Smoke ice makeup. Smokey ice makeup - step by step instructions. Makeup technique

Smokey ice for brown eyes is an indispensable solution for going out. However, there are samples for daytime bows. Such a make-up is popular both among young girls and among ladies of respectable age. It perfectly emphasizes the warm reflection of the eyes, attracts and attracts the attention of others. It is not for nothing that it is believed that a skillfully made make-up is not only a universal female weapon for conquering men's hearts, but also an indispensable component of the image, the ability to express and present oneself in many life situations, a powerful way of self-expression. The task of any make-up is to correct the appearance: presenting undoubted advantages and diverting attention from small flaws. Some beauties focus on the lips, choosing bright lipsticks. But an expressive look is a much more powerful way to win men's hearts.

Key features and advantages of the technique

Smokey eyes in translation means "smoky eyes". It is in the effect of vanishing haze that its peculiarity lies. Usually, 3-4 shades of shadows are taken for work, which are superimposed on the eyelid from light to dark, after which they are carefully shaded. The easiest way to achieve the desired result is with a special makeup brush, sponges do not do a good job.

Smokey ice is suitable for both light and dark eyes, but brown-eyed beauties are the easiest to pick up tones. Gray and blue with ineptly selected color combinations become smaller and are completely lost against the general background. Brown ones are filled with depth, a subtle mystery appears in them.

Smoky make-up is a classic. It was invented decades ago for brunettes to radically transform into captivating heartbreakers. Previously, only dark undertones were used, but other tint combinations are now available. It's also important to remember that if in those days smoky eye was considered an option for evening events, today makeup artists have come up with many ways to use it in the daytime.

Advice! Don't worry if you don't have makeup brushes handy. Go to your nearest art store and ask for a natural whitewash brush or a number 3 or 4 column. And for eyeliner, an angled synthetic brush is fine.

Selection of a color palette

Everyday make-up is impossible without light colors. Looks great beige, walnut, milky cream, chocolate and light golden gamma. Pearl, silver and pastel palette also harmonizes wonderfully with brown eyes. With the help of such specimens, it is easy to create both a completely weightless and rather saturated look.

For active lovers of experiment, brighter samples are suitable. Brown-eyed beauties are impressed by purple, lilac, red and burgundy undertones. However, with shadows with a reddish tint, you should be careful, because with their use there is a risk of gaining the effect of tearful eyes.

Extravagant people should look towards blue. However, prefer complex variations of it. In the coming season, turquoise, aquamarine and indigo shades turned out to be fashionable.

To softly frame the outline, you will need a pencil. For light looks, go for brown, but for more dramatic creations, go for jet black.

Advice! Many cosmetic brands produce special shadow palettes for creating smokey eyes. They fit 4-5 shades with matte textures and containing fine shimmer. Having such a palette at hand, you do not need to puzzle over the selection of halftones, the manufacturers have done it for you.

Dark brown and hazel eyes are best not to overload with dark shadows. Stop at offers of medium saturation. Such brown eyes are impressed by clear lilac, milky beige and gray undertones.

The process of creating a classic version step by step

Any technology for applying make-up consists of standard steps. Based on this guide, you will be able to create not only smoky perfection, but also many other variations.

So, let's take everything in order:

  • Wash your face first and apply a moisturizer on your face. It will not only smooth out microscopic wrinkles, but also prepare the skin for further exposure. Wait 15-20 minutes, during which time he will have time to completely absorb;
  • to extend the life of the creation, buy a special base. It increases grip and really helps the shadows stick better and not roll. This tool is a must have in every fashionista's makeup bag, because it's so insulting when the results of labor disappear after a few hours. If the base was not at hand - it does not matter. Replace it with concealer and a small
  • the amount of foundation;
  • cover dark circles under the eyes with concealer. Just do not select this area in the form of a semicircle, as it will become even more noticeable. It will be correct to approach the shape of a triangle, with the tip going down;
  • When the preparation of the skin is completed, we move on to the make-up itself. Outline the eyes with a soft pencil. To the outer corner of the line should be slightly thicker;
  • apply a light beige pigment to the inner corner of the eyelid. This will open the sight and make it clear;
  • cover the middle part with brown shadows, blend to the outer edge and go behind the crease - this will add expressiveness;
  • cover the outer corner with a dark shade, also shading;
  • return to a light tone and walk along the brow space;
  • carefully go through the tint joints so that the halftones smoothly shimmer into each other without distinct boundaries.

Advice! To add extravagance to the image - draw arrows. To make them even and straight, use ordinary paper tape. Stick it on and peel it off by hand several times, this will remove the excess glue, and you can effortlessly remove it from your face. Attach it so that it seems to continue the line of the lower eyelid, while at an angle. So you draw smooth arrows, and any excesses will be removed along with the adhesive tape.

It remains to cover the cilia with mascara and tint the lips - and forward to the conquest of new horizons.

Evening and day make-up: main differences

How wonderful it is when a speck of pleasant evening pastime flickers in the hopeless series of everyday life. It's nice to spend it with friends, but it's doubly nice to go on a date.

At such a moment, you want to look stunning, shine and be a star that everyone admires. A luxurious outfit plays a central role here, but it’s a sin not to complement it with a charming make-up.

The main difference with the daytime sample is the saturation and brightness of the shades. Intensely dyed thick arrows are appropriate here; for going to a nightclub, you can add a mother-of-pearl reflection and micro-shine.

Advice! For daylight hours and work, choose cosmetics in natural tones, there is no need to focus close attention on yourself with catchy strokes. Instead of a black pencil, take a brown one. The thickness of the drawn line depends on the shape and shape of the eyes. For the evening, you can give freedom to the flight of fancy, but remember that such a rich make-up does not accept bright lipstick. Cover your lips with a sheer gloss or opt for a nude shade.

For going out, a good solution would be to stop at a silvery scale, the cold overflows of which will emphasize the warm, brownish glow. Caramel tint with a golden-bronze tint is suitable here. Beauties with a light brown iris with golden splashes are suitable for a bronze and copper palette.

In the evening make-up, many experiments are acceptable, so why not take the opportunity to emphasize the depth of the look using sparkles, glitter, false eyelashes and other decorative elements.

Advice! Ladies of respectable age should avoid cosmetics with shiny microparticles. The shimmering pigment clogs into small wrinkles, making them more visible.

Charming heartbreakers with "peppercorn" have the right to experience the mysterious radiance of emerald and greenish tones on themselves, because they emphasize brown eyes so charmingly. At the same time, clear green harmoniously coexists with mother-of-pearl, silver, sandy-yellowish notes.

But the purple pigment better than others presents the warmth of brown eyes. Stopping at different degrees of its saturation, you can easily create true beauty for both everyday situations and festive events.

How to make smoky eyes of unprecedented beauty and avoid common mistakes

This question worries many beginners in the field of make-up art, so we decided to dwell on it in more detail.

A smoky effect is impossible without well-defined eyebrows. Give them a neat shape. If they are naturally thick, a couple of drops of modeling gel are enough for styling. Otherwise, use a brown pencil or shadows. You should not use black for summing up, it looks unnatural and suits only beauties with an oriental type of appearance.

We must not forget about the mascara, thickly colored cilia make the look bold, and the image is mysterious. There are two nuances here:

  • owners of round eyes can make them more elongated if you direct the eyelashes to the outer corner;
  • to visually enlarge the eyes, lift the eyelashes when painting towards the eyebrows. At the same time, try to concentrate the maximum amount of mascara in the central part;
  • we must not forget about the lower eyelid, it is also necessary to use mascara there so that the image does not look unfinished.

Advice! The importance of careful shading has already been said. At the same time, some diligent girls are so addicted to the process that they smear all the used shades into a single one. This should not be allowed, so ridiculously destroying smoky transitions. When shading, do not swing the brush around the entire eyelid, instead, carefully walk around each joint from the bottom up from the inner to the outer corner.

The next recommendation concerns the use of a white pencil along the lower edge of the space between the lashes. Many believe that this way the look becomes open and radiant. However, this does not apply to the classic smokey ice, here such an eyeliner looks unnatural. It is better to either do without it at all, or choose a pale pink tone.

Do not bring the color too far to the temple, intentional unnaturalness is completely useless to us. This kind of extravagance looks attractive only on the podium. Also do not forget to color the bottom row of cilia. The difference between painted and not is very noticeable.

Don't forget blush. This wonderful beauty product is able to visually bring the imperfect shape of the face closer to the coveted oval. It is only important to know the right places for their application. So chubby beauties should shade the upper part of the cheekbones, and the pronounced “triangle” should darken the overly wide forehead with bronze blush, and apply from the nose to the middle of the ear and to the tip of the chin.

And one more thing: the more intense the tonality is chosen, the better the condition of the skin should be. Catchy make up attracts the eye even to small imperfections. Get rid of acne, redness and peeling. Or use quality basics.

Do not be discouraged if after several attempts the result leaves much to be desired. Every major city has experienced makeup artists who give private lessons. They will not only be able to teach you the technique of skillful make-up, but also select the right color scheme.

More tone options:

Smokey eye makeup is designed for girls who know how to charm men with one look. Properly selected shades and smooth transitions help turn a standard look into an attractive picture. The presented technique for gray eyes is suitable for blondes and brunettes, beauties with dark and fair skin.

For the first time, eyes framed by a smoky effect sparkled during the Soviet era. Alluring make-up was created by simple girls and screen stars, fashion models and business personalities. Today, the popularity of make-up is confirmed by a huge number of fans around the world.

Characteristic features of makeup for gray eyes smokey ice

"Smoky eyes" are created by carefully shading the edges, which allows you to turn the look into an alluring and attractive. This approach allows you to favorably emphasize the shape of the eyes, draw attention to their beauty and clarity. Regardless of the location of the eyes, make-up can add attractiveness to the image. Smokey eye makeup can visually lift the corners, hide wrinkles, widen the look and increase the fixed surface of the eyelids.

The classic solution is smokey ice in black and gray. When creating such an image, matte shadows and a soft pencil are selected, which can be easily shaded. Today, there are many smoky makeup options that use green, purple, gray and brown accords. Daytime or evening event - the smokey technique is applicable to any event.

The basic rules for smokey ice makeup for gray eyes:

  • eyes must be emphasized with a soft and rich stroke;
  • the brightness of the shadows becomes less and less as it approaches the eyebrows;
  • the darkest chords are applied to the contour of the upper eyelid;
  • in make-up, clear lines are not acceptable, the contours must be carefully shaded;
  • eyelashes should be no less dark and bright than the shadows on the eyelids.

How to do smokey eye makeup for gray eyes

Before you start creating an image, you need to stock up on the necessary attributes:

  • tone cream;
  • several options for shadows;
  • brushes: flat, beveled and standard applicator;
  • soft black pencil;
  • ink.

Step by step instructions

1. The first stage is preparatory. This stage includes cleansing the skin and applying products that even out the tone of the face. Especially carefully you need to perform evening makeup for gray smokey eyes, as artificial lighting makes every bump more noticeable than under natural conditions. We apply foundation on the skin, if necessary, hide redness or signs of fatigue, apply a corrector.

2. Outline the eyes with a pencil. A correctly drawn line can change the shape of the eyes, give them a graceful outline. The stroke on the upper eyelid can be made thicker than on the lower one, while carefully blending the resulting lines.

3. We apply shadows. Specialists for a professional smokey ice make-up most often use 3 shades. All options should harmoniously match and not create excessive contrast. The picture looks beautiful, in which the shadows and the pencil are harmoniously combined with each other. We apply dark chords to the moving area, moving from the outer area to the inner one. We also paint the area above the upper eyelid with the selected shade.

4. After processing the upper surface, apply dark shades to the lower border. The saturation of the color should decrease as you get closer to the inner corner.
5. Light shades occupy the space between the movable area and the brow line.
6. Create smooth transitions of shades, give the picture a smoky effect.

7. Apply several layers of mascara. Thick eyelashes are an indispensable element of makeup for gray smokey eyes. We pay special attention to the outer corners.

The presented instruction is one of the most popular among society, but not the only one. Sometimes shadows are not used, replacing them with a pencil. In this case, a thick line is drawn, which is carefully shaded throughout the eyelid. You can also observe a make-up with a smoky effect with a drawn stroke over the shadows.

Smokey ice for gray eyes: what shades to choose

Gray eyes have a unique ability to adapt to the owner's mood, weather and outfit. Thanks to this property, makeup artists do not limit the color range suitable for charming chameleon eyes.

For everyday trips, girls choose restrained tones, mostly nude colors. Light gray and beige chords, shades with blue pigment are the perfect solutions for a smokey ice daytime make-up.

Evening events involve the use of more saturated colors, effectively shimmering under the influence of artificial lighting. Metallic or deep blue hues, dark gray or lilac accords - each option brings luxury and beauty to the image.

Makeup for blondes with gray eyes often contains light shades with blue, green or brown pigment. Also, gray eyes go well with light pink, pearl, copper, plum, lavender and chocolate tones.

  • When creating makeup, the emphasis should be on one detail. In the case of a rich and bright version of smokey ice, it is better to choose soft pink or light brown products for lips.

  • A soft pencil is a mandatory attribute for the presented make-up. The attribute is easily shaded and does not create clear lines. Experienced professionals draw strokes using shadows, but this approach requires certain knowledge and skills.

  • Particular attention should be paid to the color of the eyes, skin and hair, when choosing a shade. Dark-skinned beauties will gain confidence along with a make-up in brown and olive tones, for fair-skinned representatives of the fairer sex it is better to look at cold purple, blue and lilac chords.

  • When drawing the borders, the location of the eyes should be taken into account. Correctly drawn strokes can visually enlarge the eyes or change their location.
  • For smokey ice, lengthening mascara is selected, which creates a good volume.

Make-up for gray eyes in the style of smokey ice step by step

Classic variant

A spectacular composition in black and gray shades is a versatile option that will suit any evening event. Silvery overflows give makeup solemn notes, soft shading makes you plunge headlong into the bottomless sea of ​​gray eyes.

Lilac Charm

Rich makeup in lilac tones is suitable for gray-eyed girls who are confident in their attractiveness. A beautiful combination of gray and lilac chords is complemented by light silvery responses, thick eyelashes emphasize the expressiveness of the look. Make-up looks appropriate at evening meetings with family and friends, solemn events with friends and acquaintances.

Black and white symphony

A beautiful make-up in white, with the addition of black and silver notes, will help to attract attention with a deep and neatly defined look. An elegant picture captivates with its chic and unique curves, capable of conquering men at first sight. New Year's corporate parties, family holidays, birthdays and weddings - smokey ice makeup for gray eyes looks easy and spectacular at any event.

Delicate chic

Become the heroine of the evening and at the same time maintain a natural charm is possible with the right makeup. The presented version consists of black and taupe accords, with the addition of luxurious golden notes. Light makeup looks beautiful with red lipstick.

Smokey ice, which means "smoky eyes"- a very popular and versatile eye makeup for girls, complementing both daytime makeup and evening looks.

But when creating any make-up, not only smokey ice, many factors must be taken into account- hair color, clothes, hair color, skin tone. Today we will talk about how to combine smokey ice with gray eyes.

How to make lipstick matte on lips? find out right now.

Is it suitable?

Certainly there is many variations of smokey for different eye colors - brown, green, blue, and, of course, gray.

Grey eyes - quite rare occurrence but they look very nice.

And in order to make gray eyes brighter, and their color deeper, and there is a smokey ice makeup technique.

Grey colour - neutral, so it will suit a lot of options for different shades of shadows. Classic shades suit gray eyes: black, metallic gray, dark gray, light beige, sand.

If you have bright skin, bright colors are suitable - turquoise, aquamarine, purple, chocolate and coffee shades.

Using different shades can make your eyes brighter, shade the color, or even slightly change eye color. When using purple or chocolate, the shade of gray eyes will turn greenish gray.

The classic black or gray smoky version is perfect for gray eyes, according to top makeup artists. This option is suitable for everyday use, as well as for a date, celebration or evening out.

The main thing is not to overdo it with the intensity of color in the daytime version of makeup. You can replace black mascara with gray or brown, this will be a great option. for daytime makeup.

What will be required to complete?

So to create an irresistible image femme fatale with smokey ice technique, we need:

  • foundation that matches your skin type to help even out skin tone and hide imperfections;
  • black soft pencil with which you can draw a bold bright line. Clarity and thin contour in smokey ice are not needed;
  • brush or applicator for blending black pencil;
  • shadows of two or three shades, depending on how many shades you want to use;
  • Shadows should lay down and blend well to create a light and smooth transition. If you wish, you can purchase a special base for them so that the shadows do not roll down and crumble before your eyes.

  • brush for smooth shading of color;
  • volumizing lengthening mascara. In the evening version, you can replace the mascara with false eyelashes;
  • neutral beige lipstick or lip gloss;
  • peach or pinkish blush.

This is an exemplary set of cosmetics that allows you not only to draw smokey ice, but also to complete the image as a whole. Get several options for shadows, and preferably a palette, so that experiment with different shades smokey ice.

Classic variant- matte shadows, but for light shades and daytime makeup, you can use mother-of-pearl and glossy shadows.

After you purchase the necessary cosmetics, you can begin to practice the smokey ice technique.

Evening smokey ice option for gray eyes - photo:

Owners of gray eyes are very lucky - to this color Suitable for many shades and makeup options. Try different techniques and palettes, mix colors and textures, don't be afraid to practice and experiment!

We are sure that you will find your smokey eye makeup option that will look chic and win men's hearts. Be beautiful!

You can learn how to make smokey ice makeup for brown eyes from ours.

A master class on creating smokey ice makeup for gray eyes in this video:

Smokey ice makeup is simple and effective at the same time. This explains its popularity, which does not fade from year to year. It is suitable for solemn social events and a reckless party with friends - it is hard to argue with the versatility of smokey eyes, it will always help out.

The eye make-up in this technique gives the look a mystery. Imagining smoky makeup, an image with eyes in gray-black tones is immediately drawn in the head. This is a traditional option, but far from the only one.

Smokey ice - smoky makeup. Smoky eyes technique with step-by-step instructions will help you create a unique evening look

Indeed, recently, colored smoky ice, which looks very attractive, has become widespread. To make makeup look neat, you need to know a few application secrets and use the advice of professional makeup artists.

It's important to know! With proper skills, make-up will not only look neat, it will correct the shape of the eyes: small ones will be made large, as if opening their eyes wide apart, they will visually bring them closer.

The first thing you need: quality tools and materials.

Tools and materials

For smokey ice makeup, several colors are used: dark, medium and light. In the classic version, it will be black, gray, silver or bronze, brown and gold. But makeup artists also select other combinations, most often of the same color scheme.

From eye makeup tools you will need:

  • medium-sized flat brush;
  • round soft brush of medium size with a rounded tip;
  • a thin brush with a pointed tip for adjusting and drawing fine lines;
  • powder or foundation for shadows;
  • black pencil;
  • three colors of shadows (one tone, but different saturation), with a high percentage of pigment content;
  • cotton swabs and makeup remover in case you have to clean up the wrong lines.

Do not skimp on tools and materials.

When choosing what you need for Smokey Ice, be guided by the following tips:

  • Makeup artists recommend use loose shadows. They are the easiest to shade, create the necessary effect of haze. Of course, baked and liquid shadows are also acceptable, but working with them is more difficult.
  • Wash your brushes thoroughly and dry before use. If possible, use different brushes for light and dark shades.

Note! Masters do not advise using eye shadow sponges, they apply shadows too tightly. The colors are hard to blend later.

Smokey ice color - what shadows, pencil to use

Previously, when smokey ice first appeared, it was performed only with black and gray shadows. There were no other options. But over time, makeup artists began to experiment and make up with colored rather than monochrome shades of shadows or pencils. This is how colored smokey appeared.

Black smokey ice (black shadows, pencil)

In black, make-up is done with a black pencil or black shadows. You will need at least two shades: black and medium gray. This option is loved by many for the depth and expressiveness of the look.

For a special occasion or an evening out, this is a win-win option. See how often this makeup is chosen for the red carpet by Hollywood stars, and their personal makeup artists are definitely not newbies.

Note! Black smoky eyes can be enhanced by adding false eyelashes.

Smokey ice in brown tones (brown, chocolate) - brown shadows

Unlike the black version, brown smoky ice is great for everyday wear. He is not aggressive, soft. Brown smokey ice is universal, it suits both light-eyed and fair-haired girls, and brunettes. It is enough just to slightly vary the shades of brown.

The choice of brunettes: dark taupe - golden coffee - warm brown - light beige + black arrow pencil.

The choice of blondes: medium brown - beige - golden beige light + brown arrow pencil.

Shadows are applied in the same technique as the classic smokey. You can read the instructions below.

Blue smoky ice (with blue shadows)

In the event that the color of your outfit or mood requires it, make-up in blue tones. Use any shades of blue and blue. The main thing is that they differ in saturation. Light or dark eyes, it doesn't matter.

Note! Masters recommend using creamy gray-blue shadows as a substrate.

The drawing scheme looks like this:

  • cream gray-blue shadows - base;
  • light blue shadows - the inner corner of the eye;
  • Bright blue shadows - from the inner corner of the eye to the middle of the eyelid;
  • Blue shadows - from the middle, not reaching the outer corner of the eye;
  • Black shadows or pencil - on the outer corner of the eye.
  • A smooth haze on the outer corner is done by shading a black pencil with a light blue tint of shadows.

Each layer is carefully shaded. Add arrows made in black pencil.

Turquoise smokey ice

In fact, it is a variation on the theme of smokey ice with blue shadows. More suitable for owners of fair skin and brown eyes.

pink smoky ice

Such smokey ice will set off any light eyes. The drawing scheme is as follows:

purple smoky ice

Smokey ice in purple looks elegant. It makes the look deeper, emphasizes beauty, but only if the shades are chosen correctly.

Note! In order not to get a “soviet” effect, try to select rich tones, perhaps even deep blue, purple.

We suggest complementing purple smoky ice with shades of ink and blue:

Beige smoky ice

Beige smoky ice is ideal for both everyday outings and as a wedding make-up. He is gentle, feminine, unobtrusive. You can choose any shades of beige shades and combine them with each other.

Adhere to the general principle of application: medium tone for the entire eyelid; dark - along the eyelashes, in the crease of the eyelid and up to the middle of the lower one; light - on the inner corner of the eye; flickering - in the middle of the upper eyelid and on the lower, from the inner corner to the middle. The final touch is eyeliner and mascara.

Smokey ice for blue (gray-blue) eyes

Makeup artists advise when choosing the color of smokey ice to pay attention to the shade of the eyes and the color type of appearance. If we talk about blue or gray-blue eyes, then the masters agree that makeup in gray, silver, sand, bronze tones is most suitable. They also recommend tones from purple to pink, golden hues. There are known examples of smokey ice in shades of green for blue-eyed people.

It's important to know! Blue tones should be used sparingly. They drown out the natural color of the eyes.

Smokey eyes for brown eyes

Brown-eyed beauties can experiment with dark shadows. They are sure to suit black smoky ice, brown, blue and purple. Of the lighter shades, it is worth recommending olive, pink, turquoise. Moreover, brown and olive shades are more suitable for girls with dark skin, and turquoise, purple, pink - fair-skinned.

Smokey ice for gray eyes

For gray eyes, in most cases, the same shades of shadows are suitable as for blue ones. However, pink and blue shadows can draw attention to themselves and distract from the natural beauty of gray eyes. Feel free to experiment with peach and lilac shades, shades of brown.

Smokey ice for green eyes

If your eyes are green, look for three favorite colors: green, gold and brown. These colors come in many shades, and all of them will look great with green eyes, whether it be bronze, sand, emerald, chocolate or others.

Smokey ice for big eyes

Big eyes are a real find, and here you don’t have to be careful when choosing smoky eyes as your eye makeup. You can afford dramatic jet black makeup and not be afraid that the eyes will look too small.

Feel free to use black eyeliner for the mucous membrane, draw a line everywhere, including the inner corner of the eye. Makeup will be very expressive.

How to learn how to make smokey ice makeup

It takes practice to learn how to do something, and Smokey Ice is no exception. Previously, professionals recommend practicing on a sheet of paper, combining and shading different shades of shadows.

Below you will find detailed instructions that will help you learn how to make smokey ice like professionals. However, pay attention to some smokey ice makeup secrets that will help you achieve the best effect.

This is not always mentioned in step-by-step instructions, but the information is really useful:

  • It is important to correctly choose the colors of the shadows for makeup. If you do not yet have the proper skill, pay attention to ready-made palettes. Often on sale you can find palettes of three or four colors that are best combined with each other and are suitable for smokey ice. Monochrome shades - for a classic make-up, others - for color.
  • For a dramatic effect it is necessary not only to make up the eyelashes, but to additionally twist them. Moreover, the ink is applied in several layers.
  • After finishing makeup you should carefully look at whether particles of shadows remain on the skin under the eyes. If left, remove them and powder the skin in this place. Ideally, use makeup patches.
  • You can not ignore the basic makeup. It must be done very carefully, masking the slightest redness, removing dark circles, otherwise the makeup will look sloppy.
  • Eye shadow primer for easy blending and increases the durability of make-up.
  • Light eyebrows with dark eyes is a common rookie mistake. Avoid it either by opting for a less intense smoky eye, or by darkening your brows with a pencil or shadow.
  • Leave no spaces between eyelashes, making arrows.

How to do classic dark smokey ice makeup - technique (step by step with photo)

Dark eye makeup looks good only with perfect facial skin:

Classic dark smoky ice is ready.

Smokey ice pencil technique: step by step instructions (pictures, diagram)

In applying smokey ice, a little more pencil can be used than in the previous version. For this purpose, a soft pencil is needed, because not every pencil can be carefully shaded.

If you represent the process sequentially, then it will look like this:

  1. First of all, do a general preparatory make-up, as described in detail above: they even out the tone of the face, mask redness, if necessary, use a highlighter, draw eyebrows so that they look harmonious with dark eye makeup.
  2. Then carefully make a stroke. So that there are no unpainted areas between the eyelashes. Carefully, this will only allow you to make a well-sharpened black pencil.
  3. Now the crease of the century and the outer corner of the eye is drawn with the same pencil. The darkest color will be there, which means that do not spare the pencil, achieve saturation. With a pencil, fill in the outer part of the movable eyelid.
  4. Take a soft brush and blend the pencil, making a smooth transition.
  5. Apply a gray shade under the eyebrow shadows and connect them with a pencil. The border between colors should not be noticeable. A little gray can be applied to the middle of the moving eyelid to achieve a smoother transition and saturation.
  6. Paint over your eyelashes black ink.
  7. Apply lipstick.

Casual and light (daytime) smokey ice - technique in pictures

The main difference between everyday smokey ice makeup is the shades used.

It's important to know! A classic dark make-up with black shadows will look too aggressive during the day, so choose light gray or nude shades of beige and brown, or colored pastel colors.

In addition, do not make such an intense dark eyeliner:

An easier option when the crease of the eyelid is not worked out separately with a dark shade of shadows:

  1. Before applying makeup Powder your eyelids to make your makeup last longer.
  2. Remove dark circles under the eyes, dotting the concealer and blending it with your fingers or a brush.
  3. For moving eyelids apply light gray shadows.
  4. Closer to growth line draw a line of eyelashes with dark gray shadows, blend. Make neat arrows along the upper eyelid with a dark pencil.
  5. For the remainder of the moving eyelid with a flat brush, apply gray shadows of a medium shade. Blend the boundaries.
  6. slightly overlapping medium gray shade, add a light gray tone of shadows with a transition to a fixed eyelid. Blend.
  7. lower eyelid and line the corner of the eye at the nose with a white pencil.
  8. Make up your eyelashes mascara, and your smoky make-up is ready.

Smokey ice is suitable for any eye color and for any occasion. Remember that this is primarily a technique, not black shadows. Smokey ice is performed with light, dark, and colored shadows. It is because of the variety of options that it is so popular.

smokey ice video

Smokey ice - smoky makeup. Smoky eyes technique step by step in this video:

Smokey ice - smoky makeup. Smoky eyes technique step by step master class:

Smokey eyes are one of the most popular eye makeup options. It never goes out of style and always looks trendy. If you choose the right shades and accurately apply them to your eyelids, you can always be in the spotlight. To master the technique of "smoky eyes", we have selected for you the basic tips and a step-by-step master class.

What is smokey ice

This makeup is a special technique of applying eye shadow and other eye cosmetics in such a way that a smooth transition from dark to light areas appears. There may be two colors and shades, or there may be an infinite number. In this way, this well-known haze effect on the eyelids and under them is achieved. If you compare smoky eyes with something famous, then this makeup is like a little black dress from Coco Chanel in the fashion world. It is almost indispensable and is appropriate everywhere. Over the years, it has not lost its popularity. On the contrary, he only gains it, becoming an unchanging classic.

Makeup in the style of "smoky ice"

It is interesting: Eye makeup: cosmetics for brown, green and blue eyes + 50 PHOTOS

Smokey ice appeared and became famous throughout this world in the 20s of the 19th century. It was "introduced" to the masses by the stars of black and white cinema: Theda Bara and Clara Bow. It was then that short haircuts were at the peak of fashion, combined with shortened skirts of the dress and bright makeup.

Classic smoky eyes are performed in monochrome shades - these are black and dark gray, graphite. It is these shades that suit almost all girls. To date, experiments in the field of makeup have led makeup artists to combine even the most unexpected colors. Shadows of brown, blue, selenium and even red colors are applied to the eyelids.

Initially, smokey ice was considered exclusively an evening make-up option. But today the circumstances have changed. If you use lighter and more delicate shades, then this option is quite suitable for work or walking during the daytime.

Cosmetics for "smoky" eyes

To create smokey ice, you can not do without shadows. They will be the main attribute. You will need shadows of a dark and light shade. To blend the shadows you need to purchase a brush for this. Also, various eyeliners and pencils will not be superfluous. The latter is better to choose as soft as possible so that it can be easily shaded. To dye your eyelashes, you will need a brasmatik.

Choosing shadows

To choose the right shadows, the first thing to focus on is the color of your eyes.

Blue eyes

Almost always, the owners of light and clear blue eyes are endowed with a light skin tone. Therefore, “snow whites” are better off refraining from dark shades of shadows so that there is not too much contrast between skin and makeup. If you do not want to look like a panda, then take the gray shades of the shadows. They can be combined with pale pink. If you are doing evening makeup, then add a little silver.

If your skin is tanned and has a bronze tint (as often happens after summer), then get shades of brown and golden hues. They will emphasize blue eyes, make them brighter, and look deeper.

Grey eyes

If you are not the owner of a very light, “porcelain” skin, then the classic version will suit you - black and dark gray shades. They will allow you to make smokey ice with the most natural shade, but at the same time, the make-up will look bright and catchy. To diversify your makeup, add purple and brown shades to black and graphite, as well as golden blotches.

Green eyes

The most successful shades for green eyes are purple and lilac. You can also emphasize the color with similar shades - emerald and olive. If you want to make smokey ice in a daytime version, then choose shades of brown, they are perfect for owners of green eyes.

Brown eyes

Brown-eyed girls are incredibly lucky. They are suitable for almost all shades of the shadow palette. Classic black and gray colors are suitable, which can be taken as a basis. They look especially good on dark eyes. For owners of light hazel eyes, it is better to give preference to dark brown shades and other warm shadows. Add some golden shadows to sparkle and stand out. Of course, this is only appropriate in the evening version of Smokey Ice. But for girls with dark brown, almost black eyes, you can use cold shades of shadows. They will better emphasize the color of the eyes and will look as harmonious as possible.

Choosing a brush for smoky eyes

To create the perfect smoky eye makeup, you can't do without a brush. You must have one. But, if possible, it is better to buy two. The first will serve to apply shadows on the eyes, and the second - to blend them.

This brush belongs to the basic ones. It should have a flat shape and a rounded end. The pile should be as soft as possible. If we talk about size, then choose the average option. The fuzzy area of ​​the brush should not be less than the area of ​​your eyelid. When choosing, you can focus on the size of the little finger. The brush should be slightly larger.

If you use cream shadows, then give preference to brushes with synthetic bristles. For dry application, natural ones are suitable. But, it is worth noting that cream and liquid shadows are rarely used to create smokey ice, simply because they are extremely difficult to blend correctly and evenly. Therefore, give preference to brushes with natural bristles. They are softer and blend the shadows well. If you take care of them properly, the brushes will last you a very long time.

Blending brush

There are many different shapes and types of brushes for blending shadows. For a beautiful smoky eye makeup, a barrel-shaped brush with a round end is perfect. It should be soft, but not too soft. The elasticity of the pile will help to get smooth transitions from a dark shade to a light one. Choose options from natural pile. Suitable sable, squirrel, mink brushes.

All makeup artists unanimously repeat that it is not worth saving on brushes. Buy the most expensive ones, because they will last you more than one year. But, of course, you should be guided only by the possibilities of your budget. You can buy budget brushes, but from a trusted manufacturer. But it is better to refrain from Chinese fakes.

Classic smokey ice

Before you start applying makeup, read on for a list of tips to help you avoid common mistakes and get the perfect makeup look for any occasion.

TOP 5 rules for the perfect "smoky" eye

Use a concealer

No makeup option will look organic on your face if you have bags and dark circles under your eyes. In order to mask these imperfections, you will need a concealer. The biggest mistake when applying makeup is using concealer before applying eye shadow. Professional makeup artists first do eye makeup and then apply concealer. The fact is that when shading the shadows, they can crumble. As you wipe away these imperfections, you will wipe them off with the concealer.

Before applying and blending shadows, apply eye patches under the eyes. They will not only collect all the dust particles from cosmetics, but also allow you to nourish the skin with moisture and vitamins.

Don't Ignore the Eyeshadow Base

If you are doing makeup in the style of smokey ice, then it is better to add a primer to it. Thus, any shadow, even if not of the best quality, will keep perfectly throughout the day and will not crumble, will not clog into the crease of the eyelid. The primer also has a positive effect on shading: it is easier and more even.

When you've finished your makeup, go over your entire face, including your eyes, with translucent setting powder using a large brush with long, soft bristles. Powder will make makeup more resistant.

Combine colors carefully

In the classic smokey ice, two shades of shadows are used. It is very important that they harmonize with each other. Also, do not forget about the most important rule of application. The lightest shade should be in the inner corner of the eye, and the darkest in the outer corner. There is a smooth transition between these colors. If you do the opposite, then the eyes will visually appear smaller, as well as close set to each other.

Follow the sequence of actions

Do not forget about which product is applied first, and which one - at the end of makeup. For example, if you complement your makeup with arrows, then you should apply a pencil or eyeliner after you have applied and blended the shadows. But the last thing you need to paint eyelashes.

The main thing is shading

Do not forget that the success of any smokey ice lies in the correct and high-quality shading of shadows. You must also achieve a smooth transition from dark to light color, so that there are no noticeable borders. Dark shadows should not end abruptly at the outer corners of the eyes.

Smokey Ice: step by step instructions with photos

Now let's move on to the practical part of the lesson.

First of all, you need to apply a "substrate" under the shadows. A black kayal pencil is ideal for this. Apply it on the entire moving eyelid, as well as on the lower lash line and on the mucous membrane.

Take a brush made of artificial bristles and blend the borders of the kajal with the skin as much as possible.

Now take a flat soft brush and use it to apply black shadow over the pencil in a circular motion. Shadows should be applied to both the upper and lower eyelids.

Shake off the brush from black shadows, type brown with it. Blend with them the border between black shadows and skin on both eyelids.

Highlight the inner corners of your eyes. Also draw them a line under the eyebrows.

Apply one or two coats of mascara to your lashes, as you like.