Enlarged pores makeup. Enlarged pores are easy to hide

Enlarged pores on the skin are not a disease. However, this cosmetic defect gives its owners moral discomfort. The disadvantage is usually combined with the problem of increased oiliness of the skin. Also, enlarged pores bring discomfort to owners of mixed skin.

Why do pores expand

Usually the defect is genetic. But often young ladies who do not know the rules of effective facial care face it. Pores are channels that bring oil to the surface of the skin. Each pore has a small hair. The size of the channel does not depend on the parameters of the follicle, but on the intensity of sebum production. If the process is very dynamic, then the pores will certainly increase.

Expansion itself is not only an aesthetic problem. The situation is exacerbated by the formation of pollution inside the channels. The reasons for this problem are:

  • stress;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • malfunctions of the immune system;
  • taking certain medicines;
  • abuse of decorative cosmetics.

Often, the channels begin to expand with age-related changes in the surface of the face. Withering, aging skin is significantly thickened and thickened, which leads to the appearance of a defect.

What is the risk

Why are many people interested in how to narrow the pores on the face? This defect in itself does not cause problems, except for cosmetic ones. But he can't just disappear all of a sudden. At the same time, other problems are imposed on it. Often integral companions of enlarged pores are:

  • black dots;
  • comedones;
  • pollution;
  • inflammatory rashes.

The wider and larger these tubules on the skin of the face, the more intensely dirt accumulates in them. Bacteria and microbes penetrate there, provoking serious inflammation, irritation and redness. As a result, the face looks painful, swollen, uneven.

Folk remedies for narrowing pores at home

How to narrow the pores on the face at home? Can it be done? Quite! In this case, the cause of the defect is not fundamentally important.

The first rule for eliminating a deficiency is competent and regular cleansing. If the skin is flabby and fading, it is necessary to pay due attention to nutrition and intensive hydration. First of all, you should adjust the diet, abandoning:

  • smoked meats;
  • sweets;
  • pickled products;
  • fatty meals.

This will normalize the production of sebum and, accordingly, "pull" the pores. It is recommended to enrich the diet with fresh products, herbal infusions, mineral water. For the right food, the body and in particular the skin will thank you.

It is recommended to pay attention regular use of vitamin complexes. Receiving the proper amount of retinol and vitamin E by the body normalizes the condition of the pores. You can buy ready-made pharmaceutical preparations. No less effective inclusion in the menu:

  • linseed oil;
  • apricots;
  • liver;
  • carrots;
  • fish oil;
  • sunflower seeds.

Very important systematically cleanse the surface of the skin of the face. Very oily skin needs washing at least twice a day. For the procedure, it is recommended to use a special foam, baby soap, antibacterial compounds. Each wash should be completed with a tonic. You can also use special lotions based on alcohol.

Rubbing and washing is not enough. To deal with enlarged pores, deep cleaning required. This action is aimed at eliminating traffic jams and the stratum corneum. A scrub will help in this case. Home peeling should be done twice a week. At first, you can do the procedure even more often. In case of inflammation, it is recommended to use a composition with small abrasive particles. A tool with large components is great for the skin, which is not characterized by excessive tenderness and hypersensitivity.

Many ladies are interested how to shrink pores on nose. For this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, self-prepared products are excellent. A scrub can be created based on:

  • large sugar;
  • ground coffee;
  • table salt.

To obtain a creamy product, one of the components will need to be combined with olive oil, the usual cream, thick sour cream or honey.

Helps normalize pores steam bath for the face and a variety of masks. The steam bath should be carried out every 20-30 days. It allows you to clean the channels as deeply as possible, narrows the pores, eliminates plugs, and destroys bacteria. This procedure will be especially effective if you add to boiling water:

  • chamomile tea;
  • a few drops of mint essential oil;
  • a spoonful of olive oil.

Hardware cosmetology

Beauty salons can offer an effective solution to the problem of enlarged pores. How to narrow the pores on the face with the help of hardware cosmetology? The effect will allow you to get chemical peeling with special acids. The procedure removes the upper layers of the skin, which contributes to the normalization of its condition. Chemical peeling allows you to narrow pores, rejuvenate the skin, remove post-acne.

Microdermabrasion is another great solution. It involves polishing the skin with solid particles. Microcrystals under pressure act on the surface of the face, resulting in:

  • pores are noticeably narrowed;
  • irregularities disappear;
  • old acne marks disappear.

Other effective hardware methods that oppose this problem include laser peeling, cryotherapy, ultrasonic stimulation, and darsonvalization.

Modern developments in the field of cosmetology and the correct application of funds allows you to paint over the hated pimple. In order not to have to constantly look for ways out, you need to properly and regularly take care of yourself.

Most women and girls of all ages suffer from acne, enlarged pores, and blackheads. It does not look very attractive, significantly affecting self-esteem, mood and daily life. Most often, these are signs of oily skin, which requires much more care than dry or normal skin. Excessive secretion of subcutaneous fat clogs, expands the pores, making them visible. You need to treat acne, but what if you need to look beautiful now? It remains only to hide the defects with cosmetics. And how to mask the pores on the face, consider further.

To correct the situation, various cosmetic products for facial care, aimed at regulating the production of sebum, will help. It will take several days, but the effect will not be long in coming. This method is suitable when an event is planned, and there is still a little time to prepare.

The pharmacy sells such products as:

  • antibacterial soap;
  • cream;
  • lotion;
  • vitamin complex;
  • mineral solutions;
  • vegetable tinctures of their herbs.

It is very important to exfoliate the face once a week to exfoliate old cells and cleanse the skin of dirt. After the procedure, it is recommended to use special moisturizing creams designed for oily and combination skin. When cleaning, we use fruit acid, natural green clay. This will speed up the healing process. But sometimes, acne needs to be covered up quickly. How?


There are many causes of acne, often they appear at the most inopportune moment. The main factors may be:

  • stress;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • an excess of hormones;
  • fatty food;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol.

To even out the tone of the face, cosmetics are most often used. The masking procedure takes place in several stages, and for this you will need several different means. The main thing is to learn how to use them correctly. The best way to get rid of large pores is to clean them in a timely manner and not accumulate bacteria. Then there will be less acne.

Preparing the skin

Enlarged pores must first be narrowed. To do this, apply any vasoconstrictor agent to clean facial skin. For example, you can use eye drops. The substance perfectly copes with the redness around the pimple. We do this:

  1. Wet a cotton swab in the eye solution, leave it a little in the freezer. After about ten minutes, take it out, apply it to the redness. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  2. Or we make this recipe: lubricate the pimple with tea tree oil. It has a bactericidal property, quickly fights inflammation. This method is long (results will be noticeable in six hours), but very effective.

How to cover up a pimple

Many women use foundation to cover up redness, but the texture of the cream can look very rough on the skin, resembling a mask if it is not applied correctly. A regular sponge is not suitable for applying foundation. It absorbs oil and all the dirt that may be on the skin, including the cream itself. Therefore, cotton pads not only carry bacteria, but also waste cosmetics. It is best to apply foundation with a brush pointwise, on problem areas.

Also suitable as camouflage agents:

  • moisturizing foundation, as a base for cosmetics;
  • special corrector pencil;
  • or any product from the category of BB cosmetics.

Apply a moisturizing foundation with fingertips all over the face. This is quite enough to hide minor, but visible flaws. But with the corrector we process only the defects themselves, then slightly smear and apply a neutral tone, which, as a rule, is on the second side of the pencil. The corrector is necessary to give uniformity to the skin, even application of the tonal base.

BB cosmetics are quite expensive, but very effective at trying to mask enlarged pores. Since it not only paints over the tone of the face, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

quick disguise

There is another quick way to cover up imperfections on the face, for example, when you need to go to a business meeting, date or other event, but there is no time. We do these manipulations.

  1. We clean the skin of dirt with any tonic or lotion.
  2. We process inflamed pimples with a corrector and wait for it to dry.
  3. We moisten the face with a cream, preferably non-greasy, matte tone. Apply a thin layer all over the face.
  4. Of all cosmetics, only foundation is able to even out the tone of the face, especially if it is flesh or ivory.
  5. We distribute the cream on the skin, without affecting the areas covered by the corrector, retouch with a cotton pad.
  6. The next step is to powder the face. Makeup on mineral powder lasts a long time, has a uniform tone.
  7. As a blush, you should not use a peach shade, dark bronze, light brown tones. They will draw attention to inflamed and severe acne.

You can effectively hide skin defects by brightly highlighting the eyes. Use eyeliner or smoky eyes technique.

In any makeup, cleansing the skin before applying cosmetics plays a huge role. And, in general, the more often we clean our face and pores, the less dirt will accumulate. For this you can use:

  • tonics;
  • foam;
  • washing gels;
  • lotions;
  • wet wipes.

It is recommended to cleanse the face with natural products, such as cucumber. Or choose some kind of gel for a greasy type of face. All skin types need to be moisturized, not just dry skin. There are such cosmetics, when applied, not only the tone of the face is leveled, but also the water balance of the epidermis is maintained, the production of fat is regulated. It is especially effective to use the cream as a base for make-up.

Makeup bases

After we have cleansed the face, we proceed to the next stage of makeup - we make the base. It is recommended to use special products containing vitamin E and UV protection of at least fifty. This helps the skin not to dry out even under a large layer of cosmetics, which maintains healthy blood circulation.

When masking pores, a base layer for cosmetics is a must, especially if you have problem skin. It is important to pay attention to the corrector pencil. It allows you to retouch pimples and enlarged pores, creating a protective layer between the skin and cosmetics, which is why microbes and dust do not get into the inflamed area and do not cause even more suppuration.

It is best to buy a camouflage pencil with an antibacterial effect, beneficial oils and herbal extracts.

How to choose the tone of the pencil:

  • light tones - for small redness, they can be the same tone as the skin or a little lighter;
  • green pencil - will paint over even the strongest defects, pores and acne;
  • yellow tones - for cyanotic spots.

The corrector has a fairly concentrated structure, so it copes with any skin problems. It is used pointwise and slightly shaded with a brush.

Powder and blush

The next step is to make the skin of the face matte and with a uniform natural tone. Let's use powder. It is recommended to apply it with a large brush so that the layer is thin and even. Spots and pores are muted with loose powder. If the defects still stand out, you should try to combine the powder with a small amount of foundation and apply with a small brush.

Well, you can complete the makeup with sparkling blush of light pink shades. The right technique for applying decorative cosmetics does wonders. The main rule is no glitter. Although do not forget about high-quality cleansing and skin care in order to avoid the expansion of pores and the appearance of acne.

Quick Decisions

But what if you need to paint over the pores quickly and efficiently? In the cosmetic market, there are special silicone bases for makeup. Of course, it is not recommended to use them all the time, and the feeling of tight skin may not be very pleasant, but, for example, you can make perfect makeup for a wedding without flaws.

The silicone base makes it possible to apply cosmetics more evenly, it is easy to blend, and it lasts much longer. An important rule: you need to choose a silicone corrector during the day, so that its tone is as similar as possible to the natural complexion. The consistency of the makeup base is very important. Consider what types of silicone corrector are, and how to apply them.

  1. The clear and gel-like form is called a fluid. Suitable for correcting the tone of the face in the presence of small age spots. For more significant defects, it is not suitable, as it does not contain pigment.
  2. The product in the form of a cream contains powder and pigment powder. Perfectly masks acne and enlarged pores.
  3. The gel-like form of the base also has the same abilities, but it does not clog the skin and allows it to “breathe”.
  4. Hard and shiny bases - to hide small scars and blackheads.

Whatever you choose to cover up, proper skin care will not replace anything.

Enlarged pores on the face is a real scourge of our time, because virtually every girl at one stage or another of her life suffers from the problem of enlarged pores. If we talk about the treatment of this problem, it will take more than one month and will require a lot of patience, since enlarged pores are a feature of the skin structure. However, they can always be correct. And now we are not talking about the corrector.


Avoid scrubs

The first thing to do on the way to beautiful skin is to develop the rules for proper cleansing. Of course, this point does not fully relate to the issue of disguise. But without it, it makes no sense to start working with enlarged pores, in principle. So, cleansing the skin with enlarged pores should be thorough, but at the same time gentle. In particular, you should have a good-quality facial wash and toner on your bathroom shelf. Makeup is best washed off with micellar water. But scrubs need to be abandoned once and for all. So, the use of scrubs, namely the contact of the skin with abrasive particles, stretches the pores. Replace scrubs with a cleansing mask.

Use a primer

Always use on areas with enlarged pores before applying make-up. This will help protect them from the ingress of foundation, powder and other cosmetic products. The thing is that when it gets into the pores, the foundation darkens, and they become more noticeable. The primer easily solves this problem.

Forget about fingers

If you have enlarged pores, forget about makeup with your fingers, since fingers are the first carrier of bacteria. It is better if you train yourself to work with the skin only with brushes or sponges. Of course, this recommendation is valid if you regularly take care of your makeup tools. Remember, brushes and sponges for applying foundation must be washed after each use.

Use serums to shrink pores

Today in the cosmetic market there are many products that are designed to narrow the pores. As practice shows, serums work best in this matter. The thing is that it is exactly the product in which the composition is very concentrated, and it is able to really affect this or that problem. Unfortunately, with the problem of enlarged pores, cosmetics only work for a visual correction of the condition. But it's better than nothing, you know. Regularly use serums in your care (of course, courses), and you will see visible improvements (at least for the period while you use the product).

In order to radically change the situation with enlarged pores, it is better to consult a doctor. Particularly effective procedures are peelings, laser resurfacing and ultrasonic cleaning, which cannot be done at home.

Suddenly a pimple appeared. A familiar situation ... and painfully unpleasant!

After all, now not only the mood is spoiled, but also your appearance ...

Of course, now we are unlikely to be able to find time for the treatment of acne, and the prevention of acne is now difficult to arrange. Therefore, at the moment there is only one way out - to hide acne in such a way that no one will guess that you have problem skin. But how to cover up acne?

Cosmetics help us!

Such troubles on the face can appear completely unceremoniously, and even in large numbers. Preventing us from feeling confident and beautiful, acne occurs due to stress and hormonal surges, poor nutrition and smoking. Such a misfortune happens to everyone, some more often, some less often, but the “antidote” sometimes needs to be found urgently! And for this it is necessary to comprehend the secrets of science on how to cover up acne ...

To achieve an even and perfect tone of the face, you can use the right cosmetic tools and products. You often find such products on store shelves or in a pharmacy, so you can always purchase them to mask your problem skin. We offer you a complete acne masking plan, in which there are several important steps. Your right is to give preference to one or another method of disguise, although you can apply all of the proposed by us at once in your make-up.

So, how to cover up acne and “shelter” them from surrounding views? Here you need a whole arsenal of cosmetic devices and tools. Most likely, you already know them firsthand - it remains only to learn how to use them professionally and consistently.
The secret of using tools is also that each touch to the skin should be gentle, and in general it is necessary to try to touch it less - irritation can increase. An ideal option for a “tool against acne” can be a brush that not only absorbs cosmetics and saves any foundation, but also has other undeniable advantages.

For example, it is almost impossible to stretch the skin with a brush, which often happens when applying products with your fingers. In addition, the tool is easy and quick to clean, which means it will not be able to accumulate bacteria.

Acne masking: preparatory stage

So, you need to achieve the perfect appearance. The question arises: how to mask acne?

First aid for an unpleasant seal on the face are two remedies:

  • Vasoconstrictor eye drops "Vizin". They effectively remove redness of the eyes due to the vasoconstrictor effect, they will also remove redness in the acne area, because the red shell indicates blood flow to the site of inflammation. For masking, you need to take a small piece of cotton wool, apply a few drops of Vizin on its surface and place it in the freezer for 7-10 minutes. Then apply to the pimple for a few minutes. After the first time, the redness will noticeably subside. But if you have a large painful pimple, the procedure should be repeated several times. Since masking large pimples is more difficult.
  • Tea tree oil. This method is more effective with acne, but takes longer - about 5-6 hours. If you have time, feel free to use it. Why is tea tree oil so effective? All thanks to the bactericidal effect, which effectively relieves inflammation and redness. It is necessary to point the oil with a cotton swab on the acne. Already after the first time you will notice an improvement in the condition of the skin. However, you should not abuse the oil, in case of frequent rashes, instead of masking acne, it is important to start a competent treatment.

Foundation: rules of disguise

Only high-quality cosmetics will allow you to properly mask acne, pay attention to special tonal creams and powders with a hypoallergenic composition. It is better to use a cream with a more liquid consistency.

Remember that the sponge is often wasteful, as it is almost a one-time make-up application. Some girls do the wrong thing by washing it after use and drying it in the sun. One way or another, the sponge is able to accumulate sebum, soap products, bacteria and dirt, cosmetic residues inside itself ... But is it rational to touch your face with such a device if it is not sterile? Any brush along with a sponge will be more profitable: it is more hygienic, economical and boasts a long service life.

Using a moisturizing foundation, you can guarantee a completely natural shade. Such a tool is applied with fingertips on the cheeks, chin, forehead, nose. It is not necessary to focus on skin imperfections now - just apply a thin base layer of cream to cover the flaws.

An effective masking agent for acne is a concealer / corrector. A camouflage pencil (concealer) of a green tint will give the pimple an almost natural shade.
Before using the pencil, clean and prepare the skin for makeup.

A very convenient option for masking rashes is special BB cosmetics. Such products have a masking effect, in addition, they matte the surface of the skin and relieve the inflammatory process. But such cosmetics are quite expensive.

Express disguise

Sometimes there is very little time to set up a marathon, especially when you are in a hurry to work in the morning or on a date in the evening. Then you will need an accelerated version of masking pimples. First, we will clean the skin, and after choosing the means for masking, we can start applying makeup. Moisturizing with a non-greasy matte cream is the first stage of “beautification”. Remember that the skin accepts only a thin layer of such a product. Of course, a thick oily layer can hide even very noticeable flaws, but it will make your appearance somewhat vulgar.

What can cover up acne? If there is inflammation on the skin, in addition to pimples, apply concealer to these areas ten minutes before applying makeup. It is not necessary to smear this remedy - it is correct to use such a corrector for the very center of the pimple, pointwise, and wait for it to dry quickly.

For blush, you should choose dark bronze or light brown shades. Do you like peach or delicate strawberries in blush? Refuse them for a while, since it will not work to mask acne on the face in this way, you will attract even more attention to inflammation. The same rule applies to lipstick or gloss - bright shades on the lips will draw attention to the skin, but colorless gloss or beige shades will not draw attention to the inflamed areas.

Another effective way to shift the focus on the face is to brightly highlight the eyes. You can take advantage of the occasion and apply smoky eyes makeup, moreover, this charm for creating an expressive look will remain in trend for a long time to come. Feel free to create bright eye makeup, and you will not only shift the attention of others from hated acne, but also arouse the interest of the opposite sex!

How to cover spots, pimples and pores - part 1

How to cover spots, pimples and pores - part 2

How to cover up pimples the right way

As you can see, it’s quite realistic to look your best with acne on your face. A competent approach to the masking process, high-quality proven products and suitable makeup will save you from stiffness and embarrassment. Remember that this option is only suitable for acne on the face, since it is almost impossible to disguise acne on the neck or chest due to the characteristics of the skin. In this case, to hide acne, use closed clothing

Video Confession - Pimples and Makeup

Going on an important date or business meeting, you suddenly found a few pimples? How to hide them properly? Thick foundation or suntan lotion? And while you're rushing about in search of the right solution, I will offer some useful practical information on how to hide acne under makeup.

Cleansing and moisturizing

No wonder this stage of masking pimples is often compared to saying a prayer before a Catholic meal - cleansing the skin of the face is so sacred and important. Indeed, in many respects a good tone of the face depends on the qualitative elimination of all contaminants. Choose for yourself the tool to which you are most accustomed and which suits your skin type. It can be a cleansing tonic or lotion, foam or gel for washing, as well as sterile wipes.

One of the well-established cleansers was Green Gel Cleanser, which contains algae and cucumber extracts. Such a gel can easily and effectively refresh a face with oily skin, while for dry skin it is necessary to choose a less aggressive agent to avoid a tightening effect. You can also use special liquids for acne (Noxzema or Clean & Clear), but do not confuse them with all kinds of scrubs and products that have the effect of peeling the epidermis. These helpers do not damage, but gently cleanse the skin, restoring its water balance. Many girls forget or ignore the fact that any type of skin needs moisturizing, even oily and problematic, on which pimples pop up every now and then. Therefore, the right choice of moisturizer is especially important for oily epidermis. We bring to your attention Oil Control Lotion, which perfectly regulates the production of sebum day and night. This tool can also be trusted to create a matting effect in the T-zone. However, do not overdo it: owners of perfectly normal skin may suffer from excessive drying of the skin due to the use of such a lotion. Some girls often buy various medications for cauterizing pimples. Everything would be fine, but such products make the skin in problem areas prone to peeling and dryness. Therefore, in this case, before applying the base tone, it is better to treat these areas with a modest amount of Fast Response Eye Cream. It contains emollient ingredients and vitamins that reduce dryness of the skin and give it life-giving moisture.

Makeup base and pencil

The cleansing stage is replaced by the next, no less important stage in the question of how to hide acne. The base layer is used as a base before further makeup application.

In particular, the effective Prep + Prime Face Protect SPF 50 with vitamin E and special ingredients that retain moisture will help keep the skin nourished even under a layer of cosmetics. In addition, it contains ingredients that control the production and release of fat. The base is the Velcro layer for the next make-up component, foundation. This is important when dealing with problem skin. The intense light reflection of the product should not scare you: it gives an inner healthy glow to the skin and lays down beautifully on it.

A properly selected camouflage pencil will not deceive your hopes for how to hide acne more reliably. It will retouch any, even the reddest pimple, block the penetration of the infection and effectively accelerate the healing of the blackhead. You need to choose such a pencil, taking into account its dense consistency and the correct composition. A winning option would be the presence of many oils and beneficial acids, antibacterial or healing extracts. For a fairly small and not very inflamed pimple, you can choose a light pencil color: the ideal option would be a concealer that matches your skin tone or one or two shades lighter than it. The main thing is that the product looks natural on your face. The greenish color of the pencil will hide the most severe redness on the skin and “ruddy” blackheads.

Concealer and concealer

Corrective agent used to spot mask an obvious problem if the foundation does not cope with the situation (see how to choose such a tool).

Studio Finish Concealer SPF 35 is more than ever useful as it is concentrated and even a small amount can hide even the most obvious skin imperfections. In combination with Brush Blending #224, absolutely easy to use and apply concealer, the product will be blended in such a way that the edges of the cream will remain invisible.
Cosmetologists recommend using Pro Longwear SPF 10 Foundation, which not only applies perfectly and “sits” on the skin, but also does not emphasize enlarged pores. Staying on the surface of the face throughout the day, the foundation will not disappear and at the same time will not pollute the skin. The composition of this cream includes special components that control and normalize the production of sebum, and processed pigments that allow makeup to remain even. Problematic and dehydrated skin will be delighted with the plastic and effectively masking imperfections Studio Sculpt SPF 15 Foundation. Enriched with shea butter, Indian dates and yeast-beetroot extract, the foundation nourishes the dry epidermis with beneficial substances and retains moisture in the cells. In addition, it is great in the "sock", and those who have applied it, note the comfortable feeling with it on the face.

Powder, blush and bronzer

The final stage of our disguise is the fixing of the foundation and the elimination of shine. Studio Careblend Pressed Compact Powder blends perfectly onto the surface of your face thanks to its light texture and discreetness. Alignment of color and tone is also provided to you - for this, crushed particles of pigment are present in the composition of the powder.

The epidermis becomes velvety and matte, and oily sheen and pimples are already completely hidden! If you use the large Brush Powder #129 small, the texture of the powder will be applied finely and evenly. No wonder, because the brush was created specifically for applying compact powders, and therefore has a rounded “haircut” and medium-density villi. Oily spots in the area of ​​​​former blackheads can be “muffled” with loose powder (try Clinique) using a concealer or natural bristle brush. You will achieve the best effect by applying circular movements in an upward direction. If the powder noticeably highlights acne marks, take a small brush and a little foundation. Do not forget to retouch the traces with powder over the tone, and remove its excess from the chin and eyebrows.

For a subtle blush or tan effect, try applying four small peas of Liquid Blush (Benefit Brand) to your cheeks to rub with your fingertips. Bronzer, matched a few shades darker than your skin tone, is perfect for the chin and nose, as well as along the hairline and on the outer corners of the eyelids.

And one more important point. Masking is, as they say, a “necessary evil” and it is important to treat acne, and not mask forever. Only with this approach, you will never have a question: how to mask acne on the face.
Based on materials

So, you are faced with a problem - enlarged pores. How to get rid of them, you ask, and is it possible? Of course, it is possible: today there are many cosmetic products that will help make your face smooth, well-groomed and attractive.

It is worth saying that enlarged pores on the face are a cosmetic defect of quite a few people, which must and can be dealt with. They begin to appear in girls when they enter puberty and can remain on the face for a long time, but for many they disappear with age. Inflammations are especially pronounced if there are gynecological problems or problems of the gastrointestinal tract in the body.

How to deal with such a problem? If you have enlarged pores, the treatment should be as follows. Electrophoretic and disincrustation therapeutic cleanings are excellent help. Mesotherapy with special cocktails for oily and porous skin, which are selected individually, is also an effective means of struggle. In addition, you can use stem cell mesotherapy, special masks. Professional cleaning of the face should also not be neglected. The most effective are Extended can also be treated with weak electrophoresis current flows, which give the greatest effect when combined with gels. With a strong stretch on the face of enlarged pores, as well as if they have caused irregularities and roughness of the skin, laser and mechanical resurfacing, as well as TCA peeling, make sense. However, these procedures should be carried out exclusively in specialized clinics under the supervision of specialists.

Getting rid of enlarged pores at home, without the help of hardware cleanings and specialists, is also possible. To do this, and care for him must be carried out constantly and regularly, every day. You should only wash your face with warm boiled water, in addition, you need to use special creams, gels and lotions for washing that match your skin type. Cleaning with soft scrubs is also necessary - about twice a week. It is useful from time to time to make masks containing fruit acids, as well as white or green clay. During the day, it is advisable to wipe the skin several times with a facial lotion containing chamomile or calendula, and blotting the face with wet wipes will not be superfluous.

It is possible to effectively narrow enlarged pores (at home) using gommages. You should not use dense heavy creams, faces, because of this they become larger. Creams with a high content of acids and aromatic oils are more suitable. Do not forget about proper nutrition - it should be balanced and rational.

The use of daily facial cosmetics should not be limited, quite the opposite - foundation, if used correctly, will help hide enlarged pores. However, cosmetics should be carefully chosen. Tonal creams should be light, best of all - having reflective particles in the composition.

However, it should be borne in mind that women who hope to mask enlarged pores and imperfect skin by applying foundation in large quantities on their faces are seriously mistaken. An excellent substitute for foundation will be matting makeup bases that contain silicone polymers. These foundations will help smooth out and mask uneven skin. In those places where enlarged pores are especially visible, cosmetologists advise using a concealer. Powder should not be abused: it is better to use matting wipes during the day, they are much lighter and have less negative effect on the skin. In the absence of these, you can use ordinary napkins - gently blot the skin with them. On hot days, spraying thermal water on it is useful for the skin - it refreshes the face, while not overloading it with excess cosmetics.