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If the composition of the material includes natural wool or the fabric has a complex openwork texture, it should be handled with particular care. To avoid unpleasant incidents, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the care recommendations that a conscientious manufacturer must indicate on tags and labels.

How to stretch a shrunken jacket with water procedures

But if trouble does happen, you can use simple, time-tested tips on how to stretch a sweater. This will require an elementary set that is in every home: a basin, water, vinegar essence, a couple of terry towels, tailor's pins and an iron.

Most often, such stretching is required by woolen sweaters, as the most capricious and demanding in terms of care. But all the techniques for their "resuscitation" are effective for any knitwear that includes natural fibers - from cotton to silk.

In any case, it is very important to observe the correct temperature - delicate fabrics are very sensitive and do not tolerate sudden changes in temperature. Water at room temperature will be optimal, both for soaking and rinsing. It is necessary to add ordinary table vinegar or its essence, diluted to the desired concentration, into the water. Based on one tablespoon per five liters of water, such a solution will allow you to delicately straighten natural fibers, return them to their original shape, properties and, importantly, elasticity.

After holding the item in the vinegar solution for no longer than 10-15 minutes, it must be gently squeezed out - in no case by twisting and pulling out and rinse a little in running water. Rinse water should also be no higher than room temperature - sharp contrast changes will negate all your efforts.

How to stretch a jacket after washing properly drying

It is best to wring out knitwear with a regular terry towel, it is enough to roll a thing into it and it will absorb excess water by itself. Next comes the most important point - half the success depends on how exactly to stretch the jacket after washing. In no case should you dry it in an upright position, especially putting it on a coat hanger. It will not be possible to return the original size and shape, but it is guaranteed to easily ruin the thing completely.

On a flat smooth surface - a floor or a table - it is necessary to spread a terry towel or sheet in several additions. Having carefully laid out the thing and straightened out all the folds and creases, it must be securely fixed with the help of tailor's pins.

Easily stretching and giving the desired size, first secure the shoulder seams with pins - every 3-5 centimeters, inserting them into the seam and fixing them on a towel.

Then straighten and fasten the side and inner seams of the sleeves in the same way. Here you can pull harder, achieving the maximum return of the lost size. Attention will be required by decorative elements, fastener strap, loops, as well as cuffs and bottom of the product. They must be fixed very carefully. As a rule, the elastic on the cuffs and bottom hem has a thinner and looser structure and is more prone to deformation.

Dry things better at room temperature away from heaters and direct sunlight. The drying process will take at least a day, the time depends on the density of the knitwear and the complexity of the style.

How to stretch a knitted sweater

Knitted, and especially in complex manual techniques, models require especially gentle handling. If the fibers contain natural wool, it is better to immediately exclude the possibility of using a washing machine and aggressive detergents when washing. The most refined and expensive types of wool yarn - merino or alpaca - perfectly tolerate delicate washing with ordinary shampoo. So you exclude the very possibility of their deformation.

Stretching a knitted sweater like an ordinary thing is almost impossible. Manual assembly of such models gives them special properties. Therefore, after the standard simple procedures of rinsing in an acetic solution and drying in a state straightened and fixed to the desired size, an iron will be needed.

It is better if it has a vertical steam function. But even with the simplest model, stretching the model is not difficult. To do this, it is necessary to carefully iron it, subject to heating at a minimum temperature, it is better to do this through cotton fabric so as not to harm the structure of the canvas. Shake the still damp thing and carefully, but stretching straighten it strictly along the lines of the side seams, shoulders and armholes. Hang on hangers and let dry completely.

The situation when clothes after washing and drying shrinks, that is, decreases in size, is not so rare. Shrinkage occurs due to a violation of the required washing regime (too hot water, the use of unsuitable detergents). The unlucky owner of this thing can only belatedly regret that he did not bother to read the necessary information on the label. Is it possible to stretch shrunken clothes and how best to do it?

Got a thing? Cold water will help you!

You will need:

  • cold water
  • large clean towel
  • gauze
  • hydrogen peroxide

How to stretch a knitted item that has noticeably decreased in volume? Put it in a bowl of cold water, then squeeze it out a little. You don't need to twist things! Wait for the water to drain, and then lay it on a flat, horizontal surface covered with a large, clean towel and leave to dry.

From time to time, gently stretch the clothes both in length and in width.

As a rule, such a simple but effective technique helps in most cases. Well, for the future, do not forget to strictly adhere to the permissible washing regimes.

If the thing has only slightly decreased in volume, returning it to its original shape is even easier. Wet a large piece of cheesecloth, wring it out lightly, and line the ironing board. Lay the shrunken clothes over the gauze and iron thoroughly with a hot iron. The resulting steam, rising up, will “break through” through the fabric and slightly push its fibers apart. And the shrunken thing will again take its original dimensions.

What to do if the jeans have sat down

Any jeans after treatment with washing powder shrink. Therefore, to minimize it and easily fix it, follow these rules. First, soak and wash jeans in moderately warm water. It is desirable that its temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. Secondly, do not wash them for a long time. Even if they are heavily soiled, a 30-minute wash is enough. Then it will be much easier to stretch them. You can wash things in the machine, but you need to do it correctly, that is, observing the temperature regime.

After washing and spinning, place the damp jeans on an ironing board and steam thoroughly with a hot iron.

From time to time stretch them in length and width, then continue ironing.

When the jeans are almost back to their original shape, remove the iron and wait until they are completely dry. Even if they end up a little smaller than necessary after that, they can be quickly spread. Enough to wear jeans (if necessary lying down), walk a little and do a few squats. In this way, you can save your jeans.

Has a woolen thing sat down? No problem!

To restore a wool product, you can use a product such as hydrogen peroxide. Type water at room temperature in a deep container, add hydrogen peroxide in the proportion of 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water. Rinse the knitted wool sweater in the resulting solution. To return the product to its previous state, pull the item in the right places while rinsing. After a long rinse, leave the product in the solution for an hour and a half. Rinse the blouse again and spread it on a horizontal surface. It is necessary to dry woolen things only in this way, otherwise they may be deformed, that is, they will shrink or stretch.

Woolen products practically do not wrinkle, retain heat, are resistant to pollution and quickly “ventilate” from various odors. With all the unique properties, wool has a significant disadvantage - it can sit down at the slightest violation of the washing technology. If we want to have things made of this material in our wardrobe and wear them for a long time, we need to be able to wash them so as not to stretch the products, and also know how to restore the shape of damaged clothes.

Why does wool shrink

There are several known causes for this problem:

  1. Delicate fabrics, which include wool in the first place, require a special temperature regime during washing. The optimum water temperature is 30 °C. The hotter the water, the more likely the item will shrink.
  2. The second reason is the wrong detergent. Wool is never washed with ordinary powder: the alkali contained in it destroys the fibers, they coarsen and shrink, as a result, the product is deformed.
  3. Machine wash without using a special program spoils woolen products. In addition to the fact that the jacket or hat will decrease in size, the fibers of the fabric may fall off, as a result of which the thing will become like felt.

Most of all, when washing, fabrics made from natural materials shrink - wool, cotton and their mixtures.

It is believed that the first woolen things appeared around 1500 BC: it was then, according to archaeologists, that people tamed sheep and goats and began to use not only skins, as it was before, but the sheared wool of a living animal.

Most often, sheep wool is used for the production of woolen fabric.

Universal ways to save shrunken woolen products

A rhetorical question, since there are too many “variables” in this problem that affect the answer. Sometimes stretching the product is quite easy, sometimes it is impossible. It depends:

  • on the degree of shrinkage;
  • on the composition of the fabric (pure wool or blended);
  • from the applied methods of "resuscitation".

How to return the original size of a thing if it sat down

If the thing has not sat down much, then you can stretch it in the following way:

  • soak the product in cool water for 15 minutes;
  • remove and squeeze slightly without twisting;
  • lay a large towel on the table and spread the sweater on it.

By properly laying out the item for drying, you will get rid of the need to iron it in the future.

Natural wool is very hygroscopic (absorbs moisture well), so be prepared for the fact that the drying process can take up to a day. During all this time, change the wet towel to a dry one and periodically stretch the affected product with your hands in the directions you need.

The hygroscopicity of wool fabric is simply incredible: it can absorb up to 33% of water relative to its own weight, and still remain dry to the touch.

Since wool dries slowly, it can be tempting to help speed up the process. Never use a heater, hair dryer, battery placement or other express methods. All this will only hurt.

When shaping a sweater, make sure that after stretching it does not turn out to be deformed in width

How to enlarge a blended sweater with an iron

For sweaters and other mixed fabrics, a method such as steaming is suitable.

  1. Spread a clean sheet on the ironing board and spread the product over its surface.
  2. Steam it with an iron through damp cheesecloth, stretching with your free hand to shape the sleeves and length at the bottom.

If a jumper or blouse is dear to you, then take note of another way that can be called extreme. It consists in putting on a wet thing and walking around in it until it dries. In the process of such a “natural” drying, one should try to pull the sleeves and the lower edge of the product in order to stretch them along the length. The method is good because the impressions from the drying process are guaranteed to lead to a solid assimilation of the rules for washing woolen things: you won’t want to repeat it.

How to stretch a shrunken wool sweater with hair conditioner - video

How to draw out pants

If shrinkage has occurred along the length, then it is not difficult to correct the situation.

If during wearing the fabric of woolen trousers is shiny, steam this place with an iron through gauze, and then clean it with a hard brush and salt.

How to restore the original look and size of a shrunken coat

Hardly anyone dares to wash their own expensive cashmere coat. That is why we will talk about relatively small children's products made of mixed coat fabric. It is they who most often suffer from the inaccuracy of the baby and the inexperience of the mother. Washing a soiled coat in the car is a simple matter, but most often this method leads to the fact that the clothes go to the neighbor's child, who is a couple of years younger. You can still try to bring the coat back to life.

  1. First you need to soak the thing in this solution: 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide per 10 liters of cold water.
  2. Keep the product in it for two hours. The peroxide will help the fibers become more elastic.
  3. While the coat is soaking, gently stretch it with your hands.
  4. After completing the water procedures, wring out the material slightly and lay it on a towel to dry. As you already know, towels should be periodically changed to dry ones, and the little thing itself should continue to be stretched with your hands until completely dry.

Things made of wool will be the size of a child for a long time if you learn how to properly wash, dry and stretch shrunken clothes

How to restore a hat that has become small after washing

The easiest way to restore the size of a woolen hat is to pull it over a three-liter jar. Before that, it must be soaked in cold water for a few minutes.

If hair balm is added to the water for soaking the hat, it will give the fibers a soft fluffiness. From such a hat, the forehead will not itch later.

After soaking, put the hat on an upside down jar and leave to dry naturally, away from heat sources. If you don't have a jar at home, dry your hat right on your head with a shower cap underneath.

After drying a shrunken hat made of wool on a three-liter jar, you can return its shape and size

What can be done with reduced socks and mittens

Such an attack is doubly unpleasant if it happens in a fierce winter, and socks or mittens that have decreased after washing are the only ones. To help grief, you will need:

  • vinegar;
  • spray;
  • many newspapers;
  • any strong clips or clothespins.


  1. Soak things in water (possible with the addition of hair balm).
  2. Stretch them a little with your hands.
  3. Remove and squeeze without twisting.
  4. Spray wet products with vinegar from a spray bottle.
  5. Place more crumpled newspapers inside and pinch the edges of the cuffs with clothespins to keep the newspapers from falling out. The paper will have to be changed occasionally, and the more often you can do this, the faster everything will dry. The smell of vinegar dissipates fairly quickly.

Woolen things are useful for people suffering from rheumatism, osteochondrosis, orthopedic diseases and circulatory disorders.

Vinegar and crumpled newspapers will help restore the shape and size of mittens or socks made of wool.

Wool jacket that has shrunk - stretched on the carpet

To reliably and safely stretch the jacket without losing its shape, we will use the "grandmother's" method. For it you will need a solution of the following ingredients:

  • 5 liters of cold water;
  • 5 tablespoons of ammonia;
  • 1 tablespoon of turpentine;
  • 1 tablespoon cologne.

Operating procedure:

  1. Soak the affected product for an hour and a half in the solution.
  2. Rinse in clean water of the same temperature and squeeze a little.
  3. Baste the jacket to a piece of thick fabric. To do this, spread a cloth on the table - a tablecloth folded into 4 layers of sheets, a terry towel. Lay the jacket over the fabric, stretch it with your hands and start sewing it along the contour to the fabric below. Make stitches in 2 cm increments. While sewing, adjust the position of the jacket all the time.
  4. Stretch the fabric to which the jacket is sewn on the frame (as indicated in the original recipe). In modern realities, you can do it easier: lay out the fabric with a jacket on a cleaned carpet and attach it with pins, pulling it hard. To do this, you will need an assistant who will keep the fabric taut while you pin it to the carpet.
  5. Dry your jacket like this.

Precautionary measures:

  • the method is categorically not suitable if there are small children or playful animals in the house;
  • count and write down the number of pins used: the same number you must then collect.

Proper care of deformable things

Deformed (shrunken and stretched) things require even more careful handling than ordinary woolen products.

  1. Wash them only with your hands, gently kneading in water, do not twist, squeezing, but dry only on a towel.
  2. Things that are well laid out for drying, as a rule, do not need ironing, and if this is still necessary, then iron through cheesecloth, without steam.

To avoid stretching shrunken clothes, remember the simple rules for washing wool:

  • recommended water temperature - no higher than 30 ° C;
  • use a special gel-like detergent for washing wool products, but if it is not available, then hair shampoo will do;
  • do not rub the fabric and do not twist during push-ups, so as not to stretch the fibers;
  • dry in a straightened form, without hanging;
  • do not use additional heating during drying and do not dry on a radiator.

Special marking - the world-famous mark of the International Wool Secretariat, which guarantees its quality - is allowed to be applied if the wool is obtained from a live healthy animal and contains no more than 7% of other fibers.

Wool is environmentally friendly, useful, dignified and valuable at all times. Now she is experiencing a new peak of popularity. And although new tools and technologies have appeared that allow you to carefully wash things from it in a typewriter, clothes often deform and decrease in size. You can fix this using the tips from the article. Wear woolen clothes with pleasure and take care of them properly.