Zhenya and Sasha's dance from home 2. The wedding of Sasha Artemova and Evgeny Kuzin. a photo. video. The wedding of Sasha Artemova and Evgeny Kuzin

What song did Kuzin and Artemova dance to in Wedding for a Million (2017)?

    Evgeny Kuzin and Alexandra Artemova are a good couple, and fans vote for them quite actively, if only Sasha would be a little more feminine and not scream in a terrible voice, then there would be more of these fans.

    The couple participates in the competition Wedding for a Millionquot ;, in order to win, you need to creatively and interestingly perform various competitive tasks.

    For example, one of the tests was a dance, by the way the guys (albeit separately) managed very well.

    You can download the music they danced to here.

    Evgeny Kuzin and Alexandra Artemova in the show House 2 participate in the contest Wedding for a millionquot ;. And, although they had to dance separately, the dance looked even more original and interesting because of this. Especially the contrast of Zhenya against the background of the winter landscape and the summer Sasha.

    A couple danced to the song Sticks and Stones" group The Pierces. You can download this song here.

    It looks like Kuzin is changing, instead of sunbathing on the Islands, he went to work in Moscow for the holidays. Well, at least the viewers were told so. That's why in the competition with the dance they danced separately. But it came out very original.

    Sasha is all so summer in shorts, and Kuzin is somewhere on the road, and there is snow around. In general, the dance is in a comic manner, but very cute, you can see it here.

    And The Pierces performs this song, the song is called Sticks and Stonesquot ;.

    I do not consider a couple of Zhenya Kuzin and Alexandra Artemova the most worthy in the competition A million-dollar wedding, but their dance last week, I really liked. Zhenya went to work, the guys were not together, but they beat it all amazingly. Zhenya filmed his dance near Rostov, at a temperature of minus 15, and Sasha danced on the island. It looked very cool. The dance was not very difficult choreographically, the guys used the composition Sticks and Stones" groups " The Prices".

    A popular couple in the Dom-2 show are Evgeny Kuzin and Alexandra Artemova. In the Wedding for a Million contest, the guys performed an unusual wedding dance. The dance is performed in a playful manner and separately from each other. Kuzin performed his dance in Moscow, where he worked on holidays. The song the couple is dancing to is called Sticks and Stones, performed by The Pierces.

    Sasha Artemova and Evgeny Kuzin danced a wedding dance in the project Wedding for a Million to the Pierces-Sticks and Stones song.

    The guys danced not in a boring official manner, but in a playful way, as they imagine a fun wedding. Moreover, Zhenya was in another city, so the dance turned out, as it were, via Skype.

    Although I don’t really like the pair of Kuzin and Artemova, the guys are great in this competition.

    Unfortunately, they did not dance together, since Kuzin was forced to leave due to one corporate party, but this did not stop them from dancing separately, which on the whole turned out very well.

    Here is the name of the song and its artist: The Pierces - Sticks And Stonesquot ;.

    You can listen and download the song here.

    Definitely, this couple on the project is very popular, although I don’t really like it. But that's not the point.

    The guys participated in a special competition, where they performed an unusual dance and other tasks. The dance turned out to be comic, but at the same time funny and exciting. The guys were far from each other. Artemova performed in shorts, her opponent was on the road in winter.

    The song is quite old, but at the same time was very popular in its time Sticks and Stonesquot ;.

    You can watch their unusual dance here. Link.

    In the contest Wedding for a million couple Alexandra Artemova and Evgeny Kuzin danced to the song of the American group The Pierces. The group got its name from the founders of this musical group - the Pierce sisters.

    The song itself is called Sticks and Stones, is included in the 2007 album Thirteen Tales of Love and Revengequot ;.

    Listen and watch the video for the song Sticks and Stones you can from the official channel of the group The Pierces on Youtube:

    Song The Pierces - Sticks And Stones.

    The number of the wedding dance in the competition Wedding in a Million Alexandra Artemova and Evgeny Kuzin had a foreign song The Pierces - Sticks and Stones.

    Sasha Artemova and Evgeny Kuzin have a great chance of winning the Wedding for a Millionquot ; contest, many even suspect that they were invited to the project again specifically for this contest and the winnings will be for them.

Keeping in mind the reputation of the scandalous television project "Dom-2" and many of its participants, who are often forced to talk about themselves because of controversial antics, fans of the program and many secular journalists expected that the wedding of Evgeny Kuzin and Alexandra Artemova would turn into a loud and ugly story. Those who followed the celebration with such expectations were seriously disappointed.


The party came out beautiful, touching and kindly incendiary. And lovers of scandals can only be disappointed to note: no one got into a fight, during the festive toasts the bride was not accused of indecency, and the participants of "House-2" did not begin to sort things out right at the festive table. But the wedding guests had a great time and enjoyed the pleasant atmosphere.

Rustam Solntsev was one of the first to come to the celebration. He impressed the guests with a bright shirt with large polka dots, as well as vocal abilities - together with Stepan Menshchikov they performed Verka Serduchka's hit "Dolce Gabbana".

The bride charmed everyone present with her luxurious designer dress. “I flew to Sochi for a wedding dress, a very talented designer sewed it for me,” the Dom2Life portal quotes Alexandra Artemova. She added that in such an outfit she would feel like a king.

The son of Yevgeny Kuzin from his first marriage was also present at the celebration. Margarita Agibalova not only let him go to his father's wedding, but also wished the newlyweds happiness.

The couple, beloved by the people, finally legalized their marriage.

However, the banquet itself took place two days later. In the registry office, the newlyweds were supported only by their closest relatives and friends.

One of the invitees was Kuzin's ex-wife, along with Mitya, to personally pronounce her wishes for happiness and well-being.

Back in early 2017, Kuzin and Artemova were invited to take part in the Wedding of the Year competition at Dom 2, which they successfully won.

The couple received a prize of one million to celebrate their wedding, provided that the lovers should get married before the end of the same year. Time passed, and the marriage was spoken of only in words.

All the fans of the couple were already desperate and thought that Kuzin and Artemova would not have time to use the prize for its intended purpose, but the photos that suddenly appeared shocked and, at the same time, delighted everyone who followed the bright couple.

It turns out that the guys planned the wedding in just a month, putting all their efforts into organizing the celebration, but the short-term preparation did not affect the quality of the holiday.

For the banquet, the newly-made spouses chose a restaurant in one of the elite cottage settlements of the Moscow region. The hall was beautifully decorated in restrained colors and classic style.

The guests were surrounded by candles around the perimeter and chic orchids on the tables. The improvisational altar was covered with fresh flowers, where the newly-made spouses pronounced their vows of fidelity to each other.

The words were very touching and sincere. The guests did not hide their emotions, like the newlyweds, shedding a couple of tears of joy.

The first half of the celebration, the bride wore a snow-white dress with a chic skirt in the form of waves, and an elegant veil with lace covered her head. It is known that the young dress weighed more than 35 kilograms and cost a rather large amount - five hundred thousand rubles.

In search of her dream dress, Alexandra turned to a well-known designer from Sochi. However, only the first part of the event was in the puffy dress of Cousin, after which the girl put on a lighter attire - a snow-white dress on the floor. Eugene appeared before the guests in a tailcoat with a top hat.

The celebration was in full swing. The newlyweds wished to see all the most important people for them, so the number of guests was more than sixty people. Not only friends, relatives, but also colleagues from the television set were invited to the wedding.

One of the first to appear at the banquet, he turned out to be the host at an important event. The man instantly made himself known, standing out with a bright polka dot shirt. He congratulated the young and wished them family happiness, and then began to host the event.

Then she came with her lover and said important words about love and well-being. he amused all the guests with his presence and rejoiced for the young, having drunk more than one glass for their happiness.

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Also with best wishes to the young people, they arrived at a chic banquet: with their families, with their husbands, and many others. The main guest at the wedding was the son of Eugene - Mitya.

Kuzin noted that he was very pleased with the presence of his son at the wedding, because this is undoubtedly a significant day in his life, and seeing the consent and approval of the child is a very important moment for the father.

Despite the money won the guys worked very hard for their dream wedding. The newly minted Kuzin family spared no expense on design solutions, fresh flowers, chic attire and tables.

Zhenya and Sasha scrupulously approached the choice of the wedding menu. The couple carefully selected all kinds of dishes to surprise their guests not only with their appearance, but also with deep taste.

Although the majority of viewers did not believe in the wedding of the ex-participants of House 2, the guys did it and proved their love to everyone by assuring her with stamps in the registry office.

All the guests noted the scope of the wedding celebration, the sincerity of the young and the chic mood that reigned within the walls of the decorated hall. Many wishes and good words were said that will remain in the memory of the young for many years. A wonderful holiday will not soon be forgotten by the guests and relatives of the charming couple.

Photos from the wedding of Gusev and Artemov

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