February month according to the horoscope. Monthly health horoscope

In addition, in the period from February 1 to February 17, we will be happy to participate in collective projects, local and long-distance business trips will become more frequent, everything new will be perceived with delight and curiosity, interesting inventions will appear. Although bouts of active or passive laziness are also likely, when we just want to lie on the couch or break off on some kind of trip to change the situation and take a break from work.

And we will also avoid long-term commitments and at the same time we will begin to build long-term plans for ourselves, many of which will turn out to be truly grandiose and affect not only ourselves, but also a fairly large number of people, and mostly friends and colleagues, not relatives. .

After the 17th, conformism will more often manifest itself in us, we will begin to relate to what is happening according to the principle “let everything go the way it goes”, many of our decisions and actions will turn out to be intuitive, without logic, accepted and perfected by inner instinct. This will save us from spontaneous antics and from quarrels with those who could potentially be something dangerous for us.

In addition, we will comprehend some new wisdom for us, interest in religion, philosophy, mysticism will increase, and not as something abstract, but as quite applied knowledge that can be used for work, for self-improvement, for solving urgent problems.

In the first decade of the month, many, unexpectedly even for themselves, will break some old ties in order to immediately start making new friends and business partners. In mid-February, we will give up those desires, the implementation of which may interfere with the implementation of some long-term and important plans for our existence. At the end of the month, thanks to some events and self-improvement, many will become wiser, calmer and more relaxed.

Auspicious days: 1 to 6, 8 to 15, 17 to 22, 24 to 28.

Bad days: 7, 16, 23.

I would like to remind you that people born from the 1st to the 18th are considered “pure” signs, and the rest are influenced by the previous or next sign - both in personality characteristics and in astrological predictions. And this must be taken into account.

Aries in February can start several long-term projects, each of which will involve frequent trips, communication with a huge number of people, opening up new horizons and, possibly, reaching the international level. And in doing so, you will most likely stop cooperating with those individuals who are used to acting in the old fashioned way and do not perceive anything ultramodern.

In addition, you will often be overcome by some strange desires, and you will probably rush to realize them, without looking back at the opinions of others and at some household duties, as you consider that you deserve these respite and the opportunity to at least occasionally fall out of reality.

At the beginning of the month, some rather abstract plan will suddenly take shape in a completely viable strategy. In mid-February, knowledge and skills that you have not used for a long time will come in handy. At the end of the month, income from some old business awaits you.

Most favorable days: 4, 11, 18, 19, 20, 27.

2, 3, 10, 16, 17, 23, 24.

Taurus in February may be faced with the need to improve their skills. It is possible that in order to implement some new project, your knowledge and skills will not be enough for you, so you will not only have to study, but also painfully let something into your mind that you don’t really understand yet.

In addition, problems in interpersonal communication are likely, which will entail a change in the suppliers of some goods or services. You may have to seek help from foreign specialists recommended to you by one of your friends or business partners. However, already in the third decade of the month you will understand that it was for the best.

In early February, you should not buy anything expensive - the purchase is unlikely to be successful, and for some reason you will not be able to return it. In the middle of the month, the renewal of some past cooperation is expected. At the end of February, you will learn a lot about yourself, and this will be the next step in the development of your personality.

Most favorable days: 2, 12, 21, 22.

Days to be careful: 13, 20, 27.

Gemini in February will be very difficult in the professional field. It is highly likely that some of your past mistakes will not allow influential people and potential partners to take you seriously, so the project you were counting on may pass you by. And the efforts applied in the work will not always give adequate and positive results.

But in interpersonal communication and in creative self-realization, everything will be just fine. Entertaining acquaintances await you, you will have some new interests, what you create at your leisure will find its admirers. And, by the way, later all this, perhaps, will begin to bring some income.

In the first decade of the month, you will gush with some creative ideas, however, you will not be able to earn money or authority on them yet. In mid-February, a not very successful trip is likely. At the end of the month, you will need the advice of some specialist.

Most favorable days: 18, 24.

Days to be careful: 1, 8, 15, 22.

Cancers in February will have to reap the fruits of their previous activities. There may be a trip from which you will not expect anything positive, but which will suddenly bring you something very good for what you have done in the past - fame, money, or the opportunity to start a new project that you have been discussing with like-minded people for a long time.

In addition, relationships with people with whom you had serious disagreements will be safely restored. You will stop being too sensitive to some of their mistakes and willingly make contact. True, in your actions there will be more calculation than sentiment, nevertheless, you will become quite normal to communicate with these individuals.

At the beginning of the month, some rules or restrictions will unexpectedly benefit you; probably travel. In mid-February, some of your ideas will require new empirical knowledge. At the end of the month, negotiations are expected with a person who you will need for some project.

Most favorable days: 5, 8, 12, 15, 22, 25, 26.

Days to be careful: 3, 13, 17, 27.

Leos in February will successfully engage in individual projects and participate in some kind of collective activity that will bring together several like-minded people. Quite large incomes from people or organizations based in other cities or even countries are not excluded.

In addition, you can safely say goodbye to something that has long ceased to suit you due to the fact that the efforts made do not match the pay or do not give the desired result. True, be prepared for the fact that this will become a reason for conflicts with someone around you because of dissatisfaction with your decision.

An interesting project is expected at the beginning of the month, but it will require psychological stress from you. In mid-February, you will have the opportunity to fulfill some of your long-standing desires. At the end of the month, the start of something is likely that will not only bring good money, but also provide you with new professional experience.

Most favorable days: 1, 11, 27, 28.

Days to be careful: 3, 10, 17, 24.

Virgo in February may be in a difficult position. It is possible that some kind of reorganization will be started at your work, and in order not to fall out of the cage, you will have to urgently comprehend some new wisdom and take on additional obligations, well, or look for another place of activity.

In addition, there is a chance that you will not be approved for a loan or will be forced to pay off some debts ahead of time, so turn on the savings mode now and do not plan any expensive purchases for February. And in general, you should be careful with finances; old friends, if anything, of course, will help, but you yourself are unlikely to want to be financially dependent on them.

At the beginning of the month, some of your expectations may not come true. In mid-February, be careful with your wishes - those that come true will not please you very much. At the end of the month, health may require attention.

Most favorable days: 3.

Days to be careful: 8, 16, 22, 23.

Libra in February, most likely, will conduct some interesting negotiations, and with several people at once who do not get along with each other. It is possible that you will try to create a group for the implementation of some large-scale project, or simply to get the maximum possible benefit from interacting with each of these individuals.

In addition, there is the possibility of a business trip to where you do not really want to. However, the trip will be very successful and will give you an unforgettable experience. And you will also be waiting for an update of your social circle at the expense of members of some community, which you will fall into due to some of your new status.

At the beginning of the month, you will have the freedom of choice in a question in which there was no alternative before. In mid-February, you may return to your old image to charm those who do not perceive any changes that have happened to you very well. At the end of the month, much will depend on the ability to keep silent in time.

Most favorable days: 2, 5, 9, 24.

Days to be careful: 4, 11, 13, 20, 25.

Scorpios in February will have to learn what they have long been interested in. It is possible that you decide to change your place or even the field of activity, doing something that you feel called to, and for this you will need new knowledge, skills and some of your own developments on this issue.

In addition, there is a possibility that you will have to re-establish relationships with people whom you personally cut out of your life some time ago. Most likely, you do not even hesitate to bow to them, as you will understand that without their support you will not be able to realize some ideas that are important to you now.

At the beginning of the month, you can generate an idea that is completely uncharacteristic of you and make it almost impossible to translate it into reality. In mid-February, you will have some fantastic desires. At the end of the month, a long-term project is expected to start in cooperation with people who are eager to learn something from you.

Most favorable days: 6, 8.

Days to be careful: 2, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26.

Streltsov in February is waiting for active self-realization in the professional field, their numerous successes will be well paid for and will bring a strong foundation for the future. In addition, the number of people interested in your services, knowledge or skills will increase significantly, so you can set your own rules and dictate some conditions.

In addition, it is possible to start your own business, to which you will attract both friends and those “comrades in the shop” who are fanatically devoted to the field of activity that interests you. And you, most likely, will finally decide what is important to you, and which aspects of your life are long overdue.

At the beginning of the month, some of your ideas will become the starting point for positive changes in the business sphere. In mid-February, you will have to convince someone of something, using characteristic features. At the end of the month, conflicts are likely with those who do not keep up with you, who are not used to acting quickly.

Most favorable days: 8, 9, 10, 15.

Days to be careful: 7, 14.

Saturn and Neptune simultaneously reign in the sky - the planet of boundaries and the planet of infinity, the vector of logic and the sphere of fantasy. And most of the signs react to this combination with relaxation, submission, a sense of satisfaction, since in the nature of many natures there is a general need to go with the flow, admiring the landscapes along the banks. And if you make independent decisions, then only the most necessary and, preferably, pleasant ones.

The star situation of February promises almost everyone such an opportunity - the reins are taken into the hands of fate, and you go home and indulge in dreams. Unless, of course, you dream of entering into a real fight with fate.


Do you like to fiddle with papers and documents? However, it does not matter, you still have to do it. It doesn’t matter how real or virtual cellulose will take you captive - there will be texts that need to be written, questionnaires that need to be filled out, legal papers that need to be completed and sent out, or letters that need to be answered - in any case, a pile of papers in February should cover you with your head. This is how the stellar situation will affect you, inevitably switching your attention from the real world to its reflection, from life to its paper likeness. And you should not resist this process, roll up your sleeves and get down to business - systematically and without grumbling. Seeds planted in paper can bring you real sweet fruits later on (or get rid of bitter fruits).


Poets might call the coming weeks "the time of wine, prayer and song" as relaxation, meditation and creativity will be the most auspicious activities for Taurus in February. Don't try to control everything around you, put up with petty losses, let things just happen around you, and don't get furious about lost keys, canceled meetings, or a mess in the house. The smaller the events that caused your anger or excitement, the more modest reward you will receive later: agree that a keychain with a sound signal or well-washed dishes are so-so prizes for the spent mental strength. And, on the contrary, if you allow yourself to dream and think about things that are truly significant, if your protest will actually cause serious problems, then the results of your activities in February will be much more significant. A great time for learning, starting a serious relationship, strengthening friendships, family and business ties.


Unfortunately, the social activity that Jupiter in the seventh astropolis will encourage can lead to health problems, especially problems related to diseases of the circulatory system. If possible, avoid stress and serious physical and psychological stress in February, take pity on yourself, take care and wrap yourself in warm scarves. However, any activity related to charity or social work, on the contrary, will increase your ability to resist a wide variety of everyday adversities. In general, the month is extremely favorable for building trusting partnerships, making new connections and, in addition, for weddings. Alas, in financial matters, especially those related to lending, Gemini will not feel such benevolence of the stars, so it would be better to refuse serious operations or at least move them to the last decade of the month.


For many times in recent years, Cancers are in a position that is very conducive to professional and business activity. But at the same time, Cancers are inferior to bonuses in romantic relationships - more successful signs. And this February will change little: a wonderful return in work and creativity - and sluggish troubles on the personal front. Mutual nit-picking and petty grievances can turn into a giant ball of problems that will snowball into your marriage or partnership. The ability to maintain peace in the family, however, is now completely in your hands - relaxation, sluggish good nature and even occasional indifference will now be much more effective than any sword dances and a fierce struggle for happiness.


Leos, of course, have a high chance of finding the upcoming February a very pleasant month, as they will experience a surge of strength, energy and inspiration. True, these gifts of the stars should be used without excitement, slowly, with regal laziness - nervousness, passion and greed are completely contraindicated for representatives of your sign. There is a high chance of increasing income and profitable investments, thunderclouds are also not visible on the family front, truly, the Lions are lucky this February! However, it will be possible to spoil not only the end of winter, but also the next long months, by allowing a serious injustice towards someone who is dependent on you. It would be especially undesirable now to fire an employee, even a really guilty one - wait until March, then expose him as vzashey.


In February, you may get the feeling that you have unwittingly opened a hospice and an almshouse - so many requests and complaints from those around you will begin to pour out on your head. Since, in parallel with this, Virgos will have to generously share energy with the outside world on a spiritual level, there is a risk by the last days of winter to sincerely hate the whole human race - all these egoists, weaklings, whiners and freeloaders. Considering that the Virgos themselves, for all their gentleness and tolerance, are exceptionally proud and by all means avoid turning to other people with direct requests, you can understand how unfair everything that happens will seem to you. In this case, we can recall that the well, from which water is often taken, arrives and is cleaned, while the untouched one becomes shallow and rotten. The cup you have scooped to the bottom for the benefit of others will eventually be filled with excess.


The time has come for Libra to get what is due to them - they have entered the period of rewards. In order to tweak the balance a little in your favor, do not neglect gratitude: if you feel like a joyful, lucky and generally happy being, even if you just think about what a wonderful day it was today, say, albeit quietly, to yourself, “thank you!” . The best period to start making a profit from your hobbies, put your hobby on a professional footing, and also take part in various contests and competitions. And it is also highly desirable to refrain from too active shopping, overeating and, unfortunately, sex - because, enjoying what you provide for yourself, you reduce the amount of benefits that could now come to you from outside. But this is a great time for sports, even intense ones!


Scorpions will be very busy all February, as many different projects will require their attention at once, and many little things will divert this attention to themselves. On the other hand, Scorpions are multitasking people, they even like to clean up organizational messes and be in trouble around the clock, unless, of course, Scorpio sees the meaningfulness of their efforts (idle work is Scorpio’s worst nightmare, and for the sake of business, you are, in principle, ready sweat). Great time for business negotiations, presentations, arrangements for events. In addition, even short trips to the south can be of great benefit to Scorpios (but the north is just unfavorable). Also, Scorpios have an increased risk of quarrels with neighbors and not the closest relatives, which, however, can be reduced by avoiding excessive familiarity and sincerity in such communication.


Jupiter is now exactly in your house, another new period of biography awaits you, and there is simply no better moment to throw away something old and start life from scratch. Divorces and weddings, buying and selling, changing jobs and moving to another country - now you have the practical maximum supply of strength, luck and determination to turn the wheel of fate on yourself.

Try to take good care of your skin - the risk of diseases associated with it is increased, and its healthy state in itself can help you withstand this critical period more easily. So, yes - spas, saunas and beauty salons are almost mandatory now. And try to wash your face with cool water at least in the evening before going to bed, even if you usually avoid water and prefer lotions.


A sense of comfort and security is a small gift to Capricorns from Jupiter in the twelfth astropolis. Representatives of your sign will be more reliably protected than usual in February with armor that will protect you both from the blows of fate and from overly cheerful adventures. And the last - for the better, since the coming month of Capricorns should be spent in asceticism, introspection and hard work, only in this way can they prepare a platform for a reliable and joyful future. Think for yourself: what favorite things are you ready to give up for these three decades, what obligations can you take on. It is not necessary to make really big sacrifices - just a modest, even trifling self-restraint - without a cup of coffee in the morning, without your favorite music in the car - will turn out to be the very stone that was missing to lay down the harmonious pattern of your future.


If you have long wanted to try something new, it's time to do it, as the upcoming February is the best time for radically new beginnings. But it would be better to wait a little with archaeological excavations - there is a risk that the skeletons will fall out of all the cabinets, and the past will comfortably sit on your neck, demandingly sticking its claws into you so that you do not get distracted and give it as much energy and inspiration as possible. Old scandals, the appearance of former spouses, gossip of many years of endurance - all this can easily replace your real life and your current interests. Do not be led by greedy nostalgia, but rather master the Ebro water painting technique, download your favorite games of teenagers you know to your computer, sign up for Hungarian speed reading courses - anything from the untried, just don’t let the past steal days from the future now.


Stars guarantee financial success, career advancement, professional growth and increased productivity for Pisces - but as always, the problem is that most Pisces traditionally do not want to peck at this bait and, instead of working vigorously for the benefit of themselves and society, wag their tail and go splashing lazily in the nearest pool. Referring, as always, to intuition, which carefully protects Pisces from excessive efforts. Although right now, Pisces should turn their necks to their precious intuition, take a pick and go plowing - the upcoming February is really exceptionally favorable for Pisces, who are ready to seriously pursue success and wealth.

Olga Korepina─ astrologer, psychologist, consultant in the field of astropsychology, leading women's trainings.

You will find out how the last winter month will pass by reading the horoscope for February 2018! The New Year holidays are behind us, monotonous working days are ahead. Nevertheless, in February you will experience a lot of positive emotions and love passions. Changes are expected in the career and business of some signs of the Zodiac. The stars recommend being closer to your family and loved ones, because they will help you in difficult times.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the detailed horoscope for February 2018 so that you are aware of upcoming events. For each representative of the zodiac circle, a separate and detailed forecast has been compiled. Yellow Earth Dog promises to please you and protect you from possible troubles!

Horoscope for February 2018 for each zodiac sign

Aries. The Aries horoscope for February 2018 portends changes in a forced property. The month will be extremely difficult, but also interesting. The stars indicate that some circumstances will be stronger than you. But, in the end, you will be able to overcome all the obstacles in your path and emerge from the struggle as a winner. How exactly, he will tell.

Cancer. The February 2018 horoscope for the Cancer sign warns that significant changes are beginning in your life. Of course, it may be that you don’t need any changes for nothing, but there’s nothing you can do about it, the stars lined up that way. Cancer does not even have time to thoroughly comprehend everything predicted, calculate their actions, and somehow prepare for the coming changes. Well, it's okay, the flexible and resourceful Cancer will navigate directly in the process itself. Detailed full of surprises!

a lion. In most cases, you are used to achieving your goal at the cost of incredible effort. And this month you should not "go out of your way." This will not lead to anything good, but will only please your enemies once again. The lion should not be nervous and exhausted, he should be majestic and calm. Read in full.

Scorpion. You will become a participant in many negotiations that will take place face to face in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere. You will definitely use your natural charm and win over the negotiators. In case of emergency, you will try to change the minds of your opponents, and it is possible that they will go over to the camp of your allies. Will tell about it.

Sagittarius. Along with a surge of energy, you may experience fussiness and irritability. A sudden desire for risk for no reason can push you to commit rash acts. With this you will have to fight, and this fight will not be easy. Unshakable confidence in your own rightness can lead you to problems in understanding with your surroundings. What will happen next - will tell.

Capricorn. Some Capricorns will have to leave their old friends and give up old habits and attachments. Parting with friends should not be perceived by you as a tragedy. Life flows, everything changes and is renewed. When the time comes, you will make new friends. Reveals the secrets of the stars.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog has begun successfully and excitingly for almost all signs of the Zodiac! February is the end of winter, and what will this month be like in terms of love and finances? Whatever events the stars portend, you should be careful in legal matters at work. Motorists are advised not to make long trips, as the likelihood of a car breakdown is high. Health will also require your attention. Plentiful January feasts will nevertheless make themselves felt by exacerbation of liver diseases and excess weight.

On the love front February 2018 is not expected to change much. Strengthen old connections, do not rush to acquire new ones. Disappointed family people should not rush to divorce, try to find new attractive features in your spouse. Pay attention to children - they will help unite your family. For singles, the stars are recommended to temporarily stop trying to meet, February is not the right month for amorous pleasures. Catch up in March!

At work minor changes are expected. Those who did not spend too much money for the New Year and Christmas holidays will not have to worry about the "unexpected" devastation of the budget. Astrologers advise entrepreneurs to be careful in choosing partners. February is the month when all sorts of scammers are activated. Beware of scam! Employees should focus on fulfilling their job responsibilities. Try not to be late for work in February 2018, otherwise you can easily get laid off.

Health Horoscope. In February, the needs of the body will increase. To be in good shape, review the diet, giving preference to low-fat meat and vegetable dishes. Drink plenty of water, herbal infusions, buy vitamins at the pharmacy and take them to make up for the deficiency of useful trace elements and substances. February is a very good month for fitness. Sign up for a gym today - and by spring your figure will regain its smartness!


At the beginning of February, the activity of Aries will increase. He will take responsibility and launch new projects. Both old friends, acquaintances, and new ones will contribute to this. Beginning in mid-February, there will be favorable circumstances for major changes. Just try to act in a legal way, because otherwise you can be set up or deceived. At the end of the month, your desire to plunge into a storm of passions and feel loved can turn out to be deplorable and a big disappointment for you. Try to dedicate the last days of the month to your health.


Taurus at the beginning of the month should reconsider their claims and take a realistic look at the circumstances. Good news at work is possible. In the middle of the month, you will be in a romantic mood. Your mood and health will be positive. You will be ready to do not only your own business, but also to serve the benefit of others. In the last decade, be careful, as deceptions from new "friends" are possible. Try not to lend, they may not return. Avoid financial investments, they will fail. In recent months, you can get a profitable partnership offer.


The beginning of the month of Gemini will give you the opportunity to actively cooperate with lawyers and discuss the possibility of your prosperity. You can also turn to your foreign friends or partners for practical advice. By the middle of the month, after much deliberation, you will come to the right decision and begin to act. Try to protect yourself from colds. Your vitality will drop. By the end of the month, negotiations in the financial sector will be successfully held, you can make a good deal. At this time, you will begin to engage in professional activities, but your strength will be running out, so try not to overload your body and give it a rest from time to time.


Cancer in the month of February will from the very beginning try to close financial holes, all sorts of financial contingencies will force you to reconsider your budget. You will have to save on everything. At the same time, you will want to unwind a little and do something pleasant for yourself. Starting from the middle of the month, you will actively begin to promote projects that will give you the opportunity to realize yourself as a professional, especially in activities related to children and real estate. By the end of the month, your income will increase.


The beginning of the month of February will not please Leo. He will need to deal with legal issues. Physical strength will be lacking, reduced vitality will be expressed in your aggression towards your inner circle. By the middle of the month, your plans will change, you can take off your rose-colored glasses and see everything in its true light. You can change your attitude in a relationship, to a business partner or colleagues. But you will begin to make the right decisions, which will lead to the fact that already in the last ten days of the month there will be a favorable period for changes in work for the better. Be sure to pay attention to health at the end of the month.


Devs the first half of February will be busy with problems at home. You can move most of your work into your home, where you will be more productive. As they say, native walls will help. You will make several right decisions regarding the work and new contracts that you will conclude during this period. Starting in the second half, your vitality will decrease and you may make a number of hasty decisions because of the desire to quickly finish what you started. Try to take your time and give yourself a break, as hasty decisions can hurt you financially. Therefore, refrain from making a decision, especially since you will have extra time. The last decade of the month, you will have little influence on the course of events and will be guided by the decisions of partners who will prioritize and you will benefit from your joint projects.


In early February, you will be tempted to indulge in shopping, but at this time, the stars advise you to refrain from them. You will finally gain emotional independence and your well-being will improve. You will regain your charm and be set for new romantic exploits. This time is favorable for a new hobby. By the middle of the month, vitality will be lowered and you will be susceptible to infections. Deceptions and gossip on the part of envious people will make you pretty nervous. In the last decade of the month, you will begin to make claims against partners and therefore there will be a tension in relations. The last days of the month you can receive a significant amount of money that will cheer you up.


The beginning of the month, Scorpios can successfully carry out real estate transactions, just try not to discuss this with your family, who may express their dissatisfaction about this. In the middle of the month, endure your desire to change the situation in the house and suppress the desire to earn “easy money” (exchange, gambling), you may also be offered a financial scam from which you must refuse. Conflicts and quarrels about finances with a partner can ruin your mood for a long time. Until the end of the month, accept reality and try not to be nervous about disappointment in achieving your goals. We'll have to accept the situation and wait for a better period.


Sagittarius at the beginning of the month will be busy with questions so that the secret does not become apparent. Try to give yourself psychological relief and give your brain a rest. Watch your wallet. In the middle of the month, thefts of a different order are possible, you will encounter household-level breakdowns. A conflict is brewing in the family that you have been avoiding for a long time, but you will have to dot all the points and resolve long-standing issues. In the last decade of the month, you will begin to be interested in real estate issues and it is quite possible that you will receive a profitable offer.


Until the middle of the month, Capricorns will mainly solve financial issues and go with the flow. By the middle of the month you will have a plan for the next six months. The incoming information will allow you to build relationships with partners. In the second half of the month you will find new opportunities for the implementation of projects, just do not reveal your plans. You will be able to get the information you need to make an important decision. That will give you the opportunity to live in a calm state until the end of the month to solve everyday affairs at a calm pace.


The beginning of the month of Aquarius will be tense, things will be decided with a delay. Conflicts out of the blue are possible. From the second week, things will move forward with varying degrees of success. Various breakdowns at the household level will limit you in solving pressing problems. Starting from the third week, you will finally feel that things have moved off the ground and begin to make the right decision. You will calm down and systematically begin to go towards your goal. The last week of February, you will make several financial decisions that will bring you profit. You will find several like-minded people who will help you carve out a niche in your new activity. You get necessary information and financial support.


At the beginning of the month, you will resolve issues with partners who will cause you to conflict. The temptation to drop everything and leave will be great. But gradually the situation will change and you will calm down and make the right decision. At work and in business, be vigilant, you can make a mistake. Try to moderate your appetites and see what the reality is. By the middle of the month you will take pride of place in the team and your opinion will be considered. By the end of the month, you will begin to demand attention from your partner, or you will plunge into a new romance that will leave an unfavorable impression on you later. The last days of the month you will be noticed and receive financial support.


(February 2019)

February 2019 promises to be a harsh month in which you may feel that fortune is not favorable enough for you, and fate is constantly testing. It is for this reason that many will abandon their plans or decide not to do anything in their lives. However, unexpected joys can boost your self-esteem.

This month will be difficult for different people. First of all, it will force you to gradually reduce optimism and reconsider your feelings. Many will have a strong desire to change their lives this month, but it will not be possible to do this quickly.

February will be difficult for all people, especially those born in this month, it is for this reason that you will constantly change your plans, do things that are inconvenient or unpleasant, and deal with many issues. But even if outwardly the circumstances are favorable, an internal feeling of dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with the result may come.

So show character and try to finish what you started, no matter how difficult it is. Remember that in February success and failure, joy and happiness, which can come unexpectedly, depend on you. However, circumstances will become more pleasant towards the end of the month.

Love horoscope for February 2019

The last month of winter will be harsh only for those born in February. For everyone else, you will be lucky in love, despite the adverse circumstances, although at first it may seem that the clouds are only gathering over your head. But do not rush things and do not draw conclusions.

Those born in February will be prone to soul-searching and introspection, even if the circumstances are favorable and beautiful. They will constantly look for flaws where there are none, and for this reason they will constantly fall into conflicts and provoke jealousy and scandal themselves. This will apply to both love relationships and communication with people in general. Try to restrain your negative reasoning and not succumb to your own pseudo-logic, otherwise you risk getting into an unpleasant situation and ruining even the most beautiful relationships.

For everyone else who is not born this month, fate will give some nice gifts. The past will also remind you of yourself, you will be able to prove yourself in completely unexpected activities and do something that you did not dare to do for many years in a row. Show character and then everything will work out. You will be able to do everything at the highest level and give others pleasant emotions that will bring bright colors into your life. Try to brighten up the gray everyday life with romantic impulses and unexpected gifts and everything will be the way you want. This month, look forward to unexpected visits and news of friends from afar.

Financial horoscope for February 2019

In material terms, February will be a neutral month. You will be able to distribute debts and create new goals that you will strive for. Some people will decide to change their attitude towards money and analyze how much they earn, and also look for alternative sources of income or additional income. Some in February will want to cut spending and limit communication with people. This will be facilitated by routine, sleepiness and chronic fatigue, which will make many people indifferent to interesting and bright things.

This rest from the holidays and vivid impressions will be simply necessary for some people. Therefore, one should not resist apathy, although it is worth using this time to gain knowledge and spiritual practices. You will be pleased with yourself and the fact that you decide to change your life, but this month it is better to think over material goals, purchases, and not spend money right away, especially if this is not necessary.

Try not to save on spiritual and magical literature, small pleasures such as a cup of coffee in a restaurant with a pleasant interior, gifts for loved ones, new cosmetics or a warm scarf. Even a small trifle of bright color will transform your everyday life and will promote love, good luck and a joyful mood. Do not forget to rejoice and please others, then life will become easier and clearer for you.

Job and career horoscope for February 2019

This month will make you think about your goals and plans. However, trouble or your own laziness and routine will prevent you from realizing what you want.

To feel happier, some will focus not on work and study, but on their personal lives and even skip classes at an institute or college. Some will leave work early to read a book or finish knitting for an extra hour. Thanks to laziness, you are aware of your goals, you can check the correctness of your choice and direction, but it will also prevent you from achieving what you want. Especially if it turns out that it will be very difficult to implement what you have in mind and you will not be able to do what you are interested in right now.

The boss may not be happy with you, but you should not expect significant changes in February. Most likely, it will be limited only to warnings and calls to the carpet, but no more. However, with colleagues, your relationship may become worse, as you will see who and how treats you and what they do. Many unexpectedly face envy, troubles and conflicts. Ignoring critical moments and goodwill will help mitigate them, since now you are not in the mood for fighting and competing.

Health Horoscope for February 2019

This month, your physical health will be strong, but the psychological state will contribute to constant depression and anxiety. Some will start making up illnesses from scratch, so they will often visit doctors or sit back at home, taking a few days off just to flip through magazines or watch their favorite films under the covers. Some people will greatly exaggerate their illnesses and be lazy, but you should not resist the winter blues, as this is just a defensive reaction of the body to various adverse circumstances and scandals. Especially if at work everything is not going as smoothly as you think or quarrels constantly arise in the family.

Depending on the cause of conflicts, people's behavior will be different. Someone will escape in bed from tedious studies, attacks from classmates or routine work, which is forced by necessity, and someone will doze off at the workplace just so as not to be at home, where conflicts and misunderstandings constantly occur. Some will seek solace in the arms of a loved one, but in practice, everything will not be so simple.

If you psychologically intend to get sick, you will get sick, especially with a cold. The body itself will not tune in the best direction, so its condition will depend on your suggestion. But as soon as pleasant events happen, you will immediately feel pleasant. So try to save your nerves and allow yourself to be lazy and do nothing from time to time - this will allow you to develop immunity against diseases.