The difference between twins and twins: how to distinguish children similar to each other. Birth of twins

The twin phenomenon modern medicine cannot fully explain. There are three options for the development of pregnancy, leading to their appearance. In the first case, the egg begins to divide after fertilization by one spermatozoon into several parts. As a result, identical or are born, which, during gestation, had either a common placenta and fetal bladder, or a separate placenta and fetal bladder.

Also, each twin can develop in their own sac while sharing a placenta with their sibling.

The second option is either semi-identical twins, which are born quite rarely and as a result of a difficult pregnancy. The polar body of the egg usually dies before fertilization, but in this case this does not happen, and, after the ingestion of one or two spermatozoa, a second child develops in it.

And, finally, the third option - the birth of twins - is possible when two eggs are fertilized by two sperm. Such twins coincide in the set of genes by about 50% and develop in separate amniotic sacs and placentas during pregnancy.

External features of twins and twins

So, what is the difference between twins and twins? They have the most similar appearance with the same set of genes. They have the same blood type, gender and fingerprints. It happens that a certain number of twins (about 25%) are born with an interesting difference - a mirror resemblance.

Mirror resemblance - a complete identical resemblance of two twins, the appearance of which absolutely repeats the appearance of each of them.

Semi-identical (monozygous) twins, with all their external similarity, can be born, while twins that are twins look like ordinary children from the same parents. They can also be heterosexual or same-sex.

According to a medical point of view, they are twins, and triplets - in other words, all children born in one pregnancy are considered twins. Their main difference is determined by the type of fertilization (identical, semi-identical, dizygotic) and external similarity - the twins are as similar as possible, and the twins differ in appearance, having only similar external features.

Sometimes it happens that a woman gives birth to several rosy-cheeked and well-fed babies at once. And we can talk about both twins and twins. Some do not understand the difference between these concepts, but, nevertheless, it exists. ? Is it possible to single out any features of the upbringing of these "same" or not quite similar kids? How high is the probability of having two or more children? All these questions will certainly interest the expectant mother, who has a multiple pregnancy.

Biologists do not usually use such a term as "twins". In science, there is the concept of "twins", and they distinguish monozygotic (1-egg) and di- and trizygous (etc.) embryos. It is precisely the last, fraternal, twins that are simply called twins. But how do they differ from each other?

  1. “Real” twins are the result of the fertilization of one egg. That, in turn, can be divided into 2 (4) cells, from which embryos will develop. Twins or triplets arise from 2 or 3 fertilized eggs, that is, different eggs are fertilized by different male germ cells.
  2. As you can guess from the above, monozygotic twins always belong to the same gender (only girls or only boys). Twins, on the other hand, can present a kind of surprise - heterosexual babies.
  3. Monozygotic twins are extremely similar to each other, they say about them: "One face." Sometimes the resemblance is so pronounced that even mothers confuse their babies. But children from twins resemble each other no more than “classically” brothers and sisters.
  4. Monozygotic twins are also genetically similar, although, of course, one cannot speak of an absolute “clone”. They have the same blood type and may suffer from similar diseases. Twins, in genetic terms, have the same degree of similarity as ordinary brothers / sisters.
  5. The birth rate of twins is approximately 1 in 4,000 births. Twins are born more often. At the same time, the number of births of "real" twins is almost the same in different populations. But this rule does not apply to twins. For example, heterozygous twins are born more often to black mothers than to women of Caucasian or Mongoloid races.

We have considered . But what determines the birth of twins is not yet entirely clear. But it is believed that the likelihood of multiple pregnancy may increase with increasing age of the woman. This is explained by the fact that adult mothers have a higher rate of gonadotropin, a special pregnancy hormone.

Character features

Will the twins match in terms of character, personality traits and any preferences? This question does not have a clear answer. It would seem that a similar set of genes should cause complete uniformity, but in practice there are families in which even very similar outwardly monozygotic twins differ in terms of character and temperament.

On the other hand, twins of different sexes can demonstrate similar interests, inclinations, tastes, etc. Such ambiguity is due to the fact that the development and upbringing of a child is a complex process that depends on both biological and social factors.

Thus, who the tiny kids will eventually become will depend on family education, the characteristics of parent-child relationships, and social conditions.

So then How are twins different from twins?, largely depends on the characteristics of the fertilization of the egg and the division of the zygote. If the embryos develop in the same egg, then they are twins. Well, if in different eggs, then, accordingly, twins. But with all the differences, you need to remember that both are children, cute and so loved.

Who cares?

So often I heard and hear questions about who we have twins or twins ... and then (the most interesting!) - followed by the words that they still don’t understand this ...

So let's get started, since it's interesting.

Twins and Twins

- what is the difference between them? In a nutshell (the most understandable) ...

Twins develop separately in the mother's tummy, i.e. each in their own shell. They can be same-sex and heterosexual, similar (but not like two drops of water) and completely different.

Twins- they are identical. They are born when a fertilized egg divides into two identical halves. Twins develop in one shell. Therefore, they are not only Very Similar, they can only be Same-Sex, i.e. brothers or sisters.

How to Distinguish Gemini?

When I was preparing for the appearance of my babies - twins, I was also tormented by this question. I thought that it would be necessary, immediately after birth, to find some distinctive mole in each of them. And thus remember who is who. In order not to confuse the name given to each daughter! We also approached the issue of choosing a Name very seriously. But we'll talk about this another time. 😉 After all, this is also important! It turned out that children are almost always born without any moles. Well, who would have thought?! It's my first time - I didn't know... What should I do? I had to, as they say, navigate the place. On the face of my daughters were like two drops of water - that's for sure! 🙂 🙂

At first, one leg was much “slenderer” than the other.

Here! Found!

BUT!!! After all, it's not summer - they are swaddled all the time. After all, you won’t undress all the time to see who it is ...

It’s good that in the maternity hospital, tags are immediately attached to babies and cribs are signed. A great way out, in fact, for the very first time. Because, in the maternity hospital, if they take away babies for some reason, then, as a rule, one at a time. Accordingly, they will put in place and then take another.

And different diapers, blankets, clothes will help.

The same kids in the same clothes are, of course, Cool! But I also want to distinguish who is who at first sight, and not after a half-hour analysis of your beloved children lying / sitting / standing in front of you.

Of course, I later found more distinctive dimples on the ears ... At first, I was guided by them. She also taught her relatives.

In general, fun! Some kind of game...

So, dear future Moms of twins and similar twins, do not be afraid! You will definitely find your distinctive features in your kids! And then you will remember these first hours or days, tell your loved ones and laugh.

P.S. Over time, even the most identical twins become "different". At least for their closest ones who spend 24 hours a day with them. This is character, behavior, and facial expressions ... Now my daughters are over a year old, and personally I see differences in their eyes, in facial features .. Unlike other people who are sure that girls are like two drops of water. 🙂 🙂

And HOW did you or your relatives distinguish/distinguish their so similar babies?
Write in the comments below.

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There are so many different terms in the modern world that it is often simply not possible to understand them, and you have to learn new information gradually so as not to simply overload your brain. Interesting knowledge can be who twins and twins are, the difference in these concepts can qualitatively clarify the picture.


It is worth starting with the fact that in medicine there is no such thing as "twins". It arose among the people to facilitate the concept of differences in children born at the same time in colloquial speech. In medicine, there is the concept of "twins", or to be more precise, identical and which differ from each other.

What is the difference

First you need to figure out who twins and twins are. The difference in these concepts lies in the process of fertilization itself. Twins or, as they are commonly called in medicine, identical twins, are the result of the division of one fertilized cell. Very rarely, but this also happens when the cell is divided not into two, but into four parts and 4 children are born to the mother. Twins, triplets and more are the result of almost equal time fertilization of several eggs by different spermatozoa, i.e. in this case, cell division does not occur, and the conception and development of the zygote proceeds in its usual way.

Are they the same or not?

Now it is worth considering the question of how identical twins and twins are. The difference here is significant. As already mentioned, twins are the result of the division of one fertilized egg, so the babies who are born after this are almost the same among themselves. Until some time, their parents even confuse them, because. at a young age, learning to distinguish between such babies is very difficult. They have the same color eyes, hair, skin. Moreover, they have almost the same fingerprints! As for interchangeability, they can easily transplant each other's organs, which take root perfectly in a new place. Gemini also have a very strong emotional bond. Often, even being at a distance, they subtly feel each other's moods and anxieties, they can also foresee various situations that happen to their “soul mate”. It is also worth noting that twins are same-sex children, i.e. only boys or exclusively girls. As for twins (triplets, etc.), things are somewhat different here. These children are similar to each other exactly as much as ordinary brothers and sisters born through time. Birth variations here can be different, mothers can have both girls and boys at the same time. Transplanting each other's organs in this case is not so easy, although it is also possible. According to all of the above parameters, it is worth determining who is sitting in the mother's stroller - twins or twins.

Some statistics

For many, information about how often such children are born will seem interesting. First, it is worth noting that it will be much more difficult to conceive identical twins than fraternal ones. Especially in the modern world, when many more twins are born through artificial insemination than before. So, how often are twins and twins born? There is a difference here. If twins are born with a frequency of 4 thousand births, then twins are much more common - once in one thousand.

Knowing how twins and twins are obtained, we can conclude that it will not be possible to deliberately conceive several babies at the same time. But do not despair, because a person’s thoughts are material, and if you really want to, everything will definitely work out.

Many people live and do not know how twins differ from twins. And, by the way, they live well. But sometimes this knowledge becomes relevant. As a rule, this happens in those cases when people come into your life in one way or another who were born with their brother or sister with a difference of several minutes. It can be friends, lovers or ... future children. In the latter case, interest becomes far from idle, because parents want to know about their future babies, if not all, then as much as possible. So what is the difference between twins and twins? Let's figure it out.

Let's be clear: definitions and formulations

When two children develop in one tummy at once, most people imagine two completely identical babies. And someone, still starting planning a second pregnancy, firmly wishes to have both a girl and a boy at once, and that they be so similar, like a reflection of each other in a mirror. However, you've probably noticed the fact that twins don't always look alike. And sometimes, if you don’t know for sure, it’s generally difficult to say that they are relatives. In order to better understand why this happens, it is necessary to understand, at least at a basic level, how twins differ from twins.

If you ask the question of how twins differ from twins to a person associated with medicine, you will get an exhaustive answer that absolutely all children born in one pregnancy are twins. But all the educated numerals, such as "twins" or "triplets" - refer exclusively to the number of children born as a result of one multiple pregnancy. That is, twins may not be twins, but the children of twins are always twins.

"How so?" - you will be surprised. And the thing is that twins can be born under various conditions, depending on which they are called identical (monozygotic) twins and fraternal (dizygotic) twins.

  • Identical, similar children of the same sex appear in the rare case when one egg, fertilized by one sperm, after the formation of a zygote, for reasons inexplicable to science, is divided in half. In this case, babies get exactly the same genotype and gender.
  • But if a woman, as a result of any hormonal changes, produces two mature eggs at once, and both of them are fertilized by two different spermatozoa, then babies with a different genetic set are obtained. Such children may be of different sexes and resemble each other no more than ordinary brothers and sisters. It is they who are popularly called by a simple and capacious word - twins.

By the way, if lately the birth of twins (fraternal twins) has become commonplace, and twins are born in one case out of a hundred, then the appearance of identical twins occurs many times less often - only one case in three to four thousand births.

The mechanism of the appearance of twins

The appearance of two children during one pregnancy is an incident so rare that it is equated to a small miracle. This complex and not fully understood by science phenomenon still excites the minds of many people. Let's look at the principle of how twins differ from twins, and where they come from in general in more detail. At the moment, there are three different ways of forming a multiple pregnancy.

identical twins

The fundamental differences between twins and twins are laid in the first seconds of the formation of a new life. As already mentioned above, identical twins appear from one zygote - merged together one egg and one sperm. After fertilization, this zygote suddenly divides into two (or more) parts, each of which has exactly the same set of genes. After that, some variations in the course of pregnancy are possible:

  • Each of the resulting babies can have their own placenta and their own fetal bladder;
  • Babies can share one placenta for two, but each of the children has their own fetal bladder;
  • Twins develop in one "house" for two - sharing one fetal bladder and one placenta for two.

It depends on how this happened, whether the babies will develop separately from each other or whether they will grow "side by side" throughout the perinatal period. This is also important for complications of pregnancy of various etiologies.

But still, what is it that characterizes and how twins differ from twins? If we systematize the available information, we get the following picture.

  • All identical twins have an identical appearance, but in a quarter of all cases the differences are mirrored (one of the children has a mole on the right, the other has exactly the same, but on the left).
  • Not only the color of the eyes, hair and physique will be the same for such children, but even such trifles as the location of the teeth and the structure of the body.
  • These twins have exactly the same blood type and fingerprints.
  • Monozygotic twins are always of the same sex.
  • Organ and tissue transplants are always successful between identical twins.
  • These twins often have similar illnesses.
  • Identical twins can be in a woman of absolutely any age.
  • Planning identical twins is impossible in principle.

Semi-identical twins

In addition to identical twins and twins, an intermediate option is possible. These are the so-called semi-identical twins, which are also monozygotic. In this case, the most important difference between twins and twins, namely, the same-sex nature of such children, can be refuted.

It is such a complex series of coincidences that can lead to the birth of semi-identical twins, who, with complete external similarity, can be of different sexes. The similarity of the genotype of such twins is about 75%, because in children the genes of the mother's egg cell and half of the father's genes completely coincide.

If in other cases the key difference between twins and twins, which concerns their gender and appearance, is of fundamental importance, then when semi-identical twins are conceived, we can observe an intermediate option when outwardly very similar children may (or may not be) of a different sex or different race.

Dizygotic twins or twins

And if we have already realized the main difference between twins and twins, then it is worth considering the other side of the issue. Or rather, what signs distinguish twins, or what is the correct name for such babies - dizygotic fraternal twins.

As you remember, such a pregnancy is obtained when two or more eggs mature in a woman at the same time. They are fertilized by two different spermatozoa. As a result, children are born that are similar to each other in the same way as brothers and sisters born in different periods. Nevertheless, if we summarize the available facts, then twins and twins, the difference between which we are interested in, differ as follows:

  • In children from twins, on average, about half of the genes coincide, more often about 40-60%.
  • Each of the embryos is formed by the fusion of different eggs and different sperm.
  • Both babies have their own fetal bladder and their own placenta.
  • Children can be either heterosexual or same-sex.
  • When transplanting organs and tissues, the candidacy of one of the fraternal twins is considered on an equal basis with other relatives, and is not always possible.
  • The birth of dizygotic twins can be influenced by factors known to science and their appearance can be predicted and even planned, which you can read about here.
  • It is twins that are obtained as a result of IVF, when a woman is implanted with not one, but several fertilized eggs.
  • Twins can both resemble each other and radically differ in facial features, ox and eye color, skin color and physique.
  • Children of their dizygotic twins may have different blood types.

Diagnosis of twins or twins during pregnancy

When the doctor leading your pregnancy pleases you with the news that you are expecting two babies at once, your heart stops, then to beat with renewed vigor. But then curiosity also wakes up - boys, girls or heterosexual? Twins or twins?

Of course, in the first weeks of pregnancy, the doctor will only be able to diagnose the larger size of the uterus compared to a normal pregnancy and the presence of two beating hearts. However, the situation becomes absolutely transparent on ultrasound, where already at 4-5 weeks you can be absolutely sure that the pregnant woman is expecting twins.

But whether they will be identical twins or twins remains a surprise until the very birth, if the babies are not of different sexes and were not the result of IVF. In the latter cases, you can be absolutely sure that the expected babies are twins.

Twins and twins - similarities and differences

Comparing the parameters of how twins differ from twins, one should not forget about their inclinations and character. It is also worth considering the social environment, the environment, the desire of the kids themselves to be like each other, or vice versa, protest and the desire to show their pronounced individuality. These factors greatly influence whether grown-up babies will look like each other.

First of all, for close people and parents, only the medical parameters of how twins differ from twins make sense. This helps to better understand what and why is happening with babies. Whether the children will be like two drops of water, or different, as if they were not relatives - in any case, do not forget that each child is a separate person, with his own goals and desires.