kind of symbiosis. And such relationships, built not only on attraction to each other, but also on mutual benefit, are very strong. A vivid example of such relationships can be the clan system in the modern Russian elite - a deputy has a businesswoman's wife, a judge has a head of administration, and so on.
  • A woman as a friend does not seem to fit into the image of an ideal girl, but if you also have great sex, then you definitely do not spill water. In fact, every man sometimes, and often quite often, needs support, someone who can fearlessly speak out or just chat after a hard day at work. And if there is a person nearby who is ready to listen, and even help with practical advice, then she is not valuable.
  • Woman in the role of a subordinate. Someone immediately comes up with the idea of ​​a film where the protagonist tortures his companion for pleasure, but I'm not talking about that, or rather, not only about that. A real man is a male, and the desire to dominate is already in his blood. To do this all the time, everywhere and in relation to everyone is difficult, and sometimes not even safe. And therefore, if a partner is next to him, ready to endure his domination all the time, this is the very outlet for filling his natural need to be cool. The main thing is that she would also like it, which means it is important not to go too far, and give something in return.

  • Many already adult men, when asked what the ideal woman should be, will answer with confidence that it should be a woman-family. This is the girl with whom you will be comfortable not only spending time, having sex, but also living together. She will keep the comfort in your home and raise your children. If you find one, you will understand that they love you not at all for money or for external attributes, but because you are perfect for each other. Yes, it happens.
  • A woman who will support your ego. How to find the perfect girl? There are men who prefer that their partner literally looks at their mouth, and not only fulfills all desires, but also constantly dismantles her adoration and admiration for the virtues of a man. I must say right away that many cheats take advantage of this male weakness for flattery, and twirl their man as they want.
  • A woman who will inspire or a woman-muse. But to fall in love with this, it is not at all necessary to be a poet. This is the perfect girl, which she should be, because she makes you act. You strive to become better and prove it to her, move mountains for her. Moreover, she perfectly feels it, knows what and when to say or do. Yes, she manipulates you too, but you enjoy it.
  • Well, in the last place I have a woman-sex. Although, of course, sex is very important for every man. Moreover, it is important that it be of high quality and regular, and sometimes even wild. And therefore, if a girl is ready to give it to him, then she has already won him half.

How to find your ideal girl?

First you need to decide on your preferences. Take paper and a pen and write down everything that you find attractive in girls. Remember your past relationships: who did you choose, brunettes or blondes, fat or thin, smart or stupid. All this is important to understand what a girl should be just to please you. You can meet a girl in a store, in a library, at a university - the main thing is to already have her ready-made image in your head.
And finally, a few words about stereotypes. It so happened that in our country, and not only in ours, many men prefer not a certain type of girl, but certain qualities that they often look for in their partner. Read my article "What Good Qualities Do Girls Have?" , it will be useful to you.

So, the ideal girl does not always have to be beautiful in order to hook a man, but she must be well-groomed. She should have a healthy appearance - smooth and shiny hair, clear skin, healthy teeth, a pleasant smell, as well as a beautiful open smile. In addition, the ideal woman should be feminine - this is what many modern ladies lack, and therefore real men miss.
Women are so eager to prove their equality that they forget that they simply stop sexually attracting the opposite sex. And they create their own "sects". But in fact, no one wants to oppress them in their rights - they want to be carried in their arms. The ideal girl should understand this.
If you want to know even more secrets to seduce girls