Where does the life energy go? Life energy or life force energy: what is it

Each person is born with a certain supply of vitality, or vital energy, which allows him to grow and develop. Any process that takes place in our body requires certain energy costs. Without the application of the proper amount of energy, no social development and achievement of the goals that we set for ourselves is also possible. Man needs free energy more than anything else.

The lack of vital energy makes us lethargic and lethargic. We lose the taste for life, and everything begins to appear to us in gray. Often this condition occurs with age. We believe that this is completely normal, because fatigue accumulates over the years. “A person cannot,” we think, “even at 60 be as cheerful and energetic as at 20.” In the extinction of our energy function, we do not see anything terrible and unusual. All this is natural and irreversible. But, in fact, there are people who, in their 60s and 70s, continue to remain as positive as they were in their youth. They continue to enjoy life and they are also interested in everything that happens around them. They live a full life, regardless of age and do not believe that after 40 years there is nothing to strive for and nothing to want.

If you look closely at such people, you notice that their energy is in full swing. It is energy that makes them invulnerable to age and the diseases that come with it. In such cases, you understand that it is the presence of free vital energy that is the very foundation on which human life is built. How strong it will turn out to be, and how competently a person will be able to use his energy, will depend on how interesting and rich he will live it.

Unfortunately, in the course of life we ​​learn many things, but we do not see the need to learn how to properly handle the energy reserves available to us, as well as replenish its reserves. Until recently, the presence of such an important component of a human being as energy was not considered at all. It was believed that a person is just a set of physiological characteristics and only what can be seen, felt and somehow studied is important in him. Medicine even today denies the existence of our energy principle, continuing to see in a person only its physical manifestations.

But, nevertheless, an increasing number of people come to the idea that we are not only our body, there is something that includes us like a battery and gives us the opportunity to live. “This” is our life energy. Monitoring its level is no less important than monitoring, for example, the level of cholesterol in the blood or the state of internal organs. Our health, both physical and mental, depends on the level of energy. Once we realize this fact, we will take the first step towards a long, healthy and happy life.

So, it is very important to monitor the level of vital energy, replenish its reserves and use it correctly. But how can this be done, because we cannot connect ourselves to any power source. To organize the process of receipt and expenditure of energy in our body, you need to determine for yourself how it enters there.

Our body receives energy primarily through the processing of food entering it, as well as through various physical exercises that contribute to the accumulation of energy. No wonder we are everywhere told about the need for a healthy lifestyle. It includes proper nutrition, reasonable physical activity, adherence to the daily routine, as well as the use of various energy practices. But, even the first three components will be enough for a person to feel better, and his former vigor and curiosity returned to him.

It is worth eating foods that have a high energy value. “Empty” products only litter our body, as a result of which toxins and other products accumulate, leading to further health problems. Proper nutrition is a guarantee of daily replenishment of the body with energy. At the same time, it is imperative to adhere to the diet, not forgetting about breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Life energy must be supplied to the body regularly, so forget about starvation diets.

Physical exercise is a must . They allow you to accumulate energy, which is transformed as a result of classes. If you lead an active lifestyle, energy only increases, and not vice versa. Even if after a workout you feel tired, then after a while an energy boost will surely follow.

The daily routine is also very important for replenishing the body with vital energy. Night sleep should be at least 8 hours, and you need to go to bed at the same time no later than 10 pm.

Do you agree that life energy is our driving life force? How do you regulate your energy level? We are interested to know your opinion.

Many different articles have been written on the topic of vital energy, but almost all of them are related to esotericism or something, I don’t even know how to say it more correctly.

Concepts Vital energy are associated with the concepts of the energy of the cosmos, Divine energy, the internal forces of man and the ability to draw these forces from the surrounding world. I don't doubt it in any way.

Most likely, as people who are spiritually more developed than me tell me, I have not yet grown up to a higher worldview. And I do not deny this, I will work in the direction of my own development, but for now I will allow myself to describe the concept of vital energy from my current position. The positions of an ordinary techie who understands that the carpet is an airplane, a utopia, not because nothing heavier than air can fly, but because its design does not comply with the elementary laws of aerodynamics.

At first glance, the life energy of a person is formed from the whole variety of aspects of life. This is primarily a person's health and an important factor in his appearance and sexuality. His social status, financial opportunities, lifestyle. These are interests and hobbies or their absence. Everything that makes up the image of a person in life can and should be added to this list. The moment of feeding all this is very important. And this is confidence in your work or business, position in the family and team. All life interactions of a person are participants in the formation of life status, including his personal complexes and all cockroaches in his head. Yes, these are all archival facts, but is this a measure of vital energy?

In my opinion, definitely not. Almost all of this life cocktail is just a reference point, relative to which the human energy field is formed. And this field can be of any size and any sign. This applies equally to both men and women.

I'll try to explain my words. Let's imagine such a picture, you met a very beautiful person. I do not specifically separate boys and girls. You really like this person for his appearance. But, let's compare our feelings from communicating with this person in at least two extreme cases.

The first case is when this person is very sensitive to his appearance. He constantly needs increased attention of people around him to his person. Constant admiration for the way he or she looks. His accentuated attention to the smallest details of his appearance. And how will you feel with such a person? Definitely bad, simply on the basis that his life energy in the field of his external data has an obvious and huge failure. This person, according to this parameter, is an energy vampire who cannot imagine his life without external replenishment in this sector. And no matter how much you like him outwardly, you will not be able to stay with him for a long time. This person will definitely bore you. After all, constantly praising him, you will give him your life energy in this sector. And, by giving, unequivocally lower your potential regarding your own appearance.

And now the second case, when you, communicating with the same very beautiful person, do anything, but not his appearance. You go somewhere, with him, meet someone, spend time together. Yes, even if you just argue and do some common business. And what about the output, you are infinitely comfortable because a beautiful person is next to you. You are proud that you have such a companion in life. And pride in the one who is near most of all increases self-esteem, vitality and vitality. This person, simply by his beauty, is already an energy donor. Although, he does not even have the thought that he is giving something away. Simply because he has so much vital energy in this sector that he does not even know about its existence.

And if the same approach is transferred to other aspects of life, then everything will fall into place. Well, suppose a person has a certain set that determines the standard of living. Let's say it's a house, car, job, financial savings, social status, health, sexuality, add whatever you want. This set may be completely different, it doesn't matter.

The main thing is not this, the main thing is how a person feels himself, having all this wealth. After all in the universe there is no concept of a lot or a little.

And it seems to me that you can feel yourself in only three states.

  • The first is dissatisfaction with what you have, i.e. their capabilities in relation to their needs.
  • Second, it is a complete balance of needs with opportunities.
  • And third, an overabundance of opportunities in relation to their needs.

I think that it is not necessary to explain in what case a person has a vital energy that attracts us so much. What kind of people are most comfortable and desirable for us. Of course, I described rather a mathematical model of an ideal person, this does not happen in life. In life, each person has areas with an excess of energy, and with a parity level, and with a clear lack of this vital energy. But, anyway, our perception of a person depends on the dominant in his character of one of the listed states.

It is worth making a reservation right away, in this case one should not confuse the concept of vital energy with any other parameters and characteristics of a person.

The most common mistake, when he has what you aspire to. Let's assume a higher standard of living than yours or the chic country house you dream of. What is the point in all this, if this person himself does not have enough money available and he wants to change the house for a larger one, suppose. In this case, the obvious energy failures of this person are subject to admiration, and the realization of the mistake will come very quickly. And you will not get anything from such a person except talking about his life difficulties and how much he lacks.

Within the framework of one topic, it seems to me physically impossible to express all thoughts on this topic. And I will try in further reasoning to describe my perception and behavior of people in all three states of self-awareness. But how much you agree with me in defining the concept of vital energy, I am sincerely interested.

Please write in the comments what you think about this. I am sure that your opinion will be very interesting not only to me, but to everyone who is interested in this article.

Please don't be greedy…..

As a rule, it is not laziness that prevents people from bringing brilliant ideas to life or achieving their goals, but the lack of vitality or energy. Sometimes it happens that even the simplest household chores are carried out through force, you constantly want to relax or lie down on the couch. Many assume that this is due to health, but ailments are far from always the reason that a person loses strength. Loss of energy is a serious problem that is not far-fetched or fictional at all. There are a number of studies according to which it has been proven that such a phenomenon does indeed occur.

Where does the energy go

There are two most common options where a person’s vitality can go:

  • Into negative emotions. Thoughts and words are the main source of energy for a person. If a person begins to constantly express dissatisfaction with his life, criticize and condemn others, blaming everyone around for his failures, then sooner or later this leads to the fact that the individual weakens not only morally, but also physically. The same thing happens if a person constantly worries about his work or constantly scrolls disturbing thoughts in his head. Or when he thinks about failures in his personal life all the time. Because of this, the strength of a person's energy weakens very quickly.
  • Large overloads. Quite often, people begin to bring themselves to exhaustion with increased physical exertion or work seven days a week. Sleep deprivation also has extremely negative consequences. In addition to deterioration in the functioning of the body, a person violates his energy balance.

Also, the fact that a person does not have any favorite things, a kind of outlet, can lead to such consequences. If a person is constantly engaged only in work or household chores, then he involuntarily begins to experience despondency.

Where to draw energy from

There are a lot of sources for energy strength, the main thing is to choose what is more suitable for a particular person. Moreover, you can get a lack of energy primarily at the physical level. This means that you need to take care of healthy and comfortable sleep, proper nutrition and many other factors. It is important to pay attention to your body. The energy of health will help solve most of the problems.

In addition, it is important to receive the necessary “feeding” at the spiritual and emotional level. To do this, you need to leave time for positive thinking and getting pleasant impressions.

Consider the basic mechanisms that will help you figure out where to get the strength and energy for life.


In many cultures, it is believed that it is joint walks that strengthen interpersonal relationships. That is why during the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds usually go through seven steps, symbolizing the unity of a man and a woman entering into marriage.

During such walks, a person’s energy is saturated with the necessary forces. It also improves family relationships. Therefore, you need to walk not only together, but also with children. Such family unity will help everyone to be liberated and feel love for each other.

However, sometimes it is good to walk alone. Sometimes it is during a hiking trip that solutions to many problems come. In addition, while walking, a person experiences peace, when all thoughts are turned off.

Physical exercise

Many mistakenly believe that going to the gym, swimming pool or fitness is a waste of time and money. However, physical activity is also important for energy. This is especially true of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. And it's not about being liked by men. If a person keeps his body in good shape, then he feels pride in himself, which, in turn, causes the appearance of more positive thoughts that have a positive effect on the moral and physical condition of the individual.

However, do not bring physical activity to the point of absurdity. In the fight against excess weight, on the contrary, you can aggravate the situation and fall into depression, so you need to maintain harmony in everything.

You need to choose for yourself the best and more interesting option for physical activity. Some people enjoy yoga, others love to swim.

Healthy lifestyle

These habits determine the whole life of a person. Health energy is very important. Therefore, those who smoke, overeat at night and drink a lot of alcohol often lack energy. In addition, bad habits greatly spoil the mood.

It is necessary to try to abandon everything negative and include in the diet as many healthy and nutritious foods as possible.


Many believe that for this it is necessary to go to an expensive resort. Actually it is not. If a person is looking for where to get strength and energy for life, then it is not necessary to get into debt and buy expensive tours to achieve the goal. It is enough to go even to the nearest city. The main thing is to change the situation and feel yourself in a different environment. New impressions, places, acquaintances and knowledge of cultural values ​​will help you get the necessary energy for a long time.

In summer you can go to the village, and in winter to any nearby ski resort.


When it seems that a period of stagnation has begun in life, and there is no opportunity to go on a trip, then you can try to change the situation around you. Very often, in a period of despondency and weakness, people rarely clean their apartments, wear dirty clothes, and completely stop monitoring everyday life.

To understand where to get strength and energy for life, it is enough to look around. It is necessary to sort out the rubble, throw away everything old and unnecessary. Torn clothes, damaged equipment - all these things carry negative energy, which must be periodically disposed of.

In addition, picking up old things, many begin to suffer from negative memories. It is not worth once again mentally plunging into the past, it is better to get rid of such sources of bad thoughts.

You can also start renovations. The transformation of an apartment is a change in the world around you. Moreover, a person spends most of his life in his “nest”.

Visiting a psychologist

Sometimes there is no one to talk about your problems to. Relatives do not want to be loaded with negative information, and friends may simply not understand or share disturbing thoughts. But where to get strength and energy for life? In communication with a psychologist.

Do not be shy to seek help from a specialist, he will carefully listen to all the problems. Although his recommendations may seem absurd, this is not the point. The most important thing is to speak out to someone who, although because of his specialty, will delve into all aspects of the patient's life. This is an excellent nourishment for human energy. No wonder everyone feels relieved after a visit to a psychologist. The point is not that he is a professional in his field, but that there was an emotional release of everything that was boiling in the soul.

Gratitude Diary

If you do not want to go to a psychologist, you can use his recommendations remotely. This universal tool will help you quickly replenish the missing energy reserves.

To do this, it is recommended to simply start a diary in which you need to write down everything that comes to mind. Let it be even insignificant thoughts that accidentally came to mind. It is also necessary to write down on paper all the bad things that happened during the day. If you were rude in the queue or the boss deprived you of the bonus, you should definitely write down your opinion on this matter in your diary.

In addition to negative thoughts, something positive should also be recorded. For example, if a person is dissatisfied with his appearance, then he must list what is good in him. Also, do not be shy to attribute to yourself positive qualities that may not actually exist. This will help boost your self-esteem.

At the same time, you need to write down your thoughts in a diary regularly. For example, at 10 pm every day. It is better to do this at a time when no one can distract or interfere.

It is also recommended to write in a notebook what a person is grateful for. For example, you can list 5 things for which you want to thank your husband, child or parents. While writing, the person will experience exclusively positive thoughts. Thanks to this, the lack of energy will quickly be replenished.

Psychologists say: the use of such a practice develops a person's positive thinking and vision of the world. At the same time, it is enough to devote only 10 minutes a day to the diary.

Unity with yourself

Sometimes many people ignore this point, but this does not negate its importance. Sometimes a person desperately needs to be alone for some time. At the same time, you can stay at home, turn off the lights and just think about the beautiful. Or it is useful to turn on your favorite movie, drink warm milk or wine all alone.

You need to be able to take time for yourself. Some see it as a sign of weakness or laziness. In fact, unity with yourself is a necessary stage of life. In addition, it is impossible to collect your thoughts when your head is full of everyday problems or troubles at work. Left alone, you need to stop thinking about the negative. It is better to try to imagine your wonderful future or remember the pleasant moments of life.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the methods that will help a woman get energy.


For the fair sex, there is nothing better than letting your body replenish its energy reserves through rhythmic tango or rumba. Dancing also contributes to the improvement of the figure. In the process of training, flexibility, a sense of rhythm, smoothness and grace develop. During dancing, the energy of a woman is literally released, and the body is charged with new forces.

The main thing is to get moral pleasure from classes. By the way, it is worth saying that it is useful to practice dancing at any age. Today you can even find dance groups for pensioners. In advanced years, people most often suffer from energy weakness, therefore they are also recommended to receive as many positive emotions as possible.

By the way, you can dance at home. It is especially fun to do this while cleaning.


According to psychologists, a woman needs to speak at least 22 thousand words a day in order to receive the necessary energy release. If there is no one to talk to, then information will be accumulated in it, which she must get rid of. As a result, problems begin to grow like a snowball.

Therefore, you need to meet with friends as often as possible and share the latest news with them. It is not necessary that the conversations be informative. When a person simply says the words, he disconnects from negative thinking. Of course, the interlocutor will not be interested in working unilaterally, so do not forget to periodically listen to him.

If there is no one to talk to, and you don’t feel like going to a psychologist at all, then today on the Web you can find a huge number of thematic forums and chats where you can express your point of view on a particular issue.


This is another way to quickly release negative energy and recharge with positive emotions. Every woman loves to sing. In this case, the repertoire can be absolutely anything. You can sing in karaoke, in the shower or during general cleaning, interspersed with rhythmic dances. Thanks to this, a woman gets the opportunity for self-expression.

When a mother sings a lullaby to a child, he automatically begins to experience peace. Because the voice and melodious singing is a very powerful way to get the necessary boost of energy.

Do energy bracelets help?

They are often advertised on TV and on the Internet. Usually these products are made from tourmaline and volcanic ash. According to advertising slogans, it is these materials that stimulate energy. However, in reality, these accessories do not have any effect on a person. Therefore, energy bracelets have an exclusively decorative function. Everything that is said in the advertisement is not true. This is just a smart move by marketers aimed at gullible buyers.

Do you know the situation when after a hard day at work you come home completely exhausted? All the energy has gone somewhere, and there is no strength for anything. Fatigue just comes in waves. This is all due to the fact that we are wasting our energy on completely unnecessary things.

Proper control of vital energy is just as important as accounting for finances, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Without this, there will be no complete harmony. Therefore, in order to feel great throughout the day, you need to know where our energy is spent and block all channels of its leakage. Moreover, it is not difficult to do this.

Where does life energy go?

unfinished business

If a person has a lot of things that are abandoned in a fit of laziness or for some other reason, then they simply suck out vitality. Some people often dream of their problems hanging over them like a sword of Damocles. This category "" can also include broken promises and monetary debts.


The more a person lies in life, the less energy he has left for creation. This is due to the fact that you need to constantly come up with some details so that the lie is not revealed. In order not to waste energy through this channel, you should be as honest as possible with your loved ones, friends and, above all, with yourself.

Fear and constant distrust

Like lies, these states can devastate a person and make him weak. The body begins to experience constant stress, which burns energy. To avoid this, you need to constantly engage in self-development and increase self-confidence. Our perception of the world depends on the internal attitudes that need to be cultivated in ourselves. One from the slightest problem at work, and the other from extreme situations.

Constant experiences

There is a category of people who experience negative emotions for any slightest reason. Worrying about nothing takes a lot of energy. It is necessary constantly, and for this there are special psychological techniques that need to be learned.

Lack of contact with nature

This rule is relevant for residents of megacities, since in rural areas such a problem does not exist. The river, trees, birds singing, grass - all these things feed the energy of a person. That is why you need to constantly travel out of town and relax.

Gossip and empty talk

Gossip wastes our energy. This is especially reflected in the psychological state of a person. By definition, one who constantly discusses other people's problems cannot have positive energy. Chattering idle also does not bring any benefit. Therefore, if you begin to understand that a conversation with a girlfriend or friend begins to flow into an empty channel, you should end it immediately.


This feeling primarily harms the person who experiences it. No wonder there is such a saying that "they carry water on the offended." It is always worth forgiving the people who hurt you. So you can become much freer and make room for positive emotions. draws a lot of energy out of a person.

sleep deprivation

This is one of the most important factors affecting our energy level. Where will she come from if the body and psyche do not have time to relax after a hard day's work. It is necessary to adhere to the exact schedule of waking up and going to bed.

Bad habits

Everyone knows that they take a lot of energy and health. However, many people neglect this. Minimize alcohol, smoking, overeating and life will change for the better. For some people it's simple, and you need to get rid of it.

Finally, we will give you a simple piece of advice: if it is difficult for you to keep track of the consumption of your life energy, manage it in the same way as. Make a list of energy losses and think about what expenses can be cut, and what useful things it is better to increase the amount of energy spent on. Thus, you will make room for creation, and this gives strength, and Vital energy will gush out of you.