Moonstone where to get it. The moonstone is black. The healing properties of the Moonstone

The black moonstone possesses remarkable energetic power. A person needs to think carefully before acquiring it, since not everyone is capable of his capabilities. The amulet is so devoted to the owner that it will fully support him in the creation of good or evil. According to predictions, the capabilities of the Labrador are hidden from humans, since he came from the mythical world.

What does it look like

The moonstone, also called a peacock, is of two types:

  • Labrador. The mineral belongs to feldspars. In nature, it occurs in the form of crystalline accumulations or inclusions in rocks.
  • Labradorite. It is a stone that contains 60% Labrador and other minerals.

The first is almost opaque. It contains sodium and calcium silicates, and there is an admixture of aluminum. The second in chemical composition includes calcium aluminosilicate. In its original form, a large mineral does not attract attention, having a gray-green or dark color. But there are varieties of moonstone that are truly admirable and are used to create foreshortened effects:

  • Spectrolite is a gem that glows with all the colors of the rainbow. The mining is carried out exclusively in Finland.
  • - a crystal of violet-chocolate color with a scarlet overflow.


Not so long ago, the gem began to be used in jewelry.

In the form of a precious peacock, the stone was used by jewelers at the beginning of the 20th century to create precious items that are kept in private collections or a mineralogical museum. The price of jewelry differs depending on the colors and iridescence. Using the mineral as an ornamental material, they create unique souvenirs and art objects. For caskets and vases, a green moonstone is suitable, it has a bright green or bluish-green color, which looks beautiful and has been appreciated by craftsmen since ancient times.

Healing and magical properties

Healers assure that the Labrador helps infertile women, treats male impotence and diseases of the genitourinary organs. Its properties will help reduce pain in joints, back and throat. Since the stone heals broncho-pulmonary diseases, it is recommended for smokers. Indian peoples believe that this sacred stone brings good luck.

The mineral will help restore vision after surgery.

To enhance superpowers, the gem is worn by people practicing magic.

Since time immemorial, to attract love, lonely people have worn a product with a Labrador on the left side, so that the newfound feeling is mutual. Magicians and healers love jewelry with the mineral, as it tends to increase the gift of clairvoyance and increase hypersensitivity. Labrador is strong and will help its owner to awaken latent energy, gain benefits in risky business, and also protect against bad consequences and evil. As a talisman, it suits better than other minerals, as it is very attached to its owner. Labrador requires care, and recharge on a full moon. In order to have harmony and comfort in the house, you need to have female and male moon stones, and in no case give them to anyone.

Moonstone belongs to the group of feldspars.

The translucent gray-blue color is compared with the surface of the Moon, has no direct relation to the Moon itself, and even more so it is not mined there.

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Other names are adularia or selenite.

After processing, shimmering gray-blue overflows appear, giving an incomparable individuality.

The conspiracy is read at night, on the growing moon, during the week.

Conspiracy Words:

“As a servant of God (the name of the beloved) wakes up early in the morning,

so longing for me in his soul will wake up.

It will not subside and will not weaken, but will only flare up more intensely.

Will return, my beloved, soon to the familiar threshold,

because he will remember the road to him.

And he will no longer be able to leave me, and in my arms he will find happiness.

- Return of old love

Moonstone where is it mined, where to find and get it, price

The main deposit is in India, but a small amount is mined in the USA, Burma, and Russia. You can buy it where stone products are sold. Including jewelry stores. A good piece of jewelry will not be cheap, prices can vary from a few hundred rubles to thousands.

Moonstone fake and original, how to distinguish from fake, talisman

Unfortunately, you can easily run into a fake. Products made of plastic and glass are passed off as natural stone. At first glance, they may seem the same and it is very difficult to distinguish them. The real one consists of inner layers, at an angle of 15 degrees, it will beat off the blue color.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that suits you best and find out what hidden magical possibilities you have.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the absence of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm and no one knows how devastating the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and the support of higher powers, you can develop the gift of knowing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, breaks in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications - a medium. It's about being able to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is disturbed, then the darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for the good, I will transfer to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts - witchcraft. You can study and induce damage, the evil eye, you can make love spells and divination will not be an impossible task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer with their innocence from your superpowers, bestowed from above.

It takes at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor to develop inner strength.

Telekinesis most of all is peculiar to you. With the right concentration and efforts, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small, and over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future that can be overshadowed by going to the dark side if you don’t have the strength to resist the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and everything connected with this are not just words, but your life choice and strength, which is given by a higher mind and this is not just so, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream that you can never forget.

Remember that this power should only be used for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

Moonstone characteristics of the stone, its actions

Perfect for hot-tempered people, the stone has a calming effect.

Moonstone adularia, labrador magical and healing properties, yellow

A stone with a yellow tint is quite rare. Adular is a type of moonstone transparent with an optical effect of light interference, due to which light reflections appear under the surface of the stone.

Moonstone has a spiritual nature, enhances feminine energy, feelings, encourages desires and sincere determination. As its name suggests, it is closely related to the Moon. Ancient, like the Moon itself, the stone has the power of mystery. Its secrets are hidden under a pearly veil, and with them our own hidden truths. Only within the limits of our reflected light can we begin to understand what it has to teach us.

The moonstone is the main talisman of the inner path. Only by deeply immersing ourselves in ourselves, we can get what is missing, that part of the soul, forgotten and abandoned.

This is one of the most demanded semi-precious stones. Its brilliance and overflow are mesmerizing. You involuntarily begin to think that there is definitely a hidden deep meaning in it.

It is highly valued by shamans, fortune tellers, monks. The moonstone is one of the most sought-after semi-precious stones in the world due to its supposed ability to bring good luck to the person who possesses it.

Find out more about this mysterious stone. Perhaps you also want to purchase it or jewelry with it.

What does moonstone look like description

Moonstone (adularia) is an opalescent type of orthoclase, which is a potassium feldspar and a very rare mineral. With a blue or white luster, it is similar to the luster of the moon. This reflection is created by the internal structure of very thin layers of the mineral.

The chemical formula of the stone is KalSi3O8. It is not very durable. On the Mohs scale, its hardness is 6-6.5. Refers to semi-precious stones.

Stones can be colorless, yellow (ivory), white, grayish-bluish, blue. Some samples are layered, others are translucent. But all of them will have a characteristic shine when sanding. Some may even have a rainbow effect.

Moonstone deposits are as wide as their range of colors. It is found in various parts of Asia, Australia, and the Americas. But the main producers are India, Sri Lanka and the United States of America. Although you can find stones from Madagascar, Brazil, Myanmar.

Classically, moonstone is always cut with a cabochon. The more transparent the stone, the more valuable it is.

Moonstone in history

Asian legend has it that the best blue stones are washed out by the tides once every 21 years.

From the earliest times, this mineral was associated with the magic of the moon, served as a protective amulet for travelers. It was used in jewelry in Ancient Rome and the East.

The Romans believed that it contained the image of the moon goddess Diana, who could bestow love, wealth, wisdom and bring victory to its owner.

Another legend says that it contains the gift of prophecy and second sight, claims that this crystal can clear the mind and allow the wearer to reach a reasonable decision, maintain a connection between the mind and heart.

In the ancient world, it was considered the talisman of winter, and in Eastern culture it was known as the "phenomenal stone" that can be worn on Mondays.

The moonstone was given on the day of the celebration of the thirteenth wedding anniversary and in years that are multiples of this number. It was believed to protect and counteract the influence of this not-so-good number.

It has always been revered as a sacred stone in India with special significance for a loving couple and has been a traditional wedding gift. Allows you to find out the future, good and bad of a young family, what awaits them. True, in order to gain this knowledge, it must be kept in the mouth on a full moon.

This stone was in the forehead of the four-armed moon god. Partly because of his color, and partly because of the influence of the deity he personified. Its brilliance increased and decreased with the growth and decrease of the moon.

The stone was also popular with European jewelers. It was worn for protection in the dark, presented as a sign of reconciliation between loved ones, and insomnia was treated.

Jewelry with it was especially in demand during the Art Nouveau era. Most of them were created by the French jeweler Rene Lalique. Today they are in museums or private collections.

Our connections with the moon are very strong. As the Moon is born and disappears in its cyclical movement, controls the ebb and flow, affects our emotions, so the moonstone calms, guides, teaches us the rhythms of life.

Moonstone is known to lose its shimmery silvery sheen if their wearers hold a lot of anger.

If you are far from home or family, the moonstone will keep you safe and spirit-safe.

Why is the moonstone called moonstone

Moonstone is the best-known type of orthoclase potassium feldspar called adularia. The combination of orthoclase and albite layers gives rise to this beautiful shine of the stone.

It got its name in honor of the area in the Adula mountains in Switzerland. The word "Orthoclase" is of Greek origin: "orthos" means "vertical" and "classis" means "fracture". This name fully describes the nature of the stone.

It is called lunar for a shiny, magical shimmering surface that reflects light. This shine is inherent in stones of all colors.

This glow is obtained by cabochon processing. Incoming rays of light are refracted inside the stone and scattered, creating a unique game. This is what makes this stone so special and desirable.

Moonstone varieties

This beautiful stone comes in a variety of colors, from milky white to yellow, green, blue, light blue and others. Available in black.

Blue and blue moonstone

The high-quality blue moonstone exhibits an incredible three-dimensional color depth that is only visible from different angles. Blue Crystals are very rare and expensive.

The blue stone is the perfect gift for your loved one when there is uncertainty in the relationship.

Promotes clarity of mind and inner vision, balances yin and yang energies. It is suitable for those who work in the health field. It will show travelers the correct and safe path.

Blue moonstone is useful for problems with the lymphatic system, for those who suffer from sinusitis and associated headaches, for diseases of the stomach, pancreas, pituitary gland, insomnia, snoring, motion sickness. Helps children with enuresis.

Minerals of this color make it easier to communicate with people and animals. It focuses on the ability of clairvoyance, brings emotional healing.

Green moonstone

Green moonstone has similar qualities to other stones.

Although these minerals are not as common as other colors, it can be identified by the characteristic brilliance of the moonstone family.

This color carries the energy of love and balances emotions. Its energy will help you feel more compassion for others, increase your self-esteem, and give you a sense of personal well-being.

Rainbow moonstone

The rainbow stone acts as a prism, dissipating the energy of the entire aura. It provides:

Mental perception:

Clears the mind;

Balance and harmony;

Restful sleep.

It reduces negativity and eases emotional trauma.

For women, a rainbow stone will help:

Normalize hormonal balance;

Increase fertility;

Stabilize the menstrual cycle;

Recover after surgery (especially on greedy and uterus);

Reduces the effect of anaphylactic shock.

It combines all the positive energy of the Moon with the optimism of a rainbow to calm everyone who feels lost, alone and vulnerable.

It helps in clairvoyance, promotes restful sleep when placed under a pillow. Rainbow crystals will protect those who have suicidal thoughts, and will support learning difficulties.

The rainbow moonstone is considered more valuable.

Silver gray moonstone

This stone is clairvoyant and shamans. It is called "new moon" and carries all the secrets of the emerging moon.

Gray moonstone focuses on the abilities of vision and clairvoyance. Creates new realities and understanding of those that are different from the earthly.

It facilitates visualization and meditation, helps to establish contact with your spiritual patrons and angels. It is the stone of perception behind the veil.

Peach moonstone

Hindus consider such minerals sacred. They are often given as a wedding gift because it is believed that he brings harmony and love to a married couple.

It is well suited for emotional and sensitive people, it allows you to see the positive in any situation.

Delicate peach stones relieve stress and anxiety. Suitable for emotional children.

These crystals are believed to help women:

Strengthen reproductive function;

Normalize the menstrual cycle;

Reduce PMS and Menopause Symptoms.

It is a calming stone for those who feel helpless due to their excess weight. Carry such a stone with you to love and appreciate yourself for who you are.

It helps to bring out the best in a person. It attracts prosperity and success, and inspires enthusiasm among lazy people.

Such stones heal traumas of the heart by bringing love. Teaches you to trust yourself and others.

Peach blossom is a healing energy, especially for women.

Apricot or yellow moonstone

It is a stone of femininity that will benefit all women. Increases creativity in both women and men, inspires and develops intuition.

It is useful for digestive disorders, can solve problems associated with menstruation.

Black moonstone

Black moonstone is mined in India and Madagascar. It shares many similarities with the other colors of this crystal. Although the mineral is black, it looks very different from different angles.

White Moonstone

Carries the energy of the new moon in the midst of its power, stimulating psychic perception, vision and dreams. It can increase emotions, activate kundalini energy in women and emotional balance in men, and can also help children get away from nightmares or insomnia.

Its energy helps people achieve emotional balance.

It regulates menstrual and fertile cycles and reduces menopausal symptoms.

White stones enhance intuition, feminine wisdom, calm emotions, and promote spiritual growth.

White moonstone:

Improves digestion;

Helps reduce epileptic seizures;

Reduces gallstones, kidney stones, bladder stones;

Normalizes hormones, menstrual cycle;

Relieves migraines;

Reduces weight;

Improves hair condition.

The white moonstone controls reactions in fraught situations. Carry it with you when traveling, especially at night or abroad.

Moonstone magical properties

Moonstone is a highly spiritual crystal. It connects both sexes and affects every creature on the planet. Its calming nature helps you figure out how to be happy.

Real moonstone:

Brings love and positive emotions;

Helps to solve business issues;

Improves intuition, perception and judgment;


Gives wealth;

Gives the gift of prophecy;

Attracts attention;

Improves creativity and self-expression;

Helps in new endeavors;

Brings positive changes;

Provides protection against hazards;

Clears negative energy;

Helps to expose hidden and secret enemies.

If you want to understand what you need, keep it under your pillow during a full moon. No wonder this mineral is considered a stone of shamans and fortune-tellers. It opens the gates to the subconscious, but at the same time does not allow those who are not yet ready to enter there.

It helps you realize that everything is part of cycles.

This is a feminine stone that embodies the energy of divine femininity. The crystal can help to calm down aggressive women, feel confident and serenity.

Moonstone healing properties

By unblocking the lymphatic system, moonstone:

Helps the digestive system by enhancing the absorption of nutrients,

Removes toxins;

Prevents fluid retention and relieves swelling,

Promotes healing;

Normalizes the functioning of the stomach, liver, pancreas and pituitary gland.

It is associated with the energy of the moon and is an excellent stone for women. They say that he is able to solve most of women's problems:

Improve the reproductive system;

Help during childbirth;

Promotes conception;

Normalizes the menstrual cycle;

Relieves PMS symptoms;

Normalizes hormones;

Prevents obesity;

postpones aging.

It contributes to the normal course of pregnancy and helps during breastfeeding. Improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

Reduces stress and anxiety in both women and men.

Traditionally, moonstone properties have been used to treat insomnia. A stone located under the pillow will allow you to sleep more calmly and prevent sleepwalking. It is often used in conjunction with amethyst.

Who is suitable for the moonstone zodiac signs

The moonstone is the stone of travelers. Everyone who went on a trip took amulets from it with them. He protected them at night and when sailing on water.

It is a popular talisman for those working on their personal growth.

This stone is especially suitable for water signs. This zodiac stone is for those born in July under the sign of Cancer and early summer, starting on the summer solstice from June 21 to July 22.

Cancers born under this sign are easily adaptable, loyal, and attached to their family. They are gifted with a strong imagination and make good musicians, painters, writers and composers. Cancer is also known as the "Sign of the Prophet" or "The Sign of the Teacher."

This is one of the alternative stones for those born under the sign of Libra or Scorpio.

How to wear a moonstone

These lovely crystals are very powerful stones that are wonderful to wear. They are quite easy to find in a variety of beautiful jewelry. They come in a wide variety of styles and types.

Wearing products made from this stone will teach you to perceive life as it is, to be patient, and will bring peace and balance.

It can be worn if you are experiencing any past life failures, experiencing depression. He will help you learn the lessons you need to reach your full potential.

Wearing a necklace or pendant will help improve your emotional protection.

Place it under your pillow to improve sleep and relieve insomnia.

To bring good luck, going on the road, put a stone in your pocket.

Charge the stone on a full moon night.

Blue sapphire;


Merlinite is a magical and mystical stone that emphasizes the magical properties of the moonstone, helps to balance male and female energies within oneself.

It goes well with yellow labradorite. It is very good to use them together in meditation to balance your masculine and feminine energies.

An alternative could be a combination of moonstone with sun stones, i.e. yellow stones such as amber, yellow topaz, carnelian, citrine.

To enhance the gift of providence, they can be used in combination with:


Sfenom (titanite);

Gabbro (blizzard-stone or blizzard-stone);






To enhance your energy, a great combination would be with:




Chlorite quartz;


For emotional protection, combine it with:

Black tourmaline;

Black jade;

Moonstone is a stone of intuition, balance, desires, good luck. It helps to support the feminine side, to understand and define what is needed in life.

By wearing moonstone regularly, you will begin to recognize negative energies and learn to heal yourself. Lighter stones have a stronger brilliance and more healing properties.

But the most magical in him is that he is from moon magic and is as mysterious as the moon. It is said to brighten as the moon rises and darkens during the waning and new moon.

If you are a particularly sensitive person to the phases of the moon, do not wear a stone during the full moon.

Moonstone is a unique, unusual beauty translucent natural mineral of bluish-silver color, belongs to the group of feldspars. The stone owes its name to a silvery-gray, delicate blue hue, shimmering overflows that create the effect of a moon glow, reminiscent of the reflections of moonlight.

Moonstone is a transparent or translucent mineral known for its unusually beautiful, spectacular "lunar" glow (iridescence, adularization). This unusual effect is scientifically explained by the thin-lamellar structure of the stone. This stone is endowed with mystical properties, has the magical power of the moon. This is not to say that the stone has a certain shade, it combines shimmering radiance, and flashes, and overflows. An unexpected turn of a grayish stone presents to the eye a play of light pouring from within. Sometimes you come across samples similar to.

Moonstone is varied

The term itself is applied to different types of minerals:

A relatively rare mineral of the group of potassium feldspars, it is classified as igneous deep rocks. The gem has a thin-lamellar structure - this is the reason for such an unusual shine. The stone can be transparent or translucent, similar to chalcedony.

Amazonite (or Amazonian spar) is also popularly called green moonstone. It is a type of microcline of bright green or bluish green color with inclusions of white albite. Less common amazonite without inclusions. This variety is considered the most valuable.

Belomorite is a translucent or translucent oligoclase (a type of feldspar), which got its name from a deposit on the coast of the White Sea. Belomorite is a stone with a pearlescent luster and blue-green-yellow iridescence.

Labrador (black moonstone) is a very beautiful dark variety of moonstone. This mineral belongs to plagioclases (sodium-calcium feldspars). It got its name from the place of its first discovery - a peninsula in Canada. Labrador does not shimmer, but rather shimmers with lights: golden, green, blue, blue.

As one of the subspecies of moonstone, peristerite is white, yellowish, greenish with a characteristic light overflow. Absolutely colorless specimens are also found in nature.

Sanidin is a high temperature stable potassium feldspar phase. It crystallizes in the form of crystals of prismatic and tabular habit, colorless, transparent and pure, as well as light gray, gray, pinkish and opaque, with a glassy luster.

Selenite is a fibrous gypsum with a silky sheen and satin sheen. Selenite is pale yellow in color. It is a soft mineral that lends itself well to processing. Selenite beads and other items are usually varnished to protect the polish from damage and scratches.

The magical properties of the Moonstone

Moonstone has long been famous for its strong magical properties. Almost any magician or wizard was afraid of its impact, because it was believed that he could take away magical and witchcraft abilities. Magic traditionally associates this stone with the Moon. Its power increases precisely at the full moon. It is believed that the moonstone is able to bring relief to a person who is negatively affected by the full moon by absorbing the exciting lunar energy. He perceives and attracts love. It is worn to bring sensual energy into your life. Hindus say that moonstone absorbs lunar cooling energy, calms an agitated mind, awakens tenderness and dreaminess in people.

It is a very personal stone, a reflection of the person who owns it. He does not add or subtract anything, he only shows. That is why the moonstone allows you to experience what is. Great for meditation, helps you understand yourself and promotes spiritual growth. To revive it, place it on full moonlight. It is especially good for women and teenagers.

The healing properties of the Moonstone

The first thing the adularia turns to is the overexcited nervous system. The moonstone is capable of: soothing, relieving irritation, relieving any fear, relaxing and “turning off” a person from worries. He is able to cope with stress and depression. It is useful to wear adularia for people suffering from epilepsy, as well as sleep disorders. When a person gets used to tactile and visual contact with the moonstone, he stops having nightmares, he falls asleep faster and does not suffer from waking up too early. Also, adularia is recommended for people struggling with hormonal imbalance. It optimizes tissue drainage, normalizes the electrolyte component of plasma, and also positively affects the process of humoral regulation of the body.

Talismans and amulets

The stone endows the wearer with the passion and sensuality that help to achieve success with the opposite sex. The stone allows you to understand whether you need to start a love relationship or not. If nothing good comes of this union, then the mineral tarnishes. Such a relationship will only bring pain and disappointment, which is why the stone suggests that it is better not to start them. The amulet helps to develop hidden talents, as well as the gift of public speaking. Thanks to him, a person has such abilities that he did not even know about. Sometimes they can change his whole life in the most drastic way. The next meaning of the talisman is that it bestows good luck in financial affairs and helps to establish good relations with others. The owner of this mascot can count on signing profitable deals, building a successful career and success in all business endeavors. He will help pay off debts and improve your financial condition. In this case, the mineral is recommended to be worn as a pendant. It can be worn as a bracelet or ring, but always on the right hand.

Moonstone in astrology

The moonstone affects each zodiac sign in its own way. and the mascot fits perfectly. Astrologically, the moonstone is great for Cancers, whose patroness is the Moon. As a talisman and amulet, the stone is ideal for everyone who was born in June. He gives them peace of mind and allows them to get rid of bad character traits. In addition, the mineral develops in this case the gift of eloquence and hidden talents. He attracts money and bestows good luck in all endeavors.

Moonstone compatibility with zodiac signs

Moonstone for

It is not recommended to wear jewelry, count on the help of the moonstone Aries. It is noticed that the moonstone contributes to the manifestation of intuition in men. In relation to a woman, the Aries man becomes more understanding of her feelings, logic and actions. With a moonstone, a man will be an excellent husband and father. The mineral is able to attract love, awaken love in its owner. He will help a man to stop choosing his soul mate and, finally, to tie the knot. The mineral will give a woman attractiveness, charm and beauty. It will reveal femininity and give a sense of motherhood. Also, the stone will help build personal relationships.

Moonstone for

For Taurus, especially women, the moonstone can be a good helper in matters of the heart, as well as in finding oneself. Representatives of the weaker sex with such a mineral become less secretive, learn to open their souls to their relatives. They are more benevolent and get the necessary peace of mind. Astrologers say that the moonstone has a great effect on the well-being of women of this sign, as for the reproductive system, but the mineral does not bypass men either and gives them its energy in large quantities. Strong and strong-willed Taurus men receive a cure for mental wounds with such a talisman, they rush to enjoy the joys of life and begin to look younger than their age.

Moonstone for

By its nature, the moonstone has a complex nature, which is due to the influence of the Moon on it, but the negative qualities of the mineral do not affect Gemini in any way, because their energetics are very similar. Gemini will get a lot from this mineral, it will become an assistant in the search for new relationships or give enough energy to preserve old ones. Moonstone actively directs its energy to those representatives of the sign who strive to achieve a lot in the professional field. Gemini men will receive, in turn, love of life, emancipation, wisdom, passion. It will become easier for women to live, they will look at all problems from the height of their own confidence that nothing is impossible. Astrologers advise the Gemini moonstone as the main talisman, which will help not only strengthen the spirit and health, but also help in various spheres of life, including love, professional.

Moonstone for

The moonstone has a strong relationship with the energy of the moon, and it is this planet that is the patron saint of Cancers, which cannot be overlooked if we take into account their side of character. Character traits such as instability to stress, lack of constancy, capriciousness, insecurity make Cancers weak, they are not able to achieve their assigned tasks. The mineral will turn everything back, help you find a real relationship, tell you in which direction you should move. Cancer with a moonstone will discover new talents and opportunities and will be able to apply them. The moonstone will endow a woman in love with understanding of her spouse, fidelity, and consent. This stone is perhaps the best talisman for a woman - Cancer. It should be chosen by those who are very dependent on the influence of the lunar phases on overall well-being. This is not the only positive property of the mineral. The moonstone attracts like a magnet, into the life of its owner, love, pure and selfless.

Moonstone for

Moonstone will help men of this sign to improve their health, they will become more resistant to stress. The energy of the mineral has a beneficial effect on the immunity and state of mind of a person, helps to feel the joy of life and forget old grievances. For women, a talisman with a mineral will help pacify self-esteem and pride, acquire family happiness, loyalty and love of a partner. If the fairer sex is not in a relationship, they will definitely come. This mineral will give a man great health, vitality, which they will be proud of. The stone will strengthen the immune system, relieve psychological discomfort. It will help you forget past grievances, heal mental wounds and bring joy back to life. This is especially useful in a situation with unrequited love, when a relationship is broken. A woman born under the zodiac sign Leo loves to focus on herself, loves domination, but in some cases she can show concern and intercede for a stranger. These are the habits of the lion beast. The moonstone will calm down her vanity a little, make her more calm and give a touch of modesty.

Moonstone for

Tenderness is not peculiar to women of this sign, however, like men. The moonstone will help open up the sensual side, make a person more affable, gentle, open and active in communication. The mineral will help to correctly express feelings and emotions, things will go uphill with it. Virgos will gain wisdom, confidence, and become more judicious. In addition, the mineral will help Virgo in solving family problems, and will establish love relationships. Representatives of this sign will become more decisive, gain confidence. Virgos are very stingy with compliments and confessions of feelings. This is due to the fact that a man does not always trust his feelings, he cannot in any way decide to take a serious step. The moonstone will be exactly the talisman that will give Virgo confidence, decisiveness, charge with a romantic mood and readiness for a new serious relationship. With the help of the moonstone, a man will not have problems at home with indifference and composure.

Moonstone for

Moonstone is perfect for Libra, which has a similar energy. You can wear it on yourself in any way, the frame does not matter, the mineral will give a lot of its own strength to any representative of this sign. The moonstone awakens in them the best character traits, the representatives of this sign become more creative, luck and prosperity come into their lives. The mineral also helps in personal life, it attracts love and loyalty to its wearer, and helps to strengthen old relationships. It will be useful for Libra to purchase a product with a moonstone as a talisman. It is this stone that is able to establish peace of mind and give serenity, relieving the owner of negative traits in character. Also, the moonstone will help get rid of the negative influence of the moon. Men who are in love will receive from the stone understanding of their woman, loyalty and sincerity in relationships. For a woman, the mineral will be a real find. As a talisman, he will help to reveal his beauty, attractiveness, tenderness.

Moonstone for

Astrologers attribute the moonstone to the category of those talismans that representatives of this sign should have in their arsenal. The mineral will help develop thinking, strengthen intuition, give the necessary peace of mind and tranquility, which is vital for the representative of this sign. To achieve what he wants, Scorpio is ready to give all his strength, he needs a battery from which he could replenish them, otherwise the representatives of this sign begin to get sick. The moonstone gives its wearer a special mood, inspires him, inspires new achievements.

Moonstone for

Astrologers advise the mineral to the representatives of this sign because it is able to liberate them, give a romantic mood, give a feeling of coziness, understanding and comfort in the house, this is exactly the mineral that should be worn when you want a strong and long-term relationship. Sagittarius are very windy by nature, therefore it is difficult for them to find a permanent partner, astrologers recommend having a moonstone with you in order to improve life for the better. Women with such a talisman will get everything they want, including love and respect in society. It is the moonstone that will help the Sagittarius woman meet her love, create strong relationships based on loyalty and respect. Also, the mineral will help develop a sense of intuition, which you can rely on, it will not fail Sagittarius.

Moonstone for

Moonstone is contraindicated for Capricorns, because the energy that the mineral carries makes them lazy, too relaxed and interferes with concentration. The moonstone promotes rational decision-making, it helps its wearer avoid mistakes, but in addition, it protects the spiritual and physical state of Capricorn. Lithotherapists advise those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system and digestion to wear talismans with this mineral. Moonstone is a very strong amulet for people with an unbalanced temperament. It will help to pacify outbursts of unreasonable anger, aggression, give softness and tenderness. Men - Capricorns will begin to take more care of feelings that can direct life in the right direction. Also for a woman, it will be useful in balancing the mental and emotional state. The stone will make a Capricorn woman attractive, feminine, desirable. Endows with the ability to correctly and beautifully get out of different life situations.

Moonstone for

The representatives of this sign are a little scattered and this is one of the minuses of their character. with such an attitude to business, they cannot achieve the desired result, here astrologers advise them to carry a moonstone with them, which will help smooth out this negative quality. The mineral will become a good talisman, will protect against negative energy, self-interest. This is a powerful shield against everything hollow that can appear in the life of an Aquarius. With a moonstone, representatives of this sign will feel confident in themselves and their strengths, set new goals for the future, minor troubles will cease to worry the sign, and all energy will be directed towards achieving success.

Moonstone for

Pisces often do not find peace of mind, they find it difficult to survive most of the unfavorable situations in their life, so astrologers advise them to wear moonstone jewelry. The mineral has a beneficial effect on this sign, its energy is aimed at improving well-being, attracting positive emotions to life. The moonstone has a special relationship with Pisces, especially astrologers advise women of this sign to wear the mineral, who lack recognition and attention from the strong half of humanity. Men, too, should not give up the stone, the mineral will help to find joy, strengthen intuition, and increase sensitivity. The stone is useful for those Pisces who have been depressed for a long time, it will help to get out of this negative state, improve relationships in personal life.

Moonstone - the magical properties of the stone

Photo: adularia from the Gem Lovers collection

The most interesting and worthy gem is a gem-quality natural moonstone that deserves special attention. Among the material that is presented on the market under the name "moonstone", only a small percentage is a truly natural quality rare stone. Everyone's favorite, adularia, won hearts not by its bright color and excellent play, but by its modest bluish radiance, reminiscent of the light of the moon, and delicate milky translucency. In this article, we will reveal the nuances of choosing a moonstone specimen, talk about its nature of color, purity, processing, deposits, and how to find out if a stone is real or a fake. Finally, we present the current market prices for adularia. Navigation through the article:

Colors and types of moonstone

To begin with, a number of minerals of the feldspar family are presented on the market under the single name "moonstone": orthoclase and plagioclase, including albite, oligoclase and labradorite varieties.

Moonstone color consists of two components:

  • Mineral's own color
  • Optical effect (irisation, cat's eye)

Moon stones come in different colors: white, light, gray, brown, peach, orange, cream, dark, black, greenish, yellowish. The irisation of adularia, as a rule, has a blue or blue color (adularescence), it can look like a light highlight on the surface of the cabochon (silvery, pearl iridescence), or as a rainbow (labradorescence). Sometimes there are specimens with the effect of a cat's eye and asterism in the form of a 4-ray star.

In this article we will consider the most valuable species - adularia (translucent white with blue or blue iridescence) and rainbow moonstone.

The classic adular (adular moonstone) is a noble translucent mineral orthoclase with a blue or milky-white iridescence.

The rainbow moonstone belongs to plagioclase in composition, it is a transparent to translucent gem, with iridescent tints throughout the cabochon.

When choosing a moonstone, pay attention to the iridescence (area, intensity, colors) - the main assessment criterion for this gemstone. The more pronounced and more colorful the effect, the higher the value. Best of all, optical effects reveal their beauty under a point light source (sun, lamp) against a dark background; in diffused daylight, the effect is practically not manifested.


This is the case when the public treats slight imperfections with condescension and even respect. Here, the main thing is not to get confused in the concepts of transparency and purity. Transparency characterizes the degree of transmission of light by the stone, and clarity - the presence or absence of defects and irregularities. Moonstone can be transparent and of low clarity, such as cracked. Or maybe translucent, but with high purity. There are also transparent and pure adularia, but, as a rule, in such stones the effect of blue iridescence is weakly expressed. Well, there is no perfection in the world ...

The main volume of moon stones on the market is characterized by a large number of internal defects and irregularities that affect beauty and durability, such samples are only slightly translucent, looking almost opaque. Inclusions, cracks, cleavage planes can occupy the entire volume of the stone. The more valuable and rarer are really pure translucent and transparent specimens.

Photo: high and low purity adularia cabochons

The most valuable are visually clean stones (without inclusions and cracks visible to the eye), they are mined extremely rarely. For individual jewelry, minor irregularities are allowed in the form of a cloudy area, small inclusions throughout the volume, dots and dashes. This does not worsen their appearance at all, but it brings zest and personality.


The cabochon is the most popular and demanded form for adularia. It is in the cabochon that the moonstone reveals most effectively the beauty of iridescence. The bottom of the cabochon can be flat or slightly convex. The classic forms of adularia cabochons are oval and circle, less often cushion, pear and marquise are found.

Adularia is extremely rarely cut; these are, as a rule, single collection specimens, which is caused by the complexity of the cut of the mineral and the fact that iridescence is manifested much more modestly.

It is important to correctly orient the crystal during processing so that the iridescence is exactly in the center of the cabochon. The cost is affected by the quality of processing, pay attention to this. And here 2 factors are important: the geometry of the cabochon and the polish. Moonstone cabochons, due to the difference in hardness in different directions of crystals, often acquire an asymmetrical shape, therefore, cabochons with a flattened top or an elongated oval shape, close to a rectangular cushion, can often be found on the market. Polishing adularia is a technically difficult task, therefore many stones on the market are of average quality; when viewed through a magnifying glass, scratches, abrasions, and underpolished areas can be seen on the surface of the cabochon. High quality polishing gives a specular highlight on the surface and immediately improves the overall feel of the stone.

Moonstone beautification

Moonstone is rarely refined. In fractured specimens, oiling sometimes results in improved cleanliness and overall appearance.


If we talk about transparent adularia jewelry, large finds of cut-quality crystals are very rare.

Small pieces of raw materials are used to make cabochons for sprinkling, even with a diameter of 2-6 mm, blue moonstones look spectacular. The price per carat of such stones is not high.

With a mass of 5 carats, pure adularia with blue iridescence becomes interesting for making piece jewelry as a central stone.

Large clean cabochons, with a mass of 15-20 carats and more, are much more valuable. Samples of pure blue adularia over 40 carats are unique finds of the collection level, they are evaluated individually.

Place of Birth

Deposits of various types of moon stones are found in many countries, including Russia (in the Urals and Karelia).

As for the valuable varieties - adularia and the rainbow variety - only a few places on the planet can be distinguished:

  • Sri Lanka
  • Tanzania
  • India
  • Madagascar
  • Burma

Ceylon and Tanzanian moonstones are considered some of the best.

How to distinguish a real moonstone from a fake?

Moonstone is very popular, you can find it in beads, jewelry, pendants, keychains, jewelry, inexpensive silver rings and earrings, but basically, under the commercial name, moonstone is sold imitation of the so-called opal glass. It is really clean, translucent, has a bluish tint, and is cheap. But, unfortunately, it has nothing to do with natural jewelry adularia.

How do you know that this is a fake opal glass? Distinguishing the imitation from the original is not difficult. The simplest test is to look at the sample through the light and under incident light. The glass in transmitted light will be yellow or orange, and under incident light it will be milky-bluish. Also, glass - an imitation of a moonstone - often contains inclusions in the form of bubbles visible to the eye, as well as streaks - streaks. A real moonstone looks completely different, it will not change in the light, but the iridescence effect appears only in the incident light and is most pronounced with a point light source.

If you have doubts about the natural origin of a specimen, take it to a gemologist for examination or contact a gemological laboratory, you can also issue a certificate or an expert opinion.

On video: natural adularia cabochons

Good quality moonstones cost

To answer the question "how much is a carat of a real moonstone", consider a variety of adularia with the following characteristics: white, translucent, barely visible inclusions or cracks, bluish iridescence of medium intensity, oval cabochon shape with good geometry and acceptable polishing.

  • 5 ct - $ 40-60 / ct
  • 10 ct - $ 60-80 / ct
  • 15 ct - from $ 100 / ct

Large specimens are assessed individually, depending on their characteristics. The cost of a large blue adularia can go up to several hundred dollars per carat with a bright neon iridescence.

Rainbow moonstones are rated much higher due to their rarity. To get an individual consultation and find out the price of specimens of specific characteristics, please contact us.