"Mom's Children" a summary of the theatrical game in the middle group. Synopsis of the theatrical game in the middle group "zayushkina hut"

Target : development of creative abilities by means of theatrical activities

Tasks :
1. Teach children to pronounce the text clearly, using different emotional colors (joy, sadness)

2. To develop the psychophysical abilities of children (facial expressions, gestures);

3. Cultivate a cognitive interest in theatrical activities

4. Encourage children to actively participate in theatrical games.

Material : picture cards with the expression of a little man's face: cheerful and sad for each child; kitten toy, laptop, music recording,


Storyteller enters

Storyteller: Guys, do you recognize me?

Children: You are a storyteller

Storyteller: Do you know where fairy tales are shown?

Children: In the cinema, on TV

Storyteller: And fairy tales are still shown in the theater, and you know who shows fairy tales in the theater

Children: Artists
Storyteller: Do you guys want to become artists? (Answers of children).
Storyteller: Let's play artists. And you know that the face, eyes, hands help the artist. Today you and I will learn to convey through facial expressions and body movements what we feel. After all, these skills help us better convey the images of our heroes when we stage a fairy tale. Let's start our lesson with a warm-up game "Transfers". Be attentive and accurately carry out my assignments. First, I will explain to you the rules of this game. We pass everything to each other in silence, we express it with our eyes, face, lips, shoulders, hands in general, this is all called facial expressions and gestures. Sit comfortably and correctly, start with .. and end with me.

1. Give a smile to your neighbor (in a circle);

2. Send "heart" (an angry expression on your face);

3. Convey "fright";

4. Tell the "horror story".

Storyteller: But the next task - hand over the "clap", let's start with me, I show you pass it to each other.

(First I show one clap; three claps; two claps and the third on my knees.)

Storyteller: So our warm-up is over. Guys, we conveyed everything in silence only with facial expressions, i.e., facial expressions and movements, i.e. gestures. Guys, what did we transmit? (With gestures, facial expressions, movements).

Now let's try to convey our mood with a voice: fun and sad.

Listen to this phrase: "Let's go, let's go to the forest for nuts." Let's repeat this phrase all together.

(Choral repetition).

Storyteller: Guys, I have picture cards with expressions on the face of a man: funny and sad. You need to go to the table and take the expression on the face of the little person you like.

(Children come to the table and take cards).

Storyteller: Now say this phrase "Let's go, let's go to the forest for nuts" with the intonation you took the little man: sad or funny. Sasha, Andrey, Vasya have a sad little man. Let's try to pronounce it sad, imagine that someone offended you.

(Children take turns pronouncing it sadly).

Storyteller: And Tanya, Yulia, Rita have a cheerful little man. Let's try to pronounce this phrase in a fun way. Imagine that you have bought your favorite toy and you are in a joyful, cheerful mood.

(Children take turns pronouncing it cheerfully.)

Storyteller: Guys, a kitten came with me. And in what fairy tales and cartoons does the kitten live (answers by children

Storyteller: Let's stand in a circle. Let's play with him. Look at the little kitten in my hands. I will let each of you hold him, and you stroke him, caress him, just be careful and say kind words to him.

(Children pass on to each other and say kind words to the kitten).

storyteller: Well done! Guys, and I know a poem about "Pussy" by B. Zakhoder, would you like to listen?

Storyteller: Listen and tell me whether I read this poem sadly or cheerfully. (I read a poem with expression).

Crying pussy in the hallway

She has a lot of grief

Wicked people poor pussy

Do not allow sausages to be stolen.

Educator: Funny poem? (Yes) .

Educator: How did I read the poem: sad or fun?

(Answers of children).

Storyteller: I read it with intonation, expression. Guys, let's read this poem to feel sorry for the pussy, to be sad. Listen first as I read to you.

(I read it sadly).

(2-3 children).

Storyteller: Now let's have a fun read. And the pussy is a pity and at the same time the poem is funny. Listen to me.

(I read cheerfully. Then 2-3 children).

storyteller: Guys, do you want to become pussies yourself, who wants to steal a sausage? (Yes) .

Storyteller: Let's try some pussy play. Get up from the chairs. Imagine that you are a pussy who wants to pull a sausage off the table. Stand like a pussy on its paws. The pussy goes to the kitchen. You spin around the table, rub your back against its leg, stand on your hind legs and breathe in a pleasant smell with pleasure. But then the hostess left the kitchen. You reach for the sausage with your paw, and now it is in your paws. But here comes the hostess. The pussy drops the sausage and runs away.

Storyteller: Guys, are you sorry for the pussy? (Yes) .

Storyteller: Let's take pity on her. Imagine that your left hand is a cat, and you are stroking it with your right hand:

- Pussy, sissy, sissy!

- I called the kitten Julia.

- Do not rush, wait, wait!

- And stroked her hand! (L.P.Savina).

Storyteller: Kitty calmed down. Guys, how do you think the hostess Julia will feed the pussy? (Yes) .

Storyteller: What?

Storyteller: Well done! I also think that the hostess will stroke the pussy and feed.

Storyteller. What did you like? What new did you learn? It's time for me to go back. And in the next lesson, we, as real artists, will show the tale "The Turnip".

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten" Teremok "s. Veseloe "Krasnogvardeisky district Belgorod region

in the middle group

Prepared by the teacher:

Dashevskaya Tatiana Nikolaevna

Merry 2016

Synopsis of the theatrical game "Teremok"

in the middle group

Target : to develop creativity, independence, artistic skills in the course of playing with the fairy tale "Teremok", to introduce preschoolers to the theatrical art.


Educational: to teach children to use expressive means to convey the images of the heroes of the fairy tale: intonation, gestures, facial expressions

Developing: promote the diversified development of children; develop memory, dialogical speech, imagination, verbal and singing creativity.

Educational: foster friendly and welcoming relationships.

Equipment : hats / masks, costumes of Teremok characters: mice, frogs, hares, chanterelles, wolf, bear.

Roles : mouse-lorushka, frog-frog, bunny-runner, chanterelle-sister, top-gray barrel, bear-toed.

Preliminary stage : Reading the fairy tale "Teremok". Examination of illustrations, making hats, decorations.

Game progress : - Children, let's remember the fairy tale "Teremok". What characters lived in this tale? -Look at me in my hands a hero from this fairy tale. -Who is this? -Who ran up to the house?

Game studies:

    Children, let's remember how the mouse ran up to the tower. -Masha, show me. - How did you knock? -What did she say? Repeat “Teremok, teremok! - "Who lives in the little house ?!" -Well done!

    Who then ran up to the house? -How did she jump? -What did you say?

- "Terem-teremok, who lives in the terem?" - Lina, show me.

    Who ran up to the house after the frog? What the runaway bunny said when he approached the tower. - "Who lives in the tower ?!" - Show me.

    What the fox said. “Teremok, teremok! - "Who lives in the little house ?!" -What did the animals answer to her? “- I, little mouse. - I, a frog-frog. - I, a runaway bunny. - And who are you? - And I am a fox-sister. - Come to live with us! "

    And what did the wolf say? “Teremok, teremok! - "Who lives in the little house ?!" etc.

Children, I will tell the story, and you will show it.

Distribution of roles. Playing on a fairy tale.

Who will we have a mouse, I put on a suit. I designate the role with a word.

Masha is a mouse. -Who will we have a frog? - We have Lina as a frog. (I put on a suit). This is how I distribute all the roles.

Q: -The fairy tale begins!

There is a teremok in the field. A little mouse is running past. I saw the teremok, stopped and asked:

M: - Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion? Nobody responds. The mouse entered the teremok and began to live there.

Q: A frog-frog galloped to the tower and asks:

L: - Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

M: - I, little mouse! And who are you?

L: - And I'm a frog-frog.

M: - Come live with me! The frog jumped into the teremok. They began to live together.

Q: A runaway bunny is running by. He stopped and asked:

Z: - Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

M: - I, little mouse!

L: - I, frog-frog!

ML: - Who are you?

Z: - And I'm a runaway bunny.

ML: - Come to live with us! Hare gallop into the teremok! The three of them began to live.

Q: A little fox-sister is walking by. She knocked on the window and asked:

Fox.: - Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

M: - I am a mouse.

L: - I, frog-frog.

Z: - I, runaway bunny.

Together: - Who are you?

Fox.: - And I'm a fox-sister.

Together: - Come to live with us! The chanterelle climbed into the teremok. The four of them began to live.

Q: A top-gray flank came running, looked through the door and asked:

V-k. - Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

M: - I am a mouse.

L: - I, frog-frog.

Z: - I, runaway bunny.

Fox: - I, little fox-sister.

Together: - Who are you?

In-k.: - And I'm a top-gray barrel.

Together. - Come to live with us!

Q: The wolf climbed into the teremok. The five of them began to live. Here they live in the house, singing songs. Suddenly a clumsy bear walks. The bear saw the little house, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs:

M: - Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

M: - I am a mouse.

L: - I, frog-frog.

Z: - I, runaway bunny.

Fox.: - I, little fox-sister.

In-k.: - I, a top-gray barrel.

Together.: - Who are you?

M: - And I'm a clubfoot bear.

Together: - Come to live with us!

Q: Bear and climbed into the teremok. Climb-climb, climb-climb - I could not get in and says:

M: - I'd rather live on your roof.

Together: - Yes, you will crush us.

M: - No, I will not crush.

Together: - Well, climb! The bear climbed onto the roof and just sat down - fuck! - the teremok collapsed.

Q: The tower crackled, fell on its side and fell apart. Barely had time to jump out of it a mouse-louse, a frog-frog, a runaway bunny, a chanterelle-sister, a top-gray barrel - all safe and sound.

The final stage. Moving to another activity

    Guys, what a great job you are! How well we have played the fairy tale. How friendly you are. Let's build a new building so that we can live together.

    We will sing with you the "Song of Friendship".

    Let's take a photo near the new tower.

Bratanova Natalia
Summary of the lesson on theatrical activities in the middle group "Teremok"

Lesson on theatrical activities in the middle group.

contribute to the formation of the ability of children to reflect some game actions and imitate the actions of the characters, to convey simple emotional states of the characters, using facial expressions, gesture, movement.

Communication - encouraging children to actively participate in theatrical play; develop the ability to coordinate actions with other children - the heroes of the fairy tale; to activate the speech of children; improve dialogical speech, reinforce onomatopoeia with familiar animals.

Cognition - to teach children the elements of theatrical activity; develop auditory attention, imagination, interest in performing arts.

Fiction - continue to introduce children to Russian folk tales.

Program content: increasing the general emotionality of children; disclosing the creative abilities of shy, inactive children, increasing their self-esteem;

develop the creative abilities of children through transformation into the images of fairy-tale characters;

continue to acquaint with various ways of transferring images of fairy-tale characters;

to foster interest in literary works through their playing around and theatricalization.

Preliminary work:

1. Guessing riddles about animals.

2. Reading the Russian folk tale "Teremok" and a conversation on its content.

3. Show of the fairy tale "Teremok" (table theater).

Course of the lesson

Children! Guests have come to us today. They want to see how you have grown, how you are doing, how great you are!

Children stood up, stood in a circle, you are my friend, and I am your friend.

Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other!

Guess the emotion game

(There are pictograms of various emotions on the table)

Look, a bun has come to us today. Imagine, a kolobok, just like us, has different moods.

Let's look at the picture, what do you think is the mood of the kolobok here? (sad)

How did you guess?

Do you have such a mood? When?

Show how sad you are.

Also show joy, kindness, resentment, anger.

Well done, you are very good at expressing your emotions.


Children! See what I have in my hands? Today I walked along the path to kindergarten and found a beautiful box.

Are you wondering what's in it? (I try to open it, but it won't open) We won't be able to open it until we solve the riddles. Are you ready to work hard?

Children guess the riddle, and the teacher takes toys out of the box.

1. Lives in a mink, gnaws on the crusts.

Short legs, afraid of a cat.

2. We are green like grass,

Our song "kva-kva".


3. Jumps across the field - hides the ears.

Will stand up in a pillar - ears upright.

4. Who walks angry, hungry in the cold winter?

5. The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden.

Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village.

5. He sleeps in winter, - in summer he agitates hives.


Well done, kids! All the riddles were guessed, oh, how many animals the magic box hid!

Guys, can you guess from which fairy tale these animals are?

That's right, "Teremok"!

Let us try to turn into forest dwellers. (Children stand in a circle, imitate the movements of forest animals)

Imitation game

The fox knows - the fox

All her beauty is in the fur coat.

There is no red fur coat in the forest,

There is no more cunning beast in the forest.

Over the rubble, over the ravines

A clubfoot bear walks.

He loves bee honey

Yes, it tears raspberries from the branches.

The noise of the forest rolled,

Under the bush, I quieted down with a scythe.

Long ears pressed,

The echo went off for a long time.

Two frogs - laughing

We jumped and jumped.

Clap with your paw!

The other is clap!

Cheeks puffed out.

We saw a mosquito

They shouted: "Kva-kva-kva!"

Day and night prowls through the forest,

Day and night looking for prey.

The wolf walks and wanders silently,

Ears are gray - upright.

The gray mouse runs

Along the forest path.

And all trembles from fear -

Frightened by the cat.

Well done boys. You looked a lot like forest animals. Now let's show our guests the fairy tale "Teremok"

To do this, we will turn into fairy-tale heroes - forest animals. (Children choose the masks of the residents of the house)

Also in our tale there will be a fairy-tale forest in which talking animals live.

(The fairy forest consists of trees and the sun - children put on mittens with a Christmas tree, the sun is chosen)

The rest of the children, together with the teacher, form a "teremok" (stand in a circle, holding hands).

Playing a fairy tale with children.

Educator as a reader.

Here a strong wind rose, the forest swayed, made a noise, the sun looked out, joyful, cheerful (the children depict the words of the reader, and a mouse ran out of the forest, saw the teremok, asks:

Nobody responds. The mouse entered the teremok and began to live there.

There is a teremok in the field - a teremok. He is not low, not high - not high.

The wind blew again, the sun appeared from behind the forest and a frog-frog jumped out of the forest. I saw the teremok and asked:

Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

I am a little mouse! And who are you?

And I'm a frog frog.

Come live with me! The frog jumped into the teremok. They began to live together.

There is a teremok in the field - a teremok. He is not low, not high - not high.

A runaway bunny is running by. He stopped and asked:

Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

I am a little mouse!

I, the frog-frog!

And who are you?

And I'm a runaway bunny.

Come live with us! Hare gallop into the teremok! The three of them began to live.

There is a teremok in the field - a teremok. He is not low, not high - not high.

A little fox-sister is walking by. She knocked on the window and asked:

Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

I am a little mouse.

I am a frog frog.

I am a runaway bunny.

And who are you?

And I am a little fox sister.

Come live with us! The chanterelle climbed into the teremok. The four of them began to live.

There is a teremok in the field - a teremok. He is not low, not high - not high.

A top-gray flank came running, looked through the door and asked:

Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

I am a little mouse.

I am a frog frog.

I am a runaway bunny.

I, little fox-sister.

And who are you?

And I'm a top-gray barrel.

Come live with us!

The wolf climbed into the teremok. The five of them began to live. Here they live in the house, singing songs.

There is a teremok in the field - a teremok. He is not low, not high - not high.

Suddenly a clumsy bear walks. The bear saw the little house, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs:

Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

I am a little mouse.

I am a frog frog.

I am a runaway bunny.

I, little fox-sister.

I, a top-gray barrel.

And who are you?

And I'm a clubfoot bear.

Come live with us!

The bear also entered the teremok and they all began to live together.

They lived together, did not grieve,

The stove in the house was heated.

Well done, children, they coped well with their roles, they portrayed the heroes of the fairy tale very similarly, let's bow to our viewers.

Relaxation "From seed to tree" (audio recording).

And now it's time to rest. We set off to the spring lawn to the sound of music.

I am a gardener, and you are little seeds (children shrink into a ball on the floor, remove their head and cover it with their hands).

The "gardener" is very careful about the "seeds", watering them (stroking the head and body, looking after.

With the warm spring sun, the "seed" begins to grow slowly. (They rise.)

His “leaves” open up (hands stretch upward, a “stem” grows (the body stretches out, “twigs” with “buds” appear (hands to the sides, fingers are clenched). A joyful moment comes, and the “buds” burst (fists open sharply, and the sprout turns into a beautiful and strong "flower".

Summer comes, the "flower" prettier, admires itself (to examine itself, smiles at the neighbors - flowers (smiles at the neighbors, bows to them, lightly touches them with its petals (with fingertips to reach the neighbors).

But then the wind blew, autumn is coming. "Flower" sways in different directions, fights against bad weather (swinging arms, head, body). The wind tears off the petals and leaves (hands drop, head, “the flower bends, bends to the ground, and falls on it. He is sad.

But then the winter snow started. The “flower” has turned into a small “seed” again (curl up on the floor). The snow has wrapped the "seed", it is warm and calm. Spring will come again soon, and it will come to life.

Have a rest, well done! Get on your feet. What did you like in class today?

Our lesson is over.

Related publications:

"What where When?" - a summary of an open lesson in the senior group on theatrical activities Software content. 1. Stimulate children's emotional perception of theatrical play and active participation in it; 2. Encourage children.

The purpose of the lesson is to expand the knowledge of children about the circus, to develop imitation movements, emotionality, to develop active speech, the ability to communicate.

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Abstract of an open lesson on cognitive and theatrical activities in the middle group Synopsis of an open lesson on cognitive theatrical activities with integration with artistic creativity in the middle group.

The influence of theatrical activities on the all-round development of children

information manual and

promising teaching experience

Compiled by:

    Foreword …………………………………………………. 2

    Thematic plan (middle group) ………………………. 9

    Circle playing fairy tales (senior group) ..................... 14

    Development of speech, articulatory gymnastics ……………… 17

    Lesson notes (junior, middle and senior groups) ... 21

    Basics of acting (games, sketches) ……………… 55

    Presentation "The influence of theatrical activities on the comprehensive development of children" ...................... (presentation folder)


“Theater is a magical world.
He gives lessons in beauty, morality
and morality.
And the richer they are, the more successful
the development of the spiritual world of children is going on ... "
(B. M. Teplov)

Theatrical activity is the most common type of children's creativity.

It forms the experience of social behavior skills due to the fact that every literary work or fairy tale for preschool children always has a moral orientation (friendship, kindness, honesty, courage, etc.). Thanks to the fairy tale, the child learns the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart. And not only cognizes, but also expresses his own attitude towards good and evil. Favorite heroes become role models. It is the child's ability to imitate that allows teachers, through theatrical activities, to have a positive impact on children.

It is the theatrical activity that allows the child to solve many problem situations indirectly on behalf of a character. It helps to overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness.

She is close and understandable to the child, deeply in his nature and is reflected spontaneously, because it is associated with the game.

Theatrical games develop abilities, help general development, the manifestation of curiosity, the desire to learn new things, assimilate information and new ways of acting, develop thinking, form persistence. In addition, these games develop creativity and spiritual needs, liberate and enhance self-esteem.

The educational possibilities of theatrical activity are wide. By participating in it, children get to know the world around them in all its diversity through images, colors, sounds, skillfully posed questions make them think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. The improvement of speech is also closely related to mental development. In the process of working on the expressiveness of the characters' remarks, their own statements, the child's vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of speech and its intonation structure are being improved. The role played, the spoken remarks put the baby in front of the need to express himself clearly, clearly, understandably. His dialogical speech, its grammatical structure is improving.

Understanding the importance of theatrical games in the upbringing and education of a preschool child, I use this in my work. The tasks that I set myself were to create conditions for the development of creative activity; to introduce to theatrical culture; to ensure its relationship with other types of activity in a single pedagogical process.

L. S. Vygotsky believed: in order to create a sufficiently solid foundation for creative activity, it is necessary to expand the child's experience. With the help of tabletop, finger theater, flannelegraph, dramatization games, I awakened in children the desire to be artists.

At a young age, the simplest and most interesting type of theater is finger theater. Playing with fingers is the first step, acquaintance with the first game of convention. This is a theater without attributes, but with the most important thing - the hero and his life.

Surprisingly, this difficult convention is easily perceived by the child. In parallel with this, he successfully dramatizes familiar poems and nursery rhymes. While studying with the kids, I tried to help them find expressive features for their characters on their own, using facial expressions, game improvisations. The same work continued in the middle group.

In older preschool age, it is necessary to develop the independence of children in organizing theatrical games, to teach them to understand the emotional state of another person and experience their own. This is helped by sketches for the expression of attention, fear, joy, pleasure, grief: "Guess what I am eating", "Guess where I am", "The Fox Overhears", etc. In dramatization games, children more expressively convey the images of heroes, stage fairy tales themselves -Performances, agree, distribute roles. With great desire, they show performances to kids and parents, including: "Geese-Swans", "Three Little Pigs", "Little Red Riding Hood".

At the word “theater”, children’s eyes light up with joyful sparks, and their faces glow with a smile. Theater is one of the most accessible types of art for children, helping to solve many urgent problems of pedagogy and psychology associated with art education and upbringing, the formation of aesthetic taste, moral education, the development of the communicative qualities of the individual, the upbringing of will, the development of memory, imagination, fantasy, speech, creating a positive mood, resolving conflict situations through play.

The theater makes children happy, entertains and develops them. That is why children are so fond of theatrical activity, and teachers around the world widely use it in solving many problems related to the education, upbringing and development of a child.

In this regard, when working with preschool children, the power of theatrical activity should not be underestimated. This activity occupies a special place among the various forms of education, upbringing and all-round development of children.

Childhood is joy, play, merging with nature. The theater is a magical land in which the child rejoices while playing, and in the game he learns the world. If there is a theater in a preschool educational institution, it means that the phenomenon of childhood is concentrated there: joy, surprise, delight, fantasy, creativity. The theater acts as a kind of marker, a criterion for creative activity from the standpoint of the teaching staff and sustainable development of the kindergarten.

Theater is a traditional form of art: it explains the world, creates emotional impulses for various kinds of activities, plays a huge educational role, raising various issues, and thereby contributes to the formation of the qualities necessary for life in a particular society .

Speeches in front of an audience form self-confidence, experience of social skills of behavior, and contribute to the development of all components of speech in preschoolers. After all, participation in the play presupposes the development of not only the content, but also the educational, emotional side of speech. This suggests that in theatrical activity, the tasks of all educational areas are solved, and not only through the impact on the child, but also through the game, in which the child acquires knowledge involuntarily through the practice of actions. And also the development of integrative qualities of preschoolers is taking place. An analysis of domestic and foreign literature made it possible to establish that theatrical activity contributes to the emotional liberation of a child, and self-expression through art is an essential component of creativity, a way of emotional relaxation.

Also, theatrical activity is a source of the development of feelings, deep experiences and discoveries of the child, introduces him to spiritual values. But it is no less important that theatrical activities develop the child's emotional sphere, make him sympathize with the characters, empathize with the events being played out.

In modern society, in the age of informatics, the social prestige of intelligence and scientific knowledge has sharply increased. All pedagogical attitudes are aimed primarily at the development of thinking. The actual problem in our time is that the emotional and spiritual essence of the child becomes a secondary value. Computer science has brought many innovative solutions for the development and education of the child. Children solve logical problems faster, but, unfortunately, they are much less likely to admire, wonder and empathize, more and more often they show indifference and callousness.

Problems arise before teachers:

How to awaken in children an interest in the world and in themselves?

How to make their soul work?

How to make creative activity a necessity, a necessary part of life?

How to teach children to empathize, understand the feelings of another, fantasize, build harmonious relationships with the world around them?

The shortest path to emotional liberation of a child, release of squeeze, teaching feeling and artistic imagination is the path through play, fantasy, creativity. All this can be given to the child by the theater, it is in the theatrical activity that the child connects artistic creativity and personal experiences. The world of theater is a land of real fantasies and a kind fairy tale, a play of fiction and reality, colors and light, words, music and mysterious sounds. Theater is a fertile ground for creativity. Everyone who wants to take part in this action will find something to their liking. Costume designers, lighting designers, painters and decorators, directors - these are the sorcerers of a fabulous country called theater.

In our world, saturated with information and stress, the soul asks for a fairy tale - a miracle, a feeling of a carefree childhood, and this can be given by the theater.

And yet, theatrical activities require decisiveness from the child, systematic work, hard work, which contributes to the formation of strong-willed character traits. The child develops a skill "draw" own images, intuition, ingenuity and ingenuity develops, the ability to improvisate is developed. Theatrical activities and performances in front of the audience contribute to the realization of the child's creative powers and spiritual values, liberation and increase in personal self-esteem. By alternating the functions of the performer-spectator, it helps the child to demonstrate his own position, skills, knowledge and imagination.

Many great people spoke about the theater as a means of education. Theatrical activity occupies a special place among the various forms of education and upbringing, the all-round development of children. A person always has a creative principle, and theater, as an art form, most fully contributes to the creative development of the personality of preschoolers.

The collective nature of theatrical activities allows us to expand and enrich the experience of cooperation, both in real and imaginary situations. When preparing a play, children learn to identify the means of achieving it, plan and coordinate their actions. Acting in a role, children gain experience of various kinds of relationships, which is also important for their social development.

The role of theatrical activity in the speech development of a child is great. Research conducted by G.A. Volkova (I. No. 4) in speech therapy rhythm, has convincingly shown that theatrical games of children contribute to the activation of different aspects of their speech - vocabulary, grammatical structure, dialogue, monologue, improvement of the sound side of speech.

In addition, thanks to the decorations and costumes, there are great opportunities for children to create an image with the help of color, shape, design.

According to the child psychologist A.V. Zaporozhets, direct emotional empathy and assistance to heroes in the process of theatrical activity are the first step in the development of aesthetic perception of a preschooler.

Painter, graphic artist, sculptor, writer, musician, teacher E.V. Chestnyakov believed that it was the theater that was the main means of introducing a little person to art.

Theatrical activities are accompanied by a festive atmosphere, which, with its solemnity and beauty, makes the child's life brighter and brings variety and joy to it.

The well-known child psychologist NN Poddyakov wrote: “One more extremely important feature of the creative process should be highlighted - it is always saturated with bright positive emotions. And thanks to this circumstance, creativity has a great attractive power for children who have known the joy of their first, albeit small, but discoveries, the pleasure of their new drawings and constructions.

Bright, positive emotions are the basis for the formation of an acute need for children in this or that type of creativity. In other words, it is on the basis of creativity that we have the opportunity to manage the formation of spiritual needs, to enrich and develop the personality of the child. " Obviously, not every child will become an artist or actor in the future. But in any business he will be helped by creative activity and a developed imagination, which do not arise by themselves, but, as it were, ripen in his artistic activity.

The actions of the child-actor on the stage do not take place in a real, but in a fictional situation. In addition, expressiveness (gestures, facial expressions, movements) cannot be accidental, but must correspond to a particular stage image.

Scientists believe that, acquiring an active character, recreating the imagination of a six-year-old child is able to sufficiently fully and accurately reproduce the surrounding reality. And thanks to the brightness, lightness and speed inherent in children's imagination - to achieve original solutions in their creativity.

The emergence and development of a non-situational and personal form of communication encourages children to strive for benevolent attention from adults, to seek mutual understanding and cooperation with them.

A special role is assigned to work with parents. The child and the parents are one. And the joint creative activity of children and adults is always effective. Therefore, the parents of pupils should be attracted to participate in theatrical activities, holidays, and not only as spectators, but also as performers of roles, authors of the text, manufacturers of sets, costumes, etc. This will help them get to know their child better, especially his character, temperament ... Parents should be told about the importance of theater in raising children at consultations and round tables. The teacher may advise you to visit this or that performance with your child, then discuss what he saw with him and make illustrations.

Theatrical activity in a kindergarten can organizationally permeate all regime moments: to be included in all classes, in the joint activities of children and adults in their free time, to be carried out in the independent activities of children. Theatrical activities can be organically included in the work of various studios and circles; theatrical products (dramatizations, dramatizations, performances, concerts, etc.) can be included in the content of holidays, entertainment. In addition, theatrical games are successfully used in the classroom for reading fiction. (dramatization of works of art, acquaintance with literary works, memorization of poems).

The work of an educator at a preschool educational institution is built in close cooperation with the music director. The success and effectiveness of theatrical activities depend, first of all, on musical activities. Because without the development of musical abilities, without the ability to move rhythmically and expressively, without certain skills, it is impossible to achieve significant results in theatrical creativity. Together with a physical education instructor, scenarios for sports holidays and leisure are developed. In joint classes with a psychologist, various games and exercises are held, aimed at rallying the children's team, emancipating shy and withdrawn children.

Theatrical activity acquires particular relevance on the eve of the child's admission to school. So, for example, with the appearance of the arbitrariness of mental processes, children must purposefully control not only their behavior, but also mental processes. (attention, perception, memory, etc.).

In conclusion, we note that the theater can play an important role in the formation of a child's personality. It brings a lot of joy, attracts with its brightness, colorfulness, dynamics, and affects the audience. The life of preschoolers in kindergarten will be enriched by the integration of play in different types of art, which are embodied in theatrical and playful activities.

Theater teaches us to see the beauty in life and people, makes our heart beat faster, strive for beauty and goodness. The children's play is the culmination of the work done by children, teachers and parents, this is probably one of the most wonderful opportunities to stop the wonderful moments of life. Moreover, everyone can catch the happy moments of joy: parents watching their children play on stage, teachers who know the value of labor and stage success, and pupils whose play helps to create big personalities of little performers. And it's worth it!

“Overcoming difficult starts with easy,
the realization of the great begins with the small,
for in the world the difficult is formed from the easy,
but the great comes from the little. "
Lao Tzu












"I will change myself, friends, guess who I am!"

"Understand me"

"Sign language"

"Games with Grandma Fun"

"Our daring gingerbread man"

"The gingerbread man is not the one, but the other"

"This is Gingerbread Man - a cunning little animal"

"Gingerbread man is our Gingerbread man,

Gingerbread man - spiky side "

"It's very hard to live in the world without a girlfriend or boyfriend"

"The scythe boasted, laughed, he almost got caught by the fox"

"The fox would have eaten the hare, if not for his friends"

"Best friends"

"This is how I can"

"No matter how hard the fox tried, she didn't get a duck."

"Sly duck"

"How a duck cured a fox"

Play corner

"The puppy was sleeping near the sofa, suddenly he heard next to meow!"

"Where can I find only 'meow'?"

"Didn't you say 'Meow-meow'?"

"Who said meow?"

The ill-mannered little mouse was left alone, without friends "

"What a mouse to do and how to be, how to return friends back"

"To return friends, the mouse decided to be polite"

"The Tale of an ill-bred mouse"

"Stubborn hedgehogs"

"That's an apple!"

"The little animals quarreled, they don't know what to do, how can they divide this apple for all of them"

"Mikhailo Ivanovich, judge us, animals, make peace!"

"The bear reconciled everyone, taught wisdom"

"The heavy rain started up, the ant got wet"

"Everyone wants to hide under a little fungus"

"The rain is pouring, pouring, and the mushroom is still growing!"

"That's a giant mushroom, there was enough room for everyone!"

The final

Dressing up in costumes

Riddles about animals

Play exercises

Imitation sketches

Game "Where have we been, we will not tell"

Game "Bolder than a mouse"

Creation of game motivation

Games and exercises "Announcer", "Portray a hero"

Hearing a fairy tale V. Bianchi "Kolobok - a thorny side" with a screening of a table theater

Questions about the content

Examination of pictures for a fairy tale with a discussion of the characteristic features of the characters

Guessing riddles with the image of their heroes

Show and tell a fairy tale by a teacher (with the help of children)

Conducting a dialogue by children in the process of showing and telling the tale "Kolobok - a prickly side"

Costumes examining and dressing up.

Dramatizations of the fairy tale "Kolobok - a thorny side"

Reading a poem, talking about friends

Telling a fairy tale "Best friends", conversation on content

Game "Say a sweet word about a friend"

Guessing riddles based on the content of the tale

Sketches for the expressiveness of the transfer of the image.

Children Telling the Fairy Tale "Best Friends"

General dance

Preparing to dramatize a fairy tale

Dramatizations of the fairy tale "Best Friends"

Game "What can I do"

Reading a poem B. Zakhodera "This is how I can"


Exercise for the expressiveness of movements and facial expressions.

Reading a fairy tale "How a duck a fox was cured"

Exercise for intonation expressiveness

Repeated reading of the fairy tale "How the duck cured the fox"

Exercise for expressive movements

Mimic studies at the mirror

Distribution of roles

Defining the playing space

Dramatization of the fairy tale "How a duck cured a fox"

Sketches for the expressiveness of movements

Sketches for the expressiveness of basic emotions

Telling a fairy tale "Who said meow?"

Pantomimic sketches

Telling the fairy tale "Who Said Meow?" children with the help of a teacher

Pantomimic game "Guess who I'll show"

Dialogue intonation exercises

Pantomime game "Guess who the puppy met?"

Preparing for dramatization

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Who Said Meow?"

Reading the poem "Kind words"

Spell a polite word game

Storytelling "Tales of an ill-bred mouse", content conversation

Problem situation

Riddles about a fairy tale

Playing polite intonation

Telling a fairy tale by children

Reading a poem

Work on the expressiveness of performance (expression of emotions)

Preparing for dramatization

Dramatization of "Tales of an ill-bred mouse"

A story about two mice

Children inventing the ending of the story and showing it on the screen

Game for expressiveness of facial expressions

Telling a fairy tale V.Suteeva "Apple"

Listening to pieces of music

Simulation exercises

Musical riddle

Consideration of the distinctive features of the heroes of V. Suteev's fairy tale "Yabloko"

Playing sketches and dialogues from a fairy tale

Telling and acting out V. Suteev's fairy tale "Yabloko" with the help of glove puppets

Pantomime game "Understand me"

Preparing for dramatization

Dramatization of V. Suteev's fairy tale "Apple"

Outdoor game "Rain"

Telling a fairy tale V.Suteeva "Under the mushroom"

Telling the tale of V. Suteev "Under the mushroom"

Game-competition "Ask under the mushroom"

Guessing riddles

Examination of pictures for V. Suteev's fairy tale "Under the Mushroom", a conversation about them

Imitation game "Guess who asked for the fungus"

Game-imitation "Understand me"

Dramatization of V. Suteev's fairy tale "Under the Mushroom"

Final dance

Guessing riddles

Dramatization of fairy tales by children and parents (optional)

Merry dance



Lesson topic


Theater is a wonder

Acquaintance with different types of theater

Development of diction and rhetoric. Learning folklore poems and tongue twisters

Listening to the fairy tale "Kolobok" in the recording

Table theater show based on the fairy tale "Kolobok"

Features of the screening of the Kolobok table theater

Rehearsal for showing the Kolobok table theater


Show the audience of the table theater fairy tales "Kolobok"

Acquaintance with the finger theater.

The show of the finger theater by the teacher based on the fairy tale "The Cat and the Cockerel"

Listening to the fairy tale "The Cat and the Cockerel" in the recording

Reading a fairy tale and assigning roles

Discussion of roles. Repetition

Rehearsal with the children of the finger theater based on the fairy tale "The Cat and the Cockerel"

Show to the audience of the finger theater


Acquaintance with dramatizations or play theater

Listening to the fairy tale "Straw Bull" in the recording

The teacher reading a fairy tale and the distribution of roles

Rehearsal for each proscenium.

Selection of musical arrangement, rehearsal

Rehearsal with children with musical background, in costumes


Show the audience a dramatization based on the fairy tale "The Straw Bull"

Acquaintance with the shadow theater.

Attributes and equipment of the shadow theater.

Mastering the skills of showing shadow theater by children.

Reading of the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" by the teacher. Distribution of roles. Repetition.

Rehearsal of shadow theater by children

Show to the audience of the shadow theater "Masha and the Bear"


Learning folklore poems and tongue twisters

An independent theatrical activity lesson (showing or telling if desired)

Acquaintance with the illustrative theater

Show by the educator of the illustrative theater

Mastering the skills of showing illustrations for a fairy tale by children

The sequence of displaying illustrations in the shown fairy tale. Repetition

Show of an illustrative theater based on the fairy tale "Grandpa's Daughter and Baba's Daughter" for children of the middle group


Acquaintance with the bi-ba-bo puppet theater

Show by the teacher of the puppet show "Friends are known in trouble"

Mastering the skills of showing puppet theater by children.

Reading the text of the play "Friends are known in trouble" by the teacher. Distribution of roles.

Discussion of the roles of the play, their movements on the screen

Preparing attributes for the performance

Rehearsal with children


Show the audience a puppet show "Friends are known in trouble"

Acquaintance with the theater of figurative toys

Show by the teacher of the theater of figurative toys based on the fairy tale "Fox-sister and the gray wolf"

Mastering the skills of showing the theater of figurative toys by children.

Reading of the fairy tale "Little fox-sister and the gray wolf" by the teacher. Distribution of roles.

Learning the text of the characters of the fairy tale and the movements of toys

Rehearsal with children

Screening of the fairy tale "Little fox-sister and the gray wolf" to the audience


Lesson on the development of children's creativity (showing and acting out an independently chosen fairy tale, poem)

Learning folklore poems, amusements and tongue twisters Reading the fairy tale "Fox-sister and the gray wolf" by the teacher. Distribution of roles.

Listening to the tale "The Bremen Town Musicians" in the recording

Reading of the tale "The Bremen Town Musicians" by the teacher. Distribution of roles.

Discussion of the text of the characters of the dramatization.

Rehearsal with children

Rehearsal with children

Selection of musical arrangement. Repetition

Preparation of costumes, attributes, decorations for a fairy tale

"The Bremen Town Musicians"

Dress rehearsal with children Discussion of the text of the characters of the dramatization.

Show the audience the fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians"

The teacher reading a fairy tale of the children's choice

Show the fairy tale chosen by the children in one of the types of tetra.

Final lesson.

Quiz "What fairy tales are these from?"



1. Bite the tip of your tongue - "this is how mom shreds cabbage."

2. Make a ring with your tongue, sliding it under your upper teeth.

3. Tongue is the sting of a snake.

4. Tongue - a thin needle "We put the sticks" in turn on each cheek.

5. Brush your teeth with your tongue; both top and bottom.

6. Close your eyes, imagine the night. We got on a horse and drove off. We clatter. 7. Take out the tip of your tongue your nose

(Pat whoever succeeds)

8. Pout your lips. "Smile" without opening your teeth.

9. Stroke your lips with your teeth

10. Stretch your lips and teeth, opening your mouth wide.

11. Draw the sun with pouting lips

12. Imagine that we are starting a motorcycle and driving.

There is a mountain on the way. Climbing up (sound is amplified).

Now we go down. Have stopped

13. Language up:

Our fur coat is good

Hello kittens!

Meow meow.

Hello calves!


Hello little mice!

Pi, pi "no.

Hello frogs!

Kva, kva, kva.

Your lips are straight to your ears

I will stretch like a frog.

And now I am a baby elephant

I have a proboscis.

And now I'm a pipe


I liked to play

I’ll say it all again.

16. Take hold of me with your eyes.


1. Carried a ship of caramel,

The ship ran aground.

And the sailors three weeks

Eaten caramel aground.

2. Senka Sanka is lucky

With Sonya on a sled.

(Question: who is where?)

Sledge - gallop! -

Senka off his feet!

(Why?- Because he walked in front.)

Sanka - to the side,

Sonya - on the forehead,

All - in a snowdrift.

3. Chicken but grains


Duck - quack-quack-quack,

Turkey -faldy-noodles


Dog - woof-woof,

Piglet - grunts-grunts,

Korovenka - flour, flour,

The little horse is a knock-knock.

4. Masha walked, walked, walked

And I found toys:

A cat, a matryoshka, a pine cone, a monkey,

A mouse, a car, a gun, a bunny,

Ball, tumbler, coil, frogs,

Who has lost so many toys?

5. In the morning, sitting down on a green hillock,

Magpies learn tongue twisters:

Potatoes, cardboard, carriage, cap,

Cornice, pencil, caramel, toddler

6. Beetle, buzzing over a puddle,

I waited until dinner for a snake.

7. Quail in the copse

Quail quail.

8. Skis, sniffer, circle, iron.

Face, beetle, walrus, flag.



1. Perform the song of the goat from the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids" either on behalf of the Goat, then on behalf of the Wolf:

Little kids, kids,

Open up, open up,

Your mother came,

Milk brought ...

2. Say the following verses, sometimes surprising, sometimes mocking, sometimes bewildered:

Gossip, listen!

Really, apart from jokes,

Open a school

For baby ducklings

(L. Furmina)

3. Invite two children to perform a scene where they, on behalf of any of the characters (hare, fox, bear, etc.), ask each other questions and answer them with an appropriate attitude towards each other:

1st child.

No, you are not a hare.

No, not a hare.

No, not a hare.

No, not a hare.

You? You are a mouse.

Yes, you are a mouse.

Am I a frog?

I'm not a frog.

Well, okay, you are a hare, and I am a hare.

Let's not quarrel. I was joking.

2nd child.

No, not a hare!

No, hare!

No, not a hare.

Who am I then?

Am I a mouse?

Okay, let me be a mouse.

But you are a frog.

Dow you frog.

4. Pronounce phrases so that every time, thanks to a change in the stressed word, the whole phrase also changes in meaning:

    "They tore off the bear's paw"

    "A hedgehog ran around the room"

    "This is my grandmother"

5. Invite the child to ask a friend for a toy so that every time it is possible to determine with what attitude or in what state he asked for it:

  • impatiently

    with resentment,

    begging, etc.

6. Invite the child to ask questions on behalf of Mikhail Ivanovich, Nastasya Petrovna and Mishutka from the tale "Three Bears" by L.N. Tolstoy so that the audience could guess which of the bears is asking and how they feel about what they are asking.


on theatrical activities

(younger group)


Shadurskaya A.V.


    Continue teaching children how to use tabletop dolls.

    Learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.

    Encourage people to evaluate and portray specific character traits.

    Encourage the desire to independently seek expressive gestures in accordance with the text of the poem.

    Introduce a chapter from S. Obraztsov's book "How did it start?"

    Get involved in dance improvisations with bibabo dolls

Material: Desktop dolls: Antoshka, cat, dog. Rooster and cat hats. Bibabo dolls

The course of the lesson.

Educator brings in table dolls: Antoshka, a cat, a dog.

Reads a poem. Invites children to choose a doll themselves and act out a tabletop theater scene on their own.

Antoshka . La-la-la! (1st child tilts the doll forward and returns to its original position)

Educator : Antoshka sings. (Antoshka freezes)

cat . Meow meow! (2nd child shakes the cat back and forth!)

Educator : Cats echo. (The cat freezes)

Dog . Woof! (3rd child rocks the dog back and forth)

Educator :

Barked by a boxer dog

And ... the friendly chorus broke up.

(Dolls "run" on the table)

(M. Druzhinina)

The teacher reads the nursery rhyme "At the slob-confusion"

The slob-confused

It’s not that way and not that way.

And a shirt wide open

And a jacket without buttons.

Invites children to express their opinion about the slob.

Educator : Children, do you know how to dress and put on your own shoes? - Do you throw your things around?

Exercise for the development of expressiveness "Slob"

Children are acting as a slob.

Expressive means: disheveled hair, careless look. The buttons are unbuttoned, the shirt is not tucked into the trousers, the hands are in the pockets.

Mimicry: an angry look, frowning eyebrows.

Educator brings in the hats of the cock and the cat

Reading the poem "Cockerel".

The cockerel taught the cat

It was very important to say:

You are always before meals

My paws are clean with water.

(G. Sapgir)

Educator: Who wants to be a cock and a cat. Put on the cockerel and cat hats and tell with your hands what the poem is about.

Educator and one child in a rooster cap is reading.

Children stage the poem "Cockerel"

Expressive movements: the cock's body is tilted back, the chin is raised, a proud look, looks down at the cat. The text is pronounced in an imperious voice, with energetic gestures.

A child depicting a cat has lowered shoulders, a drooping head, a frightened look, hurried movements (washes its paws).

Educator invites the children to listen to the chapter "How did it start?" from the book of S. Obraztsov

Then he introduces several bibabo dolls.

Distributes them to kids, having previously taught how to manage them.

Sounds in the record song "Swing" (music. Protasova)



Summary of theatrical classes

(younger group)

Educator: Shadurskaya A.V.

Topic:"Gingerbread man in a new way."


    Consolidate knowledge about the seasons, animals.

    To consolidate the ability to determine the positive and negative qualities of the characters, to evaluate the actions of the heroes.

    Develop expressiveness of speech.

    Strengthen listening skills.

    Foster a love of art.

Equipment: footprints, gingerbread man toy, drawings with characters from fairy tales, sweets.

Course of the lesson

    The teacher's story “Kolobok's birthday” (the teacher invites the children to go to the forest and wish the Kolobok a happy birthday).

    Game "When it happens":

When it snows, is it cold outside?

Do buds appear on trees?

Are the fruits ripening?

The leaves fall from the trees?

While the children are playing, footprints appear behind them.

    The game Wild animals ”(children follow the tracks and name wild animals).

    The game Pantomime ”(children show animals that will be visiting Kolobok).

    Competition (children need to be divided into two teams and from one table to another transfer only drawings of fairy tales, among the drawings with fairy tales there are drawings of foreign objects).

    Kolobok appears and invites children to the theater. Kolobok's conversation with children Behavior in the theater (do not talk, dress smartly, do not eat, thank the artists with applause).

Gingerbread man in a new way "

Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman. An old man asks once.

Old man:

"Bake, old woman, gingerbread man."

And the old woman replies:

Old woman:

“What to bake from? We have no flour. "

Old man:

“Eh-eh, old woman! You scratch the box, mark the bottom of the barrel, maybe flour will be collected. "

The old woman scratched the box, swept it along the bottom, and two handfuls of flour gathered. Knead it on sour cream, baked a bun and put it on the window to freeze. The gingerbread man lay down, lay down and rolled: from the window to the bench, from the bench to the floor, across the floor to the door, through the threshold to the porch, from the porch to the gate! The bun rolls along the path and sings a song:

Gingerbread man:

“I am a kolobok-kolobok, I am scraped along the box, swept along the bottom, I am chilled on the window! I left my grandmother and left my grandfather! "

A hare is meeting him:


"Gingerbread man-gingerbread man, I'll eat you!" -

Gingerbread man:

“Don't eat me, zainka, I'll sing you a song! I am a kolobok-kolobok, I am scraped along the box, swept along the bottom! I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, and from you, hare, I’ll even leave! ”


"Gingerbread man, gingerbread man, I'll eat you!" -

Gingerbread man:

“Don't eat me, gray wolf, I'll sing you a song! I am a kolobok-kolobok, I am scraped along the box, swept along the bottom! I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, I left the hare, and from you, wolf, I’ll even leave! ”.

The bun rolls along the path, sings a song. Looks - the bear is sitting. I saw a kolobok and says:


"Gingerbread man-gingerbread man, I'll eat you!"

Gingerbread man:

“Where are you, clubfoot, to eat me! I am a kolobok-kolobok, I am scraped along the box, swept along the bottom! I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, I left the hare and left the wolf, and from you, bear, I’ll even leave! ”.

Fox towards the kolobok


“What a round, ruddy bun! I'll eat you! "

And the bun answers her.

Gingerbread man:

“Don't eat me, fox, I'll sing you a song. I am a kolobok-kolobok, I am scraped along the box, swept along the bottom! I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, I left the hare, I left the wolf and left the bear, and from you, the fox, I’ll even leave! ”.

And the bun ran further, he walked for a long time through the forest, he met many people on his way and they all wanted to eat him. And he realized that he needed to go home the safest way. He walks thoughtfully, and to meet him squirrels - a neighbor's glasses.


Who are you? Where are you going?

Gingerbread man:

“I am a kolobok-kolobok, I am scraped along the box, swept along the bottom! I am looking for my home. Help me please".


“Sorry kolobok, but we do not know where you live. Refer to the beautiful Luna.

Night fell, the forest became dark and scary. The bun rolls along the path, suddenly it became brighter, and the moon appeared.


Don't be sad, bun, I'll call my friend Fairy, who will find your house. Dear fairy, appear! What happened, she is not there. Children, and you will help me to call her, let's all tell together.


Dear fairy, appear!

Here I am, what happened?


Dear fairy, help the kolobok find his home.

And let him sing a song to me, and I will bring him home.

Gingerbread man:

“I am a kolobok-kolobok, I am scraped along the box, swept along the bottom!

Fairy and Moon:

Here you are at home, dear bun.

Gingerbread man:

Thank you, my dears.

Old man:

Old woman go, look, our gingerbread man has returned.

Old woman:

Oh, thank you very much, dear Fairy and Luna. And let's drink tea, only we have nothing for tea.

It’s not a problem. One two Three. Look at the candy. We just need to treat our guests first.


That's the end of the fairy tale, but who was listening well.




on theatrical activities

(middle group)


Shadurskaya A.V.



    To develop the performing skills of children in creating an artistic image.

    Consolidate knowledge of the rules for manipulating dolls.

    To form intonation and expressiveness of speech.

    To develop the dialogical speech of children in the process of theatrical and playful activities.

    Maintain a desire to perform in front of children.

Material: mice and cats - soft toys,

dolls (from the bibabo theater, puppets, from the tabletop cone theater).

Decorations and elements of costumes for "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse!"

The course of the lesson.

Educator. See what toys have come to visit us today. What theater are they from?

Children. From the dollhouse.

Educator. Yes, this mouse with a cat from the theater of soft toys. These are puppets, these are animals from the tabletop theater, and this?

Children. These are bibabo dolls!

Educator. Would you like to play these toys? In order to control bibabo dolls, you need to train your hands and fingers, remember which finger is called. (Name fingers in order.)

Well, now let's imagine that the left hand is a mouse, and the right hand is a cat ...

Exercise "Cat and mouse"

This pen is a mouse. And sneaks up to the mouse.

This pen is a cat. Mouse, snatching a cat,

Play cat and mouse Runs away into the burrow.

Can we do it a little. The cat sits and waits:

The mouse scratches with its paws. Why doesn't the mouse go?

The mouse gnaws at the crust.

The cat hears it

(I. Lopukhina)

(The exercise is played 2 times:

first time-- on the move, second- on intonation.

Educator. The cat did not wait for the mouse. And the little mouse climbed into the pantry with her girlfriends ... Let's sit down, and our knees will be pretend storage rooms for the mice.

Finger play

Five little mice

We climbed into the closet.

In barrels and cans

They operate dexterously. Move five fingers.

The first mouse gets on the cheese, Thumb

The second baby dives into the sour cream. Pointing.

And the third one licked all the butter off the plate ... Average.

The fourth - got into a bowl of cereals. Nameless.

And the fifth mouse treats itself to the honey ... Little finger.

Everyone is full, happy, suddenly -

The cat wakes up. Release "claws".

"Let's run," the baby squeaked to her friends.

And hid in a burrow Hiding their hands behind their backs

(Translated from English by I. Lopukhina)

Educator. Here are the mischievous women that have done in the pantry ... Probably, the cat was asleep at that time and did not see anything. Children, what are the habits of a cat, what is she?

Children. Sly, soft, fast, fluffy, kind, lazy, scratchy, etc.

Educator. Let's try to portray a cat.

(Introduces children to the poem, discuss the movements in the text.)

Careful like a cat Children walk with a soft, springy step.

To the sofa from the window

I'll walk on my toes

I'll lie down and curl up in a ring. Lie on the rug.

Now it's time to wake up Everyone improvises in their own way

Straighten up, stretch. dvi­ zheniya.

I'll jump off the couch easily

I will arch my back.

Now I sneak like a cat

I'll bend my back a little.

I'm milk from a saucer

I polish my tongue.

Paw breast and tummy

I'll wash like a cat.

And I'll curl up again

Like a cat by a warm stove. Lay down and purr.

This is how the cat slept through the mice ...

And here is a completely different image of a cat - a braggart and a thief. Remember how he boasted that he had spun yarn, woven fabric, and sewed a jacket?

(Repetition of a familiar poem.)

Educator. Who is spinning the thread?

Children. Who who - cat!

Educator. And who weaves the fabric?

Children. Who who - cat!

Educator. And who sews the jacket?

Children. Who who - cat!

Educator. And who is stealing sour cream from the pantry?

Children. The cat is silent, only licks its mouth! (Bashfullyturn away.)

(I. Lopukhina)

Educator. And here came a dog named Watchdog. What theater is he from? That's right, bibabo. Now we'll play with him. You will all be kittens, and I will put Barbosa on my arm ... Andrei, he prepared his fingers faster than anyone.

Game "Kittens"

Kittens sleep on the carpet.

Mur-mur, mur-mur! Children curl up on the carpet.

They don't want to wake up.

Sleep quietly back to back

And purr in a dream! Children purr.

They all lay down on the back,

They were all naughty.

Legs up and everything

Everyone is purring, playing naughty! Turned over and started to be naughty who

Here comes the shaggy dog as he wants

And his name is Barbos.


Are the kittens all mischievous here? Children listen, then

Scare all the kittens! scatter and hiding.


Hey kittens, do not be naughty, all come up to me.

The mouse and the cat sat too long, they wanted to sing songs.

Who will sing for the animals here, amuse all the guys?

To put a bibabo doll on your hand, prepare your fingers: index - head, large and middle - legs.

"Mur-mur-mur, mur-mur-mur," the cat sings.

She does not know another song.

Probably, she did not go to kindergarten, that's why she has only one song!

Exercise with bibabo dolls

(Children take turns putting the dolls on their hands.)

Animal Singing Improvisation

That's how well we played cat and mouse today. Tell me, in which fairy tales does the image of these animals occur?

Children."Turnip", "Ryaba Chicken", "Teremok", "Cat's House", "The Tale of a Stupid Mouse".

Educator. Well done! And now let's play a fairy tale about a stupid mouse ... We have already talked a lot about this fairy tale and even figured out what musical instruments can be used to depict its heroes.

Children. A cat is a triangle, a pike is a xylophone, a frog is a musical hammer, a pig is a ruble, a horse is a box, a duck is a horn.

Educator. Okay, take your tools, put on your hats, let's go to the stage, the tale begins.

Played "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse!"

(music. O. Getalova, ate. S. Marshak).

All children participate.

Finally, a noise orchestra plays and the characters dance.




on moral and ethical education with elements of theatrical activity on the topic:

(middle group)


Shadurskaya A.V.



    Learn to convey the expressiveness of role behavior with movements and gestures.

    Maintain children's interest in simulated play movements.

    Improve the coordination of basic movements.

    Teach children to clearly answer questions.

    To continue teaching to listen to a fairy tale, to understand fairy-tale events, situations, to evaluate the behavior of heroes.

    Develop creativity, performance.

    Foster a desire to listen and emotionally perceive a fairy tale.

    Reinforce the proverbs about friendship.

    Foster positive qualities: friendliness, mutual assistance.

Equipment: drawing of a brook on a Whatman paper; yellow and blue colored cardboard circles; pictures of flowers; pictures of magical objects (boots, runners, self-assembled tablecloth, invisible hat, airplane carpet); a ball of thread; a pot of honey; jam, carpet plane.

The course of the lesson.

    Organizing time.

    Friendship game(children stand in a circle).

Girls and boys are friends in our group,

You and I will make friends little fingers

One, two, three, four, five, start counting again

One, two, three, four, five, we finished counting.

    Surprise moment (appearance of a fairy).

    Fairy's quest (proverbs about friendship).


1) One for all, and all for one.

2) Look for a friend, but find, take care.

3) Friends are known in trouble.

4) There is no dear friend than my own mother.

5. The game "Good or bad".

Children are holding colored circles in yellow and blue. If actions are good, then you need to show a yellow circle, and if bad, then a blue one.

- "Gingerbread man, Gingerbread man, I'll eat you." (blue)

- "Masha walked, walked through the forest and got lost." (blue)

- “The animals built a tower better than before and began to live together in it all together”. (yellow)

- “The fox got into the habit of dragging chickens into the hen house” (blue).

- "Cinderella was a kind, hardworking girl." (yellow)

- “Thumbelina looked after the sick swallow all winter”. (yellow).

6. Magic Stream ( need to go through it and say what friendship is?


Friendship is about being kind;

Shares everything;

When, you know how to agree without shouting and quarrels;

To be attentive;

To help each other;

Help out of trouble.

7. Lawn of magic words(you need to finish the sentence correctly, add the magic words that are written on these flowers.

Even a block of ice will melt from the word warm ... (thanks).

The old stump will turn green when he hears ... (good afternoon).

If we can’t eat anymore, we will tell our mother ... (thanks).

When we are scolded for pranks, we say ... (forgive me, please).

The boy, polite and developed, speaks when meeting ... (hello).

And we always say goodbye ... (Goodbye!).

8. Conversation "Magic objects from fairy tales" and looking at pictures.

(Hat of invisibility; self-assembled tablecloth; boots of runners)

9. Flying on an airplane carpet.

We sit hand in hand

Together we are a big ribbon

Can we be big

We can be small

But no one will be alone.

10. Conversation "Behavior in the theater"

Dramatization of a fairy tale

Like a bear was looking for respect ”.

Educator :

One day a little bear cub, tired of being lonely and unloved, asked him:


Sunny, I really want to have friends. Friends who respected me. But how can I find them. Help me please!

Sun :

Okay, I'll give you a sunny ball. He will tell you what to do. If you behave correctly, the ball will warm you gently, and if you do something wrong, it will burn you.


Thank you sunshine! Someone seems to be approaching here.

Yeah, it's a bunny! I'll scare him now, so that he knows who is the boss in the forest! Oh, something the ball has become very hot.

Then I will not scare the bunny!

Hi, sweetie!


Hello bear! Won't you offend me?


Although I'm big, I only eat honey and wild berries. I don't like hares.


Thank you, teddy bear!


What did he thank me for? I don’t know, but the solar ball seems to be working.

Stop, who's in the grass? Yes, this is a little chick that fell out of the nest. Well, okay, let it lie. Oh, oh again the ball is burning.


Well, I'll die! A cruel bear won't help me little.


But no. I'll pick you up now and put you back in your nest. How nice the little ball warms me.


Thank you, teddy bear, when, no matter how, I will help you. You're good!


Yes, no need! Although very nice. Even the mood has improved.

Educator :

On its way home, the bear cub also met a chanterelle, a mouse, a hedgehog and helped everyone with something.

Soon the teddy bear caught a cold and fell ill. He was lonely and bored.

And suddenly all those whom he helped began to come to him: a bunny, a chick with his mother, a chanterelle, a mouse, a hedgehog. They brought jam, honey and quickly cured the bear cub.

They all began to drink tea together. And the teddy bear realized that he had found what he was looking for. Friends and respect.

Conversation on the content of the tale.

    What was the bear cub at the beginning of the tale?

    What dream did the bear have, what did he want?

    Tell us how the sun ball helped the bear?

    What good deeds did the teddy bear do?

    Whom did the bear help?

    How did the animals thank the bear?

    Did you like the end of the tale?

Educator : Guys, we talked about friendship, it's so good to be friendly, how great is it when there are friends, right?

11. The fairy praises the children and treats them to sweets.




on theatrical activities

(Senior group)


Shadurskaya A.V.



    To improve the performing skills of children in creating an artistic image.

    To form intonation and expressiveness of speech. To develop the dialogical speech of children in the process of theatrical and playful activities.

    Continue to enrich and revitalize children's vocabulary. Learn to pronounce all words clearly and correctly in tongue twisters.

    Support the desire to perform in front of children, participate in playing out familiar fairy tales.

    To cultivate a steady interest in theatrical and playful activities.

Material: Trees line the central wall; soft toys - bear, hare, squirrel, fox, owl; costumes of animals for children, a snowman costume for a teacher.

The course of the lesson.

Exercises for attention

(slap, tap out the rhythm, repeat the movement).


All of you guys know

That animals live in the forest.

Together, they live merrily,

They sing their songs ...

So they sat in a row

And everyone is looking at the guys ...

(E. Makshantseva)

I want to ask you riddles, and you try to guess them!

Clumsy feet

Sleeps in a den in winter,

Guess answer

Who is this?

Children. Bear!

Educator. Yes, here he is, a bear-bear ...

(The teacher first reads, and then invites the boys to turn into bears,

and for girls - into bees.)

Role-playing the poem

A bear wanders through the forest,

From oak to oak walks ...

Finds honey in the hollows

And puts it in his mouth.

Licks paw

The clubfoot is sweet.

And the bees swoop in.

The bear is driven away.

And the bees sting the bear:

Don't eat our honey, thief!

Wandering along the forest road

Bear to his den.

Lays down, falls asleep

And he remembers the bees ...

(I. Lopukhina)

Educator. And here is the second riddle:

Not a bird on a branch -

Small animal.

The fur is warm, like a heating pad.

Children. Squirrel!

Staging a poem

(The teacher pays attention to the most successful images.)

On a spruce branch

The squirrels were naughty.

And laugh: bears

Collect the cones!

Instead of berries - ha ha ha! -

Collect the cones.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Here are the funny bears!

(E. Makshantseva)

Educator. And one more riddle:

Sly cheat.

Red head.

Children. Fox!

Educator. Now I will tell you about one fox, listen and tell me what her character is, what habits ...

The fox has a sharp nose

She has a fluffy tail

Red fox fur coat

Untold beauty.

The fox walks around the pavoy,

Strokes her lush fur coat.

I'm a bird hunter!

I am an expert in catching chickens,

As I see - I will sneak up.

After I jump and grab

I'll take the kids to the mink.

Pantomimic sketch

Word exercise game

And here is the owl-owl - a big head.

She was sitting on an oak tree, turning her head: well, well, well!

The owl is a big bird, it cannot sleep at night.

Educator. Let's try to portray her too ...

(Children to the music of A. Popov "Owl" from the fairy tale "Snowman" move

and sing the song of the owl.)

Well done! Today I invite you to learn a funny tongue twister about the owl.

Children, what is a tongue twister?

Yes, this is a small poem that is spoken quickly to train your speech. Remember, "There are pins at the tree." Let's say this tongue twister at a different pace.

(Children pronounce tongue twisters in turn.)

Well, now a new one:

The owl advises the owl: Sleep, neighbor, on the sofa.

Sleeping so sweetly on the sofa

Dream about owls.

(The teacher explains the meaning of the word "sofa" - a sofa.)

Children learn words.

The teacher monitors the correctness, expressiveness of pronunciation, invites everyone to speak one line at a time.

Educator. Today you portrayed the character and habits of different animals very well. But they also have their own voices ... Let's speak the language of animals?

Simulation exercises

(He approaches each of the children and begins to "talk" to him like a cat, like a cock, like a dog.

Children, and we know the tale, where are all these animals (points to toys under the trees) meet, you even came up with a name for it yourself. Which?

Children."Snowman's Birthday".

Educator. Do you want to play this fairy tale? Then wear suits.

(Children dress up in animal costumes, educator- in a Snowman costume)

Playing out A. Popov's musical fairy tale "Snowman"

Educator. Oh, oh, oh, poor Snowman, how hot he is with us! We'll have to take him out into the street ...




on theatrical activities

Theatrical games with elements of puppet theater

(senior group)


Shadurskaya A.V.



    To improve the performing skills of children in creating an artistic image. Strengthen the puppetry skill.

    To develop the dialogical speech of children.

    Improve the intonation expressiveness of speech.

    Maintain a desire to participate in the dramatization of familiar fairy tales.

    To foster a respect for props, dolls, decorations.

Material: Decorations: teremok, trees. Dolls: fox, frog, mouse, hare, bear. Costumes for children: fox, frog, mouse, hare, bear.

The course of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, I want to invite you to a fairy tale

We all know, we all believe:

There is a wonderful tower in the world.

Show yourself, show yourself,

Turn around, stop.

Back to the forest, facing us,

And the window and the porch

And here is the teremok. Let's sit on the grass and see what happens next. Hear, someone is running to the tower!

Mouse: I'm a little mouse

I wander through the forest

I am looking for a house for myself.

I do not find it.

Knock Knock! Let me go!

Educator: Nobody answered the mouse. She decided to enter the teremok.

(The child enters the teremok, takes a doll mouse, controls it in the window)

Mouse: And now we need to get out of the house.

Educator: Listen, children, someone else is running to the tower.

Frog: River, midge and grass!

Warm rain Kva-kva-kva!

I am a frog, I am a frog

Look what it is!

Educator: The frog saw the teremok and let's knock on the door.

Frog: Knock-Knock! Open the door!

Mouse (doll in the house): Who's there?

Frog: I'm the frog frog. Let me into the teremok!

Mouse (doll): What can you do?

For the frog granddaughter

Grandma sewed a diaper

Mom began to swaddle,

And baby let's ride

Out of the diaper, jump and jump -

And run away from my mother.

(V. Shumilin)

Mouse: Come in!

Educator: They began to live together in the house. The mouse bakes cheesecakes. The frog walks on the water. Suddenly they hear that hares have run out into the clearing, are playing, frolicking.

Game "Hares and wolf"

Educator: The wolf hares were frightened and scattered in all directions. And one bunny ran to the house and knocked on the door.

Hare: Knock-Knock!

Mouse (doll): Who's there?

Hare: I am a hare - a sensitive ear

My name is Jump-Jump!

Let me into the teremok!

Frog (doll): What can you do?

Hare: And that's what! (Sings and plays the drum)

On the forest lawn

Bunnies scattered

These are the bunnies

Runaway bunnies.

(V. Antonova)

Frog (doll): Come in!

Educator: There are three of them in the house. The mouse bakes cheesecakes. The frog walks on the water. And the bunny sings songs to them. Suddenly they hear someone running to the tower.

Fox: I am a fox, I am a sister.

I can't hear you walk.

Early in the morning out of habit

She went out hunting.

Educator: The mouse looked out the window and asked ...

Mouse (doll): What can you do?

Fox: I make riddles! Listen here.

It grew in the forest, they carried it out of the forest,

In the hands of crying, and listening - jumping.

Beasts: Dudochka!

Fox: He is even small, but smart,

I was just waiting for the rain.

He walked through the ground,

Found the little red riding hood.

Beasts: Mushroom!

Frog (doll): Come in!

Educator: The four of them began to live. Suddenly they hear branches crackling, the bear is walking.

Bear: Knock-Knock! Let me go to the teremok.

Mouse (doll): Who's there?

Bear: Bear-bear!

Frog (doll): What can you do?

Bear: I can sing songs!

I am a bear, I am a bear

I can sing songs!


Teddy bear, teddy bear, bear

Can't sing songs!

Bear:(sings and dances)

I am a bear, for a long time

Wonderful dancer!

Top top top top!


He messed up again,

Can't dance!

Educator: Mishka is upset, almost crying. The animals took pity on him.

Frog (doll): OK. Come in!

Educator: Children, we also know how to sing and dance, let's go to the teremok.

Educator and children: Knock-Knock!

Mouse (doll): Who's there?

Educator and children: This is us, preschool children! Let us into the teremok.

Frog (doll): What can you do?

Educator and children: Sing and dance!

Children (singing):

We will be, we will be friends

We will be happy to live in the mansion,

And work and sing and dance

And help each other in everything.

Oh, you, Mishenka, stamp your foot!

You, Bunny, play it, dear!

We would go out in a circle with a hedgehog

Yes, our friend is painfully prickly!

Educator: We can dance! Would you like to dance with us, animals?

Beasts: Yes!

Educator: Come out and dance with us.

Dance with the beasts

Educator: So our journey to the fairy tale "Teremok" has ended




on theatrical activities

(senior group)


Shadurskaya A.V.



    To develop the creative independence of children, encouraging them to convey the emotional state of the character through facial expressions, gestures, song and dance improvisation.

    Teach cane puppets manipulation techniques.

    To form the ability to assess the character traits of a literary character, to express their attitude to his actions with the help of facial expressions, gestures, expressive intonation.

    Develop clear and correct articulation when pronouncing the sound "d".

Material : theatrical screen, hats of beetles, dogs, puppies, cats, frogs, ducks, chickens cane puppets: geese, gosling, rooster, duck, turkey, crow.

Course of the lesson

The teacher brings in, reads a poem.

Invites children to convey his mood with the help of facial expressions, gestures, song and dance improvisation.

Two beetles

Once upon a time there were two beetles

Two beetles.

Their life was easy:

They dance, holding their sides,

Field trepak,

They tease the wasps and the spider.

They are not afraid of anything

Everyone is buzzing and having fun

Two beetles.

Two funny beetles

In green camisoles,

In beautiful boots

On thin legs.

(M. Moravskaya)

The teacher and children compose a melody for a given text.


Beetle, buzz beetle.

Where are you hiding, tell me?


Zhu-zhu-zhu-zhu ...

I'm sitting in a tree


Beetle, beetle pozhuzhi.

Circling above me



I fly and buzz!

(N. Frenkel)

Children come up with a dance improvisation.

The teacher brings in a theatrical screen, cane puppets: geese, gosling, rooster, duck, turkey, crow. Reminds of driving techniques of cane puppets participating in dialogue.

The goose is missing


Geese walk in the morning

Across a wide yard

Worry, shout

They will not consider goslings in any way

(children lead geese on the screen with their right hand, they control canes with their left: geese flap their wings).


Ha-ha-ha! Ho-ho-ho-ho!

(Children wiggle the geese.)

There is no gosling alone ...

Rooster .

Has he escaped into the woods?

(The child rocks the rooster.)

Educator :

The cock says to them.


Not; Did the kite carry it away? (The baby rocks the duck)


A duck looks - a flat nose.

And the turkey ...


Bulldogs, bulldozes!

Look near the water.

(Baby shakes the turkey)


White geese came together,

We trudged along the road.

The black raven has arrived

He sat on the fence higher.

(Geese move along the screen, crows fly over the screen towards them)


Kara-karr! I saw myself

Like a wolf ran with a caterpillar.

(The raven sways)

Educator :

How can we help the trouble now?

Geese with grief - march to the water

And set off on the waves ...

Lo and behold - the gosling is also there!

(Geese go to the "water", swim.)

Geese gagged at once ...


How dare you leave us?

(The geese sway.)


And the gosling ...


Water is the loveliest thing for me.

(The goose is swaying.)

(R. Kudasheva)

The teacher brings in the hats of the dog, puppy, cat, frog, duck, chicken.

Reading the poem "The Greedy Man"

The teacher invites the children to express their attitude to the dog's behavior. Children put on hats and act out a poem, depicting animals with facial expressions, gestures, and movements.

Educator :

Down the lane.

A puppy came up

I asked for a piece.

I began to wonder ...

Dog. Give

Or not to give?

Educator :


Chewed, chewed ...

The cat-meush came up,

The cat asked ...

Cat. Pig.

Educator :

The dog got up,

Began to wonder: Give

Or not to give?


Chewed, chewed ...





Frog . Gorbushka.

Educator :

The Dog sat down, He began to wonder ...

Dog. Give

Or not to give?

Educator :


Chewed, chewed ...

A duck came up


wait a minute

Duck asked ...

Duck .

Just a little!

try it!

Educator :

The Dog got up, He began to wonder ...

Dog . Give

Or not to give?

Educator :



Educator :

A chicken came up

The chicken asked ...

Hen .

Educator : The Dog sat down, Began to wonder ...

Dog . Give

Or not to give?

Educator :


Chewed, chewed ...

And said...

Dog .

I have

There is nothing else!

(E. Moshkovskaya)

Learning tongue twisters with children

at a slow pace

The teacher monitors the clear and correct articulation of the sound "d".

Grandfather Danila

Russian folk tongue twister

Grandfather Danila

Shared a melon

Slice Dima.

Slice Dina.

Gradually the pace picks up

(Games, studies, exercises) THEATER SKETCHES

1. Imagine early morning. Yesterday you were presented with a new toy, you want to carry it with you everywhere. For example, on the street. But my mother didn’t allow it. You are offended (the lips "puffed up"). But this is mom - forgiven, smiled (teeth closed).

2. Imagine yourself as a dog in a booth. Serious dog. Yeah, someone is coming, I must warn you (growl).

3. We take a snowflake in hand and say a good word to it. We speak quickly until it melts.

4. “I worker is sweet "

All day in the garden:

I eat strawberries, I eat raspberries,

To fill up the whole winter ...

Ahead are watermelons - here!

Where can I get a second belly?

5. I walk on tiptoes -

I won't wake my mother.

6. Oh, what sparkling ice,

And the penguin is walking on the ice.

7. The boy strokes the kitten, which covers his eyes with pleasure, purrs, rubs his head against the boy's hands.

8. The child is holding an imaginary bag (box) with sweets. He treats his comrades, who take and thank. They unfold candy wrappers, put candies in their mouths, chew. Yummy!

9. The greedy dog ​​Drov brought,

I applied water,

Kneaded the dough,

I baked pies,

Hid in a corner

And I ate it myself.

Din, din, din!

10. Mom angrily scolds her son, who wet his feet in a puddle.

11. The janitor grumbles, sweeping out of the melted snow last year's garbage.

12. The spring snowman, whose head was baked by the spring sun: scared, feels weak and unwell.

13. A cow carefully chewing the first spring grass. Calmly, with pleasure.

14. The hare had a house like a home

Under a spreading bush

And he was pleased with the scythe:

- Roof eat over your head! -

And autumn has come

I dropped the leaflets

The rain poured from a bucket,

The hare soaked the fur coat.

A hare is freezing under a bush:

This house is useless!

15. Scratching wool - the hand hurts,

Writing a letter - the hand hurts,

Carrying water - the hand hurts,

Cook porridge - the hand hurts,

And the porridge is ready - the hand is healthy.

16. The fence is lonely

Nettles have become disheartened.

Maybe who is offended by?

I came closer

And she is, the evil one,

Burned my hand.

    Balloon inflated by two girlfriends

They took away from each other.

All the pepper was scratched! The balloon burst

And two girlfriends looked -

No toy, sat down and cried ...

    What's that creak? What a crunch?

What is this bush?

How to be without crunch

If I am a cabbage.

(Hands extended to the sides, palms up, shoulders raised, mouth open, eyebrows and eyelids raised.)

    Let's admire a little

As the cat steps gently.

Barely audible: top-top-top,

Ponytail down: op-op-op.

But raising your fluffy tail,

Cat can be and quick .

Throws up bravely

And then walks importantly again.

Sketches for faith, naivety, fantasy

(Sketches by M. Chekhov)

Invite children to walk on the floor, like in a puddle,

through the mud


hot sand.

Games with children: horses, cars, firefighters

Sketches for the expressiveness of a gesture

(M. Chistyakova)


Two mice must cross the road on which the kitten sleeps. They either walk on tiptoes, then stop and show each other with signs: "Hush!"

Expressive movements. The neck is stretched forward, the index finger is pressed against the compressed lips, the eyebrows go up.

"Come to me".

The boy beckons to him a toddler who learns to walk on his own.

Expressive movements. Sit down, stretch both arms towards the baby.


The child pushes the abuser away.

Expressive movements. Keep your hands upright, palms facing out.


A huge white motor ship departs from the pier. Seeing off, looking at the sailors and passengers standing on the deck, wave their hand high: “Goodbye! See you! "

Sketches for the Expression of Basic Emotions

"Chanterelle overhears"

The chanterelle stands at the window of the hut in which the cat and the cock live, and overhears what they are talking about.

Expressive movements. The head is tilted to one side (listens by substituting the ear), the gaze is directed to the other side, the mouth is half-open. Pose: leg extended forward, body tilted slightly forward.

"Tasty candy".

The girl is holding an imaginary box of chocolates. She holds it out to the children in turn. They take one candy at a time and thank the girl, then unfold the pieces of paper and put the candy in their mouths. You can see from the childish faces that the treat is delicious.

Mimicry. Chewing movements, smile.

"New doll"

The girl was presented with a new doll. She is happy, she will say cheerfully, spinning around, playing with a doll. The music of P. Tchaikovsky "New Doll" is played.

"The little fox is afraid."

The fox saw his mother on the other side of the stream, but he did not dare to enter the water. The water is so cold, and deep down here.

Expressive movements. Put your foot forward on the toe, then return it to its place. Repeat this movement several times. For more expressiveness, you can simulate shaking off imaginary water droplets from your feet.

Summary of theatrical play

in the middle group

"Sweet and strong, I am called - turnip I"

Educator of the 1st qualification category

GBDOU kindergarten №30 Nevsky district of St. Petersburg

Kholodova Natalia Vladimirovna

Target: create conditions for the development of creative activity of children in theatrical activities.


educational - to continue teaching children in the game to transform into fairy-tale heroes.

developing - to develop the ability to build a line of behavior in a role, using attributes, costume details. To develop the artistic abilities of children, the ability to improvise by means of facial expressions, expressive movements, intonation.

educational - to foster friendly relationships, feelings of empathy.

Equipment for the game: costumes of heroes, table, chairs, shop, musical accompaniment.

Game progress:

Children, along with the teacher and parents, enter the hall:

- Dear children and their parents, we came to the music hall of our garden. Here fairy tales come to life on the stage. And different characters participate in fairy tales. And who plays the roles of these heroes? (Artists)

- Do you want to be artists? What does an artist need to do to be like the hero of a fairy tale? That's right: put on a suit. Let's turn into the heroes of our fairy tale right now.

And with the help of magic cards, we will try to play out a fairy tale. I will be the storyteller, and you will be the heroes of the fairy tale.

To the music "Visiting a Fairy Tale", the teacher in the role of a storyteller begins a fairy tale:

Open your ears wider,

Open your eyes.

We will tell and show

Wonderful tale

Fairy tales love everything in the world

Loved by adults and children!

Fairy tales teach us good

And hard work

They say how to live

To be friends with everyone around!

"Turnip in your own way"

The kindergarten will show you!

Characters: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse.

The grandfather and the woman lived and were.

(to the music, sit at the table, pretend that they are drinking tea)

They lived nicely, did not grieve.

They shared a roof with them:

Cat, granddaughter,

Mouse, yes Bug. (everyone sits at the table to the music)

My grandfather once said:

Grandfather: “So that the lunch is delicious,

What is there to think and guess

We need to plant a turnip!

Narrator: Morning has come.

Grandfather is on the porch.

Sees a turnip in the garden

And he doesn’t believe himself.

He stood near the turnip_

The turnip is higher than the cap.

Music is also heard from the open window.

(Grandfather walks around the turnip, is surprised)

Grandfather: Eh, a bulldozer would be here,

It’s a real disaster without him.


Pulls, pulls

Can't pull it out.

Calls the grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat and mouse.

Grandma : “What a miracle! What a marvel! "

Granddaughter: “Our turnip is so beautiful! "

Bug: “How good she is! "

Cat: “It can be seen - a soul has been invested! "

Only the mouse was silent,

She shook her head.

Here grandfather comes to pull,

Only the grandfather has no strength,

Grandfather: "Oh oh oh! "- lamented

And he took his wife to help:

Grandfather:" Grab your sides

What strength is there to pull me! "

Grandma - for the grandfather, grandfather - for the turnip ...

The result is not to be seen,

They began to call the granddaughter to help:

Grandma: "The record holder is our turnip

I sat down very firmly in the ground! "

The granddaughter is for the grandmother, the grandmother is for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip ...

Granddaughter: "No, we can't handle three of us,

Maybe we'll call the Bug?

Beetle, throw a bone

Let's pull the turnip! "

The bug is for the granddaughter, the granddaughter is for the grandmother, the grandmother is for the grandfather, the grandfather is for the turnip ...

Bug “We can't do it without a cat,

Let him help us a little! "

The five of them are already skillfully

They got down to business.

The cat is for the Bug, the Bug is for the granddaughter, the granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip ...

Drawn out just about

Such a stubborn root vegetable!

The mouse ran past

The cat saw the mouse:

Cat : “Wait, don't run away!

Help us out, friend! "

Grandfather said:

Grandfather: "We took together,

We need to pull out the turnip! "

The mouse is for the cat, the cat is for the Bug, the Bug is for the granddaughter, the granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip ...

Turnip - (smiles and gets up from the chair).

With a garden ridge

Made friends tightly.

But you are a friendly family

They pulled out the turnip.

And for joy such

All dance with me.



A miracle vegetable is on the table ...

The tale is over already.

The essence of this tale is simple:

Help everyone always (in chorus)

We have worked wonderfully well,

Now I need to rest

We will play with you

And entertain each other.

Children all together perform the dance "Transformation"

At the end, the performers are introduced.

The curtain is closing.

Narrator: This is the end of the fairy tales, and who performed and listened - well done!

Surprise - you can give a cut turnip, candy is glued on the other side.

And now it's time for us to return to the group, the toys are tired of waiting for us and are bored.

Lesson summary - What fairy tale have we played today? Who are the heroes of this tale? Did you like our game?