How to properly remove cuticles from nails at home. Technique for correct cutting of the cuticle

When taking care of the pens, how to properly trim the cuticle becomes an important question. This procedure is necessary to remove the leathery bead that surrounds the nail. All of this should be done to keep your pens beautiful and well-groomed. If the cuticle sticks out in untidy pieces, it is unlikely that the manicure will look decent, and you will feel confident.

How to trim the cuticle correctly? In general, there is nothing difficult in this - you need to use special tools and means. You should also choose the preferred method for cutting the cuticle - this can be done manually, using a special machine or by means of a softening agent.

Why is this procedure necessary?

It is unlikely that someone will be able to clearly answer the question of why it is necessary to cut the cuticle. On the one hand, these pieces of skin are quite important, because they protect the nail plate, preventing pathogenic infections and microbes from entering the nail root. However, coarse skin does not look well-groomed, there are burrs, microcracks, damage to the skin. As a result, pens even with the brightest manicure look sloppy.

But it should be remembered that you cannot remove the cuticle directly under the root. This will increase the vulnerability of the nail. And it doesn't look very nice, as redness and other problems appear. If you do not know how to properly trim the cuticle or are afraid to do something wrong, you should seek the help of a specialist. He will do everything quickly and competently, taking care of the beauty and health of your nails, pens.

How to trim the cuticle correctly?

Cuticle removal is allowed in two different ways. You should choose the one that is more preferable individually for you. So, the following methods are distinguished:

1. European. This method is often referred to as chemical. In this case, the removal of the cuticle occurs without cutting, which is quite convenient and simple.

2. Classical. This is a standard trim manicure. The cuticle that has already grown is removed with scissors, forceps or nippers.

The latter method is more difficult to implement. To do everything neatly and painlessly, you have to practice. There must be appropriate skills and experience, the ability to work with tools.

Depending on the chosen method, you need to choose the tools. These can be scissors, tweezers, or orange sticks. For your hands, you should arrange a bath with warm water. You can drop a couple of drops of almond, citrus, apricot, castor or tea tree oil into it. You can also make a salt bath with sea salt. This is done in order to soften the skin and just take care of your hands. The sufficient time for the procedure is 10 minutes.

Removing the cuticle with scissors

Many people choose nail scissors for removal, because they probably are in every home. The softened skin in the form of a peeled layer is carefully cut off with a thin end of scissors. In some cases, it will not work the first time, then the skin is moisturized and everything is repeated again.

If the cuticle grows moderately, the skin can be removed without softening. After the procedure is over, it is worth using a cream or oil to moisturize. If this is not enough for the most "problematic" places, it is worth applying additional antiseptic agents.

Using tweezers to remove cuticles

Using tweezers to remove cuticles is easy. There are four basic rules to follow. Among them are the following:

1. It is important to be careful and careful. Nail films are removed with a spatula and tweezers; the skin should be gently pushed back, after steaming it.

2. Initially, the skin is removed on the sides and only then in the middle. Forceps should "bite off" the skin, and not tear it off, injuring it.

3. “Bite off” in small pieces to minimize skin trauma.

4. The nail and the skin area are treated with a product, moisturizing it.

Unedged method and its features

Unedged removal is an alternative that is not in great demand today. The method is useful for soft nails. To do this, a remover, represented by fruit and lactic acids, is applied to the nail plates. After the cuticle has softened, peel it off with an orange stick. Everything should be done carefully, prying with a pointed end.

Remember not to remove cuticles too often. It is optimal to do this once a week. There will be no problems with how to properly trim the cuticle if you follow the algorithm and adhere to the recommendations. It is enough to decide on the preferred method and choose the appropriate tools or means.

The spectacular appearance of any self-respecting, well-groomed and beautiful woman is made up of the smallest details. are an important element of the image, but a manicure never looks neat if the cuticle is not removed.

Why remove cuticles

It is not always possible to get into the manicure room, and is there such a need if the procedure is simple for its independent implementation? The question of how to remove cuticles at home is of interest to almost every woman.

The thin skin is designed to protect the nail from mechanical damage and infection. It looks like a roller at the base of the nail plate. As if the question of why cutting off the cuticle is logical, if its presence has such an important purpose. However, the fact is that the skin grows rapidly, and on its edge cells die off, which not only do not have protective properties, but slow down the growth of the nail.

Now there are two ways: chemical and mechanical. Removing cuticles at home requires some skill, so the choice of any of the treatment options directly depends on personal priorities. In any case, you need to follow some recommendations that protect you from damage and infection.

Mechanical effect on the cuticle

First, you need to wash your hands with soap, then hold them in a bath of warm water and sea salt for 10-15 minutes. You can add a little of any essential oil, as this ingredient is very beneficial for weak and brittle nails. The bath is designed to soften the roller and disinfect the skin, since removing the cuticle at home is obtained with high quality only after appropriate preliminary actions.

After that, the skin must be pushed back with a special stick or pusher, and then trimmed with sharp nail scissors or a trimmer. It is necessary to act very carefully so as not to damage the living tissue, because the wound will look unaesthetic and bring tangible discomfort.

After completing the steps, you need to wash your hands with soap and grease them with a nourishing cream, paying the most attention to the skin around the nails, or treat the cuticles using a special tool.

How to get rid of cuticles chemically

Using a stick, it is necessary to apply the product to the cuticle, and in order not to accidentally erase it, it is advisable to practice first with one hand, then with the other. If the instructions indicate that the drug should be applied for 8 minutes, then you need to start removing the cuticle a little earlier, so that the last finger can be processed just at the specified time. If you ignore this recommendation, irritation and dryness of the skin around the nail may occur.

It is best to prepare a paper napkin in advance in order to wipe the manicure object on it each time, removing the remnants of the product. To easily remove the cuticle, you need to move the skin aside, which is then placed perpendicular to the nail plate and drawn along the skin. Thus, the stratum corneum is easily removed along with the existing product.

Then you need to make a bath with lemon juice, which strengthens the nails. Finally, apply a nourishing oil or nourishing oil to the cuticle.

What drugs should be used and where to buy them

It should also be remembered that for a manicure you need to use only tools and products bought in a special store and released under credible ones.Also, before use, scissors and tweezers need to be disinfected, especially if several people use one manicure set in a family.

Cuticle removers come in the form of liquids, creams, gels, are equipped with a brush or are sold in tubes with a pointed tip for applying the drug. And you can buy them at a beauty supply store.

These drugs can significantly help everyone who is interested in how to remove cuticles at home. Photos clearly demonstrate examples of the necessary tools and items.

It is also better to refuse drugs that contain alkalis or acids, as they can worsen the condition of the nails. You need to pay attention to cosmetics, which contain a more gentle fruit acid. It is advisable to inquire about the vitamin composition designed to strengthen the nails and improve their appearance.

It should be remembered that the main task of any is to create beauty by strengthening health, since it is possible to remove cuticles at home with high quality only with proper preliminary care for it.

For those girls who have not yet gotten used to using it, it is better to start doing a manicure on their own using the chemical method. But in any case, the main rule here is to observe the hands.

The chemical method is performed using special products containing active ingredients to soften and dissolve the cuticle. This option is very easy to learn for everyone who is interested in how to remove cuticles at home. Reviews indicate that before using the drug, it is imperative to read the brief instructions, based on which then determine the maximum exposure time.

Advantages of the chemical (European) method

The chemical method has several advantages over circumcision:

1. Regrowth of a new cuticle is much slower.

2. Easy to implement.

Nutritional Coach, Sports Nutritionist, Evehealth Emeritus Author


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The spectacular appearance of a self-respecting woman consists of many details; it occupies one of the main places. A manicure will never be neat and beautiful if the cuticle is poorly removed. How to remove cuticles correctly at home?

A neat and beautiful manicure is a sign of care and self-respect. not easy, this procedure takes a lot of time, but what a pleasure it is to see your well-groomed nails.

We do it ourselves: first you need to clean your nails, remove the rest of the varnish. An important point is the choice of a good file. For strong nails, sapphire or sand files are perfect.

For the rest of the nails, fine-grained with a semicircular shape will be preferable, they will polish the nails well and preserve their structure. Do not purchase metal files.
Better to use tools with a rubber or cardboard base.

  1. File dry nails. Wet ones will begin to exfoliate.
  2. All movements should be directed in the same direction.
  3. Decide on the shape you want to make. A square shape will look good on graceful thin fingers, while an oval one is suitable for everyone, without exception.
  4. Use a polishing tool to polish your nails.

Is it possible to remove the cuticle and why should it be done?

The thin skin on the nail is designed to protect it from the effects of negative environmental factors, and therefore the question arises: why remove the cuticle, if its presence is so important.

The fact is that this skin grows very quickly, and its edges die off, thus the cuticle does not fulfill its protective functions. And if it is updated in a timely manner, then it will change not at the cellular level, and its structural features.

How to properly remove cuticles at home?

Mechanical method

The mechanical method of influencing the cuticle involves the following procedure:

  • hold your hands in warm water for 15 minutes;
  • push back the cuticle with a special stick or pusher;
  • trim the skin with nail scissors or a trimmer.

This must be done with special care, so as not to damage the fabric, as a result of the wound it will not look aesthetically pleasing and bring tangible discomfort in everyday life. It is best to treat your nails with a cuticle remover.

Non-mechanical method

Sometimes you need to take a cuticle bath. Dip your hands in heated olive oil for a couple of minutes, then wipe dry. This will help slow down the growth of the cuticles. Do not heat the oil too much, otherwise you may get burned.

Without leaving home, you can prepare an excellent cuticle mask, thanks to which the manicure will become painless and your fingers will be perfect.

This tool will be based on all the fat, which will include three oils, lanolin, vitamins and plus, essential oils, which cope with inflammation.

The fact is that after a manicure, you cannot use aggressive agents, for example, if you use alcohol-based products, this will only aggravate the inflammatory process and, in addition, you can get a burn. Therefore, you need to use funds that will both nourish and heal the skin.

To prepare the mask, the first component is to take lanolin; it can be bought at every pharmacy, this is the so-called wool fat. It is recommended to take 15 grams of lanolin and place it in a water bath.

The next ingredient to add is olive oil. Olive oil is known to be rich in nutrients that nourish and hydrate the skin. Oil in the amount of one teaspoon should be added to lanolin, which is directly standing in a water bath.

Further it is recommended to add apricot kernel oil. With the help of this oil, the skin becomes softer, velvety and also gives the mixture a delicious aroma. In cosmetology, apricot oil is used for dry and sensitive skin.

This oil will take a few teaspoons, and add to lanolin on a steam bath. It is necessary to mix all the components well until a unique mixture is obtained. If lanolin is poorly purified, then it has the main disadvantage, it is a nasty smell, so essential oils will be needed to remove it.

It is not only a good antiseptic, but also has a specific aroma. If the smell does not evoke strong delight, then add a couple of drops of orange oil. And at the end, three drops of vitamin E are added. As you know, this vitamin gives the skin softness and it becomes velvety.

The resulting mask should be applied to each finger and rubbed thoroughly. At the end of 10 minutes, remove the rest of the mixture with a napkin. The result is noticeable from the first application. You can apply the mask 3-4 times a day or after each manicure procedure. You can store the mixture either in a bedside table or in the refrigerator.

Thus, this mask will help turn your manicure into a pleasant procedure. Further, to complete the manicure, you need to complete several more tasks, as a result, your pens will be healthy, effective and inimitable.

Removing burrs

Preparing the bath. Add 10 drops of essential oil to warm water, you can use the usual one. Hold your hands in the solution for 10 minutes, wipe. Using the deburring tongs, carefully cut off the dry skin so as not to hurt the live cuticle. After the procedure, we lubricate our hands with a nourishing cream.

When choosing a varnish, you should take into account the color of the skin, as well as the shape of the nail. With light skin, you can use a large number of shades with different saturations. If the fingers are "porcelain", then cold shades of varnishes will look good. For dark and tanned skin, it is best to use bright or dark colors.

Apply varnish

  1. To make the color even and saturated, apply a base. After the base has dried, we begin to apply colored varnish.
  2. Shake the container well. We remove excess varnish from the brush on the edge of the bubble.
  3. We bring the brush to the middle of the nail, lower it, move steadily to the edge, slightly press on the brush and lead it to the top. Spread the remaining varnish on the sides. After waiting, apply the 2nd layer.


How quickly you can remove the cuticle at home - personal experience will show, but you should not rush in this matter, so as not to injure the nail and the skin around it. This can result in burning and flaking around the nails.

To avoid this, you need to follow the advice of professionals and carry out the procedure for removing cuticles at home with special care. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Video on how to remove cuticles at home

Cuticle Removal Videos

Cuticle file and pencil video

Perhaps there is no person who has not heard the word "cuticle". Many hand care tools contain this term in their name: cuticle remover, cuticle file, cuticle nippers. What is it and should you fight it if you want to get the perfect manicure?

The cuticle is a small roll-shaped skin that sits at the base of the nails.

Nature is smart, so there is nothing superfluous in the human body.

This also applies to the skin around the nail, the main function of which is to protect against small foreign particles and microorganisms.

Its edges dry out and die over time, so their appearance is not very aesthetic from the point of view of modern views on the beauty of hands.

Types of procedure

The classic of the genre comes down to the removal of dried tissue containing dead cells. This is where you need to be extremely careful in view of the fact that as a result of such manipulations, the nail becomes very unprotected. Its bed can become inflamed under the influence of external influences (for example, being exposed to the aggressive influence of varnish, soap, nail polish remover, dirt, etc.).

A much safer, one might say, sparing version of manicure is called European or unedged. In this case, the skin is not cut off, but pushed back with a thin stick.

Dead cells are removed with the same instrument. To achieve a softening effect, a special cuticle agent is preliminarily applied to the treatment area.

Whichever type of manicure is chosen in the end, you need to remember about careful safety measures when working with the skin surface:

  • try to choose sharp tools that are sharpened by hand and, therefore, do not injure or tear tissue;
  • every time you decide to take care of yourself, disinfect cuticle clippers and other "beauty helpers" well;
  • do not forget to wash your hands with soap and water before starting the manipulation;
  • Don't risk your health for a chic look - don't push back or cut too hard.

With these caveats in mind, be happy to create a beautiful manicure and pedicure (don't forget about the legs!).

The value of nail health

The skin around the nails allows them to grow under normal conditions, because it is she who provides reliable protection for the growth zone. Thanks to such a wonderful protective barrier, no species of bacteria or viruses can enter this area.

If a person does not know how to properly cut the cuticle, and makes mistakes, the nail plates may be damaged, unwanted inflammation and other troubles may appear.

If the skin next to the nails looks careless and not very well-groomed, there can be no talk of any beauty of female or male hands. What, besides manipulating with tools such as a cuticle file or a cuticle remover pencil, affects its condition?

Here are just some examples from life:

  • the hardness of the water with which you wash your hands;
  • quality and regularity of hand care;
  • environmental influences such as wind, cold, etc .;
  • the quality of nutrition, the level of intake of vitamins and minerals in the body in comparison with the norms.

For a number of reasons, the skin can become too dry, resulting in painful and ugly hangnails. If this highly sensitive area is treated inattentively, other problems may arise, up to inflammatory processes or fungal infections.

Remember to gently care for your hands and feet after washing them with soap and water. Systematically apply moisturizer to the entire surface of your fingers, and before proceeding, take a cuticle remover gel and treat it thoroughly.

Gently massaging your fingers and toes after applying olive or almond oil is an excellent daily prevention of skin damage.

Skin processing options

Realizing the importance of soft and gentle work with the skin that surrounds the nails, I want to understand how to properly trim the cuticle.

Manipulations can differ in the following ways:

  • method of skin softening - wet, hot and preparative manicure;
  • the method of its removal is an unedged, or European, or edged procedure.

In a classic edged manicure, the skin is trimmed with scissors or forceps after it has been softened. This procedure can only be done in a beauty salon with a master with experience. The fact is that damage to the skin itself and the growth zone of the nail is highly undesirable, since it can lead to irregularities on the surface of the nail plate.

In the case of a "wet" procedure, the skin is removed with special tools. Beforehand, hands should steam a little in a bath with moisturizing soap diluted in warm water. In addition to this, a special liquid for wet softening of tissues or a gel for cuticle removal can be used.

In the "hot" version, the skin is removed with tweezers or scissors, but before that hands are not steamed in water, but treated with a special lotion. The product contains a vitamin complex for the nutrition and growth of nails, promotes the healing of damaged skin. This type of manicure can be done even for teenagers and children, because it has a healing effect.

The European preparatory (unedged) procedure is carried out with the help of special creams and oils. Alkalis and fruit acids are essential components of these products.

They allow you to effectively treat the desired areas of the skin, affect the bonds between young and dry skin.

During a manicure, a kind of peeling of the skin occurs, while the alkaline components easily dissolve the hardened tissue.

In order for the cuticle to remain healthy and intact, it is worth using special tools. Creams and oils will make it soft, prevent keratinization and slow down growth. These cosmetics, as a rule, contain additives that allow you to keep the hands and feet young and prevent excessive evaporation of moisture from the skin surface. This allows you to forget about such a problem as dryness.

Special cosmetics are flavored with vegetable oils. They contain avocado, jojoba, rice bran, almond or olive oil, tea tree. Manufacturers enrich cosmetics with vitamins E, C and F, which give healthy nails flexibility and strength.

Let's figure out how to make a hand bath during the procedure. It is recommended to take a tablespoon of sea salt, pour warm water into a small container and add a couple of drops of lemon juice if desired.

If your skin is damaged, skip the salt in favor of a decoction of chamomile, oak bark, calendula, or a soapy solution (shower gel, bar or liquid soap will work). Baths can not only soften the skin and facilitate the process of its removal, but also strengthen the nails themselves.

It will be enough to spend up to five minutes in water before blotting your hands with a tissue or soft towel and continuing the procedure.

Well-groomed hands mean not only smooth and soft skin of the hands, but also a flawless manicure, which can only be done by observing all its main stages. One of them is the cuticle processing stage. This procedure can be done in several ways, including at home. The choice of method depends on the girl's skills and financial capabilities.

What is cuticle

It is a small skin growth at the base of the nail. It protects the body from infection with infectious and bacterial diseases. Blocking the matrix area, it does not give access to nonresident bodies to penetrate under the plate.

The upper layer of the cuticle dries and coarsens over time, which affects its condition. That is why a systematic removal of the exfoliating build-up, sometimes presented already in the form of burrs, should be carried out. This procedure must be done carefully so as not to damage healthy skin, which must be constantly looked after with nourishing creams and oils.

What are the ways to remove cuticles

To prevent the cuticle itself from becoming a source of inflammation due to damage to the burrs, it is necessary to remove it. There are several ways to do this:

  • pushing away;
  • circumcision;
  • dissolution.

Dead skin particles cling to the plate, which significantly slows down its growth and makes it bumpy and ugly.

There are two types of removal of the stratum corneum of the cuticle: "European" and "classic".

The first method is suitable for use at home, since certain skills are not required to complete it, you only need to stock up on patience and time. It is produced using special fluids that dissolve hardened skin particles.

The second method involves the use of manicure tools, with the help of which the peel is either cut out or pushed back. High-quality cuticle removal according to the "classical" method requires caution and skill from the master.

Features of the "classic" manicure

Trim the cuticle with scissors

The "classic" cuticle removal method involves the use of nail clippers and nail clippers. The procedure is performed according to the following plan:

  1. Prepare orange stick, tweezers and small nail scissors for use.
  2. Before the procedure, you need to treat the instruments with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine.
  3. Wash your hands thoroughly. It will not be superfluous to pre-use a bath based on sea salt, it is enough to hold your hands in it for 10-15 minutes. This will soften the cuticle and disinfect it.
  4. It is necessary to push back the cuticle with an orange stick, and then cut it off evenly with scissors or tweezers. It is necessary to remove cuticles from nails with scissors extremely carefully, slowly.
  5. Apply a nourishing cream to your hands.

How to remove cuticles with an orange stick

Removing the cuticle with an orange stick

Many craftsmen believe that removing the cuticle with scissors is harmful, since it subsequently begins to grow at an even greater rate. Also, the risks of contracting an infection are incomparable with the result obtained. Therefore, they give preference to removal methods based on special means.

In the event that the cuticle is subtle and thin, then you can use only an orange stick. To do this, you first need to hold your hands in the bath, then apply vegetable oil on the cuticle or a special little for the cuticle, which can be purchased at a cosmetic store and gently, with slow movements, starting from the middle of the line, make pushing movements in different directions alternately.

How to remove cuticles with a gel remover

Apply a cuticle remover

The remover is a liquid or gel product. It is intended to dissolve the cuticles. Its composition includes active substances, the action of which is aimed at corroding the upper stratum corneum of the skin. You can buy it in stores for nail service masters.

The main advantage of this gel (spray) is safety, it cannot be used to provoke a wound or cut, mechanical damage. Also, any girl who is numb to the skills of using it can use it.

The preparatory stage of the procedure is identical to the "classic" manicure, it consists in using a bath. After that, dry your hands and apply the gel on the skin at the base of the nail for a few seconds (the exact time is indicated on the package). You need to remove it with a paper towel. The remnants of the cuticle are pushed back with an orange stick. After that, it will become noticeable that it has completely peeled off the plate, so it is necessary to remove its remnants from the plate with a stick. Then wash your hands and apply a moisturizer or lotion.

Frequent use of a remover can lead to the destruction of the plate, its stratification and thinning, since during the procedure the agent gets not only on the cuticle, but also on the hole near the nail. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it more than once every one to two weeks.

The advantages of a remover:

  • safety;
  • inability to bring in infection or bacteria;
  • minimization of mechanical damage;
  • ease of use.

Remover belongs to the category of keratolics. It cannot be used for skin diseases or fungal infections. Application during pregnancy should be extremely cautious, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the body, allergies are possible.

Types of removers

All removers are divided into three types:

  1. Acidic. They are intended for professional use. Dissolves the cuticle quickly and can severely damage the nail with frequent use. Itching and redness may occur.
  2. Alkaline. This less potent formula is suitable for home use. For the desired effect, it should be kept for about 20 minutes.
  3. Oil. They are considered the rarest, but the safest. Their function is not to dissolve the carousel, such means only soften it, which contributes to the rapid pushing back and removal of the skin with the help of an orange stick. This method is suitable for those people whose cuticles are thin and inconspicuous.

other methods

Currently, keratolics are produced in the form of pencils. That allows you to use them more accurately, without touching the plate itself.

There are also laser cuticle files that remove pterygium. They gently remove dead cells. Their advantage is that you do not need to use a bath before the procedure.

Special trimmers have also been developed. Their working part resembles the letter V. The principle of their operation is similar to the mechanism of the nippers. The trimmer has a sharp edge and must be handled with care.

Sometimes europum is used, it is a mixture of aluminum and phosphorus.

The question of how to properly remove cuticles on the nails is still unresolved, since each method has its pros and cons. The method must be selected in accordance with the capabilities and skills of the master, as well as the structure of the cuticle itself.