Your character is based on a pet: brave people love dogs, smart ones love cats. Fifteen reasons to love cats

Why do some people dislike cats?

    In my inexperienced eye, dogs are much smarter than cats, well, I also like big dogs, and cats are big, if only tigers.

    Therefore, I prefer dogs - I keep 3 Leonberger dogs (each weighing 60 kg), but I also keep 2 cats - because of their usefulness, dogs unfortunately do not protect against mice.

    Perhaps an allergy or some unpleasant memories, and perhaps even from childhood, maybe a cat once scratched or bitten, or scared, or maybe they don’t like the smell of a cat, or memories of a kitten that shit in a shoe ...

    some people don't like cats because they have bad memories of being around cats. Perhaps they were scared by a cat as a child. It is possible that

    these people have an allergic reaction to cats. Perhaps some do not like the fact that the cat leaves a lot of fluffy hair that constantly fly around the house. Perhaps some people are afraid that street cats can be flea-ridden, and people are afraid of fleas and getting fleas from a cat.

    Firstly, many people are allergic to cats. But the main reason, in my opinion, is the wayward nature of cats. Unlike dogs, which are very devoted to their owner, cats value only themselves and their freedom, and people, as the most selfish creatures on the planet, want to be loved.

    Maybe because it's mutual. And precisely because cats do not like a particular person, he also does not have warm feelings for them. Will explain. The fact is that cats are unique animals, they feel the energy of people well and are able to isolate carriers of negative energy. If a person is unkind and he has an overabundance of such energy, cats literally shy away from him: hiss, break out when trying to stroke, they will never go into their arms.

    However, people can have many reasons not to like cats, and the most common is the adoration of dogs. An undeniable conclusion is drawn that dogs are smart and loyal friends, guards, and cats are stupid, brainless and absolutely useless creatures.

    How wrong are these people?

    Maybe they're just allergic to cat hair.

    They do not like the independence, proud and detached behavior of cats.

    People love dogs more for their loyalty, but cats, they believe, are of no use.

    People do not like cats for their howling and meowing at night.

    People think cats are stupid.

    We had a cat and to be honest, I have nothing against cats, but there are moments for which you can really not like them.

    1) They tear apart wallpaper and upholstered furniture when they sharpen their claws;

    2) There are times when they prefer another place instead of a tray;

    3) The smell in the apartment, especially when the cat lives.

    Some people may not like cats just because they are allergic to fur, for example, I know a person who is allergic to cat hair, he even gets skin rashes, other allergy symptoms appear, although he loves animals .

    Each person has their own preferences and the choice of the animal that you like is also included in this number.

    Corades wrote that many people consider cats not very smart animals, that they are attached not to a person, but to a house. So let me disagree. majesty.

    Many people say that a cat can do mischief, spoil things in the wrong place, spoil things. You might think a dog cannot do this. getting up early in the morning in any weather, and walking in the rain with a dog - people who love dogs for some reason do not remember about this.

    So having a cat and a dog at home is equally difficult.

    There is such a psychological test, very tricky, I always check people I don’t know very well with it in order to understand what kind of FRUIT is in front of me. The test is very simple, simple words are called to a person and he must tell the first thing that comes to mind. His answers are recorded, and then ... based on them, I tell everything about the person! The fact is that there are words, symbols, and their meaning is closely intertwined with global things. For example, telling your attitude towards a dog and a horse (this is male energy), your friend or girlfriend will give you his attitude towards men in general. The sea is life. The field is material. The sky is a mood. Any small animals are children. Bonfire - hearth. etc. So the cat is the female energy - the woman. People who do not like cats can be called misogynists, albeit on a subconscious level. Knowing that a man does not like cats, I immediately draw conclusions. Once I guessed the test for my future boyfriend - at the word cat, he immediately exclaimed: Fu from her a lot of wool, I hate wool! The test was 100% confirmed - in life he really hated female hair...

    You won’t believe it, just an hour ago I lay and thought to ask a similar question: Why do some people generally dislike pets (both cats and dogs) or at least treat them absolutely indifferently?

    And my opinion is this: most often people do not like pets, because they did not have them in childhood, they are not used to taking care of someone and do not understand why this is necessary. I have a husband like that. She and her sister did not have favorite pets and they do not understand at all how they can be kept at home. His sister still, in principle, treats other people's cats well, but how can you get it at home, from them there is dirt, wool, poop and you still need to feed them. And the fact that they give joy and become like family members, they don’t even understand what I’m talking about

“A cat is an animal that walks by itself”, “cats love everyone who feeds them” - these phrases are very often heard in conversations about representatives of the cat family, because until now many people are sure that cats, unlike dogs, do not able to love their owners. But those who have these fluffy purring animals at home unequivocally refute the allegations that cats have no attachment to people, as they have seen from their own experience that their pets are quite capable of love, but they do not feel it for everyone.

And they are happy to get acquainted and play with all the guests and friends of their owner, but cats are more picky. When meeting a new person, an adult cat or cat can hiss, do not let himself be stroked and even scratch an overly annoying animal lover, and the cat, as a rule, treats the owner’s family members differently - he constantly caresses someone, and someone it barely endures. Let's try to figure out what kind of people cats love and how the owner can earn the sympathy of a purring pet if he initially disliked him.

What kind of people do cats like?

The answer to the question of what kind of people cats love lies in the psychology of these animals, namely, in the features of their lifestyle and preferences. Cats are very fond of comfort and warmth, they can bask in the sun for hours and sleep up to 20 hours a day, and also devote a lot of time to taking care of themselves - they lick their fur and paws, “wash themselves”, etc. Most of the time, cats behave independently , slowly and measuredly, and only sometimes they want to run, jump, sharpen their claws and chase each other or live or toy mice. That's why like representatives of the family of cat people, in habits reminiscent of themselves. And vice versa, with distrust and alertness, cats treat those people who are very different in behavior from purrs - they fuss, make a lot of sudden movements, are in constant tension, etc.

Zoopsychologists, observing, have established that cats show love and affection for people who seem understandable to them and at the same time do not pose a danger to them. And cats determine this very degree of similarity and human safety by the following signs:

From all family members the cat, most likely, will choose the calmest person who feeds and cares for the animal, but at the same time does not impose his love on him- does not constantly try to squeeze and stroke it, does not bother during sleep and rest, etc. Conversely, cats are often indifferent to children and do not like to play with babies too much, since these independent animals do not like it when they are carried in their arms for a long time , squeezed, dragged by the tail, and even more so - they dress up like a doll.

Domestic cats can bond with their owners almost as much as dogs, but in order to make friends with a cat, it is not enough just to feed and stroke the purr from time to time. According to animal psychologists, it is much easier to achieve love and affection from a kitten than from an adult cat, since kittens perceive anyone who cares for them as their mother. But in order to win the heart of an adult animal, in addition to the direct duties of caring for a cat, the owner needs to do the following:

  1. Do not do anything that may be perceived by the animal as aggression (for a cat, do not wave your arms near her, do not grab her in your arms when she is sleeping, do not throw up or press down during the game, etc.)
  2. In no case do not show aggression towards the cat and do not vent negative emotions on it - many feline representatives are vindictive and can remember the offense inflicted by a person for many years
  3. Behave in the presence of an animal calmly and balanced , do not raise your voice in front of a cat and a cat
  4. Show respect for the animal - do not interfere with his sleep, do not grab suddenly, do not drag his tail even as a joke, do not take away food, etc.
  5. Find a way to bring joy to the animal - from time to time, in addition to the main food, give him special treats, play with the cat with her toys, let her sit on her lap and, without squeezing or pulling the animal, take the cat for a walk outside, etc.

These simple measures are aimed at ensuring that the animal always experiences calmness, pleasure and joy in the presence of the owner, and begins to associate these positive emotions with him. And with the right approach to keeping and communicating with a cat, sooner or later this independent animal will definitely change anger for mercy and fall in love with the owner. And it’s very easy to find out when this moment comes - the cat will answer the look in the eyes with a direct look, blink several times, and then, without taking his eyes off, come up to be stroked and caressed.

Love for all living things is inherent in man by nature itself. Someone cannot get past a homeless puppy, while someone prefers to have exotic animals at home or keep an aquarium. There are people who love cats. The psychology of those who are not indifferent to feline representatives also has its own characteristics. After all, a conscious choice of a four-legged friend can tell a lot about the character of its owner. As the famous writer M. Twain said, cats differ from other pets in that they cannot be forced to obey by any means. These animals will never become slaves. And under no circumstances will cats do what they themselves do not want.

People who love cats

Unlike meowing animals, it is simple and understandable. They quickly learn to follow commands, lend themselves well to training. Maybe that's why ardent cat lovers like the wayward nature of a cat more. She is independent, stubborn. The cat prefers to walk by itself, as was noted in the famous work of R. Kipling. But, despite this, she is able to truly become attached to a person. And, having become his friend, not involuntarily, but of his own free will, he can fall in love sincerely and forever.

Having a cat in the house, we automatically strive to communicate with wildlife. In fact, this is a small tiger that you can pick up and caress. Mostly women prefer furry pets, but it happens that a man loves cats. Our psychology is arranged in such a way that sooner or later we all strive to create a family and a cozy hearth. A purr is a symbol of domestic well-being, tranquility and reliability. A soft creature curled up in a ball, purring peacefully on the sofa, gives a feeling of warmth and a stable way of life. Love for a cat often characterizes a man as an exemplary family man, a caring father. Such a person appreciates the comfort in the house, feminine affection, order and cleanliness, a delicious dinner. If a guy prefers cats to dogs, then he will look for a life partner to match. Bright, beautiful, graceful and independent. But at the same time affectionate, gentle and able to give love.

Choosing a pet and awareness of responsibility

The psychology of cats is so unique that their upbringing requires a special approach. Deciding to have this semi-wild animal in the house, you must remember the great responsibility. After all, this is not a hamster that will live only a few years. When you get a cat, you should be aware that it will become the owner's companion for life. You will have to put up with her behavior, with hair on all surfaces, including clothes and food. Moreover, this pleasure is not cheap. The animal needs proper food, care, it can get sick. And then you will have to spend a lot on the services of a veterinarian. But if all these worries do not scare you, then you belong to the category of people who are called "cat lovers". Your psychology is arranged in such a way that any whims of a pet will be perceived as little pranks. And communication with him will give only positive emotions and charge you with a good mood.

The nature and temperament of cats

Cats live by instinct. German scientists have revealed an interesting pattern. It turned out that the psychology of cats and cats is determined by their color. Striped animals are more independent, they are very reluctant to make contact with humans. They prefer to be left to their own devices. Black cats, on the contrary, are sociable, love affection. White felines are monogamous. They become attached to only one owner, giving him all the attention, allowing only him to stroke himself. But black and white are usually harmless, adore children, allowing them to squeeze themselves. Tricolors and redheads are somewhat phlegmatic, a little odd, slow. But these statements are not an axiom and do not always correspond to reality. The psychology of cats, the nature and characteristics of their behavior also depend on what type of temperament the animal belongs to from birth. And other qualities are added to this base as they grow older. There are four such types:

  • Sanguine. Such a cat quickly gets used to the new environment, loves children. She easily gets along with other pets, mobile and moderately active.
  • Choleric. The psychology of cats and cats of this type is characterized by rapid activity. Their mood changes quickly, they are quick-tempered and somewhat nervous, meow loudly, growl. The pet will not tolerate resentment or hold back emotions. He will prefer to immediately hit back with his paw or bite the opponent. Be it a person or another animal. You never know what to expect from him. It is more interesting for such a cat to live with an owner who leads an active lifestyle and has an explosive temperament himself. In a house where there are small children, you need to keep your eyes open with choleric cats. A child can unknowingly pull the tail, press down on the paw, for which he will be rebuffed.
  • calm, slightly slow and unflappable cat. She rarely shows emotions, reserved and very reserved. She may sleep around the clock or watch listlessly as attempts are made to get her into the game. Such a cat will appeal to couch potatoes, elderly or busy people who rarely go home.
  • Melancholic. This is a very sensitive and touchy animal. You can’t shout at him, let alone punish him physically. Cats are shy, afraid of strangers or new interior items. The psychology of melancholic cats is distinguished by great devotion and love for humans. But they stop their choice only on one owner, who becomes their friend, because they are monogamous.

Knowing the characteristics of temperament will help you choose the right pet, because the beginnings of distinctive features are clearly visible already at a very young age. Character is manifested in the process of communication with brothers and sisters, with a cat mother. It is enough just to observe the behavior and play of the baby to understand what his temper is.

Relationships between dogs and cats

The relationship of these completely different animals is well described in the work of K. Lorenz “A Man Finds a Friend”. The book, in which the psychology of cats and dogs is revealed from all sides, must definitely become a desktop book. Especially if a person plans to have these pets at home at the same time. The author describes in detail life situations from personal experience, gives recommendations and advice. Differences between the animals of the sea. Take, for example, body language, a large part of which is given to the tail. The dog, wagging its tail, shows joy, greeting, readiness to make contact. And the nervous trembling of the cat's tail signals displeasure and irritation. The first meeting of seemingly irreconcilable enemies is the most important. Depending on how it passes, further relations of animals will be built. But friendship between them can arise, especially if they are accustomed to each other from a very early age. Even if you manage to establish a connection and the pets are already sleeping and playing together, this does not mean that they should have everything in common. Each of them needs their own personal space, a separate corner with a bowl for food, as well as an equal amount of attention from the owner. Purrs are more prone to territorial aggression, this is how the psychology of cats works.

The book also describes how best to teach animals to live together in order to injure the psyche of both as little as possible. It is believed that settling in a cat's house with an already living dog is the most favorable situation. After all, dogs are less worried about their territory and more obedient, if, of course, they are properly educated. It has also been observed that larger breeds of dogs become attached to a small kitten more quickly. Animals that love each other begin to care for each other, sleep together, eat from the same bowl.

What do cat poses say

It is generally accepted that feline people are more fond of straightforward, frank and fair people. Cats, whose psychology is arranged differently from dogs, can become their true friends, but not slaves. You can find a common language with a cat if you know the features of its behavior. It is worth paying attention to everything: posture, manner of movement, voice, ears and tail. Cats use more than just sounds to express needs. More often they prefer to communicate using gestures and facial expressions, and sometimes a whole set of signs.

Love for cats, whose psychology has not yet been completely unraveled by anyone, is an incentive to study the habits of the beast and understand it. differ in grace and can tell a lot about it:

  • Calmness, observation - the cat sits, wrapping its paws with its tail.
  • Greeting - the cat rubs against the owner's legs, stepping from paw to paw.
  • Love and affection - rubs the muzzle and mustache on the face or legs of the owner.
  • Thoughtfulness - lies on the back.
  • Warning - a sharp wag of the tail.
  • Intimidation - the back is arched.
  • The threat is the hair on end, the paws are straight and elongated.

A cat's tail raised up speaks of friendliness, lowered and disheveled - of confusion. Tail pointing down and tapping on the floor - the cat is frightened. Nervous twitching of the tail from side to side, whipping it on the sides means the highest degree of aggression.

Dominance and the desire to suppress the aggression of the enemy is rarely seen among females. A mother cat, if her babies are in danger, will fight to the bitter end. She will give her life for kittens, not retreating even before the most terrible and major enemy. But cats often in the struggle for the location of a young cat can fight fiercely, figuring out who is stronger. The pose, when they stand motionless nose to nose, expresses extreme concentration. The slightest movement of the enemy or a sharp extraneous sound can be the impetus for a brave battle. But one of the cats sooner or later fails. He lies on his stomach, pressing his body and head tightly to the ground, and stretches his paws with claws towards the enemy. His posture expresses both submission and menace. The winner in this case leaves first, demonstrating his dignity and superiority. Friendly relations between adult males are almost impossible.

Cats in relation to humans at home are somewhat different. They rarely express extreme aggression towards their owner. But a stranger can be scratched or bitten if, after warning signs, he did not retreat. More often, aggression is provoked by fear, stress or confusion. Complete trust in the owner and others is manifested in a pose on the side or back, when the stomach is open. The cat's eyes are usually closed, she is relaxed, dozing and not at all averse to being caressed.

Talking to a cat: sounds and facial expressions

Despite the fact that cats prefer to communicate with gestures, the most talkative of them constantly purr. contains more than 16 signals of various ranges, including ultrasound inaccessible to the human ear. Mothers often communicate with kittens with such inaudible sounds. The usual "meow" may differ in timbre, tone. Having learned to speak like a cat, a person will be able to convey the necessary information to the pet with similar sounds. For example, by quietly hissing at a cat when it does something forbidden, you can let it know that this is not allowed. The psychology of cats is arranged in such a way that not all of them are too talkative. Some animals make only a few quiet sounds in their entire lives. Others, on the contrary, constantly scream, purr, growl, hiss and grumble. Here is what some cat words can tell about the mood of a furry friend:

  • The hiss is a warning signal.
  • Snorting - surprise, a desire to distract the enemy, confusion.
  • Low range rumbling - ready to defend.
  • Grunts are a threat and a warning.
  • Clattering teeth, smacking and bleating - the desire to catch prey or disappointment if this was not possible.
  • Purring - the cat is happy with life.
  • Cooing short "meow" - the joy of meeting, greeting.
  • Vibrating with a hoarse "meow" - a friendly attitude, gratitude.

Each lingering “mi-auu”, “mea-u” in most cases expresses requests, a call for help, a complaint or crying. The degree of talkativeness of a cat depends not only on its individual character, but also on the breed. Psychology as well as their fellow Siamese and Oriental is different in that they are very talkative and sociable. British and European Shorthair cats, on the contrary, are silent.

The facial expressions of all cats are very expressive due to the high degree of mobility of the muscles of the muzzle and head. Cat's eyes are a mirror that reflects the mood and state of mind of the pet. Half-closed eyelids, slow blinking mean calmness, peace, relaxation. Wide eyes - interest, concern. Dilated pupils show fear. A squint at point-blank range expresses a warning and a challenge. Sharply constricted pupils indicate the maximum concentration. If the cat looks away, then it is ready to obey. A direct look into the eyes of the owner and ears stretched forward express interest, a request, a desire to communicate or eat. Ears dropped to the sides indicate aggression, and ears pulled back and lowered indicate that the cat is frightened. If the tips of the ears tremble nervously, then this is a sign of insecurity.

Education and training, punishment and encouragement, play and toys

If a woman or a man loves cats, whose psychology is so unpredictable, then of course they will want to play with them. Cats are hunters by nature and know how to have fun without a person. Rustling pieces of paper, balls, laces, curtains and other pieces of furniture and interior are the best toys for them. Running, jumping, trying to catch its own tail, the kitten develops the body and skeleton, strengthens the muscles. When playing with a cat, you should remember that she is used to dominating. And too aggressive, in her opinion, attacks from the owner can forever discourage the cat's interest in playing with him. A bow on a string or a lace in her understanding is prey. And the victim cannot act fearlessly, attack or fight back. Do not allow the cat to play with hands and feet. The habit of scratching and biting can easily become fixed, which is extremely unpleasant and dangerous for young children.

When raising a cat, you must remember that it will not be possible to train and achieve its complete obedience. She does not care about prohibitions, she does not respond to physical punishment, continuing to do what she likes. It is important to teach the animal to relieve himself in a special tray, absorb food and sleep in strictly designated areas. Here, all actions should be aimed at developing conditioned reflexes. For example, if a cat has got into the habit of walking past the tray or to another corner, then it should be purposefully led to the place day after day, waiting for it to do its business. We must not forget about the encouragement, the cat needs to be caressed, stroked and praised. After a few days, or at least weeks, the cat will get used to it.

Territory and social aspects of behavior

The psychology of cats is arranged in such a way that the territory is very important for them, because they are antisocial animals. They mark their favorite places, thus protecting their personal space from uninvited enemies. Despite this, in nature, cats can live in groups or colonies, gathering according to their interests. For example, feed together, sunbathe in the sun. As a rule, there is no friendly communication between them. Each individual retains its individuality, trying to retire to sleep in a secluded place, choosing separate paths for walking and places for reflection, favorite trees for sharpening its claws.

Hunting and food

And although cats are simply amazing hunters, they do not need to hunt at home. As they do not need to protect their homes. The owner is the provider and protector, to whom the cat treats more like a parent. This is manifested in the way she shifts from foot to foot, gently rubs against her legs, showing her location. This is how a kitten communicates with its mother. Hunting for a domestic cat is entertainment, an instinctive desire. She can catch a mouse, a fly or a bird. Quite rarely, a cat dares to attack a huge rat with sharp teeth that can hurt her. The domestic cat brings its prey into the house. This is a gift for the owner, an expression of true friendship and care.

Mother cat and offspring

Cats are very caring and devoted mothers. They constantly lick the kittens, stimulating the blood circulation and breathing of the babies. Animals raise their offspring in the process of playing, silent communication. If there is a threat of danger, then the cat can drag the children to another place. But the relationship between mother and child does not last long. As soon as the kitten grows up, the cat loses interest in him, perceiving him as a young male or female.

Regardless of which pet you decide to settle next to you, remember that the psychology of cats, dogs and other animals is arranged differently. And, before bringing a new tenant into the house, it would be nice to study the main features of the behavior of the future pet, so that in the future his pranks, play or aggressive behavior would not become an unpleasant surprise. Once in a new home, the kitten feels defenseless, insecure. He needs someone who will help him get comfortable in a new place, protect him from dangers and become a real senior comrade. And cats never forget kindness, affection, as well as pain, fear. And all these feelings are usually associated with a person. Take care of the cat, caress it, do not force it, do not punish it too severely, and it will become your true friend for many years to come.

Our family has always had cats. We love these fluffy graceful creatures. But recently I thought, why, in fact, do people love cats so much? I have come up with a list of these reasons.

So, I love cats.

  1. For their purring. If a cat often purrs in your presence, then your love is mutual. When you feel sad for some reason, rhythmic purring cats immediately soothes and uplifts the mood.
  2. For their wonderful warm suede curious noses that they stick everywhere. There is no such corner in the house, which would not be visited by an inquisitive cat's nose.
  3. For their soft paws with which they love to knead the blanket, and pink pillows that are so nice to tickle.
  4. For their "emery" kisses with a warm tongue.
  5. For their unbearable arrogant independence, which is surprisingly combined with the constant need to be near you.
  6. For their impatient meow when you make them wait for their favorite treat or walk.
  7. For their love of baskets, boxes, balls and slippers.
  8. For the fact that they always find the only sunny spot in the whole house and immediately occupy it with themselves.
  9. Because when you want to read a book, they always go to bed on the open page. And when dad wants to read the newspaper after a day's work, instead of playing with the children, only shreds of this newspaper immediately remain.
  10. For the fact that they sleep so gracefully, and then stretch just as gracefully.
  11. For the fact that they sit very beautifully, just like antique figurines, carefully wrapping their tail around themselves, and at the same time blinking slowly.
  12. For the fact that they like to curl up on your chest, and sometimes they also put their paw on your cheek.
  13. For the fact that they can stare out the window for hours.
  14. For the fact that they always distinguish the call of the mother, who comes from the market, from the father's doorbell - after all, dad comes home from work without edible things.
  15. For something that is not always there.

Leila (14 years old)


What a good girl Layla. You melt and your soul rejoices at what wonderful children there are. Thanks to your parents for raising such a beautiful daughter. All the best to you and the fulfillment of all desires. Good girl.

08.11.2012 12:41:51, Larisonka

Very good, kind, tender story about our furry pets! Thank you!

27.11.2008 18:45:05, Ilona

I liked the story because it is fundamentally different from the ubiquitous "fluffy lumps". Quite an adult, with humor and tenderness for cats.

Well done! And, my daughters and I all think, why do we love our pets? It turns out that's what you wrote about. We have the cat Muska and her children Batman, Duma and Motka-Begemot A, also the Dogs Cloud and Rex, and the parrots Pashka and Sasha (Alexandra). Good luck!

11/12/2008 09:12:32, Galina

Indeed, everything is very clear and aptly said

09.11.2008 15:08:59, Nadia

Miracle! Immediately felt - LOVE!
Everything is so well marked....!!!
While reading, I smiled all the time, I also have two small "Big" harms. How can you not love them, I can not imagine ...
You are smart Layla! Good luck to you!

Very cute! :) On my own behalf, I can add that we love the cat also because it always accurately determines when we are in pain, anxious, or we cannot fall asleep. And she immediately caresses, and from the ultrasound of her rumbling we feel so good ...

A very sweet story, in my opinion. Written clearly by those who truly LOVES animals.

Youth!!! Healthy!!!

10/20/2008 00:19:45, Mia


I felt like I saw my cat, now I'm going to cuddle her. Good good story!

10/13/2008 00:32:26, ​​Albina

What a charm! Well done!

10/12/2008 10:33:54 AM, Evgenia

Comment on the article "Fifteen Reasons to Love Cats"

mine loved and love superfit. maybe it's not cool, but this is the only food that didn't make a cat sick. There were only cats, I want a cat;), cats love me for some reason;) Pussy...


My adult cat (weight 8-9 kilos, i.e. large) eats Hills dry food, about a package of 2 kg per month. Price 1300 (discounted). IMHO it's quite cheap.

I am a beginner cat breeder, my pet will be a year old in a month, he has been living with us for 9 months.
I feed natural beef + liver (chicken hearts, liver and stomachs) + raw carrots, I pass everything through a meat grinder. Then in portions (50 gr.) I freeze. I give 5 servings of meat per day + 25 gr. barkind head dry food for kittens The cost is cheaper than premium canned food. But initially the task was not to save money.

Section: Cats (why a cat behaves violently). the cat became violent, I can not understand why. My cat, supposedly British, but in fact Burmese, began to shy away from anyone ...


Does she only freak out when she sees someone? Maybe her hearing became bad, and she. when he sees someone in front of him suddenly, gets scared?

Do you play with her? I think she just doesn't know where to put her energy. Ours, too, for no reason at all, kaaak will run, and even with a cry. Especially after the toilet, he likes it, but he also plays with the dog and we sometimes entertain him.

There are people who love cats, there are those who love dogs, and those who don't like either. So is it worth it, really, to love cats And those in whom cat natures live ?!

Fifteen reasons to love cats. The cost is cheaper than premium canned food. There is such a Czech fairy tale "Why dogs do not like cats and why cats harass ...


Our dog is very blown away if he gets to the rest of the cat food. The veterinarian advised us not to give the dog cat food, although she still steals sometimes.

Greedy dog. Try to feed the cat separately so that he does not see what she is eating.

why do cats like rain? Yesterday the Christmas decorations were removed from the apartment. A little distracted - Sonya is already chewing "rain" :-)) I can't understand what is so attractive about him?

And another question came to my mind, related to the first one: why do needlewomen love cats so much? Moreover, as I noticed, mostly needlewomen who knit or embroider (i.e. ...


They eat my threads and cellophane. And once she somehow chewed someone else's Barbie's pen (the child asked her to sew a fur coat). I was in a state of shock. I had to give the child another (not a cripple). she was attracted. she chewed only 2 fingers, it was on one of them). And I think that it’s like chewing grass for a better burp, that’s what they think with their brains (they have the size of a walnut) Well, from them expect??? :)))) Stupid people do not understand that volvulus can be ....

cats and nolina. Exchange of seedlings, cuttings. Floriculture. cats and nolina. Cat breeders and happy owners of nolin! How do these friends fit together?


As a noble cat owner, I declare that cats eat with great pleasure:
- nolina
- chlorophytums
- passiflora
- dracaena
- dieffenbachia (!!!)
- brachychiton
- arrowroot kerkhova, etc.
And not because they want to eat, they just like it and need to gobble up some green stuff to cleanse their stomach, and they choose the most attractive one that is available at home.

03/10/2003 17:41:50, Yalta

Also how they eat!

There is a Czech fairy tale "Why dogs don't like cats and why cats harass mice". A dog that chases cats, chases birds, sometimes cyclists, cars that run away...

When getting a cat, the owners often fear that their pet will not show sympathy for them, dislike them. Among such owners, many are convinced that cats are animals that walk by themselves (this is their main psychological difference from dogs) and do not need people. Well, this is not entirely true, although cats appear before us as mysterious animals endowed with magical properties. Cats can express affection and love for people, but are more selective than dogs.

More often this question is asked by owners who have already got adult cats. Those who took care of the kitten almost from its very birth are in the most friendly and strong relationship with the pet, they are the “mother-cat”. So what kind of person do you need to be to please your furry pet?

Peace, only peace!

Most cats do not have a violent temper and desire for a thrill. Melancholy people are more likely to have cats than dogs. Fussy and energetic people rarely find the reciprocal love of cats. But calm owners, who do not interfere in the daily routine of the pet and also behave leisurely, enjoy great success with cats. That is, a person must have a soft timbre of voice and speak quietly, move smoothly and slowly, lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Cats feel energy

Many living organisms, including cats and people, have a certain biofield and energy, emit bio-waves. So far, there are no methods for determining biofields, and you have to hope that your energy and the energy of your pet will coincide. Then you will not only be mutual, the cat will be able to relieve stress and improve the mental state of the owner.

What a pity, but this is a myth

There is a belief that if a cat caresses your guest, then this is a kind and good person. This is actually the wrong way to distinguish between heroes and villains. Your actions are of little concern to the cat, unless, of course, they are committed in relation to him. But pets avoid people who drink and smoke, and the reason for this is only an unpleasant smell.

Love does not love

Scientists also noted an interesting paradox. People who are predominantly indifferent to or even hate cats are liked by cats. This is explained by the fact that such a person will try to avoid the animal, look less into his eyes, touch him. The cat can feel calm, will not regard the owner's excessive caresses as aggressive actions. Sudden hugs, a close, albeit friendly look - all this is a threat to the cat.

Not at ease

For a cat, it also matters what territory it is in. At home or in another well-known place, the pet feels relaxed, knows the behavior of the owner (where he will go, where he will feed him) and maintains a trusting relationship with him. In unfamiliar territory (in the veterinarian's office or when moving to a new apartment), the cat is in a state of stress. As soon as she moves away from the owner for a few meters, she immediately loses contact with you. Attachment to the owner is superseded by basic defensive instincts.

Signs of feline love

  1. The pet allows you to bathe him, takes medicine from your hands, etc. In general, he endures trouble for the sake of his beloved master.
  2. The cat follows you around, wants to be caressed (lays on its back and exposes its stomach, stretches its neck). Rubbing against your legs, jumping into your lap when you are not doing anything.
  3. The cat regularly meets you at the front door.
  4. Stand the animal in front of you and look it straight in the eye. If the cat does not look away, but slowly opens and closes its eyes, this is a sign of friendliness.
  5. The cat chooses to sleep in your bed, and not the rest of the inhabitants of the house.

What if my cat doesn't like me?

First, do not take it as a tragedy and a catastrophe of a lifetime. Even if changes in your behavior don't work, don't be discouraged. This may depend on many factors (naturally wild character, past grievances), most likely you are not to blame. Just accept it and pamper your pet more often. Sooner or later, the pet will respond with a kind purr.

small digression

Finishing this article, I want to note that for a pet it is not so important what you are and what habits you have. Care and your love for the pet, that's what matters most. Good attitude and care of the cat will allow you to get a response over time, because you willy-nilly become her guardian, her friend, her protector and patron.