Coloring pages Christmas patterns. Coloring book new year for children. Christmas coloring pages for adults

On a winter evening, the New Year coloring book will be fun for children. Let him get comfortable, a cartoon is shown on TV, snow is falling outside the window, a garland on the Christmas tree is shining. The atmosphere of the holiday and homely warmth is born on the pages of these coloring pages. The child can come up with his own story from the pictures. Then you can decorate windows with creativity, cut out and make a winter wall newspaper. Hang it in the nursery during the winter holidays. Coloring will be easier with oil pencils or felt-tip pens. But if you want, you can try gouache. Coloring in the New Year for children can be the best gift. Especially considering that it is made up of parents who choose illustrations for their children themselves. In this collection you will find options on the theme of winter, with your favorite characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowman. There are also foreign heroes, for example, Santa Claus and his elves helpers. Coloring for children New Year will be able to unite the family in one activity. Join and spend time together. Do not be afraid to create and give interesting ideas to children, offer to finish the background on the drawings. So, the snowman Olaf may be your guest, you just need to paint the decor of the room.

Winter coloring page for kids

For children, coloring on the theme "winter" opens up new games. In it, the child will see new characters and already familiar characters. A child can cut out some of the pictures and they will become New Year's cards. This season is associated with snow, holidays, snowmen and snow-covered houses. Coloring "winter" for children allows you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of New Year's magic.

Postcards that the child can give to loved ones. It remains to write a good poem on the reverse side.

Looking at these warm pictures, one gets the feeling that he looked into the window of a kindergarten or school, where children are celebrating the New Year.

Forest dwellers also celebrate the New Year. A squirrel with a bunny is already decorating the Christmas tree. The second hare is fishing in a hat, because you can’t go in the cold without a hat.

And here you need to try hard - it is difficult to paint a gingerbread house and a boot house for elves. There is a lot of detail here, so it's best to start with the first picture with wide outlines, and then move on to the more complex one. The child can come up with his own fairy tale based on the picture about who lives in them. You can cover the finished picture with sparkles, stick sequins or stick cotton wool as if it were a snowball.

Little Mickey Mouse dressed up as Santa Claus and rushes on a sled with gifts. And the elf has prepared surprises for obedient children.

There is a custom - to leave gifts in socks, which are hung by the fireplace.

Tell your child more about New Year and Christmas traditions. There are many books with fabulous illustrations that will help the parent.

Snowman coloring book for kids

What winter is without a snowman? If the child has not yet managed to blind a single one, then let him not despair. After all, there is a coloring book for children "Snowman". He is kind, smiling and is friends with all the inhabitants of the forest. He is a faithful assistant to Santa Claus, it is worth remembering the fairy tale where he delivered letters. Let the child find what all the snowmen in the pictures have in common and what is different. For example, everyone has a nose - a carrot, a scarf, there is a headdress, even if it is a bucket. Many of them are depicted with a broom.

Snowman coloring book for kids: just save and print the pictures you like.

Why did the snowman in the first picture become sad? Maybe he needs to finish the scarf so that he does not get sick. On the other "chubby snowy" he managed to make friends with all the little hares.

Here is a snowman rolling on a sled, a coloring book for children with a character and winter fun. The second, cheerfully waves his hand to friends.

Try building a snowman in your backyard or playground. Let the children join, because together it is more fun. Prepare with you immediately clothes for the “white round” - a scarf, a hat that you don’t feel sorry for.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden coloring page

Children love Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, so it will be especially interesting to color the heroes of the holiday. Some pictures can be redrawn on the window so that Santa Claus definitely does not forget to visit your house. Give the baby an additional task: let him tell which children are given gifts, how they should behave. And then let him tell you why they can not give. During the trip, Santa Claus is accompanied by his granddaughter Snegurochka. She helps distribute gifts, listens to poems, dances and sings.

Coloring page Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden came to the kids.

Here is Santa Claus and his brother Santa Claus.

Grandfather goes with a bag, and his granddaughter in a kokoshnik helps him.

The beautiful Snow Maiden creates magic in the winter forest. Birds help decorate the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden in a sleigh and on a children's party in honor of the New Year coloring page.

Here the little Snow Maiden loves animals. She walks with a bunny, dances with a bear.

Snow Maiden is like a winter princess. With a graceful hand movement, he creates beautiful snowflakes, communicates with birds.

Girls love to color the Snow Maiden. Let her try to make her an outfit in blue and red. This develops the idea of ​​colors, forms a sense of taste.

Snowflake coloring book

Snowflake coloring is interesting because it combines various geometric shapes. Each snowflake has its own unique pattern. After coloring, you can cut them out and put them on the Christmas tree. It will only be necessary to glue the strings. You can cover them with glitter glue or make patterns with gel glitter pens.

This is what a snowflake coloring is like.

Like illustrations from fairy tales. A boy in a New Year's hat decorates snowflakes, a dog helps him. But the girl is holding a snowflake fairy on her hand.

Christmas tree coloring page

On the eve of the New Year, the Christmas tree coloring will allow you to decorate many trees at once. A child can try many options at once, how to decorate a Christmas tree. He gets acquainted not only with the tradition of the holiday, but also learns to combine colors, which Christmas decorations will harmonize. Print out the Christmas tree coloring page to keep the kids entertained while you set the festive table.

Children lead a round dance around a smart Christmas tree. Just like all the guys in school or kindergarten.

Animals in the forest are friends with the Christmas tree, they also dance round dances, like the guys. In another picture, the cartoon character Kitty.

Under the fluffy green, gifts await children. You just need to color the picture to make it festive.

Everyone decorates the Christmas tree, both children and animals.

In the last pictures you can see that the trees are in a pot. This is done to save the Christmas tree and then transplant it into the yard or return it to the forest.

Frozen coloring page to print

The favorite cartoon of many girls and even boys, because there is a cheerful snowman Olaf and deer Sven. You can print the Frozen coloring page. A kind cartoon musical teaches friendship, mutual assistance and of course makes you believe in a miracle. You can watch the cartoon to remember what color the princesses are wearing.

Frozen coloring page: print it out and get creative right away.

Funny Olaf. By the way, several short cartoons have already been released with this hero. They even make adults laugh.

Sisters Elsa and Anna. Their example shows how important it is to love each other, understand and protect.

The snowman waves goodbye to the children. These entertaining coloring pages are over, but you can print the pictures: .

You are in the New Year coloring page. Coloring page you are looking at is described by our visitors as follows "" Here you will find a lot of Coloring pages online. You can download New Year's coloring pages and also print them for free. As you know, creative activities play a huge role in the development of the child. They activate mental activity, form an aesthetic taste and instill a love of art. The process of coloring pictures on the theme of the New Year develops fine motor skills, perseverance and accuracy, helps to learn more about the world around us, introduces you to all the variety of colors and shades. Every day we add new free coloring pages for boys and girls to our website, which you can color online or download and print. A convenient catalog compiled by categories will make it easier to find the right picture, and a large selection of coloring pages will allow you to find a new interesting topic for coloring every day.

Yes Yes Yes! Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, the children are waiting for the holiday and gifts, the parents are busy with household chores. How to keep a child busy on New Year's Eve? Invite him to color the giant coloring book. And if there are several children in the house, this is generally a great way to unite them and set them up in a festive mood :)

Download mega-coloring “New Year”:

  • Option 1 (for large format printing) - ;
  • Option 2 (for printing on a regular printer) -.

How to assemble a coloring poster from separate sheets?

In order not to write instructions for assembling a giant coloring book from separate A4 sheets for a long time, I will ask you to go to. It describes in detail how you can match and glue the sheets. Our huge Christmas coloring book consists of 18 A4 sheets, which are divided into parts with a slight overlap. Trimming the margins on printouts is not necessary at all if your printer can print on a whole sheet without leaving white borders.

We colored the last mega-coloring with felt-tip pens and pencils, but if you use thick landscape sheets for printing, then you can safely prepare paints!

And I also want to tell you one trick of our New Year's coloring. Please note that Santa Claus's big bag is completely empty and this is no accident, because children always know what they want as gifts for the New Year. There is just a lot of space in this magic bag for depicting children's desires;)

We hope that our mega-coloring will delight your little ones! And we will be very happy if you Tell your friends about it on social networks.

Coloring is one of the most favorite children's activities. Children can spend hours coloring animals, any cars, all kinds of flowers, adorable cartoon characters or frames from the same cartoon. But on New Year's Eve, we have something more interesting for children - New Year's coloring pages, which both boys and girls will be happy with: Christmas tree coloring pages, Santa Claus and his sleigh coloring pages, Christmas toys and gifts coloring pages, reindeer and forest animals and many, many more funny and interesting things.
In addition to the pleasure of coloring New Year's coloring pages, children also get the opportunity to feel the color, choose matching ones, compare, which in the future will allow the child to more freely handle the color. Then, a finished masterpiece can be easily hung on the wall or cut out to make a beautiful New Year's card. So that the application of the finished work can be easily found, the main desire.
You can easily download any of the presented coloring pages or print them directly from the site. To do this is simple - click on one of the icons on the selected coloring page - and it's done.

Preparing for the holidays takes a lot of time and effort, not only for adults, but also for children. Therefore, in order not to lose all the energy for troubles, albeit pleasant ones, psychologists recommend being distracted by exciting activities. As a hobby, you can choose: creating crafts, drawing with a pencil, coloring anti-stress pictures or New Year's coloring 2019 for children and adults. The last point is especially interesting, because you can choose fairy-tale characters, winter landscapes and thematic items related to a magical holiday as an image for work. Christmas tree, spruce branches, bells, Christmas decorations, fireworks, sweet gingerbread and gifts, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden and their helpers, cartoon animals, real animals, winter landscapes - only a part of what can be seen in the photo in the article below, download to your computer and print using a printer.

What is coloring?

Despite the fact that 2019 New Year's coloring pages for children and adults are different, they are united by two criteria: a sketch presented in the form of outlines of characters or objects on a white background, as well as the coloring process itself. That is why, answering the question “what is a coloring book”, you can only say one thing - “a finished sketch on a sheet of paper that you don’t need to draw on your own, you just need to add colors.”

A harmonious color scheme can be achieved using colored pencils, felt-tip pens and even paints. True, it is important to remember the combination of shades, smooth transitions and highlights.

An example of correct coloring can be seen in the photo example below. It will help you understand the interest of the hobby, and the ability to convey your emotions on a regular sketch.

Coloring pages for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Earth Pig (Boar) for the little ones

For preschool children, only light pictures depicting their favorite characters are suitable. That is why only topics that are interesting for kids are offered below. Heroes of Disney cartoons and Soviet cinema, the culprits of the holiday (Father Frost, Snegurochka, snowman and snowmen, New Year tree), sweet gifts, pets, festive fireworks.

To print one of the coloring pages below for free, you need to save the picture to your computer, and then use the printer.

Coloring pages for schoolchildren for the New Year 2019, photo

For school-age children, you can choose more complex pictures that include fine details and more complex faces and muzzles. This will help develop in the child attentiveness and accuracy in drawing intricate coloring pages, and the choice of colors will positively affect fantasy and logical thinking.

Symbol of the Year 2019 - Yellow Earth Pig coloring page

According to the eastern horoscope, the Pig will become the patroness of the upcoming New Year, and not just pink, but Yellow, one might even say Earthy. Therefore, even in the coloring it is recommended to use autumn colors, related more to the fabulous than to the natural shade.

Christmas coloring pages for adults

So that adults do not get bored on the eve of 2019, we offer a photo selection