Scenario for the new year for the guests of the house. Cool New Year's games: "Psychiatrist". Scenario "New Year - a family holiday"

With the arrival of winter, everyone around begins to think about how and where to spend the New Year holidays. For a great pastime, you need to not only decorate the Christmas tree, prepare delicious treats, but also decide what the program will be for the New Year.

Fascinating New Year's Eve

In order to arrange a grandiose holiday, you need to properly prepare for it in advance. First of all, it is worth deciding how big the company will be, what are the common interests of the guests. Depending on these moments, an entertainment program for the New Year should be selected.

Nobody should be bored. There are always methods to cheer others up. For example, various types of contests, games will allow everyone to find a common language, immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a magical evening and have fun from the heart.

It is very important to take care of the prize rewards. Victory in competitive competitions must be encouraged, because this, in addition to being incredibly pleasant, also motivates you to participate. Any themed souvenirs, Christmas decorations, firecrackers, as well as sweets such as chocolate, gingerbread cookies, candies, etc. are perfect. Mini-gifts should be awarded to everyone, without exception, that will leave a pleasant impression of the evening.

A great option is to organize a New Year's party in a certain style. But in this case, all invitees should be warned in advance about such plans, so that there is time to find suitable costumes, to pick up images.

Organization of a fun evening for an adult company

Regardless of the contingent, Santa Claus is always an important character on such an evening. This role can be performed by one of the guests, showing his acting talent. for adults provides complete emotional freedom and the opportunity to hold non-childish contests.

It would be appropriate to start the event with memories of the outgoing year, which was a good sign for everyone. And then we turn on our imagination, conduct games and contests in a carefree, friendly atmosphere. Some ideas on this matter:

  1. Sweet lottery. You can bake cookies, where in the middle there will be different things: a coin, a ticket, a key, etc. When each guest takes a sweet treat, he will find inside a surprise-prediction of what the next year will be for him. So, the keys are a new home or a car, a ticket is a trip, money is wealth.
  2. Auction sale. The Snow Maiden or another will, without showing, talk about the thing that is being sold in a comic form, and the rest will bargain and “buy”. So, a broom is an ultra vacuum cleaner, - a dishwasher, a children's car - a convertible, etc.

The richness of the evening depends only on the preparation and imagination of the audience.

An unforgettable holiday with the kids

What about those who are going to celebrate the holiday with their families, with their daughters and sons? An exciting program for in this case, should be designed for the smallest. Children should also participate in the preparatory process, decorate the room, and help in the kitchen. This will make them feel like they are part of the event.

It is important to remember that the appearance of Santa Claus in such a company is a necessity. In the absence of an opportunity to order a professional, you can perfectly beat the situation by sending dad to the store after midnight. Just at this time will appear
long-awaited character. Reincarnation can be carried out at the entrance or you can use the help of neighbors.

For kids, you can organize a show. Adults will also take part in it, have fun and delight the audience. Moreover, the more spectators there will be, the better. An entertainment program for the New Year with tricks and simple circus acts will be a big plus. This always delights little curious why.

Wonderful themed games

Friends and relatives, getting together, plan to have a wonderful time and enjoy each other's company. Original, unobtrusive games and contests for the New Year will only contribute to this.

  • Dress up the Christmas tree. This game is relevant for an unmarried company of young people. Several girls are put on chairs - they will play the role of a Christmas tree. For a certain time, young men decorate them with prepared sweets, toys on strings, clips, clothespins. Further, the decorators are blindfolded and swapped. The task is to remove the dressed ornaments from the “Christmas tree”. The one who removes the greatest number of attributes in a few allotted minutes wins.
  • Crazy mask. For this game it is worth stocking up on masks of all well-known fairy-tale characters. The participant is chosen, as a rule, an active, talkative, creative person who is wearing one of the masks. The main thing is that he should not see her at the same time. Further, this chosen one begins to guess his character, asking leading questions. As a prize, you can present the same mask, let it remind you of a cool evening.
  • Who quickly. For this spectacle, it is necessary to call several couples and distribute mittens and shirts with a large number of buttons to them. One puts on a shirt, the other puts on mittens. It is necessary to fasten all the buttons as soon as possible without removing the mittens. The fastest pair wins and receives a prize.

With such entertainment, a fun New Year program will be provided for everyone.

Entertainment contests for a large company

Corporate parties, large friendly groups often organize a funny New Year. This is quite justified, because you really want to take a break from the gray everyday life! For this, extraordinary contests are suitable, accompanying the fun of the whole company at once. Some of them:

  • Dance. Everyone is given forfeits with numbers from 1 to the desired number. And when everyone has already danced from the heart, it is announced that you need to become in pairs, the sum of the numbers of which is 21. And so several times during the disco program. The fastest win. This active way of having fun will be great for everyone.

  • A cherished dream. After the chiming clock, when everyone runs out into the street to watch amazing fireworks, you can offer another way to have fun. All should be divided into two teams according to the principle: girls, boys. Assignment: to blind the lady or man of your dreams from the snow. The most interesting and exciting figure wins.
  • Guess who. Participants are given cards on which famous characters are written. The task is to come up with a veiled autobiography, according to which it will not be so easy to determine what kind of character this is. The one who manages to keep the intrigue the longest wins.

How to create a fun New Year atmosphere

Such a task is faced by everyone who receives guests on this fabulous evening. You need to take care of the interior design, and what the program will be for the New Year. It will be very useful to beautifully serve dishes and come up with various compositions for the festive table.

A great idea to create a cheerful mood is to invite everyone, without exception, to come in fancy dress. This will set everyone up to have fun.

Retro style new year

An interesting modern idea is to hold an event in a certain style. For example, the New Year in retro style will be remembered by everyone for a long time with bright costumes, presented with a playful mood. Moreover, it will be very easy to create the atmosphere of the 60s.

For the organization, it is worth asking the older generation what they would advise, and also if they have suitable attributes for decoration. You can decorate the interior using old posters, rare toys and accessories of those times.

Contests and musical accompaniment should be suitable for the topic. The entertaining New Year's retro program may include a costume competition, guessing song compositions, completing catchphrases from film works of those times. Such an excursion into the past century will be very exciting.

Fabulous holiday

An amazing option is to celebrate the New Year in the style of a fairy tale. This is very important for a family celebration. Bright costumes, comedy rhymes, childish behavior will create unforgettable memories for the next 12 months.

New Year's Eve is the best reason for rapprochement and forging relationships. In a fabulous atmosphere, it will be very easy to forget about all the problems, worries and find yourself in an excellent magical land.

Today there are many options for holding such an event, the main thing is to start preparing in advance.

New Year in folk style

All countries have their own beliefs and traditions. Why not take advantage of this to celebrate the New Year in an original way?

In this case, it will be appropriate to focus on the idle table. Folk songs, dances, outfits - all this will perfectly complement the celebration of such a theme.

Generous, intricate holidays, spent on a grand scale, accompanied by round dances, fireworks, noisy fairs, will charge you with positive emotions for the whole next year.

On the eve of the most awaited ones, it is important to remember that for adults and children this is the beginning of a new page in their lives. Therefore, such a holiday should be held in such a way that there is something to remember.

If you decide to celebrate the New Year 2019 at home, this does not mean at all that you have to sit in front of the TV all evening with a glass of champagne in your hands.

We invite you to celebrate the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Earth Pig with fun, having fun according to the script.

The New Year 2019 scenario for the home offers fun entertainment for any company that has chosen to celebrate the holiday with the family.

This funny and interesting scenario with contests and games that will help you have a great time, laugh and remember this New Year's Eve at home forever.

Well, let's start thinking about how to meet and spend the New Year 2019 at home.

Have you already sat down at the table and started tasting delicious food from the New Year's table? Now you can play.

And for the first competition, you don't even have to get up, because they exist.

And we propose to hold a competition for the new year such that you will further whet your appetite.

The essence of the competition is to name as many dishes as possible, where greens are always present.

Each one names one dish in turn. Whoever could not name the dish, in turn, is eliminated.

For this competition, you will need bills of various denominations: dollars, euros and rubles, and, preferably, they should be of different denominations.

Pull a rope at home from wall to wall, hang a lot of ropes on this rope that hang down, and tie clothespins to these ropes.

Hang your bills on the clothespins.

You blindfold and give each participant a pair of scissors. Spin it up and put it in the direction of money. He has to cut the rope. And pick up your gift.

To make it more interesting, let 10 rubles and 10 euros hang there. True, this may offend someone, but then how will luck turn to whom.

Do it yourself or buy cards with tasks, put them in a hat or a box, and then each participant pulls out one fant and completes the task.

For instance:

Have your guests drunk enough and want even more fun? Then comic nominations are just that!

Examples of nominations:

  • Miss Pig - the most beautiful hairstyle
  • Mr. Pig is the coolest outfit
  • Naked Pig - the most revealing outfit for the holiday
  • voice of the year - who grunts the best and loudest

The essence of the game is simple, the first participant answers the question what he managed to do or what he learned in the past year.

And the second also answers this question, but, just without hesitation, and to the last letter from the answer of the first.

And the third is already on the last letter from the answer of the second, and so on.

By its rules, the game is similar to the game of cities. And since time is limited, and what could be learned is also limited by words, it will be incredibly interesting and funny.

For instance:

In the past year, I learned ...
- drive
- drive the tractor
- Change pastel linen
- Yo-mine, play the console
- got carried away by swimming

The New Year is already very close. And what do you associate it with? Mandarins - they are always and on everyone's table. So let's play with tangerines.

We divide into teams and stand in a line. There are tangerines near the first participant, and he must take one, clamp it with his chin and pass it on to the second.

And the second takes the tangerine with his chin and passes it on. And so on until all the tangerines are transferred. You can't help with your hands, just your chin and that's it.

All guests listen carefully to the melody of a New Year's or just a winter song and try to remember the words.

The winner is the one who guesses and sings more songs.

You should look not only for the most popular, but also rarely performed compositions, then the competition will be tricky and interesting.

When the New Year's holiday is already in full swing, everyone should be given sheets of paper and pencils.

The task is to draw a portrait of any of the guests, while not voicing who it is.

Then all the guests are shown the drawings one by one and they try to guess who is painted on the canvas.

Victory goes to the most realistic portraits.

As you can see, meeting and spending the New Year at home can also be interesting and fun.

Use our tips and add your own ideas, then the holiday will be a success.

New Year's Eve in a warm family atmosphere is a good idea. Such a holiday will be remembered for its coziness, excellent mood and fascinating communication. To make the New Year's Eve exciting and bright, you can prepare scenarios, games and other entertainment.

How to organize a New Year at home with your family: 5 important tips

How to have fun celebrating the New Year with your family?

We offer exciting and funny games that will appeal to both children and adults.

Competition "New Year Card"

This is a wonderful and simple game for a cozy family holiday.

How to play?

  1. A few days before the holiday evening, invite each participant to make a greeting card with their own hands and write a New Year's wish on it. You cannot show crafts to each other. Prepare pencils, paper, and other materials at home. If anyone forgets about the postcard, they will make it during the holiday evening.
  2. When everyone is ready for the game, they collect the cards (it is desirable that the participants do not see each other's crafts), put them in a beautiful box and mix.
  3. Now each of the family members in turn comes to the box and pulls out a card with wishes for themselves by touch. Before picking up a gift, the wishes must be read aloud. Most likely, many of them will amuse the guests, it may happen that the baby will wish obedient grandchildren, and the mother - good grades at school. Also ask guests to guess the author of the postcard.
  4. At the end of the game, hold a secret or open vote, determine the author of the most beautiful and interesting postcard and award him with a symbolic prize.

Family Story Game

How interesting is it to spend the New Year with your family? Suggest this game. It will help you remember the most important and warmest moments of the year and bring the participants of the holiday closer together.

How to play?

Let everyone remember the warmest, brightest or most interesting story that happened in the past year and is associated with your family. You can tell the stories one at a time. It's a great way to take stock of the year, thank your family for the good they've done for you, and just smile again.

Competition "New Year Quartet"

If you are still undecided on how to celebrate the New Year at home with your family, this fun and noisy competition can be held. It is especially fun and interesting if many guests have gathered for the holiday.

Props: pots, pencils, sheets of paper, rattles and any other objects with which you can make sounds.

How to play?

Decorating the Christmas tree game

This competition will come to the aid of those who do not know how interesting it is to celebrate the New Year with a family with children, if the kids still want to have fun, and the adults are already tired and dream of peace. The game is suitable for any number of children. Even one kid will be happy to decorate the Christmas tree.

Props: a sheet of paper, pencils or felt-tip pens, sticker pictures, a blindfold.

How to play?

Game "What's in the bag of Santa Claus?"

The competition can be held spontaneously because no props are needed for it.

How to play?

Invite the participants to take turns listing the items that Santa Claus has. Each next player must name all the previous gifts in the correct order, and then add his own. The player behind him repeats the updated list and adds another word. For example, the first says: "Santa Claus has a bear," the second: "Santa Claus has a bear and a candle," and the third: "Santa Claus has a bear, a candle and a Christmas tree toy," etc.
If the items are named incorrectly, the participant loses. The winner is the one who holds out the longest. In order not to argue about the correctness of the list, you can select the leader. This person will not play, but will write down the sequence of words and check the participants' answers against it.

Competition "Fruit or candy Santa Claus"

To have a fun New Year's Eve at home, run creativity contests. Such tasks are popular with people of all ages.

Props. To play, prepare the same or similar sets of pieces of different fruits (it is important that they are of different colors and sizes). You can also use candy in multi-colored wrappers.

How to play?

Scenario of the New Year in the family circle

If your family is creative and cheerful, you can not only spend a holiday with contests, but also come up with a script for the New Year's Eve. Here are two interesting ideas.

"Magic Masquerade"

Before the holiday, gather your family and choose a fairy tale, which will be dedicated to the festive evening. Let it be a kind and well-known story, for example, based on the plot of "The Snow Queen", "Frost", the cartoon "12 Months".
Assign roles and have each guest prepare their own costume. But the holiday does not end there. Task for the whole evening or part of it: match the image of your character. You can also run a history-based riddle competition, play fairy tale scenes, and play the games we suggested above.

"Travel to another country"

Another interesting scenario for the New Year at home with children is a holiday in the style of another country. You can take a trip to warm Italy, snowy Finland, distant Japan or another corner of the planet.
Invite everyone to choose their roles and prepare their costumes. Don't forget the themed table and decorations.

Game "Stories and Legends"

To reduce organizational issues, let each guest prepare a thematic decor for the interior, as well as a fascinating story about the appearance and use of this thing. This task can be thought of as a competition. At the end, take a vote and present a symbolic prize to the one who prepared the most interesting subject and the story about it.

Funny riddles

Also prepare riddles and questions about the country. For example, on Japanese-style New Years, you might ask:

How many Santa Clauses are there in Japan? (There are two of them, the traditional Segatsu-san and the young Oji-san).
What color is Santa Claus's kimono? (Blue or light blue).
How long does it take for Segatsu-san to congratulate all the Japanese people? (A week).
Who gives gifts to children for the New Year? (Parents).
So that the quiz participants can answer the questions, advise the guests to prepare for the holiday and read about the traditions of the country.

Other games

Also on New Year's Eve in the Japanese style, you can hold a hokku competition, decide "Who better cook sushi?" or "Who will eat rice faster with chopsticks?" and come up with other themed entertainment. In the New Year's scenario, it is worth including the contests that we indicated above.

A theme evening is a great idea not only for a family holiday, but for those who don't know how to have fun celebrating the New Year at home with friends, a scenario in the style of another country is the solution for almost any holiday.

Have a nice holiday and magical events in the coming year!

The most family holiday in our country is getting closer and closer. And if so, then the time has come to prepare for it, and there is still a lot to do. From the to-do list, the following stand out: gifts for relatives, treats for the festive table and home decoration. What about entertainment? And we will take care of them. An interesting new scenario for the new year 2019 is perfect for a holiday with your family. Games, contests, lots of ideas - you will remember this New Year's Eve forever.

Let's say right away that this is not the scenario you imagine. There are no words of the leader, there is no order of actions. We just wrote our thoughts and ideas for games and contests that you could use for a homemade new year. If you like it, we are glad. If you don't like it, offer something of your own.

Idea 1

First you need to spend the outgoing year. Let's do it this way: each member of seven will write on a piece of paper the three best events that happened to him or his family in 2018. Then we open the champagne, pour it, and put the leaves in an empty bottle. The bottle must be closed with a cork and hidden with the whole family somewhere far away. But when to open it - decide for yourself. Maybe in a year, maybe in ten years.
You can also write down the desires that you want on the pieces of paper. To be fulfilled with you in the future. Then such a bottle should be opened in ten years and checked - is it fulfilled ?!

Idea 2

Well, everyone at the table and the TV is on in the room. And what goes along it? Exactly - Soviet New Year's comedies! This means that you can play a game on this topic.
Show your guests a video where freeze frames appear. The video shows a frame from the film, and the others have to guess what kind of New Year's film it is. Guess one point. And whoever gets the most points, all night long has the right to choose a TV channel and what to watch on TV!
And here is the video for the game:

Idea 3

Continuing the theme of New Year's films. In this competition, you also need to guess films about the new year, but this time without video. The leader, or whoever is for him, reads riddles, and the rest guess them. It's simple, but fun.
And here are the riddles:

Idea 4

Everyone is looking forward to the chimes and the beginning of the new 2019. Do you want to know what the coming year has in store for you? Then play a funny game for your guests - a comic horoscope for the year of the pig.
This can be done in the form of a scene or simply read all horoscopes about the signs of the zodiacs.

Idea 5

Everyone remembers the cartoon about three construction pigs? We choose three heroes who will be the builders of pigs.
And so, our heroes must build a high tower, and the higher and stronger it is, the more chances of victory. We will build from different materials: first from empty plastic glasses, then from apples, and then from grapes or corn. Let's see who makes the most reliable house.

Idea 6.

It's time to play forfeits. This is a fun game for the whole family. Its essence is simple: you write down tasks on separate pieces of paper, and then the guests take turns taking out their cards and doing what is written there.
Examples of tasks for playing forfeits:
- show the happy pig
- show the pig who saw how people make shish kebab
- you need to sing a New Year's song as if you were a rapper
- you need to eat salad with mayonnaise from a flat plate without using your hands
- you need to come up with an advertising slogan for your grandfather (grandmother)
- dip your nose in mayonnaise and write your nose: 2019
- quickly listed all significant holidays in Russia

There are many questions and you, knowing your relatives, can come up with others.

Idea 7

Who am I? Usually this question is asked to themselves on January 1st, but we are a little ahead of the curve. To play you will need these masks:

Although you can choose any. If there are no masks, then just leaflets with inscriptions. When the masks are on the guests, they take turns asking questions about themselves, that is, about their mask. And from the answers of others they try to guess what kind of mask they have.

Idea 8

Well, let's get back to the topic of New Year's films again. This time, the guests will not have to guess the name of the film, but what is hidden behind the gift. Everything seems to be easy, but remembering such little things is not very easy.
Watching the video for the game:

Idea 9

Everyone remembers the game from childhood - attach the tail. This time this game is very relevant. Prepare cardboard and draw a pig and a place under the tail on it. Make a ponytail and let the guests take turns blindfolded to try their hand. Whoever succeeds in finding the right place for the tail receives a piece of meat as a gift!

Idea 10

The chimes are already very close and it's time to sing. Let the guests perform New Year's and simply popular songs, but do not sing them, but grunt. And the rest have to guess what kind of song it is.

In order to appease the patron of the year, you need to celebrate New Year's Eve in a large company or with your family. It is necessary to spend time actively, so it is better to think in advance how you will celebrate the New Year at home with your family, and try to make everyone have fun and interesting.

  • "Unification of cultures"
  • "Hipsters"
  • "Visiting a fairy tale"

How to have fun celebrating New Year 2019 at home

Traditionally, the New Year is considered a family holiday, in which all family members take part, therefore, when developing a program for a celebration, you need to take into account that it is suitable for everyone. It should be interesting to participate in entertaining contests and games for both the young generation and beloved grandparents.

You can organize joint entertainment already in the process of preparing for the holiday. Joint production of original desserts, unusual decorations for the home or Christmas tree will rally the whole family around an exciting activity and create a festive atmosphere.

The feast will be solemn and joyful if you manage to create the appropriate mood. Even if the event takes place at home, you need to choose beautiful outfits for all family members. Special costumes or matching outfit elements will help transform the participants into fairytale characters.

In the absence of the necessary attributes, elegant evening dresses can easily replace the theme party. The musical accompaniment also plays an important role, rhythmic, funny songs will create a mood and give a positive charge.

A special role in the festive scenario should be assigned to contests and games, especially if you are spending a holiday with children in the country or at home. Among the many fun, choose those that will allow the assembled guests to show wit, a sense of humor and artistry.

Let's look at some examples of entertainment:

1. "Music Competition". In order for the competition to be fun, you need to choose the appropriate props. Any object that can make sounds will work, such as a piece of paper, a baby rattle, a saucepan, and a spoon. The participants are divided into teams, each of which must perform a New Year's song using the proposed “instruments”. The most artistic and creative performers will be the winners.
2. "Christmas tree". This unusual game will captivate children and adults, and will give a whole storm of positive emotions. The essence of the entertainment is simple: you need to draw a Christmas tree and decorate it beautifully, but you need to do this with your eyes closed. At the beginning of the game, the participants are divided into teams. Representatives of each team go to a large sheet of paper, they are blindfolded and given the appropriate props. The task of the "artists" is to listen to the hints of their team: how to draw a line, place the decoration and complete the drawing. The most beautiful Christmas tree wins.
3. "Gift bag". You can start funny entertainment while sitting at the festive table, for this there is a simple and interesting game. The first participant says any object that may be in Santa Claus's bag, the second participant repeats the named object and adds his own. The game continues in a circle and the one who has forgotten at least one item is eliminated. The most attentive player wins.

For any fun and competition, it is necessary to prepare prizes and consolation gifts in advance. You can also celebrate the New Year in an unusual and interesting way as part of a thematic evening dedicated to your favorite fairy tales, foreign countries or folk traditions.

How to celebrate the New Year with friends in an original way

For a large company, a thematic evening is best suited, during which the event is prepared in the same style and each participant of the evening is sure to be involved. The appropriate menu, games and musical accompaniment are selected for the chosen theme, and we will consider the most inventive ideas for spending the evening further.

"Unification of cultures"

Traditions, customs and customs of other countries are always interesting, and if they are told in a festive atmosphere by the banquet participants it will be doubly interesting. Each participant of the event chooses the country he likes and tries to reincarnate into its inhabitant. He must choose the appropriate outfit, master the habits and characteristics of the representatives of the chosen nationality and learn a few foreign phrases.

During the feast, each guest is given the opportunity to tell or demonstrate interesting customs and mores of the chosen state. The rest of the participants can ask questions and discuss what they have heard. Joint games should also reflect the theme of the event, so the most relevant games will be those popular in different countries. Each “foreigner” also chooses a song corresponding to the culture of the country of which he is a representative and performs a national dance.

Advice! Let each guest prepare a national dish of the chosen country and bring it with them. The festive table will be decorated with masterpieces of foreign cuisine, and everyone will have the opportunity to taste unusual delicacies.


A riot of colors and endless dances will be the hallmarks of the event in this format. Bright, creative costumes that can be assembled from several elements, sewn on your own or purchased in a store, as well as matching hairstyles and makeup will help you celebrate the New Year at home with friends in a fun and unusual way. The snacks are best served as a buffet or buffet. Colorful canapes, light sandwiches and pies with a variety of fillings are ideal for a dance evening.

Incendiary hits, corresponding to the idea of ​​the event, will finally take you to the past era and will allow you to feel the spirit of youth, mischief and style. Dancing will take a lot of space, so be sure to free up some space and get ready for the most fun and unforgettable New Year's Eve.

"Visiting a fairy tale"

Another idea of ​​how fun and interesting to celebrate the New Year at home will take you to the magical world of your favorite fairy tales. At the New Year's feast, your favorite heroes will come to life: sorcerers, princesses, brave princes, invincible warriors and forest evil.

It is best to choose one narrative and invite guests to parse the respective roles. The entire scenario of the event should be composed with the participation of fairy-tale characters, and the games can be closely intertwined with the storyline of the fairy tale.

To create a unique fabulous atmosphere, you need to work on the interior in advance. Candles in candlesticks, mirrors, antique furniture, beautiful tablecloths will certainly appeal to princes and princesses who have come to the holiday. Beautiful music and exquisite dishes will come in handy, and the main masquerade competition will determine the owner of the most unusual costume.

Ideas on how to celebrate the New Year 2019 with children and family

It is quite simple to please the little fidgets during the holiday, but the task of adults is to make the holiday unforgettable. In order to organize a fun family holiday at home with children, follow some rules:

Be sure to include creative contests in the entertainment program, this can be the choice of the best drawing, vocal or dance numbers;
prepare as many sweets and gifts as possible, participation in competitions and victories must be encouraged;
choose some interesting outdoor games, children will not be able to sit at the festive table for a long time;
involve everyone present in the fun and entertainment, the kids should not feel cut off from the common holiday.

You can draw up a program of events with the participation of fairy-tale characters or heroes of your favorite cartoons. In order to celebrate the New Year with children in a fun and interesting way, combine various games, contests and challenges into one scenario of a New Year's quest.

Draw a map indicating the location of New Year's gifts, and go along with the young heroes all the stations on the way to the treasured treasure. Competitions and tasks will await participants at each station: tell a poem, sing a New Year's song, guess a riddle. Challenges may also include drawing, dancing, and acting.

Note! When organizing events for children, stock up on the required amount of props in advance. Lack of creative materials, toys, or sweet prizes can lead to unpleasant conflicts.

We meet together: romantic New Year

The New Year's feast is more often associated with noisy companies, but you can spend this magical night with your loved one at home in an exciting and unforgettable way. The secret to creating a romantic atmosphere is simple: you need attention to detail. The soft light of garlands in the room, delicious dishes on the table, candles, joint photos, reminiscent of the best moments of the outgoing year, will immediately set you in the right mood. It is better to choose your favorite films and music in advance, also think over holiday outfits.

A cozy home atmosphere, a festive table and a favorite movie are indispensable attributes of the traditional holiday of lovers. However, you can show imagination and move your other half into a world far from everyday routine. Here are some ideas:

1. "Eastern tale". Try to be transported to the unique world of the East on New Year's Eve. Use the materials at hand to build a tent filled with pillows and incense. Prepare a fruity hookah and oriental sweets, select the appropriate music. The culmination of the theme evening should be an oriental dance performed according to all the rules.
2. "Country House". Imagine yourself as the happy owners of a cottage located in a picturesque corner. Spread the faux hide on the floor, light the candles, and take out the long, cozy sweaters. Quiet conversation, mulled wine and pleasant music will help you relax and remember the best moments of the past year.
3. "Spa". The bathroom is perfect for creating a romantic getaway in this style. You will need brightly colored candles, rose petals, and scented foam. Stock up on massage oils and bathrobes, prepare light seafood snacks and alcoholic cocktails.

When planning a romantic holiday, it is better to consult with your soul mate in advance and choose the option that suits both of you. Small surprises prepared by the lovers will help to make the evening more interesting. These can be unexpected gifts, exciting stories, creative acts, or a spontaneous photo session. Give each other emotions that will be remembered for the whole year.

Holidays allow us to escape from the usual everyday life and daily worries, to relax and have fun. Children are looking forward to the start of the holiday and even adults every year with bated breath believe in a New Year's fairy tale. Please your family and friends, and think in advance how fun and unusual to celebrate the New Year 2019.

The modern entertainment industry provides many opportunities for an unusual celebration. In special stores you can buy home decorations, New Year's costumes, ready-made games for a fun company and even holiday scenarios.

The main thing is to choose the main idea and theme of the holiday, and make all the preparations in advance. Guests will be happy to support the unusual format of New Year's Eve, because in the depths of their souls, every adult remains a child.