The name of the person who invented the crab hairpin. The history of hair jewelry. The history of hairpins

It is difficult to say by whom and when the first hair clip was invented. It is only known for certain that it appeared long before our era.

In Ancient Egypt, hairpins were an irreplaceable thing. The hairstyles of the pharaohs and those close to them were distinguished by the sophistication and splendor of jewelry: "modest" everyday hair accessories made of gold on holidays were supplemented with pearls, gold plates and mother-of-pearl clips.

In ancient Greece, women decorated their hair with fresh flowers and bright ribbons, and on holidays they wore tiaras made of precious metals inlaid with precious stones on their heads.

In Japan, many men used hairpins, seeing in them not only a reliable retainer of samurai hairstyles, but also ... an irreplaceable weapon. For example, "kansashi" - hairpins in the form of miniature stilettos up to twenty centimeters long - could easily be used as throwing knives. However, such dangerous jewelry was held in high esteem except by the ninja and samurai. Ordinary citizens preferred much less extreme jewelry: harmless hairpins and combs.

In Russia, a braid to the waist was considered the national female hairstyle. When braiding a braid, the girls decorated it with ribbons, silk tassels and pendants. And on the forehead, the hair was held in place with bandages.

In Renaissance Europe, miniature hair adornments transformed into huge wire frames and hoops that held incredibly tall hairstyles. All these Babylonians were adorned with precious stones, ribbons, feathers, beads, tortoiseshell combs and ivory hairpins on their heads.

Over time, hairstyles began to decrease in size, and by the beginning of the twentieth century, hair length was dramatically shortened. Feminist-minded ladies preferred short haircuts to chic curls and did not recognize bright jewelry. Hairpins became invisible, hairpins and ribbons - purely functional things: with their help, they removed an interfering strand or collected hair in an inconspicuous bun or ponytail.

Today, fashion allows you to take advantage of any direction from its thousand-year history, because hair jewelry today has become an invariable element of style that completes the image.

The privilege of the nobility

In ancient times, beautiful hairpins and bows were the privilege of the nobility. According to legend, the first hair ornaments came from a very curious story. It took place in France in the seventeenth century. The crown prince of France traveled to Switzerland to propose marriage to a local princess. Already in the suburbs of Paris, his carriage broke down. Frustrated by the stop, the prince amused himself by viewing the products of local artisans, among which were unpretentious hair accessories used by the village girls. The carriage was quickly repaired, the princess agreed, and the prince eventually became king. It was then, in gratitude for the long-term help, that he invited the village craftsmen to become the exclusive suppliers of some household goods, including various decorations for the royal court.

Over time, hair jewelry became fashionable among court ladies, and there was even a custom: every girl who was going to get married had hairpins made especially for her from precious stones and metals among her dowry. And on the site of a small village from which everything started, there is still a factory that produces some of the best hair accessories.

Hairpins yesterday and today

The broken curl, sung by the poet, is just a hair unsuccessfully pinned up with a hairpin. Today, decorating and keeping your hair in check is easy and simple. We are armed with submachine guns, crabs, combs, exquisite invisibility and 1000 years of tradition.

In ancient Egypt, hairpins were also in great fashion. The hairstyles of the pharaohs and those close to them were distinguished by the sophistication and splendor of ornaments. Modest (only made of gold) everyday hair jewelry on holidays was complemented by pearls, gold plates, mother-of-pearl clips. In ancient Greece, the formal dress hairstyles of women were fixed with the help of tiaras made of precious metals with precious stones. Simpler hairstyles were decorated with ribbons and flowers.

In Japan, hairpins were used even by men, and quite often - for a dual purpose, at the same time as a weapon. The hairstyles of female ninja were decorated with graceful hairpins in the form of miniature stilettos up to 20 cm long - kansashi, with which they pierced the victim's throat. In extreme cases, such hairpins could be used as throwing knives. However, ordinary Japanese women did not have such extreme hairpins. The sophisticated geisha hairstyles were adorned with more hairpins and combs, and the more sophisticated geisha wore fewer ornaments in their hair, but those that were available were more expensive than all the simpler geisha hairpins.

In Russia, girls braided a braid, decorating it with ribbons, silk tassels, and pendants. On the forehead, the hair was held in place by bandages.

In Renaissance Europe, a kind of hairpin revolution took place. Hairstyles were made of huge sizes, using wire frames, hoops, and all these Babylon were richly decorated with all kinds of ribbons, feathers, precious stones, beads, ivory hairpins, tortoiseshell combs.

In the 20th century, feminism began to triumph around the world. Women cut their hair short and the most they used as hair ornaments were hoops. Hairpins have become invisible, hairpins and ribbons have become purely functional things, they are used only to remove an interfering strand, to collect hair in an inconspicuous bun or ponytail.

Today, hair jewelry is becoming an element of style, an extra touch to the image. Fashion allows you to take advantage of any direction from its thousand-year history - bright hippie-style flowers, ethnic motifs, oriental crests and hairpins, fortunately, are no longer a murder weapon. Precious and semiprecious stones are used both for exquisite decorations in the spirit of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and for creating kitsch images. Headbands and combs are made of plastic, often painted to resemble a turtle or wood if the classic style is used, or decorated with feathers and stones if avant-garde is preferred. Invisibles have long lost their invisibility, although some varieties are still difficult to notice in the hair, and they faithfully serve as assistants in drawing up complex hairstyles, in simpler hairstyles they sparkle with rhinestones and are painted in all sorts of colors. Hairpins, diving into the depths of the hair, do not forget to flirtatiously expose a lump of fluff or a pebble, turning the hair into a jewel-encrusted masterpiece.

The most popular materials for bobby pins are iron and plastic. Thanks to them, the hairpins are cheap enough to change at least every day, and durable enough so that you don't have to say goodbye to your favorite hairpin too quickly. Crabs and crocodiles are so named for a reason - they cling to even the most unruly hair, but in order not to damage them, they are made of plastic. One can recall with horror the last century, when black rubber rings were considered rubber bands. They pulled their hair squeaky and were ugly and harmful. Now rubber bands can modestly hide in your hair or be so huge that you can see your child's ponytails from afar!

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Hair itself is a woman's adornment, but ladies of all times and peoples strive to decorate them in different ways. Wreaths, chains, lace caps, all of which were not invented by the fair sex to distinguish themselves from the crowd and make them talk about themselves. What jewelry did the girls of antiquity choose and are they very different from modern ones? Let's see!

In ancient Greece, women loved and knew how to decorate their hairstyles. And the simplest and most common item used for this purpose was the wreath. It was woven from flowers, plant leaves, and later also from gold, and worn on completely different occasions.

But not only women wore wreaths. Men, from gladiators to emperors, adorned their heads with them. Wreaths, by the way, were considered an excellent remedy for intoxication.

Women of the ancient world also weaved special stripes into their hair, decorated with gold, pearls, mother of pearl and precious stones. And in Pompeii, hairpins made of ivory were found.

In Ancient Russia, women wore a birch bark hoop. It was covered with fabric and flowers, feathers and other decorations donated by nature were sewn on. Or just embroidering.

And in the country of the samurai of Japan, even jewelry for women's hairstyles was combat - these are small female kansashi stilettos, which were used as hairpins, and, if necessary, could serve their owner a good service.

In the Middle Ages, a cap made of starched lace was popular in Europe, the shape of which was on the conscience of every fashionista.

And at the beginning of the 18th century, girls preferred simple curls decorated with ribbons, laces or flowers. This fashion was introduced by the Duchess of Shrewsbury, who in 1713 at a reception at Versailles appeared before Louis XIV in a soft outfit with simple, slightly curly hair.

By the end of the 18th century, women needed a huge amount of time to style their hair: up to a day. Hairdressers created real works of art on the heads of their clients, cities, ships and even gardens with birds and artificial trees ... To create such complex hairstyles, they often did not have their own hair, so they were borrowed from maids and even horses. It is clear that such hairstyles were worn for more than one day, and sometimes even for several weeks. And Marie Antoinette played an important role in the "hair" fashion. Throughout her life, she was famous for her excellent taste for exquisitely trimmed hair and invented many different hairstyles, distinguished by a special passion.

Gradually, women abandon such pretentious hairstyles.

And the French Revolution overthrew the phantasmagoric hairstyles of women and returned them to simplicity and naturalness.

Today, no girl can do without hair accessories. Let's see what kind of jewelry the stars prefer.

The first analogs of heels, according to scientists, appeared around the 12th century. This element of the shoe at that time was a small hard blotch that was supposed to be nailed to the shoes.

At that time, heels were worn mainly by men: the fact is that thanks to such a detail, it was much easier for riders to keep their feet in the stirrup even during a fast race.

Some time later, high-heeled shoes "migrated" to the wardrobe. There are several theories about who exactly created them. There is a popular opinion that heels were invented in the 17th century from the Spanish city of Cordoba; moreover, no one can name the masters, alas, now. According to another version, they were created by Madame Pompadour, the world famous favorite of the French king Louis XVI. The fact is that this lady was not very tall and, in an effort to at least visually correct this defect, wore high shoes with special props-heels. Her idea seemed so interesting to many court ladies that soon many noble women wore high-heeled shoes.

Who invented the stiletto heel

It is known that until the 1950s. stiletto heels did not exist yet. Nevertheless, although relatively little time has passed since that time, no one can accurately name the inventor of such a popular detail of women's shoes. The authorship in this case is attributed to several people at once, including Roger Vivier, Salvatore Ferragamo, Charles Jourdan, Raymond Massaro.

Each of the masters has influenced the design of modern hairpins in one way or another. While it cannot be said which of them came up with the thin high heels, it is safe to say that they all contributed to the improvement of this shoe detail.

Salvatore Ferragamo is considered the creator of the first high heels with a metal bar. This Italian designer tried many shoe designs and ended up offering fashionable women luxury shoes with a metal stiletto bar. However, there is a theory that the first such product was invented by Roger Vivier, one of the employees of the Christian Dior fashion house, who offered at one time a large collection of high-heeled shoes. This theory is supported by the fact that Roger Vivier invented for Queen Elizabeth unique sandals with heels decorated with rubies. Finally, some researchers claim that he invented the stiletto heels Raimone Massaro when he made exclusive shoes for Marlene Dietrich.

The history of hairpins

It is not known for certain who and when invented the hairpin. One thing is for sure: hairpins appeared long before our era. Even the pharaohs in Egypt used hairpins, because their hairstyles required it: they had hairpins for every day and for holidays. The latter were made of gold and decorated with pearls.

Hairpins are used for different purposes. For example, girls in Greece decorate their hair with hairpins made of flowers, and in Japan even samurai men wore them: on the one hand, to keep their hairstyles in proper shape, on the other hand, hairpins were an indispensable and invisible weapon for them. And the ladies of the Renaissance would not have done without hairpins with their lush and incredibly high hairstyles! Over time, hairpins were transformed into other hair ornaments: tiaras, hoops, etc., they managed to change, but they are invariably one of the necessary items for any woman.

Types of hairpins

Today there is a huge selection of hairpins, although to a greater extent they differ in color, decoration, material from which they are made, and also in size. But in terms of design and principle of operation, there are actually not so many of them.

Crab- perhaps the most convenient and common type of hair clip. Crab hairpins vary in size, color and material. For example, the smallest "crabs" can be "scattered" all over the head. Often these hairstyles are done for children or adolescents. A medium sized crab is good for tail pinning and is suitable for medium length hair. Large crabs are suitable for long and very thick hair for the same purpose. It is also convenient that you can independently adjust the degree of hair clamping: you can clamp them very tightly, but you can also weakly, getting the now fashionable "creative mess" on your head. However, it is not recommended to use such hairpins constantly, as they can injure the hair.

Crocodile- also a very convenient type of hair clip. You can recognize them by their long and narrow form. This allows you to use them as a decoration, but you will not be able to “cover” the head with them again because of the size. As a rule, they are used in order to secure individual strands, they are also ideal for removing bangs.

Invisible- simply irreplaceable in cases where you need to remove the strands, but in such a way that the hair clip itself is not visible. With this hair clip, you can very reliably fasten the strands, and nothing will be visible.

Scallop- very cool removes boring bangs, and is also just a beautiful decoration. Modern combs, although they are not made of gold, as before, but still they are extraordinarily beautiful and undoubtedly capable of decorating any girl!

Automatic hair clip- is also very well known to many. It can be of any shape and size, made of any material, but the automatic latch mechanism remains unchanged in it. Such a hairpin holds hair well, but its disadvantage is that it damages them. When using this hair clip, you need to be careful not to pull your hair out.

Everything should be in moderation

You need to experiment with hairpins! They really both decorate and help to keep the hair neat and create beautiful hairstyles. However, you must always remember that everything should be in moderation. Do not mix hairpins of different styles, inappropriate colors. And it is also advisable to remember about your age: if you are over 25, perhaps you should not stab multi-colored "crabs" all over your head. Remember: your most important decoration is your hair, and hairpins should only emphasize this beauty.

Before you, Grace Kelly, Maria Callas,

Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Romy Schneider, Greta Garbo and Sophia Loren.

Alexandre de Paris masters invented the barrette crabe and chou-chou, which have become popular all over the world, so you can definitely trust them and we are already doing it. No plastic is used in the production of the collections. The basis of each product is "rhodoid" - a special type of polymer resin, which has high strength and is easily amenable to the most complex and intricate methods of painting.

The collections also use lace, velvet, silk, Swarosvki crystals and natural pearls. And everything here is handmade. The Moscow boutique will feature seasonal collections, a classic base line and a line of miniature Pince Vendome hairpins. The director of the brand, Sebastian Bailey, is convinced that Moscow beauties will not bypass this place. Moreover, the store's space, decorated in white with interspersed matte gold, is conducive to leisurely shopping and, of course, relaxation.