The best ways to surprise a girl for free. Original ways to please and surprise a girl

Sometimes couples get so immersed in the routine of life that they even forget to say “I love you” to each other. If you feel like you haven't been the best partner lately, try surprising your loved one. There are many classic ways, but try to come up with something new. Let it be a personal, non-standard gift, an unforgettable evening for two, or even a dinner prepared by you yourself.


Make a special surprise

  1. treat her

      Take on the role of a chef. Few things are as romantic as cooking dinner, especially if she usually does the cooking. If you are confident in your culinary skills, prepare something gourmet. If not, get by with something simpler, like spaghetti or scrambled eggs. You can cook breakfast, lunch or dinner. The food doesn't have to be elaborate or fancy, but try to cook something that your girlfriend will enjoy.

      • If you doubt your culinary talents, invite her to cook lunch or dinner together. You will have fun, and besides, it is also romantic!
      • Remove everything unnecessary from the table and wipe it, take out the festive dishes and light the candles. So you turn an ordinary dinner into a special one.
      • If you live with neighbors or parents, choose an evening when everyone is out of the house for at least an hour or two, so that it can be just the two of you.
    1. Give her and yourself a box of chocolates. Even if you don't feel the need for grand romantic gestures, a box of good chocolate never hurts. Go to the chocolate shop and choose candies together. Put the box on the kitchen table and enjoy the candy for the next week. Discuss flavors and different toppings.

Girls really appreciate in guys their ability to surprise. But it's one thing when a guy is constantly next to his beloved and makes some surprises for her, and quite another if the couple is going through a temporary separation associated with someone's departure. To keep the brand of the best man in the world, you need to know how to surprise a girl from a distance so that she feels your love, even while in another city or country.

Testing feelings by distance

Distance can strengthen feelings. It is known that a person begins to understand how much his loved ones are dear to him only when he does not see them for a long time. The same is true in the relationship of a guy and a girl: if you are constantly together, then sooner or later you start to get tired of each other. And when one of the couple leaves for another city, people begin to get bored, suffer from the inability to see each other, and eventually realize that they are no longer ready to part.

Surprise the girl

To somehow brighten up the period of separation, you need to constantly remind yourself. The girl is a sweet slave creature; she should not make grand gestures. She has had enough daily calls and tender texts. But a guy may well come up with something extraordinary to keep his girlfriend from forgetting about herself, even when she is thousands of kilometers away from him.

Courier deliveries

Previously, to send greetings, letters or gifts, it was necessary to send ambassadors to another city. Then telephone communication appeared, and communication between two people from different cities became possible. Today it has developed to such an extent that you can even see a person, while being anywhere in the world. And in order to arrange a surprise, it is enough to contact a specialized company that deals with this.

What should you do if your girlfriend is in another city, and you want to give her a bouquet of something?

  1. In social networks or in an Internet search engine, find a flower delivery company;
  2. Contact personally with the manager or head of the company;
  3. Explain the situation: that you are in another city, you are interested in the opportunity to choose a bouquet from a photo, agree on payment (card, electronic money, postal order);
  4. Make a payment and wait for a joyful SMS from your beloved, who wonders how you were able to send flowers to her, being thousands of kilometers away.

In addition to flowers, you can send any surprises:

  • Stuffed Toys;
  • Sweets;
  • Dinner from a restaurant, etc.

There is a certain risk in such a surprise. The company may receive money and not fulfill its obligations, because, in fact, the contract you had was oral. It remains only to hope that you will come across a conscientious company. In extreme cases, you can leave a negative review on the site.

advertising banner

If the business trip (yours or the girls) is long-term, then after a few days, correspondence and calls will no longer bring positive emotions. It will become a routine.

You can tell a girl about your feelings with the help of a loud declaration of love. The definition of "loud" means that not only she, but also other people will learn about recognition.

How can this be done, and even at a distance.

Again, there is an opportunity to contact a special company. This time it will be a banner design company. They don't care what the poster says. The main thing is that it is paid. We proceed as follows:

  1. Coming up with a poster design. You can do it in your city too. If you own layout programs, you can do everything yourself, otherwise the company can design the poster.
  2. In the city where the girl is located, we are looking for a company engaged in advertising on banners, in buses, on transport, etc. The main thing is that the poster should be visible to a large number of people.
  3. We pay for the order by card.

Unexpected surprise

The above two methods were quite expensive. But you can surprise a girl without money. You should prepare a little surprise for her in advance by placing it in a place where the girl rarely looks. If you leave and the girl stays, this is easier to do: you can hide the surprise in her apartment:

  • In a vase or glass, standing in a sideboard;
  • Under the carpet (in case it is a note);
  • On the mezzanine;
  • Deep in a closet, etc.

That is, it should be any hard-to-reach place.

If a girl leaves, and you do not have the opportunity to manage in her temporary housing in another city, then a surprise is thrown into the luggage: in the pocket of a jacket or jeans; in the lining of a jacket; in a cosmetic bag, etc. If the girl does not discover the surprise herself, then you can call and tell her. A note, a postcard, a small decoration or craft can serve as a surprise.

Here I am

An option for the most impatient guys who do not want to put up with separation: you can just come to your beloved. The girl will undoubtedly be pleasantly surprised that you are ready to follow her to the ends of the world, forgetting about your business. But if you carefully plan your arrival without informing your beloved about it, it will turn out doubly amazing.

  1. You can quietly come to the city where the girl temporarily lives, settle nearby and arrange a day of surprises for her. At the same time, she should understand that you are doing this, and not some of her admirers, but remain at a loss as to how this can be. For example: throw a note in her mailbox (so that she recognizes the handwriting) that says something that only the two of you know about. Come to her place of work or college and verbally convey the message. At the same time, try to look so that you can be accurately described (you can wear the clothes in which the girl is used to seeing you).
  2. Try to become a phantom. A girl should think that you are imagining her. Put on a baseball cap, dark glasses, a hood and appear in the girl's field of view: go around the corner, and then hide again; show yourself in the crowd and then mingle with it; stand on the road near the traffic light where her bus will stop, etc.
  3. Just show up unexpectedly. This can happen at any time and anywhere: run into her on the subway, ask her to pass the fare on the minibus, ask her for the time as if you were a random passerby. Remember: the more banal the situation, the more amazing the meeting will turn out. It would be nice if someone captured this moment on camera.

Performing all of the above actions, remember that a girl can call you at any time to calm her bewilderment. Be prepared for her questions. You can reveal yourself and put the girl in your arms at any moment, but the more you delay it, the more touching and emotional the meeting will turn out to be.

Maybe you can get some more ideas from this video:

Temporary separation is not a reason to end a relationship. This is just a test of couples for strength, for feelings. If they are real, then both parties will do everything to brighten up the period of separation for each other as much as possible, and the main steps should be taken by the man. He is stronger emotionally and is ready to do things for the sake of his beloved. The surprise of a girl, surprises for her, extraordinary deeds, the constant maintenance of feelings in good shape - these are the standard actions of a real man.

“I don't need to be understood. I need to be loved, ”one of my friends says to her man every time when a dispute flares up in their family about where to spend the extra money. What do you object? And the husband agrees to another pair of shoes for his beloved, avoiding a quarrel and secretly obliging his wife to make concessions in other matters. The right man. He knows that the way to a woman's heart is through... a shoe store. As well as jewelry, cosmetic ... But the shortest one goes through attention and understanding.

Is everything important to a woman?

Reasons to please a girl with a surprise can be found enough. There are only three calendar ones - New Year, March 8 (read about what a woman can present for these holidays on the Sunny Hands website in the article “What to give a beloved woman?”) And Valentine's Day. I don't even mention my birthday. Here, as they say, you yourself know who ordered it. But there are still various days of our acquaintance, the first kiss, dance ... There would be a surprise, but there will be a reason to please a girl or wife.

For some reason, the stamp in the passport gradually nullifies such manifestations of feelings. And if the housewives are still trying to diversify the next festive feast with a gift to her husband, the strong half often forgets about this way of maintaining relationships over the course of family life. Well, or rarely refers to him. Or very rarely, when a bouquet of flowers presented on March 8, the wife reacts only with the words: “And what have you done?” Therefore, so that such questions do not arise in your personal life, give women flowers and gifts. At least about, which in the life of every representative of the fair sex are three. We all crave surprises on our own birthday, on March 8 and on our wedding anniversary, even if it is already 15 years we have lived together.

I do not urge men to pamper their second half with gifts almost every day. Women in this part are like children. They also need a measure, otherwise you won’t get gifts later. Sponges will blow about the forgotten flowers on the Day of our first SMS or, God forbid, meeting my mother. Well, if only flowers. And if a life partner is pleased only with diamonds? So it's not far from credit.

But seriously, men, be sure to present gifts to your wives and beloved girls for the holidays. Believe me, first of all, it is your attention and care that is important for us, and not the amount spent on the present. I'll reveal a secret. After each holiday at work, study, in the company of women, they are sure to ask each other what gift each received from her man. And if your companion remains on New Year's or Valentine's Day without a present, then the condemning glances of her female friends / colleagues are provided to her. Like, she married the wrong person or is going to. Yes, and just to remain silent in a similar situation, when all they do around is discuss holiday gifts, it's a shame. Even if a beautiful friend does not reproach you for this, the sediment will remain. Now just imagine how many such phenomena accumulate over the years of joint farming! Therefore, do not reduce your marriage only to such a definition of the family as a social phenomenon. Gifts about and flowers without, as well as timely compliments, if they do not guarantee a life-long relationship, then they will help to make your home happy for sure. After all, they don’t leave where it’s good, but they always return.

… And let colleagues envy!

Flowers are a welcome gift for every woman. They are not just a beautiful attribute of the holiday, but also a kind of symbol of the feminine. Therefore, if you want to cheer up your beloved, present her with a beautiful bouquet. And even better send by courier to the office. Double the joy is guaranteed. Not only are the flowers from the beloved man, but the pride overflows in front of colleagues. You can accompany the bouquet with a box of chocolates or balloons. Only necessarily helium! A friend of mine once had her husband send flowers to her workplace, adding a couple of heart-shaped balloons to them. I just chose the usual ones, and they hung ugly somewhere at the bottom of a chic bouquet, breaking its harmony.

If you're dating recently and want to give the girl a bouquet, try to find out if she's allergic to any flowers. The young man of another friend of mine at the initial stage of their relationship gave her a bouquet of orchids, to which she is allergic. The couple in love met at the cinema, and my friend decided that she would put flowers on the chair next to her and thus avoid an allergic reaction. It seems like the bouquet will be far from her. She was embarrassed to tell the young man about this, deciding that he would be upset. Or worse, run away. And she really liked him. And so they sat until the end of the session - my friend, her new love and a bouquet of orchids. When the guys left the hall, the girlfriend realized from the surprised eyes of the gentleman that everything was not all right with her. One glance in the mirror was enough to understand that the naive trick with the bouquet did not help, and allergic spots appeared on her face. I had to confess. The young man turned out to be serious about his girlfriend, so he was not afraid of allergies. They have been married for several years and are raising a charming toddler. But all's well that ends well. Therefore, it is better to find out in advance if the girl suffers from allergies. If you ask a direct question, believe me, none of us will be offended. On the contrary, such a gesture will be regarded as a manifestation of concern for our health.

When choosing flowers, be guided by the taste of the girl. Someone loves when flowers have long stems and they are unpacked, someone likes bouquets decorated with artificial butterflies and ribbons. Usually, even if the couple has just started dating, the girl will always hint to the young man what flowers she prefers. Just know how to listen. If your loved one is delicately silent on this issue, look through her albums on social networks. No girl will put on public display photos with flowers or bouquets that she does not like! Men, you can laugh at this, but rather take note. Of course, your inability to “get” with a bouquet of feelings, if they are real, is unlikely to interfere, but giving the desired gifts is much more pleasant. The husband of another friend of mine has been giving her exceptionally bad bouquets throughout the five years of their marriage. She has already hinted and said directly that she does not like flowers in the package, but her husband does the opposite with amazing accuracy. It seems that he hears the wishes of his wife, and speaks in Russian, but on the eve of the holidays he gives only bouquets wrapped in paper. This phenomenon, nicknamed among us “flower insanity”, remains a phenomenon for the entire closest girlish environment of a friend who is perplexed about him. Otherwise, her husband is a wonderful person.

More pleasure is delivered by "unexpected" bouquets. For example, when you are on the morning of March 8, while your beloved is sleeping, go for flowers and put them in a vase. Or if on the eve of 12 o'clock at night of her birthday, under the pretext,
that you are signed up for a car wash (make up your own), break out of the house and return with a beautiful bouquet. This is a tradition in my family. For several years in a row, my beloved assures me that it is vital for him to refuel the car, and leaves. And then I meet on the threshold of the apartment, first a bouquet (it is always so big that even my husband is not visible behind it), and then my beloved. If you don't live under the same roof, it's even easier to arrange a surprise. Buy a bouquet, wait until the first hour of her birthday, and call the apartment. You can also grab a cake. Just don't forget the candles.

By the way, can one of the men explain to me why you decided that women like flowers with inscriptions or drawings on them? Most of us consider it bad taste. One of my colleagues was presented with a bouquet of blue roses for her last birthday, the petals of which were “decorated” with similar inscriptions. In addition to sympathetic amazement, the bouquet caused nothing.

"Dior is not your friend!"

Flowers are flowers, but there should be more material manifestations in the house your feelings for us. That is gifts and surprises.

Once we were looking for a perfume for my husband. While choosing, I periodically “accidentally” ended up at the shelf with Dior fragrances. My husband stubbornly pretended not to notice my glances in the direction of my favorite bottles. At the checkout, I could not stand it and almost honestly admitted that I was running out of perfume, and since we came to the perfume store, why don't we choose a fragrance for me as well. And they will give us a discount on the second product, but we want a discount, right, dear? My husband looked at me for a long time, and then said with intonation: “Dior is not your friend! Versace is in fashion now ”(and how did you find out this name? Women's magazines are to blame, there are no more secrets for men in us).

But he asked what Dior fragrance I noticed. We left the store with only men's toilet water. What was my surprise when the next morning, getting ready for work, I saw a box with the desired fragrance on the perfume shelf! Do I need to describe how much joy this gift brought me! But happy feelings were caused, first of all, not by a present, but by the idea itself, a surprise that every woman dreams of.

My cousin dreamed about the Neva Masquerade cat for a long time. But in the city where she lives, there were no breeders of this breed at that time. She contacted on the Internet with one metropolitan phenological club that breeds this breed, and decided to go on vacation to them for a kitten. She even chose one adorable baby on the club's website and was very worried that someone would buy him before her. And one evening, my sister returned home from work and, opening the door to the apartment, froze. The same blue-eyed baby and smiling husband looked at her. While she was at the office, her husband took time off from work, drove to Moscow (the cities are 600 km apart), bought a kitten and returned home. He has been living in my sister's family for the third year and has grown into a beautiful and smart cat.

My husband and I have another tradition. He and I are partial to watches. But we buy new copies only at the same time for me and for him, and always from the same company.
Not so long ago, we introduced a similar tradition with respect to mobile phones. If we change them, then we purchase models from one manufacturer. We agreed on such a gift, for example, for Valentine's Day. It's probably the little things. But if you think about it, it's not for nothing that companies with a long history have corporate attributes, the so-called team style. That's how it is in the family. The more in common, the stronger the relationship. Yes, and it adds adventure. You always know, if your husband is thinking about buying a new watch, then you will soon have a fashionable copy. And to him, on quite legal grounds, you can buy that dress from the new collection of your favorite brand.

It gives women great joy when a man comes up with an original form for presenting a gift.. My lover once gave me a map of our apartment and said that it would help to find surprises. The map contained questions about our relationship (what we usually eat for breakfast, where we went to last weekend, etc.), and the answers were a clue to the place and the surprise that awaited me there. So I became the owner of a new toaster, a book by my favorite author, tickets to the theater and other little things.

And the husband of one of my girlfriends decorated the apartment with balloons, and attached a leaflet with his desires to each. For each performed wife (that is, my girlfriend) was entitled to a gift. Desires were comic (make coffee, say a compliment).

Women love surprises and are very grateful to men for them. Read the article What to give your girlfriend for her birthday? . Postcards for no reason, SMS with confessions of tender feelings, invitation tickets to the cinema discreetly placed in your purse, underwear, beautifully packaged and also “accidentally” thrown on the shelf of your beloved will make your chosen one the happiest woman in the world. And for these manifestations of attention, you will always have a beautiful, self-confident, calm woman in the house who never has a headache.

Beauty is strength

Let your chosen ones remain beautiful and visit beauty salons. Many women deliberately refuse the services of professionals in order to save the family budget. Dear men, you better start making more money, you can read about it on the Sunny Hands website in the How to Make Money section.

Dear women, don't do this! The moment you stop caring for yourself, you lose a significant part of your femininity. Indeed, since ancient times, beauty rituals have been considered an obligatory attribute of the culture of any society. It is enough to look through the books of different authors to see how much time women devoted to self-care in different centuries. And in men, this stereotype is fixed at a subconscious level. According to the observations of family relationships of my girlfriends, acquaintances and relatives, I can say with confidence that men value more those women who spend money on personal care. And leave them less often. The point here, I think, is not only in external perfection. Healthy male egoism also plays a role, once expressed by one of my acquaintances like this: “I invested so much money in it that it’s a pity to throw it away.” This, of course, was said in jest, but I think there is some truth in it. I do not urge excellent readers to spend the entire family budget solely on visiting beauty salons, but you should not forget that you are a woman either.

Therefore, if you want to arrange a holiday for your lady of the heart, let her go to a beautician or a hairdresser. So that she does not worry about the family budget, find out which salon she prefers and give her a certificate, say, for six months of visits. A friend of mine's husband has been doing this for three years of their marriage. The girl regretted spending money on personal care and tried to manage only with home procedures. Then the husband bought her a certificate for three months (standard services were paid for - manicure, pedicure, haircut). At first she was indignant at these expenses, but now she is used to it and even boasts to her friends.

So what is the path to a woman's heart through? Through clothing, lingerie and accessories stores? Definitely! Through care, attention and help? Definitely! But if you choose one of these options, the path will be long. And the combination of both will get you there in no time. Conquer us! Like surprises!

P.S. The most unusual gift I received from a stranger. It happened on the eighty-sixth floor of the symbol of American architecture - the Empire State Building. Perhaps it is difficult to call this thing a present. At the same time, it is thanks to her that I have the opportunity to admire the views of New York from a bird's eye view in the photo album. And then, on the eighty-sixth floor of the world-famous building, my camera batteries ran out. I couldn't take a single picture! Help came in the form of a Japanese tourist. He handed me a set of spare batteries and, smiling, disappeared into the crowd of tourists.

This is me to the fact that sometimes completely simple things done on time can work wonders and be the beginning of something bigger. Show attention, give love, do not be afraid of actions. This is what makes a happy life.

Sincerely, Oksana Chistyakova.

All girls like it when a young man shows signs of attention. Flowers and candies are nice gifts, but they are too familiar. In order to surprise your other half, you should be more original. There are many reasons for this. You can make something pleasant for your beloved girl on her birthday, on March 8, on Valentine's Day. Even if a young man does not have money, then this is not an obstacle in order to amaze his beloved woman.

    Show all

    gift without money

    Every woman deserves to have her lover always try to please her. There are different ideas, how, without having large funds.

    Flowers for a girl

    Words about feelings

    Walking through a beautiful park, you can just stop, take her by the hand and just say about your tender feelings, about how beautiful and unique she is. Beloved will be very pleased with such an unexpected manifestation of feelings. You can end such a confession with a passionate kiss that will turn her head. A surprised girl will remember this for a long time.

    Another way to help express something that is difficult to describe in words is a love letter. Real letters, written by hand, have not yet lost their relevance. If a young man uses perfume, then it is worth lightly sprinkling a piece of paper on which the message is written. Such an envelope can be sent by mail or handed over personally at a meeting.

    Diversity in intimate life

    Relax day

    As a surprise, you can plan the whole day so that it is as comfortable as possible for your beloved. In the morning, bring coffee to bed, make breakfast, do all the work at home, give her a bubble bath, and offer to give her a massage. Beloved will definitely appreciate such attention, especially after a hard week of work.

    What to text a girl to make her smile

    Song on the radio

    In this case, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the character of the girl. If she likes noisy parties, being the center of attention, then you can make such a surprise. If she is modest and does not like close attention in her person, then it is better to abandon this idea.

    Music collection

    If a girl likes to listen to music in a player or phone, then a collection of her favorite songs will be an excellent gift for her. You can record those compositions that are somehow connected with her young man, they remind of something. In order to make the gift even more romantic, it is worth writing down a personal message from yourself.

    Surprise on the Internet

    Every girl spends a lot of time on the Internet. The pages with social networks are the most frequently visited. This can be used to pleasantly surprise your beloved. For example, buy a place for advertising and place nice words and her photo there. In correspondence, you can write beautiful words about love or a picture that would tell about the feelings of a young man. It is also easy to leave a love message in the comments or on the wall of your girlfriend's page.

    Another option is to create a website by filling it with photos of a girl and writing a beautiful text about her. This can be done on your own or you can resort to the help of professionals who will not only do everything technically correctly, but also design it in an original way.

    On distance

    Many guys mistakenly think that you can surprise your girlfriend only in person, but not at a distance. Making a girl smile is not so difficult, because you can use the services of a courier service and deliver a huge bouquet or a mysterious gift to her place of work or home.

    An even greater effect will be produced by a meeting in which the guy arrives, finds his beloved in the park or store and writes a message with the text: “Turn around! I want to kiss you! ". The girl definitely does not expect such a surprise.

    At the meeting

    It is not difficult to please a girl at a meeting. To do this, you can come with a large bouquet of roses, a soft toy, perfumes, cosmetics or a souvenir. In order to impress a girl on a first date, you can come to her meeting in a limousine. Usually in such cars there is always champagne or wine, glasses, sweets. All this will help relieve some tension after such an unexpected meeting.

    If the relationship between lovers began recently, then you should invite a woman to an expensive restaurant. The main thing is to find out before that about her taste preferences, so as not to make a mistake with the choice of cuisine.

    In the bed

    If a guy and a girl recently began a joint sexual life, then you should not try to invent something. At this stage of the relationship, the main thing is the desire of the young man to show that he is ready to give all his best in order to please his beloved. You should slow down the pace in those positions that are especially pleasant for the partner.

    If a couple has been together for more than a year, and sexual desire is no longer the same as before, then in this case it is worth deciding on experiments in sex. It is necessary to read the relevant literature, learn more about the erogenous zones of women. You can take a chance and make love in an unusual place for both partners. Another option is to purchase items from a sex shop: handcuffs, sexy lingerie, adult "toys". It would be nice to master the art of erotic massage.

    nice gift

    To surprise your beloved woman with a gift, you should give her something that she has been dreaming of for a very long time. To create intrigue, regardless of the size of the gift itself, it is better to pack it in a large box and beautiful wrapping paper.

    Romantic gifts should not be given too often, as over time it may come to be perceived as something ordinary.

    On the first date

    The fate of further relationships largely depends on how the first date goes. It is worth preparing thoroughly for the first meeting. To do this, you can find out from the girl’s close friends about what she prefers in food, drinks, where she likes to relax. You can ask how she relates to romance, what kind of flowers she likes. A page on a social network usually contains information about favorite books and films, music, hobbies, and outlook on life.

    At home

    If the lovers began to live together, then this is not a reason to relax. On the contrary, right now, when a woman is cooking for him, washing, cleaning, a young man should support her in every possible way, thank and surprise her. You can start by regularly helping your loved one with household chores.

    A good option would be to purchase a gift certificate to her favorite store, a subscription to a solarium, a beauty salon, a massage center. She should feel not only a housewife, but also a desirable girl.

    To the day of all lovers

    Valentine's Day is a romantic holiday, so you should refrain from giving cosmetics, household appliances and other similar gifts on this day. It can be a beautiful animal molded from polymer clay or a heart, a bouquet of sweets and paper. You can try to make origami from newspapers or even banknotes. Flowers, a soft toy, jewelry, sweets in a box will be relevant.

    The gift should speak about the feelings of the young man. The ideal option would be to prepare such a surprise with your own hands. To do this, you can prepare a beautiful glass container. It is necessary to place 100 pieces of paper in it, on which are written the reasons why a young man loves his girlfriend.

    On March 8

    On this day, it is customary to give practical gifts that will be useful to a woman in everyday life in order to facilitate her work. It can be a washing machine, microwave, multicooker. Presents in the form of expensive perfumes, creams, cosmetics will be useful. Do not be shy to ask directly about the gift that the girl would like to receive.

    You can complement the present with a hand-made thing, for example, a bouquet of sweets. To make it, you need the following:

    • Cotton fabric in different colors in red and pink tones.
    • Dark green felt.
    • Wire (section 1–2 mm).
    • Candies in the shape of a pyramid or rectangle.
    • Skewers.
    • Decorative tape made of paper on an adhesive basis.

    Chintz fabric is cut into small squares 10x10 cm in size. Candies are wrapped in chintz squares.

    A skewer is inserted under the candy, but they do not pierce the sweetness with it. The skewer is wrapped with the corners of a square fabric and wrapped tightly with adhesive tape.

    For a birthday

    Birthday is a special holiday when you need to try hard. It should be borne in mind that if a big celebration is planned, then parents, relatives, friends, colleagues will be present at the celebration. Therefore, in this case, you need to give something expensive. If a young man has a good relationship with the girl’s relatives, then you can agree in advance on who and what will give. Close people can tell you what exactly the girl is waiting for as a gift from her boyfriend.

    No matter how expensive the gift is, nothing will melt the ice like a prepared surprise with your own hands. For example, paper cake. It is enough to stock up on multi-colored thick cardboard, scissors and a manufacturing scheme. Inside the "dessert" you can put your favorite sweets of the birthday girl and notes with wishes, congratulations and compliments.

    You can also make an album with photos in chronological order of the development of the relationship of a couple in love. A good option would be a photo collage with the brightest pictures of lovers.

I close my eyes and see the forests of Jamaica
I see her golden beaches
I see her beautiful women
Their faces are sad.
Chaif ​​Group - "Argentina-Jamaica 5:0"

The faces of women are sad, they are even when they feel a lack of attention and love. It was Argentina-Jamaica, it was 5:0, but we don’t exchange for trifles and are ready to defeat the girl with a score of 10:0.

There is only one way to win the heart of any girl, as well as to be there constantly throughout life - to constantly surprise her and take care of her.

Asking the question: “How to surprise a girl?” we remembered all the classic clichés. In some situations, clichés do not work, but almost always in other cases, this is a wonderful way. You know that a simple and reliable blow to the jaw has always worked on your male opponents. Although women are quite complex and funny creatures, some methods of influencing them are as effective as they are on men - a blow to the jaw.

Keep in mind that after this there will be more sex, and borscht will be tastier! Almost all of these methods are suitable to fall in love with a new girl or "warm up" a current girlfriend.!

How to surprise a girl with a score of 10:0

Surprise a girl with a song or a message

Get her a song on the radio or on a billboard. This is such a classic technique against girls that it works flawlessly. If a girl at work or school listens to her favorite radio, then this method is for you. Order a love tune, her favorite song or a special song, just yours. You can order a congratulation in an advertisement in the subway or buy a place on a billboard. A cute or funny message to your beloved, on an advertising billboard, will make her smile and her heart flutter. You, no doubt, surprised the girl and the score is 1:0 so far.

Surprise a girl with a bouquet sent or an unexpected meeting

Use the time of day when she can't see you. The time when she is at school / work can be effectively used. Use the delivery service and order her a huge bouquet of flowers or a gift directly to work. A good way to surprise her is to pick her up from the office and take her to a nice and cozy cafe or restaurant for lunch. You pleasantly pleased and surprised the girl and lead with a score of 2:0.

Surprise a girl with breakfast in bed

Starting the weekend, and maybe the weekdays with breakfast in bed, is a great idea. A light breakfast with sweets and coffee will help you confirm her opinion that you are a cool man. In addition to the breakfast tray, did you manage to get flowers or a flower somewhere in bed? Yes, you're just an awesome professional, almost like Casanova. The surprise of the girl was counted by the referees and the score was 3:0.

Surprise a girl with memories

If you have been dating for more than a couple of months, remember how you went somewhere or any other joint, somehow dear story to you. Think back to last Valentine's Day, how you met, or look at vacation photos. This will dispel the myth that men do not remember anything and are alien to romance and emotions. The score will be 4:0 and she will understand that she will still have to be surprised by you more than once.

Surprise a girl with an unexpected text, card or letter

Write her a message on the phone late at night or in the morning. If your SMS was successful, then it will be stored in her smartphone for a very long time. Send her a real letter or postcard with beautiful or vice versa simple, but no less wonderful words. She is surprised and the score is already 5:0!

Surprise a girl with a gift

A gift for Valentine's Day, March 8 or a birthday is all too obvious. Give a girl something completely unexpected and for no reason. This gift, if it is, for example, an ornament, will then often be shown to girlfriends with a proud look. After a score of 6:0, you will feel the strength of a champion in your girlfriend's surprise.

Surprise a girl with shopping

Buy a bunch of groceries for the house on your way home. Knowing that you are doing this without prompting and with enthusiasm will pleasantly surprise the girl. Don't forget to buy something just for her, such as a flower, a small gift, a chocolate bar, or other treat. This method is suitable even if you do not live together, just go and buy food for her, for the slightest reason. A bunch of packages and your happy face will surprise her, and the score became 7:0.

Surprise a girl with a confession

Confession of love should be periodically. I love you - these words have a magical effect on girls, like "Fuck-tibidoh" by Old Man Hottabych. These magic words, in the right situation and in the right mood, are the most powerful tool. "Fuck-tibidoh" ... yes, if you have not had your first sex, then, finally, the time for "fuck" may come. The girl will be rather not surprised, but insanely happy and the score is 8:0. (see How to Romance a Relationship)

Surprise a girl with sex

New tricks, positions, role-playing, a certain setting, or other sexual surprise is almost always good for the relationship. Have a romantic rendezvous, buy a sex manual like the Kama Sutra to study together, and give her 1,001 orgasms in a year. The girl will be surprised by your manly strength and the score is already 9:0.

Surprise her with a marriage proposal

What could be stronger than the effect of the words "I love you"? Only the words "Marry me!". A marriage proposal will truly surprise a girl, even if she has been waiting for it for a long time.
The score is 10:0 and you won a landslide victory.

Regular elements of surprise will help keep the fire going with your beautiful girlfriend for ages.

Photo: Mike Monaghan