Heliotis stone and its magical properties according to the signs of the zodiac. Who is suitable for heliotis stone Heliotis products

The depths of the sea contain many amazing living organisms, plants and minerals with specific traits and characteristics that are unusual for organisms, plants and minerals found on land.

The list of deep-sea rarities also includes heliotis - the shell of the sea gastropod mollusk. This mineral shell, which serves as a house for him, has very specific color characteristics, which puts heliotis on a par with other precious gifts of the sea: pearls and corals.


Heliotis is a marine organism that lives at depths of up to 35 meters, which makes it accessible to collectors. The jelly-like invertebrate body is enclosed in a strong mineral shell, consisting of two bundles. The mollusk has a standard anatomical structure and uses a "leg" to move along the seabed.

The outer outline of the heliotis shell resembles the shell of a human ear. It was this similarity that led to the fact that they began to call it "Abalone". The size of the shell can reach 20-25 cm.

The capabilities of this marine life allow it to be firmly attached to any surface. In order to separate it, special tools and considerable effort are used.

Heliotis is of several types, some of which are considered extremely rare and are protected by the laws of the countries in which they are found.

The main distinguishing feature of "Abalone" is a unique combination of colors that make up its color. This multi-color effect is achieved thanks to a special mineral coating that separates the light that hits it across the entire light spectrum. Because of this property, the heliotis shell is also called the "rainbow stone".

In addition to its unusual color properties, heliotis is prized for its ability to form pearls inside a shell. The pearls grown by this mollusk are large and surprisingly beautiful.


"Abalone" lives in the warm coastal waters of the seas and oceans, washing some continents and islands. It can be found off the coast of Australia and South America. Commercial shellfish fishing is also carried out in the region of Japan and off the southern shores of Asia.

The heliotis shell is not found in any of the regions of the Russian coast. The waters that wash over Russia are too cold for this inhabitant of the depths.

For this marine life, the average temperature indicators of the water in the area in which it lives are of great importance.


The unusual color of the shell of this mollusk has given rise to many superstitions and signs attributing to it magical abilities and the ability to influence various aspects of human life.

Practice shows: a mineral formed as a result of chemical processes is unable to have any effect on the physical or mental state of a person.

However, one should not completely exclude the presence of some effect. It has long been known that the physical and psychological state of a person can directly depend on the factors of his own or external suggestion.

If a person believes that a mineral has this or that influence on him, and he is firmly convinced of this, then sooner or later, he will begin to feel the consequences of this phantom influence. As a result, this will in one way or another affect the state of the person.

At the moment, there is no scientific confirmation of the magical properties of heliotis. There are only theories about the possible presence of special characteristics of the chemical composition of the shell, which can be used for medicinal purposes.

However, such conclusions have not yet influenced the promotion of the mineral to the masses as a therapeutic agent.


Iridescent Stone is prized for its unusual color and hardness. Jewelers all over the world are working on the manufacture of various products from the heliotis shell. On sale you can find necklaces, earrings, brooches, pendants and other jewelry, completely or partially consisting of the shell mineral.

The pronounced properties of the strength of this material put products made from it, an order of magnitude higher than ordinary costume jewelry. In addition, the hardness of the mineral makes it difficult to process, which requires the use of specialized tools and special technologies. The combination of these factors determines the formation of high prices for final products.

Who is it suitable for?

Decorations made from the shell of this mollusk look expensive and of high quality. They are perfect for girls with green or blue eyes, and also go well with other natural pearl jewelry.

Earlier it was believed that Abalone shell products were sensitive to the zodiac sign of the person who wears them.

To date, the theories associated with this have gone into oblivion, as it has been scientifically proven that the astrological discipline describing the influence of the zodiacal constellations was based on the idea that the universe revolves around the earth.

After humanity became aware that the earth is not the center of the universe, and it was on this that the science of the signs of the zodiac was based, it can be concluded that there is no magical connection between the constellations and products made of sea mineral.

How to distinguish a fake?

The value of jewelry made from heliotis determines the emergence of technologies for the production of fakes that imitate the properties of this material.

There are several criteria by which you can distinguish a fake from a mineral of natural origin:

  1. color spectrum;
  2. strength;
  3. drawing.

The unusual pearlescent color of the shell is formed under the influence of various factors: pressure, the composition of sea water, the nutrition of the mollusk, the properties and abilities of its body, etc. Their presence ensures the formation of a mineral material with unique characteristics.

Artificial methods of producing this material do not give such a result.

It has been observed that clams raised in captivity are unable to grow their shells with the same color as those raised in their natural environment.

Counterfeits of this material are made from substitute materials using various technological tricks. Glass and plastic can be used as a base.

When using glass, special glazed paints are applied to it, forming a mother-of-pearl overflow. This imitation is rather difficult to distinguish from the original, since the gloss of the glass and paintwork is similar to the natural gloss of the "rainbow stone".

In order to indicate the difference, it is necessary to draw a sharp object along the surface of the decoration. The paint applied to the counterfeit will scratch, revealing the base material of the product.

The glass counterfeit is inferior to the original in terms of strength. When dropped, even from a small height, it instantly bursts and falls apart. The product made of natural mineral is extremely strong and resistant to impacts and falls.

Plastic fakes are of two types: with the application of paint over the product and with the addition of a tinted mixture to the plastic when it is in a liquid state.

In both cases, the product is fragile and too light. In order to distinguish it from a fake, it is enough to weigh it in your hands. A piece of jewelry made from a natural mineral will weigh significantly more than its plastic counterpart.

When purchasing any heliotis product in places of uncontrolled sale, you should be especially careful. Often fakes containing elements that imitate heliotis are sold on the coast in private shops. The sale of such a product is designed for tourists who cannot recognize a fake.

Care rules

Jewelry and other products that have parts of the "Rainbow Stone" require careful handling and appropriate care.

Do not hold the product near bulky metal objects that could damage it. It is unacceptable to carry it in the same pocket with iron coins or keys.

Although heliotis mineral is a very durable material, frequent contact with other hard objects that have sharp edges can result in scratches, chips and even cracks.

Over time, the glossy surface of the product may become dull. This is due to the appearance of many micro-scratches.

In this case, it is necessary to carry out preventive polishing of the jewelry.

Jewelry with heliotis (another name is haliotis) stands out for its originality. The insert shimmers in different colors, and the pattern is never repeated. It is believed that the heliotis stone has healing and magical properties. It does not belong to rare, it is inexpensive, therefore products made from it are popular.

Heliotis is usually called a stone. In fact, this is one of the types of mother-of-pearl - the inner layer of the shell of the molluscs of gastropods. Their other name is abalone, they are capable of producing pearls.

Most of the species of galliotis can be found in the waters of the tropics and subtropics, some are found in temperate climates. Molluscs inhabit the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian oceans. They do not like fresh or slightly salted water, therefore they are not in the Black and Baltic Seas, but they live at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea and off the coast of Asia.

The usual size is 5-7 cm. Large species reach 35 cm. The largest ones inhabit waters near New Zealand, Japan, USA (California), Australia.

We have only one type of such molluscs - Haliotis discus Reeve. Haliotis get to the Far East with the help of the Tsushima cyclone. They can be found up to the island of Moneron.

Haliotis is harvested in places of accumulation, more often in the Pacific Ocean. Some species are already protected by law.

Healing and magical properties

Heliotis talismans are suitable for creative people or those who do charity work. It has the following magical properties:

  • enhances mutual understanding, therefore it is suitable for married couples;
  • disposes others to its owner, creates a pleasant atmosphere;
  • develops intuition, self-confidence, perseverance;
  • protects from destructive thoughts, actions.

Lithotherapists claim that the beneficial properties of the stone help to cure some diseases:

  • powder improves immunity, increases efficiency;
  • earrings with chaliotis enhance hearing;
  • bracelet or beads cleanse the body, rejuvenate.

Mother of pearl is associated with the water signs of the zodiac. Its properties are especially useful for Pisces and Aquarius; it is not recommended to acquire the mineral for Gemini. Pavel Globa believes that sometimes all representatives of the zodiacal circle can wear such jewelry.

Where Heliotis is Used

In everyday life, mother of pearl must be protected. He is afraid of high temperatures, open fire: the surface cracks, stops gushing, physical properties deteriorate. The surface is almost twice as hard as many other molluscs. The strength of the stone on the Mohs scale is 5–6 points.

The stone adorns many things: earrings and necklaces, bracelets, boxes, watches, tables and other interior items. Utensils are made from large sinks.

Mother-of-pearl jewelry is common. The play of colors, a variety of shades from white to green, blue, purple, as well as low prices invariably attract buyers. Looks good in combination with silver or gold, therefore it is often used as a jewelry insert.

Haliotis is rarely seen in expensive products. One such case is the Rolex watch, where a mother-of-pearl plate is put on the dial. Heliotis is often used in jewelry, for example for making buttons.

In cosmetology, mother-of-pearl powder is used, which is part of serums and creams. Elite cosmetics based on heliotis have useful properties and cost a lot of money.

How to distinguish from a fake

There are products on sale with imitation of mother-of-pearl, but artificially grown heliotis is not used in them. Some companies breed shellfish outside of their natural environment. This is done only for growing pearls. The inner layer of the shell can be ugly, so it is not used in jewelry and there is no point in obtaining it.

Fakes are widespread, based on plastic or glass, often only covered with heliotis on top. The color of mother-of-pearl is obtained by cooking plastic, adding dyes to it. Such fakes can be found by knocking the product on wood. Plastic gives a dull sound, the coating sometimes falls off.

The physical properties of materials also differ. Counterfeits are betrayed by the lack of strength characteristic of heliotis. The glass breaks quickly or begins to scratch noticeably. Plastic is more flexible and easily cracks.

However, the main difference between a real chaliotis is color. It is very difficult to find similar areas even in the same sink. If this succeeded, the overflows are still different. On the reverse side, there is a simple matte surface, since the mother-of-pearl is formed only inside the single sash.

If all the stones in the product are the same, this is a fake. The same goes for decorations that play on the back or with the same pattern on both sides.

Heliotis, in fact, is not a stone, but is a mother of pearl from the shell of sea mollusks. A distinctive feature is the uniqueness of the colors and surface overflows. Jewelry with real heliotis enhances mutual understanding, and its powder is used in expensive cosmetics.

Another natural wonder is the heliotis stone, which is the patron saint of the aquatic signs of the zodiac, and represents the shell of a gastropod mollusk. For many people, it will serve as an excellent talisman and companion in life, and both adults and children can wear jewelry made of such a stone. Heliotis is endowed with a strong magical and healing power, positive emotions soar around him, and there is no bad energy. The mollusk is also found under a different name - chaliotis, galliotis or abalone, as the people call it.

Description and history of occurrence

Heliotis is a nacreous layer of molluscs belonging to the genus Haliotis, which produce pearls and are shaped like an ear. Inside the shell of the animal there is mother-of-pearl with a variety of color tints, due to which it is often chosen by jewelry designers to create jewelry and bijouterie. Deposits of stone are found in the waters of the Great Ocean, a smaller accumulation of heliotis is observed in Asia, Austria, and the countries of the Ancient East.

The structure of the shell is flexible, but at the same time it is characterized by increased strength, so the jewelry turns out to be strong and not subject to impacts and high temperatures. The overflows of mother-of-pearl are of extraordinary beauty, the colors play depending on the refraction of light and are bluish-violet, white, dark green and bright red.

Areas of use

Heliotis gained great popularity in jewelry making, where it is used to create jewelry, framing the stone in silver and gold. Sea beads are in perfect harmony with other gems. They insert a wonderful shell into rings, earrings and even complement the image of some models of Swiss watches with them. An unusually beautiful appearance makes heliotis popular in the production of interior items. They are used to decorate snuff-boxes, vases, boxes and figurines.

Heliotis is used in cosmetology in the manufacture of creams that eliminate dark spots and give the skin a radiance.

Modern cosmetology also uses the amazing properties of the mineral, including chaliotis in various creams and serums, which give the skin a radiant glow and eliminate dark spots. However, finished products made of heliotis must be protected from contact with varnishes, ointments and perfumes, since when interacting with them, the mineral loses its original shine, which cannot be restored. Made from abalone and dishes. Healers claim that it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs, improves the digestibility of food and slows down the inevitable process of dying of the human body.

Shell pearls of the Heliotis genus are of great value, and the stone itself has unique abilities, which allows it to be used not only in jewelry, but also in folk medicine and magic.

Healing qualities

The medicinal benefits of heliotis have been known since ancient times. Healers of the East and West used colored stone to treat chronic diseases, cleanse the body and cure all kinds of ailments. The Haliotis shell improves the condition of hair, skin, nails and teeth, which is why many alternative medicine advocates add the mineral to the water and drink it over the years.

The magical and healing abilities of heliotis increase efficiency, brighten the mind and strengthen memory. In addition, abalone effectively treat diseases of the hearing organs, increase tone and immunity. Jewelry with a mineral has a positive effect on the organs that conduct air, improve lung function and cleanse the body of infections. Assign to the gem and antibacterial properties, thanks to which it is used in case of wounds, in order to prevent blood poisoning and accelerate the restoration of tissue structures.

Magical properties

The magical abilities of the stone help build strong relationships and create a happy family.

Mother-of-pearl heliotis has incredible magic power. Experienced witches assure that the owners of such a talisman will be in a happy marriage, family relationships will be filled with love, a bright and clean atmosphere. Mother-of-pearl powder is often used by sorcerers for longevity. Other magical properties are also attributed to water stone:

  • protects from negative thoughts and evil intentions;
  • attracts love, luck, luck, positive energy;
  • expands the scope of interests and increases mental abilities;
  • develops intuition;
  • protects from evil, wounds.

Jewelry with heliotis awakens the power of thought, launches a flight of imagination and gives inspiration. The mineral gives confidence, helps you achieve your goals and reach new heights in work. People who wear heliotis are protected from bad moods, negative thoughts and feel incredible energy and inner strength. The incredible color of stones, playing in different shades, pleases the eye, inspires thoughts of beauty and drives away melancholy.

But it is important to understand that only natural material is endowed with magical power, plastic surfaces covered with mother-of-pearl do not have a magical field. It is easy to distinguish a fake - a unique pattern, because in nature it is impossible to find even 2 identical surfaces. Therefore, if the stones in the headset are similar in color and fragments, then its authenticity is out of the question.

The gifts of nature are limitless, it never ceases to amaze us with its creations. Today I want to tell you about such a stone as heliotis. Most likely, you have seen jewelry with it, but do not even guess, what is heliotis?

Heliotis is actually the shell of a sea clam. While under water, it is covered with many layers of mother-of-pearl in various shades, which makes it truly amazing and unusual. Heliotis is shaped like an ear, with small holes on one side. The shell contains calcium carbonate and protein. The mollusks of the Heliotis genus live in the oceanic environment. The largest deposits are considered the coasts of America, Asia and Australia. The Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean are also rich in these shellfish. Large pearls can sometimes be found inside the shells. The sizes of heliotis can reach 25 centimeters, but in most cases, these are small “ears”, 5-8 cm long. The multi-colored overflows of mother-of-pearl plates differ in shades, they contain red, green and blue tones, white and dark. They use the shell in jewelry, crafts and interior items. They are also used in cosmetology, adding to creams and serums for rejuvenation.

Our ancestors claimed that heliotis shells have a number of healing and magical properties, and they used them to solve many health problems.

The healing properties of heliotis

The healing properties of heliotis were known in ancient times. Our ancestors used the extracted shells in medicine, they treated many diseases with mother-of-pearl. Recipes have been passed down from generation to generation, and even today, many lithotherapists strongly recommend using this gift of nature for medical purposes. Let's take a closer look at what effect the mollusk shell has on the human body.

  • · The most valuable is nacre from shells, which is ground into powder and added to various medicines. In cosmetology, Heliotis helps to get rid of age spots, freckles, cleanse and whiten the skin.
  • · Eliminates allergies, relieves itching and irritation of the skin. Experts advise to wear regularly silver bracelets with heliotis and marcasites.
  • · A comb, supplemented with pebbles, will help solve hair problems, get rid of hair loss and dandruff, as well as head lice.
  • · The shell has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, treats bronchitis and tracheitis, helps to get rid of coughs, prevents asthma and other dangerous diseases. To achieve the desired effect, you should regularly use silver pendants with heliotis and marcasites.
  • · A stone in jewelry, as well as a simply polished piece, should be worn by those who have weakened immunity, who often suffer from infectious diseases and colds, have undergone serious surgical intervention.
  • · With a decrease in efficiency, activity and mood, experts advise looking at heliotis. Its multi-colored mother-of-pearl overflows will help restore vitality, give vivacity and energy. People who admire the beauty of shells more often smile and laugh, they know how to cut off everything bad and not get hung up on it.
  • · Powder of shellfish shells is used today for the purpose of rejuvenating and improving the body, adding to various preparations and products.
  • · Help to get rid of hearing problems silver earrings with heliotis and marcasites. Experts say that the shell relieves ear pain and helps restore hearing even in the later stages of the disease. Moreover, this stone helps to get rid of dental problems and bleeding gums.
  • · It should be noted that dishes are made from large heliotis shells. Drinking water and food from such containers helps to heal the organs of the digestive system, cleanses the kidneys and liver, and helps to normalize the work of other organs of the abdominal cavity. For the same purpose, lithotherapists recommend using powdered shells, adding small amounts to the diet of adults.
  • · Alchemists have used the ocean shells of molluscs in the treatment of almost all diseases, and have argued for the positive effects of mother-of-pearl.

According to legends, those who wear heliotis in silver, live long and do not grow old, always remain young and full of strength and energy. There are many legends about this shell, but they all agree on one thing - heliotis is really useful and unique for humans.

The magical properties of heliotis

The heliotis stone is endowed with not only healing, but also magical properties. They knew about him in ancient times, and brought this valuable information to modern residents. So, amulets and amulets are made from shells, believing that the stone has a protective power, wards off misfortune and troubles, attracts luck and luck to the wearer. If we consider in detail the magic of the stone, then the following can be noted.

  • · Heliotis charms were used to preserve harmony and comfort in the house, to improve family relationships and prevent quarrels and partings. It could have been silver items with heliotis, household items and crafts. In many countries, it is believed that the heliotis stone presented to the newlyweds for the wedding will attract happiness and love, make the marriage long and strong.
  • · Many experts claim that heliotis with marcasites in jewelry makes the wearer smarter, refreshes his thoughts, prevents bad deeds.
  • · Public figures and orators must have this stone with them. Can choose silver watch with heliotis and marcasites, or carry a small sink with you. This will help you not to be afraid of performing in front of the public, will inspire confidence in the carrier, which means it will contribute to the implementation of your goals and the achievement of success.
  • · Ancient warriors used heliotis to design their weapons. Small stones were attached to the hilt of swords and bows. According to legends, this helped to get the enemy in battle, to make movements and actions clearer and more correct. Therefore, most of the men did not go into battle until they obtained heliotis.
  • · It is believed that products with this stone are best suited for people who are involved in charitable activities and make donations. The stone attracts to them twice as much money and wealth as was given. Silver brooches with heliotis and marcasites- an excellent decoration with a magical effect.
  • · Mother-of-pearl shells of molluscs give the carriers self-confidence, help in making difficult life decisions, make thoughts clear and pure.

As you can see, heliotis is a stone that has many positive properties, attracting good luck and love. It helps to create harmony in relationships and in the family, and protects from bad looks and various evil spirits.

What signs of the zodiac is heliotis suitable for?

Buy silver jewelry with heliotis and marcasites absolutely everyone can visit our online store. But only certain signs of the zodiac will this stone bring benefits and good luck, and accompany them in life. Astrologers say that the heliotis shell has the most beneficial effect on Pisces. It helps to win in any dispute and battle, attracts good luck in business, helps to normalize the mental and physical state. Aquarians are encouraged to wear silver rings with heliotis and marcasites only during business hours. This will help you move up the career ladder and earn the respect of management and colleagues. At home, this stone will practically not show its properties to this sign of the zodiac.

Creative Cancers, having a heliotis stone with them, will be able to show themselves from an unexpected side, reveal their talent and abilities, which will entail incredible success and recognition. Also, experts say that Cancer becomes more self-confident and purposeful if using a stone.

Given the origin of the stone, it becomes clear that Geoliotis is the patron saint of the aquatic signs of the zodiac. But astrologers note that Lions can also wear jewelry with mother-of-pearl shells of mollusks. The water element will wash away anger and aggression, reduce hot temper and desire for power.

It follows from this that heliotis is a unique stone, rich in properties, attractive and unusual in appearance, will be useful for many people.

Heliotis is a stone of organic origin, which is the shell of a gastropod mollusk of the Haliotidae family. These organisms are the "parents" of large sea pearls, and their shells are a marvelous rainbow creation of nature. For more than two millennia in a row, people have been using the healing and magical properties of the mother-of-pearl gifts of the ocean.

History and origins

Heliotis💎 is one of the varieties of mother-of-pearl. At first, the shells of these mollusks served as raw materials for the manufacture of dishes, tools, ornaments, and even served as a monetary unit. Later, pearlescent powder became a dye, medicine, and also the basis for the creation of cosmetics and clothing. Weapon handles were made of stone - it was believed that such an element brings good luck in battle. In case of injury, haliotis powder was applied to the damaged areas of the skin in order to avoid blood poisoning.

Sink - Heliotisa (Galiotisa)

A little later, iridescent mother-of-pearl was used by secular ladies as a means for processing fans. This technique was used to ensure the protection of women from all kinds of infections, since the haliotis has the ability to purify the air. And to prevent the appearance of dandruff or lice, hair jewelry was made from stone.

Since the 13th century, a period of popularity of sea shells began throughout Europe. Galiotis, along with other molluscs, was used as a material for encrusting a variety of items - furniture, mirrors, knife handles and weapon stocks. Chess boards and playing pieces, boxes, boxes and even buttons were trimmed with mother-of-pearl. In the 18th century, mother-of-pearl snuffboxes became fashionable. The Renaissance era was marked by the presence of sea shells in painting, sculpture, architecture.

It is interesting! The versatility of the galiotis once inspired the Russian artist M. A. Vrubel to paint a picture called "Pearl". The colors seem to come to life on paper, and a shell with unique iridescent tints appears in front of us, in the multi-colored curves of which sea nymphs are located. This work reflects the reunification of man with nature, where both worlds merge together in the glare of multi-colored mother-of-pearl. The picture shows the haliotis, repeating the outlines of the human ear, making us hear the melody of the depths of the sea with the soul, not the body. The work is dated 1904.

The versatility of heliotis is also reflected in a large number of names of the stone. The multi-colored mother-of-pearl is called: "abalon" "galiotis", "chaliotis", "feather of the Firebird", "paua shell" or simply a rainbow shell. Also, this stone is called "sea ear", since the mollusc galliotis differs from its relatives by a single-winged shell that repeats the shape of a human ear.

The animal, whose shell is the source of the popular ornamental stone, lives at a depth of close to 30 meters. The muscular body of the mollusk is completely covered with a rigid shell, with the exception of a small opening from which a "leg" is visible, which helps the body to move. With its body, the mollusk firmly adheres to the stones, so the miners have to tear it off with a knife.

View of the sink inside

Place of Birth

Haliotis is mined in all warm ocean and sea waters. The exception is the Arctic Ocean. The largest number of gastropod marine inhabitants is caught in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of America and Australia. Extraction is also carried out by:

  • China.
  • Japan.
  • Philippine Islands.
  • Mediterranean countries.
  • Atlantic.

Abalones are also popular in eastern Africa, where the Indian Ocean is the homeland of mollusks. The countries of Southeast Asia are also among the earners of mother-of-pearl. Russian waters, alas, are too cold and fresh for thermophilic sea inhabitants. However, the northern inhabitants live off the coast of Moneron Island, which is 43 kilometers from the Russian Sakhalin.

Physical properties

The chaliotis shell is formed by elements such as carbon dioxide, protein, and calcium carbonate. The shell length varies from 7 to 40 centimeters. The hardness of the shell of the "abalone" is the highest among its brethren. During its life cycle, the galiotis produces about 130 pearls.

The hardness of sea mother-of-pearl is high: 5 - 6 points on the Mohs scale (for other pearls - no more than 4). Pearls of unique design grow in the shell, sometimes very large ones. The record weight is 469 carats.

Color spectrum

The uniqueness of the chaliotis is that out of thousands of specimens it is impossible to find two identical shells. The color palette of abalone, in combination with extraordinary patterns, resembles a kaleidoscope, where violet, blue, black, orange-red, emerald and crimson colors intertwine. The play of shades is explained by the structure of the shell - there are no coloring pigments in the composition, but there are tiny plates that refract light. There are air gaps between these plates.

The nacre formed by other molluscs is usually not full of bright colors. Its palette is cold play of shades of blue and pink. Haliotis differ from pure mother-of-pearl not only in the spectrum of colors. The shells of these molluscs are strong but flexible. Due to the fragility of the connection of molecules, chaliotis absorbs shocks in case of mechanical impact.

Healing properties

Haliotis has absorbed all the healing powers of mother-of-pearl. And Western and Eastern cultures assign their own unique properties to the Abalone shells. It is believed that the gem copes with chronic diseases. For the treatment of diseases, powder from haliotis is used, as well as all kinds of products from these shells.

Spider with stone

The use of chaliotis is versatile:

  • People with hearing loss are advised to wear abalone earrings.
  • For respiratory diseases, wearing a necklace or beads helps.
  • A comb made of abalone will be able to defeat head lice and dandruff, as well as strengthen the hair.
  • Shellfish powder is used to rejuvenate the skin, remove age spots or freckles.

In ancient times, ground mother-of-pearl was used as an antiseptic for wounds. Also, haliotis was considered the main ingredient in the elixirs of longevity. Even modern inhabitants of the countries where these molluscs live add paua shell powder to food and drinks. It is believed that in this way the body is cleansed, immunity is strengthened, and the body retains its youth and beauty longer. It is also believed that haliotis utensils improve the quality of products.

Magical properties

The magical kaleidoscope of abalone shades could not fail to attract the magicians of antiquity. And for more than two millennia in a row, paua shells have been considered a magical item.

It is known that the galiotis:

  • attracts good luck;
  • helps to draw attention to the owner of the gem, as well as form mutual trust between people;
  • repels pessimism and impure thoughts;
  • serves as a family talisman, protecting marriage from split or adultery;
  • develops intuition, mental abilities of a person;
  • protects on a long journey.

Haliotis has a beneficial effect on the “weather in the house”. For a long time, any items with these shells have been considered the best, kind gift. Such a talisman extinguishes the manifestations of negativity, maintaining harmonious relations between all family members.

Jewelry with mineral

The assortment of jewelry made of colorful mother-of-pearl shells is very large - pendants, rings, necklaces, bracelets, brooches. Abalone is set in silver, very rarely in gold. Jewelry made of cupronickel or tin are also popular. Prices for products are affordable, especially for jewelry:

  • Brooches from 300 rubles.
  • Earrings from 500 rubles.
  • Beads, necklace - 1000-1500 rubles.

How to distinguish a fake

Despite the low cost of natural galliotis, counterfeits are still found. Sometimes it is plastic coated with artificial mother-of-pearl or the same plastic, but painted with dyes even at the cooking stage. Several signs will help you recognize a true abalone shell:

  • The uniqueness of the picture. When buying jewelry with multiple inserts or beads, pay attention to the pattern. Natural shells are different, each one different from the other. Fakes often pretend to be identical patterns on all inserts.
  • Sound. A natural shell sounds loud when tapping on a wooden surface, while plastic sounds dull. In addition, the pearlescent coating of the plastic is erased.
  • Inside view. The plastic imitation is equally good on all sides, while the natural clam shell on the back is dull and matte.

In addition, only a real chaliotis will pass the test for mechanical stress - the shell will withstand a blow or test with a sharp object. In this case, plastic or glass will break or crack, and the dusting will be erased.

Use and care

When buying a galliotis jewelry, you should listen to your inner voice - an invisible contact should be established with this miracle of nature. Pay attention to the frame - a naturally bright chaliotis does not fit vintage or excessive pretentiousness. The same rule applies to wardrobe items. Monochromatic clothes of calm colors are best combined with chaliotis.

Stone bracelet

Despite its high strength, relative to other types of mother-of-pearl, galliotis requires simple but gentle care:

  • Eliminate the contact of mother of pearl with cosmetics, otherwise the sink will lose its natural charm.
  • Protect products from mechanical damage.
  • Provide individual storage for jewelry, preferably in a fabric cover.
  • For cleaning, use only warm water and a soft cloth, no chemicals.

The most important rule for the safety of the abalone is regular wearing. This gem is a gift from the ocean depths, therefore it needs moisture. The more often the haliotis is in contact with the human body, the more moisture it draws from this contact. If decorative items are made from variegated shells, then these things must be regularly sprayed with water.

Astrological compatibility

Astrologers are unanimous in the opinion that chaliotis is a universal patron. Each of the zodiac signs will feel the energy of the deep sea. However, for some constellations, this mother of pearl will become native.

("+++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - can be worn, "-" - absolutely contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+
  • Fishes. For the representatives of this star family, Abalone is a source of energy and optimism. The talisman will not allow Pisces to commit rash acts.
  • Aquarius. A multi-colored amulet will give this sign self-confidence, thanks to which Aquarius will fly up the career ladder.
Suspension from Heliotis

Astrologers recommend paua shell amulets to creative personalities, as well as people involved in charity work. Regardless of astrological affiliation, haliotis products will bring peace and happiness to every home. And any item with abalone will be an excellent gift for young spouses, as a guarantee of a long and happy family life.

Is this stone right for you?