Let them speak with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan on October 23. "I'm waiting for you at home": The secret life of Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina after a divorce. Let them say - I'm waiting for you at home: The secret life of Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina after a divorce

Dzhigarkhanyan and his Vitalina: a thriller with an open ending. After a sensational exclusive interview with People's Artist Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Dmitry Borisov learned that the young wife of actor Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, accused by her husband of stealing, wrote a letter of resignation from the post of director of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater. What property does the actor own? Is it true that the people's favorite has nowhere to return from the hospital? Today Armen Borisovich will tell all the details of this thriller himself.

“Let them talk” (formerly “Big Wash” and “Five Evenings”) is a Russian talk show hosted by Dmitry Borisov, replacing Andrei Malakhov. The program is produced by the Channel One Special Projects Studio. It airs Monday through Thursday at 19:50 (before the Time program), except for holidays, with the exception of the New Year holidays (broadcast times and the number of days are shifted and changed from time to time). The program has a family-dramatic, including everyday content.

In the studio "Let them talk" guests and viewers discuss various scandalous situations, everyday problems, secrets of pop stars and show business, as well as national problems. The heroes of the program are real people, usually without acting education.

Let them talk - Dzhigarkhanyan and his Vitalina (24 10 2017)

After a sensational exclusive interview with People's Artist Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Dmitry Borisov learned that the young wife of actor Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, accused by her husband of stealing, wrote a letter of resignation from the post of director of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater. What property does the actor own? Is it true that the people's favorite has nowhere to return from the hospital? Today Armen Borisovich will tell all the details of this thriller himself.

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After a sensational exclusive interview with People's Artist Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Dmitry Borisov learned that the young wife of actor Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, accused by her husband of stealing, wrote a letter of resignation from the post of director of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater. What property does the actor own? Is it true that the people's favorite has nowhere to return from the hospital? Today Armen Borisovich will tell all the details of this thriller himself.

The heroes of the program - famous personalities or the most ordinary people - share their real-life stories with the audience and experts. Discussing the private problems of individuals and families, program participants talk about what worries everyone.

Relatives and eyewitnesses, opponents and supporters, politicians and psychologists, celebrities and journalists, as well as viewers of the site express their opinion about the problem.

Dzhigarkhanyan and his Vitalina: a thriller with an open ending. Let them talk 10/23/2017

The best finale of the “Let them talk” program is concrete help to people, correcting mistakes and finding compromises.

In the history of the ex-wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, a new loud turn: a certain mysterious man claims to know everything about her past life. Why does Emmanuel Kogan speak of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya with such contempt and what connects him to her? And who is he: a rejected admirer or a former lover? Watch the release of the talk show Let them talk - I'm waiting for you at home: The secret life of Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina after the divorce 03/05/2018

This is not the first man who was considered to be Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya's lovers: earlier there were rumors about the connection of the ex-wife of the People's Artist of the USSR with a Tbilisi doctor. According to the latter, he tried to get through to Armen Borisovich when the conflict reached an unprecedented scale, and Vitalina responded to the doctor's offer to come to Tbilisi. Later, the doctor admitted that he was connected with Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya only by friendly and business relations. He believes that the quarrel of the former spouses can finally undermine the health of Armen Borisovich ...

Let them say - I'm waiting for you at home: The secret life of Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina after a divorce

Will Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya want to persuade her now ex-husband to return to her and will the People's Artist of the RSFSR be able to forgive her? After all, he recently called her a "thief." Today in the program Let them say - I'm waiting for you at home: The secret life of Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina after the divorce. About those same apartments and not only. Will Vitalina be able to prove that she did not deceive her ex-husband? In the hands of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, there are important documents that will help answer some questions.

Until now, the conflict around Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina has not subsided. The other day, a man named Emmanuel Kogan showed up, who claims that he and the ex-young wife of the people's artist have a common past. Vitalina herself came to the set of “Let them talk” to answer this statement to everyone:

— I am surprised how wide my social circle is and how much people know about my connections. In fact, Armen Borisovich, being alone and at the same time surrounded by a dubious company, hypothetically justifies his ugly act towards me. He thinks that someone has appeared with me, but this has nothing to do with reality and my life.

- Since my youth, I have been talking with wonderful people from the creative elite, but if I appeared in a photo with one of the men from this environment, this does not mean at all that I have an affair. For example, I can make a beautiful photo shoot with a man, but this is just a working moment. Even if I had any acquaintances with people, it does not mean anything. Everything else is Armen Borisovich's assumptions. I have not cheated on him even once since 2001 - since we began to communicate.

The secret life of Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina after the divorce: details in Let them talk

Emmanuel Kogan - guest of today's issue Let them say - "I'm waiting for you at home": The secret life of Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina after a divorce. And here's what he said before the program aired:

- I really love good girls, and especially excellent students. I was asked to watch the concert together. After the concert, we decided to have coffee. When we sat down, I began to quote phrases from The Cherry Orchard. One of the phrases was this: “At your age, and not have a lover,” after which Vitalina blushed.

What really connects Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya and Kogan?

Emmanuel Rafaelovich continues to talk about meeting Vitalina:

“That was back in the early 2000s. We met by chance at my mother's house. I remember her as Vitalina Tsymbalyuk, without Romanovskaya. The right to a double surname, as I know, only the elite could have before. I had nothing with Vitalina! And it couldn't be. My sister Veronica called her "helper". I saw the burning eyes of this girl and understood that she was holding her nose to the wind. Now I do not see any logic in her actions.

- Once she told me that she wants to connect her life with Armen Borisovich. I was shocked, because I did not understand how she could ever cross paths with him. Then I got into the car, drove away and this story was forgotten by me. And years later, I accidentally see Vitalina and Dzhigarkhanyan together! I'm sure there's a very serious person behind her. This is a woman, but not Mazur, but, most likely, my sister Veronika Rafailovna, who developed such a multi-move.

The ex-wife of Armen Borisovich Dzhigarkhanyan responds to Kogan's words:

- I really knew the sister of Emmanuel Rafailovich. It all started with the fact that I came from Ukraine to Moscow and entered the Jewish Academy, the rector of which is Veronika Rafailovna Kogan.

- I want to turn to Armen Borisovich and tell him that I am very sorry that our family life was destroyed by strangers who have their own interests. But I still have feelings for you and I'm waiting for you. I am very concerned about how you will continue to live. I am ready to solve all your problems. Unfortunately, you have now been made a lonely elderly person without a close and loving person. Nurses near you today - just humiliating. I can always provide you with love and care.

Watch the online broadcast of the program Let them say - “I'm waiting for you at home”: The secret life of Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina after a divorce, aired on March 05, 2018 (03/05/2018).

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