How to smooth out wrinkles. Mask smoothing the skin around the eyes. Ice cube prepared in a special way

Almost every woman over the age of 30 wants to know how to smooth wrinkles on her face. And of course, there are many answers to this question, depending on how fast and strong the effect you expect.

If you need to smooth out deep wrinkles in a few days or even hours, then you need to turn to salon procedures and plastic surgery. If you are interested in how to smooth wrinkles on the face at home, then you will have to try a lot before the result is, as they say, on the face. However, such procedures at home, for the most part, are less traumatic, have a longer effect and do not greatly affect the “purse”. Today we will talk about how to smooth wrinkles on the face at home.

How to smooth wrinkles on the face: 5 steps to youth

There are 5 simple steps that can significantly improve the condition of your skin and smooth wrinkles on your face at no extra cost.

Proper nutrition

Watch what you drink and eat. Passion for fast food, sweets, alcohol has a negative effect on your skin. The skin lacks useful substances and vitamins, loses its elasticity, becomes lethargic and faded, swelling and wrinkles appear. Eat more vegetables and fruits, exercise, it improves metabolism, eat protein-rich foods, do not drink alcohol, and drink 8 glasses a day of pure water. Then your skin will shine again with beauty, and some wrinkles on the face will smooth out. In addition, follow the daily routine, sleep for 8 hours.

Skin care products

Don't skimp on good skin care products. Creams for smoothing wrinkles on the face should be rich in natural ingredients, vitamins and stimulate the production of collagen. To choose the right cream, seek help from a beautician. He will be able to determine your skin type and indicate its features and problems that you should pay special attention to. It is also recommended to choose all products for smoothing wrinkles on the face of one manufacturer and from one line. This reduces the risk of a "conflict" of the components that make up the funds, and also reduces the risk of allergic reactions.

Facial fitness will help smooth out wrinkles at home

How to smooth wrinkles on the face at home will tell fitness for the face. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, the facial muscles also need exercises, then they will be in good shape, therefore, the contour of the face will become clearer, wrinkles will decrease. In order for the exercises to bring a good effect in a couple of weeks, perform them twice a day, in the morning and in the evening:

  • The crease between the eyebrows can be removed if you perform this exercise: hold the inner tips of the eyebrows with your index fingers, and place your middle fingers strictly above your index fingers. Now, pressing the skin with your fingers, wrinkle intensely, preventing wrinkles from appearing. Do 15 times.
  • To smooth out crow's feet, the first wrinkles on the face, this exercise will help: press the inner corners of the eyes with the middle fingers, and the outer corners with the index fingers. Now, as much as possible, open your eyes, raising your eyebrows up. We repeat 20 times.
  • On the cheeks and in the nasolabial triangle, air rolling will help smooth wrinkles on the face. Fill your mouth with air, and "roll" the balloon from one cheek to another, strongly straining your cheeks.

natural masks

It is important to smooth wrinkles on the face at home with the help of natural masks. Perfectly tightens the skin of the face, and also fights against excessive oiliness of the skin, a mask based on egg white. To prepare it, beat the protein with a fork, and add 1 tablespoon of fresh cucumber grated on a fine grater. We apply the mask on the face and wait for the tightening effect. Wash off after 20 minutes with cold water.

Ice cube prepared in a special way

How to smooth wrinkles on the face at home will tell you an ice cube, but not simple, but prepared in a special way. Brew strong black tea with quality spring water, chill and freeze in ice cube trays. In the morning, wipe the skin of the face and décolleté with tea cubes. The antioxidants that tea is rich in will help improve complexion, blood circulation, and also smooth wrinkles on the face.

To smooth wrinkles on the face at home, regularly put into practice our tips, and you will see the first results in a few weeks.

No one can completely stop aging, and no methods can turn back the clock, but it is quite possible to slow down this process. Naturally, in order to rejuvenate the face, aesthetic medicine today offers to use cardinal methods: mesotherapy, lifting, facelift with threads and other methods. The goal of every woman on the path of struggle for youth and beauty is to stop the aging of the skin for a while and maintain it by cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing, doing exercises to tone the muscles. Even on your own, without the help of a beautician, you can achieve a beautiful look of the skin, and for this there are several unexpected ways. In fact, a comprehensive approach to skin care will help to achieve an even tone, the absence of acne and rashes, pigmentation and wrinkles. Consider 7 unforeseen, but effective, ways to get rid of wrinkles at home.

Why wrinkles appear: who is to blame for aging?

Wrinkles appear as early as 25-30 years old and primarily affect the periorbital region, then folds can form between the nose and lips. Proper daily care routines and good beauty habits slow down this process.

The way a woman eats, how often she moves and goes to the gym, performs physical exercises and psychologically correctly sets herself up for positive, also depends on the appearance of the skin: when wrinkles appear on the face, age spots or vascular network.

The main culprit of wrinkles on the face and décolleté: age-related changes in the skin. Therefore, it is important to monitor not only the skin, but also the health of the whole organism.

Causes of wrinkles on the face:

  • photoaging - solar radiation has a contradictory effect, so when going outside, consider both the positive and negative aspects of tanning;
  • rich facial expressions - during laughter, a significant part of the muscles on the face is involved, as well as during crying - watch your facial expression when expressing emotions to smooth out the appearance of wrinkles;
  • emotions are imprinted on the face in the form of deep furrows - stress and strong experiences have such a negative effect on health that it immediately becomes noticeable on the face how calm a person is in his daily life;
  • climate influence - changes in temperature and pressure, the skin dries out or is too moist, the production of fat is activated or it is sorely lacking - this should be taken into account when choosing daily cosmetics and during additional skin care;
  • jumps in body weight - a sharp weight loss or rapid weight gain leads to sagging skin, stretch marks and sagging;
  • diseases of the internal organs signal violations through the skin, and at the first appearance of problems on the face, one can conclude that the disease has developed.

How to get rid of wrinkles at home: women's advice

Developing good beauty habits will help slow down the appearance of wrinkles under the eyes or on the forehead. The behavioral factor is as important in the fight for perfect skin as the use of home remedies or beauty treatments. Often, even with proper cosmetic care, bad habits reduce all the efforts of a specialist to zero.

Even with minimal cosmetics, proper exercises and good habits, the skin on the face can please for many years with radiance and the absence of wrinkles and flabbiness.

7 ways to get rid of wrinkles

Method 1: Eat fish

Sea and river fish are the main source of protein, so useful for building healthy skin cells. In addition, Omega-3 fatty acids are included in the composition of oily sea fish, which are necessary for restoring elasticity, elasticity and maintaining fat production, maintaining water balance.

Method 2: Sleep on your back

The habit of sleeping on your side or on your stomach leads to the appearance of a certain type of wrinkles. If you sleep on your side, nasolabial folds appear, wrinkles on the cheeks, mimic wrinkles deepen. If you constantly sleep on your stomach, deep furrows appear between the eyebrows on the forehead. The most useful is sleeping on the back - for the skin, spine and brain.

Method 3. Try not to squint

Bright daylight or vision problems - and the habit of squinting immediately appears. At the same time, we do not even notice that by wrinkling our forehead, we raise one eyebrow, provoking the appearance of facial wrinkles. So why make things worse? In bright sunshine, wear sunglasses. If you have vision problems, go to an optometrist for an examination and purchase special glasses that are matched to your field of vision.

Method 4: Take breaks from your daily skin care routine

Firstly, you can not wash your face too often - water washes away the natural barrier and the skin becomes dry. Secondly, use special soft gels or milk for daily washing. It is not recommended to wash with too hot water for people who have problems with blood vessels. In addition to wrinkles, spider veins will also appear on the cheeks. Moreover, do unloading days for the skin: wash your face instead of twice - once a day, do not apply face cream if you are at home, stay without makeup at least once a week. On such fasting days, it is most useful to eat foods that can saturate the skin with vitamins and microelements.

Every woman wants to look attractive, regardless of the number of years she has lived. In particular, the appearance of wrinkles upsets.

However, not everything depends on age, although in this case it is a determining factor.

Stress, malnutrition, poor environmental conditions in cities contribute to early skin aging and, as a result, the appearance of wrinkles.

How to remove deep wrinkles?

To prolong youth, regular and thorough self-care is necessary. Then you don’t have to resort to emergency measures and spend money on expensive salon procedures and plastic surgeries.

After consulting with a specialist, if desired, at home, you can also cope with wrinkles. Including the deep ones.

First, you should pay attention to your lifestyle - go in for sports, adjust your diet in the direction of limiting food that is harmful to the body, limit or completely eliminate the use of alcohol.

The enemy of female beauty is smoking, which slows down the renewal of skin cells due to oxygen deficiency.

The use of vitamins will also contribute to the achievement of the result.

Basic Skin Care Techniques

Without regular skin care, it is impossible to succeed in the fight against wrinkles that have appeared. The skin must not only be thoroughly cleansed, but also toned. It is an excellent tool. Instead of water, you can freeze decoctions of herbs, for example, parsley. This method is also used to care for the delicate skin around the eyes.

To nourish the skin, it is recommended to perform various masks. Two to three times a week will be enough. Women who use olive oil or vitamin E for skin care can boast excellent results. It is advisable to use these funds at bedtime after taking an evening bath. By applying them to the skin at night, in the morning you can admire the effect achieved - wrinkles are visibly smoothed out, and the skin looks refreshed and rejuvenated.

As for masks for deep wrinkles at home, there are a great many of them. Moreover, you can cook them from available products that every housewife always has at hand.

How to remove deep wrinkles: homemade recipes

The following composition for the mask, which is important to prepare correctly, is very popular in the fight against wrinkles.

Honey mask for wrinkles

To do this, take a teaspoon of honey and melt it in a "water bath". It is highly undesirable to use a microwave for this. The yolk of one egg and a teaspoon of oatmeal are added to liquid honey, which you can cook yourself by grinding oatmeal in a coffee grinder. All components are thoroughly mixed. The mask is applied to the face and décolleté for 25-30 minutes, after which it is washed off with water at room temperature. Many women add a little vegetable oil in addition to the composition. This, by the way, will make it much easier to remove the mask from the skin.

Chamomile for deep wrinkles on the skin

An excellent result in the fight against deep wrinkles at home allows you to achieve chamomile, known for its beneficial qualities. With its help, you can make a compress or tonic. In the first case, it is enough just to brew dry chamomile flowers with boiling water and let them brew for 10-15 minutes. After the infusion cools down a bit and reaches a comfortable temperature, a cotton napkin is moistened in it. It is applied to the face and neck as a compress. At the end of the procedure, a suitable nourishing cream is applied to the skin.

In order to make a tonic lotion from chamomile, it is also brewed with boiling water and insisted for a while. Then a couple of tablespoons of vodka are added to the cooled infusion. A greater effect can be achieved by mixing dry chamomile flowers with string, St. John's wort and linden flowers. Wipe the skin with the prepared tonic twice a day - in the morning and at night.

Citrus rejuvenators

Citrus fruits, such as grapefruit and lemon, are an excellent remedy for deep wrinkles. In the first case, the pulp of the fruit is taken, kneaded and mixed with sour cream or kefir. Next, a little carrot juice is poured into this composition - about a teaspoon.

To achieve a lifting effect, or rice flour. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin until the product dries completely, after which it is washed off with warm water.

To achieve the best result, grapefruit mask should be used two to three times a week for a course of one month. Then you need to take a break and repeat the procedure.

Lemon in the fight for the beauty and youth of the skin

As for the lemon, it is used as a component for masks and infusions.

  • Against deep wrinkles, a mask perfectly helps, which includes freshly squeezed lemon juice mixed with egg yolk and olive oil. All ingredients should be taken in equal proportions. To achieve a greater effect, such a mask should be washed off not with water, but with warm milk.
  • An instant anti-wrinkle result can be achieved with a mask with lemon and egg white. It is applied to the skin and, after the mask is completely dry and “tightens” the skin, it is washed off.
  • Lemon is also used to make an anti-wrinkle infusion. To do this, take one large lemon, cut it along with the skin and pour a glass of vodka. The composition is infused in a dark, cool place for a week, after which it must be filtered. To use, soak a cotton pad with infusion and apply it to the skin for 10-15 minutes. By the way, this will help not only smooth wrinkles, but also narrow enlarged pores on the face.

How to get rid of deep wrinkles: other methods

In addition to natural products, various products are used in the fight against deep wrinkles, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or store.

  • If an important event is planned, it will help. It should not be forgotten that before applying melted paraffin to the skin, it must be lubricated with vegetable, preferably olive, oil.
  • Some women, in order to eliminate wrinkles, stick patches on the skin, patches. First, a nourishing cream is applied to wrinkles, which can be enriched with freshly squeezed aloe juice to achieve a greater effect.
  • If there is no individual intolerance to the drug, Solcoseryl perfectly copes with deep wrinkles. For a mask, it is better to take an ointment. Two teaspoons for the preparation of the composition will be enough. Half a smaller amount of oily vitamin E is added to the ointment and all this is mixed until a homogeneous consistency. applied to well-cleansed skin in a thick layer and, without waiting for complete drying, rinse with water.
  • The simultaneous effect - the elimination of wrinkles and skin tightening, is obtained by using an old anti-aging. To do this, take a standard bar of soap, cut off an eighth of it and grind it on a fine grater. Then, gradually adding warm water, beat the soap into a strong foam, which is applied to the face and neck, avoiding sensitive areas of the skin around the eyes. As soon as the foam layer begins to dry out, the next layer is applied to it and so on until all the foam is gone. After the composition has completely dried, a very strong tightening of the skin will be felt. Then the mask is washed off alternately with hot and cold water. At the end, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin.

Thus, by leading a healthy lifestyle and regularly caring for your skin, you can maintain its attractiveness and health for a long time.

Hello dear readers! Our article will focus onhow to get rid of facial wrinkles. We will learn how to even out our skin and prevent wrinkles.

You can rid your skin of wrinkles and restore its freshness! Modern methods and experience of our grandmothers will help to keep the skin young!

When and why wrinkles appear on the skin of the face

As we age, our skin changes. Elasticity gradually decreases, skin cells divide more slowly. And the main substances on which the elasticity of the skin depends - collagen and elastin - are produced less and less. Because onfacial skin formed wrinkles. And these are signs of aging of the epidermis.

But external factors also make the skin of our face flabby - tobacco and alcohol, urban smog and nervous tension. Genetics and the composition of our food also affect.

Withering can begin after 24 years, if the negative influence of the environment and bad habits appeared during the growth of the body. But in general, the rate of wrinkle formation in all skin types is different:

Dry skin ages earlier than other types - a natural lack of collagen and moisture can begin the formation of wrinkles after 27 years.

Oily skin retains elasticity the longest; wrinkles appear around 45 years of age.

In combination and normal skin types, the formation of wrinkles begins after 35 - 38 years, or later.

To dry skin did not form wrinklesbefore the age of 40, it must be constantly artificially moistened and nourished. Without proper cleansing, oily skin will begin to fade faster than expected. The other two types need to be supported with protein masks so they don't change their type.

What are the wrinkles on the skin of the face

Varieties of wrinkles depend on where they lie, their depth and why they arose. Mainly:

  • Mimic horizontal, on the forehead;
  • Mimic vertical, between the eyebrows;
  • Mimic "crow's feet" - longitudinal wrinkles from the edge of the eyelid to the temple;
  • Age-related "rabbit feet", that is, lines of folds under the "bags";
  • Age fold from the eye to the cheekbone, "nasolacrimal" wrinkle;
  • Nasolabial groove - a wrinkle from a smile;
  • Purse-string, vertical grooves on the lip under the nose;
  • "Puppets" going from the edge of the lips to the chin;
  • Wrinkles are a consequence of gravity: the skin at the corners of the lips and eyes weakens and sags.
  • Age wrinkles on the chin.

There are many varieties and names. But the main distinction is mimic ("emotional", dynamic), which are smoothed out in a state of rest of the face, and age-related, static, which are not smoothed out. As the skin ages, expression lines become visible regardless of the emotional state of the face.

Getting rid of facial wrinkles

Cosmetology and aesthetic surgery offer both local elimination of individual wrinkles, and universal, for the skin of the entire face.

Peeling against fine lines of wrinkles cosmetologists can make you microdermabrasive, chemical or with a laser. With injections of Botox (a special neurotoxin "A" - type) you will be offered to get rid of the gravitational sagging of the skin.

Hyaluronic acid and lipofilling are applied separately or together - for a greater effect. The last resort is the surgeon's scalpel, facial skin tightening in combination with other therapies.

All this has contraindications and is very expensive. It takes a long time to recover from most procedures, and the procedures themselves require real courage from you and me. And the aging process will still resume after 6-12 months.

Getting rid of wrinkles at home

A simple and safe method is traditional medicine. It lasts longer and is not as effective as cosmetic techniques, but cheaper and more accessible. And it has no risks, unlike surgery.

If your dry skin, wrinklesremoved by saturating the skin with protein. Onoily skin wrinklestighten after scrubbing.

Lifting compress

Suitable for dry and normal skin types.


  1. Chopped tomato - 1 pc.
  2. Unrefined or olive oil - 1 tbsp.
  3. Dry starch - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: chop the tomato, add starch to it. Pour in oil.

How to use: leave the mask on for 20 minutes, wash your face with warm chamomile infusion or water.

Cucumber - sour cream mask

Use it for dry skin.


  1. Chopped cucumber - 3 tbsp. l.
  2. Sour cream - 2 tbsp

How to cook: grate the cucumber, squeeze the resulting mass and add sour cream.

How to use: Apply to towel-dried skin for 20-30 minutes. Remove the mask with a warm decoction of sage; creams, nourishing and moisturizing, you can not apply after the procedure.

Smoothing face mask

Use this recipe if your skin is oily. For combination skin, keep the mask on for 5-10 minutes less.


  1. Potato - 2 root vegetables.
  2. Boiled beans - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Boil potatoes and mash to a puree. Cook the beans for 7 hours, cool and beat with a crush or blender until fine-grained porridge. Mix them together until smooth.

How to use: Apply directly to areas of skin where there are wrinkles. Wait 30 minutes, wipe off and rinse the skin with plain water.

Egg mask for all skin types


  1. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  2. Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  3. Edible salt -1 tsp

How to cook: beat the egg white until foamy, combine with lemon juice and stir in salt.

How to use: Place the mask on your face and cover your face with a non-woven cloth. After 15 minutes, remove the towel by pulling from the chin to the forehead and wash with warm water.

face wrinkle exercises

How to prevent and treat wrinkles, you need to do exercises for the muscles of the face. They will restore skin tone and enrich the cells with oxygen. This saves the skin from wilting and the formation of new wrinkles. Do all exercises at least 3 times. By boosting natural hydration, workouts are especially good for those of us whoseleather wrinkled and dry.

For the skin around the lips: stretch the lips with a tube to the limit and slowly open your mouth, as if shouting "Aah!", But without sound. Slowly return your lips to the tube and relax.

Neck and chin: Slowly roll your head in a circle, lowering it as low as possible. Close your lips tightly and do not move them during the exercise.

Forehead: 10 times slowly raise your eyebrows, opening your eyes. Wait 3 seconds and slowly close your eyelids, relaxing your brows.

Crow's feet: Roll your eyes in circles. When "look" at the temple, squeeze your eyelids slightly. And so on 10 times in each direction alternately.

Getting rid of wrinkles: conclusion

To preserve youthful skin, you can choose from simple prescriptions to complex medical procedures. In any case, the skin needs constant care, otherwise age-related changes and wrinkles will return very soon.

See you in the next article!

How to quickly remove deep wrinkles on the face at home? Is the desired result possible without the use of beauty injections? These questions are asked by every modern woman, noticing how every year new wrinkles appear on her face.

Fortunately, there are many ways to turn back time without getting carried away by visits to the beautician. Why resort to radical methods, if a similar result is achievable with more gentle procedures? The main thing is to be patient and regularly perform home cosmetic procedures.

Massage is the best answer to the question of how to remove deep wrinkles on the face at home. In the difficult struggle for beauty, he deserves the first place in terms of the effectiveness of the fight against aging, as he is able to correct many shortcomings and even eliminate them:

  • remove signs of fatigue;
  • eliminate puffiness;
  • remove toxins;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • tighten the fuzzy contour of the face.

The procedure helps the body to quickly produce collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin. With regular massage, the smoothing effect can be compared to a beauty injection, although it is still achieved much longer.

Preparing for a massage

Before the massage, it is necessary to prepare the skin, only then can we hope for a change for the better. Before each procedure, you should:

  1. Cleanse your face from decorative cosmetics and possible impurities, wash your hands.
  2. Steam the face so that the pores open and absorb all the nutrients. A warm compress or hot shower will do.
  3. Put your hair under a special cap or collect it in a ponytail.
  4. Prepare cream, oil for massage. You can take a ready-made product or use natural products - sour cream, olive oil, cream.

And only then you can safely proceed to massage procedures, after making sure that there are no contraindications. You should refrain from massage if you have:

  • warts;
  • herpes;
  • papillomas;
  • wounds.

It is not necessary to carry it out in case of inflammatory processes, especially if they have affected the lymph nodes.

Self-massage technique

  1. The skin does not need to be stretched, it is enough to carefully draw a line from the corner of the lip to the middle of the ear.
  2. A straight line in the center of the nose must be drawn, moving from the bottom up, then in the opposite direction, and then along the wings of the nose to the sides.
  3. From the center of the forehead, gently go in different directions to the temples.
  4. The skin area of ​​the eyelids requires delicate handling. Massage movements from the lower outer corner to the opposite edge should be careful. It should be from the inner corner with soft taps to reach the outer edge of the eyelid.

The duration of the procedure takes an average of 10 minutes. It is recommended to repeat it once every three days. To consolidate the result achieved in smoothing wrinkles, a massage requires a course of 15 procedures, after a while it will require repetition.

Masks for wrinkles at home

Affordable remedy - homemade masks. Due to their naturalness and effectiveness, time-tested, such masks are very popular.

Regular use of masks in combination with massage guarantees smoothing of wrinkles at home. Subject to all the subtleties of proper application, they guarantee good results:

  • nutrition and deep hydration;
  • increased production of collagen and elastin;
  • improved metabolism;
  • prevention of dryness and peeling.

It is important to properly prepare the mass for the mask. For everything to go smoothly, you need:

  1. Use only ceramic or porcelain dishes.
  2. Prepare the mask only once and use it immediately after making.
  3. If there are doubts about the quality of products, it is better to refuse them.
  4. Use recipes that suit your skin type.
  5. With individual intolerance to one of the components, it should be removed; it is better to use a different recipe.

Before the procedure, a mandatory cleansing of the face is carried out. After applying the mask, it is better to lie down for 15-20 minutes, then the muscles will completely relax, and the beneficial substances will have a more effective effect.

Masks for dry skin should nourish and moisturize the skin without causing irritation. You can make a remedy based on oatmeal. Required:

  • oatmeal in the amount of 10 g;
  • 200-250 ml of milk;
  • 2 capsules of vitamin E;
  • 5 ml oil, almond or apricot.

Pour the flakes with milk and put on a slow fire, when the mass thickens, add vitamin E and oil. You can repeat this mask 2-3 times a week.
Another effective wrinkle remedy for dry skin is made from cream and carrots. Have to take:

  • 10 ml carrot juice;
  • 20 grams of heavy cream;
  • 2 drops of rosemary oil.

Such a mask saturates the skin with useful vitamins, calcium and beta-carotene, with constant use it successfully fights wrinkles, smoothes the skin of the face.

The easiest wrinkle mask recipe is the egg version. It is taken and mixed to a homogeneous slurry:

  • 5 g butter;
  • egg yolk.

Lecithin, which is part of the yolk, softens and tones the skin, and also improves its protective functions, helps smooth out wrinkles.

Masks for oily skin

If the skin is prone to excessive sebum formation, it is worth choosing recipes that slightly dry the skin. The most popular yogurt mask:

  • yeast in the amount of 10 g;
  • 3 drops of orange oil;
  • curdled milk.

Mix the components thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. This mask is recommended for problem skin with enlarged pores, it can be applied every 3-4 days.

Apple mask is also very popular. For its preparation it is necessary:

  1. Cut the apple, after peeling it.
  2. Add 50 ml skimmed milk and cook until a soft slurry is formed.
  3. Before use, cool the mask to a comfortable temperature.

An apple helps to quickly restore lost beauty and freshness, folic acid has the effect of a light chemical peeling that removes redness, and vitamins saturate the skin with useful substances.

Masks for combination skin type

Combination skin requires special care. In order to get rid of deep wrinkles, a mask with melon is best. Mash and mix:

  • melon - 2 small slices;
  • kefir - 20 ml.

The mask with cucumber also quickly tones the skin and evens out the relief. For its preparation you will need:

grated fresh cucumber;
egg white;
olive oil - 5 gr.

Mix the components until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and then apply to the face with light massage movements. You can repeat the procedure every 2-3 days.

Gymnastics for the face from wrinkles

Do not underestimate the simple gymnastics for the face. With deep wrinkles, it will come in handy - it will get rid of most of the shortcomings, tighten the oval of the face and have a pronounced rejuvenating effect.

Gymnastics is especially indicated when you want to remove wrinkles on your face at home if you have:

  • ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid);
  • skin laxity;
  • puffiness.

But the body can be harmed if contraindications are neglected. It is better to turn to other methods of getting rid of wrinkles, if any:

  • violation of the facial nerve;
  • wounds, abrasions, burns;
  • hypertonic disease.

Before the gymnastics itself, preparation is also necessary. Should:

  • cleanse the face;
  • apply a nourishing cream;
  • sit in front of a mirror and relax.

It is good to combine gymnastics with massage procedures. It is better to take the procedures in the evening.

Important! Perform each exercise 6-8 times.

Small wrinkles in the area around the eyes are the first sign of aging. And even before the appearance of "crow's feet" you can start the exercises:

  1. With your eyes closed, place your index fingers on the outer corners of the eyelids, pulling the skin to the sides. The eyes should describe ten circles, first in one direction, then in the opposite direction.
  2. Pressing the skin at the beginning of the outer corners of the eyes, slightly pull back, look up, then close the eyelids.
  3. With two fingers, press the skin under the eyebrows, then raise the eyebrows up, closing your eyes for a couple of seconds. Opening the eyelids, continue the pressure on the skin under the eyebrows.
    As a rule, with regular classes, the first results are visible after 2-3 months.

If the main problem is wrinkles on the forehead, it is enough to perform one exercise daily. It is necessary to raise your eyebrows as high as possible, while leaving your eyes wide open, then press the skin on your forehead with your palms and, creating an obstacle, close your eyebrows with an effort.

How to remove wrinkles on the bridge of the nose? This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Putting your fingers on your eyebrows with a slight pressure inward, move them as much as possible. Eyebrows should not move and move, as the muscles are pressed with fingers. The crease will fade.

You can follow the youth of the face at any age. Systematically using effective methods and successfully combining them, after one course you can enjoy significant results. Do not deny yourself home facial care, it is not much inferior to salon procedures. To preserve beauty and youth, all means are good!