I tore my shorts how to sew them up beautifully. Invisible outer seam, clothing repair mk video in detail

Holes appearing on trousers are a phenomenon that occurs quite often. There can be many reasons for this - from inaccurate movement to too active use. In any case, you can try to correct the situation, and not immediately throw the damaged item into the trash. There are a lot of ways to sew up a hole in your pants, and choosing the right one is not at all a problem.

Before choosing a repair method for trousers, it is necessary to examine them very carefully. After all, the choice of repair option is influenced by the size of the hole, and the place where it is located, and even the capacity in which you use these pants or jeans. And only after that you can decide how exactly you will save your favorite trousers.

How to sew up a hole in pants

The simplest tear is the usual divergence of the fabric along the seam. Closing a hole in the pants in this case is easy. Just turn the trousers inside out, join the torn halves and sew. The main difficulty is to pick up threads in color and get into the previous seam.

If the edges of the fabric are slightly torn when tearing, pre-treat them with an overlock to prevent further fraying and loose threads. And then sew the details as usual

If the hole is quite small and in an inconspicuous place, plus it has fairly even edges, you can sew it by hand. To do this, carefully, literally along the very edge, sweep the edges of the hole with a needle. At the same time, make sure that wrinkles do not form, and as a result, the pants do not bulge.

If the situation is somewhat more complicated, and the hole turned out to be impressive or with jagged edges, you will have to use a typewriter or even a patch. With the help of a sewing machine, small abrasions can be corrected. The machine works especially well with holes in the groin area. To eliminate a hole, select a foot that is usually used for embroidery or zigzag. Gently begin to connect the two opposite parts of the hole with artistic sewing. So you eliminate the defect, and additionally decorate your pants. This method is ideal for working with jeans.

If the jeans are badly damaged (but the holes are small), you can process them all with a sewing machine. As a result, you will get a fashionable and stylish thing that no one else will have.

Naturally, if the hole is quite large, but it is a pity to throw away the pants, you can use patches. For their manufacture, they usually use a fabric of the same texture and color as the main material of the pants. Alternatively, you can work on the contrast - take a completely different and different from the main fabric and make a beautiful patch. Cut the patch to a size slightly larger than the hole, you can apply it both from the outside and from the inside. Then carefully stitch to the pants.

If you have torn your trousers (even formal ones, from a suit) on your knees (fallen, etc.), you can use beautiful leather patches and continue to use trousers for the office. No one will be more fashionable than you

Alternatively, you can use a ready-made application. Naturally, this method is acceptable only for informal clothing. Such applications are often in the form of stickers. They use applications and patches mainly on torn holes, in which the edges are very uneven and cannot be sewn with ordinary sewing.

Jeans are known as pants that are often worn. At the same time, their main advantage is that you can sew them up as you please. On jeans, any options for patches, stickers, appliqués and just seams will look original and interesting.

Every type of clothing has its own expiration date. With constant wear, the fabrics gradually wear out, which leads to the formation of holes.

This is very unpleasant, but you can fix the problem, so you need to know how to sew up a hole.

Fixing holes in jeans

Denim clothing is considered the most comfortable and practical clothing. But with prolonged wear, the product begins to quickly wipe.

There are several ways to help get rid of a hole in clothes:

  • sewing with a needle and thread;
  • fixing with a patch;
  • turning a hole into a fashionable slot.

The main thing is to show imagination. Then any hole will become a stylish decoration for denim trousers.

How to sew up a hole if it appeared in the knee area? In such a situation, a patch will help. Before you start work, you should choose a piece of fabric that would match the color of the jeans.

It is also worth paying attention to the form of the patch. It can be taken from any old jeans, while the patch can be a tone lighter or darker.

In addition to choosing the right patch, you need to think about choosing a thread. The best option is a thread of the same shade as the patch. An additional insert is sewn into the edges of the hole using a line seam.

The hole formed on the back pockets is advised to hide with the help of various applications. The advantage of this method is that the pictures do not need to be sewn in. They need to be put on the hole area and ironed with a hot iron. You can buy applications in the sewing departments.

It is much more difficult to hide the hole that has formed between the legs. It can be removed by hand or with a sewing machine. When using the second option, you need to perform a line in the form of a zigzag.

If there is no equipment, then the hole can be carefully sewn up by hand. To do this, turn the product on the wrong side. Grip the edges and darn with a tight seam.

Sewing holes: instructions

How to sew up a hole that appeared on the products?

Needlewomen give some important tips:

  1. You need to take a needle and thread. It should go well in color with torn clothes. If the fabric is dense, then the needle should be chosen thicker.
  2. The thread should be threaded into the needle. To make this process faster, the tip of the thread is slightly soaked with saliva or glue. If the eye of the needle is very narrow, then a needle threader will come to the rescue.
  3. To prevent the thread from coming out of the needle, you need to tie a knot at the end.
  4. Now you can proceed to the direct stitching. It is necessary to sew up damaged clothes from the wrong side. The edges of the torn seam are caught and well fixed with a thread.

During the whole process, you need to monitor how the seam looks on the front side. It should look even and neat. At the end of the procedure, a knot is made and the thread is cut off.

Sewing holes in socks

How to patch a hole in a sock so that it is invisible? To repair hosiery, you need a technique called darning.

To complete the procedure you will need:

  • sewing needle;
  • darning threads. You can also take thin synthetic threads;
  • small scissors;
  • a darning mushroom or an ordinary light bulb.

Socks are sewn manually according to the following rules:

  1. The hosiery is turned on the wrong side. And then it is pulled over a special mushroom or light bulb. This will help the product not wrinkle.
  2. All protruding threads are cut off. And around the entire perimeter of the hole, you need to walk with a seam called "forward with a needle." The seam is performed along the edge of the hole, making small indents two to three milliliters long.
  3. At the end of this procedure, the thread should be slightly pulled, and then secured with small stitches. Parallel seams must be laid along the surface of the hole.
  4. Darning is done with small stitches. They should grab not only the edges of the fabric, but also the holes made. Thus, it is necessary to lay several such rows.
  5. The thickness of the darning should not exceed the density of the product itself. To all this, do not overtighten the stitches. They should fit freely on the edges.

Removing a hole in pants, trousers or socks is not so difficult. Anyone can learn this business. But not everyone has this process going smoothly, especially if you need to beautifully restore the jacket.

Therefore, experienced housewives give some useful tips:

  1. Before the procedure, you need to choose the shade of the thread. It should match the color of the product, not differ and be invisible.
  2. If you decide to apply a patch or application, it is better to first determine what size you need. It is worth remembering that the patch or application should be slightly larger than the hole itself.
  3. You can sew on the patch both from the front and from the wrong side.
  4. During stitching, no gaps should be left between the seams. Such a line will not only not be beautiful, but will also quickly break.

If there is not enough sewing knowledge or there are no necessary materials at hand, then you should visit the atelier. They will restore the thing in a short period of time.

Evaluate whether it is possible to repair your product using the darning method. The size of the damaged area should be no more than 7 cm in diameter for machine darning and 3-4 cm for hand darning. To perform machine darning, cut off a piece of fabric 1-1.5 cm larger than the damaged area in each direction from the prepared piece of fabric. Lay this patch to the darning area of ​​the product from the inside and baste with hand stitches along the contour. The direction of the warp and weft threads on the product and the flap must match. On the front side of the product, mark the repair area with chalk. Thread the sewing machine with cotton thread in the color of the fabric. Wind the same thread onto the bobbin.

How to darn on a typewriter? Place the product with the damaged area under the machine foot, lower the needle into the fabric in the area of ​​the drawn line on one side of the damaged area and sew the stitch through the defective place to the opposite side of the drawn outline, then reverse and sew the stitch back with a slight offset. Continue sewing in this manner until you have sewn a series of stitches close to the direction of the warp threads. Then turn the product 90 degrees and sew a series of stitches with segments close to the direction of the weft threads. It should be remembered that the closer the lines are located relative to each other, the denser and stiffer the repaired section of the product will become. At the end of the darning, remove the basting thread, clear the drawn lines and iron the repaired area.

How to darn by hand? You can not use the flap to strengthen the damaged area. Choose special darning threads in the desired color or plain sewing threads 2 to 2.5 times thicker than the threads that make up the defective item. Thread a hand darning needle with one thread, tie a knot at the end. Hoop the damaged area in a hoop or pull it over a darning fungus. Start darning with longitudinal stitches along the direction of the warp threads, going beyond the borders of the hole by at least 2.5 cm, trying to weave the thread into the structure of the fabric. When finished working in one direction, sew a series of stitches parallel to the weft threads, "bypassing" the warp threads from the front and the wrong side with an imitation of plain weave, that is, in a checkerboard pattern. Darn with the density that matches the fabric of the product. Finish by ironing the area.

Tips: Don't waste time darning old clothes. For darning loose materials, take the threads from the seam allowances and try to repeat the weave of the fabric, then the darning will become less noticeable.

Sooner or later, every person is faced with the problem of leaky things, including knitwear.

Thanks to the special properties of this fabric, it is easy to repair knitwear so that there is no trace of a hole of any size and shape.

How to sew up a hole discreetly

Knitwear is an elastic non-woven textile fabric. Products from it differ from most woven ones in greater plasticity and elasticity. This greatly increases the comfort during their operation. Household knitwear is divided into the following categories:

  • underwear (women's, men's, children's, sports underwear);
  • light top (blouses, skirts, bathrobes, pajamas, women's suits);
  • warm, sports outerwear (sweaters, jackets, ski and tracksuits);
  • stockings, socks;
  • shawls, scarves;
  • artificial knitted fur;
  • batting.

There is one universal and very quick way to help mask a flaw on knitwear of any category. To do this, you will need a hand needle and a thread of a suitable color. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Thread the eye of the needle and tie a small knot. Pass the needle inside out through the hole, leave the knot there, do not turn the knitwear itself inside out.
  2. Start sewing up the hole with stitches, taking turns grabbing one, then the other edge.
  3. Finish the seam, pull the thread until the thread goes into the seam, becoming invisible from the right side, without pulling the fabric. You can always stretch the seam to the sides to straighten the thread a little.
  4. Bring the needle inside out, fasten the thread.

How to sew a hole in a sweater

For coarse knits, such as sweaters, woolen socks and similar garments, it is better to use repair methods such as:

  1. Darn. This method is classic for knitwear repair. The degree of imperceptibility of the result depends on the size of the hole, the material itself (it will be very difficult to darn silk or other delicate fabric imperceptibly), and the skill of the seamstress. Darning is often used to repair clothes in less visible places. At the same time, the method perfectly copes with the task - it will help to sew up a hole made in a knitted sweater.
  2. Embroidery. The method allows you to turn the place where there was a hole into a decorative element - embroidery. The method involves two stages: creating the basis for embroidery and directly decorating. First, you can darn the hole with regular threads in color, and embroider on top of them. You can also glue the adhesive-based material from the inside and decorate on it. Another option is to patch things up. A patch is glued to the "cobweb", after which you can embroider on top. Virtuosos can darn and form a pattern at the same time. The method helps to make an original piece of clothing out of a thing with a flaw. The downside is that you need to spend more time on this method, pick up a drawing and execute it.


To darn a hole in knitwear, you will need threads in the color of the fabric of the product, a hand needle, a “fungus” or other darning device:

  1. Before starting work, go around the hole with a needle and thread so as not to pull the material. In the process of work, you can not touch this thread, and then just pull it out.
  2. To sew up a hole, use a darning tool, begin to form a grid of threads of a suitable color, repeating the pattern and indents, as in the knitting of the product.
  3. When finished, securely fasten the thread, pull out the overcast.


Reliably, at the same time, you can sew up the hole beautifully with the help of embroidery. Prepare in advance a “fungus” for darning, a hand needle, threads for darning and embroidery, an embroidery chart, if necessary:

  1. First you need to sew up the hole using the darning method, use a thread to match the product, a needle and a “fungus” for this, follow the steps from the above instructions.
  2. From above, embroider according to the prepared pattern, try to select such a pattern in order to completely cover the darning area. Often, embroidery is “brought in” to entire sections of a knitted product.

How to sew a hole in a T-shirt

To carefully sew up a hole, including on your favorite T-shirt, you will need a very thin needle (for example, for beading), unnecessary tights or a nylon stocking, as close as possible in color to the T-shirt, a needle threader, and an iron. Step by step instructions on how to sew a hole in a T-shirt:

  1. Pull a thin thread out of the stocking.
  2. Thread it with a needle threader, do not tie a knot.
  3. Start gathering the edges with a needle, catching loops. Take one loop at the top and bottom, then tighten the stitch. Work from the front. Try not to tighten the knitwear too much.
  4. Upon completion of work, bring the needle to the wrong side, check that there are no unpicked knitwear loops left, if necessary, pick them up.
  5. Fasten the nylon thread with a few stitches, cut it off.
  6. Straighten the T-shirt, iron the repair site from the inside through cotton fabric. From temperature, the kapron thread will change shape, thereby fixing the knitwear in a melted form, without tightening.

You will need

  • denim of the same shade or thick fabric of the same structure and color, sewing machine, thread, needle.


Now place the patch right side up on the inside of the jeans, secure with pins and baste. Sew the patch all on a sewing machine with a thin zigzag to the edge of the overcasting.

Trim the fit a little, being careful not to touch the sleeve, allowances at the bottom sleeves cut so that their width is 1 cm.

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Sleeve is a rather complex part of the product. This happens because it is necessary to enter a curvilinear volumetric sleeve into a linear armhole. And you need to do this according to the shape of the hand so that it can move freely. In the last century, much has been done to improve the design of sleeves. Today, you can enjoy these achievements, providing the desired image and free movement of the hand.


Build if you have engineering knowledge. If not, don’t worry, there are enough magazines from where you can reshoot the pattern for every taste. Translate the pattern not of any sleeve, but of the product whose pattern you took for the base (shelf and back).

Check the pattern. In a classic set-in sleeve, the length of the rim should be approximately equal to the length of the armhole plus the rim. The height of the eyelet should correspond to the height of the armhole. The width of the sleeve should be equal to the measurement of the circumference of the shoulder plus an allowance for fit, which is very dependent on the style and material. Using these measurements, you can make your own pattern. However, if the sleeve is in a product of the type, or another complex model configuration, it is better to take a ready-made pattern, or be sure to first cut it out on a breadboard, and then switch to the main one so as not to spoil it.

Transfer the pattern to the fabric. Observe the direction of the warp thread (n.d.). In the fabric, the warp thread runs parallel to the hem. On a paper pattern, the warp thread is indicated by the direction of the arrow and is sometimes signed as n.d. When laying out n.d. on the pattern should be parallel to the edge of the fabric (this can be controlled by measuring the distance between them in different areas). Depending on the complexity of the sleeve and the nature of the material, the layout can be done by folding the fabric in half, or cutting out each sleeve separately (for example, for slippery silk).

Pin the pattern to the fabric and circle its contour with special tailor's chalk or soap. Apply all control marks. If the fabric is double-sided, you can designate the wrong side. Remove the pattern and outline the allowances.

Now circle the pattern of the finishing parts of the sleeve in the same way, outline the control marks and allowances.

Carefully cut the sleeves along the outer contour of the allowances. If required, before assembling the sleeves for fitting, perform an HTO of parts.

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Before cutting, it is necessary to carry out wet-technological processing of the fabric (WTO), if required. At the same time, follow the recommendations for the WTO for a particular type of fabric.

Holes on clothes, especially children's, appear with enviable regularity. Not every housewife owns the art of inconspicuous darning, which will save both your favorite dress and children's socks. But nothing is impossible - a little patience and a thing prepared for disposal will last a very long time.


Sew up a straight tear on a thin fabric from the wrong side, laying the fabric on a hard, flat surface. First, go through the seam "forward the needle" and cut off the protruding threads. Then sew up the gap with small stitches. Steam the seam through gauze.

Jersey fabrics are darned with a special "knit stitch". To make the seam invisible, choose a thread that fully matches the fabric. Ideally, if possible, pull the thread from the edge of the product, for example, from the seam allowance or hem.

If a loop is dropped on a knitted fabric, then use a special looper needle. Use a crochet hook to repair large knitted items. When lifting the loops, follow the pattern - try to completely repeat it. Fasten the last loop on the wrong side with a few stitches.

Sew the corduroy from the inside out, then gently straighten the pile. Do the same with velvet and other fabrics with pile. To strengthen the seam from the inside, iron a piece of interlining.

Sew up tweed-type fabrics with a thread pulled out of the seam allowance. Try to repeat the original weave of the fabric, this will make the darning almost invisible. This method is suitable for all dense "heavy" fabrics.

For darning socks, use a special fungus. Pull the product tightly and sew across the hole with frequent stitches, grabbing the fabric by 3 mm. Mend a small hole in the same way as you would a regular fabric.

Useful advice

1. Not every tear can be mended. Carefully inspect the thing - it is quite possible that embroidery, iron-on or lace trim will save the situation.
2. Leather and suede items cannot be sewn. Press a piece of interlining for the skin from the inside or stick a piece of fabric, bringing the edges of the cut end-to-end. If the edges do not touch, then glue a piece of suitable leather.
3. If you urgently need to fix the hole, then use adhesive tape or adhesive tape, gluing it from the inside out. Such urgent help will help keep the hole from spreading and make subsequent repairs easier.

In order to darn clothes with high quality, special skills, a lot of time and patience are required. However, even at home, you can carefully mask a fabric tear yourself without giving the item to the atelier.


Start darning the product on a strong untorn place so that the seam does not unravel. First, lead the stitches along the fabric - along the warp, and then across - along the weft. Make stitches small and frequent so that the rows fit snugly together. When you cross the fabric, pass the needle first under the thread and then over it. Do not overtighten the thread at the ends. Otherwise, when washing and ironing, the fabric may shrink due to shrinkage of the threads.

Sew the product only along the base, without transverse stitches, if the fabric is not worn through. If a piece of fabric is torn out, i.e. the fabric is torn in the warp and weft, sew up the gap as two separate cuts.

Choose a fabric for the patch that is similar in quality and color to the fabric of the torn item. Wash and iron the patch. Apply it to the torn area in accordance with the direction of the warp and weft threads.

Baste the patch to the fabric, then fold the edges and sew with a blind seam from the inside and from the right side. Remove the basting thread. If the patch is rectangular, then make oblique cuts about 0.5 cm deep at the four corners.

Move the edges of the tear in the wool as close together as possible. Lubricate a small piece of woolen cloth thickly with egg white and place it under the gap. Iron the repaired area with a hot iron from the inside out.

Glue the gap gently with interlining (adhesive cloth). Align the broken threads with each other, iron a piece of non-woven fabric from the inside out.


  • Minor repair of clothes and linen

Some 20 years ago, darning was a common and familiar activity. Modern people sometimes, not without reason, believe that it is easier to buy a new one than to repair an old one. But still it happens that the thing is worn out, and it is a pity to throw it away. Neat darning may well extend the life of socks knitted by your beloved grandmother or other thing dear to your heart.

It is customary to darn knitted or knitted items that are made by a set of loops. Traditionally, heels are darned on woolen socks, which usually wear out much faster than the rest of the product. You can also darn fabric items, but only if the hole is not through and the threads of the product are partially preserved (in place of scuffs).

In other cases, it is better to impose a patch.

Work materials

To start darning, you need to prepare everything you need for this process.

1. Threads. It is better to choose threads for darning that are similar in color and texture to the material from which the thing is made: then it will not be so conspicuous that the clothes have been repaired. Yarn stores sell special threads, which are just “darning”. They are inexpensive, have a variety of colors, and you can try to find the most suitable. However, you can use other yarn, as long as it does not differ too much from the one from which the item is made. So, woolen products should not be darned with cotton threads and vice versa.

2. Thick needle. You can use a special needle that wears a darning needle, but if you don't have one, any thick needle with an eye large enough to thread darning thread through will do.

3. An object for stretching the product. To make the darning neat, the product must be stretched on the surface of a spherical shape - so the edges of the hole that needs to be darned will not shrink, and it will be easier for the craftswoman to “catch” the naughty running loops. In needlework stores, you can buy special tools for this, but if this is not at hand, a children's toy and even ordinary incandescent will do. The main thing is that the thing should have a flat hemispherical surface in size not less than the diameter of the hole.

There are such types of darning as machine and artistic. This article discusses the easiest way to hand darn.

How to darn?

The principle of darning is similar to the creation of a manually woven fabric: using a needle and thread, a checkerboard weave is created.
At the first stage, the product on a spherical surface and with the help of a needle, threads are pulled from one edge of the hole to the other parallel to each other. The needle first moves in one direction, the thread is secured with a stitch on the edge of the hole, and then the next row is laid in the opposite direction. This must be done from one edge of the hole to the other. In doing so, it is important to pay attention to the following:

It is desirable that the direction of the darning threads correspond to the general direction of knitting;
- the stretched threads should fit snugly enough to each other, otherwise the darning will turn out to be flimsy;
- when fixing the thread on the edge of the hole, it is important to collect ("raise") the loops of the knitted product, otherwise it will soon have to be repaired again.

After the first row of darning is ready, you can proceed to the second. You do not need to break the thread, just continue from the edge where the last stitch ended.

Laying the second row, it is necessary to pass the needle alternately from above, then from below the threads of the first row of darning. When the needle moves in the opposite direction, the threads that were on top remain below, and the bottom ones are above the leading thread. Thus, a checkerboard weave of threads is created.

When making the second row of darning, it is also important not to forget to pay attention to the rise of the loops and the accuracy of the edge of the hole being darned.
To install the patch with scissors, cut off all the irregularities along the edges of the hole, attach the patch on top, pin it with pins and sew. First, iron the iron-on through a damp cloth and sew it on for reliability.

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