Slavic amulet doll mountain ash. Slavic amulet dolls and their meaning. Types of herbs and their action

There is a lot of beauty in the autumn time - Indian summer, the riot of colors of the autumn forest and the abundance of the harvest of the fields. There are many dolls that are associated with this period of the year, for example, the doll of the first grain harvest, a charm for prosperity and satiety in the family. Doll, a participant in the game rituals of the upcoming new year.
Is there a doll Pock, guardian of family and motherhood.
This beautiful doll is all made up of symbols. Its base is a cross made of rowan twigs. Rowan, a very strong tree, revered by our ancestors. Rowan celebrates three name days a year - the first, when it blooms, the second - when the berries turn red, the third - when the first frost touches these berries and they become soft. This doll is made for the second name day. Rowan fruits always cause joyful feelings in people. Many weather signs are associated with the fruits of mountain ash. For example, if the rowan harvest is large, then wait for a cold snowy winter. And if the mountain ash was born poorly, then the winter will be warm. Rowan beads were considered by our ancestors as a talisman against evil spirits.
Rowan holds, protects two babies who have already been born.

But in the space of this doll, we also see kuvadkas - these are symbols of nascent lives in the family. And on the palms Rowan holds two birds are symbols of the souls of future children. That's how strong it is: it protects everyone, protects everyone in the family.

Rowan - amulet doll, it seemed to me very elegant, beautiful and very strong. But also very "working", requiring a lot of time to manufacture. It will be difficult for beginner needlewomen to do it at a time. And in the informational sense, the doll is very filled with many symbols and elements. But on the other hand, the result is worthy - an elegant and bright Ryabinka will decorate and protect the house and its household.
You can learn about all the secrets of making this doll at, from the master of a traditional rag doll in Omsk.

Svetlana Bolshakova

Traditional amulet Ryabinka doll- one of the strongest female dolls. A symbol of female wisdom, motherhood and hearth. The strongest amulet of family happiness. From ancient times in Rus', a branch of this flexible tree was a symbol of Perun's club, Rowan is the berry of Perun god of thunder. Tree of protection, spirit and wisdom. Romulus' dart is believed to have been made from rowan tree. Rowan is one of the 12 sacred trees of Scandinavia.

I offer you MK for manufacturing Ryabinka dolls. Ryabinka did growth and elbow. Rostovaya was made on a holiday, women's clothes were put on it, round dances were danced around it, and after the holiday they were taken apart. And the ulnar one was made as a talisman, kept for a year in the red corner, after which it became play, it was given to the girls to play. I have two Ryabinki, one of the fabric, the second on the cross. Here is one Pock

And the second, with which you are already familiar

We take a flap of dense fabric for twisting the column 32x75, be sure to put it inside rowan stick 10-15 cm. We twist the flap in half in length

We make twists for the legs, taking patches 20x26, 2 pcs. From the bottom of a tightly twisted roll of 2 cm, we bend and tightly tie it, we get a foot. We do not break the thread, we wrap the whole leg

We put both legs to the body and tightly tie

Put a little padding polyester in the upper part of the twist so that the head is round, tie around the neck and make a protective cross out of red threads

We sew a flap for a shirt 20x30 cm, we sew it, we can sew lace on the bottom, we sew sleeves from patches 20x11 cm, we make palms from white squares 8x8, bending them 2 times diagonally and in half. palms:

We insert the palms, tie them tightly and turn the sleeves inside out

Put a little synthetic winterizer into the sewn sleeves, creating volume.

We tie our hands above the protective cross

We put on the skirt inside out, tie at first loosely to adjust the length of the arms and shirt, and then tightly

We put an elastic band for hair on a twist at chest level, place a little synthetic winterizer under it to indicate the chest

Turning the shirt inside out

We put on and tightly tie a skirt, flap 17x48

For bast shoes, I cut off fingertips from gloves

I made an incision on top and sewed up the heels, tied them to the legs with a lace

Doing doll beads, an apron, a belt made of braid, kuvatok children, we put on a warrior, a scarf - Rowan is ready

Related publications:

I offer you a master class on making a rag doll-bell. The doll is very easy to make. This Russian folk doll.

I present a master class on making a Shrovetide symbol doll. It can be both a talisman and a miniature scarecrow of winter, which.

I bring to your attention a master class on how to make a doll very easily and quickly. To do this, you will need: - a plastic bottle of 1.5 liters.

Here comes the carnival. Shrovetide - red beauty, light brown braid. I propose to make a Shrovetide doll with my own hands with me. It's easy.

The history of Shrovetide dates back to the era of pagan tribes in Rus'. Among the ancient Slavs, this holiday marked the farewell to winter, the meeting of spring.

Maslenitsa dear, annual guest! Dear Colleagues! Our children grow up, become curious, they care about everything. Tell me.

"Puppet Ryabinka". Master Class

Traditional amulet Ryabinka doll- one of the most powerful female dolls. A symbol of female wisdom, motherhood and hearth. The strongest amulet of family happiness. From ancient times in Rus', a branch of this flexible tree was a symbol of Perun's club, Rowan is the berry of Perun god of thunder. Tree of protection, spirit and wisdom. Romulus' dart is believed to have been made from rowan tree. Rowan is one of the 12 sacred trees of Scandinavia.

I offer you MK for manufacturing Ryabinka dolls. Ryabinka did growth and elbow. Rostovaya was made on a holiday, women's clothes were put on it, round dances were danced around it, and after the holiday they were taken apart. And the ulnar one was made as a talisman, kept for a year in the red corner, after which it became play, it was given to the girls to play. I have two Ryabinki, one of the fabric, the second on the cross. Here is one Pock

And the second, with which you are already familiar

We take a flap of dense fabric for twisting the column 32x75, be sure to put it inside rowan stick 10-15 cm. We twist the flap in half in length

We make twists for the legs, taking patches 20x26, 2 pcs. From the bottom of a tightly twisted roll of 2 cm, we bend and tightly tie it, we get a foot. We do not break the thread, we wrap the whole leg

We put both legs to the body and tightly tie

Put a little padding polyester in the upper part of the twist so that the head is round, tie around the neck and make a protective cross out of red threads

We sew a flap for a shirt 20x30 cm, we sew it, we can sew lace on the bottom, we sew sleeves from patches 20x11 cm, we make palms from white squares 8x8, bending them 2 times diagonally and in half. palms:

We insert the palms, tie them tightly and turn the sleeves inside out

Put a little synthetic winterizer into the sewn sleeves, creating volume.

We tie our hands above the protective cross

We put on the skirt inside out, tie at first loosely to adjust the length of the arms and shirt, and then tightly

We put an elastic band for hair on a twist at chest level, place a little synthetic winterizer under it to indicate the chest

We put on and tightly tie a skirt, flap 17x48

For bast shoes, I cut off fingertips from gloves

I made an incision on top and sewed up the heels, tied them to the legs with a lace

Doing doll beads, an apron, a belt made of braid, kuvatok children, we put on a warrior, a scarf - Rowan is ready

"Doll-bell" - master class I offer you a master class on making a rag doll-bell. The doll is very easy to make. This Russian folk doll.

Master class "Shrovetide Doll" I present a master class on making a doll symbol of Shrovetide. It can be both a talisman and a miniature scarecrow of winter, which.

Master class "Maslenitsa Doll" I bring to your attention a master class on how to make a doll very easily and quickly. To do this, you will need: - a plastic bottle of 1.5 liters.

Master class "Maslenitsa Doll" So the Maslenitsa has come. Maslenitsa - red beauty, light brown braid. I propose to make a Shrovetide doll with my own hands with me. It's easy.

Master class: "Maslenitsa Doll". The history of Shrovetide dates back to the era of pagan tribes in Rus'. Among the ancient Slavs, this holiday marked the farewell to winter, the meeting of spring.

Master class "Maslenitsa Doll" Maslenitsa dear, annual guest! Dear Colleagues! Our children grow up, become curious, they care about everything. Tell me.

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Master class on making a traditional Russian doll "Ryabinka"

"It's good for him who is in his own house." "Houses and walls help." "All roads lead to home." These are all old Slavic sayings about the house. They show the reverent attitude of people to housing. The hut was protected in every possible way from evil spirits and evil people. One whispered word - and the harmony in the family is destroyed. Along with protective signs that were applied to windows, doors and utensils, protective dolls were used. One of them will be discussed in the article. The editors of the Pro Amulets website prepared two master classes on making a traditional rowan doll.

Such a charm is common throughout the territory where the Slavs lived. It is absent only in places where mountain ash does not grow. This is due to the protective value of the tree.

The cross is a symbol of life, heaven, eternity, a model of the world tree. The rays of the cross, directed in all directions, protect against evil, no matter where it comes from.

Required material:

  1. Fabric of different colors;
  2. Two rowan branches;
  3. Threads;
  4. Stuffing;
  5. Decoration.

Getting Started:

The doll is ready. It took about 30 minutes to work.

If desired, you can decorate it with beads. Let's not invent extra meaning for beads, color and pendants, since the main power of the amulet is inside. Even a simple product, made according to the rules, will protect the house from bad people, the evil eye, witchcraft, envy and damage.

It happens that the product is untied, breaks for no apparent reason. So she took it upon herself to be evil. Thank her for her work and burn her. Replace it with another one. Charms with a flaw are not stored in the house. The rowan doll is one of the simplest and most enjoyable to make.

Charm dolls are considered to be the property of the past. But in fact, these special handmade amulets can serve us today. During pagan times, they were an obligatory attribute of every Slavic house. Dolls were made for holidays, important events and other special reasons.

Slavic dolls, or as they were called,lyalki, protected, helped to harvest, heal from diseases, strengthen the family. Many traditions associated with the manufacture of these amulets and their use have survived to this day. Armed with this knowledge, you can apply it to your own life and change it for the better.

Slavic dolls amulets appeared a very long time ago. Our forefathers believed that the World consisted not only of human lands, but also of habitats for light and dark gods. They worshiped the light gods, asked them for protection or fulfillment of desires, fearing the dark ones. They were afraid not only of Chernobog, but also of his minions: strong demons, weaker spirits, people serving him - witches, sorcerers.

Offering prayers and bringing gifts to pagan deities, the Slavs additionally made various protective objects. That is how the first doll appeared.

The folk doll amulet served different purposes - it brought prosperity to the house, attracted love, helped to conceive a child or protect loved ones from evil forces.

The history of the doll-amulet in Rus' began with the simplest materials at hand - tree branches or vines. Gradually, fabric began to be added to them, and over time, some of the pupae were made only from matter. In pagan times, many were engaged in the study of herbs. With their help, the Slavs treated, expelling diseases and evil spirits, prolonging youth. Therefore, often such amulets were stuffed with dried herbs, which enhanced its magical properties.

Experienced women who had seen a lot in their lifetime worked on them. Most often, these were great-grandmothers, but sometimes the mothers of the family were engaged in the manufacture of amulets. Interfering with them was strictly forbidden. The needlewoman had to fully concentrate on the process. It was necessary to make a chrysalis at a time, without stretching this matter into several stages.

Such amulets were treated with great respect and were passed down from mother to daughter.

Types of dolls in Rus'

Some still perceive dolls as ordinary toys, thinking that they will fit only to entertain the child. Others treat them with great reverence, believing that toys help prepare a child for interaction with society. And only a minority knows that earlier lyalki acted as magical objects.

All Slavic dolls were divided into three types:

  • gaming;
  • ritual;
  • protective.

Each of these types had its own task and rules of use.

play baby dolls

The Slavs made children's play dolls in the form of people, animals and even birds from wood.

Children's are considered the easiest to manufacture. Deprived of any magical background, they were designed to entertain and bring joy. A variety of materials were chosen, but most often it was wood. They made these toys in the form of people, animals and even birds.

Ritual dolls in Rus'

A scarecrow for Maslenitsa is a vivid example of a ritual doll among the Slavs.

This subspecies was made exclusively for a specific event. Not only for such important holidays as Shrovetide or Ivan Kupala, but also for family celebrations. For example, childbirth. This is a painful and dangerous process that robs the mother of strength. Unable to protect the child at such an important moment, a woman can shift this task to Kuvadki. For the wedding celebration, the newlyweds also received ceremonial dolls, called Lovebirds, as a gift. Such a charm strengthened love and helped to maintain family happiness. Dolls for the holidays were usually decorated with special magical symbols - most often.

A protective doll or a protective one can be of several types - individual or family. The first was made for a specific family member. Usually for a woman, because it is she who is responsible for the continuation of the family and therefore must be healthy. The second was made for the whole family. With its help, they defended themselves from the envy of neighbors, homeowners and dark forces.

What are Slavic dolls made of?

Slavic dolls were made from natural foundations. It could not be otherwise, because then there were no such artificial materials as there are now. But even if they were, it would never occur to anyone to use them to create talismans.

The Slavs respected and loved nature, and therefore believed that the natural base would be the best choice for a talisman. She will give him her power. For wearable decorations that protect against all sorts of troubles, a tree was chosen. But protective dolls were not made from it - only children's toys.

The Slavs preferred natural materials in the manufacture of amulets.

The Russian doll-amulet was made by craftswomen in sewing, knitting or embroidery. Therefore, needlework accessories were most often used for it: threads, ribbons, laces, beads, buttons. Sometimes a vine or tree branches.

In some cases, a special filler was added - ash, cereals or herbs. They selected it in accordance with the goal that they wanted to achieve. The grains were hidden in a chrysalis when they wanted to lure wealth - so that there was always food on the table. Ash - to ward off evil spirits, and herbs to purify energy or prevent diseases.

Having decided to make a talisman with your own hands, do not rush into it. Think carefully about the purpose for which you need it, and then study the rules for its manufacture. This is a serious task that requires a careful approach.

The most famous amulet dolls

The amulet doll was an important element of Slavic culture. They were placed in prominent places in the house, put in a baby's cradle, and sometimes carried with them. Having learned about what Slavic amulets are and what their meaning is, you can make one for yourself and your family, continuing the traditions of your ancestors.


An ash doll helps protect the house from evil spirits, attracts prosperity to it. The name of the amulet comes from the word "ash", because it was it that was used as a filler. A handful of ash from the oven was placed in a piece of cloth, from which a ball was then made - this was the head.

A distinctive feature of Zolnaya is the complete absence of hair on her head. They did not make her a headdress either. And they passed it on to the next generations instead of burning it.

The herbal capsule helped clean the air in the house. They put it in places where energy stagnation was felt. If someone did not sleep well, then they left him for the night near this person. The amulet spread a pleasant herbal aroma that helps to normalize sleep.

They also used the Herbalist to ward off diseases - they hung it on the cradle of a child. Unlike Zolnaya, she was filled with special contents not in her head, but in her torso.

Children are more vulnerable to evil than adults. To protect their descendants from darkness, the Slavs made Pelenashki dolls for children. Such amulets were placed directly in the cradle. They averted diseases and troubles from the kids, taking them for themselves.

The Lovebirds doll was not made independently. But they could be received as a wedding gift. It was given by close relatives - it could be mothers or grandmothers from any of the newlyweds.

Lovebirds are easy to recognize by one conspicuous sign - the hands with which they hold each other are woven into one, which symbolizes a strong union. The amulet was made from different materials - straw, fabric or thread.

The meaning invested in the doll of the Desire can be easily guessed by its name. But do not rush to write out a dozen wishes on a piece of paper. She can only fulfill one request. Therefore, it is better to focus on the most important.

In order for the Desire to understand what is required of her, after her creation, talk to her. Tell us in detail what you want to receive. You need to do this in front of a mirror. When the dream turns into reality, burn the amulet, and before destroying, thank you for the good work.


The purifier was used to heal from physical illnesses and ailments inspired by evil spirits. She never acted as a talisman for the family - she was made especially for a sick person. He or his close relative had to mentally transfer all the bad things to the object during the creation of the doll.

Upon completion of work on it, they spoke a conspiracy: “Let everything dashing leave me for you, take away the evil, the alien”. Then it remained only to burn it away from home, and the disease soon receded.

According to tradition, the Ten Hands were given to young women who got married. She has ten hands for a reason. It was believed that such a charm would help the young hostess to keep up with everything: look after the children, cook, eat, clean.

Ten handles were made only from straw. The head of the doll was decorated with a scarf, and the body was decorated with an elegant apron. One of the main colors was red, symbolizing vitality and prosperity.

Day Night, like Lovebirds, is hard to confuse with others. This is a double sided guard. You can make it in several ways: take two separate figures and fasten them back to back. Or make one figure with two front sides.

One side symbolizes the day and the other the night. The main task of such a talisman is to keep track of the usual order of things. Day Night watches the change of day and night, looks for the night to be as calm and favorable for the inhabitants of the house as day. In the daytime, the daytime appearance was turned to face the residents, and in the dark, the nighttime one.


The fat woman will become a good amulet for every woman who dreams of creating a full-fledged family. The image of Fatty is a growing girl. Used it to help get pregnant. The Slavs believed that the doll's long braid helped to attract the child's soul.

If, after a year of married life, a woman could not conceive an heir, relatives made such a charm for her. Only relatives in the female line could do it - mother, grandmother or great-grandmother, but not a sister.

The Slavs made amulets not only with the expectation of protecting the house, but also tried to protect relatives outside it. So they made amulets for travelers.

The plantain protected the person on the way. This was provided by a special ritual associated with a small bag of Plantain. They put a handful of earth from their native lands into it - it was believed that this gives a person strength. In addition to it, grains or bread crumbs were added to the bag - thanks to this, the traveler never went hungry.

The Slavs believed that spring did not come by itself - it was brought on the wings of a bird. In order to summon the blooming time as soon as possible, they made a special ritual doll - the Bird of Joy. She was covered from head to bottom with birds, symbolizing spring, good luck and happiness.

You need to make an odd number of birds, and one of them must be fastened to the chrysalis on the head. They also tried to make a headdress, a scarf, in the form of a bird - with wings on the sides and a beak on top.

Veduchka, or leading to life

Veduchka was made by women who knew the joy of motherhood. One of the most important women's tasks was considered the continuation of the Family. The woman had to not only feed the child, feeding him with her juices, but also educate him.

Veduchka helped in this difficult task, supporting the mother and providing contact with the child. Outwardly, the amulet stood out among the rest - there was not one figurine, but two. Mother with a child. The hands of the woman and the baby are united, which meant a strong spiritual connection between them.

Krupenichka, also called Zernushka, helped feed the family. Not only figuratively, but also literally. They did it after harvesting, filling the hidden inner bag with grain. When the family had nothing to eat, the women took grain out of it and let it in for lunch. They did this not only during the period of famine, but regularly, replacing old grain with new.

Krupenichka was considered the main one in the pair, but the Rich Man accompanying her is also important. He helped financially. In fact, this paired amulet is the image of a happy Slavic family - a skilled hostess and family breadwinner.

Baba Yaga

Many associate Baba Yaga with an evil character, but in fact this is not entirely true. Even in folk tales that have come down to us, the old sorceress sometimes acts as an assistant, helping the heroes out of all sorts of troubles.

Baba Yaga is not only a good adviser - she can become the keeper of the hearth. It was hung on the front door or on the windows of the house. So she swept away from the house with her whisk all the muck - visible and invisible.


Rowan was one of the most revered trees among the Slavs. This influenced the emergence of such a talisman as the Ryabinka doll. Made it in the fall. The basis for Ryabinka was a cross made of real mountain ash - this made the amulet more powerful.

Such a talisman protected from evil, protected family happiness and maintained an atmosphere of love in the house.

The benefactor was given to friends and relatives in order to attract wealth and prosperity to their home. Prosperity in this case is understood as wealth. But they wanted not so much money as what they could buy with it - food that filled the entire table, clothes for each family member, useful household items.

The successful woman was a motanka with a mandatory attribute - a bag. This item symbolized success in business. What kind of business should be successful - the owner of the lyalka himself decided.

To become successful, directly tell the amulet what you want to receive. For example, ask him about marriage or money. If you need financial support, put a bill in your purse.

The bell brought good news. She not only warned of good news, but also attracted them. The owner of such a talisman was more often in a good mood, had more fun and received many joyful events from life. The bell is characterized by clothes of three skirts resembling a herringbone.

Spiridon Solstice belongs to a number of ritual dolls. They made it for the holidays. Such a charm was made with a specific purpose - to bring changes into life. But not any, but those that I would like to receive.

The wheel in the hands of Spiridon symbolized life. The Slavs believed that, thanks to him, you can turn life in the right, right, direction. Such an amulet will be equally useful to any gender and will bring happiness in any of the selected areas.

Rules for making amulet dolls

Amulet dolls cannot be made like ordinary toys. This is a much more serious matter, requiring not only taking into account the well-being of the craftswoman, but also the selection of materials, tools, and the method of manufacture.

A protective doll should be done with positive thoughts and in a good mood.

Needlewomen who decide to try on the amulet with their own hands must adhere to the following rules:

  • Work on the amulet only when you are in a good mood and well-being. Even a simple headache, not to mention chronic diseases, is considered a good reason to put off work.
  • During such sacred needlework, you need to think positively. Positive thoughts and emotions will help the amulet gain strength and quickly begin to complete its task.
  • Keep an eye on the lunar cycle as you get down to business. Talismans should be made for the growing moon.
  • You may have noticed that all motankas do not have a face. This is connected, of course, not with laziness, but with superstitions. Our ancestors believed that dolls with the features of the owner could become a refuge for evil spirits. To protect themselves from her, they did not make their faces, leaving them empty. This was done not only with protective and ritual dolls, but also with toys.
  • Do not use sharp objects when making rag dolls. The current needlewomen will find it incredible to refuse needles and scissors, but these are the rules. Their non-compliance will turn the amulet into an ordinary item, devoid of magical power.
  • Now natural fabrics are rarely used because of their impracticality. But the presence of synthetic materials in talismans is unacceptable.

The amulet doll, made in accordance with all Old Slavonic beliefs, will become a full-fledged protector and fill your life with all the blessings.

How to part with a doll amulet

Protective dolls cannot be made with bad thoughts, stored anywhere and thrown away like ordinary garbage.

A protective doll is something more than an ordinary children's toy. Such a doll requires a reverent attitude in all respects. It cannot be made with bad thoughts, stored anywhere and thrown away like ordinary garbage.

Our ancestors passed homemade talismans from generation to generation, practically not throwing them away. However, in some cases it had to be done. Moreover, sometimes the destruction of the amulet was a mandatory action.

In what situations you need to get rid of the amulet:

  1. He's worn out. This applies more to fabric amulets than to straw ones. A frayed fabric or a thread that has come out of it is not considered a serious obstacle to use. But when the amulet literally disintegrates before our eyes, so that it cannot be repaired, it is better to part with it.
  2. Stopped working. Dolls made to avert trouble from a person or his family become unusable faster than others. Outwardly, they may look like new, but suddenly stop working. This happens when the amulet takes on a powerful blow of negative energy inflicted by an evil sorcerer. In this case, you should put it in salt to clean it. Or try to perform a ritual of purification by fire, but this must be done very carefully so that a fire does not start. If the purification did not help, there is only one way out - to bury in the ground or burn it.
  3. Among the folk dolls, there were also those that demanded mandatory destruction after they completed their mission. For example, Desire. When she embodied the innermost dream of a person in life, she was burned.

Knowing about these Slavic customs, you can easily navigate how to say goodbye to amulets.

But here it is important not to forget about some features:

  • Before burning or burying, say goodbye to the chrysalis. It can be a conversation we are used to or a mental conversation. Say thank you for all the good things she brought you.
  • Pay attention to your emotions when breaking up. If the doll does not want to let go, most likely, its time has not yet come. Clear the amulet of negativity and continue to use. With an amulet that has fulfilled its mission, they say goodbye with a light heart, without regret.
  • Dolls that help attract wealth, prosperity or love do not have to be completely destroyed. Can be dissolved by using materials for other purposes. With defenders from diseases, witchcraft and misfortune, this cannot be done. They are burned as far away from home as possible.

Parting with beloved amulets that brought happiness is sad and painful. But it is necessary to do so. Do not store damaged or stopped working amulets as a keepsake, because in this way you will contribute to the delay of negativity around you.