Yuri Mikhailovich Lukshits Man and woman. Hidden sexual cues. The signals that a woman gives mainly with her eyes to let you know from the other side of the room that she wants you

Incredible Facts

Body language is a powerful thing. By gestures, you can easily read the attitude of a person towards you. Whether he likes you or he just hates you, certain signals of our body will tell about this.

Now imagine a situation where a man has just met a woman and invited her on a first date. How to understand if she likes him, is she interested in the further development of this relationship, or is she already counting down the minutes in order to quickly escape from a date?

Everything is very simple. You have to try to read sign languages ​​accurately. Regardless of their desire, a person sends out powerful signals that need to be correctly interpreted.

How to know if a woman likes a man

Here are 8 signs that a woman likes you:

Sign #1: Physical contact

It's no secret that physical contact is the first indicator of sympathy between people.

Of course, this does not mean at all that a woman should hang herself on a man, wrap him in her arms or squeeze him and not let him go.

However, random, as if by chance, touches, tactile contact will become an obvious clue.

Does she playfully touch your hand? Or accidentally touched your shoulder after a funny joke? If a woman herself is the initiator of physical contact, and at the same time, it is obvious that she is comfortable and comfortable, this is a sure sign that she is interested in you.

Sign #2: Head nodding

Nodding your head can also be an indicator that your interlocutor likes you. Be sure to pay attention to this.

If she nods her head, even very slightly and barely noticeable, this is a sign that she likes what you are saying and she enjoys talking with you, your company.

If, on the contrary, you do not notice a movement of the head, a slight smile or a supportive facial expression, then it is time to change or stop the conversation altogether.

Sign #3: The Mirror Effect

In addition, watch her gestures and facial expressions, pay attention to how she sits.

Does a woman naturally imitate your own body language and automatically copy your gestures?

If so, then this is nothing more than an attempt to connect with you on a subconscious level.

For example, you put your elbow on the table and she follows suit. Or if you took your drink in your hand and continue the conversation from the glasses in your hand, and she did the same with her glass? This mirroring of your gestures is a sure sign that your interlocutor likes you.

Sign #4: Twisting Hair

While it may seem like a nervous twitch or a common feminine habit, curling your hair around your finger actually has a deeper underlying meaning in body language.

Whether she smooths her hair, twists it around her finger, or simply runs her hand over it, such gestures very eloquently betray a woman. After all, they all indicate that a woman, on a subconscious level, takes care of herself in order to impress her interlocutor.

In other words, on a deeper level, this means the following: your interlocutor is interested in you and tries to look her best in order to impress you.

Sign #5: The Position of Her Legs

Legs, or rather, the movements of your interlocutor's legs can also tell a lot about how she feels at the moment.

Whether she stands motionless next to you or sways her hips, or maybe shifts from foot to foot - all these movements speak of something important.

Pay attention to how she sits. If she has her legs crossed and her upper leg sways slightly, it means that your interlocutor is now comfortable.

But if a woman sits evenly, and her feet are fixedly stuck into the ground, most likely, your interlocutor is uncomfortable at the moment, or she just doesn’t like you very much.

Sign #6: If she's leaning on you

As mentioned above, your body language can tell you a lot about how you feel in a given situation.

See how the woman is sitting or standing relative to where you are. If she moves away from you, moving away a certain distance, in this way she makes it clear that she creates a distance between you, and most likely, she is not particularly interested in you.

If, on the contrary, she leans towards you and tries to somehow get closer in order to better hear what you are saying, then she likes you, and she shows genuine interest in you.

Sign #7: Eye Contact

Eye contact is the main indicator of how a woman feels in a given situation.

If you notice that she avoids looking directly into your eyes, looks away, or looks around at the space around her, this means that she is not particularly interested in what you are saying.

Also notice how often she looks at her watch or checks her cell phone. If she does this more than makes eye contact with you, you're in trouble. Most likely, the woman is not interested in you in any way.

But, if, on the contrary, you notice that she is staring at you, without looking away, know that in this way she is trying to establish contact with you.

Sign #8: The Position of Her Hands

Pay special attention to the woman's hands in the process of your communication.

Although some people may use their hands to make specific gestures and movements, the message that our hands convey on an unconscious level is usually much more important and deeper.

For example, if in a conversation with you she clenches her hands into fists, this is a sign that everything is not going as well and smoothly as you would like.

By the way, take into account the fact that if she allows you to see her open, turned palms, this indicates that she is open to you for communication. This means that your interlocutor is interested in you and wants to continue communication.

24 hours a day, women are tuned to a frequency you can't even hear. This radio station is called body language or "What are you thinking about." Women constantly communicate with each other on this "mysterious frequency". So they discuss with each other your thoughts and feelings, including those that you don’t even know exist. When communicating with a man, a woman tries to communicate in her natural language, especially when it comes to dating or sex. In communicating with the opposite sex, women constantly use hidden sexual signals, but, unfortunately, very few men are able to recognize these signals. And those men who succeed are so incredibly popular with women that they literally have to fight them off like flies. Just as women love foreplay in sex, they expect men to respond slowly, naturally, and adequately to their own body movements. ALL the first impression you make on women is based on the NON-VERBAL SIGNALS you send! In the first 5-10 minutes of a conversation, the words that you utter have practically no meaning - only your intonation, your gestures, your facial expressions, your inner mood of confidence and strength are important. Without going into more theoretical aspects of body language, I will list all the main hidden sexual signals of women that you need to know if you want to meet and communicate with any woman, anytime, anywhere.

1. The signals that a woman who is interested in you gives as soon as you enter the room:

  • "Assessing Look" This look consists of an express assessment of you: first the look goes to the shoes, then to the legs and buttocks, then quickly examines your clothes, hands, fingernails and, last but not least, the face. The whole process takes from a second to two, so it is quite difficult to notice.
  • "Proud posture". She perks up, becomes more energetic and perhaps lifts her chest high.
  • "Posing". She strikes an attractive pose, hoping that you will look in her direction.

2. The signal that two or more girls will give, talking among themselves, if they like you:

  • "Women's Chatter". If young girls like you, they will steal glances at you and giggle. They may even begin to cling to each other. Mature women will whisper more quietly.

3. Signals that a woman gives mainly with her eyes to let you know from the other side of the room that she wants you.

  • "Ku-ku." She will glance at you over the top of a book, magazine, or menu.
  • "The Shy Geisha" She will look down and away with feigned modesty. However, if she is interested in you, she will look at you again for 45 seconds.
  • "Look sideways". She will look at you sideways, even if she is talking to someone. A more explicit version of this gesture is a look over the shoulder.

4. Signals that a woman likes you, giving which, she slightly exposes the body

  • "Unobtrusive exhibitionism". She will push back the hem of her blouse or dress to tempt you with the sight of a naked body.
  • "Shoe Playing" She will toss the shoe with her toes, usually exposing her foot.
  • Armpit Show. A woman who likes you can strike a pose from an old Hollywood star photo with one arm raised above her head and showing off her armpit. If you are talking to her at this moment, she can simply raise her hand or throw it behind her head to demonstrate her bare armpit.
  • "Demonstration of legs". Women have learned to use their legs in the most seductive way to lure men. A woman can lift the hem of her skirt to reveal a section of her legs, or even part them slightly, allowing you to look deeper for a moment. If a woman is sitting in a cross-legged position, she will point the point of her knee at the person she is interested in.

5. Distance signals from a seated woman to let you know she wants to get to know you better.

  • "Close contact". She will stand or sit closer than social rules dictate. Sometimes she will break the distance fleetingly, waiting for you to support her game.
  • "Invasion of "personal space". An interested woman will place an object, her arm or leg in your" personal space "(within one meter).
  • "Random" touch. There is nothing random about it. If a woman touches your hand, fingers or any other part of the body - usually very quickly - this means that she is giving you a signal.
  • "Incline". If the rules of decency do not allow you to stand or sit too close to you, she may lean towards you and thereby invade your "personal space". In addition, she uses the same technique to show that she is interested in what you are saying.

6. Signals that a woman gives with her hands and which mean: "You turn me on"

  • "Wrist Demonstration". You will probably be surprised to hear that the wrist is one of the super-sensitive erogenous zones. Therefore, it is not surprising that this gesture is so popular among women, especially among smokers.
  • "Game with decorations". It usually starts with an instinctive reaction as you make the woman nervous. However, more experienced women understand that they can seduce you by twisting a chain around your neck or touching an earring, because this draws attention to the hollow on the chest or to the neck.
  • "Palm-weather vane". If a woman likes you while talking to you, she may clench her fists. If she is indifferent, she can prop her chin up with her hands, knuckles out. If you attract her, the hands will most likely turn around, and the palms will tremble slightly with the meaning of "come closer."
  • "Neck exposure". When foxes fight to the death, the loser offers his throat to the winner, as if giving him the opportunity to inflict a fatal bite. When a woman pulls her hair back from her neck, this is a subconscious (or conscious) signal of surrender.
  • "Preening". A woman preening herself in your presence serves a double purpose. She not only makes herself seductive, but also attracts your attention.
  • "Playing with hair" Women who like you will draw your attention to their hair by smoothing it, twisting it around your finger, or playing with it in a way that you could play.
  • "stroking". A woman's "pleasure centers", unlike yours, are scattered all over her body, therefore, when she sees a man she likes, a woman begins to stroke herself with pleasure. Smart women, noticing the positive reaction of a man, begin to stroke themselves more frankly.

7. Signals meaning: "I feel good with you!"

  • "Stormy gesticulation". It wakes up a little girl. The unspoken meaning is: "Oh, I'm terribly good with you!" If her shoulders are bare, she will move them, knowing that you like it.
  • "Stupid". A little girl, when she is having fun, behaves stupidly. The older girls' version includes some sexual motives, such as a wink or an object in the mouth, ear or nose.
  • "Reflection". She copies your posture, your movements and mannerisms. More sophisticated and sensual women unconsciously use this technique, considered in neuro-linguistic programming, thereby showing that they are tuned in with you.

8. The most overt cues a woman uses when drunk, horny, or just frustrated that you didn't notice her previous cues:

  • "Licking lips". These last three signals are quite frank. Licking her lips, a woman subconsciously tells you: "You look seductive and you excite me."
  • "Sexy item" Whether harm should be explained what she is hinting at by running her finger, especially the middle one, along the edge or along the stem of the glass.
  • "Seductive bite". She either bites her lips or takes some small object into her mouth. No comment

There should be nothing tricky in the response of a male hidden sexual signal to any signal of a woman - it must correspond to the INTENSITY and STYLE of the female message. Here are some tips for conversation:

  1. Smile. It always breaks the ice in conversation
  2. Be sure to look her in the eye while talking.
  3. Periodically examine it all, from head to toe
  4. Try to copy her pose
  5. Actively flirt with her during all the pauses in the conversation.
  6. GRADUALLY get closer to her

Any person, whether it is a man or a woman, in just a couple of seconds, having met a person of the opposite sex, will be able to accurately determine whether this person likes him. This can be done with the help of hidden sexual signals that are instinctively sent to the person you like sexually.

As a rule, when a few animatedly chatting or quietly whispering women are sitting somewhere in a cafe or bar, occasionally looking in the direction of a man, he begins to show signs of paranoia, because he is sure that they are discussing only him and not from the best side. But it's not. Such behavior is one of the most ancient and widespread signs of sympathy - these are the so-called hidden sexual signals.

Sometimes whispering girls can even point a finger at a man, and this is quite normal. However, the above applies for the most part to young girls, but sophisticated and mature women, as a rule, hide the fact of attention to a man or show it more restrainedly.

Let's go back to the young girls. If they look at a man and giggle, or even better - touch each other while whispering (see Fig. 1), then this is undoubtedly a hidden sexual signal. Firstly, they definitely like a man, and secondly, touching these girls gives a feeling of security, and besides, these girls know that men love to look at girls caressing each other.

Rice. 1 Hidden Sex Signals - Girls whisper and sometimes look at you

As for mature women, they show completely different hidden sexual signals. They already feel the spirit of rivalry in each other, in fact, why they start a kind of race for your attention to one of them.

But besides this, you should pay attention to other gestures:

A woman plays with jewelry, or strokes an object, or does it at the same time - all this clearly shows her nervousness, or an excess of sexual energy in her. By the way, if a woman does this with her middle or ring finger, this is good, since these two fingers are the most sensitive;

If a woman, as soon as you look at her, straightens her posture, pushing her chest forward, this means that she wants to please you (this also applies to men);

If a woman straightens her hair (see Fig. 2), then she also wants to look attractive, and thereby please you. However, this is not all: if a man sees that she straightens her hair with her hand, the palm of which is turned towards you, this behind the scenes indicates that she is ready to meet you. Literally, this hidden sexual signal means "come to me."

Rice. 2 Hidden Sexual Signals - A girl fixes her hair

Always pay attention to the hidden signals in general, as they together can tell you a lot as a man. And do not think that if a woman looks very intently into your eyes, throws her hair back, exposing her neck, then this means that she is very hot. On the contrary, she quite understandably and openly says to you "I completely obey you."

There is a good expression that it is necessary to go to the mountain yourself, if it has not come to you. In fact, this applies directly to women, since in most cases a man has to take the initiative into his own hands.

What should a man do if a woman really really liked? It is natural to take the initiative, and. The most common and at the same time easy to perform sexual signal is a smile. However, embarrassment of the stronger sex is not ruled out if the woman does not even give him a hint of a smile in response. Of course, a man considers such a gesture as a complete failure.

Why does this happen with him, and with other men who look worse and don’t come out “on the face”, no? There is no extraordinary mystery here, it's all about consistency. first of all, it checks the relationship of a female representative to itself, sending her a variety of sexual signals in the right sequence. By the way, the positive fruits of such an exchange - namely good luck with women - are proven by science.

But let's move from theory to practice. So, you are at some event, or just walking in the park - it doesn't matter - and you saw a woman of unearthly beauty that you liked at first sight. The first action you must take is appear in her field of vision so that she seems to get used to you. This is a safety net in case you decide to approach her so that she is not afraid of you..

Next signal - You must, with all your friendliness, calmness, look very intently at her.. Did you notice her gaze and interest? Fine, nod very gently to her and smile. If she also smiled at you in response, nodded or lowered her eyes, or looked away - this is wonderful, she is practically yours.

In general, when a woman looks away somewhere to the side, then by doing so she wants to seem decent and shy to you, but at the same time, this eloquently indicates that she is fully ready to get to know you. It's another matter if she looks first up and then to the side - she doesn't like you.

But back to practice. So, continue to look gently and intently in her direction, and if you notice that for about a minute she raised her eyes again and looked at you - you "hooked" her.

As Tolstoy said, the eyes are a huge spiritual mirror, and regarding hidden sexual signals, this is the most important key. And the thing is that absolutely everything can be read through the eyes, provided that it is done by a professional.

So, we settled on the fact that the woman looked at you. Further, what actions are required from you? Of course, come and meet! At the same time, you should be prepared for the fact that she may appear before you "impregnable" or even "cold" - this is quite normal, and should not embarrass a man.

But after all not at all women the reaction described above can be?! Therefore, it is worth considering other options for “responding” to your smile and nod.

Suppose, for a minute, she did not raise her eyes to you, but continues to wander her gaze to the side - this indicates that she has not yet fully decided for herself whether it is worth making acquaintance with you. In this case, you should just wait a bit, repeating your last actions - smile and nod. Just make sure to do it gently and unobtrusively.

May 20, 2015

Saturday evening. You drink at the bar, and then a girl comes up and says: “I like you! Let's get acquainted". After a while, the other says that she wants to get to know you better. Another takes the initiative herself and admits that she finds you attractive.

Sounds unnatural, especially if you don't have the looks and sexiness of Johnny Depp.

The fact is that a woman cannot just come up and tell about her desires. And courage has nothing to do with it. Such is our upbringing. Since childhood, girls are taught modesty. Caring mothers and grandmothers are preparing their young treasure for the inevitable meeting with the handsome prince. And society, of course, helps. Behaving too loosely - get the label "slut!"

But you can wait for a prince all your life, but a man is needed every day. And the long-awaited "prince" may not see his "princess" among other "shepherds". And you need to help this muddler - to suggest "Here I am." But only this needs to be done barely noticeably, so that the public does not give an offensive nickname, and the prince is not afraid of such pressure. Therefore, women constantly use non-verbal signals. And it is important to learn to notice them. With gestures, posture and behavior, the girls will tell you about their attitude, desire to get to know each other and other nuances.

Renowned American relationship psychologist Leil Lowndes highlights 26 main hidden sexual signals that women send to men. They can be conscious and unconscious, sincere and false. You need to be able to see and understand them.

  1. Women's chat. Sometimes in a bar or nightclub you notice how young girls look at you and giggle. Or two more experienced women are whispering, clearly assessing you. Most guys in this situation feel very uncomfortable or even completely confused. They feel like they are being laughed at. In fact, this is one of the oldest hidden signals. If women look at you and whisper, then they like you. It remains only to approach and get acquainted - you have already passed the preliminary selection.
  2. Peekaboo. The girl looks at the guy with a smile, covering the lower part of her face with a menu or other “shield” that comes to hand. I caught such a look - she liked you, but it’s too early to immediately approach and make an acquaintance. First you need to play a little in her games. If your game is good, the girl will want to move on to the next stage. The essence of the game is to return signals of the same type and intensity. Got a look - look at her, thereby showing that you have caught the signal. When she gives you a slight smile, respond in kind. After that, it's time to take the menu and study it for a couple of minutes. Now you can "notice" the girl again. Tilt the menu forward and stare at her until the girl looks embarrassed and looks away. If she looks at you again, that's a sure sign that she likes you. She also loves these games! When you get a glance, lower your eyes to the menu and keep reading. This approach can be repeated several times. You seem to caress each other with a look. And every time a woman's smile should be wider and wider. Now, through the waiter, you can treat the lady with a glass of wine or a light cocktail. Old-fashioned banal trick. But he's cinematic and so cloyingly romantic that he works almost flawlessly.
  3. Shy geisha. To find out if a girl you don't know is interested in you at a bar or at a party, you can do this. Take a seat in her line of sight. Stare at the girl until she feels the gaze and looks at you. At this point, you need to smile friendly. Now we are seeing the reaction. A woman will usually look away. Further nuances will show her attitude. There are three most common options.
  • She looks down and a little to the side - she likes you. This is the look of the “shy geisha”. If within a minute she looks at you again, this is a signal that she wants to get acquainted. When you approach, the girl may act "cold" and indifferent. You don't need to pay attention to this. She wants your attention. It's just that this behavior makes her more attractive in the eyes of a man, at least she thinks so.
  • She averted her eyes and looked at the walls. A woman is thinking about whether it is worth spending her time on a man. Here you have to wait a bit.
  • She raised her eyes up and to the side - she is not interested in you. You can look for another.
  1. Sideways glance. A woman can look absolutely impregnable and unflappable, as if she does not want to be disturbed. But it's not. She waits to be approached by the one she is stealthily watching.
  2. Decoration game. Everything is simple here. The girl looks at you and at the same time plays with her necklace, bracelet or other accessory dangling on her.
  3. Light unobtrusive exhibitionism. Do you think this beauty did not notice how the shoulder strap slipped off her shoulder or an extra button unbuttoned? She waited for a moment to expose a small area of ​​her skin. This is flirting with you. Women are aware of how exciting it is for men to demonstrate the usually covered areas of her body. In addition to “random” creeps, this signal can also manifest itself in another form. For example, by straightening her shoulders or crossing her legs, she will expose other attractive parts of the body.
  4. Shoe swinging. This signal is very often given unconsciously. And indicates an excess of sexual energy. Sometimes, in order to attract attention, a woman may even “not on purpose” drop a shoe on the floor.
  5. Close contact. Each person has their own comfort zone. For representatives of the northern peoples, it is greater, for the southern - less. On average, this is a distance of 60 cm or an arm's length distance. If a person is not sexually attracted to us, being in their comfort zone is stressful. When a girl gets too close, she shows her attraction. It is important to respond correctly. By no means should you be surprised. At this moment, it is advisable to smile, thereby demonstrating that you have caught the signal. You can playfully pretend that you want to catch her in your arms. But only this should not look too frank and defiant.
  6. Invasion of "personal space". In this case, the woman is outside your comfort zone, but her arm or leg violates this “border”. It is necessary in such a situation to show that you are pleased.
  7. Random touch. Of course, it's not random. You can react in different ways. Show a positive attitude towards this (this is what women advise). Or jokingly tease her “Do not touch the exhibit with your hands!” (and these are recommendations from successful men). With very beautiful women, the second option works better.
  8. Incline. Instead of touching or invading personal space, the lady may lean slightly in your direction. Under no circumstances should you be excluded. It is also advisable to lean slightly, but not stronger than the girl did. Otherwise, she may decide that you are too interested in her and rush things.
  9. Palm-weather vane. The woman looks at you, resting her chin on her fingers and turning her hand palm to you. This means that she likes your style, demeanor and communication. If she turns the brush with her knuckles outward, this is a bad sign, meaning rejection and even hostility. Showing the palm is a sign of friendliness. Similarly, the male handshake. Giving a hand with palm up indicates openness, and palm down indicates stealth. True, some interpret the position of the palm as a manifestation of a dominant or submissive position.

While you can memorize the first dozen hidden lady signals, we will consider the rest in

Our students often ask us questions like the following. "". One good way to do this is to look closely at the girl. Both on herself and on her body language. Try to notice as many details as possible - they will tell you a lot! Hidden Sexual Signals is a very powerful thing that will help you see a lot. Including a woman's desire to have you right now!

What are the main hidden sexual signals?

  1. Appreciative look. As a rule, a woman examines a man from head to toe, from top to bottom. If this happened, then the young lady is at least interested in you. Sometimes her gaze can linger on any part of your body for a long time. It's also good!
  2. A piercing, and sometimes even boring, gaze. A clear sign of interest in you.
  3. Straightening of the back. A sure sign that the girl really wants to please. After all, even posture is a sign of beauty and health.
  4. Change in sitting or standing posture. If the girl at the same time began to look at you, it means that she is definitely interested.
  5. Increased gossip with a girlfriend. When you enter the room, and the girls who see you begin to whisper or gossip, and at least one of them looks at you, most likely they are interested in you.
  6. Eye play. There is another name - to make eyes. The essence of this matter is that the young lady looks at you with a difficult look - squints, winks, at least smiles a little ...
  7. Sideways glance. It is used when a man is interesting and you want to consider him, but for some reason it’s scary to look directly.
  8. Exposure of any part of the body. It is expressed in rolling up the skirt (not much - just a few millimeters), sleeves, adjusting the straps ... Another way to show a man that you are interested in him.
  9. Posture change. Especially from less sexy to more sexy.
  10. Approximation. The closer a person comes to you, the better he sees you. If he is interested in you, he wants to examine you in as much detail as possible.
  11. Entrance to personal space. Personal space is a zone around a person with a radius of approximately 50-70 centimeters. A person experiences discomfort when someone is in it. But, at the same time, the one who violated it has a greater influence on the person and may thus be liked.
  12. "Accidental" touch. Probably, you have noticed more than once that during an interesting conversation, the interlocutor can casually lightly touch you. Anyone who does this kills two birds with one stone - not only touches you, but also enters the personal zone.
  13. Wrist display. The wrist is a very erogenous zone. A person who shows his wrist, thereby demonstrates to you that he wants to receive the caresses of this erogenous place from you.
  14. Playing with jewelry, hair. Fixing hair, jewelry, combing hair with fingers and other ways to preen - all these methods are a person's attempt to improve their appearance and please you.
  15. Excessive gesticulation. Probably, at least once in your life you noticed such that a person, having seen an object of interest to him, began to actively gesticulate, speak faster and more. This is a way to appear smarter than he really is. And, in essence, an attempt to please.
  16. There is also an opposite example - to pretend to be a blonde or to seem like a stupid girl. The purpose of the reception is to make the man have a desire to protect and protect her. Oh, a very explicit sexual signal!
  17. Licking and biting lips. Another very clear and very sexy signal, showing that the girl wants from you, if not sex, then at least attention and kisses.

We talked about the main hidden sexual signals. In fact, there are a huge number of them. Pay close attention to the behavior of the girl and act! Eyes and intuition to help you!