Electric epilation. What is electrolysis: details about the procedure. Electrolysis: photo before and after

Electrolysis is the use of various types of currents (electrolysis, thermolysis, blend and flash) in order to destroy hair stem cells in order to completely get rid of them.

In the Universe of Beauty center, electrolysis has been performed since 1993, that is, 26 years.

We use only disposable gold-plated needles. All specialists have a medical education and a correctly placed hand according to our author's technique.

Electrolysis in the salon in Moscow: prices and description

The technique is invasive: a specialist inserts a thin, sterile, gold-plated needle into the hair follicle, through which a small but powerful enough discharge is delivered to the growth zone to destroy it and destroy the hair stem cells.

It is the destruction of these cells that guarantees the permanence of the method, that is, permanent hair removal.

Forever (subject to the methodology)


Any Fitzpartic phototype

What are removed

Procedure speed
Low (treatment of each hair separately)

Only electrolysis removes all unwanted vegetation forever in any area, with any skin phototype and hair color and thickness.

Our electrolysis salons are equipped with Spanish Depilplus 13MHz devices. We are co-authors and consultants on its practical application at the development stage, and not only it, but the entire line of electric epilators.

In this model, the sensitivity of therapy was significantly reduced (compared to Depilplus-2) and the speed of work was increased, an auto-control system was introduced, and the emission of ozonated air provided antibacterial and sedative effects.

The history of electrolysis has more than 140 years. Until now, this method remains the only one approved by the FDA, as giving a 100% guarantee of removing any hair, regardless of skin phototype.

If you describe the technique simply, then you can draw an analogy with the grass on the site. No matter how hard you try to remove the upper part, the grass will inevitably sprout over and over again, because its root is not very accessible and extremely tenacious. However, it is worth cementing the site, as the spine dies and the grass stops bothering you.

The same happens with hair. "Cementing" the growth zone with the help of current, we remove the problem of its visible part as well. The skin is smooth and even.

However, not every specialist, even having a professional apparatus, is able to carry out the procedure correctly: set the necessary parameters, get into the coveted “bag”, and not just get, but reach the correct depth, not above and not below the stem cell zone.

This explains the negative reviews, burns, disappointments, waste of money and time. Very often, people who come to an illiterate master do not scold him, but the method itself.

Now in Moscow there are many courses on teaching electrolysis and anyone who has completed a 2-day training can receive a diploma, start a page on social networks and offer their services. Hair removal by such a “specialist” turns into not only a waste of time and money, but also a dangerous occupation for health.

Wherever you decide to be serviced, remember that the main components of success are medical education, long-term and competent mentoring, personal experience of the master, sterility of materials and cleanliness of the room. The specialist must understand the technique to the end and have a correctly placed hand.

Questions and answers on the electrical technique

Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions.

How to prepare for a session?

The most important thing is the height of the hairs. It must be at least 10 mm, and without consultation at least 15 mm. This will mean that the maximum number of them has sprouted in the zone.

Everyone has a different hair growth rate, but approximately this length corresponds to 2-2.5 months of growth after shaving and 3 after sugaring and waxing.

Why so long? The fact is that we need to wait until the maximum amount of hair appears from under the skin. This will make the procedure as efficient as possible.

Remember that the procedures you have for a while (on average for 1.5-2 years), and you get the result from them FOREVER.

Therefore, if you decide to do electrolysis, we recommend that you treat it as an important project in your life and “book” time for it in advance.

It is better to start the course in the cold season. Usually it is autumn or winter.

The fact is that after exposure to current, red dots remain, which disappear after a while, from one to three weeks. Therefore, during the summer months, sunlight can cause unwanted pigmentation.

How painful is it and what anesthesia is offered?

Electric hair removal is really painful, but the degree of sensation varies depending on the personal pain threshold of each person. In addition, sensations vary greatly from zone to zone.

Some of the clients feel really strong pain, and someone can even sleep during the procedure, as far as he is comfortable. Do not rush to conclusions on other people's reviews, sign up for 10 minutes (minimum procedure) and form your own opinion.

However, if the pain has become a real barrier, anesthesia is offered in our centers to solve this problem. You can check prices for it.

In our center, injections of lidocaine are used.

However, if the injections do not suit you, apply Emla cream under the film 30-60 minutes before the start or 2-3 hours before the start of the Lidocaine 10% spray. Please note that the film cannot be removed in advance, that is, before the procedure, as this will reduce the effect.

What kind of needles do you use and are they disposable?

We use only disposable gold-plated electrodes of the Spanish brand Wyc.

We know that some clients are apprehensive and want to attend sessions with their own needle. We do not need to be afraid that you can be served with a "foreign" needle. This is simply excluded, since the specialist opens a new cassette in front of you and removes the electrode from it.

This is our rule and is strictly observed by all specialists.

In addition, all our materials are already included in the cost of the procedure. That is why we have a minimum session time of 10 minutes.

Does the hair stop growing immediately after the session or do you need a course of procedures?

Since human hair is in different phases at one time, it is necessary to do at least 3 and maximum 6 full courses.

After 6 courses, the amount of hair will be significantly reduced, rare specimens will remain, which will also need to be “picked up”.

Remember that after the first selection, about 30% of the volume is gone (that is, 30% of the hair is guaranteed to no longer grow from the first time). If you did not notice from the first time that there were fewer hairs, you should not continue the procedures, as they are performed incorrectly.

Where can I do electrolysis?

The method is equally effective on the face and on the body. Thanks to an individual approach, the master can work with any natural curves and remove hairs in the most inaccessible places.

Along the way, ingrown hairs are treated.

If there are no contraindications, then the service is performed on any zone.

How safe is it?

The effect of electric current on the human body has been known for more than 140 years, and therefore is well studied.

Laser, IPL and RF exposure (used in elos epilation) have a more aggressive effect on the body. In addition, these methods appeared relatively recently, and therefore their long-term consequences are unknown, especially for the laser.

Red dots, white pimples, etc. scare me, what is dangerous and what is not?

Immediately after the session, reddening of the area is possible. Its intensity depends on the zone, the characteristics of your skin, the parameters of the device and other factors. It should pass within a day, although it usually lasts for several hours.

There may also be slight swelling. As a rule, it is characteristic of the groin, since the skin there is tender, and the cover is thick and thick. It should pass within 1-3 days maximum. Decreasing intensity.

It is also characterized by the appearance of white pimples after 2-3 days. This is lymph, which also occurs at the site of growth of too thick rods. You can’t touch and burst them, be sure to wait until they pass by themselves. This will take a couple of days.

After 1-2 days, red crusts may appear, which will also pass in a couple of days, leaving behind tiny red dots. All this is absolutely normal, because the growth zone is injured for its destruction, and therefore the skin will need some time to recover.

If the recommendations are not followed (for example, when clients insist on long facial procedures for 40-60 minutes instead of the recommended 10-20), severe swelling, pigmentation, and sores are possible. However, over time, all this passes.

If, during or immediately after therapy, you notice the appearance of white blisters that turn yellow over time, then these are burns. Probably, the parameters of the device are selected incorrectly, an excessive current strength is set. Pay attention to this moment in the salon where you will be served.

How to care for the area after the session?

Immediately after the session, the specialist will treat the area with alcohol or chlorhexidine. At home, for 1-2 weeks, you can be treated with chlorhexidine, cindol or solcoseryl-gel 2 times a day. This will speed up healing and have an antiseptic effect.

Do not wet the area for 24 hours after the procedure.

After epilation, you can not visit pools, baths, saunas and gyms for 5 days to avoid infection.

Remember that in order to prevent pigmentation, visiting tanning salons or going to the beach is strictly contraindicated during the entire healing process of the skin and the complete disappearance of traces. Usually this period is 3-4 weeks.

Price list for services for women

Below are the areas with clarification of time and cost. To check the price for men, go to the page.

The minimum recording time is 10 minutes, the recording step is 5 minutes.

Zone / Name Time

From this article you will learn:

  • how electrolysis works, video, its pros and cons,
  • electrolysis - contraindications and consequences,
  • bikini electrolysis - before and after photos, reviews.

Electrolysis is a cosmetic procedure for removing unwanted hair using electric current. Most women note that it is very effective, but at the same time the most painful procedure for hardware hair removal (compared to laser or photoepilation).

How electrolysis works –
during the procedure of electrolysis, a thin needle-shaped electrode is attached to the root of each individual hair, after which a discharge of electric current is applied to the electrode. The electric current reaches the follicle and damages it, as well as the tissues adjacent to the follicle, which are responsible for hair growth (capillaries and the smallest nerve endings). Thus, the viability of the hair follicle is completely lost.

Electrolysis: reviews of cosmetologists and patients

Electrolysis - reviews of cosmetologists and patients agree that this method is really effective. However, in some patients undesirable effects may occur, which can worsen the aesthetics of the treated area for a long time. We will talk about all this below.

1. Advantages of electrolysis -

  • it is suitable for all types of hair and skin types,
  • the highest percentage of efficiency and duration of effect (compared to all other types of hair removal),
  • it is used for most parts of the body: electrolysis of the face, eyebrows, cheeks, chest, electrolysis of the armpits, as well as bikini lines, legs and back.

Electrolysis: photo before and after

2. The main disadvantages of electrolysis -

  • May not work well with some hair removal methods
    if you have previously waxed, (sugared) or plucked, the follicles may be deformed or twisted. Curved follicles are more difficult to remove with electrolysis, because. there are difficulties for inserting the electrode needle to the hair root.
  • Requires a large number of series of procedures
    you must understand that permanent hair removal with electrolysis may require a large number of procedures. On average, it takes about 15-30 sessions to completely remove all the hair in one area. This is due to the fact that in addition to active follicles from which hair grows, there are also dormant follicles in the skin, from which hair does not grow in an inactive state.

    But these dormant follicles are gradually activated, which starts the process of hair growth in them. Each new procedure will destroy active follicles until there are no active or dormant follicles left in the skin.

  • Long duration of the procedure
    (since the effect occurs on each individual hair, for example, electrolysis over the upper lip lasts about 20 minutes).
  • High price -
    the total cost of electrolysis becomes quite high due to the large number of procedures. The cost of electrolysis depends on the treated area of ​​the skin and the duration of the session (see below).

    Electrolysis: video

Electrolysis: contraindications and consequences

Like any procedure that requires electrical effects on the body, electrolysis has a corresponding extensive list of contraindications. It cannot be carried out if -

  • installed heart pacemaker,
  • mitral valve disease and other heart diseases,
  • with hemophilia, hepatitis, epilepsy,
  • fresh scars and scars on the treated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin,
  • any damage to the skin at the treatment site (rash, cuts, pimples, etc.),
  • warts, moles, papillomas, cancer (on the treated area of ​​the skin),
  • viral, bacterial and fungal skin lesions at the treatment site,
  • psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, acne (pimples and blackheads),
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis,
  • the presence of any metal medical devices in the body,
  • pregnancy,
  • endocrine diseases, hormonal disorders.

Electrolysis: side effects

  • severe pain during the procedure,
  • moderate soreness can persist for a long time after the procedure,
  • redness and swelling of the skin on the treated area (from 3 to 14 days),
  • the appearance of acne filled with secretion of the sebaceous glands (Fig. 8),
  • temporary appearance of papules and pustules, i.e. acne (Fig.8-9),
  • sometimes formation of microscars is possible,
  • temporary appearance of scabs on the skin (Fig. 10),
  • focal hypopigmentation of the treated skin area (Fig. 11).
  • At first, the pores of the skin may not look very beautiful - the pores will be enlarged, have a red or dark color, which can last up to several weeks (Fig. 12-13).

Frequently asked questions from patients:

1. Electrolysis forever or not - reviews

How long does electrolysis last? To date, electrolysis is the only method of removing unwanted hair permanently. The hairs in the hair follicles are in different stages of growth, and there are a large number of "dormant" follicles in the skin, the hairs of which have not yet penetrated the surface of the skin, and therefore cannot yet be removed.

Gradually, the follicles are activated, the hair growing from them penetrates the surface of the skin. Thus, each new procedure will fight against the newly activated follicles.

2. Electrolysis - how many procedures are needed?

As we have already said: to achieve the desired result, a whole series of procedures is needed. After each session of hair removal by electrolysis, new hairs grow thinner and thinner. It should also be noted that if you have used waxing or sugar hair removal before, the hair will be more resistant to electrolysis, and more procedures will be required.

In addition, deep-lying hair follicles, as well as follicles with a thick hair shaft, are not always amenable to removal after 1 procedure, so a number of repeated procedures on the same follicles may be required. It must be said that such repeated interventions increase the risk of complications: the appearance of microscars, hypopigmentation of the skin.

3. Does electrolysis hurt?

Each person has their own pain threshold. However, in any case, electrolysis will be very painful. The thinner the skin and the closer the location of the follicle to the nerve ending, the more painful the procedure. Additional factors of pain are: the intensity of the current (the higher, the more painful), and the type of needle used.

Electrolysis needles are divided into two types: non-insulated and insulated. Non-isolated needles conduct current along the entire length of the follicle and surrounding tissues, which makes the procedure more painful. Isolated needles focus the current only on the cells responsible for hair growth at the base of the follicle, which somewhat reduces pain.

4. How long does the electrolysis procedure take?

Each area of ​​the body requires a different amount of treatment time. It depends on the condition of the hair, and on their quantity. For example, electrolysis above the upper lip - reviews say that 1 session can last from 15 to 40 minutes. Laser hair removal of the same area will require only 4 or 8 minutes.

5. Bikini electrolysis: before and after photos, reviews

Bikini electrolysis is available for both women and men. Along with the classic bikini, the posterior perineum (the skin between the anus and the vulva, or scrotum), as well as the skin around the anus, is often treated. Bikini electrolysis - reviews of cosmetologists in most cases are negative when it comes to deep, and not classic bikini.

Most cosmetologists do not undertake to carry out this procedure in the deep bikini area due to its unaesthetic nature (try watching YouTube videos of sugar hair removal in the perineum area ... and you will understand everything).

Bikini electrolysis: before and after photos

Summary: is electrolysis worth it?

If you have chosen this method, then you should not immediately treat large areas of skin with it, especially those visible to others. First, it is worth holding a small session and removing hair on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin to see how the skin reacts to this method. The reasons for the above complications can be both the individual characteristics of your skin and the errors of the cosmetologist during the procedure. For example, incorrectly selected parameters for the strength of the electric current.

In our opinion, it makes sense to do electrolysis only in one case: if you need to get rid of fairly rare hair on a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. In this case, 1 visit can solve the problem. But if you need to treat large areas of skin that have a lot of hair growing, then this method is probably one of the worst.

The most effective alternatives to electrolysis (especially in the bikini area), which allow you to achieve excellent results in just 3-4 visits, are:

Electrolysis: price

For the electrolysis service - the price consists of the following factors: the duration of the procedure, on which area of ​​the skin the epilation is planned, the type of needle used, the method of anesthesia, the amount of hair on the skin area ... Most often, in the price lists of cosmetology clinics, the price is indicated per minute. Keep in mind that this price usually does not include the cost of a needle or anesthetic gel.

On average, in Moscow clinics, electrolysis behind 1 minute costs –

  • face - from 22 rubles,
  • body - from 19 rubles,
  • bikini - from 26 rubles.

    Additional charge –

  • needle - from 100 rubles,
  • anesthetic gel - from 200 rubles.

We hope that our article on the topic: Electrolysis in Moscow where to make reviews - turned out to be useful to you!

This is an effective cosmetic technique patented in 1948 for removing unwanted hair. Let's try to figure it out: will electrolysis help permanently remove hair or still not? Reviews of experts on the procedure convince that total hair removal is really possible, but only in cases where the patient is set up for a long struggle with "vegetation" and is ready to conduct 3-7 painful sessions of destruction of hair follicles with electric current. In addition, patients who dream of a quick release from hair are interested in how much one procedure is enough. From the analysis of reviews on electrolysis, we can conclude that usually the hair grows back after a month and a half, and then it is recommended to conduct a second session of electrolysis.

Due to the destructive effect of electric current on the follicles, the hair shafts gradually become thinner and discolored and, in the end, completely disappear. The mechanism of electrolysis is simple: an electrode (the thinnest steel needle) is inserted into the follicle, through which a weak electric current is passed, causing heating and subsequent destruction of the growth zone of the bulb. With the help of electrolysis, only hair that is in the stage of active growth (anagenesis) can be destroyed, however, this rule is valid for all types of hair removal and.

The result of electrolysis does not depend on the patient's skin phototype and hair color in addition, the procedure is effective on any part of the body, however, it is not recommended to use this type of epilation to remove hair growing in the nose (nostrils) and auricles, there are also restrictions on electrolysis of the armpit area.

Advantages and disadvantages of electrolysis

Electrolysis has been used for more than 70 years and only strengthens its positions - neither photoepilation, nor laser hair removal, not to mention depilation with sugar and wax, could replace the procedure. And this is despite the abundance of contraindications and the high likelihood of complications! Such love for a painful and lengthy procedure is explained by only one thing - a real opportunity to destroy hair follicles and permanently get rid of "extra" hair.

Advantages of electrolysis:

  • the ability to remove light, red and gray hair;
  • the result of electrolysis does not depend on skin color;
  • each hair follicle undergoes destruction;
  • relatively low (compared to photoepilation and laser hair removal) cost of the procedure.

Cons of electrolysis:

  • painfulness of the procedure, which is almost always done with anesthesia;
  • remoteness of obtaining the result - it is required to carry out 3-4 courses of procedures to completely get rid of hair;
  • an abundance of contraindications;
  • frequent complications;
  • high requirements for the skill of a cosmetologist;
  • after the procedure, swelling and redness of the skin persist for 2-3 days.

Types (methods) of electrolysis

  1. Thermolysis alternating high-frequency current - this type of electrolysis is characterized by rapid heating and instant coagulation of the protein that makes up the follicle. Thermolysis shows good results when processing surfaces of a large area, but only on condition that the procedure is carried out by an experienced specialist who is able to insert the needle exactly into the lower segment of the hair follicle, and this is quite difficult to do in the case of curved follicles.
  2. Electrolysis- This type of electrolysis is based on chemical processes triggered by galvanic current. Two electrodes are used for the procedure: an alkaline environment is formed around one (a negative charge is given to it), and an acidic environment is formed around the other (a positive charge is applied to it). This method is suitable for the destruction of twisted follicles, but according to patients, it takes more time.
  3. Flash is the same thermolysis performed with a needle covered with an insulating material. Since the charge is at the end of the needle, the tissues through which the electrode passes are not injured, which means that electrolysis itself causes less discomfort. Flush is not used on the face and in the intimate area, however, it shows excellent results on the arms and legs.
  4. Blend- this type of electrolysis allows you to achieve optimal results by combining the best properties of electrolysis and thermolysis. According to patients, Blend is well tolerated and does not cause discomfort.
  5. Electrolysis with tweezers- a rarely used method, although very effective and, according to patients, almost painless. The role of the electrode is performed by tweezers: the hair is captured with tweezers, then a current is passed through the tweezers, which is transmitted through the hair shaft to the follicle. This is the most "long-playing" method of electrolysis - the treatment of one hair lasts almost 10 seconds.

Equipment used for electrolysis

Electrolysis is a hardware procedure and it requires special equipment, namely: an apparatus for electrolysis and needles. Currently, the best devices are produced by the Spanish company ROS "S, and experts recognize one of the most advanced models Depil Plus 13 Mhz- the universal device for an electroepilation capable to work in the modes of electrolysis and thermolysis. It is convenient that the master has the ability to program the device and use the Blend (Blend) and Flash (Flash) modes. In addition, the device is equipped with an air ozonation function, which allows us to talk about antibacterial protection during the procedure. Cosmetologists respond well to EHVCH-20-MTUSI electric epilator (Russia)- the use of this relatively inexpensive device allows you to reduce the price of electrolysis in the salon.

The result of hair removal depends not only on the characteristics of the device for electrolysis, but also on the needles used, which are usually made of an alloy of nickel and chromium (medical alloy). Allergy patients use 24-carat gold-plated needles, and for thermolysis Flash - insulated, covered with the thinnest layer of Teflon.

Attention! For electrolysis, a sterile disposable needle is used, the package of which the doctor opens immediately before the procedure in the presence of the patient.

How electrolysis is done: the method of the procedure

Preparation for the procedure. It is more convenient to do electrolysis on regrown hair with a length of at least three millimeters, so hair removal should be stopped 10 days before the procedure. Before the session, it is recommended to treat the skin with a soft scrub to cleanse and soften the skin, as well as take a shower or bath.

Procedure. Regardless of the method of electrolysis used, the issue of anesthesia should be decided in advance: if these are injections of an anesthetic drug, they will be performed by the doctor immediately before the procedure, and if it is planned to use an anesthetic cream, then, as a rule, the patient applies it independently two hours before session.

The cosmetologist gives a neutral electrode into the hands of the patient, who is sitting on the couch, and proceeds to the procedure (the method of electrolysis and the features of the needle-electrode are discussed in advance). With a smooth movement, the doctor inserts the needle into the follicle and delivers an electric current that destroys the hair follicle.. Next, the specialist takes out the hair shaft with tweezers and proceeds to process the next follicle.

After the entire area is cleared of hair, the skin is treated with an antiseptic solution, after which some kind of ointment with anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects is applied.

Skin care after electrolysis. After the procedure, it is recommended to use cosmetic preparations with panthenol, which will help to quickly get rid of redness and swelling of the skin. On the first day, the skin in the epilation area cannot be wetted, and in the future it is not recommended to visit the sauna, swimming pool, solarium and beach until the covers are completely restored and cleared of scabs formed at the puncture sites. The rehabilitation period usually lasts up to two weeks, during which it is recommended to wear loose clothing, preferably made from natural fabrics. During the rehabilitation period, the use of perfumes and cosmetics should be limited and situations that lead to increased sweating should be avoided.

Attention! Care after electrolysis often involves not taking hormonal drugs, as they can cause increased hair growth. Before the procedure, it is recommended to visit an endocrinologist- in some diseases of the thyroid gland, electrolysis will not give the expected result, although this technique is more suitable than others for combating hairiness caused by hormonal failure.

Features of electrolysis on the face and in different areas of the body

Electrolysis on the face gives a good result, but it should be noted that it will take at least 2-3 days to restore the skin, and you should not rely on foundation creams and powder, since these days the use of decorative cosmetics can cause irritation and ingrown hairs. It is extremely rare to use electrolysis to remove hair in the nose due to the unpleasant and painful sensations that occur during the procedure.

It eliminates “vegetation” very effectively, however, often in their reviews, patients are unhappy with the fact that after the procedure, points from punctures are visible for a long time. I would like to point out that such the problem will not be so acute if the antennal electrolysis is done on tanned skin. Another annoying moment for patients: before the procedure, the antennae should be grown up to 2.5 - 3.5 millimeters, which is sometimes quite difficult to do.

Armpit and bikini area electrolysis It does not cause any particular difficulties, but one should not forget that there are lymph nodes in the armpits and in the perineum, for which exposure to even weak electrical impulses can be harmful.

Electrolysis of legs and arms usually pass without complications, but due to the large area of ​​​​treatment, the procedure will require a lot of time.

Electrolysis: video

How much does electrolysis cost? Salon Hair Removal Price

Usually the price of electrolysis is determined by the time spent on the procedure. One minute of the session costs from 20 to 50 rubles and depends on the qualifications of the specialist, the level of the cosmetology institution and the brand of the device used. When calculating how much electrolysis will cost, you need to take into account the price of an anesthetic (100 rubles on average), as well as the cost of a disposable needle (50-300 rubles). Approximate minimum prices for electrolysis of various areas of the body are shown in the table:

Attention! The table shows the price of one electrolysis procedure, and how many sessions are needed lasting from 15 to 60 minutes depends on the structure of the hairline and the specifics of the treatment area:

  • you can get rid of hair on the legs and thighs in 3-4 sessions;
  • eyebrow line correction will require 5-7 sessions;
  • from the "antennae" above the upper lip will not be able to get rid of less than seven sessions of electrolysis.

Usually the course procedures are performed at 1-2 month intervals thus, it can take more than a year to get rid of hair. But that's not all! Few people manage to limit themselves to one course - more often they have to be repeated at least 3-4 times.

Each session of electrolysis guarantees the loss of 10-20% of the total number of hairs, while each time the hairs become thinner and lighter.

Contraindications for electrolysis:

During electrolysis, damage to the skin occurs.(introduction of an electrode), and in addition, an electric current acts on the body, which in itself can be dangerous for patients suffering from certain diseases - therefore, there are more contraindications to electrolysis than to photo- and even.

Chronic diseases in which you can not do electrolysis: neoplasms, blood diseases, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, hypertension, varicose veins, skin and blood diseases. This also includes past hepatitis, strokes and heart attacks.

Contraindications to electrolysis associated with the use of electric current: pacemaker (pacemaker), intrauterine device (for epilation of the bikini area), dental metal implants and gold threads (for epilation of the face), intolerance to electric current.

Besides, it is contraindicated to do electrolysis with a tendency to form keloid tissue, as well as in any inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Attention! Patients often worry about whether electrolysis can be done during pregnancy. The answer is unequivocal - no. Not only pregnancy, but also breastfeeding are absolute contraindications to the procedure.

Negative effects of electropilation and how to avoid them

Electrolysis is fraught with complications. The risk increases if the patient hid diseases in which it is impossible to do the procedure or neglected the recommendations of the cosmetologist for post-epilation skin care.

Complications after electrolysis:

  1. Itching, swelling, redness- absolutely natural consequences of electrolysis, but only if they last no more than 2-3 days.
  2. crusts, tightening wounds at the puncture site - are formed quite often, usually disappear within 14 days. It is very important that the crusts come off on their own (they cannot be forcibly exfoliated).
  3. hyperpigmentation- one of the most frequent and unpleasant consequences of electrolysis. Pigmented spots in the treatment area result from the forced removal of scabs or sunbathing until the skin is completely restored. If hyperpigmentation could not be prevented, a course of chemical peeling will have to be performed.
  4. Irritation and inflammation skin - these problems indicate improper home care after the procedure, which resulted in infection of the treatment area.
  5. burns- this complication is entirely on the conscience of the doctor, who failed to correctly select the optimal treatment regimen. For the treatment and fastest healing of the skin, ointments with panthenol, calendula and chamomile, as well as other anti-inflammatory and wound healing agents, are usually used.
  6. Scarring- occur when there are violations in the procedure and the patient's tendency to form keloid tissue. With this complication, countertubex ointment helps, as well as such cosmetic procedures as electrophoresis and.
  7. Ingrown hair- This complication occurs often and delivers a lot of discomfort. The hairs that have curled up in the follicle due to the impossibility of reaching the surface are removed by the beautician at the next visit.
  8. Hematomas- occur if the needle-electrode damages a blood vessel or if the patient has a blood disease. The complication is treated with heparin ointment.

Electrolysis: photo before and after

Electrolysis is the most effective way to remove unwanted body hair. This method has been used for several decades, and during this time it has not lost its popularity due to its effectiveness in the fight against unwanted hair. Today, the following question is very relevant: "Electroepilation in Moscow - where to do it?". Reviews of how this procedure goes, you can read below.

Principle of procedure

For those who want to do electrolysis (in Moscow or any other city), information on how this procedure goes is useful. During electrolysis, an electrode is inserted into the hair follicle, which looks like a very thin needle. It acts on the hair root with an electric current, thereby destroying it. Another method of electrolysis is based on the process of electrolysis. Due to the electrochemical effect of the electrode, the hair growth zone is damaged.

The effectiveness of electrolysis depends primarily on the phase of hair growth. Only hairs that are in a period of active growth are subject to removal. Their length must be at least 2.5 mm. But the legs, as a rule, are about 30% of their total number, in the bikini zone - about 50%. This service must be provided. If the procedure is done with violations, there is a risk of complications after it. Electrolysis is not carried out in the area of ​​​​the ears and nose, there are certain restrictions in working with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits. The most painless procedure is transferred in the chin area, on the legs and arms. When above the lip and in the bikini area, discomfort may occur.

Which is better: go to the clinic or do electrolysis at home?

Where to do electrolysis in Moscow? Advantages of large salons

Regular customers of salons where electrolysis is done are advised to choose not just beauty parlors, but full-fledged beauty salons. They have a number of advantages:

For those who are interested in electrolysis, in Moscow, the addresses of a suitable clinic or salon can be found by reading this section. According to customer reviews, there are several of the most popular salons where this procedure is performed. List of salons where you can get the service "electrolysis" in Moscow:

  • "Epil Salon". m. "Kurskaya", Melnitsky lane, 6. Customer reviews about the electroepilation service are mostly positive. Most of all, they appreciated the professionalism of the master, the quality and speed of execution. According to the reviews, we can say that no one encountered side effects after the procedure in this salon.
  • "Ethisel". Verkhnyaya Radishchevskaya street, 4, p. 1. Regular customers speak positively about electrolysis in this salon. They also note that "Etisel" has competent specialists and a pleasant atmosphere.
  • Cosmetology center "Ornate". Aviation street, house 63. The center is famous for its highly qualified specialists. Those who have already tried the service on themselves are advised to contact this particular clinic.
  • "Beauty clinic". Prospekt Mira, 36, bldg. 1. High-quality electrolysis service is provided here (in Moscow). Reviews about beauty clinics are mostly positive, in which regular customers talk about the professionalism of the staff and the painlessness of the procedure. But there are also several negative opinions that indicate a frivolous attitude towards clients and a long wait for the procedure.
  • Nizhny Susalny lane, 5, bldg. 2. According to customer reviews, this is a good salon that provides quality services at affordable prices. Regular customers are advised to contact this particular salon for electrolysis.
  • Venta Beauty. Koroviy Val Street, 1A, building 1. Regular customers highly appreciate the professionalism and friendliness of the salon staff, as well as the cozy atmosphere.

There are several more salons whose regular customers have left positive feedback on the "electrolysis" procedure. In Moscow, the addresses of salons and clinics in the center:

  • "Fiore", street 13/9.
  • RAI, street 1B.
  • "Fortante", 2nd Samotechny Lane, 4.

Where can I do electrolysis at a low price

Cosmetologists say that you should not call the master of electrolysis at home. The unprofessionalism of such unfortunate masters leads to the fact that clients are disappointed in the procedure due to the fact that it was carried out incorrectly. They also say that, having fallen into the hands of a good beautician, the result will be visible after the first session. Salon clients say that it is better to refuse the offer to do electrolysis at a low price: there may be negative consequences. This procedure a priori cannot be cheap due to the fact that electrolysis is carried out on expensive equipment. Needles are also expensive. A low price for the service may mean that it will be carried out on inefficient equipment or by an inexperienced master.

Contraindications for electrolysis. Doctors' opinion

To the attention of those who are interested in such issues: electrolysis (where to do it in Moscow), reviews of doctors and their recommendations on preparation and contraindications for the procedure. Cosmetologists say that before electrolysis, you need to make sure that there are no diseases in which it is not recommended. Doctors identify a list of contraindications, the presence or absence of which must be asked by a specialist before the procedure "electrolysis". In Moscow, where to do it, of course, is up to the client himself, but if the master is not interested in the client’s health status and the presence of diseases, this should alert. First of all, it is worth noting that it is impossible to carry out electrolysis during pregnancy and lactation. Also, electrolysis is not carried out to the client if he has:

  • any blood disease;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological disease;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (high blood pressure, heart attacks, ischemia);
  • pacemaker;
  • predisposition to the formation of keloid scars;
  • intrauterine device (for electrolysis in the bikini area);
  • any symptoms of varicose veins at the site of the procedure;
  • skin diseases;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • gold thread implants;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • intolerance to the alloy of metals that are part of the needles;
  • current allergy.

After electrolysis, it is very important to follow some rules that can help avoid problems. Firstly, before and after the procedure, you should not visit the sauna, bath or pool. It is also best to give up tanning for a while, and it does not matter if it is natural or in a solarium. Thirdly, you need to refrain from taking hormonal drugs for some time. If this is not possible, it is better to postpone the procedure.

Many are concerned about the question of what preparation is required for the electrolysis procedure. Where to do in Moscow? Customer reviews note that special preparation, regardless of the location of the salon, is not required before this procedure. They say that before the procedure, they themselves scrubbed the areas where the procedure will be performed and took a bath before it. Doctors advise to forget about hair removal at home for a while to allow the hairs to grow back.

Pain relief before the procedure

Before choosing where the procedure will be done, you can read information on the following topics: electrolysis; in Moscow where to do; reviews and advice from specialists in anesthesia. In their own, they say that high-quality anesthesia should be carried out before the procedure. Doctors' comments say that first of all, the skin surface must be treated with an antiseptic or a special lotion, after which the cosmetologist applies anesthesia. The injection is done on the part of the body where the electrolysis will be done. Anesthesia lasts for two hours. There is another option, when the client independently at home, after cleansing the skin, applies Emla cream on its surface under a special bandage, with a layer of about 2 mm, without rubbing. Then wrapped with a bandage or cling film. After removing it, the cream works for about half an hour.

Electrolysis of the bikini, face and legs is a popular modern cosmetic procedure. Despite the rapid development of hardware cosmetology, this method of hair removal is considered the most reliable and effective. Electrolysis of the face, legs and bikini area is very popular in our salon in Moscow. Complete destruction of hair can be achieved after several sessions.

The procedure is carried out by introducing a special disposable needle, which acts as an electrode, into the hair follicle. An electric current is supplied through it, which has a destructive effect on the root and on the skeleton of the hair. The first stage of treatment of hairy areas leads to the fact that hair grows only from neighboring ("reserve") follicles, with each session the number of hairs is reduced. If we take into account that during life hair follicles are not formed, but only those that are laid down at the stage of prenatal development wake up, then regular electrolysis will help to radically get rid of unwanted hair.

Electrolysis of the face, legs and bikini area is best entrusted to the professionals of our salon located in the center of Moscow, who will carry out the procedure quickly and efficiently at the best prices for the client!

Epil Salon is the first among the best!

Our Epil Salon electrolysis center has a well-coordinated team of highly qualified professionals with higher medical education. They have at their disposal high-quality equipment that provides a high level of customer service: Biomak made in Hungary and the Spanish apparatus from Ros's.

Several types of disposable needles are used for the bikini electrolysis procedure:

  • with gold plating;
  • with an insulating coating;
  • from a special medical alloy.

For sensitive patients, various types of anesthesia are additionally performed, which will minimize the discomfort from electrolysis in the salon. We use: Emla cream, ultracaine in ampoules, lidocaine spray. At the end of each epilation session, the skin is treated with a softening antibacterial cream, which provides a comfortable state and additional relaxation for the client.

The cost of electrolysis

Photo Before and After





Since hair growth depends on individual qualities, the cosmetologist first examines the client and develops the optimal method for electrolysis of the bikini, face, legs and other parts of the body. In various cases, the number of sessions can vary from 4 to 10.

The three most common electrolysis methods are:

  • thermolysis;
  • electrolysis;
  • Blend method.


The essence of thermolysis is the impact on the hair follicle with an alternating current of a certain frequency. The tip of a thin needle inserted into the base of the hair instantly heats the follicle, which initiates its destruction. A special case of thermolysis is the Flash method, which makes it possible to produce a pinpoint lesion of a hair follicle of any diameter without affecting the adjacent layers of the skin. The needle acts on the hair with the help of high-frequency radio emission, concentrated at one point for 0.5 seconds. This time is enough to destroy small and shallow hairs. For coarser hair on the face, legs and bikini area, other methods of electrolysis are recommended.

Electrolysis causes the death of the hair follicle by a chemical reaction, during which alkali is formed. The entire procedure for electrolysis of a bikini, face or legs is carried out using two electrodes, one of which is inserted into the hair follicle, and the other is in the patient's hand. Under the influence of a constant voltage around the tip of the needle, caustic alkali is formed. The appearance of hydrogen bubbles on the surface of the skin signals the end of the reaction. The damaged hair is removed. The method has proven itself in small areas with a rough texture of the hair, but it takes a long time.

Using the Blend Method

This method of electrolysis combines the advantages of the two previous ones: first, the hair follicle is exposed to temperature, and then the short-term use of electrolysis destroys it completely, and accidental exposure to delicate skin is completely excluded. This method of hair removal is recommended for coarse hair, suitable for any parts of the body.

With the onset of the beach season, electrolysis in the deep bikini area is becoming widespread. Hair removal pursues not only aesthetic, but also hygienic goals. Moreover, the procedure in the center of electrolysis in Moscow "Epil Salon" allows you to avoid unwanted complications and massive inflammation that can develop after shaving the deep bikini area at home.

The face is the most delicate and delicate area that needs careful and attentive cosmetic care. Only an experienced cosmetologist will help you choose the right hair removal method so as not to cause unwanted hair coarsening. Electrolysis of the face as a particularly sensitive area is carried out with preliminary local anesthesia, gives good results without additional complications.