House 2 tata's care on maternity leave. Maternity leave. Working on maternity leave

Tata and Valera go on maternity leave to prepare for the birth of the baby, while Marina Tristanovna remains on the project. At the aunt, Olga Buzova asked Tata if she was afraid to leave her mother alone on the project. Tata asked her mother not to enter into conflicts so vehemently, she should not waste herself because of moments that do not concern her mother. At the frontal place, Olga Buzova said that Marina Tristanovna promised her to find a common language with the team, and today she was arguing with Yulia. After the scandal, Julia came to Tata and told her that if Marina Tristanovna somehow bullies her, then she will not be silent, if a person does not see the shores, then the subordination is erased. Tata's mom quarreled with Yulia, and then decided to shut up out of respect for the presenter. Valera explained that the apartment is small, it is better for mom to stay on the project and find a common language with the team. Marina Tristanovna declared that she would not allow herself to be offended. Valera asked the participants to treat an adult with respect. Kucherov does not understand why everyone should adapt to his mother. Buzova asked Valera what they should all do if there was a fight. Blumenkrantz asked his mother to be quiet, as they were talking to him. Tata recalled that the conversation had begun about the good, about the decree and the child, and her mother was sitting and discussing Yulia and their conversation with Yulia about the fifth point, this is not interesting to anyone. Marina Tristanovna continued her speech about the quarrel with Yulia, Valera got angry, yelled at his mother, using obscene language. Tata was upset because their departure was shameful, Valera left the place of execution, Tata followed him. Tata and Buzova tried to calm down Blumenkrantz, who lost his temper. Tata burst into tears, she did not want to go on vacation like that and, in her opinion, this is a shame. Marina Tristanova came, Valera pushed her out of the house. Buzova was outraged that Marina Tristanovna went to Valera, who was on edge, the guys prepared a holiday, a surprise for everyone, why mother raised this topic. Marina Tristanovna blamed Yulia for everything, sent her and even managed to piss off Olga Buzova.
Zakharyash is worried about Lily's trip to the club, especially since he has information that Lily's ex-boyfriend will be in this club. Chetrara reassured Sergei and said that her former friends in another club. Lilya received permission from the doctor to take off her corset for the evening, Saida heard this in the admin panel and reported to Zakharyash. Lily called Saida a rat. Saida and her sister hung around the house a photo of Lily before and after plastic surgery. Chetrara rushed off to fight with her rival and her sister, Masha reminded her that she had a corset, and Zakharyash stopped Lilya. On the forehead, Lily said that she was choosing an outfit, everyone was open, so she wanted to take off the corset. Buzova told Lily that the girls were going to the club to look for men, and what should Lily do there. Lily replied that she was in a relationship and would answer that she was busy. Sergei said that next week they would go on vacation with Lilya. Rapa believes that it is wrong to walk without her man. Buzova said that Zakharyash also decided to have plastic surgery to correct the ears.
Walter went to get a divorce today, while the guys bathed his girls Elya and Olesya in the pool. Olesya called Walter, he did not answer and explained in front of him that he was in a traffic jam, he needed a navigator. Solomentsev said that the divorce took place, he was alone in court, now the papers will be sent to his wife, she will sign them and then the divorce will be finalized. Buzova told Walter that Olesya was offended today, but he arrived and did not even stand up for her. Olesya is very offended, she did not know that Walter went to his wife, let him do what he wants, today they had to declare themselves a couple, now she does not want, she loves him, but she does not want to be with him and will not. Olesya lets Walter go to the island as a free guy.

Highlights of the day:

Marina Tristanovna quarreled with Yulia at the frontal place.
. Valera is dissatisfied with the behavior of Tata's mother, who ruined their farewell to the team before leaving on maternity leave.
. Walter divorced, Olesya broke up with him.
. Zakharyash decided to have plastic surgery to correct his ears.

In fact, a man cannot go on maternity leave - only the mother of the child has this right.

Elena Glubko

mother of two children

In Russia, when a child is born, the state gives parents the opportunity to take a three-year vacation. True, they pay any significant amount of money until the child is one and a half years old, and then the payments become penny.

Parental leave can be taken not only by mother, but also by father, stepfather, grandmother, grandfather and any other working relatives. The employer has no right to refuse or dismiss. On the contrary, he is obliged to keep his place and position for the employee.

If you were denied vacation at work, this is a reason to apply to the labor inspectorate or to the court.

Time and term of the decree

First you need to think about how to make better use of parental leave. It can be divided into parts: for example, while the child is breastfed, the mother sits with him. In a year she will go to work and her father will take her place.

Vacation can be divided as you like: take three years, one and a half or a couple of months. You can take a vacation, then go to work, and then go back to babysitting.

If the employer agrees, the father of the child may work part-time in the office or at home during the holidays. In this case, he will be able to save both the allowance and the salary. This option is especially good if an officially non-working mother sits with the child and from time to time she needs to be replaced.

The father will not be able to go on vacation immediately after the birth of the child: you need to wait until the end of the mother’s maternity leave. Although it is better to warn the employer in advance so that he can find a replacement.

Registration at work

A man must write an application for parental leave and attach documents to it:

  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the place of work of the mother of the child that she does not use parental leave and does not receive a monthly allowance.

This is the necessary minimum. If the spouse is not working or studying, a copy of her work book and a certificate from social security that she does not receive benefits will be required. If a man has changed jobs over the past two years, you will have to take a certificate from his previous job about the amount of salary for the previous two years. This is necessary for the accountant to calculate benefits.

It is better to write an application in duplicate: one will be taken by the employer, the second with a mark of acceptance will remain with the father of the child. The employer will issue a vacation order, after which the accountant will calculate the monthly allowance.

The allowance is paid only at one place of work, even if dad works in several places. But you can choose where it is more profitable to issue it. It is usually more profitable where earnings over the past two years have been higher.


The amount of the monthly allowance for caring for a child up to one and a half years is 40% of the average salary for two years, the exact amount can be calculated on the calculator. The child benefit is limited to a maximum amount of 24,536.57 R per month. The minimum allowance depends on the minimum wage. In 2018, the minimum allowance for caring for the first child is 4465.20 R, for the second and subsequent - 6284.65 R.


salaries - the amount of the allowance for caring for a child up to one and a half years

Simultaneously with the allowance, the employer pays compensation for the care of a child under 3 years of age. It does not depend on salary and is 50 R per month.

If there are several children in the family

You can take turns on parental leave. At the same time, you can't. But if twins were born or a second child was born during parental leave for the first, the parents can separate: one will take leave to care for the first child, the second - for the second. So it is possible.

If the father of the child is unemployed or has an individual entrepreneur

The unemployed, self-employed, lawyers and notaries can also take parental leave. But the amount of benefits they will have is minimal, because instead of the employer, the benefits will be paid by the social security authorities. They consider the allowance differently: 40% is not from the salary, but from the minimum wage. The set of documents will be the same as that of the worker.

11 163 Р

minimum wage in 2018

If dad has IP, then first he needs to get a certificate from the social insurance fund stating that he is not registered with them and has not paid any social security contributions.

Then you need to come to the social security authorities and write an application for parental leave. You need to take documents with you:

  1. Certificate from the FSS.
  2. The passport.
  3. A copy of the tax registration certificate.
  4. The basic set of documents is a copy of the child's birth certificate and a certificate from the mother's place of work stating that she does not use parental leave.

If an individual entrepreneur transferred social contributions this and last year, then you need to apply to the FSS for benefits.

The amount of the benefit does not depend on where the vacation will be issued: in social security or the social insurance fund. Every month, 40% of the minimum wage will drip onto the card.

4465 R

monthly allowance for the first child for the unemployed and individual entrepreneurs

If an entrepreneur does not run a business during parental leave and does not receive income from his activities, he may not pay fixed contributions to pension and health insurance. You need to notify the tax office about the vacation: write an application and attach the birth certificate of the child and an extract from the current account to confirm the lack of income.

Leave to care for a child is not recorded in the work book, the experience is not interrupted. You can leave the vacation at any time, but it is better to notify the employer in writing about this so that he issues an order to end the vacation and prepare a place.


  1. The child's father can go on parental leave, and the employer has no right to refuse him.
  2. Leave can be taken in parts and divided among working family members.
  3. To apply for a vacation, you need an application, a copy of the child's birth certificate and a certificate from the mother's place of work stating that she is not on parental leave.
  4. On leave, they pay an allowance - 40% of the average salary, but not more than 23,120.66 R per month.
  5. If the family has the weather or twins or triplets were born, both parents can go on vacation at the same time.
  6. An unemployed father or individual entrepreneur can also receive a child care allowance, but the minimum is 3120 R for the first child and 6131.37 R for the second.

There can be no maternity leave for fathers, since a decree is the common name for two types of leave - prenatal and postnatal, which, as their name already makes clear, can only be granted to women. Leave for men, which is traditionally called maternity leave, is actually called parental leave, which, in accordance with Art. 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, can be provided to both mother and father.

How do I apply for maternity leave for my father?

Expert opinion

Andrey Leroux

More than 15 years experience. Specialization: contract law, criminal law, general theory of law, banking law, civil procedure

Childcare leave is issued on the basis of an employee's application. Of course, the application must be documented, that is, it must be accompanied by either a child's birth certificate, or an adoption decision with a birth certificate, or a birth certificate if the employee submits an application before the registration of the certificate in the registry office.

Denying parental leave is illegal, whether denied to a man or a woman. In case of refusal, the employee has the right to apply both to the labor inspectorate and to the judicial authorities with a knowingly winning claim. That is, in addition to the fact that the court will oblige the employer to provide leave, he can also recover money from the employer in favor of the employee if, due to refusal to leave, the employee had to, for example, spend money on a nanny.

To apply for parental leave, in addition to the birth certificate, the man will need to attach a certificate from his wife's employer stating that the wife did not express a desire to exercise the right to leave and did not receive childcare benefits.

It would not be superfluous to ask the employer to put on the copy of the application information about their receipt. In the event of any disputes in the future, they will confirm the legality of certain actions of the employee (in particular, vacation periods, the amount of benefits due, the timing of payments, etc.).

If it is necessary to extend the period of care for the health of the newborn, then in addition to the indicated papers, medical documents on the child's health should be submitted. In accordance with the Code (Article 256), the length of leave that a man can count on is three years. Start date - the next day after the end of the leave given to the mother for pregnancy; completion date is indicated in the order. During this time, he is entitled to an allowance and is guaranteed to remain in office.

What payments can a man expect?

The financial support that a father who is on parental leave is entitled to claim is called an allowance. Up to a year and a half, it is paid by the employer, and the amount is forty percent of the average salary. In a situation where a man also works part-time for more than two years in the same place, then he has the right to choose who will give him benefits. In some cases, social security departments handle payments.

The amount of the benefit can be fixed, and in this case should be subject to indexation every year. The law sets a minimum allowable threshold for payments.

  • for the first child is 3,142;
  • for the second and further children - 6,284 rubles;

The maximum threshold for care allowance is 24,536 rubles, regardless of the average monthly earnings.

The approximate amount of the allowance can be calculated according to a simple scheme. First, the average daily earnings for the previous two years are calculated. It should be borne in mind that non-worked days are not taken (sick days, other holidays, that is, periods when earnings were saved). The result is divided by 730 and multiplied by 30.4. Forty percent of the amount received as a result is calculated - this is the estimated amount of the benefit.

What is the duration of maternity leave:

For employees, the maximum for 2015 is set at 19,856 rubles. Amounts that exceed this threshold are reduced to the specified amount. Payments are made every month. In order to find out how to issue maternity leave for her husband, a woman should read Order No. 1012n dated December 23, 2009 (hereinafter referred to as the Order). It reflects the basic information on the conditions and procedure for providing funds.

The period and main points in the payment of benefits to a man

In the Order, you can also find information on how to get maternity. Payment must be made no later than the 26th day of each month. Paragraph 43 fixes the right to receive benefits when performing duties on a reduced working time (part-time), carrying out activities at home, as well as continuing education. The grounds for payment are:

  • the decision of the head of the organization to grant the employee leave to care,
  • decision of the department of social protection, which is located at the place of residence of the person caring for the child.

To start the payment process, you need to submit an application. The date of his admission is the starting point of the ten-day period for making a decision on the provision of benefits. In addition to the application, the following documents are required (a detailed list is contained in paragraph 54 of the Order):

  • on the birth of a child or adoption - the original certificate and a copy,
  • about the birth of previous children or adoption (if there are several children; original and copy of the certificate),
  • a certificate from other employers (in case of part-time work) or the social security authority (for the unemployed or students) that the allowance is not issued for the specified child anywhere else (including the places of employment of the other parent or relative),
  • certificate, which is issued at the place of study and confirms the fact of full-time education.

When applying, some employers ask for two different options: the first - until the child reaches the age of one year and six months, the second - for a period of time from one and a half to three years. This is due to the nature of the grant. The fact is that from birth to a year and a half, the responsibility for payments lies with the employer or the department of social protection, and the amount is equal to forty percent of average earnings. In its absence, calculations are made on the basis of the minimum wage.

In addition to these payments, there is a second allowance (compensation), which is equal to fifty rubles. It is also paid by the employer or social security authorities from birth to three years. To receive it, they submit an application, a copy of the care leave order and copies of the above certificates. Both benefits must be issued no later than six months after the child reaches the age mark of one and a half years.

When using leave, both for care and other types, it is advisable to request a certified copy of the work book from the employer. When the market is unstable, companies often disappear, as do their leaders. A copy will help restore the lost.

Will leave count as work experience?

Article 256 of the Code contains the answer to this question. According to the legislation, care leave is included not only in the general experience, but also in continuous, as well as in the experience in the specialty. In addition, for men, as well as for women, it is possible to split the three-year period due. Throughout the vacation, the law guarantees the preservation of the position.

Maternity leave for men is more rare than common. In many families, husbands tend to earn more than their wives. For them, a break in work is highly undesirable and may adversely affect their future career. In this regard, only a few people enjoy the legal right to care.

How to issue according to all the rules, early exit from maternity leave:

Most men who decide to devote themselves to caring for a newborn still continue to work part-time. This allows you to spend time with your child, enjoy the right to receive benefits and not fall out of the “career stream”. Thus, after returning from vacation, a man can continue to work productively for the benefit of the company. The negative attitude of employers towards the fathers' decree is based mainly on the extremely low prevalence of this phenomenon in Russia.

The man revealed the details of his wife's intimacy with another. According to Valera Blumenkrantz, Tata cheated on him with Lesha Bezus. Moreover, little Betty lay next to the passionate couple, which did not embarrass the participants of HOUSE-2 at all.

The relationship between Tata and Valera Blumenkrants seems to have given the final crack. Instead of saving the family on Love Island, the couple chose to spend time with other members of HOUSE-2. So, Tata became very close to Lesha Bezus, but Valera started an affair with Mariana Petrya.

And if the inhabitants of the Seychelles immediately learned about the sex of Valera and Mariana, then the intimacy of Tata and Lesha raises great doubts for everyone. However, Valera is sure that his wife still spent the night with the guy, and he even has evidence.

“She comes to the hotel without cameras and deals with Bezus ... How would it be more correct to say ... She gives him [oral caresses] on the bed, and next to him lies a small child. Thank you, I don’t need such a woman, all the best, ”said Blumenkrantz on Instagram.


The man also compared his betrayal with Tata's going to the left. According to Valera, the wife acted meanly and lowly, because she was not ashamed to have sexual intercourse right in front of the child, but he himself went far from the family so that no one would see his sex with Mariana.

“I went behind the stones, it was 500 meters from where she lives. And she is right there: the child is lying next to him 10 centimeters away, and she is doing [oral caresses] to Bezus. That is, is this normal?

Is it normal that she goes online every day and insults me? Every day! Let him look at his lifestyle, really how [a girl with low social responsibility] behaves. And I'm just offended that the child is brought up in this shit, ”continues Blumenkrantz.

Valera also emphasized that now he is a single man, and Petr is not at all attracted to him. “I’m not married to Mariana, I don’t meet her, and we don’t have any relationship. Roughly speaking, we “cheated” a couple of times, - summed up the participant of “DOMA-2”.