How to wash baby clothes for the first time. The better to wash by hand or machine. Washing clothes for a newborn in a washing machine

With the advent of a child in a young family, many worries arise. Buying new clothes is one of them. Before putting on cute tiny socks and a baby's undershirt on the baby's delicate body, they need to be washed and ironed. Here, the newly-made mom wonders how to wash the things of the newborn? It would seem that there is nothing simpler, in any modern apartment there is an automatic washing machine - an indispensable assistant to the hostess. But what mode and powder should be used? After all, washing children's clothes requires a special approach.

Do I need to wash newborn clothes separately?

Experienced mothers are well aware that a baby is able to stain all stocks of clean linen in a couple of days. Especially if staying without diapers is practiced. The basket in the corner is rapidly filling with wet diapers and sliders. With horror, the stories of grandmothers are presented, how they had to grate laundry soap and rinse out mountains of laundry while the baby was sleeping. Now this can be avoided. But the features of children's washing still have to be observed.

Newborn babies have a weak immune system. All bacteria with which adults peacefully exist can be dangerous for them. Therefore, in the first year, it is advisable to wash all the things and underwear of the baby separately from other things in order to protect him from unwanted contact. It is also necessary to store dirty or washed baby clothes separately from adult things. For clean clothes, you need to allocate several shelves in the closet or a whole locker. Place a small basket under the changing table, where it will be convenient to hide soiled panties.

Detergents for washing children's clothes

A lot depends on the detergent you choose. First of all, it is the health of the baby. His skin cannot yet defend itself against substances remaining on the tissue that cause allergic irritation, itching, rashes and peeling. Some mothers, noticing redness on the child's legs and tummy, do not even suspect that the matter may not be in nutrition and a disturbed diet, but in powder.

Important! During machine washing, it is necessary to close the room where it is located. If this is not possible, limit the child's stay near the working device. In household chemicals, there are aggressive volatile components that enter the lungs. Contacting with them, the baby runs the risk of getting a serious allergy.

What is the best way to wash things for a newborn so as not to harm him? The main detergents are:

  • soap (children's or laundry);
  • special powders.

Soap use

Pediatricians advise mothers of newborns to use baby soap for the first time when washing. It does not contain dangerous allergens, fragrances, dyes, and includes:

  • animal and spermaceti fat;
  • glycerin/lanolin;
  • vegetable oils;
  • beeswax;
  • boric acid;
  • antibacterial extracts of various herbs.

Soap foam quickly absorbs dirt and is easily rinsed out of the fibers. The main advantage is safety for the sensitive skin of the child and mother's hands. The disadvantages include poor removal of strong contaminants. But the discharge of a baby in the first months after birth does not have pungent odors and is easily washed off. If the laundry is lathered and soaked overnight, all stains will easily come off in the morning.

Laundry soap consists of alkali and fatty acids. It is an effective antibacterial agent. But for washing the hands and body of a child it cannot be applied. But it perfectly copes with stains, although it does not have a very pleasant smell. When buying, you need to look at the composition, and do not buy soap with a whitening effect. Such a product contains many chemicals and fragrances that are not suitable for children's laundry. Manufacturers took into account the needs of housewives and began to produce soap shavings. It dissolves well in warm water, giving a lot of foam.

Special Powders

The selected powder should contain a minimum of harmful components. When rinsing, it is impossible to completely get rid of the particles that have eaten into the fabric. They remain on clothes and come into contact with the skin of the baby. Therefore, when buying a powder (it remains the most popular among mothers), you need to look at the packaging. The “0+” badge or the “Children's” mark is not enough: the main thing is to read the composition.

The powder must not contain:

  • phosphates, which negatively affect the skin and penetrate through the pores into the blood;
  • chlorine, which dries and irritates the skin;
  • optical (fluorescent) brighteners remaining in the fibers after rinsing;
  • surfactants (surfactants). In the selected tool, they should be at least. They are able to penetrate into the blood, disrupt the redox processes, destroy some enzymes.

The packaging of the powder must be undamaged, with labeling, composition, expiration date. The contents of the chemical should be crumbly (the plastic bag should be shaken and felt to check).

Rules for washing children's things

First, the baby's things are laid out by color: white is separate from color. If there are remnants of feces or pieces of food, they should be washed off with running water. Stubborn stubborn stains should preferably be soaked and rubbed with a soapy brush.

  • small, not very dirty clothes can be washed by hand, and it is better to wash diapers and bed linen in a washing machine;
  • Do not use fabric softeners or fabric softeners. They contain a lot of chemicals and have a pungent smell that the baby will have to breathe;
  • bleaches can cause allergies in newborns. They cannot be used;
  • starch undershirts and bonnets also should not be;
  • it is necessary to use an additional rinse to get rid of the smell and traces of the powder as much as possible. When washing by hand, the things of the newborn are rinsed in clean water several times;
  • it should be noted that when washing by hand, soap rinses out worse than powder in a washing machine. Yes, and wringing clothes is much easier using the technique;
  • You can dry things in any convenient place: on the balcony, at home, on the street, in the dryer.

Machine wash features:

  1. If there is a baby wash mode, you need to select it. It differs from the normal mode in higher water heating and a larger volume of liquid during rinsing. Things washed in this mode will be softer.
  2. If there is no such function, you need to select the mode, depending on the type of fabric and the soiling of the laundry. It is important not to pour a large dose of powder into the container.
  3. Diapers and bed linen are washed at 90 degrees, clothes at 40-60.

Hand washing process:

  1. Powder or worn soap is dissolved in hot water, stirring until foam is formed.
  2. Laundry is immersed in soapy water and left for 15-20 minutes, depending on how dirty it is.
  3. The fabric rubs especially actively in contaminated areas.
  4. Rinse clothes in cold water

Diapers become covered with complex spots over time. You can save them by boiling them in water with laundry soap.

Video: How to wash baby clothes correctly

Should I iron things?

As the child grows up, more and more things get dirty, and the mother does not have enough time for ironing. Many people fold laundry after washing and drying so that it does not wrinkle. This is acceptable, but not for newborns. After washing at high temperature and drying in the sun, the laundry becomes stiffer. Rough cloth can rub and injure delicate skin. Especially dangerous are the folds that dig deep into the body.

To the full, all things in contact with it must be ironed at high temperature (preferably with steam) on both sides to kill germs. In the future, ironing on only one side will suffice. Ironed things and linen look not only neat and tidy. They are disinfected due to the high temperature, which is especially important for babies.

Life hacks for moms: how to wash baby clothes

How to wash things for a newborn, is it possible to use baby powder and a washing machine? These are the questions that you will have to face from the first days of the crumbs at home.

Children's things are special things. Once it was flannel and chintz diapers, gauze diapers, and all this goodness was simply boiled, but now the things of a newborn are delicate, soft knitwear, comfortable fabrics, but they do not tolerate such violence. One bad wash can ruin them.

How to wash baby clothes?

. It is always necessary to wash children's things, especially underwear of a newborn, separately from things of adults.
. Babies are prone to allergic reactions, so special attention should be paid to the choice of detergents, the choice of washing powder should be discussed separately.
. Washing children's things implies mandatory disinfection. Even at the stage of purchase, you should pay attention to the washing temperature indicated on the label, because the clothes of a newborn should be washed at a temperature of 90 degrees, or later carefully ironed with steam. The water temperature for washing clothes of an older child can be reduced to 30-40 degrees.
. You can use the washing machine, just sort things before washing. The crumbs of cotton can easily endure harsh washing regimes, but soft knitwear undershirts must be washed carefully, using a special laundry net and a delicate washing regime.
. Strong contamination before washing should be rubbed with soap and soaked for half an hour in warm water. The soap must be rinsed out before being loaded into the machine; automatic washing machines cannot tolerate washing with ordinary soap.

After washing, run the rinse 2 times to rinse out the remaining detergents, after the last rinse, rinse the clothes again with vinegar to neutralize the alkalis of the detergents.

What is the best way to wash newborn clothes?

When choosing how to wash baby clothes for a newborn, pay attention to the following points:

Baby powder or soap should not contain fragrances, bleach or synthetic additives, as this can cause allergies.
. Baby powder should be labeled "for newborns".
. Any detergent must be certified for washing children's clothes.

Is it possible to wash children's clothes with ordinary washing powder?

Any washing powder for adults contains a large number of substances that can cause (and usually cause) allergies in crumbs. These are bleaches, color stabilizers, fragrances, conditioners, and other chemicals that make the laundry soft, smell delicious and ... unhealthy.

When choosing which powder to wash the things of a newborn, one must be guided by the fact that the skin of the crumbs is very sensitive. When the baby sweats, pees, his clothes get wet, and all these substances, as a rule, not completely rinsed out, come into direct contact with the skin, causing itching, redness and a rash. Coping with irritations later may not be such an easy task, so maybe it is necessary to wash the things of the newborn correctly from the very beginning?

When choosing which soap to wash things for a newborn, pay attention to baby soap, but, most likely, ordinary household soap is better for him. It is made from animal fats and alkali, no fragrances and additives are used, which is why it does not cause negative reactions from children's skin at all. With it, unfortunately, you can only wash it by hand or boil clothes, washing machines do not tolerate it due to foaming.

When choosing which powder to wash children's things with, parents sometimes try several brands in a short time and end up with an allergy. It is more difficult to figure out which powder the baby reacted to, the more different products you used in a short time, the way out is to switch to hand washing, temporarily, and after the skin calms down, start trying the powders one by one.

And so, the results:

In the first 2 weeks at home, dispense with baby (household) soap.
. Starting to wash things in the machine - never use more than 1 brand of powder per week - look at the reaction of the crumbs.
. Rinse clothes with vinegar (1-2 tablespoons of essence per 10 liters of water).
. Iron dried laundry with steam.

The main rule that you will follow next year is that the things of a newborn are stored, sorted, soaked and washed separately from adults and other children, even if the eldest is only two years old. So instead of storming hardware stores, consider buying a second laundry basket, extra basins, and making room for baby powders.

By the way, you will also need more space for drying. Think over this question in advance, so as not to hang diapers on the doors and backs of chairs.

In fact, washing

  1. Take out all the clothes you bought and donated by relatives. Realize that after the birth they will bring the same amount. Be horrified. Anything that can be returned, return. Yes Yes. And this wonderful set with pockets on the pope and ruffles around the edge. Firstly, these ruffles are for you to smooth. Represented? And, secondly, all these cute pockets create additional folds and injure the delicate skin of the baby. And what will he put in his back pocket in one month? So the simpler the better!
  2. Sort the rest of the items by color and texture. Cut off all tags. By the way, did you know that a piece of fabric that comes with clothes is not needed for a patch? It is proposed to test the washing mode and bleach. Don't thank.

All new clothes for a newborn must be washed and ironed on both sides.

What is the best way to wash clothes for a newborn?

  1. To date, the number of manufacturers in the department of household chemicals dazzles even experienced housewives. But doctors still recommend regular baby soap without fragrances and fragrances. The disadvantage of soap is that it clogs between the fibers of the fabric and rinses out poorly. And they also need to be washed by hand, which takes a lot of time and effort. For a young mother, time is probably more important than anything else. Yes, and rinsing by hand, like a machine, will not work with all your desire. Hand wash only in warm water, while the washing machine has a 95-degree mode. You can cut the soap on a grater and put it in the washing machine. But if the baby is healthy and not prone to allergies, it is better to wash with powder.
  2. Choosing baby powder, even an inexperienced mother will look at the label "for children." There are many manufacturers, even more reviews. Your baby will dot the "i". Unfortunately, only after trying in practice, you will understand what kind of powder to wash children's things.
  3. There are special lines natural and ecological detergents, without phosphates, based on natural substances. The main disadvantage is the high price. And in the first months with a baby, money goes quickly and for everything. The second important factor is that natural ingredients can also cause allergies. And the third is a high risk of forgery. Unfortunately, young mothers who want the best for their children are the favorite category of unscrupulous manufacturers.
  4. There are liquid detergents - gels. It is believed that they act more gently, do not damage the tissue structure. Clothes do not look washed out, which is important with repeated washing. But there are some pitfalls, which I will discuss below. Gels are more convenient to dose, a measuring cap is attached to them. They do not crumble and do not dust. In addition, they contain fewer substances that pollute the environment. But the components in the gel only work at low temperatures (up to 40 degrees) and are activated with intensive whipping, which is only possible with machine wash.

A separate issue is the use of fabric softeners. There are also a great many of them, there are special ones for children's underwear, with different smells and properties. But the use of air conditioners is better to postpone for a year. They are poorly rinsed out even on special regimes, and the baby now does not need additional allergic factors.

How to wash clothes for newborns?

In the literature, you can still find recommendations to wash by hand. As a mother of four children, I would like to say the following in response. If you have the energy and time to hand wash, spend it on your child. And let the machine wash the clothes. In addition, the following recommendation excludes the first: baby clothes should be washed at the maximum temperature to kill germs.

Our grandmothers boiled clothes for this purpose. Even when I was a student, I had a large wooden fork to stir the laundry in the boiling washing solution. This rarity was lost in moving, but it's a pity ...

But back to our microbes. Many washing machines have a "baby clothes" mode. As a rule, it is characterized by high temperature and double rinsing. Let's be honest: 95 degrees and boiling are still different things. Autoclaving is used in hospitals for disinfection. This is steam sterilization at a pressure above atmospheric pressure. At the same time, the temperature is noticeably higher than 100 degrees. Therefore, at home, you will not carry out a complete disinfection, and it’s good. Because the kid came to get acquainted with this world, and not to isolate himself from it.

I strongly do not recommend boiling children's clothes now. Because you can only boil things made from natural fabrics. In our time, you can not find this even for a lot of money. Manufacturers everywhere add a small percentage of artificial fibers. This makes the clothes more attractive, but drastically lowers the washing temperature.

And here we are faced with another contradiction. In order for anionic surfactants to dissolve in the powder and begin to actively wash stains, a high temperature is needed, and tags on almost all children's clothes require gentle washing. Washing at low temperatures works well with gels, but doctors require children's clothes to be washed at high temperatures in order to disinfect. The circle is closed.

What is mom to do? Do not panic! Partially the problem is solved by the iron. If the things washed in a gentle mode are ironed on both sides, you can consider them conditionally disinfected and calm down.

Personal experience. Now I will say a terrible thing - I almost did not iron things for the fourth child. Only what was in time before childbirth. After returning from the maternity hospital, I took the iron in my hands a year and a half later, and then because my daughter had to go to graduation. The child grew up on unironed diapers and did not notice this. Grandmothers also did not pay attention. Even the doctor, who occasionally visited us, did not react to this egregious fact. But in the free time, I checked the lessons with the eldest, while cooking, cleaning and drinking tea at the same time.

And the last. Launder things right away

It looked like this for me: you take dirty diapers, bibs, sliders, undershirts and brush off feces, lumps of dirt, stuck cookies, a piece of LEGO into the trash with a brush. We rinse the remaining dirt under a strong stream of water and wash it with ordinary laundry soap.

Well, if you learn to do it with gloves. Your hands will thank you later.

We put it in a basin with a washing solution (we separate baby clothes, remember?). In the evening, everything is thrown into the washing machine on a normal basis. Then we add a second rinse, and we have time to put the baby to bed. And when he wakes up at night, after feeding, you can get up and hang up the diapers. The main thing is to do it carefully so that it looks like ironed. And do not fall asleep halfway.

And remember, it doesn’t matter to the baby how perfectly clean his clothes are or what is stained from his older brother. The main thing is how happy and rested his mother is.

Everyone knows that the things of a newborn cannot be washed in the same way as things of adults. Baby diapers, sliders, etc., need to be washed properly. But how is it right? It’s not that difficult to answer this question right off the bat, but for quite a long time, so we decided to offer this publication as an answer. It contains information about hand and machine washing newborns, as well as some helpful tips for caring for newborns.

Before washing

Diapers and other things for newborns must be prepared before washing. Some negligent mothers throw diapers, undershirts, sliders into a laundry basket, and then, after a couple of days, they throw them in a huge amount into the washing machine, sometimes along with some adult clothes, and wash it all with ordinary washing machine powder. In our opinion, only a notorious barbarian who does not care about the health of his own baby can wash children's things like this. The right thing to do is:

  1. Clothes and diapers, while feces, urine and other impurities have not yet dried to them, must be rinsed in cold water. If you rinse in warm water, traces of feces will remain on things.

If there is no time to rinse the newborn's things in cold water, you can put them in a bowl of cold water and rinse when the time comes.

  1. After rinsing the baby clothes, take a bar of baby soap and rub all the stains you see on them. It is advisable to rub with soap on both sides, so the pollution will effectively become sour and then go away during washing.
  2. Wet items rubbed with soap can be folded into a basin. Water does not need to be poured. In this state, they can lie until the washing itself, which will have to be started in the evening. It is absolutely impossible to keep diapers wet for days on end.

Newborn clothes usually have biological contamination, which can be removed without problems and without the use of expensive super-effective powders. It is best to start washing such linen by hand using a piece of the same baby soap, however, you can wash a large number of things for newborns or small children in an automatic washing machine. In this case, ordinary bar soap will not work, you will have to use, which the manufacturer allows to use in the washing machine.

There are quite a few such powders on the market: Garden Kids, Frau Schmidt Ocean Baby, Vish Baby and others. It's easy to find, but you have to be careful. Before buying a powder, be sure to read its composition. If the powder contains surfactants, phosphates, zeolites in large quantities, they are not suitable for newborn things. If you are tight on money or don't trust powder manufacturers, you can - this is also a good option, albeit more laborious.

By hand or in the washing machine?

After rinsing and rubbing the baby's clothes with soap and choosing a good powder for washing it, you can proceed directly to washing. If you have time and desire, you can wash your baby's clothes by hand in a basin of water, in fact, the way our mothers and grandmothers did. Hand washing, of course, is troublesome, but also economical. You do not waste electricity, large amounts of water, or expensive baby powder, because you can also wash it by hand with baby laundry soap.

“Piss and poop” are better washed in cold water, but you also want to save your joints, so you need to wash at a water temperature of 15-18 0 C - do not collect ice water in a basin, health is more expensive. Dip baby clothes into a basin of water and start rinsing and gurgling intensively. Things previously rubbed with soap must first be wrinkled and rubbed, then rinsed, and then rubbed again with a bar of soap and “buzzed” again. After the next rinse, most likely, it will be possible to get rid of all the stains, if not, then the procedure will have to be repeated again.

When washing children's clothes by hand, do not bend over the basin of water, creating a load on the lower back, as you will quickly get tired. Put the basin on the floor, kneel beside it and calmly start washing.

In an automatic washing machine, washing things for a newborn should also be carried out in a special way.

  • Place a sufficient amount of baby items in the washing machine drum. If there are too few things, an imbalance may occur, if there is too much, overload.
  • Open the powder drawer and pour a sufficient amount of detergent into the main wash compartment. You can’t pour fabric softener, pour Calgon and similar products too.
  • We close the cuvette and the hatch. Select a washing program. It is enough to select the quick wash mode for 30-40 minutes. At what temperature to wash? Everything is simple here, we choose to wash things in cold water.
  • If the machine has a double rinse mode, then select it and start the wash, if there is no such mode, then the second rinse must be started manually. It is very important that all the remnants of the powder are rinsed out of things.

After washing

As soon as you wash baby clothes in the above ways, you need to wring it out and put it in a pile so that you can then hang all the clothes to dry. You can not strain with the spin, but put all the laundry in the drum of the washing machine and set the spin program. Someone else still has old Soviet centrifuges for spinning clothes. In this case, such a centrifuge can be perfectly used. After such a centrifuge, the laundry at the exit will be slightly damp, which means it will dry much faster.

It is better to dry poorly wrung out clothes of a newborn on the street. In winter, it is necessary to thoroughly wring out the linen and dry it near the heater or battery, otherwise you will quickly get mold on the walls from dampness.

Hang thoroughly wrung out laundry to dry. If you live in a gassed area of ​​the city, then it’s better not to dry your baby’s things on the street at all. In this case, a tumble dryer or washer-dryer would be ideal. Of course, these household appliances are very expensive, and if you don’t have the means to buy them, you will have to put an ordinary sliding dryer in the room, and a heat source somewhere nearby.

Be careful! Do not hang baby diapers and undershirts directly on heaters, especially if they are spiral-type heaters, as it is not far from a fire.

Finally, instead of a conclusion, I would like to give some advice to young mothers who do not yet have sufficient experience in caring for newborn children regarding the care of their things.

As a bonus to the information presented in this article, we will also talk about ironing things for newborns. Some young mothers neglect ironing certain things, thinking that this is not so important. In fact, this is very important, even if you dry things at home. You need to iron all the things of the baby, and on both sides and, preferably, with an iron with a steamer, so you will definitely get rid of most of the harmful microbes that have time to settle on the drying linen. Do not neglect the rules specified in the article, and everything will be fine!

With the advent of the baby in the house, parents are waiting for new worries and problems. One of them is how and with what to wash the things of a newborn. Not all parents know that the child's skin is very sensitive, and chemical residues on his clothes can cause allergic reactions. Some mothers realize this only after the baby

begins to suffer from itching and irritation. Therefore, it is very important from the first days to pay special attention to washing children's things. Of course, in recent years, this has become easier to do than before, when mothers had to grate soap and manually wash mountains of baby clothes. But even now this process needs to be approached separately.

Basic rules for washing clothes for newborns

1. Children's things should be clean, so you will have to wash often. Be sure to carefully stretch new things and underwear.

2. But don't take cleanliness too seriously. For example, bed linen can be changed once a week, however, if the baby has not stained it. And wet sliders and diapers a couple of times you can simply rinse with clean water.

3. To make things easier to wash, heavily soiled items should be rinsed under the tap and soaked by rubbing with soap.

4. It is very important how to wash things for a newborn. You can use only special powders or soap shavings for this.

5. In no case should you use air conditioners, bleaches and rinses to wash children's clothes. Underwear for babies is also undesirable to starch.

6. All children's things should be stored and washed separately from the things of other family members, even children. And for the first 2-3 months, sliders and vests are also washed separately.

7. It is very important to thoroughly rinse the baby's things with any washing method. They should be free of odor and other traces of detergents.

8. For additional disinfection and softening of the laundry after washing, iron it with a hot steam iron.

9. It is undesirable to dry children's things on the street so that they do not get dust and


10. The mother of a newborn needs to wash her things with which the baby comes into contact with the same means as his.

What is the best way to wash

For the convenience of modern parents, there are automatic machines, so washing things for a newborn has become less time consuming. Its advantage over manual is that it is possible to set the boiling mode, which is important for the baby in the first months of life. In addition, the machine rinses and wringes the laundry better, so there is less powder residue on it and it dries faster. But machine washing also has its drawbacks. It is not so hygienic, because in the same machine you wash, for example, daddy's dirty jeans, and besides, it requires special detergents that are not always suitable for a child.

Machine wash rules

1. Place only children's clothes separately in the drum.

2. For the first 2-3 months of a child's life, try not to wash very dirty adult clothes, rugs and shoes in the same machine.

3. Use only special baby powders. It is also possible to wash with soap shavings, but you must first dissolve it in water.

4. It is advisable to put the machine on a special program for children's clothes, and if there is none, then on a delicate wash so that things do not stretch or shrink.

5. Be sure to run the extra rinse program after washing.

6. It is advisable to wash as often as possible: it is not recommended to store dirty baby clothes for a long time, in addition, a machine loaded very heavily will wash worse.

Hand washing baby clothes

But many mothers wash the baby’s things in the old fashioned way in the first months with their hands in a basin. This is more hygienic and allows you to choose any detergent. After all, it is very important than washing the things of a newborn so that the product does not cause an allergic reaction. But keep in mind that the water should be as much as possible

hot, so wear thin cotton gloves under rubber gloves. The difficulty of hand washing is also that things need to be rinsed very well. Preferably several times in hot water, and then in cold.

How to wash things for a newborn

In the first months of a baby's life, it is best, of course, to use baby soap or special powders based on it. After all, even baby powders contain phosphates, flavors and bleaches. Therefore, their choice must be approached very carefully. So, what kind of powder to wash things for a newborn?

1. Buy children's only in large stores or a pharmacy, so as not to purchase a fake.

2. Be sure to read the composition of the powder and do not trust advertising. Do not use products that contain phosphates, more than 35% surfactants, optical brighteners, fragrances and conditioners.

3. Buy for your baby only those powders that say they are suitable for newborns.

4. It is desirable that the label "hypoallergenic" is still on the packaging.

What conclusion can be drawn about the better to wash things for a newborn? Powder based on natural soap without additives or soap shavings. Moreover, soap should be taken without flavors and dyes. But many mothers do not like its smell and the fact that stains do not wash well. There are also folk methods for washing children's things.

natural detergents

1. The most convenient is soap nuts, which are suitable for both hand and machine washing and do not cause allergies even in babies with sensitive skin.

2. To bleach children's clothes and remove stains from them, you can use soda, boric acid or hydrogen peroxide.

3. There are many more folk remedies for washing: mustard, ash, and even, but they are all very inconvenient to use.

How to wash the things of a newborn baby, each mother decides for herself. But you need to know the basic recommendations so as not to harm the child.