From flatulence during pregnancy. Other measures to combat increased gas formation. What to do with bloating

I must say that it is bloating during pregnancy that very, very often becomes one of the most unpleasant "companions" of the usual bearing of an unborn baby. And it is with this symptom that many expectant mothers meet precisely during pregnancy, which in fact can be associated with several different factors.

However, in any case, if the woman herself in position is regularly disturbed by bloating during pregnancy, which, in fact, can also not only cause a feeling of complete discomfort, but also differ in some pain, then of course you should seek qualified help from a specialist. And then the doctor will not only tell you about the most important and real causes that cause such unpleasant bloating during pregnancy, but, of course, determine what measures will need to be taken to completely eliminate it.

But such bloating occurs during pregnancy precisely for several understandable reasons. So, it, first of all, can be associated with real and capital changes in the hormonal background, which, of course, occur in the body of the expectant mother herself. It is also known that in the early stages, the body of a pregnant woman itself synthesizes an unusually large amount of such a hormone as progesterone, which is directly responsible for relaxing the smooth muscles of many internal organs - this is extremely necessary in order to relax the uterus and, of course, avoid miscarriage.

However, along with the fact that under the direct influence of progesterone there is a real relaxation of the uterus, this hormone also simultaneously relaxes the muscles of the intestine, naturally preventing its normal emptying of all accumulated gases. And already starting from the second trimester of pregnancy and up to the final resolution of pregnancy, the baby is already growing quite quickly directly in the womb, and the uterus itself, accordingly, quite significantly increases in size and quite naturally presses on the intestines, which, of course, causes constipation and even the appearance of such bloating.

Also, the real causes of bloating directly during pregnancy can also be malnutrition of the pregnant woman herself, as well as exacerbation of some chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. I must say that bloating during pregnancy is also associated with constant severe stress or simply with nervous tension, if they, of course, take place in the life of the pregnant woman herself, and sometimes with congenital enzyme deficiency. Moreover, in the latter case, the food itself, not digested in the stomach and further in the small intestine due to a sharp lack of useful enzymes necessary for this, enters the large intestine almost immediately. And then it is here that its further active decomposition takes place with the release of an incredibly large amount of gases, which actually provokes a sharp bloating directly during pregnancy.

The most important conditions for eliminating this unpleasant symptom are precisely a special and, of course, a well-composed daily diet, and if necessary, even the use of certain carminatives, which the doctor actually prescribes. But a diet that allows you to avoid such swelling involves really minimal consumption of certain foods that contribute to the active release and even accumulation of a large amount of gases. I must say that these are products such as legumes, as well as cabbage, asparagus, and black bread, and besides pickled vegetables, and large quantities of raw vegetables and even fruits, of course, fried and fatty foods. But you should eat often and very little, and it would be desirable to switch to fractional nutrition in general and take regular food 5 or even 6 times a day, and in very small quantities.

It is also recommended to observe the water regime. So during the day it will be necessary to drink a sufficient amount of purified liquid to avoid the usual constipation. That's just the food itself is better not to drink liquid at all, but to make up for its real lack only throughout the day. And at the same time, you should definitely drink from a glass, and not at all from a bottle or, say, through a straw, in order to avoid getting some excess air directly into the stomach. From ordinary drinks, it would be better to give preference to kefir, or weak tea, as well as compotes, and not carbonated water at all, which, as a rule, contains carbon dioxide. It should be noted that it would also be better to refuse coffee. It is necessary to take food while sitting, to eat, as a rule, slowly and thoroughly chewing everything.

In order to prevent such troubles, and if they have already appeared, then drastically reduce bloating during pregnancy, it would be desirable to devote some time to adequate physical activity. Even a simple but long walk somewhere in the fresh air will be incredibly useful, which allows you to really increase the tone of the entire digestive tract. So, or gymnastics, and swimming - all these simple physical exercises will be the best way to prevent and eliminate such bloating. And the clothes themselves, both for training and for everyday wear, should be chosen exactly in a loose fit, especially so that they cannot squeeze the body in the waist and, of course, the abdomen.

However, if there is no longer any strength to deal with bloating during pregnancy, then you should consult your doctor for the usual advice about such carminative drugs. And in most cases, such a drug as Espumizan becomes the drug of choice. After all, it is he who is not absorbed into the blood at all and also does not have the slightest effect on the fetus, for which, in fact, he is recognized as safe. And yet, nevertheless, even sometimes taking carminatives, one should not at all neglect some fermented milk products, such as kefir, fermented baked milk, or yogurt. And besides, they are also a receptacle for all the necessary lactobacilli, which dramatically reduce gas formation in the intestines.

Flatulence is an unpleasant condition that many pregnant women have to deal with. By this term, doctors understand the excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines, accompanied by pain and bloating. Why does the stomach swell during pregnancy and how to cope with this pathology?

Flatulence in early pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, bloating occurs due to changes in hormone levels. An increase in the amount of progesterone in the blood occurs almost immediately after conception. An important female hormone affects all processes occurring in the body of a future mother. It relaxes the muscles of the internal organs, slows down the movement of food through the intestines and provokes gas formation. The intestines of a pregnant woman simply cannot work at full strength, which leads to the appearance of all the symptoms of flatulence.

The condition in which the stomach swells in the early stages of pregnancy is due precisely to the effect of progesterone. Congestion in the intestines leads to pain around the navel, as well as in the womb. There is a feeling of overcrowding and bloating of the intestines, gases appear. By the end of the first trimester, the body of the expectant mother adapts to the ongoing changes, and the intestines begin to fully function again. In some pregnant women, the stomach continues to puff up until the very birth.

Flatulence in the second half of pregnancy

Closer to 20 weeks, bloating can be triggered by the following factors:

  • malnutrition;
  • stress;
  • wearing tight and pressing clothes in the belt;
  • use of a bandage;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

In the second half of pregnancy, the cause of discomfort around the navel may be eating gas-forming foods. Cabbage, asparagus, beans, peas, sweet grapes and some other foods can provoke pain and heaviness in the abdomen. Symptoms of flatulence can also occur after drinking carbonated drinks. After the normalization of the diet, all unpleasant symptoms go away without additional therapy.

The longer the gestation period, the more often women notice bloating and gas. In the later stages, flatulence attacks occur due to fetal movements. Being in the uterus, the baby puts more and more pressure on the intestines, gallbladder and liver, provoking the appearance of all unpleasant symptoms. And only after 36 weeks, when the uterus descends and stops pressing on the internal organs, women experience a slight relief and a decrease in signs of flatulence.

Typical Symptoms

The condition in which the stomach swells is difficult to confuse with something else. Many pregnant women feel pain in the navel, radiating to the groin and bosom. There is heaviness in the stomach even after a light snack. There is swelling and distension after eating. An inevitable sign of flatulence are gases. Involuntary gas formation brings tangible discomfort to every pregnant woman and can cause social isolation.

Against the background of constant pain and bloating, many women refuse to eat. They try to eat very little, but even this does not always help to cope with the problem. In the early stages of pregnancy, the situation is complicated by toxicosis, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Perhaps a decrease in body weight against the background of pronounced manifestations of flatulence.

Why is flatulence dangerous?

If the expectant mother's stomach swells from time to time, you should not be afraid. This phenomenon is considered completely normal and occurs in most pregnant women. In most cases, flatulence causes only some discomfort to the woman herself, but does not affect the development of her baby in any way. After the birth of a child, the hormonal background returns to normal, the intestines return to their usual rhythm of work and the delicate problem disappears by itself.

It is quite another matter if flatulence becomes a constant companion of the expectant mother. When the stomach swells after every meal, it is quite difficult to remain calm. Such a problem can lead to a decrease in appetite and even the rejection of the usual food. With a long course, flatulence can provoke the development of beriberi, which will ultimately lead to a slowdown in fetal development.

Treatment Methods

During pregnancy, great importance is given to non-drug therapy. The following methods will help to alleviate the condition of the expectant mother and save the woman from the manifestations of flatulence:

  1. Diet. The first thing a pregnant woman should do is to review her diet. Foods that increase gas formation should be excluded from the diet for all nine months. You should forget about cabbage and peas, beans, beans and grapes. The expectant mother needs to limit the use of black bread and give up sugary carbonated drinks. Also, do not load the intestines too much during meals. Meals should be frequent, 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. This approach will reduce the load on the digestive tract and save the expectant mother from the symptoms of flatulence.
  2. Drinking regime. If the stomach swells, doctors recommend drinking as much clean water as possible. Two liters per day is the minimum that a pregnant woman suffering from flatulence should drink. Instead of water, you can drink berry juice or dried fruit compote. Avoid strong tea and coffee.
  3. Physical activity. To prevent flatulence, doctors advise to move more. Yoga, swimming and special gymnastics for pregnant women will help improve the passage of food through the intestines. A good effect will also bring daily walks in the fresh air, especially before bedtime.

Drug therapy is prescribed if all other methods have failed. With severe flatulence, drugs are used that reduce the formation of gases and improve bowel function. "Smecta", "Espumizan" and other similar drugs cope well with bloating and are approved for use from early pregnancy.

One of the important goals in a woman's life is to take care of her child and it starts already from the first trimester of pregnancy. But this is an additional burden on the body and a test of its strength and endurance.

There is an exacerbation of all chronic diseases, ailments appear.

Bloating in the first weeks of pregnancy is a very common symptom that occurs in almost all new mothers.

It is necessary to understand what is the cause of this symptom.

What happens inside the body?

Bloating during pregnancy occurs in almost everyone. The reasons for this are very large and most of them are associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

It must be remembered that flatulence is a normal process in which it is extremely rarely necessary to take medications.

The main causes of bloating during pregnancy

  1. Unusual taste preferences are observed in early pregnancy. These are not always products that are compatible with each other. These problems can lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Nervous system. Frequent stress and mood swings affect a woman's health. There are violations of the gastrointestinal tract and bloating appears.
  3. In the first trimester, there is an increase in hormones. They are essential for improving smooth muscle. In order to endure a child without complications, it is necessary that the uterus is always relaxed. If the uterus is in good shape, then fetal rejection may occur. But these hormones also relax the smooth muscles in the gut. This leads to bloating.
  4. Insufficient amount of enzymes. Enzymes are essential for the normal process of digestion. This may be due to poor diet and hormonal levels that interfere with the production of pancreatic hormone.

Food that has been poorly processed with enzymes is digested poorly and with a lot of gas.

During pregnancy, most chronic diseases are exacerbated.

How to eliminate bloating in the first week of pregnancy?

In the early stages of pregnancy, bloating is in no way connected with the fact that the child has reached a large size and presses on the internal organs.

But this symptom occurs in 99 pregnant women out of 100, it is especially common in the early stages.

The exception is not even those women who have never complained about the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The main cause of bloating is hormonal changes in the female body.

For example, an increase in progesterone helps keep the uterus in a normal state, which prevents miscarriage or early birth, but at the same time there is a violation of the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

There is a weakening of the intestinal muscles, which prevents its timely cleansing.

Fecal masses linger much longer than necessary. At this time, the fermentation process takes place and a large amount of gases is released.

As a result, flatulence occurs. If during pregnancy, a woman will consume all the same products as before the appearance of an interesting condition, then this will only aggravate the disruption of the functioning of the body.

Additionally, during pregnancy, an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system is possible, especially for violations in the production of enzymes.

In early pregnancy, there is a painful sensation and bloating due to insufficient amounts of enzymes.

Food that has been poorly processed by enzymes enters the intestines, where the process of putrefaction and fermentation takes place. In this regard, flatulence occurs in the early stages.

How can you beat bloating during early pregnancy. First of all, you need to fix the food. To do this, it is desirable to eat often and fractionally.

You need to eat every three hours, but each meal should be small and enriched with essential trace elements. If everything is done correctly, then you can even avoid or reduce the manifestations of toxicosis.

Pregnancy This is an important condition in a woman's life. It is very important to take the required amount of water per day.

It should not be any liquid, namely water. It will help prevent constipation and bloating.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet all foods that can cause fermentation and flatulence in the abdomen.

These include cabbage in any form, legumes, black bread, fatty or fried foods, carbonated drinks, smoked meats.

You should also consume as little raw vegetables and fruits as possible.

It is worth giving preference to dairy products. Women need to take them during pregnancy, even if these products are not loved.

Ryazhenka, drinking yoghurts and kefir help enrich the body with protein and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


The most common early symptoms of bloating are:

  • Nausea.
  • Irritability.
  • Insomnia.
  • Heartburn and problems with appetite.
  • Diarrhea or constipation. Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Occurrence of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

Pregnancy and flatulence treatment

It helps well in early pregnancy, the use of special physical exercises. They must be performed with great care. This can be done up to 2.5 months.

  1. It is necessary to take a horizontal position on the back, bend the legs at the knees, feet on the floor, hands are laid along the body. We take a deep breath and try to move all the air into the stomach, then exhale sharply and pull the stomach in as much as possible. During pregnancy, even in the early stages, this is very difficult to do.
  2. The starting position does not change. We perform the bike in three sets of 20 times.
  3. Lying on your back, legs must be bent at the knees, hands are joined at the back of the head into a “lock”. It is necessary to try as much as possible to reach the right elbow to the left knee.
  4. Exercise "scissors".

Diet and pregnancy

In pregnant women in the early stages, flatulence can be eliminated with a diet.

To determine which products are suitable for each woman individually, you can consult with your doctor.

But it must be used not periodically, but regularly observed throughout pregnancy.

Tropical fruits such as bananas should also be removed from the diet. They can provoke heartburn even when not pregnant.

Unpleasant odor in the mouth should be eliminated with the help of special fresheners, not chewing gum.

You can eliminate signs of bloating with the help of fermented milk products and yogurts, which are sold in pharmacies.

The bloating may not go away completely, but the symptoms will be much less. Eat often, but in small portions.

It is very important to drink water throughout the day. In summer, you need to drink 400 grams of water per 10 kg of weight, in winter it is enough to reduce it to 300 grams. Thus, constipation can be eliminated.

But you need to take water before meals, not after. It is desirable to drink from a glass, and not from other dishes (bottles). Additionally, from drinking, you can take tea and compote.

Prevention of bloating

In the early stages of pregnancy, abdominal flatulence occurs in almost every woman.

Try to avoid them or reduce them as much as possible, for this it is recommended to eliminate the first symptoms of manifestation:

  1. The biggest mistake women make during pregnancy is a sedentary lifestyle. Need physical exercise, walks in the fresh air or sports that are intended during pregnancy.
  2. Yoga classes help a lot. It will help eliminate heartburn, bloating and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, stretching with yoga can prepare the expectant mother.

For most pregnant women, discomfort can simply be an inconvenience. But sometimes it can cause a miscarriage.

Taking medication during pregnancy is not recommended. But there are drugs with minimal side effects. Well helps to eliminate the symptoms of Espumizan and Semiticon.

The active substance is not able to penetrate into the blood. There are medicines that consist of herbal collection. For example, Iberogast.

It consists of licorice, cumin, lemon balm, celandine, mint, bitter Iberian, milk thistle, it does not contain chemical ingredients.

But the main advantage of treatment with this drug is that it acts selectively. Where the muscle is excessively relaxed, the necessary tone returns to it, and where there is a spasm, it relaxes.

After eating, you need to walk in the fresh air. In this case, the gas will come out on its own. It is not recommended to stay in a stuffy room for a long time.

This is important in the early stages, but especially in the later stages, at a time when active sports are contraindicated.

It helps to remove signs of bloating during pregnancy, special massages that need to be done every day for the purpose of prevention.

Recovery with traditional medicine

Every woman knows how to eliminate flatulence in the abdomen.

But if before pregnancy you can “win” this symptom by drinking a pill, then when a woman is in an interesting position, it is better to give preference to alternative methods of recovery.

Bloating can be relieved with cumin tea.

To do this, you need to take 50 grams of cumin and pour 200 grams of hot boiled water. Then the broth must be well wrapped and put in a dark place for several hours. Taken after eating.

You can prepare at home from special herbs a remedy for pregnant women. It is necessary to take calamus, angelica root, centaury, rhubarb.

The restriction in taking folk medicines can only be an individual intolerance to certain ingredients.

Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, a woman is warned by many difficulties and troubles. Someone only occasionally feels discomfort, while someone struggles with problems until the very birth. But there is not a single pregnant woman who has not at least once found herself in a delicate situation as a result of bloating during pregnancy. The appearance of gases is not a threatening condition, but a woman often experiences awkwardness and physical discomfort. About what causes such an eating disorder, and how to establish the normal functioning of the digestive organs during pregnancy, we will tell you in detail in this article.

Flatulence - pathological gas formation in the intestines under certain circumstances. In a significant number of women, signs of excessive swelling appear 1-1.5 weeks after conception and often become the first signal that fertilization has taken place.

Although flatulence often accompanies women throughout pregnancy and is considered quite normal, but it can and should be fought. After all, if the condition is not controlled, then the situation can become very complicated. Then harmless gases during pregnancy can become the culprits of all kinds of complications in the process of gestation and childbirth.

The defining provocateur of flatulence in pregnant women is an unstable hormonal background, especially at the beginning of pregnancy. To preserve the embryo, eliminate the increase in uterine tone and prevent miscarriage, the hormonal system of a woman intensively produces a lot of progesterone. Its task is to relax all the smooth muscles of the uterus. But due to the inability to identify only the uterus, muscle tone decreases throughout the body and in the intestines in particular. In conditions of reduced tone, intestinal motility weakens, which causes gases during pregnancy in the early stages.

The cause of flatulence may not be pregnancy, but various diseases of the internal organs, which become aggravated after conception. Ulcer, duodenitis, cirrhosis, insufficiency of pancreatic enzymes, gallstone pathology, dysbacteriosis and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract prevent food from being fully digested. It enters the intestines in a semi-digested form, and there it begins to ferment. That is why gases during pregnancy so often disturb women. And sometimes future mothers did not even know before about the presence of such diseases.

Lactose deficiency can provoke chronic flatulence. If belching, diarrhea and bloating appear after drinking milk and products based on it, you should check the body's reaction to milk fat.

Among other factors that provoke gases, the following can be distinguished:

  • Errors in the diet, long breaks between meals, poorly chewed food.
  • Overeating, "night" snacks (especially in the last weeks of pregnancy).
  • Insufficient motor activity.
  • Wearing tight, oversized synthetic clothing.
  • Severe fluid deficiency in the body.
  • Worm invasion.
  • Diseases of vessels entering the intestine (atherosclerosis, plaques, blood clots, edema).
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane or muscle membrane.
  • Restriction of intestinal patency (adhesions, neoplasms).
  • Intestinal spasm due to stress.
  • Swallowing large amounts of air while eating.

A fast-growing uterus with a fetus can cause gases during pregnancy in the second trimester and beyond. It infringes the intestines and does not allow it to function normally. Such a process is accompanied not only by bloating, but also by constipation, frequent belching and discomfort in the diaphragm. The condition of a woman can be aggravated by taking iron supplements for anemia.

Flatulence can disturb a woman throughout the entire gestational period. The chances of getting acquainted with such an uncomfortable problem increase in women suffering from various intestinal disorders even before conception. After all, everyone knows the fact that pregnancy is a real catalyst for the exacerbation of chronic diseases. Therefore, long-standing diseases of the digestive tract are unlikely to make you wait long after pregnancy.

But completely healthy women need to be on the alert. Obstetricians assure that even the absence of bloating during early pregnancy does not guarantee that problems will not appear as the uterus grows. That is, bloating can lie in wait for a woman for all 9 months.

The formation of gases is a physiological process in the body, but it is important to remember that, in addition to inconvenience, it should no longer cause any negative phenomena in the form of pain, weakness and a sharp deterioration in well-being. If these symptoms occur, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

Symptoms and signs of bloating during pregnancy

The appearance of gas in the abdomen, regardless of the reasons that caused it, is accompanied by certain symptoms. The woman feels physical and emotional discomfort, but her condition remains satisfactory.

For flatulence, the following symptoms are inherent:

  • Pressure, fullness, heaviness is felt in the stomach and intestines.
  • Even at rest, you can hear a noise similar to gurgling, a transfusion of fluid in the abdomen.
  • Very often gases leave.
  • Nausea and vomiting, not associated with early toxicosis.
  • Appetite disorders.
  • Violation of the stool (constipation / diarrhea).
  • Belching, heartburn, bad smell.
  • Rise in blood pressure, attacks of tachycardia.
  • Loss of energy, irritability.
  • Colic during passage of flatus.
  • Bitter or metallic aftertaste in the mouth.
  • Short-term pain in the intestines of a cramping nature.

In later pregnancy, abdominal pain and gas begin to affect a woman's well-being more strongly. In addition to the difficult situation with social adaptation due to the constant discharge of gases, a woman has serious health problems. If the causes of swelling cannot be eliminated, frequent headaches, severe weakness, dizziness occur. The woman becomes sleepy and weak, she does not want to drink and eat. Soon shortness of breath appears and the pulse quickens, it is difficult for a pregnant woman to move around, and as a result of refusal to eat, hemoglobin drops and oxygen circulation is disturbed.

Bloating and Gas During Pregnancy: Potential Risks and Complications

With irregular and moderate gas formation, nothing threatens a woman except for severe discomfort. But if the condition becomes chronic and cannot be corrected, serious complications can occur.

In the first trimester, such a disorder in the digestive tract can provoke hypertonicity and create a risk of miscarriage. In addition, this condition can aggravate toxicosis, dehydration. This, in turn, will cause a deficiency of substances useful for the fetus and oxygen.

At a later gestational age, the swollen intestines will displace the internal organs even more and put pressure on the uterus with the baby. This can result in premature contractions and childbirth.

Important! Refusal to eat and severe psychological discomfort provoke the birth of a weakened baby with insufficient weight.

How to get rid of gases during pregnancy

Any sensations in the stomach that are unfamiliar to you should be the reason for a visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist. During a visit to the doctor, you will be prescribed the necessary tests and ultrasound studies to exclude possible pathologies of the internal organs.

Based on the results of the examination, a suitable diet will be selected for you, and, if necessary, approved drugs that will eliminate gas in the abdomen during pregnancy.

Treatment methods depend on the causes of gas accumulation, therefore it is unacceptable to solve the problem of flatulence without a doctor's examination.

The right diet for bloating during pregnancy

In 80% of cases, the poor diet of a pregnant woman is to blame for the appearance of flatulence. The menu should be dominated by easily digestible natural products after gentle heat treatment (steamed or boiled). The diet should be divided into 5-6 meals. Eat slowly, chewing each bite well.

To prevent food fermentation, you should not drink food even with water. The break between the meal and the use of any liquid should be at least 40 minutes.

The group of prohibited foods that increase gas formation includes beans, rutabaga, peas, onions, all varieties and types of cabbage, turnips. The use of bananas, soda, flour products, mushrooms, raisins, garlic, semi-finished products and liver is limited.

The daily menu of a woman who is tormented by gases during pregnancy and her stomach hurts should consist of the following products:

  • Any low-fat dairy products.
  • Nuts and dried fruits in small quantities.
  • Boiled fish and meat.
  • Herbal or green tea, decoction of dried fruits.
  • Biscuits biscuit, protracted ("Maria", "Zoological").
  • Laminaria and other seafood.
  • Eggs in the form of a steam omelette and boiled hard boiled.
  • Vegetable salads, casseroles, stews.
  • Soups on the second broth.
  • Cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal).
  • Fruits and berries and dishes based on them (fruit drinks, juices, jelly, smoothies).

Special dry ferments of beneficial bacteria will help speed up the process of digestion of food and eliminate gases during pregnancy. They can be used to make homemade yogurt and kefir, or just stir in a glass of milk and drink in the morning.

If flatulence is accompanied by constipation, you need to drink 20 g of olive oil on an empty stomach, and adhere to the correct drinking regimen throughout the day (1.5-2 liters of water per day).

Medical methods for the treatment of strong gases during pregnancy

Flatulence during pregnancy is a very uncomfortable disease and should not be tolerated. In order not to provoke stress, poor health and stress on all internal organs, it is necessary to eliminate excessive gas formation by all available and safe methods. Diet, plenty of fluids, rest, and exercise help get rid of bloating during pregnancy, but what if these actions remain ineffective.

If making adjustments to the daily lifestyle of a pregnant woman does not give a positive result, an obstetrician-gynecologist may recommend medication.

A woman in position is allowed to take such drugs for bloating:

  • Espumizan (analogous to Bobotik) - in the minimum dose, it quickly stops gas formation, does not enter the bloodstream, is safe for mom and baby.
  • Enterosgel (analogues Smet, white coal, Diosmectite) - absorbs and removes toxins, decay products, harmful microorganisms from the intestines. Effective for constipation or diarrhea, dysbacteriosis.
  • Creon (Pancreatin, Mezim) is an enzyme preparation that accelerates the digestion of food.
  • Bebinos, children's tea "Fennel", dill tea, Iberogast - herbal preparations that relieve the discomfort of colic.
  • Hilak forte, Biosporin, Enterogermina, Acidophilus - prebiotics that help normalize the digestive tract and increase immunity.

Chamomile tea, infusion of peppermint and dandelion seeds have an excellent carminative effect. You need to brew such a remedy in this way: 2 tsp. herbs in a cup of boiling water. You can safely drink 1-2 servings a day.

Physical activity for flatulence

During pregnancy, many women often have limited exercise. The reason for this is the risk of abortion in the 1st trimester, preeclampsia or excess weight at a later date and other complications. This complicates the treatment of gases during pregnancy, so what to do in such a situation is decided by the doctor based on the condition of the woman.

If there are no special contraindications and restrictions, it is much easier for a woman to get rid of flatulence with the help of gymnastics for pregnant women, visiting the pool, yoga and active walking. These activities start the metabolism, tone the intestinal muscles and create conditions for the rapid and complete digestion of food.

Gases in the intestines during pregnancy: prevention of problems

If you have a predisposition to gas formation, it is better to play it safe and follow certain rules of behavior immediately after conception:

  • Always wear clothes in your size that are appropriate for your pregnancy. If the outfit will compress the stomach or chest, this will affect the work of the stomach.
  • Try to move more daily. If physical activity is prohibited, just take a walk in the fresh air more often.
  • Divide portions of food into several meals and chew food for a long time.
  • Stick to proper nutrition, exclude carminative foods.
  • Try not to succumb to bouts of depression, do not be nervous, enjoy the little things.
  • Get enough rest (if desired, you can add daytime sleep).
  • When the first symptoms of flatulence appear, contact your doctor.
  • Forget about carbonated water, coffee, kvass for a while.
  • Avoid places where people smoke.

Gas formation is not a reason to be shy and keep silent about your problem. Do not be afraid to seek help from your gynecologist. He will help fix the problem, and you can safely enjoy your "special" position.

How to get rid of bloating. Video

Can bloating be a sign of pregnancy? Maybe, but not always. There are 4 most common causes of the symptom:

Read in this article

Why is the stomach bloated?

Bloating as a sign of pregnancy can occur due to such changes in the body:

  1. Hormone, which is popularly called the "hormone of pregnancy." The body begins to prepare for a new "inhabitant", freeing up a place for it. How? The active work of the muscles of the digestive system can contribute to a miscarriage, so the first task of progesterone is to reduce this activity. And relaxed organs are not able to process the usual amount of food in the same synchronous and coordinated manner.
  2. enzymatic deficiency. The pancreas ceases to cope with its function - the production of enzymes for the digestion of food.
  3. The pressure is growing. The reproductive system, along with all the others, is aimed at preserving and bearing the fetus. Therefore, the uterus can increase, even though the child is still a pea.
  4. Other reasons: poorly chewed food, wearing tight, tight clothes, unhealthy food, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and, of course, the faithful companion of a modern woman is stress.

Eliminate the causes listed above first. If this does not help, then you should contact the doctors to establish what causes deviations in the digestive tract.

Pregnancy confirmed, what to do with the stomach?

Bloating as a sign of early pregnancy may appear hours after conception and won't go away until you take action. If you have previously been prescribed any drugs for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, do not take them, because in your position they can give a completely undesirable effect. Or at least check from the instructions whether the use of this drug is prohibited for pregnant women.

How to eat to avoid bloating

Try to adjust according to the following rules:

  • Eat not 2-4 times, but 5-6 and a little bit. Eat by the clock, even if you do not feel hungry, because now you are feeding not only yourself. Lack of appetite should not be the reason for a voluntary hunger strike. Boost your body with baking smells, herbs, fruits, walks, fermented milk products (not milk, as it promotes increased gas formation).
  • Avoid chewing gums. They allow a large volume of air to penetrate inside, as a result of which there will be not only gas formation, but also belching,.
  • Stick to a diet, guided by general recommendations:
Exclude Restrict Include in the diet
Alcohol Milk, kefir with a long shelf life, kvass, yoghurts with additives Dairy products: cottage cheese, homemade yoghurts, low-fat natural sour cream
Carbonated drinks Tea, Herbal decoctions, dried fruit compotes, pure water
Chips, mushroom dishes, smoked sausage, fatty cheese Salted, pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut Fresh vegetable salads, dill (even dried), fennel. Dill water.
Seasonings: balsamic vinegar, hot pepper Vegetable and butter, margarine Olive oil
Legumes, all types of cabbage, plums, Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons Dried fruits, apples, bananas, strawberries, watermelons, melons, pumpkins, beets, carrots
All types of fried meat and fried foods, lard Pork, chicken Beef, veal, turkey, offal: liver, kidney, heart

Sports will help

Walk an hour a day. Walk slowly, on a level road, in the fresh air. If it takes a long time to get to fresh air, together with your doctor, choose the right one: yoga, gymnastics or dancing for pregnant women, a swimming pool. Sports will keep the intestines relaxed and in good shape.

Seeing a doctor is the right decision

If this unpleasant sign of pregnancy - bloating - does not go away after the measures taken, it's time to contact a gastroenterologist. Do not be lazy to be examined, tell the doctor in detail about what is happening. Don't expect complications!

As adsorbent drugs, you will be prescribed Smecta, activated charcoal, white charcoal. To remove gases - carminatives: Simethicone, Gerbion (gastric drops), Espumizan. Carminative preparations can be prepared at home on your own: brew and infuse for several hours 2 tablespoons of dill, cumin or fennel, chamomile.

If during pregnancy the stomach continues to swell, then therapy aimed at treating the pancreas or stomach may be required. Inform about pregnancy - you will be prescribed medications without contraindications.

The first signs of pregnancy, including bloating, should not scare you. Health is guarded by your own body, common sense and medicine.