Belly after childbirth: how to return to its previous shape? A few tips on how to remove stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth

- a feature that spoils the mood of many women. Now the birth is over, and the baby has grown up, and the mother has come into shape - and stretch marks all remind of themselves, especially in preparation for the beach season. How to remove stretch marks on the abdomen and thighs? When should it be done? We talk about the most radical methods of dealing with stretch marks, which have contraindications, but really work.

Laser resurfacing after childbirth

A special apparatus (very expensive!) generates a laser beam of a certain frequency. This beam penetrates the skin, destroys its old layers and starts regeneration processes. Destroyed the old - build a new one! In the laser-treated area, collagen production is enhanced and new, smooth and beautiful tissue begins to grow where the stretch was before.

The duration of the procedure is approximately 10 minutes to an hour. The laser beam does not touch the nerve endings, blood vessels, which makes it possible to classify the method as non-traumatic. However, this procedure can hardly be called painless. That is why the doctor will definitely discuss with you the possible methods of pain relief before starting laser resurfacing.

The “polished” areas of the skin will require special care, treatment with ointments. And only after a few months, when everything is completely healed, you can enjoy the result!

Chemical peel

If you are in the mood for a nice spa treatment, coffee scrub and the like, we have to disappoint you! During deep peeling, you will not be able to relax.

Some chemical elements from the periodic table are on the warpath with stretch marks. Usually it is trichloroacetic, phenolic or alpha hydroxy acid. On problem areas of the skin (dry and previously cleaned!) The doctor will apply the solution and leave it for an average of five minutes. At this time, you may feel a slight burning or tingling sensation. After that, the acid is washed off with warm water, and the affected area is treated with a special neutralizing agent and moisturizer. However, one procedure is unlikely to solve the problem. Plan a course of five to seven treatments!

Stretch marks are much easier to prevent than to get rid of. To do this, you need to regularly nourish the skin of the body with special creams, use natural vegetable oils, massage and drink plenty of fluids.

Ozone therapy

Air, familiar and necessary for our body, is the main ally in the daily struggle for beauty and health. Doctors understood this back in the 19th century - it was then that the history of ozone therapy began. Healing gas treated depression, chronic fatigue, dermatitis. However, what modern specialists “get up” with ozone, our ancestors could not even dream of.

For example, to defeat stretch marks, ozone is injected under the skin. It improves blood circulation at the injection site, due to which toxins are eliminated, our skin becomes more even, stretch marks brighten and visibly smooth out. Also, as a result of this procedure, our skin itself begins to recover and renew itself.

How is the procedure done? The stretch marks area is cut off with needles, after which an ozone-oxygen mixture is injected under the skin. After the introduction of the mixture, not only stretch marks become invisible, but the condition of the body as a whole improves. The immune system is activated, microcirculation is improved, and physical and mental performance is significantly increased.

Mesotherapy for stretch marks

Under the skin, you can enter not only gas - ozone, but also other substances. Intradermal microinjections of biologically active preparations that allow reconstructing the structure of the skin from the inside, improve blood circulation and help in the fight against stretch marks - this is mesotherapy.

The composition of the "cocktails" of drugs, which may include vitamins, antioxidants, trace elements, amino acids, enzymes, each medical center keeps secret from its competitors. There is no one universal formula. However, the essence of the action of all injections is to nourish the skin from the inside, stimulate metabolic processes at the cellular level and solve visible cosmetic problems. \

A nice bonus: mesotherapy is an effective technique in the fight against stretch marks, and in the fight against cellulite, and in the fight against excess weight. So the procedure will allow you to solve several problems at once. And, by the way, to endure this procedure without anesthesia is quite realistic.

Mechanical peeling

The procedure is carried out using a special apparatus, through the tip of which microcrystals produced by aluminum oxide are transmitted. Due to the action of these microcrystals, skin cells are exfoliated, and at the same time, they are smoothed and smoothed. After one procedure, the removal of stretch marks as such is not observed, but they become less visible. The course of procedures is prescribed individually, depending on the condition and "age" of the stretch marks. For "old" stretch marks, a course of up to 20 or more sessions can be assigned!

Beauticians like to call this procedure “completely safe and completely painless.” And if we agree with the first point, then we do not quite agree with the second. Of course, general anesthesia and local anesthesia are out of the question, but you will have to grit your teeth, close your eyes and be patient.

Comment on the article "How to remove stretch marks after childbirth: 5 radical ways"

Stretch marks on the back of a teenager. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. How to remove stretch marks after childbirth: 5 radical ways. How to get rid of stretch marks: mesotherapy, ozone therapy, laser Remedies for stretch marks. Remove stretch marks on the abdomen and thighs for the summer season?


put up, and even more so they are on the back - then do not look at them

My son will turn 18 in August, at the age of 15 there was a sharp growth spurt in six months from 165 to 176 cm. There were burgundy striae along the spine on both sides. Now whitened, almost invisible. They ran diagnostics and found no abnormalities. Blamed for a growth spurt.

07/02/2018 15:28:38, (vetik

How to return the normal shape of the abdomen after childbirth, exercises for the abdomen, how to remove stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth. How to remove stretch marks on the abdomen and thighs? When should it be done? We talk about the most radical methods of dealing with stretch marks, which ...


I did the sanding. A little less steel.

Grind + meso. I had 3 Fraxel procedures and 6 Collost procedures. Only after all this complex, I again have smooth, even skin and almost imperceptible stretch marks. The doctor told me that I won’t get rid of them completely, but at least they are not visible at all

Stretch marks (. Sex, fears and prejudices. Pregnancy and childbirth. After the first child, terrible stretch marks on the stomach and sides, for so many years (9 years) I got used to it, and I myself Now I look at my stomach and am horrified: all the stretch marks have darkened again, have become more and SEEM...


I like Lierac gel. There are also ampoules, but they are not allowed during pregnancy, and after that it is just right to support the body)))

Yesterday I started using Weleda oil, according to reviews, it helps against the appearance of new ones and getting rid of old ones. There were no stretch marks, and I put off the start of prevention for a long time.
On the weekend when I’m going to be a mother, the consultants told me everything in detail, they have a lot of funds there, weleda is praised the most, this is natural almond oil.
For the price I found it in a pharmacy near the house it is much cheaper (when I will be a mother it costs 1490 rubles, in our pharmacy on Annino I took it for 850 rubles). The oil is very pleasant!

(I got stretch marks after childbirth, when my stomach was gone. Now it’s almost invisible. Pregnancy and childbirth. I smear sanosan cream for stretch marks ... it doesn’t help at all - I don’t have them anyway :) what I smeared first - - there was not even a hint of stretch marks, and now...


I had a couple of stretch marks during my first pregnancy, after giving birth they were only visible to me, and then, because I knew where they were. During the second pregnancy, the stomach was greatly stretched: ((Because of this, the skin did not tighten for a long time after childbirth, it hung in a bag on the stomach. When I strain the press, there is no belly, but the skin is folded. Awful, I could not accept myself like that for a long time. Now I don’t understand yet, new ones didn’t seem to appear, but there are so many old ones, it’s scary what will happen after childbirth: ((I’m afraid that they will be wider or deeper. My mother’s stomach with a single pregnancy was stretched more than mine was, so heredity is present: ((No creams do not protect against this, IMHO. Only the top layer of the skin can be softened, and stretch marks go in the deep layers. When my skin is pulled and it hurts from stretching, creams do not bring relief: ((Bandage helps a little, without it I can’t at all, it pulls the skin in the deep layers.I think my muscles also parted in some places.
Good luck to you! Perhaps you have nothing new and will not appear!

My stretch marks appeared only in the 1st pregnancy, but not to say that horror is horror. In the second, nothing new appeared, now there seems to be nothing tfu-tfu either, and I think not to appear :)

To make a stomach - do you mean abdominoplasty with the removal of a piece of the abdomen from the navel and below? And slightly tighten - just a sports massage for now? Section: Weight loss after childbirth (the skin over the knees has stretched). And I practically had pillows above my knees, anyway ...


I evelyn was smeared immediately after giving birth, they were the same, they became very barely noticeable. it removes the depth of the stretch marks and the blueness too

Ol, no anti-scar ointments / creams helped me: (but since I was set for 2 children, after the second I was going to think of something, but thought of the third :)
Seriously, I found out how much it costs to "make a stomach" and found it for 2.5 tons, I'm still scared to cut something. Now I’ll try to pull it up first (after a belly, 119 cm of skin is left in bulk: () and then ... then I’ll look, but I don’t go with an open stomach, I’m old already, so there is time to think.
But how and what do they do with a laser?

Stretch marks after childbirth are not the worst, but still a significant problem for women. There is an opinion that it is impossible to get rid of them. Is it really? At what age and in what situations do striae appear more often? How to remove stretch marks after childbirth quickly, safely and inexpensively?

Stretch marks on the skin (stretch marks) are found in many people, both women and men. And if men do not take the presence of these stripes on the skin so close to their hearts, then they can seriously spoil a woman's life. They can appear at any age. The mechanism of the formation of stretch marks is as follows: in cases where the skin is stretched in relatively short periods of time, the layers lying closer to the surface become thinner, and under load, tears occur inside, replaced with connective tissue over time.

At first they have a burgundy color, but over time they brighten and become almost invisible. Stretch marks appear during pregnancy and a sharp weight gain, as an aggravating factor, with some endocrinological diseases and are normal in adolescence (pubertal striae - growth striae).

Many disorders are caused by stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth. If clothes cover them in winter, then in summer, even after 1-2 years, when the stretch marks fade, when tanned, they will look like white stripes, depressions on the skin. But there are ways to make existing stretch marks less noticeable and successfully prevent the appearance of new ones.

How to deal with them during and after pregnancy?

Consider methods that can help in the fight against stretch marks.

1. Sports. They prevent the appearance of stretch marks, as the skin tone is maintained with the help of physical exercises. Sports help maintain weight at the same level. Of course, this will not help to remove stretch marks that have already appeared after pregnancy, but it will also prevent the appearance of new ones. New mothers can start playing sports in 2-3 months after giving birth.

2. Wearing the right underwear. During pregnancy and in the first days after childbirth, it is advisable to wear a bandage. And definitely a bra. During the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding, the mammary glands increase significantly in size and they need support. Otherwise, stretch marks on the chest after childbirth will definitely remain.

3. Laser therapy. This method has been successful in treating stretch marks. With the help of these procedures, "fresh" stretch marks are lightened, and pigment is added to the old ones, which makes them barely noticeable. Laser resurfacing of stretch marks is a very effective procedure. However, before using this procedure, you must wait a few months after giving birth. It should be noted that after the procedure, crusts may remain on the skin, which fall off on their own after about 2 weeks. The cost of laser resurfacing can vary widely in different clinics and is approximately 20 rubles per square centimeter of striae (if there are few).

3. Mesotherapy. In this procedure, medicinal and nutrient substances are injected directly under the skin with multiple injections. The composition of the therapeutic "cocktail" is selected individually for each, and its main components are plant extracts, enzymes, amino acids, collagen. The method is very effective, and already after ten sessions the appearance of the skin improves markedly.

4. Creams for stretch marks. The composition of these creams includes four main components that are notable for good efficiency: elastin, collagen, retinoids and vitamin E. Thanks to regular, daily use of the cream, stretch marks, if they appear, are not so deep.

5. Vacuum massage. As a rule, they do it in salons using a device whose action is based on the “suction” of the skin. As a result of this massage, the condition of the skin, muscles, blood vessels, and connective tissue improves. Due to pressure drops in the tissues, blood circulation improves, blood vessels are strengthened, and skin regeneration is accelerated. You can start roller-vacuum massage after the end of the postpartum period.

6. Means of traditional medicine. In the fight against stretch marks, olive and vegetable oils have long been used. But they have long been replaced by no less effective, but more convenient to use creams.

Still, talking about stretch marks after childbirth, how to get rid of them, experienced women offer rather peculiar recipes. For example, a mixture of sugar, salt and oil, which needs to rub problem areas in the shower, and then lubricate the skin with any cream against dry skin. It turns out something like peeling.

Good reviews get a cream with mummy. It is very easy to prepare it at home. It is necessary to dissolve 1 gram of mummy in 5 grams of water and mix with any cream. For example, with children, which has proven safety when used during pregnancy and lactation. This cream is used once a day. It also helps with small scars. In the treatment of stretch marks, dark grapes are also used, the juice of which lubricates the affected skin.

Stretch marks after childbirth are treated by many folk remedies. You just need to choose the right one for you.

Do not abuse therapeutic ointments, which contain hormonal drugs. The skin under their influence becomes thinner over time, and new striae appear.

Many women want to prevent stretch marks by taking a whole range of measures in advance to prevent this problem. But, unfortunately, they are not always effective, and as a result, after the birth of a child, it is necessary to look for a reliable way to get rid of stretched skin.

It is quite difficult to completely eliminate this cosmetic defect on your own. To make stretch marks almost indistinguishable on the skin, your own efforts are enough. If such a goal is set, the approach must be comprehensive. It is necessary to combine together medical and folk remedies, special exercises, massage, reconsider your eating habits.

Scientifically, stretch marks are called striae. Usually they appear in women in an interesting position, which is facilitated by a sharp change in physical data, including rapid weight gain, changes in hormonal levels. An important role is played by a decrease in the pace of life - a woman stops actively moving, and in the last months she often spends most of her time at home.

Such changes negatively affect the skin. It quickly and strongly stretches, and the amount of elastin and collagen produced by the body is not enough to compensate for this process. These substances are responsible for the elasticity and tone of the skin. If the deformation changes in the dermis occur too quickly, they simply do not "keep up" with such a rhythm.

The result of such processes is a microscopic tear in the upper layers of the skin and connective tissues. When this happens relatively regularly, conspicuous stripes form, called striae. At first they have a pinkish, reddish or brownish color. Over time, the color changes to silver, light purple or even white.

A huge number of special measures have been developed to prevent the formation of stretch marks, since it is easier to prevent the problem than to suffer later. These methods are effective, but not universal, because they become useless when:

  • genetic predisposition to the appearance of microcracks on the skin;
  • a sharp jump in weight, which is typical for most pregnant women;
  • excessively large volume of the abdomen;
  • lack of nutrients and valuable elements that stimulate the production of a large concentration of elastin with collagen.

Stretch marks

It has already been said above that without professional intervention, we can talk about reducing the severity of stretch marks, and not completely getting rid of them, but even this, if everything is done correctly, is enough to make the skin look smooth and toned. The main thing. combine time-tested techniques.

Another important point is regularity, but all events are quite easy to perform, they do not require any special knowledge, skills, manipulations. You just need to set a goal and tune in to a successful end result, realizing that it takes more than one month to fight striae.

Massage treatments

An effective and effective way against sprains in the abdomen. The only limitation is the fact that massage helps with new, that is, recently appeared striae.

Massage is practically powerless against old stretch marks. This does not mean that it should be abandoned. It’s just that the procedure is included as an auxiliary, because it perfectly eliminates sagging and sagging.

Massage the skin dry or with special oils and creams. Among the first, rosemary, almond, citrus fruits are the most popular. There are no special requirements regarding the technique of movements. The key is to avoid overexposure. The skin needs to be pulled, pinched, patted so that the movements are tangible, but do not bring pain.

Massage should be done every day. If possible, it is best to carry out as many as two procedures daily, which will allow you to get visible results sooner. The duration of the session should be at least half an hour. The minimum course must include at least 25-30 full-fledged procedures.

Massage can be combined with a shower, which is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. They turn on warm water and a washcloth made from natural fibers, begin to massage problem areas, making circular movements. Rinse with cool water.
  2. At one time, from 2 to 4 contrast showers are performed, accompanied by massage. When the water procedure is completed, the stretch marks are treated with cream. It is necessary to take either regenerating or moisturizing.

Cosmetic preparations and procedures

There is a whole range of measures to reduce the severity and number of striae, but only with regular performance:

  1. baths. A mixture is poured into a filled bath, which is prepared from a glass of starch and two liters of water. You need to take the procedure every other day no more than a quarter of an hour.
  2. Wrap. Prefer to do many women. 10-12 drops of jasmine, rosemary, lavender, lemon oils and neroli are applied to the body, as well as 2 tbsp. l. mixtures of avocado and jojoba. Next, a light and quick massage is carried out, and then the problem area is wrapped with cling film.

Do not allow strong pulling of the skin. If the film is tightened too much, the blood flow will be disturbed, which means that there will be no effect.

Wrapped in a film, they lie down, wrap themselves in a warm blanket or blanket, and remain in a horizontal position for about 30 minutes. Such therapy brings results in a month.

  1. Ice packs. Ideal for daily use. It should not be limited solely to ice obtained by freezing water. It is better to add aromatic and herbal oils to the liquid.
  2. Compress. Great for both old and new stretch marks. Put a tablespoon of lemon juice and salt per liter of hot water. It is permissible to use both sea and cookery, but large.

A clean towel is dipped into the resulting solution and applied to the area with striae for about 30 seconds, and then the compress is changed to a cold one obtained by wetting the cloth in cold water, which can be obtained by adding ice cubes.

The number of sessions should be 10-12. Compresses are done daily.

The described manipulations must be combined with a diet and a variety of physical exercises, which will reduce the manifestations of stretched skin when the stretch marks become almost invisible.

Folk recipes for stretch marks on the stomach

There are a huge number of products that can be easily prepared at home, helping to get rid of stretch marks no worse than purchased ones:

  • Scrubs. To make such a remedy with your own hands, mix olive oil or sour cream with ground coffee, pre-dried and crushed peach, almond, citrus, apricot pits, ground sea salt.

Apply the product with massaging circular intensive movements. Wash off the scrub with a contrast shower. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once every two days.

  • Peeling. Avocados are kneaded to a mushy state, mixed with two spoons of clay (cosmetic) previously diluted with water. This peeling is applied for 25 or 30 minutes, and then thoroughly washed off with a stream of water. Use the remedy every other day.
  • Cream and mummy. The last remedy, purchased at the pharmacy, is diluted with boiled cold water. Put 1 gram of mummy on a tablespoon of liquid. This amount is added to 3-4 tablespoons of a regular baby cream, in which there are no extraneous additives, and applied daily to the skin, washing off the remnants that have not been absorbed. The composition must be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Application. From blue clay, by adding water, a slurry is made, which is mixed with fresh liquid honey. The ingredients are taken in equal quantities. The resulting mass is applied to the problem area, the area is bandaged, leaving the mixture overnight. In the morning, wash off, lubricate the skin with cream. Repeat this procedure 15-20 times.

Among folk recipes, there are not only cosmetic home preparations, but also products that have been used by many generations. All of them involve the use of exclusively natural and inexpensive ingredients:

  • Rubbing. They take a tablespoon of chamomile, St. John's wort, a string. The herbal mixture is poured with boiling water, brought to readiness in a water bath (hold for 4-5 minutes). The broth is filtered and combined with aloe juice and natural honey. Stretch marks are treated with the composition and left.
  • Homemade vegetable cream. Oatmeal is ground on a coffee grinder and poured with aloe extract, vegetable oil, mixed with dandelion leaves. Components are taken in equal proportions. Everything is thoroughly mixed and placed in a glass or plastic hermetically sealed container, and then stored in the refrigerator. It is necessary to apply the composition daily for 12-15 minutes, and then rinse with a contrast shower.

To enhance the effect obtained from the regular implementation of the above procedures, you should often visit a steam bath or sauna. Such visits should be combined with the application of honey to the body. This procedure perfectly helps to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, as well as noticeably throw off in volumes. In addition, the skin becomes softer and smoother. If you want to get such an effect for the whole body, they are completely smeared.

You can not just be limited to the manipulation of external influences. It is also necessary to take care of high-quality nutrition, which involves the use of extremely healthy foods, and especially those that stimulate the production of elastin and collagen. This also applies to regular exercise. And, let the stretch marks not go away completely, but they will become almost indistinguishable.

The birth of a baby is a joyful event that parents have been waiting for for a long nine months. During pregnancy, a woman has a hard time - the body is rebuilt, diseases are exacerbated and cause a lot of trouble. However, all problems are forgotten as soon as the child is born. A little time passes and, moving away from euphoria, the young mother notices that the figure has changed in an unpleasant way, and stretch marks, otherwise called stretch marks, have appeared on the skin.

Almost all women face various changes in appearance after the birth of a child. But if excess weight that disfigures the figure can be corrected by nutrition and sports, then removing stretch marks after childbirth is not an easy task. How to restore smoothness and beauty to the skin, you will learn from the article.

What are stretch marks

Stretch marks are essentially scars created by internal skin wounds. During pregnancy, the skin on the chest, legs (often the thighs) and, especially, the abdomen, experience serious stress due to significant stretching. If a woman's skin is not sufficiently elastic and elastic, then its inner layers cannot withstand pressure and are torn, forming a stretch on the surface of different lengths and widths. Internal gaps are filled with connective tissue, which, unlike the epidermis, does not contain collagen and elastin, which give the skin firmness and elasticity. The new layer is permeated with capillaries, so the stretch at the beginning of the formation may look pink, bluish or purple.

Over time, stretch marks lose their color, becoming almost white, and less noticeable, but still they differ from the main skin color. How stretch marks look can be seen in the photo. Stretch marks, like scars, do not pass without a trace on their own, therefore they cause serious psychological discomfort to a woman due to an unaesthetic appearance. If the skin is tanned in the sun, then problem areas become even more noticeable. Therefore, removing stretch marks after childbirth is a top priority for women who carefully take care of their appearance.

Reasons for the appearance

The main reason for the appearance of stretch marks is the low level of collagen and elastin in the skin. During the bearing of a child, serious hormonal changes occur in a woman's body.

Increased production of female sex hormones leads to a decrease in the amount of two substances important for the skin, responsible for the elasticity and extensibility of the skin. At the same time, the skin, devoid of these properties, begins to stretch intensely, as the chest and abdomen rapidly increase in volume. Thus, the inner layers of the outer covering of the abdomen do not withstand and are torn. In young women, stretch marks after childbirth are rare.

This is due to the fact that the skin contains a lot of elastin and collagen, which means that it is easily stretched without being damaged. With age, the skin loses such properties and becomes thinner, so stretch marks occur more often.

Provoking factors

In addition to the main cause of stretch marks, there are various factors that adversely affect the skin and provoke rupture of the epidermis, in particular:

  • rapid weight gain (the speed and area of ​​skin stretching increases);
  • lack of nutrients and vitamins;
  • intoxication of the body (smoking or alcohol abuse);
  • age factor;
  • weakness of the abdominal muscles;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • metabolic disease;
  • diabetes;
  • excess weight.

How to prevent

It is not so easy to eliminate stretch marks after childbirth, but it is possible to prevent their appearance or reduce their severity and number if preventive measures are taken during pregnancy.

Such as:

  • foods containing vitamins, trace elements and vegetable fats should prevail in the daily diet;
  • in order to eliminate excessive stress on the skin, from the third trimester (earlier as possible) it is necessary to wear a bandage specially designed for pregnant women;
  • it is useful to periodically nourish the skin from the outside, lubricating it with cosmetic creams or gels, with a high content of vitamin E, or replacing them with natural oils obtained from peach, almonds or olives;
  • immediately after the breast begins to increase, do not neglect wearing a bra, you should select those models that are optimally suited in size.

Stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth: fixing the problem at home

If preventive measures turned out to be useless, and stretch marks still appeared, then, first of all, you should try to eliminate them yourself.

The desired effect can be achieved with the help of topical preparations, cosmetics, massage, methods of traditional medicine and sports.

It is best to use these methods in a complex way, then the result will be more obvious.

Using external means to combat stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth, it should be understood that they can only be effective if the gap is fresh enough and has not had time to overgrow with connective tissue. Such striae differ in color - pink, purple, etc., if they turn white, then more drastic measures will be required.


To smooth and heal stretch marks, you can use various gels and creamsdesigned to eliminate cicatricial skin defects. These include drugs such as Contractubex, Dermatix, Mederma, Kelofibrase, Fermenkol. It is necessary to apply medicines strictly according to the instructions. If a woman is breastfeeding a child, then you should first obtain permission from the doctor.


For the treatment of stretch marks, cosmetic creams are suitable, which have in their composition a large number of the following components:

  • flavonoids and antioxidants (contained in extracts of medicinal plants);
  • oils of almond, peach, cocoa and other plants;
  • vitamins A, C and E;
  • hyaluronic acid.

These components contribute to the healing of tissues, the restoration of the epidermis and the saturation of the skin with essential substances. They improve the production of collagen and elastin, giving the skin lost elasticity and firmness.

Folk recipes

In addition to ready-made cosmetics, you can prepare your own remedies. Medicinal plants or their fruits should contain the same components that are taken into account when choosing cosmetics. Stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth are most often eliminated by rubbing vegetable oils into them.

They also serve as the main ingredients of numerous recipes for the preparation of creams, scrubs or compresses. Shilajit, coffee grounds (for scrubs), essential oils, paraffin, badyagi powder, hydrogen peroxide and other ingredients can be used as additional components.


You can eliminate or reduce stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth with the help of massage. This procedure enhances blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues, which naturally stimulates the processes of regeneration and production of necessary substances.

It is not necessary to visit the salon for a stomach massage, you can do it yourself, following a few simple rules:

  • in front, the stomach is massaged clockwise;
  • on the sides of the abdomen, movements should be directed from the hips to the ribs;
  • the buttocks are massaged, starting from the legs, moving towards the lower back;
  • thigh massage is performed starting from the knees.


Sports significantly improve the condition of the skin, as it always keeps it in good shape. If a woman went in for sports before pregnancy, and performed exercises while carrying a child, then she will not have stretch marks. However, if stretch marks appear, then, unfortunately, playing sports will not help get rid of them.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth: hardware methods and plastic surgery

On forums on the Internet, women often ask each other about what to do if stretch marks appear after childbirth, how to get rid of them forever. Young mothers who improved their skin after childbirth advise different ways to deal with stretch marks. Many were helped by salon procedures - body wraps, laser resurfacing, peeling and others.

Salon procedures:

Surgical intervention

If after salon procedures there are still too noticeable stretch marks after childbirth, only the surgeon will tell you how to get rid of them completely. Most often, stretch marks appear on the stomach. In this case, abdominoplasty will help, which will not only improve the appearance of the skin, but also eliminate the problem forever.

Plastic surgery will be especially appropriate if the skin of the abdomen is very stretched (hanging) and does not recover. It is possible to radically eliminate stretch marks on the chest only if a woman needs to reduce her breasts, which happens quite rarely. An experienced cosmetologist or plastic surgeon will tell you how and in what way it is better to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth in each case. To choose a competent specialist, it is useful to read reviews about him on the forums and study information about the beauty salon or clinic where he works.

After the birth of a child, a woman's body changes. The figure is rounded in the right places, reserves of adipose tissue appear. The condition of the skin also changes after the last pregnancy. Stretch marks appear - an unpleasant cosmetic defect of the skin. Why do stretch marks appear after childbirth and is it possible to prevent their appearance?

Causes of stretch marks

Stretch marks, or striae, are a skin defect that manifests itself in the form of red-purple and brown stripes, vaguely resembling scars. Similar changes in the skin occur during pregnancy, during puberty and at other times of life, accompanied by hormonal changes in the body. Often, striae appear with rapid weight loss against the background of a strict diet or after serious illnesses.

The appearance of stretch marks indicates that the skin has lost its elasticity. Such changes are directly related to damage to collagen and elastin - important elements that make up the skin. The immediate culprit in this situation is cortisol. This hormone is actively produced in the adrenal glands throughout pregnancy, and it is he who leads to the destruction of collagen and elastin. This is how striae appear - gross skin changes that are a serious cosmetic defect for any woman.

Factors that cause stretch marks:

  • heredity;
  • significant weight fluctuations;
  • metabolic disorders.


Stretch marks appear in the second half of pregnancy, persist until the very birth and remain for life. At first, the striae are coarse reddish-purple stripes. Over time, stretch marks on the skin fade, acquiring a shade from pearly to pale brown. A few years after childbirth, stretch marks may leave only barely noticeable pale scars.

Typical places where stretch marks appear are the skin of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and chest. It is here that the skin experiences the maximum load and stretches the most. When carrying twins, polyhydramnios, the birth of a large fetus, the risk of striae increases several times.


Can stretch marks be prevented during pregnancy? It's worth trying, but don't count on 100% success. The appearance of stretch marks is largely due to heredity and individual characteristics of the skin. Some women carry and give birth to children without a single stretch, while others have striae after the first birth. All currently existing methods of prevention can only reduce the risk of their occurrence, but do not guarantee their complete absence.

What can be done to prevent stretch marks?

Special cosmetics

In the arsenal of a modern woman, there are many tools that can prevent the appearance of rough stretch marks on the skin. Creams based on vitamin A and E have a good effect. The product is applied to the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and chest, where the skin is most likely to change. It is best to apply the cream after a shower, just before going to bed.

You can start using the cream for stretch marks already in the early stages of pregnancy. It is important that the selected remedy is approved for use in expectant mothers and does not pose a danger to the fetus. It is worth continuing to apply the cream on the skin for 3-6 months after the birth of the child.

Physical activity

Special gymnastics for pregnant women will help to increase the elastic properties of the skin. Yoga, Pilates or any other workout will not only prevent the appearance of stretch marks, but will also keep the body in good shape until the very birth. Classes in the pool (free swimming or water aerobics) help well.

Cold and hot shower

The easiest and most affordable way to prevent the appearance of stretch marks is to take a daily contrast shower. The alternation of cold and hot water improves the tone of the skin and improves their elasticity. Under the shower, you can do a light self-massage of problem areas (with your hands or with a massage glove).

Underwear for pregnant women

In the second half of pregnancy, you should think about purchasing a special support bandage. Such a device will not only relieve the lower back, but also prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the hips and abdomen. For the chest, for the same purpose, you need to choose a prenatal supportive bra in size.

Balanced diet

In the diet of a pregnant woman, there must be foods rich in vitamin E, calcium and protein. It is these elements that will prevent the appearance of stretch marks and improve the properties of the skin. On the table of the expectant mother every day there should be meat, dairy products, olive oil, fresh fruits and vegetables according to the season. Do not forget about vitamins for pregnant women, which include all the necessary nutrients and trace elements.

Treatment of stretch marks after childbirth

After the birth of a child, many expectant mothers try to get rid of the stretch marks that have appeared. To this end, it is recommended to continue using special creams for 6 months after childbirth. After some time, the number of stretch marks will noticeably decrease, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely get rid of them. Stretch marks will become pale and almost invisible, but will still remain on the skin in the form of numerous light scars.

To get rid of stretch marks, you should contact a beautician. There are many programs that can remove ugly lines on the skin. Laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, mesotherapy - all these methods allow you to restore your body to its former beauty. Deep stretch marks may require surgery. All cosmetic procedures are recommended to take place after breastfeeding is completed.

Avrora 24.07 14:55

Oh, these stretch marks ... Until 35 weeks I was glad that there was not one, and then my stomach began to sink - and on you. She smeared oil on her stomach daily, wore a bandage. Some don't even have twins. It seems to me that there is some predisposition of the skin to the appearance of stretch marks, it cannot be eliminated by any creams. Well, then it is generally unrealistic to remove them without intervention. I smeared with Contractubex, from which they became less noticeable, but did not disappear at all. Yes, it is understandable: this is a scar, where will it disappear by itself from the cream? Well, nothing, they turned white over time, now they don’t catch the eye at all.

0 your_own_sunshine 10.10 18:36

During pregnancy, I got stretch marks on my thighs, and immediately after giving birth, my chest also suffered, although I always smeared myself with all kinds of creams and oils, both expensive and folk remedies. As it turned out, nothing helped, the stretch marks were large, purple. But I stubbornly continued to look for new means of dealing with them. And found! Girls, Bella mama oil really helped me, this is an Israeli product, I ordered it on the Internet, but then I saw it in stores already, it is both for prevention and for eliminating stretch marks, the main thing is that they are still in an unopened state! The skin is tightened, and the color becomes much lighter, closer to natural! Well, it also prevents the appearance of new stretch marks!